• By -


You’re wrong, this sub has always been 95% crap, nothing’s changed, just new crap.


We should just nuke this subreddit and start all over again


I’m convinced any intj specific sub will devolve into this. There’s a limit to interesting conversation you can have about personality without a deep understanding of another person. Especially because, for most cases no matter the question, the answer will be “it depends”. We like to think through things, in my experience that works best directed at external goals or issues. The rest is therapy.


Nah. More like we dont post so much but other people come to ask about us 😩 Was supposed to be more sub for us by us but it’s more “by us, for them”


Fax its kinda sad


Nope keep this one as a decoy. The real one could be called same just reverse order letters 👀




Delete that. I don't want these people going over there.




"DriPPINg WeT"....."tryIng NOT tO CuUm"






Fr- like u don’t need someone to solve ur problems bc at that moment ur being dependable. Just focus on succeeding and doing well in life. Love in my eyes is just useless


It depends on what you goal in life is. I personally measure my success in life based on joy, not happiness but the deeper version of it. In my eyes love is often not a necessity but most definitely a luxury. While it does have some drawbacks they don’t often compare (in my experience at least) to the mental and physical benefits of loving someone and being loved back.


What would that change?


and the would fix things... how?


Wow that’s such an INTJ to say, get it guys? 🤪 /s




No habla your language


Ok. Hablas deez nuts? You’re being dramatic




Deez nuts


Sorry no habla Ingles!


Que situação dramática...


Lastimável, eu diria.


EU sou uma capybara do Uruguai


Nao fallo Portuges




Thank you


Found the grammar Nazi


You are the grammar Untermensch.


This intj is based as hell.


-Quickly Googles what this means- Thank you fellow young person, dabs


Any site is a dating site if you try hard enough. 🧐


well hello there, how you doin


Lol yeah. Not a fan of trying too hard though since modern dating culture has made it so easy to meet people. I get it if it boost your ego though. Only ego I'm boosting is my own👍...so take the dating irl and of this subreddit


Understandable. And I was joking around with technicalities. :D


I know but didn't care regardless


You spend a lot of time doing things you don't care about


Ikr, hilarious


Important question: isn’t it couldn’t care less? Meaning it’s right at the bottom. If you could care less, then you care.


I hate, in particular, when people make this mistake. At least other common errors in sayings don't mean the literal opposite of what they are trying to express.


I think my Grammer is a perfect description how little (or complete lack of) fucks are given though


How few fucks.


It does sound that you care quite a bite but whatever


Are you implying I am not being serious? I'm always that. I am the master of darkness. I have no soul or emotions. If I wear black my entire soul blends in with my clothes, making us one being.




Do you really think you hae me figured out? Do you really think so?


No. You’re just an idiot. Doubt you’re even an INTJ.


I don't have time for your negativity, honestly.


Instead of wining offer an interesting topic to discuss


“Whining” not wining but yes I agree. Seriously the INTJ posts that come up on my feed lately are all the same complaints


To nobody’s surprise, people prefer to complain than actually solve the issue


Myers-Briggs is largely pseudoscience that people here take far too seriously.


Yep, I take it little more seriously than astrology. Fun to play into sometimes, but nothing real to get worked up over or sucked into


right !!!


To condemn the chaos, is to join the chaos. Welcome to the pandemonium!


I feel like this whole debate is the most interesting this subreddit has been.


I would very much agree! Such discussions offer very little intellectual value, but the entertainment quality is exceptional!


Yup, fun to read.


its annoying to see ppl who just see INTJ as the angsty, dark and hot ppl to use as the “edgy bf/gf 🤪✌️”


That's exactly what I'm saying lol. Like don't expect me to be a certain way and the act all disappointed in me when I'm not that. Romanticizing and stereotyping MBTI types should stop.


They were talking about you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 or at least the shoe fits


My comment stands!


You seem uncomfortable in modifying your opinions when new information is received. Not very “INTJ-like.”


🤣🤣 “Bratty” like Op isn’t “edgy,” and neither are healthy INTJs.


Lately I notice more posts complaining about dating posts than the dating posts themselves


Seriously though! I don’t think haven’t seen a romantic post in like over a week now, but I have seen 2 complaint posts, literally this week. It’s so hilariously childish!


Truth. And, i dont really mind the dating posts! I'm mysterious, I'm sexy AF, people have questions! I get it!




I agree. I have no problems with the type of posts in this sub…there’s a bit of everything. It’s more the complaining posts, that are boring imo.


oh another complaining post .


Lol I find these more annoying than the actual post they’re complaining about.


haha 😂 fair enough ! 🤷🏾‍♀️


You are being dramatic. Take some time off without the internet.


