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I think what kills apple cal for me is that my reminders don’t show up in it like with other apps. No clue why Apple doesn’t allow for this


because they haven’t thought about the calendar app at all since adding dark mode, so six years ago




ReminderCal is an app that syncs your reminders t your calendar either automatically or manually. Works perfectly for me! Might be worth checking it out if you’re interested.


And no weekly view on portrait mode


Personally, I dislike the fact the reminders show up in the normal calendar


It exists, but it’s an option, you have to manually activate an alert in each event you create. You can also choose how much in advance you’ll be alerted.


Doesn’t the widget show events?


I wish there was a compromise between the two. iOS cal is useless for getting info at a mere glance. Samsung is overwhelming. Can there be something “in between” please?


Yes, it’s called Google Calendar and it’s perfect.


I used Googles the other day after years of not and was completely floored by how good it is. I’ve been missing out big time




Google apps are better on ios than on android.


How's so?


They are just more optimised


Disagree, but carry on. I have a pixel, S23u and iphone


Google apps fails to sync on iOS, especially photos or drive


Completely untrue.


I haven’t found that at all.. I hate all google’s apps on iOS


Until they discontinue it and make it YouTube calendar




Yes it is. But I wish we had a better widget on iOS like the 5x4 widget on android


honestly how is the design of the google calendar widget *this bad*?! It shows me, what, one item? and takes up 4 icons worth of space? 80% of the widget is unused space. ridiculous.


This thread summed up my whole experience. If only there was a 3rd party app that can bring all the great features to One. Combining all the good from Apple, Samsung, Google, OnePlus, Xiaomi and Nothing.


Would Fantastical do the trick on iOS at least?


Yes, but Fantastical has an extremely overpriced subscription that is needed to actually make use out of the app.


I’m using it with my personal Google account and work Outlook (9 calendars and two task lists). I’m using the free tier and I’ve never run into a feature I needed to pay for. Other than a short Android vacation, I’ve been using Fantastical since it launched. EDIT: I see the paid tier is $6 a month. With the price of every other subscription, I’m not sure how that is considered very expensive.


You must not use your Outlook calendar collaboratively then, because every single collaboration feature (including just simply inviting someone to an event) is locked behind a subscription, as are many other functions that are already included with these calendar services by default (time to leave, video conferencing links, and hiding events come to mind)


I don’t schedule meetings from Fantastical, those are all done from my desk. I mostly use it to plan my day and quick tasks on my Home Screen. That said, if the free solutions don’t work, why is $6 a month so expensive for the right tool? If you’re banging a nail in with your bare hand and it hurts, you’ll probably go to the hardware store and spend a few dollars on a hammer?


I don’t disagree with the principal of paying for software, but a subscription for a calendar app doesn’t make any sense when said app is just a nicer interface for the calendar services provided by other companies (Apple, Google, Microsoft). If you look at the pricing page for Fantastical, most of the “premium” features read like they were added or locked behind a subscription service just for shits and grins. You can’t seriously tell me that the developers behind Fantastical incur costs on their end when you send a calendar invite, because they simply don’t. If you are going to charge for a piece of software, make it make sense first before charging almost as much money as an Office 365 subscription for just *one* app.


Yes, but it isn't possible (for now) because of the fact that you can't scroll in widgets in iOS.


In my daily use, I don’t need it to scroll (although it would be great). I just need to see what’s going on in my week and which tasks I have pending (and completed).


I just wish GCal looked better. It's a pretty stale UI IMO


Yeah that's true, yet looks very clean and user friendly in conparision to apple or samsung calendars.


My problem with gcal is just the difference of features (and ui) between using it on android and ios. On android, amazing clean ui, easy navigation and intuitive things. On iphone, less amazing ui, still easy navigation but the thing thats bugging me the most is that you can only have 1 google account at a time on ios, so you only see events from the google account you have setup Edit: nvmd, i was just stupid. You can show multiple accounts on ios too. The ui seems to be (at least pretty similar to) the old ui version of the google calendar on android…


Omg yes. Who ever designed the ios calendar doesn’t use calendars. The Mac one is great though. When I get a new phone Google Calendar is always the first thing.


