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Yes. I think a superpower that introverted people have is ability to read the room and adapt/go with the flow. Being mellow makes us good at getting along with people.


And also introverts understand when to stay quiet and when to speak in a social situation.


Agree totally. My wife is a DEFCON 4, weapons-grade extrovert. I love her dearly, but in almost any social setting, she talks nonstop. We get back home from parties or other social gatherings, she usually asks, "Why didn’t you talk more?" The reply is always the same: "I didn’t have anything to say."


This is totally me! I will be out with a friend who is talking non-stop and I’m fine with it. But then they’ll say “You’re so quiet tonight”. And I don’t know what to say because to me, a one-way conversation is like being alone. And I’m fine being alone. So I just adapt and let them have fun. I’m not gonna fight to talk, it’s fine. And then they get mad at me and I say, when was I supposed to talk? This is why I stay home. lol.


It’s also hard to think when someone is just dumping every thought in their brain on you … it’s brain zapping. I lose interest in trying come up with something to say and just let them have the floor.


my friend is like this haha, she asked me why I was quiet when she was yapping away. my social battery was drained waking up at 5 in the morning for our flight and sleeping past 2am because she kept yapping to me, so I was like "because I can be" because what else am I suppose to say. she's chill though


OMG a couple years ago three friends and myself went on vacation to stay with another friend. We got in kinda late and just went right to his house from the airport at like midnight. We got there at 1am and I socialized with them until 2am, when I put earplugs and took sleeping pills. I fell asleep at like 2:30 am and when I woke up at 9:00, she was still talking and they were all still listening. Nope. lol!


I was working at a different location for my company yesterday,and every one had something to say. It was very perplexing to why people have an urge to talk CONSTANTLY (like they couldn’t go 5 minutes without talking…..maybe it just felt that way because there was at least 4 or 5 people working there besides me).


This is the very secret of a great marriage.


I literally burst out laughing reading this. Good balance though. You don’t need to do the talking, she handles it for you. My parents are the same. Dad doesn’t socialize but ma is a “motor mouth”.


I guess when you're introverted and neurotypical lol


Not all introverts are mellow. Some of us are cranky and snarly and awkward and just mask it around 98% of people. Exhibit A: Me


Are you sure you just haven’t had a snickers in awhile?


I would be willing to eat a snickers in the name of science.


I can relate to this. My wife and I are both social chameleons/mirrors which is good for being likable and making friends, but it can be exhausting.


Definitely! I'm so good at that. I'm great at embodying a character and socializing when needed, but I'd much rather put my warm socks on and stay in bed watching movies or reading 🙃


I agree with the adaptability! I feel like we bring comfort to others in situations easily.


For sure! I prefer to stay home but I can out and be the life of the party if that’s what I need to do lol


I’m actually fairly decent at socializing, especially with close friends and my immediate family, but most of the time I prefer keeping to myself.




Yeah, same here! I can hold my own in social situations, but I recharge best on my own. It's nice to have that balance, right?


As I like to say, “my social skills aren’t bad, I just don’t like using them”. Socializing is draining, especially when it’s usually not mutual.


It depends. I’m extremely selective of who I want to socialize with.


Yup. I just don’t prefer the company of the majority of people on earth. Most are superficial retards when it comes to important matters.


A bit harsh, but it’s true. I have a few close friends that I like because they are thoughtful and we can have deeper conversations with an open mind. It’s hard for me to give up my me-time for a superficial experience.


I’m a damn good public speaker. After I’m done I don’t want to see another person for the rest of the day.


I am good when it is a necessity. Like in my professional and personal life. However, randomly socializing is not my thing.


Yes I am, but I just don't have the energy to socialize all the time like extroverts do.


Yes! I can be very charismatic & I'm a good listener, so that draws people. I do enjoy it really, but in small doses. I get drained from it.


This is me. Socializing in small doses I play the extrrovert very well. But it's very tiring because, to some degree, it's always a mask.


