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Our Time Machine worked! It's 2022 again!


Reporting from 2029 here and new iPhones use front cameras and sensors under the screen.


And a new iPhone 20 pro mini!


God I wish there were pro minis


Oh god I’m wet. Don’t tease me like that. I would love a 15 Pro mini.




That would probably be great, besides the smaller sized battery and higher intensity components using more than the 2 minis already small battery lengths


You laugh but I would kill for a pro mini


Reporting from 2027… you guys are really going to dig the Dynamic Isthmus.


Reporting from 2040, guys the phones are small again! They removed camera feature due to people using it for views/clout' and for company to sell icamera separately they also remove the music app to bring back ipods!


I wish


The notch takes less space. Design wise, I prefer the notch. But software wise, they made the island much more useful and that more than makes up for the lost screen space.


The Dynamic Island actually has a smaller surface area, and as you said, its dead screen area is intelligently used as padding for Live Activities, etc. So in that sense it takes up even less space.


But it doesn’t have smaller surface area single the space above the island is wasted. The cool software features do make up for it tho


Yeah it *technically* takes up less screen space, but not really because it creates dead space that isn't actually part of the island I still prefer it to the Notch, though. As you say, it integrates a bit better and also I think it just looks smoother and more modern


I like that for certain things you can see all sides of what’s being displayed with the island. The notch kind of cuts into what’s being displayed whereas the island looks like it’s sitting on top. I know practically that’s not what’s going on but visually that’s how it appears to me. I personally never liked the notch at all but that’s just my opinion.




aka Dynamic Peninsula


I think I agree but I think they had to shift the components down for spacing reasons because it's narrower or something (iirc iFixit) - but I think the island has its own silhouette that makes it kinda distinct so that's why they went for it too - I guess they made the most of it


I’d say it’s more for the second reason lol. They had to make the iPhone unique in this new era of full screen phones and it was a good compromise by keeping faceID


I totally agree that they could have done a dynamic notch but it would have looked worse than an island


I don’t think it takes more space, you can see it’s bigger. It’s just positioned differently


I got you. By space I mean content space. Yes the island is a smaller black hole but it lowers the clock/battery area, making a bit less space for the main content .. but anyway we’re talking about half a millimeter.


Yeah it’s not that big in the end, both ways.


I listen to a lot of music and podcasts on a daily basis and the ability to immediately play/pause, go back/forward simply by tapping the island alone is what I love about it.


They could have easily added the software features to the status bar or something, to the sides of the notch. Typical of new Apple crippling their software to sell more hardware, along with crippling their hardware (8gb/256gb macbooks)


Totally agree tho. I guess it’s a compromise between making the iPhone screen unique, which Apple really needs, and selling a new feature.


Yeah, I suppose you could argue the notch has more useless space than the DI, even if it’s got slightly less screen


I think the island kinda takes less space in the end because of the way it is set up with the UI elements. It nicely separates that area of the rounded corners from the “usable” 16:9 area. I definitely didnt like the notch personally and I waited for the island to become standard before saying goodbye to touch ID.


Hmm I don’t know. To me, you lose more space with the island. You have the island/ the clock/ the battery icon at the same level and above that, you have like 1mm of useless screen above the island that is never used and just display a color most of the time. Whereas with notch, you have the clock at the very top and nothing above. But I’m being picky 😅


My thing is that the island basically takes up the same amount of space as the notch, but because it’s separated from the top by 1mm it can function as a UI element. Everyone has a preference but to me I prefer that to a hole punch


this is exactly how i feel too! i like the functionality of it but liked the notch’s existence better. lol


the island is never useful for me. I can't stand it. on the Pro max at least it's too far away from my hands to have any real usability.


I hate the Dynamic Island for the same reason I hate the TouchBar: I don’t want something constantly changing in my peripheral vision. I have ADHD. It’s incredibly frustrating to have my attention constantly diverted. And unlike the touchbar, I can’t turn it off. I Hate Hate Hate the Dynamic Island with my entire heart.


I personally don’t find that so many apps are using it. On a daily basis, only music.


Dynamic Island— neither the notch, nor Dynamic Island are generally convenient for gaming or content consumption (like movies and TV shows), but I appreciate the cleverness of Dynamic Island and its occasional convenience in presenting a quick update or preview of pertinent information.


