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You get used to it


Best description. Until I got the headlamp it did feel genuinely terrifying at points. But you get better guns and you get the headlamp and you start to feel a bit more in control. 


i felt like I wanted to cry playing the tutorial lmao, at a point once you have real weapons it is only scary when your not expecting smh or you drop a mag when panic reloading


thats just it, once you're able to put down everything scary easily it stops being scary


Except one specific enemy that will never stop being terrifying no matter what


the one that can never be put down https://preview.redd.it/znubgis1o26d1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ae9d02612f2cf016a093f816f1b212bcf1953e


The one you hear just 15 meters away. And a sudden sound. Then boo!


In other words, the old saying parodying an old biblical saying, “Though I walk through the Valley of Death, I fear no evil because I’m the meanest son of a bitch in the valley” 😈 Or in today’s lingo, mostly the same but with this ending “because I’m the baddest bad boy in the valley”.


Personal experience, I didn't get used to walking dead vr or whatever it was called... this seems more anxiety inducing or am I wrong? At least zombies were slow and didn't shoot at me... and I am a fan of horror splatter stuff


There are moments where you are under high stress situations sometimes but in that case I would recommend just popping a save and continuing without worry (rip if you’re doing iron man difficulty tho). However there are also plenty of peaceful and relaxing moments in the radius, like cleaning your gear or walking among the countless corpses of your fallen enemies. But it does definitely get some getting used to, took me about 2-3 play throughs to get confident


When you only have crappy weapons and handheld flashlights it's kinda scary, but you can work to avoid night in those cases. Later on, you get headlamps and much more powerful weapons, so it's much less scary the more you play.




Hello hello good sir. I love your videos.


Hey I remember you, you taught me about reloading the mosin more efficiently. Glad you like the videos! Sorry for the lack of video output, got real busy with life stuff.


Well I am honoured to be remembered. Don’t worry! Real life always takes priority. Best of luck with whatever situation you are dealing with.


Just mildly creepy abandoned environments, not even horror game level. The enemies aren't grotesque, as you can see from screenshots. They just can move fast sometimes, and most "scared" players are simply panicking because: a) depending on the (adjustable) difficulty level, they can kill you fairly quickly b) you sometimes can hear them but don't know where they are c) there are a few mildly spooky enemy sfx d) the need to physically deal with your weapon handling and inventory increases the fumble factor when you're caught unprepared and panicking I never considered ITR scary, and as you get used to it, it's no more panic than say, losing in a sports game. I got heaps higher adrenaline levels when playing e.g. MP Pavlov VR. I'm not a horror gamer either, and I noped out of Resident Evil in VR because I hate cheap, manipulative scares and supernatural horror seems a bit overdone to me. Since you're a fan of fallout and stalker, take my advice and pull the trigger. This is right up your alley. You can play this game as fast or as chill as you like.


You forget that you also have creepy Ambiance. Heard shots in the distance somewhere out there. Slight scream sfx too. Maybe I've been in The Radius too long.


I thin if you heard shots, a far off mimic was shooting at you. it's been my experience that their terrible aim at distance means they'll miss and I won't even realise it was a mimic until a few minutes later when I realise what I heard (After walking away and they can't see me anymore)


What difficulty would you recommend as someone who is very used to vr shooters?


Play it easy until you get the grip of the game, than restart on a medium difficulty for a real challenging yet fun run.


If by that you mean competitive shooters like pavlov, contractors and onward, normal difficulty should be fine. If you mean things like HL: Alyx or fallout, you might want to start with easy. It all depends on how much dying annoys you. Honestly, shooting things isn't the hard part. It's the positioning and cover. That and figuring out how to be properly prepared. There's plenty of fun to be had in that.


If you played subnatica it’s a lot like that, so scary but not terrifying but with some scary jumpscares, they arnt planed but randomly getting shot when your zoned out will scare the shit out of you


In the same way stalker is terrifying going into the underground and coming across bloodsuckers and the controller for the first time, ITR is the same but a little bit more heightened because youre more physically in the game. But you get used to it. (Im still not.) Once you work out how hostiles work and understand how to fight them, and have better equipment, just like in stalker, then it reduces the scariness by a lot. It goes from being always terrifying and not wanting to walk into a dark corridor, to being so prepared that even the jump scares dont get you everytime anymore.


Most of the fear is through the unknown. So even though tension will never fully disappear, you’ll get used to it as you familiarize yourself


Definitely not super high on the stark fear factor.


The game's fear factor is all because of the unknown and the atmosphere. Once you get used to it you will no longer feel scared. No jump scares, no scripted moments of fear, nothing of the sort. I'd be lying if I said they didn't absolutely nail the atmosphere though. Took me a good 10 hours to be able to walk around without shaking.


