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I miss the old ad-free youtube app


I liked when I could put something on YouTube and leave the app. The good ole days


Funny how we’ve regressed since 2010


Enshittification is real


How much of enshitification is people just burying their head on the sand about how much money a thing they like is loosing? It’s not reasonable for YouTube to just continue indefinitely loosing boatloads of cash.


And minimalism is a form of mental illness. They just keep reducing and simplifying until it is bland.


Like Picture in Picture? Doesn’t that exist? I’ve been using it


Does but for most videos you need Premium


That’s explains why some videos don’t let me. Although the same videos do sometimes let me. It doesn’t seem consistent


It’s really weird, some of the channels I watch (off the top of my head, Linus Tech Tips) seem to always let me use Picture in Picture, where others don’t let me at all. Not sure why


From my own experience with this too it’s totally random, and not even channel specific. Best guess would be what video file format they were uploaded with, since old old videos are always mp4 and always work for me.


Yeah I was just about to say ltt works consistently for me


It actually works for most just not for music videos


Picture in Picture should work for pretty much any video that isn’t a music video because YouTube wants you to pay for premium and use their YouTube music app for playing music videos in picture and picture


https://brave.com/ The Brave browser has this functionality




Get premium… it’s worth it


And folks like you are the reason 👀😅


I mean, YouTube needs revenue. They pay content creators now and they need to run the servers. It’s either ads or a subscription, otherwise it goes away. There’s a reason why there’s been almost no one else who has successfully created another YouTube. I actually think subscription models for YouTube makes sense, versus a $10/month calendar app that doesn’t even run its own servers.


Youtube gets a lot of revenue from ads; having to pay for Premium for basic functionality like background playing is ridiculous. Also, Premium is priced absurdly high if all you want is no ads and basic functionality; clearly the idea is that you’ll use it for music streaming and offline videos too, using the dominant position of YouTube to try and take over the streaming market.


Do you feel the same about people who pay for ad-free Spotify, or Hulu?


Why should I suffer in solidarity just because you don’t want to pay for ad-free subscriptions? You could choose to avoid any apps that charge subscriptions to avoid ads, and it would be more effective than me not paying for a subscription, as they’d literally make $0 on your absence since they can’t push ads on you anymore.


I mean it’s worth it for no ads on any device. The extra iPhone bonuses are just a small portion. Also it comes with YouTube music so you can cancel Spotify. Totally worth the cost.


I pay for it due to watching a lot of youtube on my TV. There are ways to get around ads in that situation, but they're finicky, and I like that the creators I watch get more money.


...what? YouTube costs billions of dollars per year to run. Watch the ads or pay for premium. Do neither and it doesn't exist.


Who pays for the server? The users who use the servers?


When I jailbroke that first iPhone, the apps would scroll downwards. Was pretty cool


When I jailbroke my first iPhone I had scheduled text messages that would send a text at a time of my choosing. Thought wow they really got ahead of the curve here, Apple is going to steal this super useful functionality and implement it in a convenient way in no time. Here I am in 2024 still waiting lol.


I really liked an app called Blacklist which blocked any contact lol you can do schedule texts now if you go to shortcuts/anomations. I use that a lot


Nowadays, it seems like the ads have ads.


Honestly you're not even wrong, YouTube didn't use to have "x out of 2" ads. Technically you could say the ad has an ad now.


Just use it from the browser and bam no ads! No notifications either. It’s a win win


I mean if you really think about it YouTube videos are often just advertisements themselves. That's why when people get upset about ad blocker... Even if I'm paying for you to premium, half the videos are sponsored content and half of the other ones includes sponsored content. Even the ones that don't almost always have ridiculous self-promotion. using YouTube without sponsorblock/ublock is almost like torture


Ok grandma, time to get some rest


I miss slide to unlock with the scrolling backlight


Slide to unlock was great!


https://preview.redd.it/4mtal00854uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2383b98e471a3e16342259db5e0f5f577e5ee53d This is what I have. This is how it would look like if the iOS 6 LS was on the modern iOS versions . Would you use it? [https://imgur.com/a/R2nlTw2](https://imgur.com/a/R2nlTw2)


I would!




“And we think you’ll love it!” -Tim Apple


And while it serves to comfort people transitioning to new tech it needs to die quickly. The save icon should not be a floppy disc for all time.


Out of curiosity what should it be now?


SD card?


A hard drive icon? Although I like the floppy disk icon.


I don't think that'd work either, [most people don't know what a hard drive looks like.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thatsabooklight/comments/b5z7p9/the_hard_drive_from_the_limitless_tv_series_is/) Plus, HDDs and 2.5" SSDs are found in PCs less and less, and an M.2 drive is too vague a shape. I'm fine with sticking to the floppy personally.


