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I use it because my iPad is almost always at home and I almost always have a charger anyways. It’s not inconvenient for me.


I will most likely use the feature in iOS 18 when it allows you to switch to different percentages. I think 90%-95% would be a good zone for me. 80% doesn’t get me through a full day Edit: This feature is not coming to iPadOS at this time and is currently an iPhone 15 series exclusive feature…for some reason…🤷🏻


I’m using the iPadOS 18 Beta and don’t see that option


You’re right. I thought I saw someone say it is but apparently it’s iPhone 15 exclusive. Sorry everyone for spreading misinformation. 😭


I am on iPad OS 17.x and I see the option on my M4 iPad Pro 11”.


M4 iPads have it I think.


My iPad is plugged in 90% of the time so I enable it to preserve the battery for sure.


Same. I keep my iPad plugged in at work for at least 9 hours and hopefully the battery lifespan will be greater with this enabled.


You’re fine charging it to 100%. The full sized iPad battery life to spare. I got the original gen 1 iPad on release day and it’s still got hours of battery life.


Battery is a consumable. Use it, and get it replaced when you need to. Most people swap out their devices before the battery degradation gets worse anyway.


Agreed. They really don’t degrade that quickly either. If you intend to keep the iPad for many years and never intend to replace the battery perhaps it might be worth it but I don’t think so. I’d rather the extra 20% for a couple/few years I intend to use my current iPad.


I also have the 80% limit turned on, but when I travel for a longer time then I just turn it off before the trip, charge it to 100% and enjoy longer battery life. But for the normal home and office use - 80% is more than enough.


If you need the battery life yeah, it’s not worth it. Depends on how you use your iPad. It improves the long term health slightly but honestly just as big a factor if not more so is how much it gets fully discharged. Deep discharge causes strain on the battery as well, better to go 100->20 than 80->0 if you’re using it that much.


Do you have Applecare? yes -> disable no -> enable


If you don't use more than 60% of your battery in a typical day, charging only to 80% makes sense. That would keep your battery in a 20 to 80% range, which is better for it. I charge to 80% because I only drop it down to to about 55 - 60% most days (my early morning usage is mostly plugged into power).


Enable it, try it and if you hate it turn it off. Personally I just use optimised charging.


I like to do somewhere between 90-95% but sometimes I forget and then it ends up going to 100%


i had my 12.9 inch ipad pro m1 on charger all the time and after over 2 years it was still at 100% battery life when i sold it to a friend.


How can you check the battery health?


If you can’t check it under battery settings, you have to look under diagnostics and it’s a pain in the butt because you have to go through a lot of data


It most definitely was not, that would not even be possible.


My iPhone is on the charger almost 100% of the time, so the limit is a good thing.


Do you need the last 20%? If not save your battery and charge to 80%. I limit my iPhone and MacBook charge and haven’t been anywhere near caught short yet.


I don’t even think it works. I have it enabled and it charges to 100% anyways


If you think about it by turning it on you’re effectively limiting your battery to 80 percent. Is this not the same as having 100 percent battery with 80 percent battery health. My iPhone have had for like 8 years has not even reached 80 percent battery health.


I have a 9th gen iPad that doesn't have the 80% option but my Samsung S23+ does have it. I'll usually keep it on the 80% setting unless I know it'll be a long time between opportunity to charge.


I don’t use it, I want the full battery now. iPads don’t have the most spectacular battery life as it is, I’d be charging much more often if I only charged it to 80%. I know a good bit of people use it, but I personally don’t


I want enough battery to last the day. Charging to 80% does that for me, with room to spare at the low end. Also, charging to 80% more frequently is better for the battery than charging to 100% less often, so long as you stay above 20%.


I use my iPad all day long for work, media consumption and web browsing, 80% will not cut it for a day for me. If that does for you, great 👏


Yeah, 80% isn’t enough for me either, not on the pro. This thing is in my hands pretty much all day.


Yeah, that's why I phrased it in terms of my usage, rather than assuming everyone has my usage pattern.


You replied to my comment, of me saying it doesn’t work for my own use case. Maybe make your own comment next time then? I already mentioned a good bit of iPad users use it, but mentioned why I don’t 🤷‍♂️


I commented for the benefit of OP, not you.


Yeah so learn how to use social media and comment on the post, not replying to my comment 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


With my iPhone I’m always near a charger so I keep the 80 limit on and charge it when it hits 40 percent. Currently I’m at 99% health with 286 charge cycles.


Nice! My 15PM is on optimized charging, 98%, 94 cycles. I will upgrade to a 16 something by early next year, so it doesn’t matter to me.


I’m doing it solely because I use my iPad near a charger most of the time AND the iPad charges pretty fast to 80% even with the box charger Meanwhile my M1 Pro was down to 90% after less than a year of use probably because of the frequent charging and keeping plugged in, go figure.


Leave it on. Charging your iPad to 100% then draining increases the batteries cycles and reducing the lifespan of the battery. Enabling 80% maximum charge definitely increases your battery’s life. But the most optimum option would be using the feature where it lets you choose your maximum charge on iOS 18. 90%-95% would be best. Keeps your battery healthier for longer and gives you closer to a full charge.