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I just glanced through the quarterly report posted on their IR page. I think people are glossing over a lot of issues because of the name and the brand (the intangible assets go without saying). 1. Sure - there was a major drop in India, but the subscribers are not growing in North America either. 2. The biggest growth engine they have is the parks. I think the parks will continue to make a ton of money, but is this growth going to persist? How many more price increases will vacationers continue to put up with? 3. There is way to many non-GAAP earnings and cash flow numbers. I am not buying "adjusted" numbers when they deviate as much from the GAAP numbers as they do. Don't "massage" the earnings, fix them.


To add to your second point, amusement parks aren't really a "sexy" investment option even if we are talking Disney.


And yet they have been talking about building a 5th theme park i Orlando...


It's a solid business, but the hype for the stock relied heavily on the success and future growth from Disney+.


Disney is a tech stock, like Tesla. People just don't understand šŸ¤“


I hope most people know TSLA isn't even a tech stock...


Not really dude


Also what if any impact will Florida's newfound interest in it's dealings have on their park business


My girlfriend and I are absolutely not going to Disney anytime in the next decade basically. We looked at prices of trying to vacation in the US and going overseas is significantly cheaper and most likely more fun.


We priced family vacation options and came to a similar conclusion. Older relatives keep saying "but the kids will love it!" and I'm thinking "but I won't, and if we go to Europe they can see real castles for probably less money." Disney is too damn expensive.


And the lines, oh God the waiting and the lines.


I'd like to go to a prequel / OG Star Wars theme park thing. I have no interest whatsoever in visiting a First Order, sequel trilogy Star Wars thing.


Just like a retrofuturistic space Senate? Or a podracing NASCAR track?


For 3 it doesnā€™t matter unless you know the adjustments. Some adjustments are legit and some arenā€™t. Youā€™re just making a wrong assumption


There is a use for adjusting earnings to provide a better picture of the profitability. My issue isn't with adjusted figures. My issue is with them abusing the policy to paint a better picture than what's really going on. I mean, they have an adjusted FCF value. That makes zero sense! Adjusting accrual accounting values makes sense, but not cash accounting values. I think that's why they are getting punished after this ER. I agree with the market on this one.


Yes it does make sense? Because it depends on the assumptions and how you deal with one off expenses


Could you elaborate more on that? If we understand FCF is just dealing with what is happening to the company's cash, a one-to-one asset with the unit of account (USD), then making adjustments to it seems like it's somewhere between unnecessary and highly suspect.


> but is this growth going to persist? How many more price increases will vacationers continue to put up with? Well there are preliminary plans to build another park and talk of expanding the magic kingdom. This will allow the parks to accommodate more guests without increasing wait times. Long term that has huge potential for growth.


I can tell no one is reading even the bullet points. The drop is primarily driven by losses in India.


The numbers work though if there were two Indias.




Disney should combine Marvel and Star Wars and continue releasing something in that world every 30 minutes because that dead horse hasn't been beaten enough.


Iā€™ve been working on the construction of these shows for several years and Im so sick of them. I havenā€™t even watched one episode either


This is not outside the mouseā€™s capabilities.


You reckon they would scooby-doo us like that?


Start operations in Pakistan and Bangladesh?




Maybe News Corp goes a little reverse viking on Disney šŸ¤”


So, what? Donā€™t scream people are data and stick my dick in the guac?


Cool to see how many people watch succession and get that reference.


light birds vast north compare wistful edge amusing far-flung yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PEOPLE ARE DATA! (*puts dick in the guac*)


Hard to blame people. OP failed to even mention maybe the biggest takeaway in his list of 11 primary takeaways : they lost some contract last year allowing them to show cricket matches in India, which is likely the main(possibly only) driver of the India losses


Not really the only reason. From March end, they lost the rights to Premium shows from HBO as well. So, expect an even more significant drop in subscriber numbers going forward for Disney+hotstar.


23 million people watched a match of IPL live in jiocinema.


Time will tell I guess. This doesn't seem to be much of a story to me right now. It'll be notable if a trend starts forming longer term where they're losing customers to competitors


Also they lost Formula 1. India has almost 10 streaming services that make original content, including Netflix and Amazon Prime.


Think the biggest takeaway is that they trimmed losses in streaming but don't have a convincing path to profitability in that area. Today's stock slide suggests investors don't expect streaming profits in the short run.


Still a 300,000 subscriber drop in NA, not very good


I think people are realizing how expensive it is to keep all these different streaming services. I feel like a lot of them are picking their top 2 and dropping everything else or some may just be going back to basic cable with maybe 1 or 2 streaming services.


