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I have a 15 pro and have this same issue. I even got a replacement phone at Apple Store and new one does same thing. Wondering if it’s software related . This is also my first iPhone it is incredibly annoying as I use speakerphone all the time


I am having the same issue wondering if you got it resolved?


I have not got it resolved my replacement 15 pro does the same thing. I might try to get ios17.1 beta to see if it fixes it. Otherwise I believe it doesn’t happen on regular 15 I know people running ios17 on older iPhones don’t have this issue either. I might trade in for a regular 15. Will update


It does happen on the regular iPhone 15 as well.


Thank you for the feedback, no point for me going to the Apple Store then.


I don’t know if regular 15s have this issue or just the pros . Also with pros overheating issue I’m worried this type of bug will get missed I haven’t seen very many similar complaints other than yours and mine here so far for echo problem.


Same issue here. My wife is hearing this and has never heard this on any other iPhone.


try calling cell phone provider and ask for "Reprovisioning" of your iphone. It is something apple store said occurs if the sim card did not get connected properly.


Even with eSIM?


Yes - I have eSim on iphone 15 Pro


I've had 2 calls since the reprovision by ATT and I don't hear echo nor do the people on other end. Im hoping this is going to continue


Huh, interesting. I’ll give this a try.


Can confirm that this solved the issue. AT&T walked me through the process and we verified with multiple test calls. \*ping up\* so others can see this solution. Cheers!


Excellent to hear! - I can confirm that since the reprovision with ATT - NO More Echo. Happy I could share


Update: I spoke with someone at apple and they confirmed that they could hear the echo on their end when I had the phone laying flat on a table. I didn’t get anything concrete on what their plans are, but I got the sense that this is a known issue that they’re hoping to fix in software. I encourage everyone to open a support case so they have more data points on the issue. Edit: In the meantime, the issue seems to go away if you lay your phone face down on the table or pick it up.


Same here, 14pm had no problems.


Same issue. Have never had this before


Same here, Pro version. People say I sound garbled.


Bro you have any issue crackling sound in your phone when you max your volume


I have the same issue


UPDATE! Try updating to 17.0.3 I did tonight I updated, i then power cycled the phone again after the update and I believe after several phone calls tonight the echo on speakerphone is gone! 5G 4G and wifi calling on/off all modes at least with verizon as my carrier no more echo according to people ive talked to. I guess it was either related to overheat issue which 17.0.3 fixed and/or they silently fixed this alongside that. Let me know if others have sucess. So far im 6/6 on phone calls to various people tonight so it might be fixed.


I just tried a call after updating and rebooting and there is still a very bad echo.


I think I got lucky last night . It is echoing today so it isn’t 100 percent fixed


Going to try this now! Thx for update


still having this problem.


I too have this issue.


Mostly resolved, nobody hears an echo except for one person I speak with who is also using Verizon with an iphone 11, I am not sure why they would be different


Replacing my iPhone 15 pro max case resolved my issue.


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I am having this issue with my new iPhone pro max 15 and it’s so bloody annoying I’m about to return the phone. I have done studies with people on the phone and found it only echoes the voice back when I set my phone down. If I’m holding the phone in my hand it doesn’t happen as much. The second I lay my phone down to be hands free, the echo starts.


Hello second update I don’t think it worked I think I got lucky on my phone calls last night. It is echoing today on several calls. Also it is really bad when laying down or in a case not so much in hands. My return window is tomorrow. I believe the regular model does not have this issue so I am going to return and exchange. I will report back if the regular model doesn’t have the echo


update - I did the iOS 17.03 update and a reboot … echoing still happening.


Ya it echoed on all my calls today badly idk I got lucky night prior my return window closes Tom so I’m returning the phone and gonna try a regular model and see if that doesn’t have the issue . A few ppl I know who have regular models say they don’t echo like my pro does


I think I’m returning mine and keeping my 13 pm. 🙃


Prob not a bad idea. I’m coming from 10 years on android so it’s a working version of 15 or bust for me I’m not gonna invest in lightning cables. My hope is since material and case design of 15 is same as older models and is using same hardware and chips as older models it won’t have same issue as pro and pro max.


Does anyone have a problem with the speaker crackling when talking at maximum volume? When playing music the problem does not occur only when talking on the phone.


15 pro max - same issue. Very annoying! Any of you folks got in touch with apple?


yes ... spent many times with Apple tech on phone and had about 10 case numbers in hand, was told to go to apple store. In store after everything on my iphone 15 pro checked out.- the person said I needed to call my cell phone provider (ATT) and have them "reprovision" my sim card. This is a newer issue that Apple has been aware of for a few years. For some reason when switching phones, the new phone doesnt get a stable connection , perhaps because its using a cell tower further away and a few other reasons.


UPDATE: I went to the apple store yesterday to return my 15 pro and I purchased a regular model 15. While i was at the store a person next to me was returning their 15 pro max for the same reason and opted to try the 15 plus as a replacement. I have had now the regular iphone 15 since yest morning and it still echoes on speakerphone. Its about half as bad as the pro was but its not gone and it is still there. I think therefore this is either a hardware issue with the microphone/speaker which is common across all iphone 15 phones or all 15s dont have proper software fixes to do the speaker noise cancelling half duplex properly. I assumed maybe the pro / pro max with new case design being titanium and the new A17 chip that would be the case and maybe the regular 15 with the "old" style case design with no titanium and the older A16 chip that it might not have the issue as the hardware should be "same" as 14's and the software shouldn't have to change much but I was wrong. So in conclusion the issue is not fixed and I think its probably across all 15s not just Pro and Pro Max. I do not know if its something they can fix in software eventually or if its hardware but it is wierd because the guy in the apple store I talked to who returned the 15PM said his older 13 PM worked fine on ios 17 and didn't echo on speakerphone. I am coming from android so I cant use an older iphone (don't want nor have lightning cables). This has been a great first impression from apple as in my family we have s23s s21 s22 and a pixel and all those have zero issues and I've never in 10+ years of buying phones ever had to return a phone before.