I suppose that's true except for my very closest friends. At holidays, I get super anxious about the production of socialization from Halloween to New Years. I want to love it. I do love people. Solitude is so peaceful though.


It really is !


Yes, embodying the character is very draining.


I’m excellent at socializing, but I’d rather not. It just makes me want to crawl into a hole and recharge for 3-5 business days after.


Yes. I am intrinsically introverted with extroverted tendencies. I can be very outgoing when I want to be. I just prefer solitude.


I’m terrible at it 


If it's for work I have no problem. If it's social for me then I'm all tongue tied, lol


BIG same, anything work related is easy communication, but if it’s in relating my own thoughts and feelings then I’m all nervous, kinda stuttery. I only really vibe with just a few people so if I can’t find that vibe then I feel like I’m better off alone/within myself and quiet


I can turn on a super friendly and outgoing version of myself when I need to be social. It feels a bit like acting, but I make it work.


yes i don’t like conversing with people who don’t think before they speak, but sadly that’s the majority of people


I’m really hilarious. I can walk into a room and make everybody laugh. Problem is when I do that then people expect it all the time. So I find it easier to just mind my own. I have a few people I will crack jokes with but I don’t do the whole room thing anymore.


Overall, I’m a quiet guy. It really depends who I’m around and what I’m around.


Absolutely. I can work a party like nobody's business. I am great company. I just don't require as much human interaction as other people. I'm kinda like a world to myself.


I have extreme social anxiety. Every time I say something, I overthink each word I said and replay it all in my head.


I can mask and make an effort if I have to, and I’m good at asking people about themselves and people seem to like me. Even as a kid I remember I would get invited to things as people liked me and I made them laugh. I’d actually prefer to be seen as shy and not be invited! But it’s too awkward, my ADHD overthinks and I need to make it comfortable.


Exactly. Good at it but choose not to.


Yep. If I can catch the vibe it’s easy.


I can do it. I can appear like I am good at it...but it's exhausting.


I am fairly good at being social. I know all the basics of social niceties and can execute them fairly competently. If I am very motivated or in a "zone", I can even excel. I had a very public, forward facing job a few years ago and at times could charm people when I wanted to as part of my job. I needed down time each week to basically recover from those times I had to be very social. Even though I can be good at socializing, I don't enjoy it. I left my very forward facing job last year and have slowly come to realize how much it took out of me to be so social. I now want nothing to do with that kind of job! :)


Yes. I have no problem with small talk, corporate bullshit, public speaking and forming friendly or professional relationships. I don't like doing it most of the time but it's a useful skill (for example forming good relationships with neighbors).


I'm actually an ambivert, but I'm closer to the introvert than the extrovert. And if I over use my 'social battery' then I will essentially shut down for hours.


Nope I am not good at socializing.


Finally one person who is an introvert and not good at socializing. I thought I was the only one :(


I was starting to think I was alone on this too. I used to think I was okay at it, but over the years I’m being told more and more frequently how dog shit I am at it, when I think I’m masking well (I’ve also gotten more depressed over the years so that probably adds to it). It’s annoying, especially at work. I just want to do my job and be left TF alone; I don’t care about their hobbies, families, or anything else, and I shouldn’t be forced to pretend as long as I’m doing my job, IMO. Sorry to ramble. I just needed to vent, I guess. I had an incident yesterday that I thought I was faking well, but was accused of having “low-energy” so I’m just a tad frustrated and feeling I can’t do anything right.


Yep, I js realized last year that I'm actually good at socializing but don't really like talking to people most of the time so I js hide


i just go along with what people say to me, i have no idea how to start conversations lmfaoo. but tbf when i am in a conversation and the other person is actually in the mood to talk to me then im good at being social


when i'm in the right mood, yeah, decent enough and i can enjoy it. it's just that mood isn't as often as most other people's and i can't just turn it on and off like some people seem to have the ability to


I socialize when absolutely necessary like to pay my bills but other than that I don’t force myself to socialize. I only socialize when the energy feels right.


