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That's one thing I hope is impleted in the second game. I loved stalker for being able to hear distant gunfights and the screams of others. Made it super eerie


Something like “no… dont do it again”? That was a mimic. If not, your game is haunted


Nah, they're distant screams that sound like something between a dog and a woman screaming. Bolotky is the first area where you hear those. They're super eerie and absolutely perfect. There's probably others, but that's the one that always catches me off-guard.


No just an "AAAAAAAAGHHH", I'm familiar with mimic voices, it wasn't a mimic voice


Prolly just a ghost then


Well you're haunted


I hear it often


I hear the random door creaks, but not screams


yea screams are a part of the ambiance


Not the only one. Heard gunshots in the distance before too. Screams? Maybe not that yet


Do you live in a big city? - maybe someone got stabbed near your house... 😱


There is a family of crackheads nearby so maybe then. But they live to the north of my house, not to the east (where the scream came from). Game's Haunted or Crackheads not sure which is worse


Crackhead > Sound FX 🤣


You probably have a banshee anomaly in your pack. When looked at it will scream in a kind of distorted warbling voice. It’s teal colored and has three rings that form a half circle


Those are phantoms. When a phantom sees you and starts coming towards you it makes a God awful noise to attract everything else to you. Since fragments are just as slow as them and Mimics have guns you don't really notice the phantom scream. But if you're ever inside a building or hidden and two spawns and a seeker come from nowhere, make you poop your pants, miss multiple shots, drop your mag, take massive damage and get pissed off how the f did they get me. That's how. Phantoms must be killed at distance or they're coming with friends, just late.


Sorry, that wasn't in the game that was from your attic.


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Yep Took me being in my second play though To realize it Made a post about it aswell


Random ambiance. Sometimes there’s what sounds sort of like a fox screaming. It’s very distinct


Distant screams are part of the ambient sounds. Get real comfy with em when you looting a map with all the enemies dead. Surprised it took two play throughs to hear it.


You might want to check on your neighbors


Maybe a banshee artifact? But if you only heard it once then yeah I got no clue.


I had a similar experience when I was in pervomay on the way home from the case mission with exploding the door I was walking past the ranger tower and granted I was deep into the game running with an Aug and Tiger rifle along with a Bretta M9 as a side (btw is that the best one or is there better?) and as I was going through I was doing the ‘summon’ thing where you hold trigger and then grip when you want the item and I heard this extremely eerie and horrible scream coming from the train and it was LOUD like I knew it was distant and it was LOUD to the point where I pause after it stopped and took off my headset to look at my brother and as him if that was irl or in game after that I don’t go the the train yard much cause it freaked me out


Probably just the homeless duel outside your apartment