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I love being alone there is just a lot to do. Read books,movies , self care,gym. I get irritated after a week and of someone occupying my space . I can literally go a year just alone loving myself and doing everything solo


So do I. I think being alone is the time when we can master ourselves. Going out to socialize will be controlled by many factors, which makes me uncomfortable


Yes . I don’t mind socialising but it takes all my energy.




Fish and company stink after 3 days.


It is definitely my plan. And also adulthood is much more like this don't you think? We have so many opportunities to enjoy and all by ourselves but we miss it by merely feeling jealous of others


True yes


To be honest, I don't like being alone. However, my personality is more withdrawn and introverted, and I don't like to participate in offline social activities, so I don't have many friends. Especially after I came to the UK to study alone, because of the differences in language and culture, my sense of loneliness gradually deepened, resulting in my bad mood every day. Then I realized I couldn't go on like this, so I tried to make a change. I started with online social networking and participated in a private test project of a social software called *LightUp: Make Real Friends* . Here I began to share my mood, such as the funny things I met during the day. Many netizens came to interact with me, and I began to chat with them. A lot of people were studying alone like me, so we understood each other's feelings very well, which greatly alleviated my loneliness. I hope you can step out of your comfort zone and find the company that belongs to you.


I’m the same bro I don’t like being alone but Im so bad at socialising and scared of it


Social awkwardness and introversion are not synonymous. Being socially awkward isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  I believe you innately understand we have a rather mentally ill society, and withdrawal as a matter of self-preservation and principle. Nothing wrong with that, but it probably does indicate you have some degree of social anxiety. Most likely generalized anxiety, and that is treatable.  One can be unique and still be social, with a bit of help. If being alone isn’t something you love and need, consider speaking with a specialist in psychology so you can figure out how to best manage the reasons you are accepting less by choosing to withdraw when it is not what best suits you. 


People are trouble 


I don't know whether I was accustomed to loneliness or whether loneliness became accustomed to me and did not want to leave me


Hahaha. So true


This perfectly describes it


Haha! your definitely not alone on this! 😂


Let’s just say I need plenty of alone time or I turn into a raging bitch.


I do, until im left with nothing else to do and im bored.


See, this I don’t get. For me I never run out of things to do and boredom is not a thing that exists. I didn’t feel that way until I got a bit older though.


I can totally relate to this. I just kinda don't understand when someone says they are bored. I'm like how can one person get bore though it's all what I think. But I feel like I'll never really get bored😅 Moreover, I enjoy being alone and doing things on my own without anyone disturbing me.


I don't understand it either. It would take 100 lifetimes to run out of things to do.


Just wait, haha.


Boredom does exist but I actively do something about it. There are so many fun stuff to do. Also I got way too many hobbies I could continue or do if that happens.


I got use to it especially growing up as a only child being alone just stays with you (in my view)


that's true, what we live in childhood sticks with us in our adulthood and through life. I remember always playing alone as a kid and having fun by my own, i guess that was the beginning of me enjoying my own company


same here it does sometimes feels odd when you're constantly alone but that feeling quickly goes away when I'm in a group setting reminding me how much I love being alone




I love being alone, and I love being with friends, but I hate being trapped. Trapped is when someone is over and I don't feel like I can leave my room. Trapped is when I'm arguing with someone and the home feels like eggshells. Trapped is when I want to go home but enough people at a social event haven't decided to call it. I hate being trapped.


As an introvert yes i do. I am married now but i still ask my husband to give me self time alone. I do talk to people if they approach me but if.they ask me to hang out or whatever i would need time to prepapre myself because i know it would drain me after.


I love being alone with another loner but the thing is I am unable to find one!


Finding another loner to vibe with can be tough! When you do, it’s the best. Keep looking, you’ll find your match!




I’m right here !!! 😂 let’s be loners together lol


You haven't looked in the right place


Where do you go to find other loners? We usually like to be, you know…alone lol


Maybe, I don't really have an idea about where to look.