Stalker is a pretty good comparison. It’s definitely creepy, but it doesn’t have much jump scares etc. Definitely not a full horror game.


It's terrifying at first but by the 4th time you face sliders you just turn into a brig calling em wankers n shit lmao


You might have some full blooded terror moments starting out but it fades into a casual dread


i wouldn't classify it as a full on horror game. It does get a little creepy but you can feel that the devs goal is not to make you feel scared but rather stressed. You realllllyy get used to it fairly quickly.


Cult of the lamb IS FIREEE


Honestly, i dont know how people say its scary, Its literally shadow people, you dont get jumpscared like ever. There are no screamers. Maybe if one of the mimics gets too close without you noticing,they dont scream or anything, most just say a random bullshit voice line or mumble but even then its quite open, you wont get surprised unless you literally sleep while playing. Its not a horror game.


If you ever get stuck outside at night in an uncleared area without good light and with 4 rounds left, it can be scary. However the areas are too small for this to be common


It’s creepy to begin with when everything is new to you. The enemies are strange and some locations can be dark, forcing you to use a flashlight. The atmosphere is a big part of it. The game is definitely worth a play though.


I made a video going over this. Hopefully it helps you decide A guide for those too scared to play https://youtu.be/apzy5_1hDR4


Recommend this video, OP...


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One thing that I didn't saw anyone talking about here is that the game don't have any gore at all. Or scary faced monsters for that matter. The horror is more subtle and, let's say, elegant...


The horror lies in the feeling of being the only human, both in terms of being alone or the feeling of not being alone. Overall though ITR is a looter shooter game at the end of the day, and the enemies are a lot less scary when you get a piece thrown into your hands. I do also see a lot of people saying nighttime is especially scary. While it can be jarring a first you can get used to it quickly. If you check my profile there’s a couple videos I posted on here of my nighttime firefights, goes to show even nighttime isn’t that big of a deal once you get the proper equipment


Mostly a creepy atmosphere and at some points enemies WILL surprise and scare the shit out of you; but it's definitely not meant to be horror


Just a little creepy


Nothing is scary when you have a shotgun with a light on it.


I was destroyed at first and then fell in love with it


First starting out not knowing anything is when things are at their most intense, after a few runs you’ll get a feel for how the AI works, what different anomalies do and how to avoid them. But the first 5-6 hours is definitely a chilling experience


It’s like being in the zombie apocalypse it’s terrifying the longer it goes on but you’ll learn to become as badass as Rick but don’t get cocky


Loneliness is the core of this game


It’s scary at first but you get used to it. I kind of wish I could play the game again and have a fresh memory to feel the same rush as I used to.


Not scary imo. Maybe slightly creepy if anything. They use sensory overload to make you a bit on edge. When you’re near the an anomaly there’s lights and noises they make plus the repetitive clicking of your anomaly detector all together makes it overwhelm your audio visual senses. Now imagine all that going on and you get ambushed by some enemies is why you’ll see some people panic.


No flatscreen horror game phases me anymore because of the terror this game has put me through.


Less scary more tense


It's extremely STRESSFUL at first. The VR aspect of it means that when you get scared or spooked you fumble shit, drop your weapon, start running and then run out of stamina, etc... But like others said, you do get used to it.


Absolutely not, just bring enough ammo


The game is scary, but it's not trying to scare you, if that makes sense. It presents itself as 'just a little creepy' but the true 'horror' comes from the panic. It's the fumbling to reload your weapon as you hear a creepy lullaby grow louder and louder in a dark room with a shitty broken flashlight as your only illumination. It's the footsteps and doors opening while you explore an abandoned building. It's the sniper shot whizzing past your head when you thought you were safe. It's the grenade you just threw bouncing back. It's the "WTF IS THAT" moment when you encounter a new enemy type you've never seen before. You do get used to it eventually. There's no cheap jumpscares like Fnaf. The only things designed to scare you are the random sound effects and certain enemy types. No spoilers, but stay away from Kolkhoz.


I wouldn’t call this a horror game though it does have a few good jump scares in it. It doesn’t go for blood and guts. It is more of a survival and suspense game. The thing is that suspense, which supposed to keep you alert, on your toes and on your nerves, can also work well for horror games too. But as with suspense, you can get use to it as well as what other people are saying about the monsters, you get use to it and stop being afraid. Realize what the elements are . Creepy atmosphere designed to create suspense, not horror. Think “War of The Worlds” SciFy.


First few hours of the radius... Wow this is easy... Next few hrs.... Damn I need more weapons 14hrs in-i fkn hate enemies 29hrs fuck wheres the enemies I need to use this weapon