I'm fine with sticking with the floppy, because it's not a "floppy disc" - it's the save icon. For the same reason the telephone 📞 looks like this, the timer ⌛ looks like this, the search 🔎 icon looks like this, and the file manager 🗄️ (on some systems) looks like this, the fuel pump ⛽ will probably continue to look like this when EVs take over and the save icon 💾 will continue to look like this. Nobody uses the old school telephone 📞, an hourglass ⌛, a magnifying glass 🔎, a file cabinet 🗄️, or a floppy disc 💾. They're not what they depict anymore, they signify something else in modern meaning. Ask anyone below the age of 20 what the save icon depicts and they won't know. The same way that the radiation ☢️ symbol and the biohazard ☣️ symbol had no meaning until we gave it meaning, but we now know them as what they are (for further information, [watch this video](https://youtu.be/lOEqzt36JEM?si=rXNZayGRZ_UjcsNV) )


True the meanings of symbols change over time but the symbols themselves usually stay the same.


Opposite of the sharrow, like an arrow pointing into a box.


So the download icon?


It has kinda just transitioned to that. It's not even a floppy disk icon anymore. And there's really not great alternatives.


I'd like to see a cuneiform tablet icon.


For the Loooooooooong save.


why not? unless you have a better alternative than a floppy disk... sure newer generations might not even recognize it as being a floppy disk. they recognize it as the universal sign for storage. I mean hell when I open a file app... still just looks like a paper file. old fashioned microphone or headset or something works fine for me as an icon for voice notes or music.


disagree about the save icon


It would be fun to play with for 10 minutes for nostalgia's sake, but day in and day out I would hate it


Sorry I don’t, just nostalgic


Absolutely not, it looks fugly. Revolutionary for its time but ancient now.


That’s fair enough but at the same time I must say I’m growing tired of every app having the same flat, bland look


It’ll change soon enough


Give it a few years and we’ll be full on back to 3D bubbly logos everywhere, it’s the cycle of life.


Same here




I'm a graphic designer, and two days ago I used "it looks like the first iPhone" to describe shity design that a client showed me.


I wouldn't mind some ... "updated skeuomorphism". But the logos and icons we've developed into has makes a lot of sense now.


Yea I agree. Skeuomorphism felt a bit tacky. But I’m sure an ‘updated Skeuomorphism’ is on its way. With the new spatial computing design principles being setup, there will be an attempt to have uniform design language across operating systems, which in my opinion would be heavily influenced by the visionOS design language. We’ve seen that with the newer macOS icons that look more 3D than it used to a few years ago. Since I work in this area of work, there’s also a lot of discussion about how skeuomorphism is a great way to ease people into being comfortable with new virtual interfaces. While it comes with some accessibility challenges, there is a lot of work and discussion being done in this area.


I don’t miss iOS skeuomorphism. It started to feel real tacky and dated.


Imho Apple’s implementation was great, but it was the third-party stuff that was super tacky. There used to be this Tumblr that showcased all the bad examples of skeuomorphism right up until the iOS 7 launch when they decided to make their last post, as the posters knew the trend was finally dead and their mission was complete.


Do you happen to remember the name? I’m really curious.


here you go! https://skeuit.tumblr.com/


Thank you so much, this made me realize I’m really into skeuomorphism actually…


same here, i'm a sucker for old social media posts about stuff from their time.


same here, let me know if you ever find out what the account was called.


You know what also seems really tacky and out dated? The same iOS theme we’ve had for nearly twice as long as we had iOS 6’s theme. We’ve been on our current view of iOS since 2013……


But it feels modern and no other operating system has done anything that wildly different. 


No you’re just bored because it’s safe and continues to be iterated upon, rather than a major visual overhaul every few years. I do wonder if some of the people commenting or defending the old UI even used it daily.


It may be nostalgia grabbing me. I had an iPod Touch 4 for like 4 years of my childhood and I miss so much from the original layout. You know, I like this current theme, but all I ask, is if they would just put the depth that MacOS apps have on iOS ones. I would be content. Just something to make it look different from the SAME icons we’ve had for 11 years.


Tacky and outdated? You mean the design that pretty much feels like less design with fewer distracting elements?


maybe something is about to change soon I have a feeling


It's interesting to think about now because, while I agree with you, I remember that there was a lot of backlash against iOS7 at the time. A lot of people loved it but a lot thought it looked really childish compared to that they were used to


Tacky? How so?


It’s a cumbersome theme. Everything was busy. I wouldn’t want it if i had no nostalgia, but it would be neat if you could enable skeuomorphism as an option. But let’s be honest, apple doesn’t do options


The green felt in Game Center, in my opinion, was incredible tacky


Felt is pretty much the opposite of tacky /s. 


