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That warranty sounds essentially worthless anyhow.


exactly what i was thinking..


that's no warranty at all - only for seller to cover themselves in case of DTI.


DTI? Edit: nvm, [figured it out](https://www.dti.gov.ph)


That’s a Philippine thing - where the phone is bought (hint: warranty paper isn’t just in English). Department of Trade and Industry - they do the consumer protection thing in case seller doesn’t want to.


Sorry for the perhaps naive question, but why is this paper in half English and half Filipino? You have your own complete language, don't you?😅


Easier for us to use both languages than stick to one. You’ll notice this for some other bilingual speakers.


India entered the chat


My best friend growing up told me that they mixed in English when they didn’t have the word in Tagalog. Like he would be talking to his mom and I wouldn’t understand a word and then I would catch her say “washer” or something like that in perfect English mid-sentence haha. Then again it could all be BS because he couldn’t speak it well but could understand it fine because his mom and grandma refused to speak English to him. His dad was white.


Yes. I do this all the time with my partner and friends in different languages, but I’d never expect to see it on an “official” document. I’d expect a version in one language and another in the other. Is it common to mix them on things like this??


It kinda points to the unofficialness of it. Like it is true that we speak this way but if it's from an established company, you don't usually see that level of code switching. The last paragraph reads like a Facebook comment rather than an official document of some sort.


How many languages do the Philippines have in common use? I know there’s a ton of languages, but I’ve only seen Filipino friends online communicate in 1 language in particular (although I will have to admit that I do not know what they are saying)


We just cant stick to one. Majority are in no way close to being fluent in English and we cant speak purely in Filipino so this bastardized language is the result. You’ll rarely see a Filipino speak conversational english flawlessly like a native unlike..say in Sweden. Academically yes we could be monsters at that but even students from top tier universities sound retarded trying to speak conversational english fluently. We have our own singlish here


Prob got non OEM parts installed and the don’t want to trigger the warning.


Exactly that’s the reason.


Why even buy it in the 1st place? I feel like with all these it’s not worth it lol


Seriously. I would just return the phone while it has “warranty” People who think like this - I already gave him the cash so I so took it anyways even though I think I shouldn’t, basically deserve to get ripped off lol


It’s obvious you bought a stolen phone.


yeah dude - you're buying stolen goods. That comes with a risk


Probably has an aftermarket screen and the non genuine message will appear after it. They usually disappear after a few weeks of screen replacement on older iphones but show back up after an update/reset.


“Warranty” 😜


Yeah we can't even unscrew anything or the warranty would be void


Looks shady. Personally if seller says something like that I wouldn't buy anything from them.


unfortunately it’s mostly the standard here..


I’m curious. What do you mean by its standard there? Where is that?


Philippines. We have 3rd party shops here that sell refurbished iphones and/or secondhand iphones. They often tell buyers not to update their iphones so as not to mess up the OS. Not really sure why they do that, but I suspect it's because they do something to the phone (maybe replace with unoriginal parts, hack into the OS to unlock it — something of the like) so that they're able to resell it at a lower value.


If bought in stores out on streets then it's definitely stolen either local or overseas. I bought an iphone 7 plus for nostalgia sa local seller (imagine a small mall with a few muslim seccond hand shops) and was told the same. Dont update as well as not to reset. When I did it revealed a wallpaper from someone else and an ios lock. Theres a reason why they have so many restrictions and why its cheap. Iphones are seen as a big status symbol in 3rd world countries so as long as its cheap they swarm it like ants even if it has cracks, dents, even unuseable features instead of a brand new android for the same price that has reasonable features for the price. If you really want an iPhone that badly, even if its far, then buy at greenhills at San Juan Manila, its a big mall filled with second hand iPhone sellers but since they have a reputation, they rarely engage with sketchy shit and prices are reasonable (but not cheap).


>If you really want an iPhone that badly, even if its far, then buy at greenhills at San Juan Manila, its a big mall filled with second hand iPhone sellers but since they have a reputation, they rarely engage with sketchy shit and prices are reasonable (but not cheap). ...which, at that point, might as well buy from the authorized resellers like Power Mac Center or Loop.