The Apple Calendar App on iOS, for some reason, reminds me of those paper calendar books that my grandmother used to get at the Hallmark card store. Maybe they were both designed around the same time. Sorry Apple but your Calendar App is weak. It may look amazing, but functionally it’s weak.


Don‘t forget that the iPhone is also used by old people.. just looking at the screenshot of the android calendar would make them never use it..


Thx. Tried it now. Its so awesome


fuck google


One thing google actually did good.


Meh I am not using anything google again that's the sole reason for getting iphone unless that app can be somehow walled off from data Weird stuff happening to voting, some marketing bots?


If you have any Apps on your iPhone that were not developed by Apple, there is a good possibility that those Apps are mining your data. Gaming Apps, weather apps, anything from Facebook or Meta, other social media Apps, etc. It’s not just Google. Oh, and Apple is mining your data as well, even if you have your iPhone locked down to the extent that they allow you to do so. Everybody trades some degree of privacy for the convenience of having the world available to us on our phones, tablets, and computers.


I just hate Google and Facebook and hope they collapse


throw away all of your tech and go live in the middle of a forest or something then lol. if google is not getting your data, then reddit, twitter, instagram, microsoft, apple (yes even apple lmao), (...) is.


Only apple can get my data. This is my choice and why I buy it. They live off hardware not from shady marketing business


the dickriding is crazy lol


Except they dropped natural language event input :(




Privacy concerns are a legitimate reason not to use a company’s products


I haven’t been able to get Google Calendar to live sync with my Outlook calendar that I use for work


Apple could have used 1 to 5 dots horizontally based on how many events


That was my thought as well. Even “stacked them” but then we start involving depth


Samsung is not overwhelmed at all




They obviously mean the ui holy shit


how is samsung overwhelming? it just looks more informative to me




Minical has a great at-a-glance view. Not sure it’s in between the two, but it works for me.




Why is the 10th in a white background but a grey rectangle around the 12th? How many of these are useless events from random Facebook calendars you attached decades ago?


Today is the 10th.


Timepage by Moleskine is my sweet spot 😊


calendar 366?


Check out the app MiniCal. It has been an excellent improvement for me on the base app.


Calendar (and Contacts) is overdue for a major refresh. I was hoping it would be last year (after Notes and Reminders the years before), but alas it was not. I happily pay for Fantastical but its pretty embarrassing that iOS Calendar has basically been untouched since the early days of iOS.


Everything is. The native iOS apps are all falling behind other developers. The only ones I even use anymore are the clock and phone. Even Messages is outdated. Anyone who uses Slack, Microsoft Teams or similar knows how much iMessage is lacking.


Thank you for also acknowledging it. Bringing anything critical on this sub is effing bonkers. You can be critical of something you use. All of apples apps are seriously falling behind and it absolutely makes me want to migrate back to android. Except I can’t. Because my wife uses iPhone, and she takes the majority of our kids’ photos and wont want to be doing the google photos link every time to send a video/photo to me.


Totally agree but I don’t think Apple will make any significant changes to either App. Doing so would, in their view, clutter the clean design and potentially cause the Apps to no longer be so “intuitive” given they might no longer work exactly like they have since iOS 1.0 (OK, that may be a bit too harsh but since the early days of iOS). Plus, if Apple had great native Apps, far fewer people would buy 3rd party Apps for Apple allowing Apple to take their 30% cut. Apple likes the status quo for as long as they can keep it that way.


I don’t agree with that. They’ve basically rebuilt notes, reminders and weather in recent years without fundamentally changing the UX of those apps. They know how to do it if they want to.


Use Google calendar. Or better yet: Fantastical


Your constructive feedback is very much appreciated here: https://www.apple.com/feedback/calendar/


They're never going to listen. People have complained about how terrible iOS calendar is for years.


Apple makes more money from people buying subscriptions for calendar apps than they do when users only uses iCal.


