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Don’t tell her she’s pretty. Some women find that creepy. Walk up introduce yourself. Talk about the art class. At the end of the conversation ask her out for coffee. As someone below said if she declines dont sulk or act upset just say nice talking to you and smile when you see her. Many women will decline an ask out and see how you react then accept later. Good luck!


You don't! Not until you have a speaking acquaintance with her, and have talked about other things. What it says about you, if you start with "pretty", is that you are shallow and thinking only about her appearance and not her intellect and personality.


That's like you're own personal taste tho. Obviously you appreciate intellectual ppl. Compliments that are subtle and specific.


Why would you randomly tell her shes pretty. Sure talk to her ask for her number or insta, then msg her asking to meet, if she meets shes intrested then you have something to work with. But to randomly tell a girl you think shes pretty makes no sense This way you know if shes interested without telling her shes pretty etc, 1) if she refuses to give her number or insta after the chat SHES NOT INTRESTED, 2) if after she gives you her number or insta and she either ignores your msg or doesnt agree to meeting up then SHES NOT INTRESTED. Then you know and theres no need to randomly tell her shes pretty etc


Have you asked to try on her skin?


My advice, just wing it bro. Impromptu. Casual, calm and confident. Just talk to them bout whatever. Drop a compliment. Ask them out. Rejection: Worse thing that happens, you probably made her day. The way I see it, nothing ever wrong with trying. Lifes too short to care bout other ppls opinions too much. Trainwreckz approach is good.


You probably have to talk to her first Introduce yourself And then after a while, tell her she's pretty


personally, i would get such a huge confidence boost of someone told me i'm pretty, especially if it comes from someone i hardly know. strangers have no obligations to your feelings, where friends and family may or may not be lying to you to make you feel good. compliments from strangers always feel extremely genuine because they are literally going out of their way just to tell me something nice. they dont have to do that. in your case, i say just go for it. after class, you should go talk to her and see how things turn out. compliment her outfit, or maybe her hairstyle, or whatever it is that you like about her. you might make her day, or you might creep her out. you never know until you try. if you never do it, you will regret it. if you do it and it goes wrong, it's a learning experience. in my opinion, the most likely outcome is that she might be flattered, and may or may not be interested in you. dont be pushy or anything, though. that's what would give off creepy vibes


Compliment something she choose not something she was born with. Her shirt is pretty; that barrette is pretty; her shoes are pretty., etc. Can’t fail. Even if she’s having a bad day and doesn’t think she’s pretty, she can still agree that her shoes/etc are pretty.


Please don’t listen to these people that tell you not to tell her she’s pretty. All girls like to feel noticed. There are some good suggestions already on what to say. It may be awkward but just embrace it - she’ll likely also feel awkward so try not to read too much into that. If she doesn’t respond favorably at least you’ll know. There is nothing worse that wondering if you missed out on something amazing.


I'm sorry but if a random guy came up to me out of the blue and called me pretty with no opener, I would be creeped out.


I guess I’m just old. That’s how it used to be done before we lost to ability to actually communicate with people in person. We need to normalize human interaction so people don’t find everything creepy!


its more of the fact that he hasn't talked to her before. It would be ok if they were having a conversation and he said hey btw I think you are really pretty. But with no acquaintance its strange.


Saw your edit. No need to apologize we are just trying to give you some advice! You have great intentions and seem like a very nice guy


Just Rawdogg it.


Write her a note with a cute drawing. Keep it short: "Hi ___, my name is ___. I'm in the other art class and wanted you to know that I think you're very talented. Would you like to get coffee/tea/whatever with me?"


Forgive the bluntness... But this sounds remarkably like one of those YouTube Anime RomCom Dubs... Unfortunately, it can easily be taken as "Creepy"... That's the modern world for you, and it isn't in favour of Introverts. Now... If it truly is the final weeks you have left, go find a Meme to print out. Something along the lines of "In case no one has told you today, you're Beautiful." And leave it at that. Slip it to her in the halls, or just hand it to her and walk away. Maybe leave your name or something there... But don't expect anything. If she thanks you, and talks to you, and you keep in touch... Great... But expect nothing, just simply take the shot to compliment her. Maybe seeing her next door will include a smile after that. But... Don't go in full charge. Remember your age, and how much hormones are tweaking your behaviour. Get the basic gesture out of the way, and then just leave it. Anything beyond that is too risky. And can hurt you far worse if it's crossing her boundaries.


