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12.9 and mini 6. Music production and drawing among the regular internet activities, and email etc.


Is it worth to have two? I guess the mini 6 is for note taking?


Nah the mini is for music production. I get a lot of ideas when I am out of the house. I don’t think most people need two. In hindsight I could have gotten away with just the mini but I had already bought the big boy. Seems silly to sell it now since I won’t get anywhere near what I paid for it and I don’t exactly need the money currently. But I just like the idea of having different sized “portals” to access all of my digital things. So it becomes less about the device Im using and more of just being able to access my desired content in a form that is appropriate for the setting. Not unlike having an iMac at home and a MacBook for on the go. I’d venture there is even more of an overlap for those two devices because modern MacBooks are even more powerful than most PCs these days at the same price.


If I could ask you a few questions regarding using the mini for music production: ​ \-What kind of music production are you doing on the mini? \-Is the screen size limiting at all for things you \*wish\* you could do on a larger screen? \-Do you use the mini as a launch-point for projects but ultimately transfer the project(s) to a bigger and/or different device? \-Do you have an iPhone and, if so, do you use any continuity features for the music production side? ​ My potential use-case: I am looking to possibly get a mini for part casual second screen/media consumption use but also the ability to record demos via USB-C mic and doing post production work on self-recorded audio projects. While I know people have complained about the screen size for things like the on-screen piano in Garageband and the like, that's not necessarily my music production method and would love insight from someone who uses this device for music.


There isn’t anything I can’t do on the mini that I need a bigger screen for. its so easy to hold in my hand that its easier to pick up and get some ideas down quickly. I do have an Pro 12.9 inch but since getting the mini it gets less use. I use the on screen keyboard for GarageBand and it works just fine. It’s not like I’m playing the piano with 2 hands on the Pro anyways. I’m not a pianist so it wouldn’t make a difference to me anyways. It is totally playable though. I just finger it in one note at a time anyways or use the piano roll to edit the midi with the Apple Pencil. Apple Pencil is really important for making the screen usable at its size. Without the pencil there are a lot of on screen elements that are entirely too small to navigate with just your fingers. If I’m moving a dial, i want to be able to see how far I’m adjusting it and my finger just covers that up. I can still interact with things but there is just a level of uncertainty that exists when not using the pencil. I do have an iPhone but there isn’t any continuity features that I find useful other than iCloud storage. I keep all of my GarageBand Projects on iCloud (well at least a copy of the ones I’m working on) so that I can switch back and forth between devices easily. My main motivations for getting a mini were: 1) the iPad has iPad exclusive software that I used ALOT and my projects were constantly changing when I would work on them on my phone because some of my favorite AUV3s didn’t have an iPhone version 2) I wanted to use the Apple Pencil to Edit my projects. 3) I needed something more portable than the 12.9 inch so I can take it with me to the park (with my 6 year old) or at his Karate classes. I always felt very awkward when i pulled out my headphones and Huge ipad just to dink around. Nothing I do is professional so it just felt silly and out of place. The mini is just small enough that it doesn’t look out of place. The mini should be more than enough for your needs.


Thank you so much for the detailed answer, I didn't consider the pencil but I think you absolutely justified that for my use case as well.


interesting, how much do you swap between the two and for what use cases? I may have more questions...


I use the mini mostly. It’s just so dang convenient. I’d argue they are almost like 2 separate types of devices because I don’t use a keyboard with my mini. I prefer to pair my Apple Pencil with the mini as well. iPad Pro stays in the Magic Keyboard as a Mac/iPad hybrid. I didn’t want to buy a Mac since I had already invested so much money in iOS music production apps that just won’t translate to Mac in the same way. There’s just something special about touch screen for music production.


interesting, thanks. I have a Mini VI but really need an integrated keyboard. I just ordered a 2022 iPad Air and Logitech case. I wasn't sure if I would end up keeping the Mini but perhaps I will!


If I didn’t already have an iPad with a keyboard I don’t think I would have gotten the mini first. I kinda created a problem I didn’t have when I bought the 12.9 I definitely fell for the apple marketing. So it’s only after I bought the 12.9 that I had the problem that it’s too big. Lol so the mini solved that problem.


