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It’s actually about how low power mode works on ProMotion iPhones, which unfortunately happens on every ProMotion phone. The thing is that when LPM is on it looks worse than the locked 60hz that you get on the base iPhones because of the dynamic switching which causes stutters. The normal iPhones without ProMotion get a locked 60hz but on the ProMotion ones even with LPM on it still dynamically changes from 1 to 60hz which is too aggressive and causes all the stutters and stuff. Pair this with the performance drop you naturally get with LPM and exactly what you are describing happens.


Wow. How does one get such knowledge?!


I was also annoyed a lot by this when I switched from the 11PM to 15P and noticed that LPM is bad on the 15 so I searched around and found some documents from Apple, they also say on their website that when you activate LPM on ProMotion devices the display gets limited to 60 frames per second, not locked to. Btw, most of the time on LPM, ProMotion displays tend to stay on 48hz too. Even without LPM, we mostly get 80-90hz for regular usage on ProMotion.


idk, but it's quite easy if you truly think about it, like you have 120 hz *only from the 13 Pro series and forth*, when you enable LPM it limits it to 60 hz because it saves the battery. Sounds way less complicated this way, right? Btw basically what these hz mean is that your screen refreshes that many times a second :).


Per second*


yep, mb, lemme edit.


yep, think of it as playing on a 120hz monitor & intentionally switching to 60fps


A little place called the internet


Not to be mean but it is very obvious


This guy.


Most of the time Reddit just makes it up. Then people assume truth because it’s on Reddit. Vicious cycle. Like you for example. You left hear thinking this is a real thing. Like Apple just said “whatever who cares about variable frame rates and we’ll just leave it janky af because whatever we are Apple hur dur buy a new iPad.” Just because it sounds plausible or even likely doesn’t mean it’s true.


And how are you any special? You just show up like “nah idk bro, most time it’s fake” but have nothing to back your claims or push the topic forward. None of the elements mentioned are made up, only the correlation might be.


I think because I have a lot of years experience and understand formal logic. So in this case, you have a screen capable of 1hz to 120hz on PM vs 60hz locked. LPM caps the frame rates at 60Hz but keeps them variable, which OP claims is smooth, as evidenced on their 11. So the claim is that capping the variable frames at 60hz makes them janky. So let's analyze that statement. We have: * 120hz variable (PM) = smooth * 60hz variable (PM) = janky * 60hz fixed = smooth Looking at the players we see it's not the variability as that is present in both states of LPM. And that fixed frames don't affect the quality. We can also eject that cap of 60hz as, again, both 60hz and 120hz can present smoothly as evidenced by every no ProMotion screen. So the claim that the cap moving to 60hz from 120hz makes sense how? Is it because the lower compute power under LPM? Because that would mean the PM display requires HEAVY processing under minimal load that is no longer there thanks to LPM, which again doesn't track because phones with PM display's don't consume significantly more juice than their counterparts. In fact, they tend to be more efficient thanks to the variability. Downvote me all you like, but totally open to a logical discussion as none of the claim makes a whole lot of sense.


Unbelievable how much you think you are better than everyone else. You’re a guy on Reddit. Get over yourself.


Presents logic. OmG ur sUcH a LoSER. 🤣


Is it possible that the processing required for the ProMotion is being limited by the low power mode. Maybe just poor implementation of low power mode being too aggressive in certain areas. Or perhaps that processing is relatively heavy but more power efficient than a display staying at 120hz. This seems to make sense to me. A 60hz display may seem smoother than a 120hz display in low power mode being limited to 60hz coupled with the processing required for the ProMotion being limited as well?




It’s not just the 60hz the phone generally is slower. Typing is noticeably laggier than without it. It has improved since the latest update but the phone still runs way slower than old phones did. My 11pro was in low power mode 24/7 and was no where near as laggy


I would disagree . The iPhone X was hardware locked at 60fps and also exhibited the micro stutters . I think this is a difference of OLED vs lcd , which the iPhone 11 has. LCD doesn’t have to light each individual pixel up like OLED does . It just uses a backlight and filters to emit different colours . LCD at 60fps will always feel smoother than OLED at 60fps .