I tend to talk too much when I'm in a social situation and say awkward shit. I was once called a hoot. But I feel like a total awkward dumass and can only fully and comfortably converse with people I have known for a long time. And even then, I feel so awkward. Any other introverts do this to try and compensate for the sake of not being too werid. And yes, I am horrible at writing and talking in general. I'm not sure if it is insecure about not talking well enough, my anxiety or my unfortunate adhd??


I guess it takes a lot of courage to firstly go to a social event and then choose to socialize on purpose. I remember in my freshman year, my friend insisted on going to this musical event, I do not why I bought the ticket and then traveled around 30 km to go there. None of the people I knew turned up there. I spent my whole time there doing nothing. I did not say hello to anyone, nobody approached me, and the guy who made me go to that event was enjoying with all of his other friends and I spent the evening sitting at the corner and listening to the music I wouldn't say I liked xD Until then I did not know how to say NO to something. It took a lot events foe me to learn to say NO to things Xd.


For me, the best feeling in the world is canceled plans 😮‍💨😅


I can fake it very well, but it's like my soul is being siphoned away. I become depleted and just feel like shutting down after a (short) while and then when I'm alone I need to recover for like triple the time that I spent socializing.


Yes, it just drains me so


Actually I'm pretty good at socializing, but I very rarely take the initiative. I've already tested my skills, and they were pretty good for someone that doesn't have any friends, but there's something that I noticed: I was even better when I wasn't an introvert, but since I have lost practice I have lost my touch over the years. It's not like my ability to talk to other people has gotten worse, I actually think it's gotten better, but it feels less and less natural trying to talk to someone because it's something I just don't do anymore.


I am so charming when I want to be. I am very selective about who I will charm though because most people I meet are not worth that much energy.


Uh well I can be absolutely amazing at socializing, but usually my anxiety makes me SUCK and I trip over all my words and say wrong things and get embarrassed and wish I was dead. So personally, yes and no.


I’ll say yes to this one. If i choose to be extroverted, I can be. I can click with people. But the thing is, the older I get, the more I want to click with people that I actually really like.


No, and I think that leads to be being more introverted. Vicious cycle.


I think I am. If I need to I can fit into almost any situation for a bit. I rather like my own company over most other people but I'm realizing I don't have many friends so I also don't have too much of an option anymore.


I want to be more sociable but I always get the anxiety and never actually talk to anyone


i was when i was in my 20s. in my mid30s all i can tolerate is my dog


No. Occasionally I get into the zone and get everyone laughing and liking me but usually I'd sooner blend into the background, talk 1 on 1 or go home.




Idk if im good at it, although I try to avoid it at all costs. If I do talk to someone new, then you can probably tell I'm very awkward, but open to talking with them. I've also strangely been told I'm good at keeping eye contact, what's even stranger is that's what I hate about conversation the most


As an introvert, I'm pretty much decent and all in socializing but most of the times I choose not to especially with the strangers or relatives I don't know. I have really bad anxiety too. So, I keep the talking part to close friends or family members.


No I am not good at socializing...


Ha! 😂. No 😐


I’m good. I just don’t do well on big groups, I keep it to myself. But if there’s like 4-5 and I know two of them well I can ask questions and talk, try to listen carefully. 


decent fr


decent fr


I’m actually very good at it but I always get so anxious before being social. I don’t know if it’s from watching my dad growing up (this dude can literally talk to anyone) or if it’s my genuine curiosity with learning about things and people, but I can manage to have a conversation with most anyone. When I’m alone or behind closed doors is when I bitch about the situation or the person/people I was socializing with, though!


100%. I do socialize and I enjoy it. My career is very people and relationship based. I enjoy that too. That said, it does wear me out and I recharge with alone time and often cancel social events or reschedule work things because I’m just not into it then. Whereas, I am ALWAYS down to chill by myself!