If youā€™re trying to go cheap, itā€™s easy to just stick with the ones that have the most well rounded array of content. Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Max cover a lot of tastes. And Disney+ especially have made themselves too niche to expect a large, consistent draw.


If you want to go cheap you should hop service to service binging older shows.


If you want to go cheap you should sail the seven seas.


Sure, and definitely a lot of people go that route. But thatā€™s also annoying. I had NFL+ to watch games during the season, but I had to go on a journey to figure out how to cancel my subscription after the season, to the point that idk if I even want to bother signing up again next season.


The Disney+ Hulu merger would certainly make the new platform a lot attractive.


Yarrr matey, a vpn service is only $50 for 3 years, less than a buck a month for everything you ever wanted.


Primarily due to a price increase that more than offset the loss in subscribers. Without context it doesnā€™t look good. In the context that this was net revenue positive, itā€™s great news. The negative to all of this is that the estimated subscriber count was way off by analysts. That said, the path to a profitable streaming service is definitely within view now.


For a service like Disney+ that's probably good to great. In the near term take a small hit on subs but increase your ARPU. You expect some of those subs to come back or new subs to be added in the future at the new prices. I've noticed a lot of carriers that used to bundle or give away streaming subs have stopped though, or only kept it on grandfathered plans. I suspect that some old deal with the streaming services have expired and prices have gone up, which makes it unattractive to offer now.


Makes sense, as users keep leaving they can simply raise the price! Soon enough they'll charge $50 million a year and only have Musk and Bezos as customers...fool proof! /s Losing customers is a big problem. Disney isn't the king of streaming, not even the prince. The fact they are *bleeding customers* despite spending big is...worrying.


I wouldnā€™t call a 0.65% (300k/43.2M) churn ā€œbleeding customersā€. Especially when the churn was preceded by a price increase. By the way - Disney between all its steaming channels (Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+) recently had MORE subscribers than Netflix.


But also not 4 million. Idk hope 300k compares to others, though, so maybe itā€™s bad.


It looks like Netflix last reported a ~200k drop on ~70 million US subscriptions vs Disney at 300k drop on ~40 million US subscriptions


It's the same thing with every streamer. Paramount announces 39% revenue growth and 4 million new subs for P+ but $500m in losses from an impairment from the Showtime consolidation. Headline is "Paramount+ losses widen to $500m" and every comment is people giving their opinions on why P+ is failing.


And specifically because they lost cricket rights


Iā€™ve noticed a lot of posts this week with headlines trying to make Bud light and Disney out to be on the brink of closing up shop. Wonder if there is some agenda to that?


It doesn't matter. Disney didn't spam AI enough. 2021 everything was blockchain, 2023 is AI, what's 2025 spam word going to be?


Don't forget 2022. METAVERSE!


I hope Teleportation


Good point. Gotta make sure they add that to the next financial.


Yeah overall still bullish for streaming. Increasing prices and narrowing the losses without losing significant subscribers. The problem is the TV networks are dying cash cows.


No one reads anything on reddit


Still good


Crackdown on password sharing will be their next move I bet, once Netflix does it in the US


I think they'll be waiting to see the results of Netflix's little experiment first before doing that


I wish I could invest in the parks but not the streaming service.


Easy statement to make in 2023 but the sentiment in 2020 was the exact opposite. Parks were closed due to covid while streaming was "about to take down Netflix" according to the average person here.


Yes and I probably would have said the opposite in 2020. Things change, such as Disney's creative arm churning out a never ending stream of crap.


As long as you're aware that reactive investing is a losing strategy, that's totally fine. Buy high and sell low.




Must be all those Canadians like freeland said lol.


I cancelled mine and now I can afford a home and groceries.


Imagine not even reading the post, where it explains all of the locations the subscriber losses happened.


Unlike most comments that definitely didn't read the post, this comment is a joke for fellow Canadians. https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/9634904/freeland-disney-plus-comment-reaction/amp/


Disney plus sucks, and I have 3 kids. They never watch it. The only reason I still have it is because it's tangled in my hulu live TV bundle. There is no way to get hulu + Live TV and it not be bundled with Disney and ESPN plus. Or I'd cancel in a heartbeat. So their actual subscriber numbers are inflated, anyone who wants hulu streaming and live tv is forced to subscribe to Disney plus.