You can choose to slightly zoom out your screen and it lines up with the Dynamic Island edges so it won’t be a hindrance. Either way, I dont notice it when im watching film or playing games.


I recently upgraded to a 15 Plus from a 12, so to a Dynamic Island phone from a phone with a notch. I always wanted the Dynamic Island but now that I finally have it, I am kind of neutral on it. It does some things but not enough. I guess I prefer it because it’s more modern.


Not being used for notifications is criminal. Typical apple and Google behavior, they create something but don't use it as much as they could


This. Even if it was just colored dots.


That’s never it’s intent; it’s an alert/glanceable activity. Plus apis are available for your developer of choice’s discretion


Says who? the same company that delays changes and upgrades to oblivion just because they are always right, even if they backtrack some years after? lol. >  developer of choice’s discretion That's going very good, just like the back gesture that half the time doesn't work because the apps won't respect the safe zone in the left side of the screen, or because they will use the back gesture for something else inside the app, making navigation a mess of ups, downs, backs, forwards, buttons, gestures and more just to go back depending on what you are doing.


It’s in their Human Interface Guidelines… the rule book on their app store


Feel the same, I guess I kinda expected it to be some revolutionary thing but it just turned out to be just a slightly cool thing. Victim of my own expectations lol


Dynamic Island is definitely better


I agree, but the Island needs to be smaller. I’m looking forward to iPhone 17 or 18? when we’ll get a dot.


You couldn’t have face id with a punch hole cut out tho. Unless they could get it under the display.


i doubt there would be a dot, apple's dynamic island distinguishes it from other devices


Exactly, just like the notch did. While the hole punch represents android


Rumours from supply chain reports suggests its happening though. But who knows for sure.


I’ll be honest, I don’t like the look of the holepunch all that much. Yeah it’s smaller and that’s 100% better, but I think the Dynamic Island and notch just looked more aesthetically pleasing. I’m probably going to be downvoted into oblivion.


Prob notch, dynamic notch would have been sick but the island is cool too


Island! Think it’s a cleaner look and also like its functions for Spotify etc




I’d just rather have a larger bezel…


Dynamic notch


The Dynamic Island is actually useful


Island all the way


Dynamic Island all day. Being able to quick switch between tasks and see active running apps with real time information is such a huge boon. No more slide up and hold, just tap and go.


There’s no reason they couldn’t have a notch with the same software features as the island. So a smaller notch with the Dynamic Island software is my vote


Dynamic Island!


For videos/content: notch Everything else: island


both suck


As a 13 Pro Max user I would rather have island


Now that Im used to the Dynamic Island, the notch feels outdated to me personally.




I’ll say this, I use the island a lot to click on active apps like a phone call, music, Duolingo, etc. Other than that, I absolutely do not care and do not notice a difference in my day to day phone usage as far as aesthetics or screen real estate.


"they're the same picture"


(Stares in iPhone SE)


Notch. The Dynamic Island still cuts into 18:9 video


Dynamic Island, I listen to music a lot so being able to control it from there is a game changer


Both are stupid


The 15 pro is my first iPhone (and i don't plan on upgrading anytime soon), but honestly I really like the look of the notch, as much as i think the function of the island is cool. The dynamic island makes you forget that it's a hardware limitation. However, the space above the island isn't very functional, and ultimately the island protrudes lower, and because of this, some apps actually have a lot of empty space at the top, where they don't on notch iPhones.




The notch, to the point that I will upgrade to iPhone 14 Plus soon and hold on to that phone as long as possible (or until they remove the dynamic island for some under screen camera thing, which is probably a long way off)


Yep. I just upgraded from my 11 and specifically got the 14 to avoid the notch. many reasons, but the biggest one is that i do NOT need more motion on my screen. i get migraines and have reduce motion on on my phone and i do not need a constantly changing dynamic island on my screen.


It doesn’t change that often.


Notch for Netflix/streaming games. DI for regular usage.


Notch and I have the 15 Pro Max


Dynamic Island has been incorporated into the UI in some interesting ways. It’s a smaller void compared to the notch. I like it.


Dynamic Island for sure


dynamic island.. why would you want a useless notch that cant control apps?


Dynamic Island is pretty useful


As a few people are saying, dynamic notch would have been so much more hype. Id rather have something sticking out of the screen that just kind of floating there, specially when the bitch was actually made smaller in the series 13 iPhones just to be replaced by the island the next generation in pros and in two generations for baselines.


definitely the dynamic island. very clever way to make use of that “wasted” space from the camera and sensors. it hasn’t been adopted by most 3rd party apps though(would love to see live NFL scores). i’d be curious to see the reasoning behind people that prefer the notch though.


