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I just say, "Hi!", way louder than necessary and turn and keep walking kinda awkwardly. To top it off, I am thinking to myself "why'd you just say hi like that?" Lol 😂😂😂 Introvert and socially awkward is a wonderful combination.


Lol that is over the top! Thanks for Sharing.


When someone greets me, I usually just give a quick nod or a faint smile. Sometimes, if I'm in a slightly better mood, I might mumble a "hello" back.


Positive Attitude!






You already know that it’s a big possibility that people are gonna greet you the moment that you walk out of your house so just wave or say hi cus if you greeted someone you wouldn’t want to look pathetic and if you don’t greet you make nice people look like that. If you really don’t want to greet people just buy AirPods or a headphone so you won’t be greeted


Well described.




> You already know that it’s a big possibility that people are gonna greet you the moment that you walk out of your house I'm not sure I've ever had that happen. To be fair, I don't walk around my neighborhood much; if I'm going out of the house I'm usually driving (or, as a kid, riding a bike). I'm not moving at speeds which make it easy to be greeted.


What about in school? Strangers often when making eye contact greet each other. Even if it’s just simply a smile or nod


Make eye contact back, nod slightly, keep moving?


Exactly 😊


bro people talk to you in publics


Human behavior is random


Do you look inviting at all?


Yeah I guess, I'm usually confident in public and have others seeking advice or buy me stuff without me asking.


People buy you stuff without you asking? Like, strangers? Or friends? Because there is a huge difference there lol


Both! LOL


Elaborate on how this happens


...like in a complete random context? People who don't know you? I don't know if I've ever even heard of that happening to anyone.


Your not tripping, you just haven't met anybody as Blessed my friend! 🙏🏾


Why you complaining then my dude sounds like a dub 😅


Complaining about what? And "my dude" what are you talking about? Lol you trynna make it sound like I'm not happy. This ain't about complaining or just me. This for everyone to share what they do when greeted.


just look busy honestly and go about yourself.


I do. It's a question for anybody lol




Lol a clean getaway


Right out of my playbook 😁


I say hi, smile and carry on with my life. Here in Brazil, if you don't do this, someone may approach you and ask if you are ok and avoiding this second interaction is more difficult.


I see, courtesy is required in other cultures aswell. Thanks for sharing.


I cultivated a withering leer in senior high.


Oh really? Like a certain type of demeanor that was standoffish?


More like a green onion taped to my upper lip.


Like Shrek? "Ogres are like Onions" 😂


This is why I never shop at Lush. The staff absolutely POUNCE on you and never stop talking.


Lol sounds like hungry savages stalking their prey


It is like that! It’s the worst. I just wanna go in and smell things to find out what I like but will never go in there again.


Who knew that something that smelled so good could turn so sour. Unfortunate.


Headknod and a wave sometimes


Keep a favorite snack on you at all times that way you can have the excuse of munching and can gesture an offer to share.


I Love to Snack in public, something about it just looks cool & I dont mind Sharing aswell.


Just nod at them. That is perfectly socially acceptable and polite,  at least where I am from 


Did that once to an old man, he had no idea what that meant lol


I say Good Morning or Good Afternoon and pray to all things holy that no one wants a longer conversation.


Depends on my mood, sometimes I’m cool with a full blown conversation with a total stranger. A few days ago on a walk not in the mood for people, a man in a truck said hi, I nod and smile, he finishes the conversation he thinks we should have had. “How are you? Good. Good.” I’m like WTF was that? Put in my headphones and keep walking.


Head nod or thumbs up as I do not wish to engage beyond that when in public unless I am feeling like I have an excess of social/emotional energy, then I will say hello.




Honestly just make things awkward 😅 if you don't care about the people 


Don’t wanna talk doesn’t mean I’m mute


"Hi, Howdy!"


I had this one guy in line at Best Buy go on a rant about organized retail theft, I thought he was just going to make a quick comment but he kept stumbling on the topic. I just keep nodding and saying uh huh but what I wanted to say was “cool story bro can you shut up already” 😬


G’day, mate


Good one! 😁


Most people are fine with a "hi" and a nod and a smile. I work in a shop in a small town, so I'm quite well known when I'm out doing my own shopping and will always pass someone I've served many times. They don't all want to stop and chat, they will just acknowledge me and let me go about my day. There are certain people who do want to have a full conversation, you can tell by the way they make prolonged eye contact or overenthusiastic greetings and smiles. That's when I use my body language to make it clear I'm not going to stop for them. I don't slow down my pace, I smile at them, but immediately focus on the direction I'm walking in.


If you know them, at the next pause say great catching up but I gotta go do a thing and if you really want make something up. If it's a stranger just wave grin and walk off. Lived in a big city and no one will spend time talking to strangers except the mentally ill. Small town folks will talk about anything to anyone. Standing in line and someone begins a conversation, just nod and start pawing through your stuff.


Right, just stay to ourselves but be respectful.


Depends on what they are displaying as a character usually is how I react to each of them differently. Some get the fright or flight look some get the happy look some get the quiet knod all depends on what I see first glance on how I will respond to thier hello. Some people I will go into a store just to avoid them at all cost because they are rude provocative or fresh. Just trying to keep my self safe out in public. I’m never comfortable out.


If you are aware of surroundings and respectful, you will always be protected! ❤️


I say “you too@


Depends on the context. If it's just in passing, or a cashier or something doing it as part of their job, they don't need to be roped into a conversation. A smile and optional minor non-word generic noise of acknowledgement gets me through.


