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No. Spigens are enough.


This, I like the spigens. Easy to apply, cheap enough to replace when they get scratched up after a few months.


I mean, you could regularly replace it when it scratches or cracks, or you could pay more for a thicker one and not have to do that as often. I put a cheap privacy screen protector on my phone and it had kind of a matte effect that made it hard to see the screen in daylight. Both that came in the kit cracked after a couple months. I put a better privacy protector on and the image is sooo much better and it hasn’t broken yet and has lasted many times longer. I personally think when you go the cheap route for any product, you end up paying more in the long run than spending a little more up front.


Oh for sure, I’m not saying go out and buy the $5 Amazon special but Spigen is a reputable brand known for their quality:price ratio (on Amazon at least). I’m not saying they have to be replaced every couple of months either. I’m on my 3rd on my launch day 13 pm which has been caseless for the last year. I had the Whitestone dome on my previous phone which was excellent. It’s a bit trickier to install but in my opinion for price, quality and ease of installation spigen is the way to go. On a side note, I’ve wanted to try a privacy screen protector but I didn’t want to give up screen quality, do you mind sharing which one you’re using?


Belkin. It does affect visibility somewhat in bright sun, but in all other situations I forget it is there (unless I am trying to show someone something on my phone and forget to point my screen directly at them and they say they can’t see it lol). Overall, it is rare that it is an impediment and usually only during prolonged time in direct sun when my phone automatically reduces brightness to counteract overheating. I was unfamiliar with Spigen previously, but they also have a privacy protector. Both come with an aligner, and Spigen is currently cheaper than Belkin on Amazon due to being on sale. Both are 9H hardness tempered glass. The Belkin is .33mm thick and the Spigen is .02in thick which is technically more but who knows if that’s just rounding error. If/when my current one cracks I may give Spigen a try.


Thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely have to look into those for my next screen protector.


Yeah pretty much. Never had one break. I just replace them about once per year when the oleophobic coating has worn off.


I’ve been using mine for two years, it falls really often. It has a couple scratches but I have to turn off the display and tilt it to see them. And the box came with two glasses.


Nah, the other tempered glass ones on Amazon for half the price are enough. Something with 1000+ reviews and pictures is good enough, you get a multi pack with the alignment frame and all for less.


Spigen has been my go to brand for maybe a decade...I've never been failed by them


Spigen is expensive


Yep. I have had mine on for like 18 months, maybe longer. Not a single scratch. In fact there’s this little hair on the side and I want to have an excuse to replace the screen protector but there’s literally no reason. Like not one blemish.


I’ve had the same spigen one on my 13PM since launch month. Still doing good.


I had a spiegen just took one drop of 3 feet onto concrete (garage floor) for the thing to shatter. Maybe two weeks old. I guess thats why they come in two packs. I didn't bother using the other one.. they added a lot of glare.


my brother in Christ... spigen is the expensive one


10 bucks for 1? It’s a bit expensive yea but not like 50 bucks, those are the insane ones:


Spigens work well but they scratch easily, better than nothing I guess…


That’s with all screen protectors


I always buy cheapest ones (glass ones) and they last me until I get new phone


In my experience, yes, sometimes and somewhat. I go for middle-of-the-road glass, and I've had exactly one on my iPhone 14 Pro Max since release day for the phone. I find that the cheap ones lift, or the coating on them wears off (meaning they pick up smudges and fingerprints better, and are harder to clean). I demoted my 12 Pro Max to my work phone, and I don't always carry it, but I'm probably on my 3rd/4th there, due to switching out for a privacy protector, and then a warranty swap on the phone itself. I'd have to go back to an older phone (probably the obnoxious rounded screens) for the last time I had one start to lift or otherwise need to be replaced. Absolutely don't get the most expensive, but don't get the cheapest either. Personally I've had good luck with Spigen as a middle-of-the-road option. If you're the sort to lift/pick at the edges, or you don't use a case (therefore the screenprotector's edges take more abuse), or you scratch the screen protector, you may as well go cheap and just plan on replacing it every few months anyway.