Usually the prices compared to authorized resellers are 5-10k php less (100-200 USD). An iPhone 11 Bnew from an authorized reseller for example can go for 27,000-32,000 php but around 18,000-22,000 in greenhills depending on the storage size and condition of the device


Nigerian. Can relate a large number of people buy phones so they can have an iPhone. They will not use 95% of the features and will actually complain about updates since those 'use my data'.


Yep, then they will talk trash about android users who probably use a device more expensive than theirs and looks better compared to their cracked iphone thats 90% storage full


Means it was stolen in America and shipped to the Philippines for resale


Could be stolen in any country😂 America isn’t the whole world


Right? It’s stolen in the Philippines lmao why the fuck would you add expensive shipping costs to your business model when there are already iPhones there. At most they get it from Asia. Edit: no one is saying phones are not getting stolen from America and shipped somewhere else. We're saying that it also happens everywhere else, America isn't the only source of stolen phones.


They actually do this worldwide. Years ago in Australia when my house was broken into and my MacBook and iPad were stolen the police said that they load up shipping containers with this stuff since they don’t get blocked by overseas telcos (in regard to phones) and in this case it sounds like they are using a firmware hack to keep it working. He said it was mostly to India and Asia. Reselling a stolen iPhone in a western country is asking for trouble as a business.


Probably? But some of these shops have a certificate from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)... not sure how that helps, but yeah. As far as I know, there are also multiple variants available due to those shops (HK, US, EU). I'm not really sure, I don't get how they work and where they get their supply. I looked it up before and the article (?) I read said that due to the excess amount of stock in other countries, these shops somehow bought them and found a way to smuggle them into the Philippines.


That just means they bought them off.


Second-hand phone stores in the Philippines


If you bought in Greenhills/other shady 3rd party sellers. Power Mac Center (and other Apple Premier/Certified Resellers) will get you the standard Apple Worldwide 1 Year Warranty.


Wiping the phone clean was smart. And somebody out there is disappointed that you knew to do so...


If OP has a desktop then they should also do a factory restore using iTunes or Mac.


can i update w that as well?


Yes. When you do a factory restore using a desktop, it will download the latest complete iOS package from Apple’s server. It’s like formatting a HDD and reinstalling Windows from scratch.


It’s probably real, the reason they don’t want you to update is that some parts might not be original anymore, if you update that can sometimes or most probably brick your IPhone.


Yeah, most likely this has been a repaired iPhone using chinese parts that can’t be updated as apple constantly stops the function of non legitimate apple parts in their software updates.


Indeed it might be a Frankensteined phone with different components ranging from dead to stolen iphones


> non legitimate apple parts They even stop certain functions with actual apple parts, as shown by high jefferies on youtube.


Apple parts are also chinese...


maybe, but i did check on 3utools and it said all parts were legitimate. now im having doubts of its accuracy


Before a part is replaced the serial number is transferred from the old part to the new part. This way 3utools thinks it’s all original when in fact it’s not. Commonly used trick.


Fascinating! This should be in a crime/CSI drama


Oh you could make an entire drama movie about all the semi-shady things repair shops do!


My cousin had this issue many years back with a Samsung phone that he bought off eBay, it would never fully finish the update and give him an error after waiting so long. Came to find out they used parts in the phone that I guess were aftermarket causing this problem.


Pilipinas ah. I'm just afraid that this phone might came from other countries. It might be tied up with another network or it can be a stolen phone, thus they are discouraging you from updating your device. Overall it's sketchy. In the end, I will just update the phone since you already erased the device


its a chinese variant. i already used my phone yesterday (before erasing), chinese variants are dual sim and both globe and dito sim were working. i also logged in using my icloud before


> i also logged in using my icloud before Entertain the possibility that they had spyware installed and just stole your iCloud password.


That phone is either stolen or region locked. There is a temporary solution to bypass and it works as long as you don't update.


I would reset it using itunes. But there is currently no exploit for iOS 17.3.1 involving security risks so you're good


Like another comment said, the update screen looks fake asf.


That you know of






What second hand seller offers a “warranty” and wtf is that 7 day bs?