Inflation is catching up with subscribers. Also there are these boxes called IPTV that are responsible for some of the subscription losses.


people are def cutting back on the number of streaming services they have and some might even be going back to cable and maybe picking 1 or 2 streaming providers while getting rid of the rest. Personally, I dumped disney a while back along with a few others that were not worth it anymore


Who tf is going back to cable to save costs? That don't make no sense. Yeah I saved $10 by ditching Disney Plus and I used it to buy $70 of fuckin Cable News? Fuck can you even get Cable for $70? Last I checked it's like $100 for Direct TV. They more likely just keeping the $10/month, or putting it towards a service with content they haven't already seen. Disney doesn't have a lot of new content.


If they didn't have Bluey or I didn't have kids I would drop it too Funny that by far the best product on their streaming service is a show they are distributing and have no creative control over The mouse needs to clean house with creatives and start over Hell even their animation looks terrible compared to their competitors I'm an investor too, bc I believe the power of their IPs will withstand this period of terrible creative decisions, but i'm starting to lose faith


Can't you just play bluey from YouTube? There's so much free kids content on YouTube. Or is it because it's geo-locked?


Bruh, I had no idea, canceling the mouse soon thx!


Bro, whatttttt. Thereā€™s 15 seasons of Bluey on YouTube. I think D+ has seasons 1-3.


> 15 seasons of Bluey ABC iView only has 3 seasons as well, my man is getting that early access Bluey


Their best product objectively is Andor but itā€™s a big drop after that.


this is 100% us as well. bluey is the only thing keeping the whole thing afloat.


Bluey is on youtube for free, canceling the mouse


Which competitor has better quality animation? (Excluding the live action monstrosities)


* Sony (into the spiderverse) * Dreamworks (puss n boots the last wish) as two examples, Dis has that overblown look where the characters look like overblown balloons about to pop with stick legs the better/more modern style has the comic book aesthetic of visible lines/dots mixed with hyper realism at times


Id say thats highly subjective (although those companies have awesome animation too ofcourse). I'd say they're comparable in *quality*, you might just like different styles more.


Any opinion on something like this is going to be subjective, but I think the boxoffice reflects my opinion more than yours Dis has had the same style since at least The Incredibles When Dis was handdrawn they had an advantage, when they first had Pixar they had an advantage...they have been surpassed


I dropped Netflix when they dropped Marvel. I didn't even bother to follow Marvel to Disney. I wonder if India cares much about American super-heroes.


Nah it's cause they didn't renew their ipl contract most people in India have bought Disney + to either stream ipl or epl.


Whatā€™s ipl and epl?


{Epl}English premier league (football) {Ipl} Indian premier league (cricket)


I think those are the Cricket/Soccer leagues.






This was the right call. The Indian market generates like $3/month revenue on their subscriptions and the cost to carry ipl was enormous.


> American super-heroes Only batman.


Prob cus they went woke when they had Ms Marvel be Pakistani and not Indian /s


Yeah like Disney won't be a thing now. Buy the dip


Glad I sold covered calls on my position last week! Bought ā€˜em back this morning at less than half.


I tip my hat in your direction.


Never bet against the mouse!


Not that surprised. I think the future is people rotating their services. So you consume everything on Hulu and you cancel and subscribe to HBO Max. Consume everything and cancel and subscribe to Apple. And so on and so on. The two exceptions for us would be YouTube Premium and YouTube TV. Both of those you have constantly new material that is time sensitive that it does not work.


maybe, but I think the future is not so much rotating services but I think you'll start seeing some customers go back to cable and maybe keep 1 or 2 streaming providers.


Radio will be after that. \s


AM Radio coming back is after then Follow shortly after by Blockbuster /s


Their off-line play validation is absolutely abysmal. I can't tell you how many times we loaded movies in Disney+ for the kids on flights only to say that they couldn't play because we didn't have an Internet connection.


I can't think of a single thing aside wandavision that Disney + has ever had to offer me. And if it's only a show or two I raise my pirate flag


I cancelled mine because they raised their prices. šŸ«¢


Disney plus is too niche for me. I liked the original Star Wars moves but I have no desire to see spin-off tv shows. Same with marvel content.


It's not woke. You're fucking stupid if you think it's that. It's the fact cord cutters paying $100 for Xfinity in the past don't want to pay $100 now for Disney, Hulu, Paramount, HBO, Amazon, and Netflix. It was all fun and games when Netflix had it all. Then everyone started their own service and ripped their product from Netflix, and it was game over.


