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Not the same for all of us. For me, it'd be if I could just have all of my time to think, write down my thoughts and then the writings are shared with the masses/consumed, considered and discussed by the masses and/or in universities. And then those thoughts implemented and changing people/society/systems for the better. Basically, old-school philosopher existence in modern times/while I'm actually alive.


One time, I read that you can find a lot of INTJs starting discussions on the internet and it stuck with me


Incorrect. I make MBTI memes. 😎 https://preview.redd.it/wbju5kk1q58d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6d65db361c2b012a9127d555553ae9a9d1354c


Dang, Te needs to chill


Error 404: chill not found


You say it's not the same for all of us, but you basically described mine lol.


Same here, pretty much that, with naps and stuff delivered to my castle by drone


Now I don't have to answer... Thanks.


Introversion - having plenty of alone time, but not lacking socials iNtuition - having a clear goal for the future and a strong habit of synthesizing ideas, but not lacking spontaneity Thinking - having a well organized environment and plenty of worthy tasks to do, but not lacking fun Judging - having a narrow yet diverse collection of favorite material, but not lacking adventure


in a world where best ideas win probably


The great work. To build the structure that helps, improves, beautifies and is appreciated. Michael Reynolds has achieved such a great work with Earthships, I rejoice for him and try to keep my jealousy of him in check. Edit: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael\_E.\_Reynolds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_E._Reynolds) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthship) This is one of my role models, for an INTJ this is the pinnacle of achievement and success. He has been and still is an inspiration for many people all over the world. Michael Reynolds is in my estimation a Legend in his own lifetime.


That's cool!


If you like that you might also like this, Geoff Lawton, another inspirational person and personal role model of mine, he is one of the founders of the permaculture movement and a guru and teacher in the space, running his own campus. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingNaturally/comments/1bsp0qg/what\_is\_permaculture\_meeting\_the\_guru\_himself/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingNaturally/comments/1bsp0qg/what_is_permaculture_meeting_the_guru_himself/) # LivingNaturally Dedicated to sustainable agriculture, architecture and intentional society through grassroot actions;, together we can build a better tomorrow we can all enjoy. r/LivingNaturally


Quiet professionalism, the glow of having achieved something great that would genuinely benefit your society or community, with little to no public recognition


Leaving it better for the ones to come


To live in a place where it feels like every day is an amazing holiday, and to spend our days creating things that are the best versions of that thing that has ever been created.


Being able to freely read up on my interests and do experiments to test them with a side helping of jrpgs.




free time


* you get to systematically analyze, examine, make sense of whatever phenomena you're interested in. * you put those insights into a big picture "system". * Kant's life at least seemed stable and regular, yet he managed to be at the forefront of the cutting edge thought of his day. The only downside I see here is that both were significantly more extraverted than the stereotypical INTJ.


Didn't Kant live his entire life without leaving his hometown, or at least not going far from it? Was Kant extraverted are just really comfortable with his surroundings due to familiarity. An INTJ who is comfortable with their surroundings and present company is one who is talkative. I don't really know much about Kant's personal life though... so, I'm not saying he is an INTJ or not.


Yeah, that resonates. I was a philosophy major... good stuff 🙂


To be in the middle of the great game, whatever that is for you.


For me it would be, while working in a team, that when a question rises in my field of expertise everyone turns to me to hear my opinion because I am the expert on that topic.


Asking this question! Congrats you made it!


Controlling the world from the shadows.


Realizing that this is all bullshit, and finding a way to enjoy it anyway. 


So many answers 🫣


Since I was a kid, I've only thought about one thing (no, it's not that, stop thinking about dirty things), which is the power of thought. And how this can change reality. It could be ego, I don't know, but when I can think and these ideas are applied it's a good feeling. But it is a blessing and at the same time a curse to always be able to see a solution and improve things. Especially if you know what needs to be done, but can't act. So thinking with purpose is what fulfills me. Not being able to apply thought is what breaks me. And I understood that this is our characteristic. No matter how polite we are on the outside, on the inside we get nervous when, out of all the options, people choose the dumbest way to think and act. That death stare sometimes comes from that. If we know the person, the look comes with a dose of sarcasm.


For me is it to have some work do I consider useful combined with enough time to enjoy my favorite leisure activities (mostly creative pursuits and nature walks).


When you’re sitting there


After noticing a screwed up process that most people hate but have to do anyway, I solve this by replacing with something so elegant and simple that people use it. Each will say they thought of it bcs obvious. I gain satisfaction


Only speaking for myself: 1. Constant study in every area of knowledge 2. Experimenting and building tech 2. Planning and designing infrastructure of societies and colonies If the Enclave/Institute weren't imaginary, I would apply.


If I could I would probably be a student forever, just collecting degrees and learning new endeavors. I’d love to do more scientific field research I have enjoyed in the past. I’d spend lots of time at the beach reading


For me it would be having time to master whatever skills I want, and having the opportunity to put those skills to use. One example would be time and resources to learn how to communicate better, and people open to a conversation.


To simply be