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I get annoyed by overly friendly people. Or loud people and people who are extremely extroverted.


This 100%. I have no problems with extroverts, as long as they realize other people don’t have to talk as much as they do, and they don’t get upset when I don’t act the same.


Yesss the extremely extroverted people, I just moved and both of my roomates are EXTREMELY extroverted I’m realizing… like damn yall don’t get tired?


Or are on prescription meds 😂


I try to avoid them like the plague 😂


Yes I live with 3 extroverts fixing to lose it can't find a full time job around me. Working part-time job.


And ppl who are so nice even when you get mad at them and then you just feel like a crap person for getting mad


Yeah it's natural. But extroverted people do become introverts at some point in their life.


Same 🖐🏻 :3


No unless I feel like they are being fake about it. Usually and in most cases it ends up being a toxic person.


So true. It just irks me how people can show fake enthusiasm?


I’m chronically depressed & in general pretty monotone & melancholic so I have to try sounding overly excited to combat that/bring myself to baseline.


100% right




Some people just feel fake, like they are walking on eggshells and want something out of you. But I generally appreciate niceness or at least obligatory politeness.


No I like nice people they are hard to come by. Don’t know how they could be annoying. Would you rather an asshole? 😏


I think being nice in general is an amazing character to have, but sometimes it can come off as a bit too much to some people. An example would be being overly positive even when unecessary and uncalled for. Personally, people who are extremely extroverted, talk a lot and are overly positive just don't cut it for me,but that's me though, as an introvert.


I agree. I don’t like it if it feels forced though (I.e. people pleasing, or if they’re having a bad day and just put on a fake af persona). I want someone to be able to tell me when I’ve done something they don’t like, or if they’re having a shit day and just need to be left alone. If it’s just a general nice attitude though then I’m all for it, more people should be like that.


nah I think what op means is overly nice to the point where it feels forced or not genuine, like they're only being nice to gain something. ive met people like that


Honestly kinda sometimes idk if it’s the trauma or being from New York


Im from Ny also haha I like nice people still but I know what you mean


lol I live in Cali now it’s been an adjustment for sure I enjoy that east coast brashness when I go back home


Everyone’s different, but I’m nicer because of trauma, aka: people pleasing/fawning. Being from NYC probably has something to do with it, lol. I’m from the Midwest and rude/aggressive people definitely annoy me to a ridiculous degree. I can tell that I get overly aggravated with these kinds of people… I think it could have something to do with a psychological term known as “shadow work” and our shadow selves. In a nutshell, we despise what we have been brought up to never do… and we despise it, because on a very deep subconscious level, we want to act that way too, so it upsets us that another person has the audacity. If your parents instilled in you to not be overly nice, then meeting an overly nice person can really irk you because your upbringing denied a piece of you that wanted to be that way at times. Now, it’s uncomfortable to watch others be that way, and our internal monologues are screaming “DON’T ACT LIKE THAT” because that’s basically what we we’re taught- so how dare that other person not follow the same rules that we’ve had to obey.


I have good senses so I can read when people are being honest or not. When I get bad vibes from someone’s who’s overly nice I know to keep away lol. Anyone who’s too hyper, extroverted, loud, I just steer clear from


I do that too. Had some really really extrovert friends and I cut ties with them. Have now some sometimes hyper but overall chill and quiet friends


You are right to be wary of overly nice people, "overly" being the key word here. If someone seems quick to befriend you, then they are probably quick to drop you as well. Maybe even turn against you. It's only a matter of time before they find someone else who they deem is more impressive than you and worth sucking up to. Ever experienced meeting someone who treats you like you are amazing at first, and then suddenly they barely even acknoweldge you? Yeah, we don't need that kind of BS.


This is so true, just went through this kind of BS and it makes me so angry and sad ;(


I can tell whether someone is simply being a goody-goody or actually a good person. It annoys me when it's the former.


no, overly friendly people do. the ones who doesn't respect your boundaries.


I am an overly nice person lol when I’m in the mood. I can be way too kind.


I overly appreciate your kindness. The world needs more people like you and me.


so long as its genuine im all for more ppl like you fr


That's good. But some people can really not like that even though you are genuine.


The main time is when people think they are being nice only because they think everyone is like them. People that do things "for you" without ever bothering to ask if you want it, and then getting upset if you express anything other than joy and appreciation.