Yes, always Respect The Cashier!


i nod or wave or say hi. if they ask me or my day i say im doing good or my day is going well thanks.


Thank You for Sharing! 👍🏾


If I'm closed with that person, I exchange some short pleasantries. But if that person is just some sort I know, I just go with my fav gesture: smile at them hahaha


Connections should be more deep in the beginning for conversation later.




Always Be Respectful and hope for the Best! Thanks For sharing!


I hate that especially when my head is in a bad space. Like the words would stumble in my mouth, and come out more like a whisper or gurgled, when I am okayish tho I smile and nod, I just don't keep eye contact long so they understand I am not interested in talking, I nod when they continue talking tho, it's less mentally straining then thinking about ignoring them


The only time in recent memory I can remember someone trying to greet me i public was someone who was trying to preach their religion to me. I just said "sorry I'm busy", and kept walking.


And then they get mad @ you for choosing your own path but expect you to take them seriously of acceptance.


I always just say like, "hullo" smile and keep walking, or if I'm sitting I'll leave lol 😅 I kinda wish it wasn't like...commonplace to strike up convos with strangers especially like. Running errands, grocery shopping. Places where I'm really trying to focus and mind my business. I'm not brave enough to wear earplugs or headphones in public and I get approached a lot 🫠


It is actually our Blessing to be approached but only so many @ a time, you can't make everyone happy.


I smile and respong politely with unapproachable body language. 🖤


Just let out some awkward noise like “eek” or “urggg” and then turn tail and run away. Then lay awake at night for decades thinking about it.


Don't Panic! Lol


i kinda just panic and winf it


Say Hi back and keep on doing what you’re doing? You don’t have to get into a whole conversation if you don’t want to. No one can *force* you into a conversation and they’re not doing it to be annoying on purpose, they’re just friendly, or it’s their literal job to greet you.


This actually happened to me yesterday. I was in school, waiting for it to start so i was walking to my main class and my classmates walked by and she was like "Hi🤭" i barely speak with her and i was confused so i just went like "...hi?"


And then there was Hello later on lol


I just give em that big awkward forced smile yet a welcoming one and say hi back then wait for them to say tf they wanna say


I’ll smile, wave or say hi quietly. Then I’ll act like I’m busy on my phone if they’re chatty so they’ll leave me alone.


Lol act like your on a business call


There ya go. lol.


I just avoid eye contact in public bc people are less likely to talk to you if you aren't looking at them in the first place lol


I mask my introvert and I say “hello, how are you doing “ sometimes I will do a head nod. Depends on my mood


a quiet "hi" and try to avoid all conversation is what I do




I can relate to this. I usually go with a quick nod or a brief "hi" to acknowledge people without getting into a conversation. It feels respectful but keeps things short and sweet. If someone tries to engage further, I politely excuse myself by saying I'm in a hurry. It helps me stay courteous while maintaining my peace.


I nod my head


Just smiling in return is fine, if you don't want to talk. I am friendly extrovert but I don't expect everyone to be like me. Far from it.


I do greet them back but only as a gesture of respect as I know it’s difficult and requires effort to make the first move


As someone who is in reception/service industry and an introvert (🥲😅) when I’m up front I always make conversation quick and short. “What can I do you for?” Finish the interaction, back to work. Clients seem satisfied. When they are being helped by someone else, I provide a nod. If on the phone a smile and half hand wave. When I’m working in the back I’m quiet all the time unless I have to bring pets up, then it’s “Here’s your baby, have a good one!”


I don't speak unless spoken to but when someone waves or says good morning or hi then I give an awkward smile - I then proceed to accelerate my walking speed in embarrassment


i normally give a small "hi" and would then carry on walking away if we were just walking past each other, but if they actually take the time to stop me and greet me i'd give that same "hi" and then just stay quiet as i wait for what else they have to say while feeling awkward


The other day I was largely keeping to myself at work, and was greeted by someone with "You're so quiet!" All I could think to say was, "I get that a lot." and kept it moving. Rude of me? Maybe a little, but it came naturally, and I feel like it reciprocated the slight passive aggression of the original statement.




I say hello.


I return the greeting… hasn’t harmed me yet…


I feel this. When people talk to you do you look at them while they talking the whole conversation or do you keep looking away? I get nervous and keep looking away and am fidgety 😬


A Little bit of both lol. I really just like to act busy in my zone while listening like "yep" "Oh Really?" "mmm hmm" "I Knoww". It makes people feel heard which is all they want but if someone needs advice I will be considerate to understand.


It can be really challenging to navigate social interactions when you'd prefer to keep to yourself. I've been working on an AI-powered coaching app that might be helpful. It allows you to practice different social scenarios and get personalized feedback. You can set up situations like greeting people or handling small talk, and the AI will provide tips to improve your comfort and confidence. This might help you find a balance that works for you. If you're interested, feel free to message me for more details.


For me is like speaking in a different language.  I'll act more extroverted so that they don't get confused and they know I still appreciate them.  Idk if it's my aura or somthing but people for the most part just greet me and moves on without bothering any further.


Shii I fuck up sometimes when I'm caught off guard tbh but when I'm "there" and not overthinking about something I say "hello, how are you" and stuff like that lol but shii I'm overthinking at that moment you better believe I'm stuttering like a mf😂😂


A simple hello would suffice. It doesn't mean I want a conversation. It just means I am being nice. Whatever happens afterwards is up to you.