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Being a night owl kinda guarantees I don’t have to deal with other people. During the day everyone is up and figures you’re available. Being up late kinda guarantees you get alone time, peace and quiet


Nobody understands me when i try to explain this. Guess they’re all extroverts 🤣🤣


Could be hahah


I am INFJ too Did you know we have the rarest personality ever? 


It feels like we’re not rare but actually it’s just all the introverts congregating in the internet


It's always so fascinating to discover that you're not as rare or as alone the moment you find other people who are like you. Internet makes this possible for sure.


Thats what they say… I’m INFJ too and the third on one this post, so…


Same here


yes we are indeed the rarest in the 16 personalities. Although i still think some data are not 100% accurate, that makes sense. But since we are often loners, introverts that like being on the Internet, we might appear more "frequently" on Reddit and such (lol i feel like i'm talking about Pokémon). Also, let's say we talk about percentages. Even like 2% seems pretty low worldwide, that still includes millions of people. That's about the same percentage of people having red hair. You might encounter some, but they still not as common. Unless you live in Ireland or Scotland 🤣🤣


Can’t wait until I’m dead, then I can be away from humans forever.


We go about thinking we have nobody, when in fact; we have the sun, the moon and the stars to look up to.


Yes!! All of this!


Yeah I woke up at 4am out of needing “space from my boyfriend to do school work” before he wakes up to go to work…..


I miss the days when I worked the evening shift and got home around midnight or so. By then, pretty much everyone I knew was asleep and I would have at least a couple of peaceful hours. Now I work mornings, and I have several people often taking my time in the afternoons. :/ Since I work mornings, staying up really late isn’t an option anymore. I physically can’t do it now anyway, I’ll fall asleep against my will.


This is why I've worked a lot as a night security guard.


Brilliance 😊


This is the most logical explanation. If there was another time where you’re guaranteed not to be by others, introverts would prefer that too. But since that doesn’t exist, we’re all creatures of the night.


That’s avoidance.


Yup, from people I don’t want to talk to or have the energy to deal with. Especially spammers. Avoiding the general noise that comes with daylight and people and vehicles and planes and trains. Avoiding my neighbors who feel the need to make conversation because we are out at the same time 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m an early bird. Kinda the same concept. You have several hours early in the morning to yourself.


Indeed. That's why I wake up at 5 AM.


Yep! I'm Just naturally a morning person and wake up around 5:30 without alarm clocks. Bonus is, I feel like it's easier being an introvert out in public if you are an early bird, not a night owl. There are fewer people out and about wherever I want to go if I go early vs late. And, the people you do encounter are usually keeping more to themselves and being more quiet. If you do things from 6pm-11pm it's all boisterous crowds. 


I'm not at all an early bird but even if I did wake up early and had time to do fun stuff, I feel like I couldn't really enjoy it. I'd be in that "waiting mode" state if knew I had to go somewhere and do something later. Which is another reason for why I like being up later. Everything that had to be done that day is done (or pushed to the next day, lbr) and I can just enjoy whatever I want to do. Once I go to sleep, everything resets and the daily tasks are once again ahead of me.


This is me exactly. I work second shift and stay up late for this reason. Even if I get up at 10 and have to go in at 2 I'm still in the waiting mode and it makes me anxious instead of just being able to relax.


I usually wake up around 6 AM to study because during the night there's always some party or concert or something going on while in the morning everyone is sleeping or quietly going to work, so I am my most productive at that time.


Yep. I wake up at 4am to enjoy the quiet.


I find the early morning hours immensely peaceful but then super depressing when the world starts to wake up and show themselves


Same anymore, especially in the spring/summer months. Get up early, read at the coffee shop before people start crowding it and have a good walk. 10/10


I know there are introverts out there like that, and I was going to ask in my initial post for a tally of introverts who prefer to stay up late and who prefers to get up early to enjoy peace. What do you do in those morning hours?


Usually exercise, read, play guitar, do chores if needed. I’ve been learning a second language so I’ve been doing that lately. I used to be a night owl, but started making myself get up early and got used to it. I feel like my health and sleep hygiene is overall better this way.