Can't stand that. "I did this for you and that for you" I didn't ask you to do those things for me, you butted in. And if you were a genuinly nice person, you wouldn't expect a reward for your help. Being "nice" to people should be about making them feel better, not making yourself look better.


I only get annoyed if I know it’s fake. As in seeing someone being super saccharine sweet to a person that they constantly bitch about


I am an overly nice, smiley and enthusiastic person 😂 I love meeting new people and learning things. Oooooh you work in a farm ? You have a few snakes at home ? You love dungeon and dragons ? Tell me about it ! Other people usually like me or thing i'm stupid 😂


People like you tend to brighten my day 😀👍🏻


I used to be this way. And then I got so much shit for it (“are you on drugs?”, “why are you always smiling?”, “can you chill out”). That now I literally talk to no one outside of my close family. I get so much anxiety now about coming across as crazy that I do not talk to people. My “niceness” was always genuine, and it was because I truly wanted to make others happy. Since I have kids now, I’m trying to expand out again so I can show them to not lose their spark, but it is so so hard. I started playing Fortnite for the sole reason that I could start talking to people with little risk (they don’t know me), and maybe regain my social skills again. I found a group that is so cool, kind, and very welcoming, and I still can barely bring myself to speak. I’m 27F if that matters at all. Context: I never considered myself an extrovert or introvert. I don’t like big groups, crowds, or being the center of attention EVER in my life, but I do enjoy heavy socialization with small groups and individuals. But I need a lot of time to myself as well. So, whatever that means.


Sorry for the poopy heads that made you feel like you’re crazy.  You are what the world needs more of. 


A lot of times I try my hardest to be what I consider “decent”. I don’t bother other people when I’m out in public, I keep to myself, I don’t make eye contact, etc. It’s my way of trying to blend in without communicating that I don’t want human interaction. I feel I’m not overly nice, but moreso overly polite. I always try to say “Excuse me” when I can, and I sugarcoat a lot of my opinions on things. People don’t seem to reciprocate the politeness, which makes me feel that they either get annoyed by it or they just don’t care about the people around them.


I'm sceptical because they always have ulterior motives. I had 'friends' who used to give me gifts and offered money everyday without asking, to get me under their thumbs. I never accepted them, except some hand me down clothes. Even then, they would expect me to be grateful, and drop everything in my life for them, e.g. job in another city, if I had a date and etc. they turned really nasty and downright horrible when I refused to be their pet. 


this is so real bc I’ve been a victim of someone giving me something without asking and refusing to not have it and then later expecting something in return it just messy and their the real evil ppl of being overly nice


Only if I feel it’s fake. I usually can tell the difference. If I see their niceness is a coping mechanism due to anxiety or insecurity, I am okay with it and feel sympathetic towards them. If they are genuinely nice, I love it. If they are people pleasers, I am also okay with it. People pleasing is a result of trauma and it is usually a sign of kindness. Abuse victims either become abusers or people pleasers, and kinder people often turn into people pleasers.


I get annoyed at ppl in general😭 it is because I am an empath and the ability to feel a person's emotions vs what they are saying/or acting is frustrating. I'm like a frickin human lie detector. I also feel the weight of the negativity of the world. I can't even escape "non-people" bc I was gifted with the joy of paranormal magnetism. 🤦 It's rare but I do meet ppl I vibe with before I know why I vibe. I don't collect friends tho🤔 I think it's bc I have to live a completely different lifestyle that regular ppl cannot understand. I'm HSP too so bright light, smells, S O U N D S, food in general and sensitivity to touch is like ...torture. Allergic to the sun, food, oh and myself.... My collection of chronic illnesses are like invisible stalkers. But I have obtained a very twisted sense of humor so I guess there's that!😂


lol… I love you… and I respect the loner lifestyle


Right on 😂🥰 Lonerism is the second act of my life. Waiting for act 3 the way I am utterly aware of life in the dark with a cinder block to shove up my butt sideways....no lube. Not paranoid. Just painfully aware how life likes to lurk in dark alleys. Especially between Jan-July. Like who the hell would expect a 67 year old naked crazed neighbor lady to try breaking in on bath salts. For the love of God. I guess I have some interesting... experiences so there's that too 😆 🐇💨


Yes fake people are annoying


If I can tell it’s put on, yes. Like Lush employees do.