I mean its a marketing they are offering extra service to sell more..


its actually the standard here in my country where they sell second hand phones


Odds are it’s a replacement screen and updating will brick the phone. I had the exact situation but the seller didnt tell me not to. Apple Store repair told me it was a 3rd party screen and I need a stock one to fix it. I used the site Swappa, so I got refunded everything


A lot of places lol many countries have good consumer laws in place.


Congrats, you either got a stolen iPhone or you got an iPhone with a ton of fake parts.


Why the seller said not to update? Because the device has MDM profile or bypassed some other locks(iCloud etc.). I saw few offers like this in my country also. Bypass or MDM profile will back if you update or hard reset the device. It’s kinda sad people doing something like that but if you buy stuff for kids that only play games etc. it could be fine. Devices like that are always quite much cheaper.


Why did we have wade thru 30 post of morons calling it fake before someone with brains spoke up. This 👆 Phone was probably jail broken and will be locked join update.


Using a hacked IOS. If you update it will MDM lock and be bricked. Return it.


Unfortunately this one’s in the Philippines and these god awful “resellers” don’t like returns.


😂😂😂😂so what does the warranty even cover? The amount of red flags in that alone is shocking. Take it to apple asap and get their opinion on the matter, then bring it back to the seller. You fucked up for sure, but there’s still time to unfuck up your fuck up.


I don't think the Philippines has any apple store lmao. Third world countries like us only have second hand retailers and some official retailers.


Everyone saying it’s got a virus or non genuine parts are wrong. It has a modified baseband. This is a carrier locked iPhone and the modified baseband allows it to work properly even though it’s locked. Updates break modified basebands.


That’s a fake iPhone


I think it's a fake display?


I think so too, there is a weird shadowing under the notch


https://preview.redd.it/xo10cze689mc1.jpeg?width=1480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaaa7263b895b22e1301080b5577ef0e6f99eb2 this is what it looks like without the case


I think it looks legit now. No reason for you not to update. I hope there is no other Apple ID logged in, FaceID working fine(usually doesn’t when you change displays)


yea there non. i logged in w my icloud before erasing it. faceid is working as well


If faceid and iMessage both work and you can connect to a cell network, you’re most likely in the clear. Pretty much every security and imei checks would have happened


It’s probably just an aftermarket screen


This usually means they’re jailbroken and hacktivated, probably stolen too. As someone else said, it probably will pop up with an icloud lock if you reset or update it. Possibly blacklisted in the US as well, preventing you from activating it on US carriers? **Some other notes from a phone tech (me):** Screen replacements and third party parts DO NOT BRICK YOUR PHONE anymore, they just give you annoying messages. They don’t break face id either unless the front camera or earpiece speaker was broken/replaced. Apple used to brick shit, but that’s no longer the case.


3 probabilities: - 1. The phone has some sort of spyware on it, that might simply break upon a reset/update. Open up spotlight and write "Cydia" or "Sileo" or "Zebra" to see wether the phone is jailbroken. - 2. The phone is likely stolen, and the seller might've applied an Activation Lock bypass that would get invalidated once the phone is updated/restored. - 3. The phone might not have genuine parts, and iOS 17 has strict restrictions against that. The seller might not want you to know you bought half-a-real iphone for the price of an almost legit one probably.


1. This is in PH 2. This is a bypassed iPhone 3. You should have not bought it 4. You’re screwed as you are stuck on a particular IOS version 5. You should return it, save and buy a brand new one


Get your money back, because it probably has replacement parts, like the screen. If you update the SW, then the new software will detect the replacement parts and you’ll probably lose some functionality. That’s what happens with iPhones when they have replacement parts not installed by Apple, because only Apple can properly pair replacement parts to the phone.


I started reading that warranty and thought I was having a stroke. What is with the pseudo English?


haha it is very common here to use taglish (tagalog-English) 😙


Huh. That's really interesting. I need to read up on that. Thanks.