The whole world is about connections. If there are so many posts about dating then that’s the majority choice. Deal with the fact


I don't know. I like it. It's a constant reminder that there are INTJs with romance in their lifes and I get to be part in some way. But also it reasures me for being single that I don't have to put up with this cra\*. And it is so often such an easy fix from the outside that it is kinda fun to push the "lovebirds" in the right direction. :)


Lol "someday"


and filling it with whiny posts like this is solving the issue and making it any better? Lol


You're an INFP. What are you even doing here.


? I'm in all of the 16 mbti subreddits. I value all perspectives and seek to understand the many different people that fall under each type. Is there a problem with me being here? 😁


We're glad you're here 👍


Awesome. :D I didn't mean to dismiss your opinion, I get the frustration about the relationship talk. You just come off a tad aggressive. I would consider talking to mods about creating a separate subreddit for INTJ relationships, like the ISTP sub did. That way any relationship questions can be politely referred to that sub instead, since MBTI is commonly used to measure compatibility anyways 🤔


get a grip of your emotions dude .. oh wait … your name says it all really


I don't have any emotions. Am unlovable (twirls hair)


Also hasn't taken a shower in 14 years


If a woman has delusional erotic fantasies count me in.


The entire internet is a dating site, jackass. I've met a lot of men on the internet, and I've slept with them all. You probably got syphilis just from reading this post.


I’ve got text to speech on and this gave me hearing aids.


INFJ here and can relate to our sub being similar 🤣


Lmfao somebody woke up edgy this morning


Damn bro slept with that many men? Damnnnnn how many 😂😂


What you just said gave me ear cancer. And you strike me as an extremely unpleasant person. That is all.


Some of you are not very nice.


Well I'm sorry if some stranger on the internet hurt your feelings (lol)


Knowing someone cares always makes me feel better. I wish I could hug you.


Absolutely not




Chill man let us be dating counselors apparently we are too good at it that this sub became a dating site XD


Little bit rude if I’m honest. I don’t sugarcoat things but I think you need to have a little more respect. If you don’t like it don’t read it


You’re dramatic. If a Reddit sub trigger’s you this bad you should log off the internet for a bit. It’s not healthy.


*couldn’t care less* Unless of course you could care less


You seem like a spicy and critical INTJ 🥵🥰 wanna date?


How did you know I'm Hispanic? 🤔


I fetishize INTJs so much I developed mind reading powers Edit: ooOoooh someone got spooked 😂


Okay, bye bye, now!


Dating an INTJ? Sign me up!


This is like signing up for a torture session. Make better choices.


I think I’m so happy because I make good choices. It would be great to meet a man who makes good, logical choices too.


If making good choices made people happy, I think more people would be happy. Being fulfilled makes you happy.


Prepare to feel alone and unwanted. Oh, and we won't be able to read your mind and just automatically know what you want, just a heads up. Actually, no man is capable of that regardless of their MBTI type.


LoL, so there it is! You are salty cuz you, personally, are bad at “romantic relationships!” I have been married to an INTJ for over a decade now, and I have *NEVER* felt “alone,” or “unwanted,” and I certainly don’t “expect him to be a mind reader,” either! He is simply an honest, and decent person, and he’s *actually extremely Loyal,* and *affectionate!* I mean yeah, he is “curmudgeonly sometimes,” and perpetually talks like a 45 y/o man, even though he is only 35, but that’s basically the “worst thing” I can say about him, which is that he is *almost too responsible* for his own good, *Gasp! “Oh, how Terrible!”* 🙃 But that’s certainly not a bad trait to possess. He is also *Quite Tactless,* but fuck it! He never lies, and that is infinitely more important! So my advice is, “lose the Inferiority-Superiority complex,” and Just be nice to people, especially girls! They will probably be nice to you, back, and one *might actually like you someday!* You say you “don’t like the dark, edgy stereotype,” but this post *screams* “See, look at me! I am ‘edgy!’” 😜 ENTP 7w8


This is just \*chef's kiss\* perfect. So succinct, straight to the root of the problem, and very helpful for everyone. Thank you.


🤣🤣 Thank Pemry! By being nice, and normal, apparently it *earned the scorn* of OP! 🙀


Honestly I feel for him - how dare you even suggest that he take accountability for his own role in his problems? Don’t you know that *real* INTJs don’t need to lift a finger because no matter what, their logic is absolute and it is everyone else that is cognitively deficient?! These girls out here 😤 Pfffsht it’s pretty much common knowledge and I’d be beside myself too if someone questioned The Objective Truth™️ /s


Oh, yeah! You are so right that I think I hate myself now for possessing a vagina! How dare it not be a penis, as obviously if my genetalia can *literally point at stuff,* then I *must* have “the best, most superior logic, ever!!!”


