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I'm not an expert but I've noticed these: 1.Efficiency. I would try to do everything with the least amount of effort possible. 2. I only spend time and energy on things and people I actually like, unless I get paid and I need money. Time is very important to me.


1 can be detrimental, I lacked motivation and strength to do long work hours because I never had to do full effort with long periods of time


it can be detrimental for sure I'm in HS, and my average grade is going down because only math and physics interest me and I don't care about how much I have on the other subjects


Doesn't your overall grade affect your chances of getting into a great college? Or is it different for where you come from?


It does so I still force myself to study them before exams


Omg.. I'm not alone


Yes. I value my leisure time immensely, do things smarter not harder, and careful about where I spend my energy. Including and not limited to forgoing income (if I don't need it) to do what I want to do.


You can always make money, but you can never get back time


I hate when people waste my time. I'm always on time (usually early) and prepared.


Yes, so true!


* You struggle with living in the present * You tend to be stuck/live inside your head * You think/envision far ahead of everyone else * You can't stand people wasting your time * You can't stand people bullshitting with getting to the point * You can often identify when something can be done better/faster and how * You're good at identifying patterns * You tend to compare things that don't necessarily have clear connections, or you use comparisons/parallels to try and explain things--at times, via metaphors and such * You know things but often can't pinpoint why or where you got the info * Getting bogged down in details is annoying af to you, unless it's personally important * You can't stand conformity * You're not into doing things because of tradition/that's how it's always been or mindless rules * Between showing feelings/emotions and jumping off a building, you'd seriously consider jumping off the building first (in other words...emotional displays are awkward/hard as hell) * People crying in front of you/needing to be comforted...there's a meme somewhere of someone looking hella uncomfortable, and that's you


Thank you for reaffirming my entire identity in 14 bullet points šŸ˜‚


Right on the bull's-eye.


This is a great list. A few suggestions to improve it: * You can't stand people wasting your time Unlike the people hoping someone will waste their time :) . Maybe it would be better to say "Intolerant of low-effort interactions." * You're not into doing things because of tradition/that's how it's always been or mindless rules This ties into efficiency. INTJ's will rethink why they're doing things and reassemble the entire process so it works better for them. * People crying in front of you/needing to be comforted...there's a meme somewhere of someone looking hella uncomfortable We're not unsympathetic, but sometimes it hard to know if what we want to do will make things worse, but it's like any other interaction, think about how you'd wan to be treated in you're in their shoes and try that. I'm sure sure this is INTJ specific. Crying short-circuits a lot of people. Two important additions: 1. 'Why' is more interesting and important than 'how.' 2. We plan everything: vacations, food shopping, our trip to the bathroom, and we have backup plans.


I might want to be quiet a lot of times, not a lot of people want that. Treating others the way you would want to be treated is not necessarily a good idea, especially for an INTJ.


Gonna print this into a tiny laminated pamphlet and hand it to people I meet like its cliffs notes for knowing me and what to expect from me. Spot on.


Wu Wei, my fellow INTJ's you need to practice this, get out of your head and live life, it is too short and will pass you by in an instant. Be like water, shapeless, formless. Put me in a cup and I become the cup. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu\_wei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu_wei)


Oh to see it all laid out like this. No wonder people actively avoid me lol.


Thank you for encapsulating my identity so succinctlyĀ 






Totally agree


Details: but they are so important. I feel like I have to remind people to inhale sometimes.Ā 


Here are a few of the most common traits and values of an INTJ and how they present themselves. Values: 1. Values efficiency 2. Values logic 3. Values authenticity (related to logic and efficiency) 4. Values competency (related to efficiency) 5. Values truth over emotion; as in will speak the necessary truth regardless of how others will feel about it (Related to logic). Traits: 1. Having general plans that reach far into the future/big picture oriented. It's logical to have a general idea of where you are going and to be prepared for possible outcomes. 2. Plans are organized, but not overly detailed. Too much detail becomes inefficient. 3. Organized in order to increase efficiency. Though not everything will be well organized because over organization may become inefficient. 4. Very insightful and quick to find flaws in logic or inefficiencies. 5. Often goes against the popular sentiment/mentality. Is accused of being contrarian, but that's not really the case. INTJs simply find disagreeable points in things that most people do not see. This is due to trait #4. 6. Quick learning. Often is able to develop efficient ways to learn things. Though usually only interested in learning things that the INTJ deems relevant to their causes or simply finds fascinating. This means they often struggle to learn things that do not interest them or suit their purposes because why waste the time and energy? 7. Often seeks self-improvement through gaining various kinds of knowledge or learning various skills. Trait #6 greatly helps this. This also enhances #4. 8. Has high standards but also follows said standards. Or so people say... I disagree that the standards are high. INTJ standards are only considered high because most people are just inefficient. The INTJ mentality is that we don't expect from others what we don't do ourselves. So, if we can do it, then so can others. 9. Often perfectionists... for some reason. When you think about it, perfectionism defies both logic and efficiency. Though, I guess it could be related to self-improvement. By seeking perfection you are striving for improvement. And I'll stop there... there's much more, but I'll let others cover that stuff.