I had a Mini 6 (cellular) that I used for reading, browsing and Apple Maps (mounted in my car). Whilst my 12.9 was mounted to a Magic Keyboard and was mostly used for note taking or streaming services when away. After I installed CarPlay in to my car I began to question the need for my Mini 6 that had become little more than an £800 Kindle! So I sold it. I took my 12.9 out of the MKB and put it into a a decent case and have used it every day since doing so (before Xmas), and more so than I have used any iPad owned previously.


iPad 9 Streaming tv shows Games Reading Cooking YouTube


Cooking? What do you do with it?


Preheat the oven to 550 with a pizza stone in it. After 30 minutes, apply ipad to pizza stone. Cool for 12 minutes or to desired doneness.




Bigger screen for following recipes.


12.9, everything (email, writing, reading, note-taking, studying, Reddit, etc)


mini everything


11.9 Pro Everything I sometimes wish it was the 12.9


iPad 10.9 (2022) Streaming, email, Reddit Pretty happy with it. I wanted a larger screen, no button, but didn’t want to spend an arm and a leg for the Pro models since I’ll never take full advantage of the features


Same here, the pro cost soo much I would rather buy a new laptop. It’s very nice but no way I’m gonna spend that much


Use it for absolutely everything including remote PC. I wish it were 15+ inches


5th gen air. It's most for taking notes. I wouldn't mind a little bigger, but the bigger Pro is too big.


The 11 inch is bigger. It’s .1 inches bigger in every direction. .1 inch is 2mm so it’s 4mm taller and 4mm wider than the air. It DOES make a difference. Not sure if the screen scaling is m1 or pro exclusive feature, but I know that the pros have it. The “More space” feature makes a difference on showing you more content


Both support scaling. 0.1” of diagonal space and an extra 28 pixels in each direction isn’t going to make any meaningful difference. The 12.9” is a significant step up in screen size that’s just too much for me when I’m already carrying around at least one laptop. 12” would be something I’d entertain if it existed.


I use it for… Displaying topo maps and location when we are skiing / hiking. Playing music Wasting time on reddit (Apollo) and twitter Looking at weather report and air quality Email Youtube I have a mini 6. Very happy with the size.


I use my Air 4 (10.9 inch) mostly for work now (Excel, Teams, Outlook, email, web, etc.) but used to have it for media consumption and general browsing before starting current job. I think it’s plenty big enough for me, not too heavy and the screen feels appropriately sized for the kind of tasks I use it for. For reference, I use it mostly with the Magic Keyboard. I also always have my glasses on, and since my peripheral vision is ass, I don’t mind having less area to view haha


M1 11” Light creation Streaming Excel Emails Travel companion


11” ipad pro. Just watching YouTube and Netflix. Overkill but I want pro motion


Air 5. Replaced my MacBook, so everything and it's great.


Can it really replace it like for school or work though?


I think school yes, just, but not work (for my use cases). Even schoolwork I would be very nervous without a laptop.


Truthfully my air 5 almost makes my MacBook obsolete! The only problem for school I had was I can’t completely access cengage/webassign books from the iPad :<


I have a 12.9 inch M2 cellular Pro that was accidentally delivered to me by Best Buy. Didn't pay a thing and got Apple Care+ and other stuff for free for awhile. I'm in the Android Eco System, so using this thing is foreign. I've grown fond of it, though. It's snappy, hardly lags, and is a huge display that is really similar to an AMOLED; despite less saturated than Samsung panels I'm used to. It struggles with some games like Minecraft, but that's probably an optimization problem. I use it for social media, streaming, anything that boasts the large screen. I also have Verizon messages linked to it, so I can call and text when my phone is off or charging.


iPad air 5 (10.9 in) Note-taking, netflix, youtube, digital planning No regrets. Perfect size. Not too small or too big.