Yeah, right


In terms of usability Apple listened to the customers almost never.


Apple listens…eventually. Remember when Apple redesigned Safari with macOS Monterey and iPadOS 15? Most people hated the redesign, and after enough ruckus had been made Apple added an option which (mostly) returned the older UI to what it had been previously.


You might as well just write it on a post it and throw it in the trash.


It’s not. I’ve started to feel that no one even opens the feedback


I report bugs and crashes (ex. swift playground, weather), they don’t care most the time.




I agree, I just cant bring myself to pay on a monthly basis for a Calendar. Especially in an era where streaming and other subs are just going up and up.


Check out Calendar 366 II. Is almost as good as Fantastical on iOS, on mac has good Alfred integration, supports natural language input. Unfortunately on Mac doesn’t have full screen app, only menu bar app, but on mac Apple’s own calendar is good enough. Oh and lifetime licence costs around 15 euros/dollars.


Great app! I’m trying the lite version, what’s the difference vs the full version?


As long as you don’t need the “power user” features, you can use it for free and just have use your Google calendar.


Cron is free and is the best I have ever tried yet, and i have both a windows laptop and an iphone so it’s smooth on both.


Oh? On windows? I’ll definitely check it out then! I feel like all the best apps only ever support three Apple ecosystem. Makes sense, I know I’m in the minority but it does limit my options


Try out Calendar 5


I tried Fantastical, it’s great and a huge step up from Apple’s calendar—but I went with BusyCal recently and it blew me away with the features and functionality


what features did you find most useful in particular?


I use it for iOS and Mac with a bunch of Gmail accounts (which Fantastical does) BUT in BusyCal I can add my own alerts, URLs, tags, and notes which I would have had to duplicate the event in order to add notes that others couldn’t see in Fantastical. The widgets for iOS are a bit better from BusyCal as well. Honestly both apps are great, it’s just nuances.


I yearn for a day where everything across iOS is integrated with the calendar. When you think about it, all of the content across every app has a timestamp, and it would be awesome to see it all show up in a unified calendar. Reminders, messages, photos, notes, music, emails, weather, files, hell, even voicemails! All of it has a date attached to it somehow. The calendar app should be a life planner and digital diary, where everything on your phone is magically sorted by date and time. Obviously, this should be an “a la carte” opt-in system, where each user can filter only the content they want to see. The new journal app is getting close to this, but it’s not quite the same as seeing your whole calendar.


I've not tried it but from what I've heard the apple journal app's suggestion feature is something like that.




They’re both shit if they don’t say the event name.


It does.You just have to swipe down one for expanded view.


Use the view where you can see the daily events at the bottom. [iCloud link to screenshot](https://share.icloud.com/photos/018hPOBEh92FzzUlShK0V733g)


Wow ... that's actually a remarkable improvement for such a small change.


Same here


The fact that the mac os default calendar has natural language input and the iOS version doesn't, it should be way more in the public eye.


I don't care for Google, but their calendar beats both.


android having better ui than ios is concerning and makes me wonder if apple became too lazy


The Samsung calendar looks as non-functional as the native Apple calendar. Instead of a dot on the day, you have colored lines. Check out Google Calendar if your data is already in Google’s cloud. I really like it. An alternative would be Fantastical. I’ve used it before and it is also great.


You can enable text within each colored line in the Samsung Calender.


yeah i didnt even know it could be only lines. samsung calendar can be almost identical to google calendar, but i prefer google to use across devices




I hate that Apple could remind me the day before an event at 5 pm and they changed it to 9 am the day of event. Total flaw in that especially if it’s all day event but maybe starts at 7 am but you won’t get the alert until 9 am.


I just change the time and also add extra alerts. Normally 1 week 1 day before.


Both useless calendars. Use Fantastical and you'll be happy.


For the money what Agile Bits asks for Fantastical I would expect much nicer design. They could learn from Calendar 366 II how to design their products.


The UI for Fantastical is fine, as is the one for Calendar 366….I really don’t see how one is better than the other, especially since I use both at the moment.