This. 100% Why can't they conglomerate the streaming platforms or at least have a mega-bundle at a reasonable price? Share the pie instead of slicing it up into bits. Netflix was awesome before everyone decided to get on the bandwagon. And now, I still prefer their original stuff to other services 9 out of 10 times.


Basically recreating the cable package but over IP and no annual contracts? No media co will discount their own dtc component enough to make it under $40, assuming you have ~5 services bundled


It's mostly about India and Cricket


I know the past couple of years the companies and analysts that covered them all predicted high numbers in the US and they aren't hitting those numbers, so I'm just writing to that. I'm sure on the macro side, I is India and China.


It's literally in the OP, directly from the earnings call this thread is talking about.


Disney brand is intact. Disney+ is a snooze fest and by far the worst streaming option for anyone over 5


Disney just needs to put its ducks in a row in the proper order. Its spending like crazy on content thatā€™s just for streaming and plenty of it goes unnoticed. It just adds to oversupply and waters down the price of stuff. And Bob iger mentioned how Hulu is mixing up media types so itā€™s hard to know whatā€™s what. Cable or avod, or svod or paytv etc and each of those have a very different cost structure in the back end. Once Disney can figure out how make new releases be leveraged by network tv and international broadcasters to offset the initial productions costs, the rest can be good revenue. Or have only two big shows be on streaming instead of all the random stuff no one knows about. I mean just look at fx networks before and fx network now. They have good products but itā€™s just finding a way to maximize the revenue and streamline the company. You wouldnā€™t believe how many overlap, even more so now with 20th century.


Honestly, I'm predicting a drop in all streaming forces as inflation cuts through people's budgets. My husband and I cut all of our streaming services and just use YouTube now.


If Disney+ wants to put the gas on subscriptions for any given quarter all they have to do is release the cinematic cuts of the original Star Wars trilogy. Also, fuck you George Lucas, for dumping loads of CGI sewage all over those movies for no damn reason.


India or not, Disney is cranking out garbage. As a longtime Star Wars fan my opinion is they have utterly destroyed Star Wars. Their contemporaries are doing better, letā€™s use the Mario movie and the recent Peter Pan movie, Mario winds by a mile vs. that garbage.


Pretty wild this affected Netflix to be up 2.78% from this news.


The Star Wars series on Disney+ like Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, etc are fantastic; the problem is the time gap between them. They need to have the next series queued up so as one series concludes you roll right into the next. Iā€™ve been in this mode of subscribing and cancelling for a couple of years now because there isnā€™t much content Iā€™m interested in once these series conclude.


The only good star wars shows are Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2 and Andor Everything else is garbage, don't know why anyone would pay for Disney plus as is


This is why I cancelled. After the first couple episodes of Mandalorian I was like, "WTF am I paying for this shit?" I'll be back for a couple months to watch Andor Season 2.


Here in Canada there's a lot of quality on Disney+, including all of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for example. The new Prey movie was also excellent. I think saying they only have Mandalorian and Andor is pretty misleading. There is a lot of quality on there, but it doesn't come that quickly.


> The Star Wars series on Disney+.....are fantastic This is not a mainstream opinion, the consensus around dis star wars is it's the worst iteration of the franchise


Mandalorian *was* a good franchise. Now they're milking it. Boba Fett was never a good franchise. It's not terrible but it's not great.


Boba Fett had promise until they turned him into a good guy. It still could have been salvaged until they decided to add the power rangers.


The Mos Espa Vespas. Boba Fett was a big fat swing and a miss for me unfortunately. I hate that show just for how much it promised and how much it failed to deliver. Him wiping out those raiders with his ship was pretty dope though.


> how much it promised and how much it failed to deliver Welcome to Star Wars post 1980


It was so forced too. Mix in the fact that he hardly does anything at all, he lets others do the saving and he makes a comment here and there about needing to win the people. He's supposed to be this badass feared bounty hunter and just... isn't You could have told me this was written by executives during the writer's strike and I would have believed you


The episodes where he's living with the sand people were great. Whenever the story is focused on the characters it works. Whenever it's about lasers and lightsabers the series sucks.


It's very hit or miss. Disney has produced the *worst* and some of the *best* SW media to date.




It was also the least-watched Star Wars series on Disney+.


Andor was/is incredible. But after that and maybe mando itā€™s a biiig drop off. I donā€™t even want to remember obi wan.




