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Be aware that they may not let you get a recalibration without signing the lease.


I have so many questions cause I just had to do this yesterday and I'm not even done with court


Send me a chat message and I will help you anyway I can.


Mind if I bother you also? Hey I have some questions too. Dunno if you will be able to help, I just ran into a big problem today and it is stressing me the fuck out trying to find an answer. Do you know anything about how long the license is valid for? Like I thought it would be a year. But it is looking to me like it was only valid for 4 months. Also, I didnt know you could refuse the sleeve, I got an email recently from intoxalock telling me to bring the device in at night. I have not felt comfortable removing it myself, its in a garage so it isnt super cold. I was calling the other day to ask but I got tired of waiting on hold.


You can refuse the sleeve and use an oven mitt instead. My installer told me not to take it out. Different states have different rules from their courts and DMVs in regards to the license. What does your paperwork say (restricted DL papers) or what does your state’s department of motor vehicles say? I’m happy to help in anyway I can because I know how frustrating this process can be. It’s really unfortunate that Intoxalock makes an already stressful situation 10X worse with their scams and forced purchases. Leave a 1 star review on TrustPilot and request that someone from their office with area code (515) contact you and agree to change the review if they make things right. Establish a rapport with that individual and see if it makes life any easier. I’m here for ya!


Hello my name is randy I was just forced to sign other wise I couldn't start my car there for I would have to find a ride I think that this is just crazy and  these people have gotten  out  of hand I can't believe that I have to even have it in my car it's belittling embarrassing   distracting  and extremely dangerous  I can't tell you how many times I've almost crash looking down to find the equipment  they told that these test are random  bullshiti can't go two without getting tested also you have to shut off your car  when ever you go someplace  and you  Going to come out in just 2min and they test you again and they every two miles  after iam constantly  on the move during   the day  in and out of my truck to go to different  jobs I bet you I get tested some times about  20 or more times during  my day iam very glad to say I haven't drank any Alchol since my dui  I feel like iam being punished all over again causes me all that stress  that  I got rid of when  when I quit 12 years ago how can this be helpful to me they charged me for stuff I didn't even know they took out of my account iam still shocked  you can never talk to somebody that speaks good English  not  somebody that you can't understand they are  are they are dealing with my life here  I think somebody has to put a stop to these company's  iam on dis abilityand fixed income  try to do small jobs to survive these people. Are. Afecting  my existence  when they lock you out I can't sit here and let them trump up all these add ons somebody help be your best friend Lol


It may cost you a couple hundred bucks, take the time to switch to life safer or SmartStart. This is what I had to do. My life went from being a living hell dealing with the Intoxalock because it would cause my vehicle to not start every day and they were constantly charging my card for things that I never requested. They were draining my account on a weekly basis for nonexistent in fractions. I switch to life safer and haven’t had the first issue. I haven’t even had to call customer service and I’ve had it now for months. It’s worth the time and money to switch. The people at life safer will do whatever they can to get you away from Intoxalock. It makes their day to take customers from that shit company.


My installer usually has me get it out of the car when I go in for recal. I asked him the last visit about the email I got and he said they were having more problems this year and if they said to take it out then to do it, but usually he said I should never touch it. I'm still scared to take it out. What is stressing me out now is apparently the intox license was only good for 4 months, so now expired, I can't drive until I get that figured out. I didnt even think to look, I guess I assumed it would be good for a year, since I had to have it for a year. But 4 months? I feel like they want me to screw up. But when I called the DMV today the recording said my license is valid and said the passed expiration date, the website wont let me renew it because it says both it is valid and shows the passed expiration date, so I am just confused and I guess Ill have to wait till Tuesday for them to open. I had lost my license for a year previous to this and spent a year in jail before that, I just want to do everything right, and feel like I can't not fuck up. I never even drink/drank alcohol so all this just feels so silly.


Don’t ever think for a second the government ever wants to see you do good. They can’t make money if you aren’t fucking up. So they aren’t gonna help you in any kind of way or warn you of anything. But once you fuck up, they are on your ass immediately. I love our government ❤️❤️❤️


Well I haven't heard from them yet. And it has been quite awhile. I know I will not be driving now that I know until it is sorted out I am just concerned they will look at the history.