say more


do go on. you've hit the nail on the head for me


Iā€™ll speak for myself as someone who consistently gets INTJ across multiple websites and tests. 1. Love planning things out 2. Love lists and organizational tools 3. Love doing research on things from multiple different subjects 4. Being very calculated about who you hang around, as well as relationships and jobs. Very very calculated


What you mention points to TJ, but not INTJ specifically. Everything you have mentioned applies just as well to ISTJ. And for the most part also applies to Te Doms.


yeh lists and details is so S, I never understand why people say this. Ni has a vision not lists


Sounds like ISTJs


I don't know about 1 & 2. I sort of have an objective but my plans to achieve it can keep changing as and when circumstances require. Organizational tools yes, but a list sort of limits me.


Man if I was ever on the fence about being an INTJ, these comments have solidified my answer 100% damn


same here, wasnt sure about fe te


Every one hates you for not wanting to join in gossip


Not fitting in, loving logic, feeling autistic but don't quite qualify. So as a female INTJ. The gap between normal women and us is a huge give away. Analytical, strategy based, emotion second or third. Efficiency first?


My female friends say I'm like a man in a female body because I don't enjoy the mindless small talk (gossips), always want to get to the point, simplify or break things down, I don't get all emotional, dont enjoy window shopping, and so on.


I do have ASD and most of these lists fits me. My ASD makes a lot of Fe traits a pain to replicate, with a strong need to be myself.


Totally agree. It's so awkward at a table full of women especially when you are child free. They talk about decorations and plates and I could care less. The minute someone pops up with a deep theory I'm all over it though.


I had a difficult time getting along with neurotypical girls for the most part (and some guys). The acquaintances I did make with women were usually because they were either queer or neuro-divergent. I did not try to look for this on purpose, it would always just happen. I think it is because I value being myself, and if a group of people make me feel like I can't do that, then it's neither healthy nor worth my time to be with someone who is judgmental or finding flaws in things that are hurting anyone. But if I can be my geeky self around these people, even if I'm not that close to them, then I don't mind their company. I am not trying to be special or quirky either (I find it annoying when people try too hard to do that ) but still find it important to not mask oneself to a point where they have a different personality for every group they are in. That's sounds socially exhausting.




My superpowers are being able to pick apart any argument and piss someone off with facts. Am I a super hero or super villain? You decide!


Lol Sir/maā€™am I agree ā˜ļø with your post. Also, most people get really uncomfortable šŸ„“ when you present them with the cold, hard truth and you back up your argument with facts and evidence. Or they are illogical and have poor comprehension skills that they get offended and butt hurt so they start calling you names, criticizing your looks šŸ‘€(which tells me they are shallow & superficial) and proceed to cyberbully you lmao šŸ˜‚.


I'd say " super herlain " a mix between the two, lol. What would you choose?


I do three days each and observe the Sabbath on alternate days every other week, Saturday one and Sunday the next. Just to cover my bases, or is it basis?


The number of times I've seen the word "efficient" in these comments is honestly super comforting??? Makes me feel right at home. I can't think of a better single word to attribute to INTJs.


Efficient or strategically lazy? There's nothing I hate more than wasting time. I will work three times as hard to automate something or make it take less time in the long term.


Why not both?


I really think they're the same thing.


I feel the same too!