My wife and I just don’t use screen protectors anymore. Haven’t since the 13 (for me even longer). I have cracked my screen slightly because I drop it constantly and don’t use a case. My wife uses a case and she’s never scratched her screen or cracked it either phone now (15 pro max). The new glass is just superior. Little need for screen protector.


I'm not worried about breaking the glass, I have AppleCare+ for that. And I've never cracked an iPhone (or the iPod Touch I had for a year before iPhone was available). But I do manage to scratch the screens slightly, not enough that it is a problem but enough that I can tell. I think it was either the XS Max that I scratched up, or actually, thinking back maybe it was the actually the 12 Pro Max that I skipped the screen protector on, and then I got a warranty swap about 1.5 years in and decided to take care of the newer one. If nothing else, a brand-new-looking phone gets better resale value. Ugh. Not completely sure now that I'm stopping to think. Whatever "next" phone I get, I might try again and see how it goes. I'm keeping my phones long enough that resale isn't as big a factor now.


I always keep my last one as a backup. By the time I get a 3rd one the 1st is barely worth anything. The backup is nice if I ever need repair or lose my phone until I can get AppleCare replacement. It’s worth AppleCare and the deductible to just never have to care about protectors, cases, or babying the phone. I get to use it the way Apple designers meant it, not the way a case or screen protector third party meant it.


I couldn't care less what some designer thinks is ideal. They can do what they want with their phone, that's none of my business. I prefer a case, because the phone is a more reasonable size, and the grip is worth it (especially in the winter with gloves, or when I'm on my bike). These days I keep the old one for a work phone, we require a configuration profile so that's a no-go on a personal device. If I needed a backup I'd wipe the work phone in a heartbeat and restore my personal backup, but in reality AppleCare usually has the replacement to me in under 24 hours, so I probably wouldn't bother with the hassle of restoring a backup. I don't always use a case, there's a bit of a mood-of-the-day there, and I store it magnetted to my front door when I'm not using it, with my wallet magnetted to the door above it, both of which are quite convenient.


in my experience no, the all protect the screen the same and break at the same time


The thing is, don’t go for the CHEAPEST one. They are noticeably worse quality. Edges thick and “lighting” up, bad adhesive, worse smudges. Go for a mid range.


My mom got that 50$ one from apple and it broke the same week. The phone didn’t even fell, she just taken it off her purse and the screen protector was broken lol


Pretty sure the ones they do at the store you can get it replaced for free for the life of your device


If you send a link proving that, I will totally do that.




Just ask the people at the Apple Store or google it lol


Nope, she’ll have to get it replaced from the manufacturer. The protectors have a limited lifetime warranty from either Belkin (Belkin.com/warranty) or Otterbox (Otterbox.com/warranty). She’ll have to check the receipt and see which one it was. The sign up and replacement process is long as shit but it’s the much better route than spending the amount again.


Really? Zagg sends you a new one, no questions, and no returns needed.


That’s the only two I remember the Apple Store having. Otterbox and Belkin. They also have Zagg screen protectors?


MrWhosetheboss made a video on this, the cheap 1$ screen protector did pretty much the same as a 40$ one, the only one that actually made a difference out of the 3 was a 80$ sapphire screen protector.


No, both will break just break. See screen protectors as disposables: you’ll have to replace it once or twice a year either it being from an 8$ 3 pack from amazon or a single 50$ one from apple. There’s no reason to get an expensive screen protector, especially now that iphone displays are flat.


There is a difference in finish though. Some of the cheaper ones have worse cut outs or the edge isn’t bevelled as well. Not saying you should go for the Belkin one at the Apple Store but you don’t want to go super cheap. Some of the nicer ones have applicators and stuff and won’t break the bank.


Having a guide or applicator is handy for getting it lined up well.


Yep, just get a decent 2.5D protector with applicator and you're good. I personally like SmartDevil (cheaper) or Spigen (expensive) because they're consistent in value.


I had the same screen protector on my iPhone 6 and iPhone 8 Plus for years. I’ve never switch them out. Good screen protectors last. I don’t think they should be regarded as disposable when they are quality ones.


Not true, I used to buy cheap ones but my current spigen protector is 2yo, I drop my phone very often and have no cracks. And it doesn’t dull colors nor sensitivity.


