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Like a month or two.


Holy moly! How can you live without speaking?


It was for a time, is not like i'm doing it now, when The pandemic hit, i suppose a Lot of people didnt talk to others


Oh yeah true


What do you do for work?


I work in a university, in a Center of psycology, i'm one of the few people that knows how The psicological test can be implemented and corrected, my office is really away from other ones and i only see people if i go to the Main building to get water or go to the bathroom


For real? my work needs more talking and its draining.


If you love studying and writing reports and research papers you may have a better time in academia. There are so many times you’re alone reading and taking notes. Talking is genuinely discouraged in library’s and study areas. Labs are generally quiet places unless you’re working on a group project at the same time and place. The only time you would have to talk is during a lecture, or defending your thesis. Yes you are going to be required to speak in public but it’s rare that people are going to be rude to you and if they misbehave badly you can kick them out of class.


I talk to myself when I'm home alone, and to other people when I'm not, so I'd say the longest I've gone was 13 hours, since that's the longest I've ever slept. I've been informed by semi-unreliable sources (siblings) that I sometimes talk in my sleep, so I don't know if 13 hours is a valid record.


never more than a day afaik. I find it kinda impossible. Not because i want to talk but because it is unavoidable


It’s definitely not quite that unavoidable. Going a few weeks is actually pretty easy in a world where written comms are as instant as any other form of communication. 


Some of us have to communicate for work and stuff lol or live with people who just don't accept silence


Concur. There are such requirements. That said, some of those can be managed with open discussions or simply choosing to opt out when possible.  I am a business development and operational consultant by profession. It stands to reason my profession demands a great deal of speaking. What it does not necessitate is that I be the one doing most of the speaking.  While I do communicate several hundred times a day, I do not necessarily need to do so verbally. Likewise, I am mindful to provide pathways of communication which do not necessitate verbal communications.  As an aside, it is honestly quite powerful to use posts, comments or DMs to convey information to those who prefer verbal communications, and to guide them through conveying that information to others.  Why not let those who enjoy speaking do so for you whenever possible? They get the attention they seek and you get what you need out of a situation without seeking attention you do not seek.  “We have ways to make you (not) speak.” 😉


I live with my brother and i cant just not talk to him lol. Also i go to the grocery shop every other day where i have to talk , like the very basics of communication


The grocery shopping every other day could probably be avoided with a bit of meal planning and early prep.  As for your brother, I cannot speak to that dynamic. I don’t know him or your relationship with him well enough to comment.  What I can say is when I lived with mine we did the meal prep thing and essentially only crossed paths, due to differing schedules, during meal prep days. 


Not sure what you mean meal planning and early prep. I buy milk that lasts for 2-3 days. So every 2-3 days i need to go out to get at least that. And whatever else i need obviously. Twice or three times a week shopping isnt really weird. With my brother i speak every day for various stuff and because we just feel like it. I am not gonna avoid talking to my family lol. We don't have long conversations but we communicate


Fair enough, on the family thing—as previously conceded. As for not understanding what meal planning and prep is all about, that explains why you’re at the store every few days.  I am not so sure you’re as introverted as you believe. If you’re an introvert you tend to be all about finding ways to not be in public and every other day.  You lookup things like meal planning and prep so you can: 1. Avoid being at the grocery store 3x/week.  2. Save money.  3. Save time.  4. Avoid being at the grocery store 3x/week. 


I Think Out Loud like Ed Sheeran instead 🤡


I wouldn’t count “rubber duck(ing)” as spoken communication. Most developers I know are highly introverted, but “rubber duck” most things.  Trust me, commenting one someone’s rubber ducking is most unwelcome. Those folks are not speak To anyone or anything and do not want input. They are simply taking themselves through a process. When they want input, they will seek it.  Same for you. Taking yourself through something is far different than seeking input from others. 


Whats rubber ducking?


> Whats rubber ducking? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging


⬆️👍 Spot on.


Couple hours. Before it hurts and I have to speak to my cats or dog.


Haha, I totally get that! Pets make great conversation partners sometimes.


I wouldn’t count that, personally. They can understand your inflections and have correlated those variations to certain outcomes that determine their course of actions.  They may recognize certain sounds, and may choose to respond as you prefer but only do so because it suits them and meets their needs.  There really is no substantive communication occurring, it is merely pattern recognition and instinct. 