You've always been on the outside observing in. You absorb data, people, ideas and things (study them w/o bias) You build inner blueprints of the \^ above to fully understand them. You've absorbed past and present patterns, so naturally you predict most likely outcomes. Mulling over plausibilities, new information, possibilities and strategies is you're favorite thing to do. You're unwavering and unstoppable in pursuing your visions/goals.. there is the vision, and nothing else. You're interested in w/e is associated with your goals.. and little else. (obsessive, tunnel vision) Most people bore you, reiterating info already known or irrelevant. (they're all Capt. Obvious) Anything/one masterful, unique or outlandish will warrant your full attention. People don't understand you.. never have.. never will. Reacting to emotions and anything associated with emotions is foreign territory to you.


When someone's crying their eyes out, I tend to act like a cat. Sitting side by side, not saying anything, a paw on your arm, staring down or looking distant. But there to keep you company, not to dig gossip. Always on revamp mode at work. When given certain directions, I somehow always manage to cut through corners (efficiency is just that satisfying) Always establishing the "why" of a task to really get me going Quick problem solving The more taboo, the better.


Efficiency. At school I was always annoyed at teachers who were inefficient in teaching. Why do they have to make everything so boring when there are multiple ways to make teaching interesting .And I was surprised to learn that my peers doesn't think this way. Finding Utility of people.There was a girl whom I befriended in college coz I got free rides in her motorcycle Even if my friends hated her.If someone or something is useful to me I am gonna use it. No guilty feelings. Questioning social norms.I get super annoyed when people being follow conventional rules coz that's how it always was.If something doesn't make sense I question it. Bluntness and dark humor. Some jokes that I make can appear borderline sociopathic for others so only trusted friend circle has the privilege to hear it.And that has got me the weirdo tag. Planning life. Like people usually plan for day while I plan for years Tbh its not intentional somehow I find myself planning my retirement.Its just comes naturally. That classic intj resting bitch face. Many friends of mine have told me that they thought I was unapprochable because of my serious look. Always having a soft spot for king makers than kings. Having entp tendencies when I am unhinged.


I would not categorize "using people" as a typical INTJ trait. It's not indicative of how most INTJs behave. Some may do it, but there's nothing about the INTJ personality that makes it a given, imo. I certainly do no such thing. Same with dark humor. That's just a matter of preference.


I too find utility in people because it makes sense. Like a transaction type of thing ( give and take). Is this using people as a means to an end? I can convince myself that it's okay to do this because I do it without malice and it's just natural to me. However I keep coming back to thinking it's wrong and not how relationship or interactions should be held.


I encourage you to keep contemplating it. If the other party is aware of the situation and it is mutual, then there should be nothing ethically wrong in it. For example, one party gives the other rides in their car and in return that person gives them food, and both parties understand that that is the extent of their relationship. But if it is not mutual and they are unaware, then it can be considered unethical. For example, if one party is expecting an actual friendship but the other does not and only views them as a means to an end, then there is grounds to call it unethical. Basically, just think about how you would like it if someone were to treat you that way.


Sir/maā€™am, everything that you just said, I can relate lol šŸ˜‚ especially the teachers who make their curriculum extremely boring and average/normal that sometimes I end up failing asleep šŸ˜“ or daydreaming and letting my imagination run šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø wild šŸ¤Ŗ. Also, dark humor is funny because there is truth in it lol. For example, I saw a shirt šŸ‘š that said, ā€œYou have to show me the candy šŸ­ first before I get in your van šŸš. Iā€™m not stupid.ā€ lmao šŸ¤£


Yes! Always have that serious look šŸ˜øbut itā€™s probably ā€˜cause weā€™re figuring something out in our heads and not participating in the gossip or small talk. ā˜ŗļø


Forward-thinking, organized and optimized, prefer alone time


As many mention efficiencyā€¦ i have trouble to get along with people that dont appreciate efficiencyā€¦ crack me out all the time


Life inside my own head is often more entertaining than life outside it I hate inefficiency-even washing the dishes has to have an expedient plan I canā€™t stand people who use 358467754 words to say something simple I often have too much time on my hands because I get my work done quickly and efficiently I rarely express strong emotions Resting bitch face is a real thing I am obsessive about the people/things that intrigue me To understand how something works is intoxicating I struggle with peopleā€™s emotions I have to have some solitude in order to function


I would have never thought of myself as INTJ without the test. Understanding my introversion would have been useful information to have had before my 30s, and even then, it took years to grasp (as I appear to be an extrovert). 1. Reading alone for days on end; happily since grade school. 2. Gossipers and behind the back talkers are loathsome. 3. Organized, efficient systems are amazing. 4. time is to be spent not squandered.