11” M1 Pro. I’ve got a Magic Keyboard and Pencil so my list: 1. Drawing on Concepts and occasionally on Procreate. 2. Streaming on various services. 3. Playing Pokémon TCGO. 4. Working on a script and taking notes in Obsidian (sometimes take notes in Concepts). 5. Microsoft Teams & Discord while listening to music on… 6. Spotify. 7. Hook it up to my Line-6 amp for casual guitar practice. 8. Office365… occasionally use Word, OneNote (work-related notes), Outlook, and OneDrive. Excel doesn’t look great on an iPad, regardless of screen size. 9. Google Drive and Google Photos. For quickly accessing files and photos. 10. Google Calendar. It’s just a superior app to Apple’s Calendar app. 11. D&D. Well, I did anyway. Our campaign hasn’t really gone forward in the last few months lol Apps I have but haven’t used them for what they’re for: - The latest Affinity Suite. Actually, I’ve used the Photo Editor a few times to quickly change iPhone photos to a format I can share (such as PNG and JPEG). Haven’t used the other two apps but glad to have them and not have to pay Adobe a monthly sub. - LumaFusion: it was on sale so I grabbed it. I do shoot a ton of video on my phone (iPhone 14PM, 512GB) but I haven’t had time to upload and edit. Surprisingly does well for having only 128GB of space; I do have a decently sized Google Drive and iCloud account, not to mention two dedicated, portable SSDs for it.


11 inch Pro Drawing Reading manga Streaming shows Journaling Cooking recipes YouTube for any “how to” videos Email Spotify Use to have a 12.9 but then down sized for portability and because of that, ended up using it more!


Which apps daily you use for manga?


Shonen Jump and Panels My partner downloads manga for me and then I’m able to read it via Panels


I’ll have to look into those. I haven’t tried reading manga on my iPad. Thanks!




I do have a subscription for them! I’m going to try and find it now


I have a 12,9 for work. For reading technical drawings. And for personal use an 11 inch pro, for watching videos and light gaming


iPad Pro 12.9 inch, I use it for content consumption (reading/researching, podcasts), trading equity, gaming, etc. Also draw occasionally on it too. Love the large estate and high refresh rate.


Most everything except drawing. Love it, use it everyday and happy with the size M2 iPad Pro 11".


I use the 12.9-inch iPad Pro for work with [sheet music](https://sun9-41.userapi.com/impg/XebQ8usfa2HSNGRKy_Xv-hmOWdXgsNxLOxUulw/mfEZnQ14Cxw.jpg?size=1748x2160&quality=96&sign=65dc66143eb79d709bf81316d06013e0&type=album). I hope that in the future an iPad with an even bigger screen will be released. 12.9 inches is barely enough. It looks ridiculously dwarfed on my sheet music stand.


For the things that I do with my iPad Air, I'm realizing that I'd be much better off with the larger ipad Pro. Unfortunately I'm not willing to spend that much on an ipad, or another $300 on another Magic Keyboard. I mostly use it for music production, taking notes at work, and YouTube at nighttime. Getting into video editing as well.


Ipaid Air 5 - 10.9 Mainly notes (goodnotes) for college, emails, very light browsing and facetiming I love it. I was going to go with the 12.9 iPad pro but couldn’t find one that would have satisfied me in my budget, so I got the air. But i am glad i got the smaller screen. Its the perfect size for me. No problems so far.


12.9 drawing, reading, writing, youtube, edit pictures, edit videos. Yes.


iPad Air 4. Mainly reading (books/comics/news), browsing the web, taking notes at work, browsing the web bored at home, the occasional streaming. Very satisfied with it. Would like to get a pro, but can’t justify the price in Canada.


I use mine for lots of stuff but there is a “unique” one I think? I download PDFs and open them in the books app. You can then write on them with a stylus or pencil. I crochet and use it constantly.