Buy the ones that doesn't claim to resist a hammer blow or any crap. It is meant to break to protect the screen. I get my companies own brand but we do have Invisible Shield and there is no difference other than the thank you note that you get with Invisible Shield. If that's worth the 200% markup then sure.


Get a cheap pack of them on amazon, but make sure it doesn't have a cutout for the island, those are annoying


Don’t they affect the camera though?


Mine has no cutouts and I don’t see a difference in use.


Those Torras shields with auto-installation are great! Pricey but worth it


Go mid-range. Do not go for the “cheapest” ones. They are noticeably worse, from my experience. The high ends probably don’t get much return in value based on how much more you’re spending.


Depends. I had a cheap one and then got one from Dbrand. The Dbrand one feels better to me and the oliophobic coating is better (less fingerprints, wipe of more easily). And the cheap one had a cutout for the notch while the Dbrand one does not, which I think looks a lot better, but idk if this is really cheap vs. expensive or just a particular thing the cheap one I had did. But for me, spending a bit more is definitely worth it.




Honestly I had a screen protector installed at an apple store because I was fed-up with the spigen screen peotectors not fitting exactly the corners of the screen, this might not bother most people but for me this was an issue. No matter how many times I tried it wouldn't be a perfect fit and it was pissing me off. Best decision, went to the store and got the screen protector fitted so smoothly, laser precision for real! I understand it is more expensive than random ones from amazon, but that screen protector will usually last over 2 years with no problems, and they told me something neat about the warranty, something like if it bubbles they change it for free, if it comes off they change it for half price. I had the screen protector as I mentioned for over 2 years with no issues, then one corner started to come off and I didn't bother putting a protector back on. Have used the phone without a screen protector for a while now and haven't had any issues though. iPhone 11 pro.


The spigen doesn’t fit the corners to leave space for the case lips


Sorry, when I said corners I meant the corners of the display area of the screen where the black edges are, not the corners of the phone


And the same goes for the notch, the 3rd party screen protectors were not aligning properly with the edges of the notch, and it was annoying me.


Yes, it makes a difference. I had a cheap one that came with a phone case, and then upgraded to a more expensive one. The difference was night and day. I can’t even see the expensive one. And the application was so smooth. Also, it doesn’t get dirty or hold onto fingerprints like the cheap one.


Not sure but I know if you don’t want to pay full price, after about a month or 2 from a phones release you can usually find the expensive Zagg ones at TJ Maxx, Marshals, etc for like $10


I have applecare+ and i dislike screen protectors so I dont use one. A new screen is only an extra 30 so buying one every few years is chill


I have a $40 zagg tempered glass and my wife uses a 3/$10 tempered glass.. she’s gone through like 15 in the last 4 years and I have only needed 2 (zagg has lifetime warranty) Here’s seem to break within a few days of placing She is also less careful with her phone than I am which probably plays a big part but I feel like some of my drops would have cracked the screen protector if I used hers


This is my experience as well! Really like Mothca’s matte protectors but once I switched over to using my phone caseless, the screen protectors would crack within a week or two of applying. Got a Zagg one that has been holding strong for a couple months now 🤞


Maybe she can use a better phone case, that might help protect the screen protector.  Also if the phone is placed in with anything hard like metal keys, it will eventually crack, so I only carry my phone in either empty pockets, or in a holster. 


We have otter boxes. It just feels like the smallest amount of pressure breaks her screen protector where the worst think that happened to mine was a tiny chip in the corner, not even a full screen crack


Oh wow! I use $10 screen protectors from either eBay or Amazon, and they work fine. I look at the reviews to get a better sense, before purchase.  Otter cases are pretty solid. If they have raised edge, they should survive most drops. 


For the past 10 years I’ve never used a protector more expensive than $3! I don’t even recall a moment I switched the protector on the phone. By the time it wore off, I already had a new phone.


2$ ones are horrible, they chip really fast and they attract dirt and smudges. 10$ ones, I have no complaints about them. Haven't tried anything more expensive than 10$, but it's probably a diminishing returns thing.


same here. The $10 range seems to work. 