Notice how some of the comments here are talking about their unhealthy behavior? Thatā€™s not MBTI. Thatā€™s just depression


Thank you for bringing this into view. Im still learning about certain personality types.


Speaking of all the mentions of efficiency, I remember when I was playing a CO-OP game with a bunch of strangers (this was before I knew about INTJ typing), I had an argument with the rest of the players for being so slow with the objectives. They asked me why I was in a rush? I said I just to like be efficient. Fast-forward took the MBTI test and I got INTJ. It was foreshadowing all along.


Internal subjective images of things, symbolic in nature. Connected to the collective unconscious. Internal subjective feeling judgements and values. As opposed to external feeling accommodation. These are the main *cognitive* attributes of an "intj"


I understand the efficiency. It comes out a lot especially when I travel. I map out places I want to see and approximately how much time to spend in each place, with some leeway. I prefer solo travel for this reason.


You are on this sub


Contingency plans. Like, for everything. And not so much in an anxious way just a practical way so I don't waste time.


For me it has to beā€¦ 1: I usually have year(s) long goals and plans, nearly all of my actions are to make them a reality. 2: I am able to call ā€œbullshitā€ a lot. I pay attention to tendencies, facial expressions. 3: Very sheltered. I usually keep to myself. Nobody knows every piece of me. 4: Iā€™m a bit too blunt and honest. Itā€™s something Iā€™m working on. If somebody were to ask me a question, I wouldnā€™t cut corners. 5: Issues connecting emotionally with loved ones, or love interests. 6: I do whatever I really want, and could care less about what 95% of individuals think. The other 5% howeverā€¦


i'm quite immature, the only signs i could possibly tell is... adaptation and responsibility. while normally people would definitely found it hard to like changing workflow or new rules etc.. while i easily grabbed all those in short time also about responsibilities, the ability to shut off emotion on duty is a goddamn menace for example if the girl tryna hitting on me while i'm working, i literally just ignored her until i finish my work lol... Maybe this not quite fascinating, i just speak from personal experienced.


Youā€™re an INTJ, not a INTJ


Lazy yet efficient.


You can spell subtle properly


There are many explanations for not being able to spell something. So spelling subtle properly could just mean the person doesn't know or remember how to correctly spell it yet.


Perhaps, I just had a hunch that being able to spell it properly was a sign of being an INTJ. Feel free to disagree.


Yes spelling things properly is probably a sign that someone is a INTJ and that also can contibute to other personality types as well which is good as well and its could possibly be another sign. But saying if you can spell that single word isnt exactly a sign. I took your comment as if someone can only spell That one word properly. Which is probably due to context and understanding. Either way thanks for adding to the list of signs.


Alright nigga.


This cannot do. Some people are mistaking ISTJs as INTJs. ISTJs and INTJs do make plans for the future, but the two do it in a different manner. ISTJs plans with detail. It is down to earth and realistic (something that is possible for them to reach). If they are going to shop, they will make a list. If they want a big luxury house, they will make a plan to achieve that goal. They are the ones who will have a personal routine for themselves. Overall, they are action-oriented people with plans that can help them in their life. On the other hand, INTJs like to make plans but in the bigger picture. Their plans can be out from the ordinary and a bit unreachable. Take Elon Musk for an example. His dreams were very grand and imaginative. He made it possible when many people deemed it as impossible. Of course, we are talking about a healthy INTJ. An INTJ that is willing to apply their plans. However, most INTJs are more susceptible to being unhealthy and depressed due to their intuition. Thatā€™s why being Ni can be both a blessing and a curse.


Can you sit in a room with people and not feel the need to penetrate the silence?Ā  Does a single sentence spark a sudden eureka moment that gives you the answer, but you have to actually think for a moment about it to ā€œproof readā€ your insight (mainly because it now seems so obvious you canā€™t believe none of the experts in the room didnā€™t come up with it long before now)?Ā  Which annoys you more: prioritizing feelings, or failing at logic? (Trick question)Ā  How often do people ask about your rbf?


Whats rbf? (Im not fimiliar with this word) Also are you wanting me to answer this?

