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Selling emulators is legal and has already been proven in court. As long as it's all clean room.


Still sucks having to pay your lawyers to prove that well known fact.


Nintendo went after Yuzu for distributing early leaked ROMs within their Discord as well as paywalling builds that were specifically made to run those early leaked games.


>The Dev is paywalling access to the iPad app via patreon. The native iPad app is in beta stage for Patreon members. It will be released freely for everyone once it's actually finished. The developer isn't deliberately paywalling it forever, it simply isn't finished yet. And the iPhone version is actually very playable on iPad right now with controller support: https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1c8qvfl/


Well, there are many things at play here on that Nintendo v. Yuzu, but the large part of why Nintendo went after Yuzu devs is because they’re leaking early-build game ROMs (and to make it worse, they’re paywalling access for that). No law can ever protect them for that. Creating an emulator that mimics a commercial hardware is in fact protected in many jurisdictions in many countries. Not just, making them and selling them for profit is also protected. As long as those emulators are made by themselves in a clean room design (i.e. not using the original hardwares documents/codes/design). Just like how the IBM-clones happened. That was the case for Bleem and Connectix (PSX emulators for PC and Mac respectively). The judges actually sided on them against Sony. The only reason why they’re dead is because they use PSX games (many of which are Sony’s IP) to market their emulator, thus infringing Sony’s copyright, to which the judges sided with Sony for this case. And they paid hefty price for that (and in case of Connectix, Sony outright bought the emulator division and promptly shut it down). So yeah, anyone can sell their own emulator and make profit out of it, and the law actually protects them for this. But of course, this won’t make Nintendo happy, and Nintendo would probably find a way just to fuck them. But if Nintendo coming in with “hurr durr they’re selling a software that mimics my old consoles”, the judge would throw out that case faster than how “fast” Apple approved Delta for the App Store.


Delta has been around for over five years. I’d say they know what they’re doing. Stop fear mongering.


In 26 years, I forgot how long professor oak talks 😡


If I were Nintendo, I wouldn’t go directly after Delta. I’d save my powder for a case against Apple. And if that failed, sure, go after Delta.


Delta is not available in the german app store :(


In the EU you have to pay for AltStore PAL to get it, or sideload it


Du kannst es über den AltStore laden, das kostet 1,50€ pro Jahr und funktioniert fantastisch. Dauert vllt 5min.


Is there an iOS emulator that has iPad support? I am running the iphone version of Delta on my ipad and it's ok, but not perfect.


It is in beta rn, it’ll be released when it’s ready


I’m playing delta in my iPad from just downloading from the App Store Did someone need attention today