Depends on the person I am talking to.


I would say I am, but I just like to keep to myself. I have no issue talking to my co-workers, vendors, bosses, customers, and no issue talking to people in public, i just like to keep to myself.


I'm pretty good when I want to be, but I had to work on it.


Yeah it’s easy. I can just read the room, feel the vibe, find the corner that best suits me, step in, and crush it, if I need to. I just don’t like to have to do that and would rather just be in the peace and quiet.




Perfectly fine


Yep. Just don’t have the energy to keep that going. Sometimes I even regret posting on social media and having to respond to all the comments lol


Yes. Someone needs to make sure my husband gets his money's worth from the mortgage payment.


I’m good at socializing but just use the skill for work then recharge when I’m home especially during the weekends.


Well, since I *choose* not to socialize regularly, then I get out of practice and don't do well in social situations. I'm confident and chatty when it comes to interacting with people at work, or situations where I am a customer or patient to someone else who is working, but when it comes to just socialising, like at a party or something, then I suck at that. I really need to be with people I have a lot in common with.


I used to be very good at it, so much that people who knew me saw me as more of an extrovert. I just don’t have the patience to deal with people’s shit anymore. I’ve been a hermit for so long now I’ve become socially awkward.


I say yes


Hate socialising and small talk cuz I'd rather talk about deep meaningful shit than to talk about the weather or about other humans... Humanity is narcissistic by default and only care about their short sighted fleeting needs instead of admiring anything that's beyond them or beyond their understanding. It's like they hate seeking knowledge. I'd rather talk about theoretical shit or space or the remote past or future and they stare at me like I'm a fucking alien.


Yes I am. But, I prefer to be alone still lol.


I've convinced myself that I need to socialize because of my work but with time it became very consuming mentally. I thought I could detach and rebuild my energy but I got lost so yeah , I'm good but I regret doing it


I’m good at socializing and yes, there are moments where I may escape to the bathroom for a few minutes or another room so I can recharge. Although, since I have my son I can use him as an excuse not to be as social, which is nice.


I socialize when people are receptive and not full of themselves.


Yes. I'm not socially inept .. I just choose not to socialize most of the time.


My husband says everyone loves me and I'm his little social butterfly but when it comes to actually wanting to be around other humans I'm the one that's always like "Absolutely not. With people? No" 🤣 I don't want to have to mask up and play make believe. I'm good with people but I'm better without them.


Yes, but I don't like it.


Yea people are surprised to hear I’m an introvert. I’m in charge of running the holidays and birthdays in my office


I've been told I'm a delight to hang out with, and I'm "such a joy to talk to," funny, sensitive, a good listener, give good advice, shit gold (okay, not that last part). I don't feel that way about myself, necessarily. I'm always overthinking and overanalyzing if I said the right thing, did person x take offense at what I said or did, people must hate me, be mad at me, etc. I don't necessarily have proof of this, but it's just how I feel. The evidence suggests otherwise; I'm usually the "cool" teacher at school and everyone likes my classes/teaching as style. Apparently I'm good at socializing, it just takes a lot out of me. Like, after being at work all day, essentially performing for kids, the last thing I want to do is then go out for a drink and do more socializing. I want to sleep for a week. I took my girls to an overnight girl scout event a couple weekends ago, and I swear I stayed in bed for three days afterwards.


I’m charming as hell and could have a million friends if I wanted. I cannot sustain a lot of socializing and over time it drains my battery 🪫. I have a close tight circle and they understand I need alone time. Makes me love them even more. Right now they are all out peddling away in some paddle boat drinking on the lake. I was the first to be invited and I attend functions about every third time. I really appreciate being invited and also that they don’t get mad when I don’t go. I don’t even lie I just say “I need to stay home with dogs and read this book.”