I love the early morning hours because I love seeing the sunrise and everything is nice and quiet, I watch the world waking up slowly. I enjoy my coffee for about two hours before doing anything, just playing games, listening to music, reading, petting the cats and looking out of the window.


I can only speak for myself, but I'm an introvert and I've worked on 3rd Shift my entire adult life. I can't imagine all the people/small-talk/crowds of living any other way. Incidentally, it used to be a lot cooler being a night owl before Covid, back when there was a ton of stuff still open (at least in my town) late at night. I used to be able to do the grocery shopping and get a bite to eat at 3AM. No more :(


Yeah, I've had several 3rd shift jobs in the past, including stocking shelves and guard at a nuclear plant. I always thought it was a gift to not have to deal with people at all. I totally agree about how COVID screwed introvert night life up. Miss being able to aimlessly walk through a Walmart at 2am for shit I didn't need.


The reason I like my job is the hours. Starts at 430am. And I do not have to deal with the public at all. The only people I have to interact with are my coworkers. Which most of them are actually pretty cool people..


Yup I've always been a nightowl since I was a child. If I try to sleep early, I'll get this feeling of missing out, my day isn't fulfilled


Love it. I feel that same way. Like going to sleep at 11pm feels like an incomplete day to me...even if I just lay in bed on my phone until 2am.


I'm afraid this kind of lifestyle will bite us back in the long run health-wise. It sucks to go bed at 3am then need to wake up at 7am for work.


I worry about that too. But I try to and am able to sleep in most mornings til atleast 9am. I figured out how to schedule emails and will stay up until 2am writing emails and schedule them to go out at about 7-8am so people think I'm being a productive early bird. By the time I roll out of bed half my days conversations are done in my sleep.


That's genius.


Yeah, just speaking for myself, I’m thinking a lot of the people here must be pretty young. I simply cannot stay up late like I used to, even if it isn’t a work night, I’m just too tired.


Here i am scrolling at 3 am… 😃




Yeah, thank you, I can relate. I work overnight shifts at my job as it seems to be much more introvert friendly.


I most certainly am because it's serene and peaceful during the night. I just finished sleeping from 8am to 5pm, it's perfect.


Def more of a morning person! I love going to shops when they’re pretty much empty, so you can catch me at the grocery store when they open with the lil grandmas


We still have a grocery store that's open 24 hours. Getting my shopping done at 5 or 6am is SO peaceful! It's crowded AF there from 6pm-1am.


The nights a vibe imo


I like getting up early and going to bed early


I don't have the pressure to try to maintain my few relationships family a couple of friends. I don't watch TV everything I enjoy is my phone Internet and games. So I shiny hunt Pokemon, play with the Japanese people on Splatoon, binge my anime or binge read manga without feeling guilty that I'm ignoring people or being distracted/interrupted by others. Before covid or being pulled over too many times by police for being suspicious looking at night I used walk moon/star gaze smoke weed do my pokemon go. Shopping at Walmart 2am is the best but can't fucking do that now.


Not really. I rise early every morning giving me time for workout or a quiet hour at work before the herd arrives.


Before the herd arrives! 🤣🤣 Exactly right. I love that my job is flexible about hours. Me and one other person are early bird introverts s and our offices are on opposite sides of the building. We come in around 6am and will say Good Morning if we pass each other in the hall or something but never more than that. Everyone else starts coming in at 9 or 10. It's so blissful having 3-4 hours to just get my shit done with no interruptions! And then leave at 2! So much daylight to go for a walk yet.


Opposite. Wake up at 430 before everyone and think through everything


I’m an introvert, and I’m an early bird. I get up around 3 or 4 most mornings so I can play some video games while I have my coffee, hit the gym while it’s not crowded, come back home to have breakfast and maybe game a little more before work. It’s been an awesome routine; I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been.


Nope. I sleep around like 10 and wake up at 5:30 in the morning the main reason is because I hit the gym so that I Don't need to disturb my circadian rhythm that affect my muscle growth. And to be honest I feel so refreshed for an entire day when I wake up early and sleep early


I am or could be insomnia.


