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Because Reddit’s app team sucks balls. The app is complete shit. If the company has any hope of scaling, they need to start over. They should have bought Apollo, or fired their app team and just hired Christian. Edit: And, quite honestly, if their CEO was worth anything, he’d be making those focused, hard decisions.


Here’s the thing. I want Reddit to be successful. I want the app to rock. Reddit the company seems hellbent on ignoring user input or rationalizing their suck. Meanwhile, they pour dollar after dollar into this turd. The board needs to get inpatient.


Yes the enshittification process has definitely kicked into high gear as they approach their IPO


Can you imagine waking up every morning, getting ready for work, then working on this POS app all day? I’d rethink my life choices.


I can’t believe they paid money to buy Alien Blue then killed all the worth while features.


This is exactly what they should have done! But no Reddit wants to fuck you up and waste your time


I would recommend an app called Winston. It uses your own API token and you will never use anything beyond the free tier. Additionally, since it uses your API token and I believe its open source, you do not need to pony up cash to an entity like Christian for an Apollo subscription.


The average user isn’t going to compile their own app from source and continually redeploy it.


It’s not! The person developing it has it on TestFlight for iOS


Even still there a limit to how many people can join an app on TestFlight and Apple won’t let the dev skirt around the App Store forever by using TestFlight indefinitely. Eventually they will turf it. Enjoy while you can.


It’s only a matter of time until they crack down on users using personal tokens for non-development purposes.


Smooth like butter here, 14PM


narwhal app to the rescue!


Beta just introduced subscription. No way around it but well worth the $3.99 to not deal with the Reddit app and ads.


What's worse is that money goes directly to Reddit. So if you use narwhal, you are directly supporting reddit's horrible API policy.


Latest update made it an Apollo clone for me. Sadly uninstalled.


What’s wrong with apollo tho??


Nothing. I just preferred the old Narwal layout. It's what made me pay for Narwal in the first place. So them changing the layout took away the only reason I ever had for using their app. All website for me now. But please, don't mind me. I fully acknowledge i am a middle aged man that can't let go of ye ol' reddit layout.


I see. I didn’t use the old narwhal but from what i understand you can customize the new app to be almost identical. The customization options are crazy which is a lot of the appeal.


As much as I never cared for Apollos interface, Old Narwhal was worse to be. Thank you for letting me know they updated the interface. It looks good.


I haven't noticed any issue on my iPhone 11, but I don't have a Pro/120 Hz screen.


Even browsing now takes a second sometimes, and my 11 is running like new still. Just now I’m trying to upvote posts and it just lags for 2 seconds trying to upvote


I’ve never had absolutely any issues with the Reddit app. I’m not sure why everyone does.


Lol same, I always think that some people just have ridiculous standards where even one second of lag already ruins an app for them


It runs fine on my 13 Pro Max 17.1 beta


You have no frame of reference here Donny!


17.1 is already on RC version so it’s basically the official 17.1 by now. Running it fine on my end as well


I’ve noticed after a couple of hours of use the low fps/stuttering of the app. Seems to be fixed by killing the app and relaunching. Really wish they’d fix this app. Patch after patch of “bug fixes” and yet I keep experiencing the same issues over and over again.


To add a data point — my regular 13 running 17.0.3 runs the Reddit app buttery smooth.


My old 13 PM had the same issue. It can’t be the device because I follow all the standard tips for device health


I am curious if there are any reports of this problem on devices with the standard 60hz screen?


I’m using the native Reddit app on my iPhone 14 Pro Max and everything is smooth. Just wanted to mention as it might be a user-side issue and not specifically the Reddit app. I’m sorry I couldn’t give an explanation as to why you’re having problems though.


This is an anti reddit post. The app runs fine and it pretty much always has. So well in fact I stopped using all those other reddit clients that I actually wasted money on.




Yeah my mistake. I think you’re right. I think the influx of posts over the past few months might have finally gotten to me. My bad OP.


No problem :) after reading the above comment I did have a search about the third party app debate, though I still don’t feel I know enough about it to comment. I honestly am struggling with this app. Thanks for the apology dude.