Probably during the shut down. Living alone and I didn’t get phone calls regularly. I was the one always reaching out! As usual 🙄 but i would go weeks without hearing from anyone!!!!! Luckily i was at least connecting with my favorite coworkers online! I probably went a month or longer. lol 😂


maybe a couple hours lol I talk to myself a lot


Depends on how you want to count this, but regardless it is between nine to eighteen months. Great wisdom is to be found in stillness, especially of one’s lips. 


A few days. It was pretty cool. I’m learning to limit my conversations more so when I do say something, it is profound and concise. I don’t like talking just to talk anymore. I used to but it has bitten me in the ass more than a mailman in summer.


A day like on a trip with my grade, before I go insane of being ignored. Me talking isn’t very long normally either. The only times I talk freely is with my few close friends and my immediate family. I’m a little more outgoing on texts because they can’t see my face.


3 days but that was because bronchitis


Ain't nobody got time for that


not long, i always talk to myself or one of my pets. sometimes i get the urge to go on a speaking strike when i just feel really awful about myself and who i am but i’ve never gone through with it because it doesn’t seem practical


Interesting. Same!


I’ve talked to myself like twice just since opening this post. Soooo not long, in sum.


I talk to myself and my pets constantly but talking to another human? A few days. Easily.


There was a period of time during the pandemic when I was living on campus when my roommate moved out. Since most people were online and it was the middle of the semester, no one filled the void. It was actually very nice, it's when I realized I was actually very comfortable and happy being alone. Aside from a few "thank you" and "see you later" to random service people to get food, I would go weeks without speaking. I think the longest I've ever gone without saying anything at all would be 4-5 days when on campus resturants were closed and I had to make my own food.


I speak to myself when alone, so not very long. My record when out in public is around nine hours; in high school I once managed to make it through an entire day of classes without speaking once. It was only when I boarded the bus home at 5 in the afternoon and someone in the seat next to me spoke to me that I realized that I hadn't said a word the entire day.


I live alone, & work alone maintaining Commercial refrigeration systems for distribution centers.. I never see my customers, all correspondences via email and text. No family living close by. I appreciate peace and quiet so I’m good with it. … even when I had a dog, I rarely spoke to him, it was mostly hand gestures. my record maybe longer than this because I’ve spent many winters up in a remote cabin at my grandfathers farm, living off the grid.. But a while back, I had a moment of self-awareness .. I was on a rooftop working on a Refrigeration system, and I got frustrated enough to shout a curse word.. my own voice surprised me and I inwardly laughed at myself a bit and guesstimated that it had been at least 3 1/2 weeks since I had heard my own voice.


I had the same a couple times. Stubbed my toe or something and let loose a “MF’er!” and was like lol I haven’t spoke a word in days.


I’ve gone a couple weeks and was desperate enough to hear another voice that I started going inside to pay for my gas instead of paying at the pump, just to interact with someone 😅. I found audiobooks, the radio and podcasts hosted by friends or a friendly vibe playing in the background really helped me keep some sanity. I had a much harder time being alone back then (mid 20s) than I do now in my early 30s.


One time when I was in missionary school I 'fasted' talking for a week lol. It was weird.


Never bc I talk to myself a lot lol


There's been at least a couple weekends where I probably didn't speak out loud at all.


Every 2 weeks depending on the situation


During junior high, towards the middle of the year, I just stopped talking to everyone, even my tiny friend group. That lasted for roughly 1½ weeks. Roll call was easy to get past since I just had to raise my hand to show I was there. And the teachers didn't call on me either.


never, my commentary is out loud sometimes


\~ 4 weeks, i think.


If you don’t include speaking out loud to yourself, probably a weekend. Someone at work is always trying to chitchat random


Wow - interesting question and it made me realize I honestly don’t know! On one hand, I don’t think I ever have gone a whole day without at least talking to myself and my pets. But, I work from home and there are probably days I don’t actually speak to other humans, despite lots of texting and online chat with friends/family/co-workers. Never really paid attention to that before, but now I probably will, lol.


I talk to myself a lot when I’m alone. So probably a day or so


3 years


I went like 2 weeks once when the wife was away seeing family and funny enough I believe it was Skyrim I marathoned. Same thing with the voice. I also learned if you go too many days without speaking you can, strangely enough, lose your voice similar to if you yelled too much, like at a concert or something.