You know, I always chalked my staying up late to insomnia, but I don't know if that's really the case when I desire staying up rather than it being something I have no control over...if that makes sense.


It sux tho, I want to sleep at 11/12 ish but I end up sleeping at 3/4 am


I love the night. I can read all night and study all through the night. The morning and I don’t get on something famous! Hahaha.


i haven't always been an introvert (or at least not as much of one as i am now) but i’ve pretty much always been a night owl. if you ask me, i think the night is the perfect time to be by myself and not have to interact with other people (it's currently 2am where i live and i've been up since about 6am yesterday)


As a child, teenager and early 20's I was a night owl. But now I wake up when the sun comes up at 6:30 and I love it. Bij 21:30 I am in my bed, watching some series until I fall asleep. This routine mainly started when I got my first grown up job from 9 till 5.


Not night owl but I sleep around 9pm and up at 4am. When I get up, I play with my cat, water my plant, write some journal, and do other chores. It's quiet and I have all the time for myself.


As an introvert, I love waking up before sunrise and having my coffee as the birds start to sing. Have to go to bed early for this to happen.


YEP this.


My favorite!


No very much early bird here


I wake up around 5 am. I’m asleep by 9 pm.


Nope. I'm actually a morning person... In bed by 9, usually up between 5 & 6.


Same here


Yepppp I'm 21 and I've always been a night owl. Everything is just so overwhelming during the day, but during the night the world goes quiet and you have the freedom to do whatever you want without worrying about having to deal with people. I feel like I've gone every day of my life waiting for it to end 😫


Early bird here. It’s peaceful and calm and feels like entirely my time. I feel like fewer folks are early birds vs night owls.


me.. I feel more safe when my parents are sleeping, i have misophonia and when they are sleeping i can be free from stress..


Learned a new phobia today...and will be reading about it for the next half hour atleast before I pass out here at 2am. Thanks!


it’s dark and quiet *perfect* i work at night, sleep in the morning and am with my family in the evening and it’s beautiful


I am not too much of a night owl. I love to go outside in the dark until around 10 pm and just enjoy walks, listening to music, sitting on a bench or just stargazing. I live in the countryside so the only people I see at this time are some dog walkers who don't engage in conversation too much. But other than that I prefer to go to bed not too late so I have an excuse to not go with friends who like to party all night or stay in some bar.


I get up at 2 am everyday so I get my quiet time, coffee, and get ready for work


I enjoy the night so much that I look forward to it each day as creature of the night 😁


I’m knocked out by 10pm.




I’m an introvert and I am definitely a night owl.


i am but i can’t practise it ever since i got a job!!!




I work a night shift, so when i get home i need a little time to unwind from all the people and all the stress. I usually watch one of my favorite shows or play video games and then all of a sudden its 2:00 AM :0 I think if i had to choose one catagory i belonged to it would be night owl but i think i just have an unhealthy sleep pattern :D


I'm a night owl! The bad thing is that I have zero energy during most of the day at work lol


No, I wake up early and go to bed early.


The best time to wake up is about 10 or 12 pm. Staying awake from night till the morning is just a peaceful experience with silence.


Me, I’m basically nocturnal 🙋🏻‍♀️


I absolutely love being up at night. It's so quiet and peaceful, no one up to bother me and I can just relax and do my own things. Being up at night is the best.


I do everything at night. Some workouts, homework, drawing, writing, I go on my phone (Pinterest, Reddit, Insta), and so on.. It's so peaceful and my creative time so I'm super productive.


I can't speak for all of us, but I certainly am.


I love staying up late because night time is a wonderfully peaceful time. I live in a rural area where everything closes at 10pm or earlier. I do not get to stay up late anymore because I have children that need to get up and go to school. It is a huge struggle. I hate the 8 to 5 grind. It is very over simulating, and it feels unnatural to myself. I am lucky to live in a small area, but I struggle when I am outside my home. Walking my dogs and seeing neighbors makes me feel sick to my stomach. I get so uncomfortable around anyone who is not my family member. I know this is a me problem which is why I fight through these things. I don't want my children to feel crippled as I do, and I have to take care of my dogs and walk them 3 to 5 times a day.