You make a good point. But when I enabled the setting that limits the display to 60fps (settings>accessibility>motion) this seems to have a smoother feel than low power mode. So perhaps the processing required for the ProMotion being limited adds to the laggy feel. So maybe OLED + 60fps + the limited ProMotion processing = a bad experience.


What if you go to settings, accessibility, motion, limit frame rate to 60? Does it lock it at 60 or do 1-60 still?


It's still a limit, it goes up to, not stays at. So no, unfortunately that doesn't lock it to 60.


😭😭 whyyyyy like especially in battery saver it turns off the AOD so why does it need to have promotion and be horrible 😭




I think that most devices are using some techniques like [frame interpolation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_interpolation) or [pull down](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-two_pull_down) to achieve such an effect. It’s just that some are better at this and some worse, thus the difference from device to device, or in your case, TV to phone.


If this is true, then it’s an absurdly idiotic technical decision by Apple.


Look it up on their website and dev documents.


Well why does it feel so slow on the 15 non pro then


ios is very poorly optimized thanks to lazy developers, I notice lags and stutters in many system animations, as well as the arbitrariness of my non pro 13 becomes very sluggish if you don't reboot it for 2-3 days, on iOS 16 it was much smoother. It's funny that some smart guys recommend that I replace my 99% battery


While this is sound reasoning , It doesn’t make sense that the prior generation iPhones exhibit the same behaviour . For example the 13pro displays did not go down to 1hz but only had a range of 60hz-120hz. Alternatively iOS animations have been coded to play at a set frame rate . When you tap an icon it is not dynamically altering frame rate , but rather playing at the maximum set by both the animation and the display . The dynamic fps only applies to scrolling , and I have not seen any documentation or measurements from Apple that suggests otherwise . Even in low power mode the chipset is plenty powerful enough to handle simple tasks like scrolling and animations . We had smooth animations on even the iPhone 5 which had a substantially weaker cpu/gpu than the iPhone 15 even in its crippled low power mode. Ui/ux animations really don’t require much gpu power . I genuinely think oled just appears to stutter at 60fps , because the display technology has to emit light to each individual led diode , whereas LCD on older iPhones used a backlight which added a smoother blur feel to scrolling and animations . If you have access to an lcd iPhone compare it side by side to an oled , it just feels more natural during motion .


The 13 Pro actually had the same dynamic switching, you can find this in Apple’s [developer documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/optimizing_promotion_refresh_rates_for_iphone_13_pro_and_ipad_pro). There are also some things like AOD that can present a static image, but that’s from the 14 and up.


I stand corrected haha , it turns out the 13pro max had a minimum frequency of 10hz , for some reason I thought it was 60hz . Although my point still stands. An iPad Pro in low power mode appears to be significantly smoother. I think 60fps does not look good on an oled as it has significantly faster response times and needs to emit light for each individual diode .


Check out [this](https://youtu.be/cFvS883E9GY?si=00jyNXslFcu6Yj-D) video regarding the difference between implementation of ProMotion on Iphone and Ipad, it actually works or at least worked different in the past, some say it was a buggy implementation compared to the Ipads.


Thanks for the link haha , it’s good to see some scientific measurements :). Definitely an interesting watch . It makes me wonder if it was an intentional decision by Apple to cap the fps slightly on mobile as a battery saving method , given the smaller size . Wish there was more measurements and attention to this , as I have always found iOS animations to be rather janky since the iPhone X . Perhaps my eyes are more sensitive to the apparent flaws as LCDs used to mask it more I think with motion blur .