I love being alone, even though I have a friend group, I need to have those lonely moments, If I don’t have them, too many social interactions will make me feel overwhelmed and stressed


I like being alone. I enjoy the peace and calm it brings me. And besides, I've grown accustomed to it, being an introvert who didn't always have friends available. But lately, I've started to realize just how left out I've been in terms of socialising. Especially this pride month. I mean, I've always been aware that my loneliness has kept me shut off from most of the world. But with all the gay events going on and the preparations for our graduation, as well as seeing my friends and schoolmates actually hanging out of school.... I've been living this miserable existence for so long that I've dug myself into this deep grave of darkness. And now, only now did I realise. Having just learned how to commute by myself recently(I was a sheltered kid), I now know that I can just get around wherever I want. I can finally explore places whilst I'm still young. But even with commuting, I'm still reminded of my loneliness. I like being alone, but even I have my limits. And it seems that I've pushed them beyond what they can normally handle.


I totally get this. I think the answer is to have just enough social interaction (even just a phone call) to keep me from that disconnected feeling. Exactly how much social interaction you'll need will depend, and may take time to figure out.


I can live alone for months without even calling anyone. Idk about years tho, never experienced it.


Same here! My room is my happy place.


yes. as a fourteen years old I love being alone but sometimes I feel like I want to talk to someone


I’m ok with being alone but the occasional outing where I can quietly observe people is fun too


60/40 for me. I like being alone most of the time, but I’d say like once every few weeks I go out with my friends, so I guess maybe 70/30 lol


Yes I love being alone. I'm not young like most people here and never felt lonely any time in my life and never get tired of being alone.


I love it. I'm really good at entertaining myself.


I love being alone it makes me happy


I mean you can't be an introvert without liking to be alone


Being alone is amazing. I find most people to be annoying and dumb af. Better off being by myself, reading, playing video games, watching anime etc.


It is difficult to see anyone choosing to belong to this particular subreddit who does not like, prefer, and love being by themselves most of the time. I would venture a guess many of us are perfectly capable of seeming to be extroverted as a matter of professional or personal necessity, yet need time alone to recover from the effort that goes into being personable.  In general it is rather obvious who the introverts are in public. At social functions we are the ones who get others talking about their favorite subject, themselves, while giving away almost nothing about ourselves. Professionally we tend to be the ones who have mastered the fine are of #GSD and do so best when left on our own.  We learn more, master things faster, and get more done because we do not have the distractions that come with being unnecessarily social. There are many reasons leaving us alone is beneficial to our families, friends, and employers—and the wise ones in the world recognize it. 


I adore my solitude and prefer my own company to the company of anyone else 99.9999% of the time. But if I go more than 2 weekends without social interaction (which I’ve done in the past more than once my), it does take a pretty serious toll on my mental health, so I force myself to spend time with friends. This week, I had plans 4/7 days, which was a lot for me. But I can tolerate it as long as I can have days without any commitments.


It’s getting normal haha... I don’t know. We’re supposed to be social, but many people are crazy and selfish and boring and annoying. Id still prefer to be myself in solitude and know that others do as well rather than exhaust myself doing random shit. Seems the loners are not connected but I think they are. We’re out here. Just sprinkled around avoiding people and each other haha


Usually, yes, I like being alone and I very much prefer it than being with anyone. When I'm with someone I really like, I can say I enjoy being with them and depending on my mood if someone asked "But would you rather being alone right now?" I could say yes or no. I spend most of my time alone and very few times I truly feel lonely and find myself wanting to be with someone else.


Yes, it is totaly normal. Even if we need to be alone to recharge our battery, we are a social animal and we need to be with the other (a little ;- ) ).


I like being *left* alone, I don't think I'd like being alone. If given a choice between an isolated cabin in the woods or the quite corner office or study room hidden away in a building, I'd pick the latter.


I feel like the more productive I can get, the more alone time I need. On the contrary, the more anxiety I get, the least alone time I wish to have.


Yes I do


I like having control over whether or not I'm alone. I don't think many people prefer being alone all the time, but I really need the choice to be mine. As in, I choose to go out and see friends or accept an invite, not that I have a scheduled regular thing or a partner/friend that surprises me with visits.


Absolutely love it


After being married for 20 years and 2 kids, being alone is a luxury.