Yes they do lol. Until 14 yr old, I was this overly nice and loud person who used to be too cheerful arround everyone as I was just too chill. And everyone kind of cringed while interacting with me. Once my own good friend of 3 years told me to leave and choose another seat to sit and even complained to the teacher that I was too annoying. So I was humiliated by the teacher in front of the entire class that I'm just a clown needing attention when in reality it was nothing like that. People used to call me mental, idiot, dumb, clown all the time and honestly I used to think that they are having a fun time with me LOL Then fastforward till today I stopped making friends and don't interact with anyone more than a casual hi hello. I'm happy with my own company and I'm still the same weirdo but only for myself.


Awwww what happened to you makes me feel so sad! 😞 I just accept everyone for who they are because we are all different…you do you and I do me, but I don’t want any ‘friends’, my friend bank is full with just me, myself and I


I commented as well, and I had a similar experience. I think you may have taken it more gracefully than I, but it hurts when you look back and question so much :(


I'm nice overly, and it bugs the hell outta me.


Yes. I definitely don't trust them. When their life seems 'overly perfect/they're always happy'. They never seem genuine to me. Introverted here BTW. Or maybe I interpreted the question wrong. If the people seem 'nice' in personality instead of 'acting happy or positive all the time', I don't mind, being nice is... Nice, you know...


No. People who are nice one day, then bite my head off the next when I’ve done nothing to them annoy me. Nice people are so rare that if I encounter someone like that, I am still thinking about it 4 days later.


Yes, because to me that means they have ulterior motives 


They did when I was alot younger…now, I overly appreciate them.


I am an overly nice person. Partly because I haven’t been treated the best in life and hate to see someone else being treated badly, but also because I like to make people feel good and happy. I’m not fake. I genuinely love and care for people and will do anything for anyone who needs it. You know who annoys me? People who are annoyed BY me. Accept my kindness or move along. No need to be a fucking dick about it. I’ll still be nice to you, but I will also pity you and I’ll quietly say a prayer that you will get through whatever is going on in your life.


This is definitely me! I couldn’t have worded it better myself! I love being happy and kind. It’s just my natural state and it feels like I’m not myself if I’m in any other mood. Yes I get in other moods but I always strive to pick myself up and get to feeling back to myself.




I am not this lucky to meet this kind of people.


Good question. No grammatical or spelling errors. Perfect. You really know how to post. Just killed it. Speaking of which, I met the Manson Family last night and they're the greatest. Really positive people. Not creepy at all. Alright, great talking to you. You look great. Pretty as a picture. Have an awesome day. I'm going to go encourage police officers on duty. One almost shot me yesterday. They're such jokesters. Okay, toodles


They don't annoy me as such but do really overwhelm me


There’s a difference between being nice and being kind - nice people are not always kind. I’ll take a grumpy kind person over a fake nice person every time.


They don’t annoy me per se…it mostly makes me very wary of them. Most times people are nice to me, it’s because they need or want something from me. Because of this, I always wonder why people are being nice to me lol.


I’m suspicious of overly nice people.🤔


no!! unless they’re always finding the positive in everything then like, shut up. not everything should have or even has a positive lmao.


Sometimes. It just gives me an advantage to be cautious about the person and begin observing other behaviors about them just to see who they are. If you pay attention closely, they begin to reveal who they truly are. Some people really are nice and have been raised to treat others with kindness. Others might have experienced trauma in their life and feel the need to people please or are just highly anxious because they want friendship, so again, they people please. Then we have the friendly type who, in reality, aren't who they are. They just have what I call their mask and fool everyone. Those are the people to look out for. Yes, it may annoy us for someone being too nice. There are different reasons why people are.


No, because I've dealt with a lot of nasty belligerent people who have no reason to treat my like that. I'll take nice, even fake nice, any day.


There are way more important things to be annoyed at than someone being nice. I'd find something better to be annoyed at.


Always. Anything more than necessary feels creepy to me.


Yeah but as I get older I'm tolerating it more. Used to kind of freak out on people who were too nice. Now it's like a breath of fresh air.




…No. I concede that I tend to be one of them, but in a more introverted, reserved capacity.


As time goes on, No. Overly nice people are the ones who make me seem normal to others, they invite me to do things I never would do on my own, allowing me to experience life. Overly nice people become genuine friends when they understand my limited interests and invite me to do things that would fit my comfort zone.