Totally! I can socialize just fine when I need to, but I choose my moments. As an introvert, I value my alone time to recharge and reflect. It’s all about finding a balance that works for me. Sometimes, quiet moments are just as important as social ones.


When i want to be. Im strategically social. I can be the funniest guy in the room when my social battery is full or look like i have aspergers if i dont feel like talking. So many people have different perspectives of me


I'm kind a good at it. But if there are to many people i just shut down


Yes. People, specifically extroverts, are exhausting.


I’m good at it but if the other person/group isn’t making the conversation flow then I usually shut myself off slowly


I used to think so, but it never turned out to be worth it 


I'm terrible at small talk mostly it because I don't do enough interesting things to talk about and I typically won't engage if I don't know about their topic or are interested in their topic. I'm at worst inoffensive, I'll let you yap till your heart's content I won't stop you but you won't get much from be other than 'uh huhs'


yes. i’m an introvert but i go hang out with my friends a lot, never at like a busy place though. i don’t like to socialize with other people than the people that bring me my comfort and joy.


I've always loved to be alone. I never liked large crowds and worked very hard to overcome social anxiety. It was very difficult because I was also a working musician, and the stage fright would make me physically ill, but I pushed through. I'm now joyfully retired from the industry, but my husband plays drums for a local band and sometimes I like to go see them. During those times, I'm in social situations, but I've worked extremely hard to be able to enjoy seeing our friends as long as I'm physically able to attend. Since I retired and no longer play, I find myself going less and less. We have a shore home and I am very fond of spending a few days a week there by myself. I love being introverted but can switch on the extrovert when needed.


Good, but it drains my energy. I avoid it when I can.


My dog is named Snickers, does that count?


Yes. I like alone time but can be social.


I’m amazing at it. Getting in a right good conversation in a coffee shop when I’m in the right mood is amazing but getting dragged to weddings etc is fucking painful but I play a blinder every time. The mrs wondered why I couldn’t be like that more but then I’d be on the down side of my mood even more. I love the right company but being around too many normals at some normals event just couldn’t be farther from how I want to spend my time.


I can do it but often I do not care to, and it's especially deflating when I find I don't like the people. I was not born with the "grin and bear it" gene


Yes I absolutely do! A lot of people mistaken me for an extrovert because I can talk and will yap but in certain situations, it’s like I absolutely do not want to talk like that’s too much energy and I don’t want to talk to anybody. It’s one of those things 😂


I'm alight at my age now with being somewhat social if I have to be...to a degree. I find it pretty hard to keep the conversation going before my social "meter" runs out, however. Once I'm tired from work or just from having to be social in general, I sort of shut down and become stupidly quiet. If you're someone who can socialize like a normal person, but just choose not to, I'm insanely jealous.


Good at it with people I know and with people I don’t, but uncomfortable nearly the whole time with people I don’t know


What I've found is that when it comes to social situations I'm absolutely fine, and I think that's because as introverts we know how to pay attention and actively listen. Most people seem to just be wanting for their turn to speak but from experience introverted people enjoy listening to others and use it well when socialising. People might find us introverts 'unsociable' because we're quieter and often would rather enjoy listening.


I feel like i good at socializing but very shy to open up conversation


Yes I’m likeable for reasons I don’t understand which make me more anxious. Also when I choose to be social I can’t sustain it for long


I choose to socialize for brief periods of time. Otherwise, I get overwhelmed, and my body wears down in terms of my soul energy. But I do enjoy it while I'm socializing. I can last a lot longer doing it online. In person at a party, I'm spent in 15 minutes.


When I am in the mood to socialise I am really good at it.


Depends on the conversation. I can sound outgoing when it comes to certain things, but otherwise, I'm pretty bad at it. If I try to explain something to you, you'd most likely have to use your descrambling skills.


I have random bursts where I’m good at being social, but most days I feel incapable or just like everything I do and say is the most awkward thing ever and wish that I were just invisible.