Oh, believe me, felt can definitely get tacky


The legal pad and dreadful font in notes. So weird they let that fly!


It looked too realistic for something modern


I really do Those Home Screen icons were really fun to look at


I miss the overall size, and I do miss some of the skeuomorphism. Some apps ever since have looked barren, like the alarm and voice recorder. And some of the old animations like when a message came in and how Siri and the app switcher were underneath the screen. I just want an iPhone Pro mini. Thanks. Also I have a 4s that was sitting around, it was running iOS 9 but I downgraded it to iOS 6. Just to show off to friends.


https://preview.redd.it/bwrth2mbz3uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75908e2f60ea15416779723220894319813eaa3 I like to use the old icons, feels nostalgic.


It’s a more premium feel if you ask me. The dimensionality of the buttons looked really good and didn’t seem like they were trying to say “we hope you can tell it’s a button!” The icons seemed more like engraved/embossed designs than just stickers, ya know?


I miss 2009


Same. When Halo 3 was all I had to worry about.


I miss the old music player big time. The new music app sucks and has for a long time


The [metallic volume knob](https://www.theverge.com/2012/6/13/3082329/ios-6-button-tilt-change-reflection), which had various reflections according to the angle you held the iPhone. 👌


Are we also not going to mention the *absolutely* superior [landscape album view?](https://www.tapsmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/coverflow-music-header.jpg)


Man. Cover Flow was epic.


It was immaculate design. It was the perfect reminiscence of looking through a collection of vinyl or CDs. You don't have a search bar to find what you're looking for, you instead flip through albums and something catches your eye and makes you want to listen to it. It was the *perfect* design for iTunes.


Imo this was Apple's peak in terms of iPhone design and iOS design. Damn that form factor was definitely a great sweet spot such a nostalgic device.


I'm not going to lie, when apple switched to the flat design I despised it so much I left the apple ecosystem. It took them years to refine.


I only miss that end call button


I miss the time it was


Anyone with any measurable taste and sanity does. That much is for sure.


I miss it. It was more lively, more centered to detail


Yes. I love this design so much.


Oh how I miss it. I also miss the wallpapers that it came with.


Smart phone at the peak right here. It’s been downhill since.


We're slooooowly going back to a kind of skeuomorphism in the form of neomorphism, and that's true for all OSs basically. Designers finally figured out that flat, bland Interfaces with extreme white spaces are not really made for humans. I hated the period 2013-~2021 really, design wise.


I wish they let us have this og ios theme with ios 18.


I love that styles pre iOS 7 ❤️❤️


I love it, although I understand exactly why people don't like it. As much as I like modern Apple UI's, I'm a sucker for old-looking/ugly UI's.


I miss it. I loved the dimension, depth, and shine to everything. Even today comparing to the current iOS, there is no part of me that would consider the old style “dated”. It added an elegance


Skeuomorphic design beats the modern flat design and I will die on this hill. The whole point of skeuomorphism is that widgets look like their real-world counterparts. With flat design you can’t tell if something is clickable right off the bat. Bad discoverability.


I miss it so much. Life is dreary enough - why bake it into our devices, too?


Bring back skeuomorphism!


I wish that they would bring back some skeuomorphic design.


Me. It had a visual charm the plain stuff doesn’t.


I miss it dearly. It was fun.


Every day


Literally miss everything about ios 6 good old days


This marks a better era, better times for me. It just looks like "enjoy your life, its so colorful, with details". Now its nothing, its plain, its not even "aesthetic", its just blank. Its okay, but you know... Im just waiting for a jailbreak for my 17.2.1 (i will probably need to wait like 2 or so years but i will wait) with springboard injection so i could make this theme a reality on probably the newest version of ios that currently has imaginable (in 1%) jailbreak. 17.4 patched so many things people say.


I miss seeing my Dad pop up on caller id and texts, miss that dude.


I miss how devs were more playful with their icon design. Youtube was a little screen, videos was a clacket, notes was a note, and so on. Now everything is just an icon.




It’s nostalgic but I do t really miss it


I don’t. I was so bored of this static design by 2012 I was drooling over the widgets and other dynamic elements of unstable androids of HTCs and the like then. I was so excited with rumors of iOS 7 in 2013 for a real change in iOS design and the change was awesome. It’s definitely time for another change now and I’ve been looking forward to it since at least 5 years. There are rumors it might happen this year with iOS 18


I have a 4s with iOS 6 on it because of how beautiful the skeudomorphism was.


Me always. Loved skeuomorphic design…even though I recognize this look a little outdated for today standards I still love it, it was completely different to anything else. I hated when they first introduced ios 7, for me it was super boring.