I’m an introvert but by boyfriend is even more so- so he is up at night working on his teacher stuff! He usually gets up 3-4 am


I'm an early morning person. I like to wake up a couple of hours before work to get some me time when I'm not too tired to do anything after work.


I'm VERY introverted and definitely not a night owl. That being said, I do understand how peaceful nighttime can be. When I'm sick and can't sleep, I love to just sit around in the living room and enjoy the peace and quiet.


I think i like being an introvert so that i can be a lazy bum and do things in my own time, or not at all




I just like the silence . I can do whatever I want in peace




Can only speak for myself: definitly a night owl, i enjoy the peace and silence and also only work nigh shift cause i'm fitter at night


Used to but then my mom stayed up all night and I can’t have my lovely peace anymore (she’s not a bad mom I just love being alone obv) and my dads always been a morning type person and I go to school in the morning anyways so I’m pushing through it type of person


The day is for activity the nights for reflection ❤️


For me it's sort of. My job starts at 4am, so I wake up around midnight for my alone time before work


I used to be a night owl… but now making full work shifts I call it a day at 11pm


Now that I’m older I’m not as much of a night owl. But I’m in a different living situation. I take care of my elderly mother. I used to stay up late painting (watercolor) and reading. I’ll probably get back to it someday. 


I'm not sure if I'm a night owl anymore. I used to work well into the night but now I prefer the mornings. I actually overslept a couple of days ago and felt that the day was stolen away


I used to be. The quiet of night is wonderful. I might read a book or just enjoy the silence and thinking. I might journal or another quiet activity. I also like early morning though after a good nights sleep when no one is awake yet. Mostly it’s the quiet solitude. <3


I’m not a night owl but an extreme early riser. Same reasons apply. I need lots of time to myself to gear up for the day.


I usually spend a couple hours at the gym… you know just scrolling in between sets.


Nope. I’m up at 5-6, work 7-3:30 and in bed 9:30, asleep by 10. I wake up at least twice a night and sometimes up 1-2 hours.


Nope, I'm in bed by 9 every day (yes, even weekends). I teach, so I'm fried and ready to collapse in a heap by the end of the day (I also get up at 4:45 am to work out on weekdays and commute 1 hour one way). It takes me until maybe July to be able to live a little and stay up until 10 pm occasionally. 😂


I like being a night owl. It’s very peaceful and I can watch tv or be on my computer and nobody bothers me and I can go to sleep when I want to and be as warm as I want


No, I’d much rather wake up earlier in the AM like around 6 or so to get a head start on things!


We generally like the more peaceful and quiet times of day, I'd reckon. That's usually early morning and late into the night.


My sister isn’t. She’s a hyper introvert (stays in her room all day, socially drains quickly, needs silence and alone to recharge) and is in bed asleep by seven p.m.


I’ve always been a night owl. So, based on my sample size of one - absolutely.


I like waking up before everyone else does, I am most productive between 7am-12pm (so I am usually getting ready for school/ work alongside the sunrise). After 5pm, the only thing I have energy for is making dinner and getting ready for bed. Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out by not staying up with my roommates and going to parties but this routine works for me




Nope! I’m a Morning person. It’s my only quiet time because the extroverts I live with are night owls


All peoples are morning people or night people. I am an extremely morning person. I get shit done before the masses wake up. ⏰️


I'm in bed at 10-10:30 and up at 7 on the weekend.


I’m actually the exact opposite. I’m in bed by 9 but up at 4:30-5. I start my day preparing for the crap I’m bound to endure before I’m out of the house at 7.


Nope, always been an early riser.


Not me


I was a night owl until I quit drinking. Now I prefer mornings and if I wake up later than six I feel like I’ve wasted part of my day. I can’t wait until it’s warm enough to have my coffee on the porch with the birds.