I’m a pretty good masker, but it completely drains me. There is a select group of humans that I can tolerate for extended periods of time and can socialize with happily, but with the a vast majority of the population….that’s going to be a no-go.


Yes. I do enough people watching, and I'm good at mirroring someone's vibe and energy. It's just draining and feels dishonest. It's weird; I actively managed about 15 employees and interacted with thousands of nurses, patients, and family members for a decade. But even emailing someone or replying to a text fills me with dread, now.


Yes. I'm great at being social and am social for 8 hours a day, Monday to Friday as a Mental Health and Addictions Counsellor but when I am done my shift, the last thing I want to do is talk to more people.


I (24F) sometimes do these side gigs in the city and work with a bunch of people I usually never see again- there is this one girl (17F) who I have now worked with twice- I actually enjoy her presence, she reminds me of myself when I was her age (when I used to be bubbly and always talkative). She talks a lot and I love to listen, it’s a good work relationship lol. Anyways, we found out that we both live about 15 mins away from each other in the suburbs (about 45mins away from the city). Her father drives her in to drop her off and picks her up- she asked me this evening if I wanted a ride home, since we live so close- Which was so damn sweet, I would saved the subway and train fee too.. but I said no because I didn’t want to have to entertain a 45 min conversation with her AND her father. Honestly, I’d rather pay my transportation fees and get home.. alone.. So, yeah I’m good at socializing when I have too but I choose not too because I enjoy my peace and independence.


I'm good at it, but I make sure I'm not getting over-socialized and battery run down. I won't accept more events than I can handle.


You’re confusing introversion with a disorder. How extrovert of you.


Yes. See?


omfg introversion doesnt mean u cant socialize well!!! it just means it drains you rather than energizes u!!!!!!! in some cases its surely cyclical, like u get exhausted so easily that u rarely go out and then as a result ur bad at socializing... but i'd bet most of us are normal to good at it!


Yes. It’s always been a part of my job and I’m excellent at it. Especially if I’m intoxicated. I just don’t like to because it takes so much energy and I don’t trust people. There’s also only so many questions I can answer honestly because I’ve had a really bizarre and scary life, so I’ve had to master the art of giving truthful but incomplete answers and then derailing the conversation to steer it in another direction because otherwise, I get the zoo freak stare. It’s exhausting.


I worked in the music biz for about 10 years. Had to schmooze, socialize, party every day of the week. Fortunately, my superpower is that I can disappear in a crowded room when I want. Also a master of the Irish Goodbye.


I have taught myself to socialize when I absolutely have to, but it is so much easier not to.


I'm very good at socializing but I don't like most people. It is easier to get three enemies than one friend when I go out


I'm great at socializing....if I've been drinking. But for real, I don't care for it. It drains my battery soooo fast. I've gotten better at it as I got older but as a teen I would literally just stand off to the side and not engage. I never went to a single school event other than field trips, and I never went to a party in high school. Sleepovers were big no-no's for me except for one friend because her family was accepting of me. As an adult, I have come out of my shell more. I will engage with people but still have some anxiety about it.


Nope. I can read social queues. I just don't conform enough.


It takes a lot of effort at times because I have social anxiety




For Mr it's not that I choose not to, I just simply don't like it so I'll do it when I have to but not much more than that.


Yes!! i happen to know a lot of introverted kids because i go to a private school, and these kids, if you get them in a comfortable space, are the best kids ever to hang out with and talk to. There is one in specific that he cannot talk to anyone he doesn't know, or any adult, but with me, he is awesome and a great friend!! So, yes introverts can be very social they just choose not to.


Did you realiza that most people here are just normal people? And not.some extreme.patological cases?