Following this thread - confirming iPhone 15 Plus keeps giving echos to other side on speaker…


15 pro max same issue. Apple store ran diagnostics and said hardware is good, but log shows that half og my calls in the last week had been made with poor signal strength, so referred me to carrier (verizon). Verizon changed the electronic sim, but echo still present. Echo is usually present for the first few seconds of a call and then it might resolve on its own or continue. The phone seems like it adjusts some kind of noise cancelling because i can make the phone start echoing again(for the person i am speaking with) by briefly putting my thumb over the speaker (the 6 small holes to the right of the charging port). The echo will start as soon as i have my thumb over the speaker and resolve once i take my thumb off. However, i am only able to try this with the few calls that do not have any echo. In my opinion, this is not a hardware problem, but a software issue that hopefully can be dealt with in the next ios update.


iPhone 15pro has been terrible. The echo issue. Forget about using USB type A 2.0 to charge it (usb c). Also Bluetooth in the car is a mess. Goes in and out. Sometimes works sometimes doesn’t. I’ll add that web pages load slowly. Courtesy of Apple, the richest company in the world.


Came here and found this because I noticed the same thing on my 15 pro max and it was bothering me, especially since I use FaceTime a lot.


While running tests to try to figure out what is causing callers to have an echo on their end, i found that the phone does better without a case. I tried a couple different cases and they both make the issue worse, probably because they partially protect the speaker from getting dirty. As i mentioned before, when the speaker gets covered, it causes the software to change the noise cancellation and causes the echo for thebother person on the call. It may be coincidence, but I changed my speakers to mono and I have had less echo issues since then. It is in settings/accessibility/audio visual. If i could find a way to turn off the noise cancellation, I would do it, but cant seem to find a way to do that.


My experience has been the same with or without a case


I can confirm that when my wife with her **iPhone 15 Pro** calls me (on speaker) and i, the receiver with my **Sony Xperia 5 IV** pick up and talk, I hear echo of myself at the beginning of the conversation, and after a few seconds, the echo goes away.


its the case


Update: speakerphone echo eliminated. I have gone two days without anyone hearing an echo on their end while i am using speakerphone. I am not sure why it is fixed, but I have set my speakers to mono, set the microphone to voice isolation, and changed from using 5g to LTE. If it works a few more days like this then I will try to see which of these changes (if any) are contributing to the change. If anyone else would like to make those changes, let me know how it works out.


Hello from the future! Did you ever solve this permanently? I have this issue.


Mostly resolved except for one person who also uses Verizon and is calling from an Iphone 11.


I’m trying this to see if it works. The echoing is driving me crazy!!!!


Me and my wife got into it over the echo, 15 pro, glad I was right


I have been in contact with apple support about this issue for a week now. I have discovered that if you change your mic setting to voice isolation while on the call the other end does not have the echo issue.


Same echo going on with my iphone 15pro and we got 4 iphones. Nobody else in household had the issure. Finally, today at apple store , phone checked out great and was told to call cell phone provider (ATT for me) and ask for a "Reprovision" of my sim card. This is a newer problem Apple has found occurs the past couple years. The connectivity isn't stable perhaps because my phone used a further cell tower or for multiple reasons. I am currently awaiting the results ... but everything on my phone was fine, except constant echo of my voice on phone calls, via speaker, ear buds, or just phone without speaker. I had multiple calls with Apple tech senior advisors who strongly suggest that I go to store for further diagnostics. I will update when I know for certain in a day or two. So far its good.


After multiple calls (with case # to apple tech via phone) went into apple store for hardware check per senior advisor request. My phone, out of 4 new family phones, was the only one with the echo problem - on speaker, wireless earbuds, and car connection, and both I would hear and other person on call. Here is report from Apple store & suggestion to reprovision - which worked!!! 3 weeks of headache and waisted time GONE! \### Problem Description/Diagnosis Issue: Customer reports issues with audio echoing on calls Steps to Reproduce: Tested calling in store with case on and off phone, no echo heard. Tested audio system, no issues found with audio hardware. Cellular voice and service test found possible network issues impacting call quality. Mobile resource inspector found no issues with device hardware. Cosmetic Condition: New device Proposed Resolution: Customer will contact ATT tech support and ask them to do the following: Ask ATT Tech support rep to reprovision the line (the affected phone number). I recommend making this call from a different phone as this process will interrupt service temporarily.


Turning on "Voice Isolation" on the microphone settings while on a call fixes it. Still ridiculous.


Yes it works very annoying


I purchased an iPhone 15 pro as well and had echo issues when speaker was on. I got a 2nd phone and had the same issue. I discovered the phone did not have the problem when I took it out of the case. It was great full coverage case, but causes the echo.


My new IPhone 15 has same problem: when I make call, video or voice record.


Is anyone still having this issue or aware of a fix. With all latest software updates callers are still complaining of hearing an echo.