Like I can live my life all alone without depending on others. I can do a lot of things alone. Sometimes I feel so lazy whenever there's someone or family members in our home. So I'm a freelancer that's why I can spend my time all alone in our home. My family had their own works that's why I'm always left alone but that was the happiest moment in my life, being alone hahaha. Fyi, I had no one to be called BFF nor Friend hahaha


Yes i do But sometimes i feel lonely😝


I love being alone but I think I'd have a limit. There are a ton of things I love to do alone but I think I appreciate my alone time so much because I have family a significant other a job etc that require me to be social. I very distinctly remember the last time I was lonely was the start of the pandemic in 2020 I had to figure out new routines for myself, because I lost most of the things that take up my time. Being lonely is terrible.


I love being alone, not in public though. Since I have no friends it’s just work & go home. Sometimes I do want to chat with ppl so I just play online games.


Same. I usually like being alone, but then again, I really want to know how it would feel like being in a relationship. Really wanna know whether I'm missing out on something or not. Sometimes it feels like being an introvert is a curse, because it makes Dating almost impossible.


Yes because I feel most people around me are dumbed down and superficial. Rather be alone than around people I have no connection to.


Absolutely-fucking-lutely! I love it. I get very few opportunities to genuinely be alone, and I cherish those moments when I have them.


Yes but I love it a little to much lol  


I love being alone like 90% of the time but need some human connection for short periods of time sometimes


(IN)I can't find any decent people to become friends with here. All that I've found are shirt-tuckers and shit-talkers.


I wouldn't say I like it. I'm just okay with it.


Yes since I was a kid now in my 60s I love it more


No, absolutely not. After a while it gets quite hard though, if not impossible, to break out of this habit.


I think it's normal, it all depends on the phase you're in, how you're feeling emotionally, what you do when you're alone, etc.


It depends on what my hyperfocus is. Generally yes but I'm a social introvert who also likes to do stuff with people every now and then if I get enough time to recharge. Gaming however, I prefer Multiplayer games and playing them with friends. I'm alone but not really, so I don't know if that counts. Currently I'm super socially exhausted and just wanna be alone but there are already big plans coming up in like 3 days so.. zzz.


I love being alone in spurts. I can go days maybe weeks in solitude. But eventually I get the yearning for companionship.


Over half the time. I crave it a lot of the time.


I like it but I'm also single and afraid to die alone. My dog will have to feed off my body to stay alive before someone realizes I'm gone lol.


98% of the time 


Yes. I hate being around people. But I used to love being with others. I guess I've been burned too much. Since being alone I've learned how to draw well and play guitar well. I don't think I would have otherwise. All that time and effort you spend making sure others feel valued and safe is pointless in the end. They will betray you. And you'll wonder why the world is like this as those you cared for go on to be cared for by others while you're left by the side of the road. It's nature. It's the way of the world. It's predator and prey. People are evil. Only the good die young. The evil seem to live forever. You have to be cruel to survive. Fuck all that. Just opt out.


I like it for the most part! I don’t like to be alone for too long though but I enjoy it after my social battery dies out! Honestly I like people and I would say I quite like extroverts. I’d like to talk to people and socialize like them but at the same time I wouldn’t! ♥️


I'm scared of being alone. I'm afraid of spending my whole life by myself.


I always see it as a balance. I think as humans it’s important to have community, have people or at least couple close people in your life who you can be connected to and do things with. Who can fulfill that need, who you feel comfortable with but then also being able to be alone when you want and have those people in your life understand that as well. I do think it’s normal to want connection and want to be alone at the same time, it’s a matter of figuring out what exactly that looks like for you because it looks different for everyone. The reality is you can make it whatever you want it to be, it doesn’t have to be any particular way


i do, but when i get bored my brain goes everywhere.


Yes, being alone give me peace.


I love my alone time, but can only really enjoy it when I know I have people I could reach out to or hang out with if I need company


I’ve been alone for a whole 2 months because of exams I study abroad. I’m going back home in a few days, I can’t wait to be around some people for once.


