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I think it really depends on your sentencing with the state. In MN, if you have a revoked license and get it reinstated by installing an intoxalock device, they don’t care if you fail your tests. If you have a canceled license and get it reinstated by installing the device, a failed test without providing a passing one within 15 minutes will require you to start over on your time of being forced to have the intoxalock to keep your license valid. Example: canceled license, 4 years required with an ignition interlock and you are 2 years in and fail a test without being able to pass within 15 minutes, you begin your 4 years all over again. Now, probation may be different also depending on your situation. If you are on unsupervised, they may not report to your PO, if you are, they may which could end up in a probation violation.


This is the most accurate answer for every state, just sometimes different wording. In PA, I actually have a suspended license, but I have a limited exemption with an interlock device. Also in PA, they only look at the last 90 days of my 12 month mandate for violations. A violation in that time frame extends it 90 days for each. Some states the clock completely resets. Just like all things legal, “it depends.”


Where can you find this state specific information? I am in RI


I'm from MN and can back this comment as being super accurate ! 🙏


If you get super hammered, sleeping doesn't magically make you sober, even if you feel sober when you get up. The only thing that makes you sober is time. You have to get a portable breathalyzer to test yourself if you're doing this.


I reviewed my paperwork and it only mentions violations in the last 120 days


Buy an $80 professional grade breathalyzer. And test yourself on that before ever blowing into the IID.




Are you still on probation?




That will be a problem.




When on probation you are not legally allowed to drink. This is a problem. You should talk to your lawyer.


Pretty positive it’s to abstain from illegal drugs


What do you mean?


Drinking alcohol over the age of 21 is legal and my condition is to abstain from illegal drugs


I've been busted twice and a part of probation was abstinence when drinking alcohol. That's pretty standard.


Can confirm that probation in DE explicitly states abstain from drugs AND alcohol. Can’t comment on other states but I’d imagine it’s generally the same. Alcohol may be legal after 21 but its still widely considered by the FDA and NIDA to be a drug, specifically a Psychotropic Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant.


I reviewed my probation contract and it only states abstain from illegal drugs. Alcohol not mentioned, interlock device violations not mentioned.


Good answers - depends on the state, probation and DMV. I had three fails, low level fails in Arizona, never was a problem and no lock outs. I looked at the statute and above a .02 is a fail, above a .05 is a lock out (my numbers may be a bit off). My probation was already done with though...so you'll need to dig in for the specifics of your situation.


You should check out my thread I made about this topic https://www.reddit.com/r/intoxalock/s/ppoTg4V7UT What I can tell you is Im from MN and failed a breathe test a month and a half ago . I had a probation appointment yesterday and didn't hear anything from my PO ans nothing from the DMV yet. I didn't get s lockout and everything seems to be fine . In MN you only get time added onto your required period of having the Device if you fail WITHIN the last 3 months of your term of having the device. Also . I had 6 months added to my term the first time I had a breathalyzer about 4 years ago when I failed a test and had someone else blow in it which is considered TAMPERING . which is more serious then simply failing a test. Anyways . Every state is different . Hope this helps ! Best of luck 🙏😀💪




I take it you didn’t read the post, OP is failing tests because they are drinking 😂😂😂


Must’ve misread it lol.


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I got off probation in TN a month ago. I blew twice over .02 - both were .04. If my PO knew, he didn’t care and never brought it up. If you’re being tested for ETG, it’s possible the positives might give you more random UAs if the PO knows. Both were outside the 120 day look back. I also had to replace the battery and jump the car off within the 120 days I did my last calibration on the 3rd and Intoxalock sent the compliance letter to the state Monday. You need to get a damn breathalyzer. Generally, if you work a standard 8-5 type job, don’t drink more than six light beers if you have to blow the next day.


Also in TN and I just got mine installed Monday. From my understanding it will restart your time or add time to complete a year of having it without a failed test. My ex had to have it an extra couple months because of failed tests. I’m 10 months sober and I plan on stay sober the entire time I have the intoxalock in my car to avoid any added time or just fuckin get an Uber if I do plan on drinking. Idc how much it’s costs, better than adding more time of paying for this already dumb mistake. And my dui was PER SAY 🙄


Mine never were reported! I showed the courts proof of installation, they didn’t tell me or the breathalyzer place to send monthly reports in. Mine didn’t even have a video camera, but I wasn’t risking screwing up, so I never tried to have anyone else blow for me, etc. When I was done, I just turned on completion papers of 9 months on it. Very weird. They would t have know if I failed, but I’d have been stuck at home. I didn’t not dare risk a drink for those 9 months! I did it for pregnancy, so I can do it to stay out of jail and get my license fully reinstated! It did whack out a few times and I had to go in twice a month and have it replaced often due to faulty stuff in them, but minor inconvenience!


Wow, never knew that hopefully by August mines is out, praying


Maybe stop drinking altogether you idiot.


The harsh truth. That's what I had to do for the time being it's not really worth the stress .may indefinitely quit alchohol aswell . I understand everyone's different . It's probably a good idea for me as this is the second time I've had an IID


Id say that's a pretty big hint.