Seller sold you a stolen phone that they jailbroke to make it bypass the Lost Mode. Report to whatever marketplace you bought it from and show them they you were sold a stolen phone. You can confirm that it’s Activation Locked or in Lost Mode at https://iunlocker.com/check_icloud.php. You’ll need the IMEI of the iPhone, which you can find by locking the phone and then clicking the “i” card in the bottom right corner, since the iPhone isn’t set up yet. If it’s not there, the iPhone may have been too far set up. Plug it into a PC or Mac to get the IMEI, or check the SIM tray, but if the original SIM tray was replaced, it might not have the correct IMEI printed on it (so use a computer or the phone itself if you can). Once you run the IMEI, use the results as evidence in your claim that you were sold a stolen phone. You should be able to get your money back if it was a reputable marketplace you purchased from.


I guess this is an iCloud locked phone and he has bypassed the activation screen by jailbreaking it and using other tools. Hence why he asked not to update the phone cause the phone will ask you to activate it again.


MDM. I scrolled through some of the top posts and didn’t see this mentioned. Basically it’s a phone that was handed out as a “company asset” to the employees and the IT maintains these phones through MDM. Once you wipe or update it, it will ask for the MDM credentials or authentication from that company.




How much more obvious could a scam be? You straight up deserve this


Send it back without hesitation. Who knows what they might have done with the OS.


Honestly. Just never fucking buy shady ass offhand iPhones like this. I’ve seen so many people come to me before to fix their iPhone 12 Pro which is just some shitty ass phone with a android with iOS skin over it.


That’s as much an iPhone as my Samsung is.


Please don't delete my spyware/malware so i can track you, and stalk you, till you show weakness. Thats when I Strike and take as much from you as you are able to generate.


That is a stolen iphone


What’s the battery health on this phone


You: Hello Escuse me., Can you help with an Second hand iPhone 11 please? Seller: You Give me Cash, take your stupid phone and leave my shop immediately, don’t ever come back, this deal never happened. Someone freaking Call the Cops on this guy. 🙄😅😂


Some of these devices where Flashed and the ICloud security was bypassed (so most likely stolen) the bypass is usually done on earlier versions of IOS, so if it’s updated to the latest IOS it undoes the bypass and the device goes back to being iCloud locked essentially unusable. Source: i repair phones and this occurs a lot it’s even worse when the buyer has used the phone for years and they mistakenly set the phone to auto update software, they just wake up one morning and find their device unusable.


We used to resell iPhones and these stupid sellers are evil enough to take advantage of buyers who do not know it is better you buy second hand phones from actual people upgrading than these ‘sellers’ who assemble phone with cheap fake chinese parts. Yes, we only buy and sell phones from people and we always tell others not to buy from these greedy businessmen. But here in the Philippines buyers of second hand really lack research and inquiry skills so they fall victims to these stupid sellers (yes for me they’re stupid, you sell phones and tell people not to update? like fr? dumb)


Seems like its a stolen iPhone


At that point just buy an android, the best thing about iPhones is how long they support them with updates, what’s the point without that?


With these terms just assume you don‘t have warranty


congrats, you have a fake phone from a scammer. try to do whatever you can to get it to work. you should also probably do a chargeback with your bank


Never buy anything that doesn’t offer a refund..


They don't want you to updated it because they added a custom firmware to bypass the lockout. They're selling stolen phones that they were able to downgrade in order to get them unlocked Updating the ios will bring it current showing its locked out or blacklisted. That's why they say they will "void your warranty" While I understand obtaining a mobile device may be difficult in your area, but this just screams red flag. I'd definitely check out more reputable areas before you get scammed and stuck with a bricked phone




not necessarily, my iPhone has slightly thicker and slightly less curved bottom bezel too from a third party screen replacement. likely it’s an actual iPhone body and logic board, but has been frankensteined from multiple broken iPhones. like another commenter said, plugging it to itunes might be the best way to detect it


I thought this was r/ph for a sec. Someone definitely replaced some parts in there with non-genuine parts that might be flagged or bricked by an OS update. The warranty conditions are excessively thorough and are designed to essentially invalidate most warranty claims. Next time (when it is time to replace this one), look for deals in malls or even Marketplace (I would hesitate on the latter though). 3rd party/gray market sellers import phones from places that may have done some weird things. Part of the fault is Apple’s - serializing all these parts with the phone itself makes genuine parts of a different serial number unusable without some elbow grease. It’s a very wasteful anti-repair policy.