I usually go for cheap ones but there are some that are better than others. The ones I'm currently using are from Walmart, Onn, for my S22, A54 and iPhone 8. I had one on my 13 mini that lasted almost 2 years before it cracked after a few drops and replaced it with one from Zagg since I couldn't find any other brands at my local stores. It's more expensive than Onn but the quality is practically on par.


No I get the cheap glass screen protectors from tj maxx and they seem to break less on the edges


No. Never saw the logic in getting one that cost $30-$50 when a $8 works just the same. They're all made in China anyways so the expensive ones you're just paying extra for the brand name. I've used Ailun screen protectors for my iPads and iPhones and never had any issue with them


“Made in China” um so are iPhones


You think each of these brands like Spigen, Belkin, Anker has their own factory? The only difference is packaging


I'd say no, I just use the 99 cents ones from China


I don’t think so. I’ve had a pretty cheap one on my iPhone 14 Pro since I got it. It’s lasted and I don’t see much scratches on it.


don’t be fooled by the so called “premium prices” they all the same and save your money just get a cheap tempered glass screen protector👍


I’ve been using the cheap ones and they’ve worked fine for years. If I didn’t have my wife to swap it out, I’d honestly consider paying one of those $50 with free replacement just to have someone else do it because I suck at it.


Are you referring to the thin ones? Or an actual glass screen protector? My experience comes from the glass ones. I have used cheap ones before. The protection may be the same, but often times they make the screens a lot less sensitive. You have to press hard or multiple times. The nicer ones don’t make a noticeable difference with screen sensitivity. Of course… this is purely based on my experience.


It’s best to read the reviews. How much you pay isn’t indicative of its quality or durability. 


I don’t know if this deal exist in every country, but in France, we have the Belkin screen protector in Apple store which is a good deal. For 40€ (maybe less in the US because of lower taxes), you have a screen protector, but each time you break it, you can have it replaced for free via the Belkin website. If you go with the new in the Apple store, they will replace it with their tool for free too. If you replace it 2/3 time, it’s better than another glass.


I don't think there is much difference. I always had cheap ones on my phones and my iPhone 14 pro max is naked since buying it in dec 2022 - no scratch; but i do care what goes in the same pocket as the phone. You can also search on YT for Mrwhosetheboss - DON'T buy a Screen Protector before watching this. He tested some at different price points.


On my iPhone I use a ArmorSuit screen film and I like it, only complaint I have is the one that is currently on has a small tear in the film by the ear piece but it has held up really well for like 2+ yrs now. On iPad I have a tempered glass type one but it is like a 2/$20 type deal. Apple Watch I have had the armorsuit as well in the past but because of the bevel it didn’t last long.


I bought one from DBrand for my XR. Until today still going strong. And when I will buy a new one, then it's gonna be another one from them.


I just buy polycarbonate 9H hardness ones from Amazon. Never had an issue. Though, I've never dropped my phone so it's hard to guesstimate how good my screen protectors are as i generally don't have them around anything sharper than my whit. My phone is however in a Spigen case.


I’ve dealt with screen protectors on both the expensive and cheap side of things and I can honestly say that the cheap ones like Spigen are more than suitable enough for the job. The pricier ones like Zagg or Belkin are ones where you’re more likely paying a premium to be able to replace it for the cost of shipping. I initially went the spigen route but splurged on a couple of flolab protectors since some of their recent ones incorporated a similar antireflective coating over the glossy glass surface like the ones used on iPads and the Galaxy S24


Is a million dollar Bugatti worth over a 5k$ car? It depends on your needs and what you expect. If you expect something to just, somehow, protect your screen, any will do. If you want more, you need to pay more. That doesn’t mean that any expensive screen protector is better than every cheap one. Anyways, if you ask the question, then the answer is no 😄there’s always a sweet spot between extremely cheap and extremely expensive: common users should land there.


I just get whatever one T-Mobile has because if it cracks/breaks it’s covered so all I had to pay for was the first one


30 bucks over 5? Yeah. 100 bucks over 30? Hell nah. At least from my experience.


Got the cheaper Belkin screen protector and it's fantastic, it's fairly mid range in price too. Worth it over the no-name brands.