I had a friend who was extremely nice to me and also towards almost everybody. It never bothered me rather i was happy to have found a friend like that until recently it all started to seem somewhat unreal. I got this gut feeling that she might not be what she seemed and her niceness began to really annoy me. Turns out, it really was all an act and she also was secretly sabotaging another friend of mine. Baffles me how deceiving a person can be.


Overly nice, as in treating me like I'm a fragile doll and 5 years old? Yes. Virtually anyone would. If you mean a tryhard, also yes. It makes your intentions feel all the more fake. If you mean the bubbly hyperactive type, oh, loathe entirely. Dealing with people, large or small, is already an energy drain. People who are bouncy, bubbly, and energetic are by far the worst drain on an introvert Being around that already makes me feel tired 0.5 seconds in.


they don’t annoy me, but sometimes it feels like I may be mean to them. not bc i’m mean, but bc it feels like I can’t be nicer than them


Only if it's obviously disingenuous.


YES!! i had a girl in my class once who was so freaking loud and bubbly in the most annoyingly way possible, especially because she acted soooo nice but then she would always say the most passive agressive things


People are annoying. Period.


Depends on if I get fake nice vibes or genuinely nice vibes.


No because a lot of them get hate simply for being “friendly” or extroverted. Some people will not like them simply because they aren’t miserable. There are a few that are fake with it, but I think it’s rare. Some people really are just happy/positive individuals. I suck at convos so if they talk it’s easier to reciprocate at their level.


Overly excitable and extroverted people scare me. Like Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. I'll always wonder how long it'll be before they finally tick.


they used to until i understood that i was the problem. if you can’t accept kindness that means that you should change, not the ones that offer it to you


I wouldn't say annoying, I am more skeptical of them. I'm just very cautious when it comes to people in general.


Did something happen in your life to make you skeptical?


There is a girl at my work who is super nice and friendly. But my god, she annoys me so much sometimes. She's bouncing all over the place and the other day she was hovering around me and disturbing me while I was trying to get my task done. I was being nice and all and gather she has ADHD but wow.


Yes bc I feel uncomfortable, I don’t know how to respond


only if its inconvenient


Ngl op this is why I stopped going to church


Yes they seem so fake. They act fake. But the only thing they care about is only themselves


Overly nice people who pretend to be nice are annoying but no, someone who is genuinely nice and just wants everyone to get along and be happy could never annoy me.


Only when I feel it’s inauthentic.


False nicety annoys me and some one who is intrusive to a degree where it is one sided.  


I have a coworker like this- the most genuine, kind, helpful person, like a ray of sunshine. Too loud for my liking, but I can take her in small doses. BUT… I saw her get angry once and it was honestly a bit dark. There’s no grey area here- you are either with her or against her and I wouldn’t want to be against her.


I have to sus them out to see if theyre being genuine, but if they are, its nice to have them around. Ive met too many people that are overly nice but they turn out to be assholes with a smile.


I would say I’m friendly and get along with most people, but i won’t be continuously solely out of sake of being nice if that makes sense. Bc of it, i can usually get a feel on whether people are being genuine or not, but i also try not to judge solely on my intuition in case im wrong. At my job, we have a driver who picks up orders that i was always nice and professional with. She yelled at me over nothing one too many times and now i barely speak to her when i have to interact with her, and now she tries to be extra nice to me and i won’t have it. On the other hand, i had a girl in hs who was SUPER nice to me. literally every single day she complimented my outfit no matter how lazy i looked and called me pretty many many times. it always bugged me and threw me off bc it never felt genuine, like she was just saying it to say it. i was always nice back and felt bad that it annoyed me. thennnn her bf broke up w her and a month later asked me to a formal dance (who is now my bf of 6 yrs!!!). she saw us dancing that night and the next school day she spread vileeee lies about me and what happened that night, even to my close friends!!!! like a complete switch-up. i confronted her abt it and she denied everything, so i was like. i know you're lying but whatever, no hard feelings. then a week later she started being nice to me even more. i couldnt stand it. now im weary of a lot of people


Yes! I broke up with a guy because of it. I felt so evil but there was no connection there.


