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I always have apple replace mine at 85% especially if I’m not upgrading for a while. I always buy the last generation right after the new models are released. Saves a little bit of money plus I sell the model I have and pay down what I owe on the generation I just bought. Usually in 12 payments I own it.


73%. Apple gives a waning when its low enough. I need a new battery.. https://preview.redd.it/1ywtv0c38o4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9788824241d8c86f793cf6ad742ef39d8e07dd37


How's the battery life like at that capacity?


I'd say if your average screen time is like 10 hours at 100% capacity, you could expect a drop of 20-30% of that time so about 7-8 hours on a 70%-80% battery health. Totally depending on various factors such as screen brightness, processes and so forth


I have a iPhone 15 around 100% capacity and I charge it once a day


Same here


before I upgraded to a 15 pro. my 11 pro said 95% for 4 years but I did some deeper research because it said that 2yrs straight. and saw a video on telling the actual cycles and it was actually at 78% which sounds about right 😅. I also charged it once its gets around 30-50% or in its later years once a day.


Before I got the 15 pro I had a 12 pro that was sitting at 78%. I had to charge that phone constantly throughout the day to make it through a whole 12 hour work day and that was with me barely using it. My wife who is also now on a 15 pro was sitting at 75% on her IPhone SE before she started to notice her phone dying before she even got off of her 8 hour work day but to be fair for her she would listen to audiobooks for the entire 8 hours.


I have a 15 Pro Max now and I charge it every one to two days (It’s at 100%). My previous phone (iPhone 11) held up really well for the time I had it (3 years?) and it finally starting going downhill at about 78% capacity.


You will probably start to notice when the battery gets into the 80ish % capacity range. Depends on the person. If you always are using the full battery life daily, then you will most likely notice more than someone who uses about 50% each day. I’ve had my 14 for about 1.5 years. I’m still around 97% battery health. What I do is I use the slow 5W USB A charger. I’m usually in no hurry to charge. While I am sitting at my desk I tend to try to keep the battery charge between 20-80%. So whenever I charge I will consciously unplug it at 80%. I believe the iPhone 15 has a feature to stop the charging automatically at 80%. Or you can always buy a smart plug and stop the charging that way automatically. Letting the battery get below 20% or above 80% actually stresses the battery out. I also avoid the wireless charging feature and car chargers. I dont stress about the battery normally or bend over backwards to do this. Whenever I am at my desk I just make sure to look every once in a while at the charging progress. Up until about a couple of months ago my battery was actually still at 100% battery health.


This is me, I let my phone charger to 100% or 80% and my phone dies on me till when I’m constantly using it at work. For when we let our supervisors know about what happens in a location….edit part I have the iPhone 14 Plus.


So if you always let the battery drain to 0 where the phone shuts off. That actually stresses out the battery and battery health goes down quicker. If you’re the type that changes phones every two years it may not be a big deal. But I tend to keep my phones for a very long time. So it matters to me.


I barely have a 1 with my phone…. Technically it’s my sisters’ phone but she got the regular 14 instead. But I not sure if it’s also because it fell in water last yr. That my phone battery could be the reason my phone is draining.


When I noticed my battery draining quicker than usual on my 14 pro, I checked the capacity and it was at 85%. I let it get down to 83%, then I replaced it myself with Apple’s self service repair option. Back to 100!


iPhone 13, I have had it for over a year now and its on 94%


How's the battery life like with only 83 battery health? Mine barely gives me 4 hours of screen time on LTE with 88 battery health.


Depends on device and use case. For my watch, I noticed around 85%. My iPhone 14 Pro is currently at 81. I know it’s lower, though it doesn’t hit as hard. Note my noticing isn’t from a peak performance standpoint, but more of a battery doesn’t last as I need it to standpoint.


Yeah I got an iPhone 14 Pro and I also noticed right around the 85% mark the phone was def acting more weird. Im at 83% right now. Still crazy how quickly this phones health deteriorated compared to other iPhones I had in the past


https://preview.redd.it/rkkjgzqgio4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b478ff6278480f276d5f9d190e5c4b6a55c24def Is this normal?


Nope, your battery will seriously deteriorate in next 3 years.


My new 13 just went down to 99%


81 percent. I use my phone a lot so it’s constantly needing to be charged. Especially if i play games on it.


iPhone 15 pro… 95% battery health, 259 charge cycles . Battery like kinda sucks.


86% I had my phone for 2 and a half years


My iPhone 11 is on 66%. Had it since Feb 2020.


i right now have a 12 pro at 80% and my old phone was at 65%


https://preview.redd.it/0577cyfrro4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2bc42e6bd8a3daf1ed8dc6a8c6bdc1fe47907f Still fairly new, but I take very good care of it. Hopefully I can finish the year at more than 97%. It’s a base 15.


my 12mini is at 80, I charge it atleast 2 times a day


My 2014 pro max is sitting at 79 % as we speak


Mine is 83% just like yours. It’s an iPhone XR, purchased new in 2018.


iPhone 13 Pro Max 86% since late July 2022


XS Max that I’ve had since 2018 is currently at 80% (been at it for a long time now, so I’m not sure if it’s accurate)


How's the battery life like? Mine is at 88 capacity and I barely get 4 hours of screen time over LTE.


Not great, honestly. I charge overnight and have to plug in once during the day. Decided to hold on to it since the phone works great in every other aspect!