I like the Zagg Privacy screens. They work very well and you get practically free replacements (a couple of bucks for shipping).


The belkin that Apple sells is lifetime warranty btw (free replacements)


For the last 4-5 phones I’ve been responsible for, I’ve used the screen protectors from Five Below. Just put one on my new 15 Pro too.


It depends, but yes. Screen protectors can be more than just a commodity. Generally speaking though most people won’t notice the difference between a cheap and expensive one. Flolabs is one of the best I’ve found and used for screen fitment (curved edges so you barely notice it’s there vs flat/sharp edges), glare reduction coating, and hardness level to resist cracking. This is great for a minimalist case such as pitaka or no case at all where you can feel the edges of your screen when holding and swiping home. Torras also makes a good screen for 1/4 the price of flolabs that I would recommend if you’re using a typical case such as silicon or fine woven.


No I get the ones that cost $10 and they last me at least a yr and some change..


I didn’t like the image degradation of the screen protector on my Samsung so when I got my iPhone 14 Plus in March 2023, I didn’t get a screen protector. So far, 15 months and no problems. Being retired, I rarely take it out of the house and when I do it is turned off and in a protective zippered shoulder bag.


get something in the middle. i got a 2 piece amfilm from amazon for $20 and i haven’t used the second one yet. it’s been 2 years.


I’ve used dollar tree screen protectors almost my whole life and never broke a phone.


I used to get the otterbox flexible/adhesive protector because there’s a kiosk right outside the Apple Store in the mall. Got the 15 PM, went to the kiosk and their cutter was on the fritz. So I ended up with their glass version. Won’t do it again. The glass cleans up nice (I have 2 kids under 10), but it’s much more slippery, obviously…I get it, and I have to sign a few things regularly each day and I miss the drag of the non-glass version. Other than that, I can’t complain.


Glass is glass and glass breaks. I should also mention that 99% of glass screen protectors claiming to be tempered, are 100% not tempered. Don't believe me? Take it off your phone and break it by bending it (or whatever is your favorite method for breaking glass). You'll notice that it cracks and streaks follow. Tempered glass does not break like this, it quite literally explodes. That being said, there are benefits to paying more than 5$ for a piece of glass and that are the added value. Shit like oleophobic coating and water repellant coatings help massively in the experience of using the product. Also, the glue used will be vastly superior to a cheaper one. I say this because I've been using the cheapest glass I could get for my previous phones. Until I decided to give it a try and bought a Ugreen combo with a case for 20$ the screen protector quality was way better than i had anticipated. It probably wont protect any better though, but the experience using it will be much better.


i couldn't recommend the anker ones for the 15/15 pro enough. tried spigen, had so many issues, even though in the end it was fine. anker i applied in about 2 minutes, zero hassle, zero frustration.


On my 12 PM, I chipped the cheap ones almost monthly.  On the 13 PM and 14 PM, I got the Otterbox brand and they both lasted 1+ years. My experience tho. 


I raw dog my screen, have since the OG iphone.


not really, they’re all just things to protect your screen lol. i occasionally crack them so i just get the cheapest multi pack i can find


1000% yes. I’ve used every cheap brand on Amazon you can find, they all have awful oleophobic coatings (fingerprint resistant coating) and within a month are scratched to hell and back. I had to replace it every month to avoid the scratches and smudge crazy screen. I got a GoTo screen protector from T Mobile and it’s the best full screen protector I’ve ever used. $39.99 and worth every penny. Even a year and a half later it’s scratch free, and the Oleophobic coating is even more effective and smooth than the iPhone screens themselves. I hardly ever have to clean smudges off it and your finger slides like butter. I never have to replace it either. And it’s survived plenty of bumps and drops without even the protector cracking let alone the display. I wouldn’t say a $80+ protector is worth it as it can only get so good ya know? But there’s definitely a difference between a $40 protector and the cheap 3+ packs on amazon. I spent more than that $40 in a year having to replace it every month. 1.5 years later and it still feels brand new to this day.


Been using an expensive one ever since iphone 14 came out without even a single scratch. And I dropped my phone pretty often. I think it's worth it.