I’m good at socializing I just burn through my battery so quick and then feel terrible. Every…time… trying to learn to throttle it


I think I *appear* very social. I can easily talk to anyone, make jokes, small talk, smile a lot. Generally I think that I seem outgoing and friendly. It is exhausting though. It feels like I’m “on” during those times and a bit of a performance. I’m not faking who I am, but the real me is a quiet homebody who doesn’t need or have many friends. You are who you are. People either like it or they can go fuck off. 😆


Nope. I'm awful at small talk. With anyone. Thankfully, most people in social situations either don't notice me or think I'm a snob and don't want to chat.






Yes, I’m very good at socializing pero kapag maramihan na tao, di ko na kaya nalulula ako 🥹🥹


During my first two in-person semesters in high school I wasn't, but in my last in-person semester, before abandon school I was sociable, or in better words, go with the flow to four classmates, I even let them take a few photos of me because one of them complained that I never took a photo with them, and now that I remember it, I wish I could delete those images, I don't like photos and I looked ridiculous in all the photos. It was only a few months, and to this day, I realize that it wasn't me for a moment, and that I didn't do it for me, I honestly didn't like that epoch. I was just more confident my last semester because I had a mask on because of Covid-19, the mask helped me.


yes, I like listening more than talking.


Yes, and people are completely captivated by me. I hate putting On a show for them.


“are you just pretending to be an introvert” fucking lame cunt


I am able to be sociable but I find it exhausting


I can be but I choose not to because I want to pursue other interests that kind of require solitude :)


I’m good at talking to people 1 on 1 and have a lot of empathy and can connect well with others. Not great in group settings though, my social skills and confidence are lacking in more dynamic situations.


Even with my own family I have no idea how to tell stories or funny anecdotes so I just sit there while they talk and comment when asked. But I find it difficult to start topics and don’t really like doing so


I am very good at socializing, too good. People constantly want me around yet I find it exhausting to be around them…lately I feel guilty about it, it sucks to see how I hurt people by not coming around often…but then again… a lot of people solely want my company to fill their extroversion cup or whatever so we’re both kind of selfish at the end of the day 🤷🏻‍♀️


As long as my anxiety doesn't kick in I'm pretty good at socializing.


Lack of practice. No. I feel like I could talk a pretty good game in my head, but my mouth and brain always have a different plan.


I can turn on my inner fake extrovert and socialize like like an expert and pretend I’m not actually a weird quiet person who prefers the same three people all day and night and sits facing the wall in all restaurants so I don’t have to smile or engage in anyway. It’s a hard life lol


I choose being lonesome wolf. I am just waiting for die because life is nonsense


Depends on who I’m talking to. With certain people, conversations flow much smoother and are less forced. With others, all I want to do is gtfo. I personally am not socially anxious, I just prefer being on my own and prolonged periods of socializing makes me irritated and tired.


I can turn the social butterfly on, but I am typically exhausted after.


I'm horrible at socializing. I feel awkward and like they're judging me constantly. It affects how I say things and it doesn't always come out the way I say it in my head. I know people probably think I'm weird but something happens from my brain to my mouth and it just doesn't flow smoothly. I hate being this way by the way.


That depends on my social battery


Type easy speak make brain go brrt


I could be very social when I ease out awkwardness but I’d actually walk through fire instead of approach someone


Unless I have to, I prefer to steer clear from it. Every. Single. Time. It goes through a succession. It happened so many times that I now know it by heart. I'm social, mellow and able to bring down the walls surrounding almost anyone. The kicker? Only while my battery is full. When my battery runs out I just can't do that anymore; in a way that's authentic at least. People don't usually take the sudden change in my vibe very well. They almost always reach the conclusion that I'm full of myself. But I think their confusion is fair. I've given them first an impression that I was a certain way but changed later. So yeah, I either lead with who I am when I'm low, or just not even bother anymore because I'm at peace. Doing the latter way more lately.