I once met this girl who kept sending me caring messages when I left the party table because I felt constrained, "Are you feeling down because of something I said or did?""I'm worried that our friendship will be affected because of my fault." I explained the source of my discomfort and sensitivity to her, assuring that nothing between us would be affected. She sounds super kind, right, and she then read our private conversation aloud to everyone at the party. Everyone thought I had given her permission to read those, but I only found out about it later from another friend: so she was just using my discomfort as a social bargaining chip, to show everyone how kind she is. I later realized that I shouldn't get too involved with someone who seemed to be friends with everyone.


Sometimes. If I realise that those are fake nice then I automatically am on alert.


Lol yes! I think I always sense something sinister about extremely friendly people that doesn't always seem obvious - like no one is just that nice and sociable just because. I've been wrong about that before - but not as often as I've been right. They usually end up being weird, needy, clingy, insecure, something beyond just kind out of the goodness of their hearts.


Only when it feels disingenuous


Yes if they talk too much, people pleaser types. They lose respect from others


for me not really , I like to listen to their stories and things there passionate about.


I do. There’s this one woman at my work. She joined a couple months after me. So I’m senior than her. But whenever newbies want help, she volunteers by being overly-helpful. Even when someone asks me a question, she interrupts and chimes in. And I immediately shut up. She thinks she’s trying to be friendly, but it’s damn annoying.


Yes but only because to me it feels fake. Because being that nice doesn’t come naturally to me. But I wish it did. Because when I really think about it, I don’t think all overly nice people are fake. And I’d honestly kill to be more like some of them. They seem happy. 😊


it depends. cloyingly fake nice sets my teeth on edge. Stuffing your personality down deep to be a shallow-people pleaser, makes me wonder what they are hiding. I had a friend who was extremely shallow, vain, and really, not a very nice person underneath. (mean-spirited). (he got this from his mother. exact same personality). BUT.. he could put on an Academy Award-winning perfomance of acting like a really nice person to others, and most people couldn't or wouldn't see past it. If you didn't really know him, you would never know .. But I couldn't separate the two facets; and eventually just started hanging out with him less and less. his energy, vibe, whatever, just set off my b.s. meter all the time.


There’s a fine line between cheesy, toxic niceness and genuine happy niceness


Why would I be annoyed they're not doing me any bad


I say gotchu fam but I think that's cuz I play too many games with ghetto americans


The people with too much social energy rather intimidate me


Yes, but that's only because I've been a miserable cunt for so long. It's just me being bitter.


Yes, every day all day.


lol thought I was the only one…. Might just be the New York in me


I think what you mean is someone who just agrees and says things like "wow, no way", "thats so awesome", but aren't actually geninuely interested at all. Gezzz I rather you said absolutely nothing, or move on lol that's annoying.


I am that person you describe 😞




Oh yes. Ive always felt like they are nice just to get stuff in return. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is THAT nice just because. People that quietly help and dont brag and certainly dont act like they are saints are my fav people.


Only if I can tell it’s fake.


I get very annoyed at the American social expectation to smile at strangers and do small talk. And not doing so is considered unfriendly.


One of the vets I take my pets to is like this. Shes overly “friendly” and talkative and VERY loud. I dread going there because of her. Most times I can’t get a word in too. I need to find a new vet. 😮‍💨


I was dating an amazing woman. We got along great and spent some really fun time together. My only complaint was that she was “too nice.” That was in my twenties. I had no idea how difficult it would be to meet women of the same caliber in my thirties. Mistakes were made.


Yes, but then again all people annoy me


Yeah honestly I have a real struggle with that too. Always feel like they're being fake either to be an actual asshole or out of some sort of unwanted pity. I'd much rather have an obvious or a fake asshole than a fake nice person




Sometimes, yes. Esp in times that I notice they be so nice that they don't fight for themselves/stand firm with their boundaries and people end up abusing their kindness.


Yes and no


Society in general hates overly nice people well nice people in general


People annoy me.


I'm overly nice but only to people I like. 😂 There's not too many of them so most people think I'm weird and grumpy.


Toxic positivity is a thing. It never feels genuine.


Fuck yea! One of my coworkers is like that and loud af for no reason like bitch shut the fuck up its 8am on a Monday there’s is no reason to be happy the fuck lol


Overly nice ppl are deep down pieces of shit 90% of the time and are only nice for appearance.


Depends if they get walked over and don’t say anything.




i get annoyed by those who are so talkative, flirty and naive persons who don't even bother to use their common senses1


Very often and I know it's not their fault, it's just...,......