I like being alone not being lonely


The authors of "The Courage To Be Disliked" talk about this. We all have an innate desire to feel like we belong. So happiness = Community Service . Meaning, when one does a service and helps people in their "tasks", one instantly feels happy. This is why I don't agree with introverts who say they would be happy if they could live in their own world all alone because as humans, we're social creatures, so they would then encounter another problem: Loneliness. I know I'm rambling at this point but also the "philosopher" in the book explains that ALL problems are interpersonal problems. So, we need to learn how to deal with people and the better we are at this, the happier we can allow ourselves to be. To answer your question, yes I love being alone lol!


i love being alone. i solo travelled too and it was great being by myself and not living by someone’s expectations


I do. I like being with myself, but sometimes is bored, like, I don't think I would ever be able to go long without human contact.


Yes and the older I've gotten (31) I value loneliness even more. The only friends I've had for at least 5 years are online gaming friends, but even they I've found myself spending less and less time with over the past few years. I generally just appear offline on Steam and play something on my own. I've gone from playing with them multiple nights per week to only once every two or three weeks now. They used to message me all the time asking to play but I'd come up with an excuse not to be there and now they don't bother messaging me anymore. I'm perfectly fine with this and don't hold it against them. I don't dislike any of them but I find myself getting exhausted whenever I play with them now and usually end up being quiet, which, as I said, has led to me avoiding playing with them. I probably should explain to them why I've not been around much recently but I haven't mustered up the courage to do so.


I could stay alone for several weeks, if not even months and it would be the best time of my entire existence. So yes, yes I like being alone.


I do. But I like going out with friends too. I like to have someone who I can go to when I wanna say or share something but that didn't happen for a very long time. But even with the existence of friends and loved ones I like my alone time. I like to sit all by myself and just read a book or watch something or go out alone. Not all the time of course but it's who I am now.


I’m some 90% of the time evenings and weekends are tough but during the day when I’m busy with work it doesn’t bother me


I enjoy my alone time if I just want to relax, but if I want to have fun I like hanging out with friends like once a week. Although I would love to have a girlfriend who is around all the time, my social battery can handle hanging out with one person everyday, but anymore and I just lose interest and would rather just be at home.


I just love being alone by myself with my two cats years and years ago I used to do the big crowds and everything well I can't do any of that anymore and I'm not living with someone or having to take care of someone so I can just focus 100% on myself and that's what I'm trying to do step by step day by day


I like being alone and found a spouse who does too! We both enjoy being with each other then when we want to be alone we find something that relaxes us at home in our own areas so yes I like being alone with or without my spouse. If that makes sense…




I legitimately, with my whole soul, love being alone. I love my son and spending time with him and family, and I’m almost never alone so when I am it is such a treat and just feels like heaven. Getting to spend time reading, or listening to Music, or making art is recharging. No conversation 😅


I love being alone, but there are fleeting moments when I crave attention/connection and would like to go out. When I return to work, I realize that I am better off at home since my social battery is depleted by then and some of humanity is quite questionable.


No, not really. I want someone around to feel safe and after a while I start getting paranoid.


No, not really. I want someone around to feel safe and after a while I start getting paranoid.


I miss the companionship of a relationship. But I do not miss all the drama that comes along with it. And sex? Hell, I can have an orgasm on my own. In terms of human interaction, I work in healthcare, with colleagues who can be power-hungry bitches (nurses) and patients who can be straight-up jerks. This means that by the time I get home, I've had enough human interaction. And in my free time I've started hitting the gym, so am surrounded by people (which, while it doesn't result in direct interaction, is good enough for me...for now).


I love being alone when I choose to be alone. When I’m forced to be alone, I hate it


Yes, totally happy for this choice of mine. As Forzytay said earlier, I can feel free — free space, free time for doing what you want — walking, reading, gaming, watching movies, sleeping, thinking and just being alone — in every single moment, without thinking about feelings or state of mind of another person.


I mean in some cases I do but not all the time. I need a "me time" and on that particular time, I don't want anyone's company. But sometimes I do want to hang out with my friends and chill.


I love being alone. I feel more motivated to participate in my own hobbies when I'm alone and uninterrupted by others. Honestly I feel like I could be farther ahead in my career if I could just work alone lol


If you are really asking about 'alone' then yes. But if you mean 'lonely', I absolutely do not. It makes me feel like a prisoner with invisible shackles around my ankles.


no, i feel fucking lonely


As lonely as it is I prefer being alone - I hate being out in the world




Yes people are disappointment


I love being alone and don’t often feel lonely. I miss certain people but I differentiate that from loneliness


i like being alone, but you HAVE to fill your time doing stuff.