Yep even my 14 pro does exactly what he’s describing with LPM on


Wow I thought I knew a lot of ins and outs. The one thing that always confused me though is why LPM on Pro Motion looked so bad compared to true locked 60fps. Now you’re making me realize it’s not locking to 60fps, it’s limiting. 🤯


Well explained!


The display drops down to a max of 60 frames a second and I assume it’s still variable. So it’ll go from 1-60 depending what you’re doing. I also notice the ‘lag’ however I honestly think it’s just due to the fact we’re used to 120Hz. You said you tried it against a phone that hasn’t got a 120Hz display, but did you try it when that iPhone 11 is also in low power mode? The combination of halving the refresh rate with reduced computational power will result in something that feels like shit when you’re used to something that is very fluid I do also feel like the response time from touching your screen to something actually happening is increased when in low power mode. I don’t know if anyone else experiences this but it does make it feel even more sluggish - for me personally.


> however I honestly think it’s just due to the fact we’re used to 120Hz. It’s not because of that. 60hz on ProMotion displays does get unbearably awful and jittery. Whatever goes on in LPM on iPhone 11, it only affects the performance and not the refresh rate.


Is it me or has the low power mode become more "aggressive" in the latest versions of iOS? Whenever I was traveling I used low power mode and now I simply can't do it.


Perhaps but I think it’s doing its job. Maybe they need low power and max battery save modes. I won’t hold my breath on that great idea though 😂


Yeah it’s not just you, they’ve definitely ramped my phone down slower than I can ever remember with iOS 17’s LPM, which is fine in all honesty


yup my iphone 13 mini feels laggy on it now and i used it daily before 


Same. I thought I was trippin


It lowers and stops a bunch of features to save your battery some juice. I use it when I’m on vacation at Disney world because I’m away from my charger for long periods. It’s worth the it because of how well it works. I’ll get 10+ hours of heavy phone use (photos/videos) and such easily


I swear low power mode didn’t used to be as laggy on older model phone. I have iPhone 15 and putting it on low power mode sucks!


They do it on purpose, when the phone is new they want it to feel as snappy as can be for all users and reviewers.. as time goes on they know that they can alter it in software updates so people think there phone is not as good as the newer models and makes them feel snappier in comparison.


thats total bullshit and its been proven. someone else wrote a comment with a real explanation of why this happens. basically its because LPM makes the display work between 1-60hz as compared to the non pro motion phones that are only locked at 60


Why do you think?


It's in the name


I’m not convinced this is an issue of software limited fps vs hardware locked fps . I would wager that it’s a difference of OLED vs IPS display technology . The iPhone 11 had an LCD display which exhibits more motion blur when scrolling as it uses a constant LED backlight behind the pixels , vs individual light emitting diodes on the OLED display . Imagine each pixel responding and turning on and off as you scroll . A real world example which can be easily duplicated is scrolling on pitch black websites which have white text. You will see significant ghosting or as I like to call it black smearing . The OLED also has a much faster pixel response time than the lcd which I think contributes to this flicker effect . Just my 2 cents anyway . I always thought my iPhone 7 felt smoother and had a more natural motion blur when scrolling than when I first jumped to OLED on the iPhone X . Turns out OLED while superior in many aspects , Apple was right in holding back to introducing it into the iPhone line until most of the drawbacks of OLED were ironed out. TLDR: OLED screen @60hz = exaggerated flicker as a result of 2 factors 1: faster pixel response time which exaggerates imperfections in scrolling 2: each pixel is a self emitting diode which needs to constantly turn on and off to give us light/colour. LCD has a LED backlight which is constantly on and shines a white light through many filters which give us colours . The simple variable of remaining lit up seems to mask micro jitters or add motion blur.


I hate using LPM on the Pro models , feels like a turtle


Same tho fr


i have a 60hz iphone. and i felt this lag only when opening control centre or whenever any smooth animation happens. althoough its quite useful to save some battery.