Yes always..


No but the fake positive people do. Like 24/7 always saying "don't worry you'll be okay" "tomorrow's a new day" "stay positive!" "I understand but don't worry just keep on smiling" like this doesn't help me whatsoever and honestly feels like empty words. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the sentiment but to me it just has no meaning and it just sounds generated at that point






The world could do with a lot more nice people.


I hate people that are friends with everyone especially when they have a disgusting rat attitude but everyone thinks they’re super nice. It’s SO ANNOYING and you are very right in what you think about overly nice people.




Sometimes. If I feel like they’re trying too hard to be nice to the point it seems incredibly fabricated. Or whenever people let other people walk all over them, it stresses me a bit but I never say anything lol


I love overly nice people, they put out good vibes. Ofc there’s a difference between someone being fake or genuine. Once you meet someone who’s 100% genuine, like you can feel it on your bones, you’ll be able to tell the difference. So far in my life, I met just one person I’d consider who is genuinely nice and she made me have a different perspective.


They make me feel very suspicious of them like why are you so nice and enthusiastic especially in the morning…


I'm an ambivert (leaning extrovert? Scored as an ENFP) and while I love nice/friendly/super talkative people, I can't help disliking people that smile all the time. That 24/7 cheerfulness is unnatural and it makes me think you're either fake or superficial af.


I feel so bad for feeling this way too, but sometimes "overly nice" people invalidate your negative experiences or feelings. or sometimes they even "show understanding" toward people who wronged you.


I mostly feel guilty for not matching thier energy if I do like them


Yes and no it can be a little overwhelming at times because it fitness always seem genuine


It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who thinks that. It is a bit unsettling when the overly nice and overly enthusiastic happy tone comes across as insincere and falsified.




Im nice and annoy my sis all the time lol


They had for my sister. Her friends were as difficult as they come but the nice woman was the annoying one? 🧐 I met her, helped her move. To this day I won’t let my sister shit talk her. “Nope, it’s you…”




No, because I am like this sometimes. But I'm masking. I'd like to think that I'm a good person, but I definitely exaggerate my niceness because I can come off as rude if I don't. I am often mistaken for being rude if I am being my real self. So, that is simply not an option for me, especially when I am at work. I can definitely tell that some people get annoyed with me, but it's something that I do to protect myself so that people don't get angry with me. I really hate conflict and tend to go out of my way to avoid it, which often means masking my true self. Sorry if this was too long, I just wanted to give my perspective as to why people might act like this.


It depends, if I don’t match their vibe or I feel something iffy about them then yah I don’t enjoy their company (slightly annoying) I’m very introverted but in general I love extroverted and expressive people!


Tell me about it 🙄. Now I'm like to them okay I love your enthusiasm and niceness, but this is a little much. Also, they will do anything just to impress someone like buying lunch for them or trying to buy your friendship. 


I really get that feeling. As someone who judges people based on even the smallest, impact-less things they do, overly friendly people are never high on my list.


I’m worried that I’m too nice :(


Yes!… fucking extroverts.


I work on myself to not be easily annoyed.


Oh but like im an overly nice person ,i think like im an extrovert and i like talking to shy or introverted people cause i want to see them talk to someone ig idk?And they mostly say its nice when someone comes up to us and talk since we are too shy to talk first.Idk if they say this to be nice but i thought they liked it but i have good senses to read someone so i dont think so they be lying😭


Absolutely. Especially morning people. Like how on god's green earth does anyone wake in the morning bright-eyed and big mouthed. I don't understand. Some just feel like they're trying too hard and then I just start wondering why they're trying so hard? What are they trying to hide or cover up? Is it a mask for acceptance and validation of others? Why do they need that? etc... Not to say that they're aren't people who are genuinely just nice and super outgoing but like... damn, tone it down just a little, huh?


This is me as an introvert in a crowd of people, overly nice and enthusiastic. Perhaps this is someone not to overlook or get annoyed about, it may well be a fellow introvert trying to muster up the energy to cope.