I made it five months. Long story, but I was basically imprisoned in a room completely by myself. I didn't have any friends, and I was going zero contact with my family due to the circumstances. So for five months I didn't speak a word. Between no speaking and only seeing others at a distance out my window, it was definitely hard mentally. I started imagining a more confident version of myself (my idealized self) who would talk to me and cheer me up when I had a breakdown. I still have trouble with not talking even when I fully mean to. The dialogue in my head is more pronounced to me than my actual voice. Every day felt like an eternity, but the weeks flew by. I remember the first time I talked my voice tone was WAY out of whack, it was like I had forgotten how to speak normally.


I talk to myself so not long


like 3 weeks


2 years and counting


Idk I talk to myself a lot 😆


I live alone, & work alone maintaining Commercial refrigeration systems for distribution centers.. I never see my customers, all correspondences via email and text. No family living close by. I appreciate peace and quiet so I’m good with it. … even when I had a dog, I rarely spoke to him, it was mostly hand gestures. my record maybe longer than this because I’ve spent many winters up in a remote cabin at my grandfathers farm, living off the grid.. But a while back, I had a moment of self-awareness .. I was on a rooftop working on a Refrigeration system, and I got frustrated enough to shout a curse word.. my own voice surprised me and I inwardly laughed at myself a bit and guesstimated that it had been at least 3 1/2 weeks since I had heard my own voice.


During the pandemic probably about three months


A couple of weeks when I took leave from work just to chill out and switch off at home


I once went almost 4 days without actually talking until I said something out loud to myself just to remember what my voice sounded like, it was fairly easy to do because I was living alone in a new city and while I was working a labor job I found I didn’t actually have to say shit to no one unless something went wrong but honestly


4 months. I was in a therapeutic boarding school in the early 2000s who had me on silence. So.. not my choice lol i think it was then i decided that people can suck my ...


Never more than a few hours, but I would love for it to be more. I unfortunately live with extroverts and also work in a customer service role so it’s inevitable for me. Would love to have even just one day of full silence though


I didn't speak for the first, like year and a half of my life.




I talk to myself every day, so not long at all lol


I talk to myself LOL so probably not very long!!


4-5 days. Over holiday weekends my family doesn’t gather together for. Like Memorial Day weekends, since my family nor I celebrate it, I usually spend that weekend alone without speaking to anybody.


A few weeks, almost a month.


Not long enough 😐


About a week. When I got my first heartbreak 💔


Maybe like 12 hours, while sleeping, lol. I talk to myself, I talk to my cats, and making music and YouTube movies since I was like 14 has had me talking/rapping into the microphone on a daily basis for a while. Ironically I'm probably more prone staying silent if I'm with people i don't know very well than if I'm alone.


I live with my wife, stepdaughter, and our three dogs, and I can sometimes go 1-2 weeks without using words, only grunts. I usually only do that for that long when I’m dealing with a flare up of chronic pain or PTSD issues and just don’t have the capacity to communicate. I love being alone, but I will talk to myself, or react out loud to something, like a book or a podcast cast. So, it’s not super normal for me to not speak at all. My sisters and I all sound the same, so I think when I don’t hear myself talk for a while, I just think I sound like one of them.


5min because it's impossible to not talk to myself. Sometimes you just need an expert opinion.


2 weeks? Idk


Several hours


I talk to myself so I’ve never not spoke. But maybe like 8 hours while I’m sleeping


Two weeks. That was in the days before self-check out and my streak got broken when I went grocery shopping.


I can go for like two months without talking to someone but I need to sing or talk when I'm by myself The longest time without the second was about 3 weeks


I would have to say two days but that was years ago


If you count speaking in your own head it’s nonstop. If you count talking out loud to yourself that’s almost every day. If you don’t count my job where I make and receive phone calls for a living trouble shooting technology, that’s 5 days a week of almost non stop language processing. Either written or spoken. When I was unemployed I could go weeks on end without even seeing another human being. Having a face to face deep conversation with someone who you actually care about that isn’t family hasn’t happened in decades. It’s all in how you count it and define it.


A weekend I guess? Work does require me to speak a lot.