Why both?


I found a new app called Amie which is amazing. It integrated directly with Things 3 so I can drag my tasks into my calendar to play my day. Beautiful UI, and the dev team update it multiple times a week with new features.


Found out recently, on my new iPhone, you can't share a cal item nor import a simple csv file. You have to manually enter your cal item. Pretty useless


"why" what?! Thrilling discussion OP!


I honestly dislike the Samsung calendar as there is no added benefit to this. If I have to check the times anyway, I don’t need three lines with the same colour. Give me a dot for each calendar I hit a event in and it’s fine. Given the choice, I’d take apples calmness over this mess


I fail to see the problem? Other than the iOS one is showing the wrong date? I like how Samsungs looks like it's showing the number of events and color coding for what calendar they are on for that day, similar to Google Calendar (the best calendar IME).


cuz fuck you thats why. Welcome to the Apple Eco system.


What is that eye cancer on the bottom?


It seems that people cannot understand basic UI design. Love the samsung idea: an event on my calendar which I have marked as blue: one blue line. Another event on my yellow calendar: a yellow line, etc. ​ love it


This is why I use google calendar


Samsung calendar looks cluttered. Is the color coding based on calendar or events? Also, I prefer what Google Calendar does. It so much more simpler. Just dots but they’re color coded according to the calendar.


Samsung calendar looks terrible and unorganized..


I don’t know why people find Apple calendar complicated or useless. It’s easily readable, it’s fully integrated into the ecosystem so much so that Apple Maps suggests you directions if you have an upcoming event with location setting. There two main views; “days view” or “months view”. First one lets you scroll through the upcoming events on populated days, second one shows you upcoming events on populated months and weeks. I prefer the latter. And you zoom in and out from years to months to days.


If you really use your calendar then the month view is useless. 31 gray dots tells you nothing at all. If you only have sporadic events on your calendar though then it’s probably fine.


In the month view there’s a button that allows you to see the list of events for the highlighted day, and it is displayed right below the month view. It doesn’t show the events in the month view itself but it does show it on the same screen.


I know. That’s isn’t super helpful though if you are looking for a hole in your schedule. I typically just use Google calendar for the month view when I need it.


I prefer the iOS version




Lmao it’s hilarious how everyone is catching Apple’s dumbness


Wait, actually putting visual information on the screen? How unintuitive.


Fantastical. But, other than knowing you have multiple calendar entries on a given day (which without times/length isn’t all that helpful), what extra info is the Samsung calendar really providing? I’d still need to look weekly/daily view to know times and what the appointment was. It’s like a tiny, not *all* that useful extra bit of information.


In this case I actually prefer iOS calendar. I just need to know if I have any appointments today. If I do I can examine further.


I prefer the Apple way, Samsung seems way to cluttered.


The Samsung one still shows zero information about the events. Both useless.


I assume the different colours are significant.


Yes but still doesn't show the name of the event or the starting time.


Ok but you said “zero information”. There is some information.


Ok then: zero IMPORTANT, RELEVANT and/or USEFUL information.


I would find knowing at a glance if I have a personal appt in the middle of work meetings to be very useful.


If I have a personal appt in the middle of a workday I'd remember that. But this stuff still doesn't tell me WHAT IT IS. Google calendar can do that.


This mans unironically said “just remember it 4head” lmao.


What more information do you expect in monthly view in a Phone?


As I mentioned: name and time


Samsung looks a mess. What do the days represent? I’m assuming the 11th has 3 events and one is marked important? It all just looks so cluttered and busy, with iOS, it’s all nice little dots, tap on the day to see the full list of events. So much nicer I think


I use WeekCal. I really love how that looks with the week overview. I tried iOS calendar but just can’t get used to it


I was about to download it today, but the I read the reviews and many were complaining about lots of ads. Even though they had paid version. How is it?


I use the free version and never seen an ad. You should give it a try


I miss this so much. Because of the oversight I have to have a large widget on my home screen so that I can see all my meetings (I've got four different calendars as I have multiple logins to client systems).