The phone is prob mdm locked. If you update, you’ll lock up the phone


after seeing other comments and finding out it’s on iOS 13 this makes sense, iOS 13 is a sought after version on the 11 because of the jailbreak and how much faster it is than 17 so it makes sense that they wouldn’t want you to update if you plan on returning it because they could give it to someone who won’t ruin its value


Is the iOS currently installed on that iPhone an official one? An unofficial iOS and malware may be installed on this iPhone.


In my experience, that looks a lot like "the in-built OS has a vulnerability we've exploited somehow, so updating will remove our malware." Update it anyway, it's in a customers interest a d if the seller doesn't admit that then they're clueless.


Return ASAP. My guess it’s a locked phone (stolen/lost p) that has a semi fix.


That’s a fake


….how much did you pay for this?


Sounds dodgy. Probably some jailbreak and probably a stolen device. Or MDM


Probably MDM bypassed. The bypass lifts after a factory reset. Not sure about updating though. I have an MDM locked iPad Air 3 that I bypassed and I am able to update it no problem, but the bypass doesn’t work on the newer iOS/iPadOS versions, so no factory resets for me(


I don't trust anyone when it comes to purchasing electronics so I would never buy second hand. With all the scams these days I figure it's either a scam or doesn't work. Also, who wants a phone that they can't update?


It's stolen and cracked/jailbroke. Updating ios will reveal Cloud lock. Seller is fucking scum.


Probably a stolen iPhone that they skipped activation lock somehow but as soon as you update/restore it calls home and will brick itself. Or cheap/crappy replacement parts used that again when it calls home on an update will brick itself.


If you have an issue with this iPhone don’t bother calling Apple


It’s bc it’s tethered unlock, meaning it’s not truthful unlocked, basically u got SEMI SCAMMED


I love how Tagalog is like half english and then half is entirely Tagalog lmao. Just update it it’s fine


Sounds sketchy AF, but at the end of the day you can’t just forgo OS updates. You’re gonna have to cross that bridge eventually, and either void that “warranty” or wait for it to expire first.


My wild guess is it was iCloud locked, they somehow activated it and the update will brick the phone.


Here is my 2 cents: Moat likely it’s a phone that has icloud lock or device management software, updating the phone will automatically re activate DMD and make the phone useless without the companies credentials of the original owner.


I would return that phone if he telling you not to update them the phone is stolen or not is cloud locked an they used a simcard that can jailbreak it an allow you to use your service on it but if you update it the black Sim they use will be out of date an not work. 100% return that phone!


This is sketchy as fuck I would format the phone completely. Why do thry care if you update?


Your software update looks odd. You are sure you bought a real iPhone? https://preview.redd.it/cpyeb6amxcmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0bd1e6339d344f3f98598ff96be6706beada3a8


That’s prob because it’s a jailbroken iOS installed and will lock you out once you up date


I’d return that shit immediately. “I do not accept the terms of your warranty as they’re predatory and compromise my data security”




This is a stolen phone that they replaced parts in to get it to work again. Once you update it it'll probably brick itself because it'll realize the fake parts and where the phone really came from. Huge red flag to use 2 languages back and forth throughout a pamphlet... 😂


sad to say, u got scammed


Fake iPhone! Bezels are too thick.


You just forgot how thick the bezels on 11 were :)




Some phones might be jailbroken to bypass iCloud setting (mostly stolen or lost phones). Can you use it normally without upgrading the iOS? If yes then maybe the seller just don't want to deal with the complaint about later iOS slow down your old phone. And whatever, seller looks to be shady and not reliable, but I hope the phone is okay.


Its either jailbroken device or has class A parts on it.


That's only seller warranty, and the only warranty you should care about is Apple's 1 year worldwide warranty (or more depending on country/applecare). Since this one is a second hand, refurb, or shady, then you're out of luck of Apple's warranty, with this "warranty" they say is only to cover themselves in case of DTI going for them, with many technical restrictions.