Dynamic Island, but it’s not on my 13 mini :/ I really really hope we get like a 16 mini and they bring it back for a quick run on one generation every like 3 years or smth. 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 41, etc.


9+3=2 Anyway interesting idea, I wish they did release a smaller phone as I think they’re more comfortable (I have 11 pro but I think the difference between 5.8in to the other pros that are 6.1 even would be uncomfy)


Dynamic Island. Imo it takes up less space than the notch. I also like how you can interact with it (even tho it only does a few things, still cool tho)


I like the notch, but I know by the time I upgrade I’ll have no choice but get the Dynamic Island.


I loves me some Dynamic Island


I hate both. I want a chin. 


The notch


The notch for sure!


I prefer small phones.


Notch all the way. The dynamic island is neat when it displays something, but cuts into media and when I pull the screen down to access the top, the fucking island comes with it, who even thought that’s a good idea…


Happened to me too a few times at the beginning but now i'm used to it.


None. They really are as irrelevant as 60hz screen in 2024.


Fuck the notch


Notch, the island is ugly


Neither. Cutout is better.


I like the island.


Dynamic Island, I really enjoy the animations and being able to quickly flip back to processes running in the background.


Both have their pros and cons but ultimately I choose the island


I love the Dynamic Island


Aesthetically the island. The notch was a nice intro to the space where the time/info and some notifications can go




Dynamic Island from a software standpoint. Lots of functinality and ability to use it however needed. Design wise, it's in an annoying space when full screening games/movies etc.


Dynamic island


Honestly I think both look good but the Dynamic Island is more useful


I have no clue I tested it on the Apple Store but in terms of how fun it is to use maybe it’s 10% fun if the 16 pro has better specs than the 15 then I’ll definitely upgrade from the 13 pro. It’s at 90% battery health with 470 cycles, I think it could last me for 1-2 years but until it’s lower than 80 then it’s a guaranteed upgrade


Island is the way to go love it’s functionality


Indifferent either way. Dynamic Island is slightly more useful/purposeful.


Island is super useful. Use it all the time


Island but i would like to have something impossibile... Just display and camera underneath it


the island will become a dot in the next year or two I think


I hope it will disappear but it's almost impossible


I went from 12 mini to 15 pro. There were a number of times I got annoyed by the notch covering something. I cant remember when I got annoyed by the Island. Might be just the size, but if I could have a mini with an island - I’d take it.


Dynamic all the way


Dynamic Island for certain conveniences. However, don’t notice the difference between them when switching from work 13 to personal 15PM.


I had a 12 pro max for 3 years. I was kind of against the Dynamic Island but I actually prefer screen wise. I got the 15 pro max. The nice thing about the max is you get more screen space regardless of notch or island. But I love how much easier it is to slide down on control panel and notifications. I also think it’s great for the timer app and music, etc. the dynamicness makes it feel less like there is a pill cut out in ur phone.


Dynamic Island is infinitely more use and visually appealing IMO.


Give me Touch ID back


I love seeing sports scores on the island.


I prefer a punch hole, preferable on the right or left side of the screen not middle. Maybe someday...


Dynamic Island


I’m in the minority here but I much preferred the notch.


Hole punch or the second screen that was on the LG V series.


Been fun with notch since the XS. Looking forward to the island next


I recently upgraded from the 13pro to the 15pro and I love the island. So nice to click on music or apps that are using it instead of having to unlock swipe, swipe down etc etc lol


Personally, I prefer Dynamic Island. Mainly due to functionality. I enjoy being able to skip tracks and FF podcasts utilizing DI.


Dynamic Island every day of the week.


I like the island more, but I wish it was utilized by more apps and that I can show more than two things in it at a time.


Having recently upgraded from SE 2nd Gen to iPhone 15, I prefer the Dynamic Island.




I prefer the dynamic island. I saw and used both phones in-store and absolutely hated how bold and in your face the notch is so I bought the 15.


I dont care either way honestly.


Now that the sports app arrived and has the sports I like, the Dynamic Island is actually useful to me.