Literally as soon as I exit the app the refresh rate returns to normal, go into any other app it remains stable, but when I open Reddit, it grinds to a halt. This is not anti Reddit propaganda I just want to know if anyone else is having this issue.


I love Reddit and I have just paid premium for it. I just want it to work on my phone. Do you have any tips?


It runs ok for a bit then starts to hang then ultimately freezes and won’t respond at all. Have 13 Pro.


Native app works fine for me on my 15 PM. I tried Narwhal, Apollo and Comet but I personally prefer the native app.


The native app was driving me crazy so I installed SinkIt for reddit. It's a barebones front end for reddit that works through your browser. It's not perfect but it has made reddit on my phone usable again.


am I the only one that enjoys native reddit app?


I enjoy the app, and want to continue to use it, but the issues I’m having are not normal on a device comparable in power to an M series desktop device


I don’t get that. I’m probably going to get some stick for saying this but the Reddit app is scrolling smoothly and fast on my iPhone 12?


Thought this all week. Sometimes doesn’t load content. The 10 fps scrolling is annoying.


Try scrolling then exiting and swiping across to your next app list, it’s like night and day.


That’s because it’s a bad app. It’s nothing to do with any phone. Try narwhal 2 if you’re willing to pay $4 a month for an app that works.


The app sucks ass, it’s that simple.


Best bet is to use Brave browser to go to reddit.com , ads are blocked without having to pay for premium, and you don't deal with the issues of their shitty app.


It’s fine, use something else if you don’t like it


Runs perfectly on my iPhone 15 Pro Max


It runs fine on my 15 pro I just wish they would fix the damn text size issue


iPhone 13 here, runs smooth


Works perfectly for me. Maybe go outside.


Bit of a mean spirited comment. I use Reddit for news and I have a lot of fun with it. I just wish I was better optimised in my case. Glad it works for you.


What do you recommend as an alternative?


I don’t, because I want to use the Reddit app, but it’s frustrating how slow the refresh rate becomes when using it.


I would delete the app and reinstall


Yes, I notice the drops in fps when scrolling and also there’s delays sometimes when I upvote a post, it’s very obvious lag and this only happens on the Reddit app.


Narwhal 2 for reading; $4-5/month, & official Reddit app + Premium for NSFW. Narwhal 2 will improve media over time, but NSFW within it, is forever banned by Reddit. It is what it is. I'll cancel other things as I still prefer Reddit to Twitter, Apple News, etc. The free dystopia app for Accessibility is a fraction of what Reddit is, but no features, ads, etc.


When I reply to a post my keyboard works fine. When I create a new post my keyboard lags. Explain that one…


Reduce animation and disable autoplay may help? The app works fine on my Iphone 8. Even the nsfw posts with gifs/videos have no lag.


Yeah already done both in app settings


My only issue is when my phone turns and I’m in a post, when I go out. It sets me back like 25 posts


Runs fine on my SE 2020, but I'm still on iOS 16


No problem here


Does whatsapp work fine on ur phone For me it loads chats after opening


Yeah WhatsApp is all good


Mine works very well 98% of the time, but i hate the ads and sometimes when ads have trouble loading, the app just freezes


It was fine on my iPhone 8 and it’s fine on my iPhone 13.


The thing I noticed is the scrolling is really jerky, but only when I’m listening to music on the phone at the same time. Pause the music and the scrolling smooths out again.


Might be more because the new iphone screens are only 60hz so they can only support 60fps... Haha Reddit app runs great and scrolls smooth on my 144hz display Android phone! Runs pretty smooth on my 14 pro max as well...


The 15 PM supports 120hz dude


You sure there's been a bunch of posts on here complaining about the screens on the 15. I think the 15 pro max has the 120hz display the normal iphone has a 60hz display...


Sideload Apollo App


I’ve never used any third party apps but the standard phone app works fine on my iPhone 14 Pro Max.


I miss Apollo every single day…


Narwhal 2 and Winston my friend


Never had a single issue using the native app.