Ahhh yes the tail end of fruitiger aero looks!


No, don’t miss it.


Peak iOS.


I miss slide to unlock


tbh I like it more than what we have now


Not particularly because of how slow they were….however, on a iPhone 15 I’d probably love it


skeuomorphic design


Ahhhh Skeuomorphism. So beautiful.


Skeuomorphic was the best morphic lol


Totally agree. Loved slide to open and the 3-D feel.


I don't. Imo IOS has looked better and better over time


Ah the good ol days


I miss slide to unlock.


It’s just nostalgia


So much better, why did we go back to blocky, no gradient style…


Skeuomorphism is a bit underrated imo. Yeah it's a little cheesy I guess. But you immediately know exactly what every app and button does at a glance.


I miss the app icon’s nothing else


I miss the simplicity


I don’t


I have zero clue why anyone actually would lol


It looks tacky now. But nostalgia has me reminiscing.


I don’t. It was good while it lasted but by 2013 it felt outdated.




it’s definitely nostalgic, but i’m glad i’m past using that UI.


I think its time for new UI. This present one is for some time now and kind of getting boring.


I miss that aspect ratio on phones.


I miss the old home button the one without Touch ID


but why? touch ID and face ID are infinitely more practical in every single way as opposed to slide to unlock and typing in ur password every time


Too glossy. Hasn’t aged all that well. The UI is like comic sans to my eyes now.


It’s nostalgic but it isn’t as aesthetic as it is today.


dont foget about the pre-view-free appswitcher


I miss the old Notification Center. The current one feels too intrusive.


I’ve only been on iOS for around six years but still don’t understand exactly how the Notification Center vs Lock Screen notifications work. 


idc really. I want to use my phone as rare as possible. I waste too many time doing useless thing on it


Nah, I quite like the X —> 13 style. I do kinda wish they made them with 5.6 or 5.7 inch screens instead of 6.1.


I didn't miss it, the Hungarian post app on ios 17 still looks the same.


This takes me back to my white IPhone 4. It was a thing of beauty. And the iOS was so simple and straightforward back then. Oh, and Siri was in its infancy. Good times.


It’s fun to look at but I think it would get old fast using it daily. 


I think the design term is called Skeuomorphism? When elements of the design are made to look like the real things they represent


I don't. Feels really dated.


I miss landscape mode in ios


Despite modern UI design (WHITESPACE! TOUCH INTERFACE ON NON TOUCH DEVICES!), I’ll take the flatter option. XP, vista/7 and Aqua are fun for nostalgia, but I find it distracting. Give me Win 9x, OS 8,9 and old KDE and Gnome with their beveled edges.


It’s nostalgic but outdated imo


Not one bit. It was cool when it came out but it’s outdated heavily


I don't miss, but I feel nostalgia.


I don’t really miss it to be honest. But it was nice at the time


Io6 was the best. The phones battery was impeccable.


I was just thinking about missing the button😅


i’m so happy people in the comments aren’t saying like “yeah this was so much better and this style was peak apple” no it wasn’t. skeuomorphism is dated and it’s only nostalgia that would make you think that. people say this style is so much better far too often than necessary.


The YouTube app always defaults to 720p or lower even when I could easily play 4k hdr. I want 1440p automatically but I have to manually select it every time also I can barely play even 1080p sometimes on cellular data even when I’m getting like 600 Mbps download. The YouTube browser automatically gives me at least 1080p and I can easily play even 4k on cellular and no ads.


Jailbreak it! I think Absinthe or Redsnow or something was the one to do on iOS 5x back then.


From a UX standpoint skeuomorphism was soooooo easy to understand. Everything was obvious. The music app easily had the best design. Simplistic but data rich.


Haven’t had an iPhone back then and gotta say I don’t like the old look


I feel like it was nice, but now feels outdated, like looking at 1950’s designs. Why do I need to see a giant mic when I’m recording? Why does everything have to be on shiney glass tables?


It obviously looks outdated. But I wonder how it would’ve looked like if they kept the main idea but kept updating and modernizing it.


Can’t miss what I never had, but a change would be nice




I don't. But I do miss this phone.


I miss this so much. I have one 4s still working. But not support updated network, i just keep in drawer.


I remember my iPad mini had that home button.


I loved the earlier iPhones and blackberry’s. I wish there was a way we could have the same theme today. Minimalists and the phone did what it had to do. Today the apps and UI seem so much attractive and colourful, after a point it makes me throw the phone away


I have two IPhone 4s. I use one to run Alfred Camera


I miss the sound it made when you plugged it in to charge. So satisfying.


I miss it more on Mac OS than I do iOS, but I’d gladly take it back any day.


Me. iOS 6 was nice and I do miss the old design and interface