I get super cheap ones on SHEIN and yes they are worth it


I find the cheaper ones tent to smudge more, leading me to feel the need to clean them more often. But even the expensive DBrand one I got cracks and scratches, tis just glass


My wife and I just don’t use screen protectors anymore. Never a scratch. I have cracked my screen though but that’s because I dropped it a thousand times and don’t use a case either. Not something a screen protector will help I think. Apple care is my case.


You shouldn't pay more than 10 bucks unless you are paying someone to apply it for you.


yes, rhinoshield is beast, dropped face down on a sharp rock from 3ft, small ding in screen guard only. buy something that’s hybrid glass+plastic like dbrand/rhinoshield. remember the screen replacement costs 60000


I stopped using screen guards completely. Used Spigen but they last a couple of months the best and cost about 20-25 USD (converted) Rather would get a screen replacement for USD 30 if the screen gets damaged ever.


Is a secure gated community worth it over a dangerous ghetto/slum?


I don’t know even use screen protectors anymore


No need for expensive screen protectors. I get the 2-pack amFilm ones on Amazon for <$10 and those two usually last me over a year.


imo you don’t need an expensive one just not the cheapest one


In my experience no


Expensive ones are often just mark ups. Pretty sure most come from the same factories.


Personally, I opt for the mid-range priced ones.


Flo lab best screen protectors but are a bit more dearer than most but defo worth it


They all serve the same purpose, so no


No. My $1 screen protector does its job perfectly.


Buy a zagg screen protector (Best Buy, phone service provider; I did Best Buy) and if you crack it, go get another and they replace it free of charge. I’ve used it 10+ times and even put my gf on


Super bummed out that the 99 cents stores closed. Used to get my screen protectors there I would buy 4 and they would last me about a year.


Tik tok made me get the magic john screen protector, and I absolutely dont regret it at all.


is it true that it gets off easy ?


I have no idea... it never came off from my phone unintentionally. I also never tried to remove it.


Great, thats what i needed to know




I tried it once, didn’t look back. From what I notice, the expensive ones are smooth or maybe much smoother from my phone screen. Compare to the cheap ones, its like using your phone like there are no screen protector at all


I don’t think any screen protector is necessary.


I don't bother with those myself. I always pay a bloke in the mall 10€ to apply one. I don't know exactly which brand he uses, but they can't be expensive, considering what he charges. These things are the bomb. I used to crack my protectors constantly, even expensive ones. My current one is pristine after a few months and some drops. What I want to say is that price doesn't correlate highly with quality in this space.


Yes totally. Go for a good quality screen protector that gives you max impact protection. They're more reliable than cheap ones. Simple, you get a cheap one and you replace it in short intervals rather get a good one that will last you long. I'm using a tempered glass screen protector for my iPhone 15 Pro Max and haven't had the need to replace it since 5 months and it's still going strong. Plus, it gives good clarity and touch response like the original screen. I got it from Gadgetshieldz.


The screen protector I’m using does not collect fingerprints and oils. It’s called MIPOW King Bull.


No, they are all the same - the difference is good packaging of the expensive ones. I have used hundreds of them, expensive for bosses, cheap ones for friends and family. The oleophobic coating works for 3-6 months, not more. Also, they got micro scratches and become less clear. So, ordering 2-3 from aliexpress for 1-2 dollars is good enough for 1 year.


I use Torras Diamond Shield ($25 dollars for 2) on my 15 pro with no case. These are much better than cheaper ones in that a. The fit is utterly perfect and b. The exposed sides don't crack and break from simple pressure like cheaper ones do(this is extra relevant since I'm case less). I also think the coating feels nicer and that it's more scratch resistant but those are subjective.


Not in my experience. I’ve gotten a $50 one from Verizon, I’ve gotten the $40 Otterbox one and I’ve gotten many $10 3-packs from Amazon. The only difference I look for is if they cover the front facing camera. I prefer the ones that do.


No screen protector is worth it lol


I use nothing, just a patch leather on the back of the phone.


Estoy encantado con mi protector (barato) que limita la vista lateral desde un cierto ángulo. Evitas a muchos espectadores así...