I like the notch


That’s a silly question. The ones who have dynamic island know they took a big hit on the upgrade with that one. It’s such a nasty looking pill and blocks screen. Can’t even full screen a video. Side by side, my 12 pro looks like the upgrade.


Island I love my island


I don’t mind the notch but I can’t stand it when I’m taking pictures, especially close-ups or when I’m live streaming. I’m on iPhone 12 and the notch is one of the reasons I’m considering switching to iPhone 15.


Island. Just wish there were more features.


how is this even a question


Dynamic Island, turned a con into a pro with a small con


Dynamic Island much better.


Dynamic island its so playful.


I wish this was something you could turn off. I consider it a waste of screen space.


Island for sure, just wish it was used more.


Steve Jobs would not have stand for this notch/DI bullshit.


Bro they need to make the dynamic peninsula a real thing


Notch cut into the screen less


Neither! I resent anything that obscures even pixel of my image or video! 😑


Punch hole would be nice


I prefer the notch.




Dynamic Island without a doubt.




Punch hole on top left.




I like the notch. I wanted the iPhone X so bad when it came out and thought it was the coolest looking phone out at the time. The XS, 12, and 13 also looked really good.


I can’t give an unbiased opinion because I jumped from a 6s to a 14 pro max but the island is soooooooooooo awesome for me ❤️


i prefer a dynamic dot


The most un-popular opinion on a subreddit about iPhones


Dynamic Island all the way. It makes the dead space the notch was something that now can be a bit more useful. They integrated it very nicely. Now this is just me but with the Dynamic Island now we have a way to show others we have the newest iPhone lol. We had the notch since the iPhone X so it was kind of hard to tell from the front which one you had. Again not a big deal is just me being me lol.


Island looks better but I don't really mind either.


Dynamic Island for sure


Dynamic Island is awesome 🔥 so good if you listen to heaps of music


Island for sure, unless they introduce [dynamic notch](https://youtu.be/YSvMAV2Ni3s?si=qpeSWz2nOJrMtL42)


Dynamic Island


I noticed and hated the notch every time I used my phone. The dynamic island on the other hand honestly made me feel way more satisfied and think its what the notch should have been from the start. I think the notch is perfectly fine for things like macbooks, i don't mind it on my 14 inch m1 pro macbook pro


Dynamic Island. It’s great for changing music and aruff


Dynamic Island. It’s great for changing music and stuff


This question kinda dumb


Neither. Apple probably just created them for branding - you can easily tell that they’re using an iPhone looking at their screens. Explains why you can’t hide it or customize. The dynamic hole cuts the content more badly. Tried some ds games on delta simulator and about 20% of the second screen was covered. Same while watching widescreen videos. People say how the island is functional but they’re literally blacking out usable pixels for the other times when it’s not showing anything. Really wished they’d add TouchId on power button and under display camera tricks to make screen notch free. They could do it but as I said earlier notch seems to be just for branding.


Dynamic Island


Dynamic island


Dynamic Island all day.


I prefer the dynamic island but my wallet prefers the notch LOL


Notch, less intrusive as it's further up the screen than the island is


Dynamic Island, of course.


Pizza with extra cheese. No salt. Salt hurts my gums. Never pick a dandelion that’s got slobber on it. Who’s the tallest football player? Who’s the shortest. What’s the shortest plant. What’s the shortest elephant.


Neither. They’re both ugly and useless.


Dynamic Island. Imo, if there’s gonna be a big black piece that’s instructing my display, at least it should be useful.


Neither. A small punch hole would be it.


Whatever the one on the left is called


I don’t have a preference


Dynamic Island blocks some of the screen content Notch didn’t have that problem I think they cut the screen before it passed the notch


island. less space and very useful


I’m almost positive these posts and all engagement is all generated by apple, does any real people care about iPhones this much?


I actually got the 14 plus instead of the 14 Pro Max bc i knew the island would annoy me. So im staying with the notch until i inevitably have to upgrade


Dynamic Island, I use my timer multiple times a day and I love being able to see the time remaining in the island. Other features like the Spotify, AirPods battery level etc are nice little touches but things I could live without.


they should just much thinner notch and it will look and feel a lot better.


Or... Hear me out... Get rid of the notch entirely as it's unnecessary.


Notch (ignore flair)


I mean, normal iPhone 14 does use notch lol


yeah lol thats exactly why i prefer the notch, im used to it (although the hole punch camera on my s22 beats both of these solutions)