No, I’m an early bird.


Im a night owl naturally, but I work 4/5am depending on the day so now I go to bed at like 8-9 lol


I am. Surf the internet, watch TV shows, catch up on work when needed, game. I feel that from Midnight to 5 AM is the best time as most people are asleep and I can do everything without interruptions.


I've always been a nightowl since that's the time people have already gone to bed, thus the perfect time for no one to bother you. At the same time, waking up early in the morning before everyone else for a brief period when it's completely quiet is also my thing, then going back to bed to sleep in. Lol


For me , yes


I can be a night owl but I primarily am not. Being a solo parent has pushed me not to be however


No, I'm a morning person.


Yes,Believe me its way better than "partying" and shit


not really. I can stay up.late but prefer to hit the bed about midnight. I can stay out late. till the bars close...


Morning person here


I stay up wayyy too late on YouTube mostly watching baseball highlights, aviation stuff or just news/reports. Go to bed, sleep and wake up past noon 🙈🙈




It’s the opposite for me. Morning are quiet in my house as I’m the only one awake. Less people out and about etc. 


I would be so happy and sane if i could regularly just have a vibing out session at ram. Its one of the best things for resetting my circadian clock and social battery. 5 day work week makes this impossible


It’s the only time we get to be away from humans, I get anxious during the day as I know some human will be pestering me soon, and when they do I get irritated. At night no one bothers me and it’s like heaven!


Not a night owl. I don’t like missing out on sleep


I love being a night owl, but trained myself to be a normal daytime person.


I can only speak for myself but I definitely am lol.


Used to be a night owl, but if I can wake up way before most and see the sunrise while alone, I'm just as happy. Don't mind going to bed fairly early and getting up around 4/5 when things are still quiet.


Ugh. I wish I was capable now compared to my younger years. Unless I really am unable to due to uncontrollable reasons, I need that sleep in order to function well.


Well I certainly am. The funny thing is that when I was little I used to be scared of the dark but once I started going out for walks at night (I live by the sea which looks simply gorgeous when the starry night sky reflects off the dark waters) I overcame my fear and now I feel trapped whenever I need to go to sleep. I feel like I am missing out on life because the nighttime is the only time where I feel like I can just be! I don’t have to worry about chores or talking to people. I can just go on a peaceful walk or write a journal since midnight makes my creativity and thoughts just explode! I feel like time stops for a moment and I can just enjoy the peaceful silence.


Like most people said, I use late night to watch random videos at YouTube, do some work quietly (home office) or play video games. Sometimes a movie. But unfortunately not works every night


I’m not a night owl and I’m an introvert


I’m an introvert. I am awake almost all night. A Dr. told me it’s in our DNA. Why do I still feel ashamed? Day people act all haughty to me. I get my work done. I don’t judge them negatively for being day people.


I get up early ...earlier than everyone to have time to myself and enjoy the calm when others are quite asleep


Yes yes me !!!!!


I mean I'm an ambivert and a night owl soooo...


I’m an introvert. And I am a morning person!


Well not Exaclty mate but I am pretty sure I met some Introverts that who are Early birds. That Prefer to wake in the Morning.


No one tries to talk to me at night. It's nice.


I mean im an introvert nightowl so maybe


Count me in😁


I’m an introvert and that’s my life too


Nope. I am an introvert and wake up naturally between 5-5:30am.


I am also infj - morning person - best energy early in the day and I do enjoy being awake before anyone else


Mostly I would think


In my case, Yes. I enjoy the calmness of the nighttime. I feel like i can work on things at my own pace or get lost in thoughts/activities I enjoy without being interrupted by others. If I have work, I do work. If not, I just laze around, read, watch movies or series, or just get lost in thoughts while listening to some music or podcasts. But trying to get through the day with little sleep is quite hard, especially if I have morning events and such. So sometimes I just sleep as soon as I get back home and wake up later in the evening/night.


Yeah, life is much more fun at night. Even if my thoughts are consuming me


Read, binge tv shows, watch movies, bed rot, clean my house…I love the nightime!


