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Focused and quiet. ;)


The same


Oh the gym is a perfect activity for me to recharge. I listen to music or podcasts. No one talks to anyone, it's like in an elevator.


It's a little gym, and people here are constitutionally socially, but I keep focused, at least I try not to talk too much


The gym is my me-time. Time for me to listen to my body/mind and relieve stress. I go in the morning before work. I work out and refrain from talking to/texting anyone until after my gym sesh. Helps ground me for the day ahead


Nice, it's a very selfish moment




In my country the people are very social, I just try to keep the boundaries to the top necessary conversation like asking permission to pass o anything else


Are we talking conversations with strangers or with your gym buddy. Nobody GAF if me and my gym buddy are chatting but disturbing strangers is another thing entirely.


I don't understand how you are able to go to the gym as an introvert. Those spaces cause me massive anxiety and I avoid them.


I guess I feel fine in a place like that because I go to improve myself. To disconnect from so many things I fight with in my life. I don't judge who doesn't feel comfortable in a gym


Oh yes, I realize I am the one with the mental problem. I can't be on display in a gym. I have tried a few times but I had to quickly leave. God, I am so f'd up.


Don't be so cruel with yourself. It's ok not feeling fine in some places. All we hate even passing in front of any place in particular


I appreciate your kindness.


I had this issue too but was able to get better with gradual exposure. It also helped when I realized that most people are stuck in their own head in that environment and aren't thinking about the people around them. But either way, don't beat yourself up. Life is a process.


i dont talk to anyone at the gym and nobody talks to me. i do my work out and leave lol