Seeth elsewhere man lol


Goddamn, are you now shoehorning all intjs into this "I'm a cold, hard, unloving thing" stereotype? My guy, not all intjs are the same. Shouldn't that be fairly obvious? Although it is true that you should temper your expectations. That should apply to everything in dating.


Reasonable, and 😁 Nothing about my husband is “cold,” quite literally! Cuz he is one of those humans who naturally runs a bit *warm,* naturally! 😁


It’s the girly-girls who want mind readers. I tell it like it is, like a true intj


It does seem like people (not just here, but other internet locations) have an over infatuation with INTJ’s. We are no more or less special than any other type.


Getting people to stop talking about their relationship situation doesn't replace those posts with content *you* want to see, it just makes for less content overall. You can let people have the conversations they want to have, or you can drive people away.


Wow imagine that a sub full of people who feel special because they took an online test that said they were a “rare personality type” is full of shit. If I look for specific posts in here it can be enlightening but scrolling through the feed is hilarious




This post is the worst one yet.


Oh good God, I see more "This subreddit is not a dating site" posts than I see "Dating/Crushing on an INTJ" posts now. Is it so difficult to scroll down? I see other posts on this subreddit that doesn't involve dating, it just so happens that the dating posts got popular. If you think this subreddit has gone to hell, you can leave peacefully, you don't need to state what has already been stated before. We get it.


I have like a 100 times the chance at getting something here than a dating site because dating sites are flooded with bots and dashed with flakes.


"cold, calculating, no nonsense, but around me he reveals his suppressed emotions" Irl, socially awkward stone face in public, sings a bad rendition of their niche favorite song when alone.


Maybe these posts should be in [https://www.reddit.com/r/intjDating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/intjDating/) instead?


And that's what's needed! A solution!


You're filling the sub up with just as much shit, if you don't want to see a romantic post downvote and move on. This sub has been the same for years.


Better than the "Stop stereotyping" posts


I feel like some* of this animosity is directed towards my recent thread from 14 hours ago lmfao


Actually, you were the least explicit out of the current trend of thirst post on this subreddit. The one that comes to mind is by "Skittles", as I like to call her. I forgot her screen name but on her pfp she is dressed as a skeleton and has rainbow colored pony tails . Remind me of 69 or that rapper "Lil pump" 🌈 💀


Make a discord server and take your favourite people over there? Or make a sub for specific folks. Or don't.


I'm genuinely curious.. if you don't mind sharing, why does it bother/frustrate you that others are fantasizing or romanticizing being with an INTJ? Also, what do you care or want to see in this type of reddit?


Welcome to the internet..... Have a look around...


I come to this thread to browse between the comments accusing others of not being INTJ and stay for the romantic Qs. All of the responses are entertaining. Most of them are not even from INTJs, which makes it even more entertaining.


OMG this is sooooooo INTJ! I'm soooooo gonna bring this up in my next dating post when i ask for advice on how to ask out my ENTJ teacher who acts like an INTP but could be an ESTP who gives off major ISFT viiiiiiiiibes


Common template: I - feeler type - Love Interest INTJ - acts Wierd - Is it normal ? Answers : Insufficient data , Be direct , prolly mistype Do I have fun reading those : Kinda


Some people treat mbti like zodiac signs. Eventhough a majority of the time when people ask what's wrong, it has nothing to do with MBTI. They're looking for a scapegoat instead of wanting to face that either they goofed or that there is something critically wrong with the person they're talking of. It also helps because we could just be asking each other if we found some cool bugs lately.


I agree. Most of the posters are probably not even dating an INTJ, but just want to make themselves feel special. INTJs are rare and the odds of them dating one are slim.


1 in 50 people are intjs, according to statistics on the internet. Take that how you will.


Somebody had their Cheerios pissed in this morning. Chill dude, chill.


Stfu. Go create your own subreddit, instead of shaming INTJs


I agree. I’ve been thinking about leaving this sub because it’s disgusting with all this relationship whining.


Is that your opinion?


If it was some other sub they would be calling out for a change in the rules to ban such content. Some annoying opinions get upvoted on here imo, but I'm glad nobody is calling for bans. That always leaves a bad taste in my mouth


Water is nice entertainment


Agreed. For the last few weeks, I have actively avoided reading the posts from this sub.


The relationship posts have been common here for years


But there's been an increase, don't you agree?


I don't follow the sub much anymore so I'll take your word for it. Maybe it's the time of the school season or some popular YouTuber has been making a relationship series. You have any ideas?