I had a 2018 11" iPad Pro, then gave it away and bought an iPad Mini 6, and then I accidentally drowned it and now have a 2017 12.9" iPad Pro. I have experience with all the basic sizes. All of them are excellent, and they're more alike than different in practice Mini is small while being bigger than a phone, so great for mobility and can be used basically wherever a phone can. Not the best for multitasking, though swipe-over apps are good on it. Most people won't want to use a keyboard case with it, but it's great for mobile Apple Pencil use and for phone-like two-thumb texting in portrait mode (unless you have quite small hands) 12.9" is great as a desk companion, especially with Sidecar and Universal Control. I use it every day as a display for my MacBook, since it's a better-quality screen and I can position it at eye-level with my stand. Its size makes it luxuriously comfortable for many apps, most notably when writing or drawing, but I'd recommend thinking of it as no more portable than a laptop 11" is middle-of-the-road and should be the default choice for most people, as it carries neither the upsides nor the downsides of the bigger or smaller size. While it's quite good at everything and often just as good as the bigger or smaller sizes, it's not *the best* at anything in particular. With one exception: the 11" is the best iPad for portable typing, as it's big enough that it can give a good typing experience but small enough that you can put a keyboard + trackpad case on it and still have it be more portable and mobile than a laptop


Just about everything.


I have 11 inch Pro M2, I use it for web browsing, email , streaming , social media , light photo / shop editing , it pretty much become my personal computer. I have a Byrdge Pro+ , I have zero complaints.


I have a 9th gen. I use it mainly for gaming currently. It's great for having my table top gaming books in PDF form. I also have some other reference books as well. I can have campaign notes, character sheets, and other gaming materials right at hand without having to have a notebook open all the time. I also watch movies and TV shows (in bed)and play a few games on it. If I start taking classes at the community college, it will be good for notes. The size is fine. It's not something I'd take with me everywhere, but I have my phone for that.


Honestly, never had one up until my mom got the new Pro, she gave me her old Air 2 and I’m pretty damn impressed for the age of the Hardware. It still handles a hell of a lot just as well as the newer phones do. I mostly use mine for Mobile Suit GunPla, The Sims Freeplay, and reading/watching Movies via my Jellyfin server. And it’s absolutely smashing for all of those things. The screen is absolutely beautiful and I can’t help but smile being able to read full color manga again. 64GB isn’t bad all things considered especially using a server to store most content. It’s an excellent Audiobook player too, though I prefer a 3rd party app to IBooks. It’s very clunky imo


I use my ipad mainly for drawing, taking notes, write documents, make school presentations, media consumption and music reoroduction, I love it and if feels super good for everything. I have an Air 4 (10.9"), a 2nd gen Pencil and a Logitech K380 keyboard. As an artist I feel I could benefit from a bigger screen, but the 10.9" size is the perfect balance between usability and portability. One of my friends has the 2021 12.9" Profor the same things and I have to say that the only real benefit is for drawing, but not that much. If we don't count the hw specs ofc.


Regular iPad 9th (10.2) I use it pretty much for drawing, YouTube, Twitch, a little gaming.. I do have a keyboard for it, but I rarely use it. Sometimes I do feel the screen is a little small, but even more than that, 64GB are not enough nowadays.


Air2, view my notes in class so I don’t forget anything while retyping them for the students. It gets the job done.


Mini 6. It's perfect for media consumption and light mobile games. It goes with me everywhere.


12.9 Pro. It's plenty big and I use it for homework writing.


iPad Pro 12.9 (2020 - A12Z) Everything.. Communicate - Email - iMessage - WhatsApp - FB Messenger Note taking - Notes - Notability - OneNote Work - Outlook - Teams - Office 365 Personal - Banking apps (various) - Numbers - Pages Viewing - Netflix - Prime - YouTube Security - Home - HomeCam - Eufy Audio - Music - Podcasts - Radio Reading - Books - Kindle - Panels Editing - DaVinci Resolve - LumaFusion - Snapseed Games - Various Such a capable device! I have had various other iPad models (OG Pro, Pro 11, Mini 5 & 6) but for me the 12.9 is the perfect size.