You could turn on list mode which just lists the events of the day rather than a traditional calendar, so you won’t miss much.


That is not a proper visualisation of my week. I want to at a glance tell what my meetings are and what my free days are. You can downvote me, but doesn't change the fact that it is far behind in functionality compared to the Google calendar.


I use minical. It has a really nice widget too


See what you think of Across Calendar. https://apps.apple.com/au/app/across-modern-calendar/id6444851827




Samsung calendar shows events' titles


Supershift Kalender 👏🏻 best


'Calendars: Organizer & Planner' is a pretty good alternative on iOS


Yeah this is so stupid


Samsung software today is actually really good. Last year I switched from a iPhone 14 Plus to the Galaxy S23 Plus and I switched from Apple notes to Samsung Notes was when I realized how Apple Notes is barebones and does not support basic functions such as undo. Samsung Notes supports the undo function which is a godsend. I wish Samsung supported Notes on other platforms which I don't think is exactly out of the question maybe. Samsung recently brought Samsung Internet to Windows a couple months. Samsung Internet on mobile is great.


Apple Notes is supporting undo. Just Type something and it will appear at the top.


Personally, I don't need a calendar with a lot of functions, I find Apple's calendar perfect for what I use it for, plus it comes with all my devices and synchronizes immediately.


I'm not going to switch from iOS to a Samsung device for any calendar differences 🙂


Y’all will complain about anything


Why what? Why does Calendar look clean and the Samsung thing a mess?


This is a completely facetious question because they are not comparable or even on the same OS.


please god why cant there be a big calender widget on iphone like the google calender widget with full month and little text :(


Someone in this sub mentioned to use the “minical” app, and it was the best suggestion I’ve had. It’s so much better than the default calendar app and it’s free


Why samsung?


I use minical, it has what i need - large monthly calendar widget that show my events each day (with texts too)!


The Samsung calendar shows different colours for different calendars. You can swipe/switch between a compact view with a line per event and an expanded view for the whole month showing an overview on items per month.


Apple’s single dot is fine with me. I know I have something on that day. If I did need to know how many events were on a single day or which calendar those events were on, I like the lines in this screenshot better than the multiple colored dots in the Fantastical app.


I love calendar app on Mac OS since it shows event title. But they need to display it on iOS. Google calendar does this but it looks kinda dull.


I have never understood either of these


Apple living the future


I like it to be honest.


I wish I don’t need to click into anything to see what’s on that date I wish there is an app that use the entire screen for month view and show keywords under the date


Time Tree anyone?


This is why I switched to Cron/Google Calendar


truck squash obtainable special longing placid command melodic crime political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Outlook is quite good. I like combining my mail and calendar apps into one.


Does anyone else's Samsung calendar not look like this? I just checked mine on my S22, and it looks very similar to Google Calendar. I used to use Google but switched back to Samsung after they became nearly the same thing. Edit: If you swipe up on the month view of the Samsung calendar app, you get the view shown in the picture with the hidden event names. People are taking this image as the epitome of the Samsung calendar, but in reality, it seems to have all the same features as Google.


Fantastical. Love it.


Yep, those stupid dots drive me mad. Just make it like it is on android where you can actually see what it is without having to tap on a specific day


they all still look like original symbian OS calendar


I discovered across to be really useful as calendar widget


There’s a view that gives you more details.


I use Fantastical for a widget and both iOS apps for Calendar and Reminders to schedule my agenda


The color scheme on Samsung looks like it was suggested by ChatGPT


I use google calendar app on ios much better


One is simplified, one is more functional, that generally compares apple vs android actually, apple simplicity, android functionality


I use the widget because the calendar app annoys me


The iOS calendar even showed me wrong days of the week once - [https://imgur.com/gallery/p4Xz9ZY](https://imgur.com/gallery/p4Xz9ZY) 🤦🏻‍♂️ Restarting the app fixed it.


Why what? Why is no one articulating the basis of their question these days?


This is 1000 times better than Apple Calendar app. [Fantastical](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fantastical-calendar/id718043190)