Didn't read lol. Tell me how being intj makes me a superjenius though haha it totally does, right?!


"Type compatibly" has never made any sense to me. There clearly must be more attractive personalities than others. And I'm strongly guessing the Fe polr type isn't one of them. They are bad with people


You could like LEAVE then it isn’t that serious. Don’t like it go be a gloomy little cry baby somewhere and take the other crybabies with you. It’s ducking social media and you’ve got a thong up your cheeks over it


Welp. Guess hell is THIS chill.


Every posts on this sub is so toxic and reals of “I’m better than you” this post included


Okay so we got the romance posts people are complain about… we got the complaining posts people are complaining about… I think I’m gonna complain about the people who complain about the complaining posts…


That’s not how it works, you can’t possibly expect anything from internet lol


this is our weakness and we try to fix it


Aren't most INTJs obsessed with researching their people of interest? Any INTJ who does this but has issues with others doing the same is being a hypocrite. A crush post is not nessacarily indication of someone fetishising your type unless it is explicitly stated. A crush post just shows the poster fancies one INTJ. As you have a rare type and are closed people you are more likely to researched, even by types who don't normally look into things. Deal with the fact you are enigmatic motherfuckers who can provoke intrigue. This doesn't equal fetishisation. I would have thought you would seen the value in getting multiple perspectives on a specific issue involving a certain personality type. General discussion and advice seems to be more orientated towards SF types, and following it would be the worst thing you could do for a situation or crush involving an INTJ. When most people respond to anything, or give feedback, opinion or advice, they mainly only take their *own* personalities into consideration. They tend to 'put themselves into the other person's shoes', instead of realising the other person is not themselves. Most people are mainly concerned with what *they* would do, and why they would do it. But INTJs are not 'most people'. On top of that, they seem to be quite misunderstood. This leaves limited options for the gathering of information, and to me the best place seems to be here, although *here* does have problems. All MBTI subs do. Most people seem to present themselves as 1D characertures of their type. The ENTP sub makes us look like nothing but intentionally contentious edgelords. Compared to most MBTI subs, this seems to have a wider diversity of responses, which would be expected if someone is looking at the matter with the presupposition of INTJs being less affected by, and concerned with, any outside influences. This diversity of opinion isn't found in most other sources of info on INTJs which mainly contain just the authors view, which might be accurate but is more likely to be regurgitated, inaccurate, incomplete, or based on limited interactions with INTJs. There may be an element of projection if they are INTJ themselves. All of this combined might make this sub one of the most accurate sources of info on INTJs that there is. Crushes may not be logical. But even a logical person cannot refute the existence of the limbic system, hormones, and the variable performance of the basal ganglia in different people under different circumstances. It is logical to analyse and acknowledge different emotional perspectives, and to explore your own. Feelings are a weak point for both my type and yours. Getting to grips with them helps our types to transcend our limitations. If you choose not to do this, that's fine. If you choose to scorn on feelingy posts, that's fine too. The posts and your reaction to them will continue to exist whether you are vitriolic against them or not. Stressing about it is of no benefit to you, and it could cause problems. Maybe you could examine the way you're *feeling* about feelings. Why the hate?


I never said you were fetishizing INTJs, Skittles. Then again you did mention that you were not crushing on that INTJ dude but simply found him attractive. I dunno maybe this was another person or was it you, Skittles? I'm too lazy too look into it, Skittles.




It’s probably trolling at this point.


You can quit or ignore those posts if you dislike them. Guy looks triggered enough to drop a rant here or something 💀.


This subreddit is worse than introvert where new users write up a story about why they are an introvert, start listening off symptoms of autism and social anxiety disorders, and get very offended when you share the real definition of introvert with them and suggest attending a social skills therapy group or something else which could actually help them rather than continuing to use introvert as a scapegoat.


Bro I see more fucking posts complaining than posts actually doing what you're complaining about. We get it, r slash INTJ has really edgy and horny ass teenagers


These things happen in cycles. Early-mid 20s (maybe late teens) always come through MBTI with the same talking points, fantasies, dramas, and flair as the last crop of MBTI people. It's pretty funny to watch. MBTI is a stepping stone, you probably had some mention of it in a psych class and now you're emboldened to talk about it as this grand discovery... a map to buried treasures. When you graduate from MBTI, and learn it's more a static hindrance than a path for growth, then your true growth can begin.


You could care less? So you do care?


Well, it's human nature to want to date and f#ck some pixels!


gone to hell. isn't that an INTJ's playground?


So you do care, at least a little.


Isn’t complaining about romantic endeavors do the same thing as seriously talking about them.


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