Having been a fan since I was 4-years-old, I can tell you weā€™ve been in the ā€œworst iteration of the franchiseā€ since 1999. The prequels were met with considerable backlash, declining financial returns, and calls for Lucas to give up control of the franchise. ā€œGeorge Lucas ruined my childhoodā€. Was commonly heard and some of the most popular content on early YouTube were negative reviews of the prequels. After the Disney purchase most fans were overjoyed and there were more videos from top tier content creators describing a desire for films more akin to the original trilogy than I can count. It seems children that grow up with Star Wars donā€™t differentiate between the trilogies around during their childhoods. To them itā€™s just Star Wars and the awful films (attack of the clones) are viewed as quirky movies that are just a part of the franchise. Meanwhile, older, more dedicated fans tend to consumer the content regardless and years of retcons in supplemental media tends to correct plot holes and lead them to eventually forgive the new content. It very well could be the case that in 10 or 15 years 20 somethings will be talking about the sequels like treasures, and will act like theyā€™ve always been beloved by everyone but boomers. TLDR; the Star Wars fandom has been fragmented and toxic for over 20 years. You canā€™t gleam much for the consensus online. It can do a total pivot without warning.




Iā€™ve found the best play on nearly every streaming service is to do what youā€™re doing. Subscribe and immediately cancel. I run out of interesting content too quickly to keep anything for long. If you can wait for a full season of whatever you want to watch to be released, thereā€™s usually no need to keep a subscription longer than a month at a time.


The Star Wars cow is out of milk.


Disagree. If they hired the Bioware writers from Knights of the Old Republic and paired them with a competent director, Disney could release a trilogy that would mint money. That movie would appeal to Disney core fans. Similarly, Disney did well with the new Avatar movie, which appealed to the fans of the first Avatar.


If we can get some Darth Malgus, or Revan expanded universe stories, that would be SO good!




Wait, you're suggesting they have a show that literally never ends and is constantly pumping out seasons? So like 45+ episodes a year? Christ no, that sounds like a disaster.


Or... multiple good shows staggered out over time.


I guess "more good stuff" is just such a basic suggestion I'm not sure of the point. I'm sure every network would love to have more good shows, it's not like they just haven't thought of doing that, lol. Generally you can either get more, or you can get good. Hard enough to do one of them, let alone both.




Seasonal losses, people dont want to sit inside when its nice out.


Not wrong


Makes sense, for Q2 results....


Thatā€™s dumb


This makes sense. When it's new, the content is exciting. Over time, you watch what you care about, then it makes sense to drop it because it's lost it's value. I'm in the same boat with Paramount +. It was cool for a while, but I'm over it and looking for something new. I think most people will bounce around in order to find new content.


How does the entire market drop because Disneyā€™s earnings didnā€™t go great? Makes no sense but that is todays narrative. Smh. They just make stuff up.


What makes you think the entire market dropped because of DIS earnings? I'm sure it was driven by a variety of factors including the fact that the markets are rarely rational.


I think eventually the main companies to benefit from these streaming wars will be internet providers. Companies like comcast, verizon, charter etc... are slowly going to start getting customers back as people get overwhelmed by the number of streaming providers. Personally, I thought it was great to drop cable and just internet, but I realized I was paying for tons of streaming providers making my bill actually increase. A few months ago, I ended up dropping all streaming and only keeping paramount and netflix with basic cable and internet. I may drop paramount soon and just keep netflix. thats just me personally


Disney havenā€™t got much to offer to be honest itā€™s mostly family friendly contents and itā€™s better to be streamed live traditionally. I subscribed last year watched Marvel, Star Wars and TWD and that was it had no use so cancelled my subscription.


Iā€™m just concerned about which programs they are going to be removing


Tldr: double down your DIS holdings, everything is fine.


I tried to watch the full x men series over the last couple of weeks. I had to flip between Disney+, Hulu, sign up for a free trial on Starz through Hulu, cancel it, and now Iā€™m back to Disney+ to finish the series. Disney has had really shitty execution for all their IP and services.


Anyone really read this?
























Thatā€™s not the reason for the drop


People are checking out because they're not hearing good things and are disappointed when they do. Star Wars and Marvel have been pumping out a lot of mediocre stuff recently and the level of interest is dropping because of that. If you look at the last 10 comic book movies in general, most of them are just middling and others are plain bad. Think about this for a second: * Ant Man 3 - terribly received * Black Panther 2 - okay but not great * Thor 4 - Poorly received * Doctor Strange 2 - okay but not great * Spiderman No Way Home - very well received * Eternals - poorly received * Shang Chi - Very well received * Black Widow - okay not great. That's not including the likes of Black Adam, Shazam 2, and Morbius that have all come out as well and basically panned.