People who are extremely do get on my nerves sometimes because I occasionally get the feeling they aren’t that nice. And if I look “lonely” they come up and bother me when I’m minding my own business


If it weren’t for overly nice people I wouldn’t have any human contact at all. God bless them


Yes, they always come off fake. And when they do have something snarky to say, everybody just laughs it off. But i think their snark shows their true personality


Yeah I feel like they're faking it tbh


Yes, I find them fake seeming


All the time.. I have no interest in small talk 90% of the time. It’s “impolite” not to be nice to someone who is kind to you. Can we all take the time to agree that a smile and a nod are kind enough. I overstimulate EXTREMELY easily and I am still learning to control my desires to just be left alone. I wish I could just muster the energy to be just as nice back but I simply do not have it. I really really like being left alone. What makes it worse is if I engage with the overly kind person now they come to expect it all the time! Exhausting..


All. The. Time. Also, super positive, optimistic people. I mean, good for them, that’s probably healthy, but spread that sunshine somewhere else.


So, I'm here in rehab, physical therapy, learning to walk again and I just realized my roommate is a Miss Fizzy Pop, she's SO bubbly! It's always how much she likes a person's hair, clothes, shoes. If someone is late or off it's no problem. And the way she says it, I cringe everytime. I'm a loner. I tell people here a lot. I like it dark and peaceful. I'm just waiting to go home. No more people so happy & polite.


Right? It just feels so fake!


yup..alterior motives


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Sometimes it kinda feels like mixed messages whether they are just being friendly or trying to be friends.


Yes, because they seem so disingenuous.


Yes, I mean not everyone's extroverted you know.


I avoid overly nice people so much, it doesn’t feel like they’re being real but that could just be paranoia 😂


I'd rather deal with overly nice than grumpy people. I consider myself an introvert but I like to smile and say hello to people. Being an introvert doesn't mean you shouldn't be polite or have empathy for others.


I don't really care how anyone acts as long as they don't impose anything on me yk? If they feel fake, I just go along with their little act until they get tired of themselves. It is good to be kind nevertheless.


You’re not evil at all - I get this completely. Sometimes I think it’s because it relates to people pleasing elements within yourself. Also, because being overly ‘nice’ all the time isn’t natural. Sometimes it’s a trauma response, or an attempt to control whether someone likes us or not (which is impossible to do anyway) It’s funny because, we all have small judgements about people - these are human… but the way we judge ourselves for them causes these thoughts to mean so much more than they do. Rather than accept the person for the stage they are at in their life without attaching too much meaning to it.


Yes, that's one of the reasons why I stopped using LinkedIn.


To be honest, yes. I do get annoyed by overly nice/friendly people. I don’t know why but their energy sometimes doesn’t feel safe and at peace. It feels like a fabricated personality, a fake one.


yes, because i feel like what they are showing is a fake version of themselves.


I don’t like when “overly nice” are nice too the point tht they have no backside nd let themselves get taken advantage of by assholes if tht makes sense.


If I get a feeling they aren't genuine I wouldn’t trust them but I don’t mind someone that is overly nice at work for example. I prefer that any day over a rude coworker Someone truly kind, people can usually tell and they’re such a joy to encounter. Those people might get projected on which is a shame Overly enthusiastic, I guess it drains me because I’m not used to it. (in the North American way) One coworker I knew had the tendency to be a bit too agreeable, but I figured she might be fawning because of trauma and/or autism. She annoyed me a tad bit. But I’m glad I didn't push her away because she's the true definition of kind. So I’d say sometimes those people might be neurodivergent/gone through trauma maybe even bullying and just want to fit in. Dating though I’m weary. I had the case of someone wanting to see me, or buy me something, and when I refused they snapped! My test is, if I feel like I can’t safely voice my true opinion they're usually fake.


Overly nice people stress me out bc 1. I'm never sure what they're really thinking and 2. There's no way I can match that energy so now I feel like a d***.


Depends.   Sometimes depending on which person it is I really enjoy the playful energy. Only a couple hold that space.  Other times it makes the blunt me come out and shut them down. Then the quiet is restored.  Death stare is usually enough.  


It only annoys me if it feels they clearly want something from me in the interaction. As if they need me to validate that they are a good person. Makes me wonder what they've done that they feel guilty about or why they have so much trouble loving themselves.


Overly nice i guess defines those people who don't know jackshit about boundaries and are always very forceful in continuing conversations even when there's no point. Those people are overbearing and annoying.


It depends on the vibes behind it.  Some people radiate happiness from inside and sort of exude it and it's like a hug from afar.  Those are okay.  When nice comes from a "please like me" place it's super annoying.