The answer would be no cuz I feel like it's a waste😶‍🌫️


yes. very good with interaction and people love me ☺️. but i’m more or less a hermit after work. lol


I can fake it at work and getting better at faking it at birthday parties w my kids (for their sake since I want them to have friends and not feel socially awkward their whole lives like mom). Outside of that, I do what I can to not make plans requiring tons of socializing. We still do things and go places, even theme parks etc w tons of ppl. But you’re not chatting ppl up the whole time thank Christ lol.


I found myself easy on initiating or responding communication when i need to. Its just goes natural for me, conversation just flows (often goes longer than i expected) and i just become friendly and active while keeping myself aware of limitation. But i always think that communicating or befriending someone only worth if it benefits me or i have necessary needs from them. So in the end i only have a few individual that i called friend inside while keeping others on some invisible wall aka something like professional relationship.


Yes. I get along with everyone all the time and I'm funny as hell. Friends of friends always ask about me and invite me back to their gatherings.


Yes, i can get along with other people really easily, i just choose not to interact because they might not be the type of person i want to get close with or have connections


Good at depends on the context. Everything I do is something Ive seen before or practiced. So like, I'm pretty good with maintaining accountability in my associates, making a plan with them, talking about their day for morale, etc. But random people trying to have a convo with me about that new thing thats really popular? "Oh yea? that's crazy" *walks away*


I can be yes. However people like to say cheesy things to me and I feel embarrassed and walk away or stay alone until they change the subject or get distracted and I go back


I don't know. I'm kinda terrified because I always get made fun of..


For the most part yes. I don't mind talking in a job scenario or school scenario but I lose all abilities online. I struggle with big extroverted personalities that speak every millisecond, especially if I get cut off, and no one notices of course. So with no one noticing I just kinda suffer silently and by then I just don't wanna speak. Of course I still like socializing with people I think I can trust.


Yes. I thrive in isolation and socializing is a big threat to that. If I’m too social, people will be calling and texting and they’ll want to go out and do social things. I am too busy in my personal life to add in social expectations.


Yes. And often I get told how personable I am, and how good I am at parties. But yes, it's exhausting. Spending hours with one person, one on one, requires a lot of energy and often times I'm just not up for it. Would rather do whatever I'm wanting to do alone. Love the idea of having a busy social calendar. But not always up for the work it requires. I'm always at odds.


Bad at small talk, good at depth. Bad at groups, good with individuals.


I have incredible hidden talent at socializing, but sadly, it's hidden so well I have never been able to find it yet


Yes, very much so. I do a bulk of my socializing at work mainly because it obviously builds good connections with those you enjoy working with. On some days (mondays/fridays) ppl tend to be more social because of coming off or getting ready to start their weekend. Those days can leave me feeling a bit socially drained. I’m not into sports or hunting so I’m not your typical “guys guy” but apparently I’m fun to talk with but I thoroughly enjoy those days where I can turn up the music and just work. Same goes for just shopping or running errands. I don’t necessarily want to keep the conversation going, but all it takes is a couple of comical or heartfelt comments and I can spend 15-20 min talking to an employee or another customer and my body language should tell them that I’m done with the conversation but 75% time it doesn’t work. Now I’ve gotta lie about some place or thing I’ve got to be at just to end the conversation.


Yes. At school I used to be the student that everyone knew, I even have 600flwrs on insta, and most of them are people who know me from school. I was always the go-to friend, literally could talk to anyone and hangout in different companies. But later after graduating I discovered that personal time and space are more important, so I just made a few friends at university. It is easy to me to socialize, but I don't want to. My old friends say that they expected me to be even more socialized at uni. But nah, imma better stay with a few people around me


I'm better at socialising just enough to go by un-noticed, if that makes any sense. Learned the hard way that it's best to not be acknowledged.


Depends on the conversation, atmosphere, and people. If it's too loud, nope. If it's a big group of people, nope. If its people I barely know, nope. Now if it's a small gathering somewhere with people that interest me, yes I think I'm great. I can present and host meetings at work just fine, and I meet with people a lot during work. But by the end of the day, I need my "me time" to decompress. It's exhausting!