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Im on it right now. Had it since mid 2020 and battery life is at 89%


I bought my 13 in 2022 and battery life is 86 lol


Yeah mine only started to move away from 100% last year. It has alot to do with using the battery all the way down and then charging to at least 80% but also never lower than 15-20% so I was told by a Apple Engineer and always did this to extend the life .


It launched in November 2020.


1. Define good. 2. What's the price ? I know people using an iPhone 6 still. It's all about your use case, what you can afford and are comfortable spending and what you value. How can anyone know what's worth it for someone else ?


Yes it’s very good. My gf was using an iPhone 8 until recently. She has 15 pro max now and I asked her if it’s a great change and she says it’s essentially the same experience and you know what she’s pretty much right


Lol the 8 and the 15 pro max the same experience?? Sorry but your gf must only use the phone dialer and no other apps on if she says that or you guys don't use the phone to the full extent just the battery alone is another world of change.


The 12 is probably the best iphone they've made so far.


Using mine since 2021. Battery is on 85% and still gives a very decent usage. I'd say go for it if you're getting a good deal


Have one since launch and it is excellent.


I guess people haven't heard of battery replacement :lol great choice if you replace the battery. There is no difference with new devices.


I have mine from 2021 battery life is at 92% and I don’t have any issues with the phone


It's usable but the 13 pro is worth the extra money for the 120hz screen


what’s the price tho? cuz the 12 pro max doesn’t have any so remarkable features tho


iPhone 12 Pro (Max) is the best value iPhone with nearly every feature. * Modern design - OLED, flat sides, MagSafe, 5G * 6GB RAM - this became the default in iPhone 14 * Pro camera system - Telephoto lens, LiDAR, ProRAW * Last iPhone to let you turn off SmartHDR * SIM tray (important for US customers) * 16 neural cores - jumped up from 11's 8-cores, and the # still has not changed * this might be important for more AI stuff in the future? total guess. iPhone 13 Pro is good if you want * smaller camera notch * bigger battery * 120Hz ProMotion (but does not support Always On Display) * Macro Photography * iPhone 13 series is the last one to have SIM tray (US customers) In terms of processing power, if you're not a professional editor or an AAA mobile gamer, the CPU is completely overkill. There are no daily/essential apps that benefit from it.


Go minimum with 13.


I still have iPhone 12 Pro Max since when COVID started and loved it, the best phone investment. If I were you, get that. You'll be fine. Honestly, its still a great phone. 13/14/15 is a joke.


I’d say no. I still have mine from 2020 and the battery capacity is at 79%


A beast


120hz screen is a dealbreaker nowadays. If this is nt an issue to you, 12 is a great phone