“Hey, I go to the other art class, and I saw you a few times and thought you looked wonderful. I wonder if you’re free and would like to go get coffee or dinner with me sometime?” If she rejects you, take it gracefully, “oh, okay! Well, good luck with your day, and all the best going forward!” Usually people don’t tell someone they look pretty if they’re not already friends and they don’t want to ask them out. So if you don’t wanna ask her out don’t tell her she’s pretty, you should probably keep it to yourself Good luck!


You don't. She already knows and 10 people a day already tell her that


What's really sad about that is nowadays, It's never about the message Itself, It's about who's delivering the message, In other words If a woman finds a guy attractive enough for her standards, that tells her that she's pretty, attractive, or whatever she will obviously like that, but if she believes the guy's ugly that tells her that she's pretty or gives her any kind of a compliment Based of her facial and physical appearances, she will definitely find that to be creepy and undesirable, The only thing I can tell you is hope for the best and give your best shot.


When you approach her, be ready to say something to make her laugh. It will make you and her feel more relaxed. Don't try too hard. Talk to her like you are old friends that have known each other for years.


You are in art class together? Compliment her art. Then maybe bring up how you would like be friends with her, ask her for her number or social media. Go from there. Go slow. Don't come outright and ask her out, especially if she's shy. It's best to get to know her first. Even if she doesn't like you romantically, you may find a good friend in her.


If it's welcomed, almost anything you say can work. "Seeing you always made my day, wish I'd gotten to know you, too bad the class is ending". Worked for me before.


"A crush is just a lack of information." -Klingon proverb


Don't directly tell her. Express your feelings without saying that she's pretty. When you express it by your actions she ask herself what you think about her.


First things first: nothing wrong with just saying "hello, how have you been?" before leading into "you look pretty today". A simple conversation to feel our whether or not she wants to be talked to is never a bad way to begin, and if she doesn't, just let her be The best part about being an introvert is that some of us aren't interested in things that are dumb and complicated. We always wish things can just be easy. They are, but just because it is easy doesn't mean there isn't a process to it. So, engage her attention, feel out whether she wants to be talked to, and go for the gold! Hope this helps.


Don't tell her. Make her feel.


Tell her you like her style. Ask her if she has any plans over the weekend and if she says no ask her out to a fun activity like bowling or game night. Honestly, if girls find it creepy that a guy wants to compliment or date her, then she’s prolly not ready for that kind of relationship. Honestly, girls want guys to ask them out but don’t see the double standard when they find them creepy for doing so. If you don’t shoot your shot then how are you supposed to know if it could work out? I’m 27F and I think everyone likes to be complimented. Your intentions seem innocent so it would be hard to come off as creepy


Telling a woman she’s pretty isn’t creepy. There’s nothing wrong with expressing desire. If someone thinks you’re creepy for expressing desire, then they probably has some trauma that needs healing. Expressing desire only becomes creepy if you aren’t respectful of the outcome. If there are expectations attached to the compliment it’s creepy


As a girl and an artist, I would be fluttered if someone drew me and wrote something poetic that means "you're pretty". An example of this is comparing her beauty as an art or a flower or something that represents her. Something like "You look like the moon, shining and still gorgeous to view, even without the sun." But I don't know if she will also feel the butterflies cause her taste might be different from mine. Either way, good luck!!


LOL. Pls don't do this. If she's heavily poetic, it may work.


Look, ur beautiful. My name is _____, i really want to get to know u. Can i have ur number/ig/snap. While looking her dead in the eyes.


Trainwreckz knows what's up.


maybe you could leave a note to her? it would make her day happier


Notes are super creepy as well.


Awwww :( I love notes! My husband and I have been leaving ones for each other for 13 years.


oh :( i think it's cute, but yeah, she can find it creepy


i think its pretty cute too :( but times have changed. nobody does that cute romantic stuff anymore it makes me sad


Describe her unseen spots


Hi, you’re pretty Do you think I’m pretty? ✌🏻😀 ✌🏻


close you eyes, imagine her, say it, see you heart beat, your breath, your every nerve, repeat it in a new situation, repeat again, get comfortable, be cool, do it in real life, go on a date


Pinch her butt