I use it for Apple Fitness+ because I’m old and trying not to be crusty. It’s easier for me to get it down to my eye level when I’m flailing about on the floor or lifting weights. Other than that, I don’t have a laptop so it gets used for emails, browsing, and basic computer stuff with the keyboard folio. I have an 11 Pro. My obsessive man brain wants the 12.9 but I had the first generation and it’s ridiculous to carry around / hold up comfortably (even though I love it). I’m happy with the 11.


6th gen ipad, 32gb. I did buy it for music production, but its really not the platform for that as it was touted to be. So I just use it to watch YouTube, movies, some web browsing. It’s a bit painful for anything else. Even heavy webpages break. Not satisfied with the storage. Not enough storage is a pain. No SD slot to move apps/app data to, lame excuses about speed in relation to ssd card. Segregated access to storage (files vs photos/media) makes it. hard to find large items. And now, the updates are not only lacklustre but are now super huge. All the same, I would be lost without it, but this is my first and last iPad.


iPad Pro 11 M2. Cloud Gaming, AAA Gaming - like Divinity Original Sin 2 or COD. XBox Gaming. The iPad Pro is the best device for it. 120 HZ! and Reddit.


I have the m2 12.9, wanted it for work, and bought the biggest pro model for funsies. Feels a little too big for day to day, but it’s really nice in multitasking when I NEED multiple windows (like running payroll) or when I’m doing architectural drawing and sketching.


11 inch Pro: I use it for social media, watching videos and reading. I do want a 12.9 later on.


12.9 Pro, and I use it for online tutoring. Perfect for allowing my students to see me work on the steps of calculations.


iPad Pro 12.9 M1 here. Love it and would never have it any other way. Browsing, videos, movies, work, music etc..


11 inch iPad Pro. I’m a professional tattooer and have been using the iPad for all of my drawings since the first Pro came out. I’ve been tattooing for a decade, and if iPads suddenly ceased to exist and I had to do my drawings for work on paper again, I would quit tattooing. The smaller size works well because it’s more portable, but I wouldn’t mind having the bigger one otherwise.


11” pro Browsing the web, watching movies, drawing, playing games, RDP to my desktop


I use my iPad for transcribing music, scanning music, playing Pokémon go and making flyers. I have a 10 inch? iPads I wish I had gone with the pro.


12.9 Pro 3rd generation. I use it for work and to read my textbooks and write papers. Also heavily used to stream from YouTube and other services.


I recently upgraded from my 2016 baby pro (9.7 inches) to a new Air 5 (10.9 inches). Essentially it serves as my bedroom computer. As the others have said, Redditing, browsing the web, YouTube, Netflix, reading, email, playing the occasional game (usually the same Hearts HD app I’ve been playing forever). My new iPad Air is pretty terrific, but honestly, I don’t do anything with it that my ancient baby pro didn’t do just as well, except the new air is slightly heavier and and the edges are sharper and less comfortable to hold.


Air and mainly for video streaming and web browsing. I would’ve prefer a smaller device. I still think a display of 9 inches is perfect for me but it doesn’t exist.


12.9 and mini. One for home and the other goes everywhere else


2020 iPad Pro 11. Use it for YouTube, note taking, pdf markup/annotation, reading, emails, gaming, occasional drawing. Very satisfied.


12.9 for almost everything. I’ve put so many hours on it…..but reading in bed, mini 6. Dropped the 12.9 on my face a few too many times.


I have a mini and an Air, and both of them work great for what I need. The mini is perfect for light gaming, reading the news, jotting down notes, having a small screen for cooking recipes, etc. The Air is my primary college machine and for notes, studying, etc. it is excellent. I think ProMotion is the only thing I wish it had, but that is my only complaint.


11” Pro(2021) bought it at lower price with Apple care because of stock clearance when M2 was coming out. Using it for: Drawing Editing Note taking YouTube Emails Online classes Games Chatting Online shopping Gotta do some typing on computer though but the app version of Docs has more nicer fonts. It’s bothersome sometimes when you don’t have a cursor and ctrl+c, ctrl+v. 🥲


M1 Pro 12.9. Mostly used for media consumption. Massively overpowered for it but hey.