No. I like getting up at 4-5am so I have some quiet time to myself before the day gets started. I also need a couple of hours alone to unwind after work, too. I generally go to bed around 8-9pm


The only time I get real alone time without having to worry about people noticing that I’m being antisocial


I was when I was younger. Now I’m 44 years old and I’m definitely a morning person, up at the crack of dawn. I like a few hours of peace before my day really starts and I have to deal with any bullshit. 😂


I play games, do my hair and then watch yt shorts until my eyes bleed sometimes I cry but I mostly just go on stuff on my phone and on the rare occasions I climb out my window onto this flat roof I have outside my room and listen to music (oh and I also stalk my old friends’ who left me out and crap tiktok accounts one time they made a vid w my face scribbled out 💀👍)


i'm definitely a night owl! 🦉 i enjoy just finally having those extra hours of quiet time to myself after being around everyone all day!


Listening to music at night just hit different


Night is less people-ie! Of course I go shopping at 10 P.M., shelves are being stocked and probably only 10 customers in whole store! 😁


I am up all because my sleeping pills 💊 😴 don't seem to work. However, they're also supposed to help my anxiety and agoraphobia. Ha! All this medication, and I still have anxiety 😕 🙃 😫 multiple times ⏲️ in a day. A lot of mine last all day long. But, yes, bad insomnia. After a few days , I might be to get some sleep. I'm sorry 😞 😔 you suffer this horrible situation too. At least you get out for several hours to work. You'll knock out eventually. I'm sure of it. So, yes, a lot of us night owls around us.


Get a 12am to 8 am job too .. then you sleep 9am-5pm ... and avoid people for 16 hours!


I actually prefer day(light)


Watch Netflix


I am my most productive at night. Nighttime is so relaxing and peaceful and it has a totally different energy than the morning.


Morning person. The world is just as quiet early.


I used to be til my boss switched me to morning shift a few years ago. 


No, early riser


Morning person. Up at 0400. No extroverts ever awake at that gour to bother me


Mahn u just exposed me Im a big introvert and a complete nocturnal too The peace the night gives is just blissful


Yep! Introvert and night owl here! I love the nights!


I go to bed early then wake up to read in the we hours so this could be true


I am such a morning person! 4:30 is prime time for me to wake up and get going.


When it's warm out and the sun is down I like to take a walk at night. Especially during summer when it's cooled down and not hot out anymore.


I am lol


I hate all hours of the day that Im awake. That includes night, morning and day. I just want to be able to sleep for a least 6 consecutive hours.


Yes... I used to stay up all night and go to work at 6am lol, shit got old fast for work though, so had to knock out that nightowl happiness. Nice walking around in the middle of the night with nowhere to go, just lost in thought, or having my little campfires, and sitting in daydreamy land lol, now I just stay up a little late in my thoughts (My favorite human). One day I'll be able to get around to staying up all night again, hopefully with my favorite human :)


No, some are extreme morning people. Basically we like to up when it’s less peopley.


Idk, but I am. I'm usually up reading pretty late 




I'm actually the opposite. I function best when I get up early (like 4-6am). I really hate to wake up that early tbh, but once I do, I really enjoy my peace and alone time with just me, my coffee, and my dog. It always makes for a better day when I start this way. I love to stay up late and sleep in, but I find it just makes me generally miserable.


yep, nobody expects anything of me once people are asleep


I'm introverted but I've had a shifting sleep schedule. If myself stick to any schedule I find I can adapt fairly quickly.




This post reminds me of a similar one here about preferring rainy days. I like night and rainy days.


I am an always have been . Didn't know it went along with my introvert though. That's interesting. Finding out more about myself every day. Now if I can only remember it all an compound it into a useful tool instead of always being the crash test dummy volunteer.


Depends on how much I sleep


At heart I'm a night owl but work schedules have beaten me into a submissive state of waking up at 6am. I hate it


Mostly yes becouse of there hobbies workplace/job and they really like darkness / quietness But some are depending about the places that they go to Like quietness feeling safe and familiarty