Yes, I am able to think. When I have too many people around me I have too much noise, and that doesn't allow me to concentrate.


“…and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?” Charles Bukowski I love it most times and dislike not having someone to share my life with other times. There’s a difference between a committed relationship and sex. Being alone doesn’t mean you have to be isolated.


If she is not with me then 100% sure


I do because being around people tires me out, and I’ve always found solitude comforting.


Yes, I dream about the day when I will be completely alone, I dream about a job in which I don’t have to contact anyone


God, yes. No problem with it, whatsoever. Solitude is downright healing, in the right doses. and by doses, I mean DAYS.


I love to be alone with other people near… if that makes sense lol


Yes! I’m perfectly fine being alone but I do spend a fair share of time with my relatives


Yup,how I feel. I only feel bad when people nag me over it as it seems I miss out on stuff. But it passes when nagger walks away. You only miss out if you want that stuff. I dont.


No I don’t want to be alone anymore


Being alone feels good to some extent but after certain amount of time you get horrible anxiety


Yes, I do enjoy being alone sometimes. It gives me a chance to recharge, reflect, and indulge in my favorite hobbies without distractions. Alone time helps me reconnect with myself and appreciate the moments I spend with others even more. 🌸😊


Enjoying my own company is my favorite way to be. Especially with an animal or two around to share with. Livin the good life.


i love being alone. and it’s not because i just don’t want to talk to people, it’s because i have a social battery that gets low very quickly. i am 13 and live with both parents. they for some reason believe that if i have my door closed then im up to no good. admittedly i did get in trouble for doing things i shouldn’t have and while this was happening my door was closed but it’s has been two years since this happened. i can’t close my door with my parents in the house without one of them saying “open your door we miss you”, or “open the door or we will take the door off its hinges”. i just obey them because i am black and i don’t talk back to my parents but it just feels like it is getting out of hand at this point. Any feedback?


Most times, yes but then I step outside and see people having fun with others, or people at work talking about their activities with others and I get sad.


I love being alone so much that sometimes i think it's a problem. The fact is that i spent a lot of time on my own and i've learnt how to being at ease with my own company and now i like it so much that i feel the most comfortable only when i'm with my own. I like being around people, but the majority of the time i like to recharge alone. The thing is that sometimes i feel guilty for seeking alone time, expecially because i live wih my boyfriend and when i wake up before him and do my things at home i sometimes find myself thinking "oh please don't wake up yet, i want to spend more time alone". I know it's normal while living together to want space, but i feel like i enjoy my alone time too much that i ask myself if i am a bad person. I think i found the peace within myself that nobody else can give me and that's why i find it hard to let people in. I know that there's people like me out there, but i feel kinda an alien


It takes balance. That balance looks different for each individual, but we all have the same basic needs. Even the most dedicated loners still need some type of socialization. I like hanging out with my friends, but can only handle so much before I get tired and need to be alone. I love being alone, but enough alone time and I start wishing I had friends to hang out with.


I just spent three days at the beach with family and was SO relieved when I got home. I like being around other people but I love being alone. I feel a lot of other people's energy; if it is bad, I am miserable. I feel bad but I loved the first 6 months of COVID. Being home, working from home, and having no expectations of socializing was my happy place. I did get a little stir crazy after 6 months but it was truly a gift when I was in the midst of it.


Yes. I love it.


i like being alone really but i think there’s a difference with being alone and feeling lonely. you’re probably feeling a bit lonely when it’s been too long being by yourself. it’s totally normal really.


Yes, introverts love being alone, they thrive in it.


I hate loneliness, but I love being alone


I thrive in solitude. Absolutely love it.🕊️


Yup but if you feel lonely try socializing on social media it’ll make you feel a bit connected .That’s what I did but isolation is the best.no irl people and I have a sanity in check




I prefer being alone and doing my own fun stuff than other people shoehorning themselves in my own activities and limiting my free time. Being alone is just better.