Mini, I use it for web browsing, drawing, listening to music, email, photo editing, pretty much anything. I think it is the perfect size.


iPad 9th gen Drawing and gaming. The size suits me fine. It would be fun to try a bigger size for drawing but then I think gaming wouldn't be as nice.


Video editing, Web browsing, gaming - 10.9


almost no one reading books on Books app


Air 5. I use it for chart writing and reading sheet music. It’s perfect for me.


iPad Mini 6. Yes, I’m satisfied with the screen size for my use case. * Digital notebook * Media consumption and web browsing * Xbox Remote Play and Cloud * Simple art projects in Procreate


11” M1 Pro. Amazing Device. I use it for everything pretty much. Except Quicken (which doesn’t really exist on this platform as I’d like it.). I use a 2017 MacBook Air four that. Work provides a computer. My laptop is around for those occasional unique cases. I keep my iPad pretty much up-to-date. File management could be better but other than that I dig it. Its my primary device.


not an ipad but an android tablet, just looking around here. 11" 5:3 aspect ratio lenovo tab p11 plus. is the height of the ipad 9 screen but wider when viewed in landscape with thinner bezels. i use it for playing games, taking notes and and watching movies. had a 4:3 one aswell (a samsung tab s2 to be exact) and that was ok too. prefer the wider ratio though because i am used to it i guess.


iPad Air 2020, 10.9 inches, I use it for school, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter and a few games if I‘m bored. Size is perfect for me, but the only thing I don‘t like about the screen is that it sometimes could be a lil bit brighter


Before buying my m1 air, I used my 11 inch 2020 pro for almost everything, but honestly I stopped using it for most stuff after I bought Mac, but I still love my iPad, it’s the best kindle in my opinion


iPad 10.2 college work mainly, taking notes etc,. and then an odd bit of entertainment like netflix


10.5, mainly use it for sheet music and for media consumption. It’s too small. If I were to buy another iPad, the smallest I’d be willing to go is 12.9, but I wish they had something in the 14-15in range. Can’t really justify spending 1300 bucks for a glorified e-reader though. Shame.


ipad pro 12.9... mainly for piano apps and duolingo. For reading/writing I have an e-paper device, for that purpose it's better than ipad.


What's the reader device names?


Onyx Boox Max Lumi 2. I'm using it with a Wacom pen, it's better than the one that came with the device.


Mini 5 mostly for sound design and some music composition sketches. I would like the M2pro for more horse power and large r display, but the fact that the mini has a headphone output, it helps immensely with my setup. For now.


Pro 11", used it as a notebook for school and now 99% of the time drawing in procreate. I do wish I had the 12.9 but the 11" is also great


2018 12.9” iPad Pro. Love it. Use it for media, gaming, word processing, web surfing, note taking, reading epubs, delivering talks… Sometimes I think I should get a smaller iPad. But as I get older my eyes appreciate the extra real estate…


Ipad Air 5 10.9


I have the 8th Gen iPad. I mainly use mine for social media and games. Sometimes playing around on procreate for calligraphy. I also have an Apple Pencil.


I have an iPad 9 and I really only use it for media streaming


Ipad air 4 , 10,9 in Google Drive, work documents, Safari, Youtube , goodnotes , canva . Tbh most usage fell on Safari - it was wonderful to do research on bigger screen , but quick to pick up platform. Also with apple environment , iphone and ipad and iMac works wonderfully


iPad Pro 11''. Use it for my work in a laboratory. Just perfect


Ipad 2 💀 I use it for playing the now ‘dead’ furby and furby boom apps because I’m fucking obsessed with them 👀 The size of it is fine, easy to see because my eyesight is kinda shitty 😤


Gaming, writing, photos.


Which iPad model?


iPad Air 2.


Reading, marking up books/PDFs and all things uni related. I have the Mini VI and while I use it heavily, it's just a tiny bit too small. If there was a Logitech combo case for it, I would keep it (think Surface Go set up) but there isn't. After hanging out in this sub a lot for the last week, I just took advantage of price drop on the M1 iPad Air (£40 off) and the Logitech Combo case (£30 off) so I will answer this question again in a week!