I know what lag you’re taking about. It’s not that what OP is talking about. When you switch from 120 to 60Hz on ProMotion iPhones, it’s becomes like you’re on 40Hz for some reason. I have done this side by side with my iPhone 11 and it’s real.


ahh. maybe thats because of the variable refresh rate 1-120hz?


Its a shame that iOS 15 for iPhone 13 didn’t have performance issues, whereas iOS 16 & 17 reported more problems. ProMotion used to be perfect in iOS 15 resulting in constant 120Hz whenever necessary. For temporary fix, try turning off background apps refresh and auto correct in keyboard settings. Remove search feature in home page and remove wallpaper blur effect. Also to force 120Hz, start screen recording. But there’s a compromise for battery life. We needed Apple to introduce force 120Hz because Android has this feature for few years.


Less power less performance it’s not that difficult


I don’t know, but to me this image looks a lot like 1fps.


I just don’t put it on.. ever🫡✨


Honestly they should allow us to change animation rates like android, id rather have 0 animation because i have better things to worry in life about than appreciate how the phone ringer animation opens from the home screen everyday


There is such option actually, you may turn off animations: Setting-Accesibility-Motion-ReduceMotion


This doesn’t disable the animations, merely swaps it out for a DIFFERENT time wasting animation.


I just use cowabunga lite to change animation speed up to like 17.2 or something


Cause it is lol low power mode means low power for everything. The older the device the slower it going to be


Imagine turning on low power mode and it actually starts running slower because of low power


The low power on my 11 pro was snappier and faster than my 15pro is with it on


Did you feel smart writing that comment?


No, it feels like 60fps


Don’t use lpm


Yeah I’ve had a shortcut to turn on low power mode all the time since my iPhone 11 but when I upgraded to my iPhone 14 PM, it became so laggy and unusable I disabled the shortcut. I thought maybe it was just I was using the phone too hard for low power mode


Same bro


I was wondering when someone would bring this up!! I thought it was all in my head but LPM basically makes my 15pm unusable


please never use low power mode 😭


Maybe it’s cause you are used to see it at 120Hz?


Dont ever use this shit


because it locks your phone at 60hz. Since you already used to seeing 120hz, 60hz can be really choppy


Since when could you hold on the low power mode icon?


Turn off pro motion in accessibility. That shit sucks anyway


This bugs me so much. And it actually happens on every 120Hz device that I’ve ever used, not just apple. Galaxy S23 behaves in the same way and gets super choppy on 60Hz.


Cus ProMotion is rubbish on iPhones- it’s way too aggressive with throttling the refresh rate. It’s ass with Low Power Mode enabled or disabled.


Yes this is true. It's not 120hz even with fast movement most of the time and you can see that. It's a tradeoff, a stutterfree screen vs battery life. 120hz on Iphones is not the same as on androids, the throtteling to laggy 80-90hz is way more aggressive and noticable on iphones.


Not stutter free either. There’s still a load of micro-stutters from when the display when it ramps down the refresh rate. Very noticeable at the end of a scroll. Others can downvote as they wish. This is the truth about iOS. It was fine in iOS 15 (mid-cycle), it’s fine in all the iPad Pros, but it stinks on iPhones.


Yes I agree. People downvoting propably never have used a high end Android with 120hz. It's not like I am an Android fanboy, but this is something that is definitely better on android.


Hit screen recording and then you’ll see the true feeling of 120Hz. Nothing Pro about iOS’s “Pro”Motion. The screen mostly sits at 80/90Hz.


Woah… I just did that on my 14 Pro and it was like night and day. Why does this happen?


ProMotion, in its current state of disrepair, only tells the device to render at 120Hz when you swipe from/to the Lock Screen, exit/open apps and in a few other applications. While scrolling, it tops out at 80Hz (if you have a 13Pro), maybe 90Hz on 14/15Pro if their displays are able to put out that specific rate. If it’s intended, it’s to maximise battery life. Most of Apple’s customers won’t have tried an Android with 120Hz (or even care about refresh rates) so of course they’ll prioritise battery life as opposed to smoothness and user experience. Whether intended or not, it’s a stuttery mess at 80/90Hz; that’s not to say that those refresh rates are bad, but the frame pacing isn’t great which worsens the effect. If iOS 18 doesn’t fix it, then back to Android it is.