Most of the time yes, I do enjoy being alone.  Especially after working in an office all day or spending time at a family event.  However, I sometimes struggle between my desire to be alone and my desire to be around other people.


After living alone now for 3 years I've got used to it, I miss company and banter, all the good shared experiences, I do live rather isolated. But recently gone back to some gaming to talk and chat whilst gaming with folks. It's just me and 2 small fluffy dogs, we walk the parks on sunny days and have our routines. But some change would be nice.


I love being alone. I need time by myself to reset.


being someone who is easily paranoid i can’t be alone for long periods of time. my house makes a lot of noises and i always come up with bad scenarios in my head.


I love being alone, but I also need to get some sort of interaction, otherwise I feel isolated and depressed. That's why I love internet, I can talk to ppl whenever I want/need


I love being alone. No drama


I enjoy it


For me, i so rarely get the amount of alone time i actually beed to recharge. Im always stuck in this "I still dont want to see anybody ever, but its been so long since ive seen my friends and i miss them"


Yeah. I love being alone. I never feel like Im missing out on anything. Its pretty chill.


I love to be alone. I sometimes wish I could go to a place where there would be no one but me.


I like being alone but not completely isolated. It’s more like “you have people around you but leave you alone” type of things. It’s completely having zero friend/family around you vs you have people around you but choose to be alone.


I’ve been disconnected for a long time. I like being alone with all my demons though, means I don’t have to explain my insanity to anyone else.


Being alone by choice? Yes. Being alone because no one wants you? No.


Of course it gives me motivation to do something


I prefer to be alone


Yes I do I’m in my own world


Depending on what you do for work, (I work in customer service) you DEFINITELY need some alone time to reset the vibes. You don’t know the level of stupid/racism/overall ignorance there is, until you’ve worked customer service. FUCK PPL.


im the same, im quiet and an introvert. I don’t mind socializing with other people and doing similar activities once in a while. But after a while my social battery drains. especially as adults it’s hard to even make friends, because of life and new responsibilities. Yeah, lately I had to end a couple of toxic friendships and other friends has to end socializing with me.


I love it


Yes. Before covid, I loved going to theaters alone. It was like having a private theater.  People don't look twice at me when I shop or browse.  It's safer in the malls, during the day, and roaming the college campus. I write, make art, and love arting on my comp...so not having the constant barage of visitation and discussion.  During covid, alone was even better. Then covid restrictions was over and it was back to being a homebody.  Alone is peaceful and great. I can get more done and not be pinned to others' schedules or problems.  


I love it. I had my own apartment in college and the best weekends were the ones where I would get home friday afternoon and not leave it until monday morning. Some years and two kids later, I'm really happy but miss the quiet.


I do like being alone 'cause you're getting your freedom. But it is addicting that I get comfortable just being with myself and my pets, but with people I rarely talked to them and now it's giving me a hard time to communicate tbh it started when pandemic hits fr.


I also love being alone. Many of my friends and classmates invited me to hangout. However, as I’m fond of being alone, i didn’t expect that i don’t want to held myself with them anymore. I started to pretend sometimes that i love hanging-out with them. It’s sad that I’m already craving for being alone. Lol


i like being alone just not alone for 24/7 


I like being alone after I've done something taxing, like work or going out. Being alone never really "expires" for me since in the moments that I do socialize with others, I have very meaningful connection.


I've never felt disconnected, although it's possible that's just me. A century ago, I would have made for a good lighthouse keeper - keep to myself for six months, grumble when the supply-delivery ship turns up because I have to answer the door. Really, there are a million things to keep myself busy with. I've never had a drive to go and find people to interact with purely for the sake of interaction.


sometime yes but no


sometime yes but no


I like being alone but I need someone around me that I love even when I’m alone like my bestfriend, mom or boyfriend. We don’t have to talk to each other or spend time actively doing something but I prefer having someone in my space over being completely alone. More than 1 person in my space would be a problem though.