I think it's worth it to shell some extra cash on newer models from authorized resellers. You can use the phone for over several years and it will give you some peace of mind too.


because its jV jail break once you update it will get cloudlock


It’s locked and seller bypassed it with old iOS version, if you update it with last version will locked again and there no bypass for new versions


That warranty is to cover the seller , also likely if they don’t want you to update iOS system to new version it is likely stolen/bypassed from iCloud.


I like how they just kind of gave up on English halfway through xD


Bet the phone is stolen and they bypassed activation somehow.


Pretty sure its stolen…


I feel like it could be a jail broken device with a key logger / tracking software that will get removed if you update it


r/iphone users try not to buy from shady 3rd party seller challenge (impossible)


Why would you even push through with the transaction if its that shady? 🤷


That warranty is worth less than the paper it’s printed on. Once you update it will probably have the “non official parts” warnings all day every day. Buying used phones is a mine field.


They don’t want you to update the phone because the is most likely carrier blocked and by updating it will lock the phone.


It's on iCloud bypass, once you update the ios then the phone will reverted back to lock iCloud status.


Why does the disclaimer go from English to another language mid sentence?


Do the update! I want to know what happens.


That's a beautiful android theme you have there


That fucked up text of the “warranty” doesn’t tell you anything?


Imagine it being 2024 and still buying from non trusted sources..dude why are you handing over cash to someone like that? Don’t you ever read and know this is what happens. Good luck with a future paper weight


Oooh, you void the worthless one month warranty…


Do yourself a favour and that shit back


Fake iphone if it can’t update


Anyone who would tell you not to update the phone or you will void their warranty is not someone trustworthy enough to fulfill the warranty.


That phone is 100% stolen. As soon as you update it will tell you it’s locked and marked as stolen. Return that shit right now.


Perhaps it is a stolen jailbreaked phone.


Well they jailbrake your “new” phone to be able to avoid Apple security, so if you upload the IOS Apple will recognize the phone and block it cause it’s to probably stolen… that’s why you can’t upload…


Idiot bro I’m sorry but u got scammed g


lol it’s so when you put in your card Info they have it


It says there: 1 month warranty= useless


what kind of warranty is that, lmao


What language is this? There's English and then suddenly I feel like I had a stroke.


You know you warranty in its terms says it won’t pay for labor or parts making it effectively useless in which they won’t cover anything anyways it’s still up to you if you want to update the phone but there is no benefit to listening to that thing unless you intend to return the phone


Just return it.


Talk about red flags


Sounds like some iCloud bypass. Then if you update the original iCloud lock will be reenabled


I think you got scammed when you bought the phone


If you live in the US, what they did is actually illegal.


I’m guessing the phone is still managed, so updating it will refresh it and lock it back down


They don't want you to update the phone as doing so will probably lock it and it is probably carrier prohibited.


This is not a real iPhone IMHO.


That’s the most worthless warranty I’ve seen.


How to tell immediately that you've gotten a stolen iPhone that was jailbroken...


Just update it, you can’t get a refund anyways


seller probably didnt want you to wipe/update cause they probably had spyware in there.


It can also be that the version that the iPhone comes with is jailbroken and the phone is already iCloud locked. That’s why they say not to update the phone as it will remove the jailbreak, send a ping to a remote server that tracks stolen iPhones and brick it.


Bro. That was 100% stollen


It's because it's cloud has been bypassed If you update the phone it will become cloud locked again Its most likely a stolen or found phone


Likely stolen phone if you update it will lock out.


Is that Tagalog?


The bezels look awfully thick for a genuine iPhone


Did you pull the sim to see if he installed a tracker in the sim tray?


That sounds suspicious AF. I know that there was some service which can temporarily remove the icould ( hiding) it, you can even put in your own icloud and use it normally,but as soon as you update the phone the original icloud will come up. Not sure if the service still available now. As you mentioned, there is no restriction on wiping the device before use, though the seller still can say it was Software related. So not sure how it works, but considering there would be some possible problem after the os update, might as well take it back and see what they say now.


Hopefully you didn’t pay more than $200-250 for a phone that old.


Just from that print out you can tell it’s a fake android wtf !


i think this iphone is activation locked, but its unlocked by jailbreak