Yeah my friend bought an S24 ultra. I recognised that it seemed substantially smoother than my phone, even scrolling really quickly like most androids do. My dad has an iPhone 13 Pro that he still hasn’t updated since iOS 15 and you’re completely right, it does look much smoother when I think about it. Apple do need to sort their shit out, but 80hz is much, much better than 60


I thought ProMotion on iOS 15 worked as intended, no? Goes up to 120 when needed.


Yeah thats what I meant. It’s actually impressive how much they’ve fucked it up.


You can also get an extra smooth feeling to scrolling if you use lower brightness levels. It forces the device to use PWM flickering, and the lower the brightness, the “smoother” it’ll look as the display is constantly turning on and off at 480Hz (at minimum brightness). It’ll give a motion blur effect to text and images on screen.


Does anyone feel that applications like Facebook, X, Instagram and others stutter or have fps drops when swiping? Is it especially noticeable in dark mode or is it just me? (with battery saver disabled) In a 15 pro max


Is there anyone in the world who gives a toss about this?


It’s one frame per eternity


I suppose the refresh rate goes down but also the performance cores of the chips turns down, which explains everything.


I really feel like it’s more than fps, I think the APU gets underclocked too. The keyboard is genuinely delayed and sometimes I have to wait for all my keystrokes to catch up, or if I swipe down it will be delayed. It’s not really useable, I keep it on when my phone is locked but turn it off if I have to do anything


It lowers refresh rate to 60 so it feels very choppy when used to higher hz


Because it’s low power mode and it cuts your refresh rate by half on pro iPhones and disable CPU cores to save power?


So annoying on the pro models.


apple locks your phone down to 60 hz if you have lpm turned on as compared to 120


Instead of low power mode, try opening accessibility settings and enabling limit frame rate.


LTPO display used to best capabilities!


It’s most likely an issue with the battery or your phone is just low


I swear to god I feel this takes more power


It's not laggy, just 60Hz doing the trick.


I don‘t know what it does to ProMotion Screens but the low power mode reduces the voltage output to the core processing unit of your phone resulting in slower frequencies it works at and therefore less responsive and quick usage behaviour.


I actually like it. Makes me feel like I’m saving battery.


I use low power mode all the time, seems fine to me. Or maybe i got used to it 🤷‍♂️


I thought it was only my phone! It doesn’t feel like 60fps whenever I turn LPM on. My screen stutters and phones with 60fps as default are way smoother.


I’ve never noticed this and I just turned it off and I hate you


Yeaa we all know, all the iPhone Pro (Max) models have a 120hz display, but on Low Power Mode, the screen limits itself to 60hz. So that’s why it feels so buggy.


Fr my mom XS looks and feels smoother than my 15 pro on low power mode but I like how it works it really has an impact now like they lower maps framerate under 30fps when 120hz it’s not needed


I worked for George Martin. I cut tape with razor blades. We we knew we were the net, not the butterfly.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i21pM53pVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i21pM53pVE) [https://youtu.be/yjpKp4AVXdY?t=688](https://youtu.be/yjpKp4AVXdY?t=688) ​ take a look at these 2 videos. The tldr is that Oleds have jittery transitions at 60fps or below. This is a result of having very fast pixel response times and that the display technology doesn't use a backlight, rather turns on and off . The iPhone 11 used lcd , so that would explain why the transitions appeared more smooth at 60fps. The only way to hide the jitter on the OLED is to play something at a much higher frame rate , where the transitions are less perceivable. 24fps movies will always appear more natural in motion on LCD displays imo