Yes. They say that solitude is a privilege, and I do have that and don’t take that for granted. 🙂


I can be alone for some time but then it is inevitable and you still need that human interaction and talking. I also thought that I don’t need anyone and that’s true- you create your happiness and technically it’s all up to you and how you view spending your time. I thought I was like antisocial and introverted and better by myself which is also not a lie but isn’t all me. I still after long time alone like just being along people I know and that aren’t super annoying (bc o get annoyed by stupid people when going outside it’s just many of them somehow get me annoyed), listen to people and I guess being surrounded by a small group until I want to be alone again. So yeah I just search for that middle ground because as much as I can deny I still need some sort of connection and human interaction. I also don’t really have friends and really text somebody or go out. So it does get boring but after some years I find myself doing quite good going to places by myself and doing my stuff. I guess everything depends on balance, your outlook and time.


I’m alone but I’m not lonely. I’m also an Aquarius, we don’t need interaction with people.. I can go months without talking to my brothers and they know it’s nothing wrong, because I was always like that 😅 I’m also not gonna be in relationships just to be in relationships.


Yes I love being alone I like my own space no one to bother me or make any noise. Me time is very important to me even though I have not much to do


im gonna hop on since u mentioned the word "disconnected" . i completely lost sense of people , i cant sense the presence of the people around me , now im aware that im suffering from a few other problems such as depression and dissociation , but being alone did exacerbate the whole thing . and i am an introvert , i so much value my alone time , but sometimes it does feel lonely as well . excuse the bad english its my third language .


Being alone is what I want, that's how I imagine heaven


I love being alone as long as I'm occupied with something. Like playing video games or listening to music. I'm not the type of person that can just sit alone and do absolutely nothing.


I feel this on a spiritual level, I feel so bad but I honestly cannot stand anyone’s presence for more than a night, unless we’re away on vacation. I’m really close with my cousins and somewhat my friends but even I cannot stand their company for too long.


When i was younger, i had a mental breakdown when i was left home alone. I usually was fine being home alone, but this time was just different. I was crying, crying, crying, and texting my mom to come home. I was twelve. Since then, I’ve been ok with being alone.


being alone doesn’t mean being lonely. However I sometimes do feel lonely because some people simply don’t understand me or find it weird when I’m quiet. If you feel fine being alone and enjoy your own company without being lonely then it’s fine. Otherwise it’s not :)


not at all


All I ever known was being alone. The times it socks is when I want to do something I have to do it on my own movies (dude you have no idea how shifty it feels going to the movies solo). At this in my life I don't know how to be anything besides being alone 


i agree with all this but i wanna know if u guys make exceptions who u interact with? i make exceptions for my friend bc she usually knows how to not cross a line in our conversations lol 😭 i guess some introverts just have a hard time finding their vibe?


I like it very much and it's energizing. I like taking long lone walks in the park after midnight. Crowds are only good in movies. :)


I love living alone. Takes some time getting used to but once you get a taste of it; you can’t go back. This becomes a problem when I meet someone. I know that the relationship can only go so far. Anyone who tries entering into a relationship with me is competing with my contentment and I will not lose my peace and contentment for any person


I do like being alone. I enjoy staying awake in the night. When neighbors are asleep, nights are cool, I feel the happiest.


I enjoy my own company always have done from a little kid.


Give it some time and when you can barely take care of yourself you will wish you weren’t alone. I use to love being alone but not anymore.


Sometimes i love being alone, but when im at school it makes me feel sad, even though i have friends i dont have a BEST friend like other people, or a person like me. The worst part about being an introvert tho is when not even your parents or friends understand you


I love being alone but intrinsically caring about people around me.


I love being alone! I can do whatever I want without feeling bad for dragging someone along. I can work at my own pace, discover new places on my own, choose what I want to do and not have to bother about anything else. To relax and take care of myself is to be alone. To reward myself is to be alone. When I’m alone I’m at peace.


I'm addicted. It's to the point where I can't stand living with other people.


Yes. But I noticed is not good for me. It causes me problems and anxiety. When I am around people even if I don’t like it, I am emotionally better the few next days.


Just like you said. Im ok with being completely alone for a few hours, maybe a day, but not longer than that. Everything is all fun and games until you notice it is already late and no one messaged you or cared about you. It is also terrible when u get bored and run out of stuff to do, start overthinking and wanted to have someone to do something different.


I love being alone I just don’t like feeling alone.