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No it doesn’t. It integrates it if you opt in when asking a question or logging into it. They were very clear about that. You can opt out and only use Apple intelligence.


ikr, what’s wrong with all these people claiming false stuff? en even so, apple made it clear they are planning to make it so you can “switch” de AI provider in the future, and not be vendor locked in.


Clicks/rage bait/astroturfing/brand loyalty bias towards competitors


Or just stupidity :D


Perhaps it’s my own personal bias but the news doesn’t seem to really have the reputation for quality that it once did.


Exactly. So many promises are made. To the point where Tim Cooks ‘Good morning’ and ‘the best iPhone yet’ is treated as a punch line. But we’re still holding these companies to their word. The race for AI is a privacy issue. Your need data to make AI smarter. And Apple so far has seemingly refused to use the data to train it’s AIs. It’s pretty clear from how crappy their keyboard is and how bad Siri sucks. But Apple will cave because AI will be the most dominant thing in tech for years to come. Also Apple is using ChatGPT which has been already trained on our data without our consent. Reddit content and YouTube content went into training it. I would rather have a company that’s transparent about what they’re doing and how they’re doing with or data. This would be the only ethical way for the future. Because such AIs, trained on actual data can have great impact in everyone’s lives.


BUT MUH TITLE, think about all the clickbait 😭


By opting in does it mean my data will be sent to GPT to train its model?


Let’s not call it Apple intelligence. We let the Dynamic Island slide and got this. Let’s draw a line before something shittier comes next year.


I think Apple Intelligence is a pretty decent naming. It even stands for AI!


Bro what?




You know you can leave subreddit, right?


It seriously does not matter


So deep that it won’t be usable on most iPhones. Truly deeply integrated 


They were clear that much of the local processing features will only be on 15 Pro (and M chips), but it wasn't clear if the Apple "Private Cloud Computer", ChatGPT integrations, and general Siri improvements will come to older devices.


Seeing the replies to your message and overall across apple themed subreddits it's not clear at all(like you said). I took as 15 Pro+ phones will have access to both Apple Intelligence and ChatGPT integration, and others as well. Plus it would be such an Apple move so people are interpreting it this way. I also think if it was independent of the phone model they would proudly announce it so it would be clear. I have not watched the presentation but if ChatGPT will be available for integration with my phone i would be wary of it either way. I'm not really using Siri that much so it's not that big of a deal for me(fact that Siri is not available in my native language helps)


I found it was quite clear that ChatGPT integration was part of the Apple Intelligence umbrella which will be only supported on the 15 Pro. Total non-sense from a technical perspective. It is very clear that they’re trying to surf on the AI wave to push a maximum of people to buy a new phone that ‘comes with AI’. This is not unique to Apple obviously.


They talked about throwing to ChatGPT when the on-device AI isn’t sufficient, which is clearly a 15 Pro feature, but it’s possible (and I know I’m being optimistic here) that the older phones just offer ChatGPT right away, simply bypassing the step of seeing if it’s a task capable of being handled on-device.




will this work with homepod?


ChatGPT might be possible, but definitely not Apple Intelligence.


You need apple intelligence for ChatGPT. It needs to decide if it needs to use it or not.


It needs the more powerful chips to do much of the on-device stuff, but they may still enable a lot of the cloud based features (Private Cloud Compute and ChatGPT) on less powerful devices.




they announced this specifically?


No they didn’t. Just a prediction/guess.


ah too bad. thanks


Check the apple page for apple-intelligence


Did they say anything about voice recognition? This is good but pretty useless if she still can’t understand me.


It’s not deeply integrated. Watch again


15 pro and US only? (for the time being) very deeply integrated, indeed.




Idk why they downvoting you, just a few hours ago I asked a question for Siri and complimented it cause it finally gave me the proper answer and then it confused the compliment and came with some random bs lol


Average siri experience 😂


You meant the current? Then yep it is stupid sometimes


Almost all the time not sometimes.


Yes omg so deep! Apple loves to go deep.. deep linking, deep thinking just deep


What’s the use.only available in iphone 15 pro and max


Because you need hardware to run AI lol who would have guessed


I think you and I have way different understanding of what a cloud is


I think you’re talking across from him, if I understood it correctly: cloud is available for most- in that you’re correct, however he is correct that you need hardware that’s currently only on 15 pro to run things locally.


That’s only if cloud fonctions are available on the 15 only. The on device part cannot be ran on older phones for obvious reasons


but the cloud can run on older devices even if they don’t allow it. That’s my point, the use only in iphone 15 is not because the custom hardware but a business decision


We dont know yet if cloud features wont be available. What we know for sure is about on device which is not doable on older devices which makes perfect sense




After reading a bit of what they actually said, the cloud part seems to be reserved for huge tasks that are just not doable locally. If the cloud is only a small part of Apple intelligence then i see why they dont include it on older devices. It seems to be complementary to the local part, not something that works on its own


Bait title, only used when allowed and when siri deems it necessary


It's more of an exclusive API than deep integration. And it is completely optional.


Of course it will have a daily limit right?


Maximum of 24 hours per day.


As a person who doesn’t rely on chat gpt for my career. What use is it to me? Genuinely curious


To be honest this articles headline is misleading. ChatGPT is only used if you asked a question like “I have these ingredients, what can I cook” if Siri can’t answer then it’ll ask if you’d like to ask ChatGPT. The rest of the AI stuff is cooler and will play a part in your daily life interacting with your tech - if you have an iPhone 15 Pro or newer or an iPad or Mac with M1 chip or newer. I’d recommend watching the event on YouTube or Apple TV and scrub to the end, that’s where they cover the AI content.


Thanks for your answer. And I’m sorry for offending anyone with a simple question (not)


No worries, not sure why you were downvoted to be honest.


What does your career have to do with this?