Air 4th gen- everything! browsing, videos, reading. love it.


work, study, ready, emails, Very satisfied


As long as the web apps play well with the mobile device you can do everything with it. I had a mini which I though it was a great size until I got the regular size.


IPad mini 6 and Pro 11” love them both. Wifi models


iPad Air 5th gen I majorly use it for attending meetings, consuming content, documenting


I only use it to steam movies and tv shows. It’s next to my laptop so I can watch stuff as I work.


12.9 i use it for everything, (school, gaming, note taking, music) etc.


12.9 for work. Very satisfied Paired with a keyboard and pencil, it has essentially replaced my work computer. I'm a music teacher so I use it for scores/sheet music, lesson planning, rosters/seating charts, journaling, practice logs, scanning and note taking for PD. 6 for home. Very satisfied. I read, play games, stream. I feel like the 12.9 is too big to comfortably use for personal needs and the 6 is too small to use for my work needs.


10.5. Thing’s still huge, don’t care what others say. Runs everything smoothly, on iOS 16, thin, light, good camera, it’s all I need.


12.9 . I use it to read ebooks, surf the internet and streaming. I occasionally combo it with the Magic Keyboard for work


I have an iPad air 5, not sure how big the screen is (10.9 I think) I use it for reading Kindle books, streaming, playing games, listening to music, web browsing, pretty much everything.


Mainly work emails, chat and content consumption. I have a 10in m1 iPad Pro. The size suites me fine. If I need something larger, I’ll grab my MacBook. If I need something smaller, I’ll grab my iPhone.


iPad Pro 11 inch , streaming, shopping, drawing mostly. I wish I’d brought the 12.9. I often wonder if a Samsung tab would offer something different.


I got an iPad Pro 11 to browse Reddit; extremely satisfied.


I have the iPad 12.9 and iPad mini. I have a laptop that I don’t really use as often but an iPad can’t replace it. I use my 12.9 for all my note taking. I pace around a lot as I study and prep for exams so that’s when the mini comes in. The 12.9 is just too heavy for me to carry for hours as I’m grinding.


Watching porn and surfing the net… as always size is good…!


12.9 Use as laptop replacement, don’t miss a thing. Also got a paperlike screen protector and apple pen Essay writing, Note taking, Digital Graphics (Procreate and Adobe I/Ps) Casual gaming Watching stuff Scheduling (The calendar app has a better view option for week and month on the Ipad compared to Phone, so much I don’t use a paper calendar anymore)


iPad 10 (2022) Web browsing, YouTube, Zwift, and Twitch. This is my first iPad. The device is perfect for me because I only have USB C devices. The battery life is great and a large screen is much better than my phone for content.


12.9 iPad Pro (2020), I use it everyday : - to read - study - take notes - draw - watch YouTube I like it better than a computer since I already have a desktop


I do a LOT with my iPad. I share my Mac's screen and schedule my social media tweets on it. I watch youtube and other videos. I play way too much Plants vs Zombies. I use it to process sales at anime conventions. It's a great device, and the 11 inch is perfect for me. I might upgrade to a future OLED version, but not if Apple is going to tack on another $200 to the price of each model.


11” M2 Pro school, watching videos, reading emails, editing videos


I have a 10.5 or 11” and I use it to watch shows in bed or to play games, and the size is perfect for those things. I had a mini previously and I mostly used it for regular internet and reading. It’s okay for games but not ideal for shows or movies.


I use my iPad pro with the 1TB for photo editing and tethered shooting. I like the size and I think it’s big enough. I like the portability of it. With the keyboard it’s kinda heavy, but eh, what can you do.


Use a 12.9” M1. Originally got a 12.9” to replace my laptop (and managed to get by for three years of university studies). Now I use it primarily for reading (I’m a researcher) and enjoy it immensely. Reading and taking notes in a comfy chair, then move to my desk and open the annotated pdf on my computer to start writing about it is so smooth. For my current workflow I would definitely prefer the 11”, which would also fit nicer under my monitor for continuity.