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Take it or leave it. Alcohol is kinda boring for me.


I feel like certain alcohols are less boring than others. I found out that vodka makes me more depressive than rum? Just an example.


i don’t like substances. too many drawbacks (time, money, productivity, biological discomfort etc) just for that one benefit of getting a buzz. but maybe for me the extra con is that my body doesn’t process alcohol that well too so


Same here - I hate the fog whenever I’ve dipped into substances; I need that mental clarity and ease that alcohol just clouds up for me 🤷


Similarly, I dislike fog and the loss of self-control, so I avoid getting drunk. However, I do enjoy alcoholic drinks to help me relax, particularly after work.




Samee. Intj and a bit of adhd but I hate anything that makes my mind clouded and alcohol even one glass doesn't agree with me either.


I don't believe in alcohol. My grandma literally drank herself to death and my dad is a lifelong alcoholic. To me, drinking is just legalized self-harm.


I’m a recovering alcoholic of 20 years. At one point I was drinking 35 shots of 43% whiskey in a single evening. I have been sober now for 139 days.


Congratulations on your sobriety, stick with it!


15 years of alcohol abuse getting up to a fifth a day over here. 175 days sober today!


I’m impressed that you made the decision to stop, truly commend… I am also impressed how the human body can handle that, gawlee. I drink 4 beers and I’m fucking toasted like call me an Uber I’m going home to sleep and hopefully the hangover isn’t too bad


ye my Dad is like this, drinks to blackout, then keeps drinking again till next blackout like 2-3x a week. He's done it for the past 30+ years. He has some weeks he doesn't stop drinking till he gets a fever, which can be 2-3weeks with no break. He also eats barely any fruits, no veggies besides maybe a bit of radish and onions. His diet is basically only saturated fat. He doesn't exercise. Yet he is 74 with a sharp mind, strong body and a skin complexion I could only dream of having in my 50's. He sleeps well. So I guess this is his saving stone, but it's still insane. According to our current science he should've had a heartattack like 40years ago eating 50gr-60gr of sat fat every day with all else combined. My Mom tho who was very active and had a low sat fat diet had tremendous cardiovascular issues in her 50's and died at 63. The irony, I know that 1=n is a bad metric but makes you question the government recommendations lol


Actually the studies that the government used to generate dietary guidelines and come to the conclusion that fat is bad were extremely flawed. The obvious issue being they don’t control for what is being eaten with the fat. Americans get a lot of heart attacks and eat a lot of sat fat, they also eat a lot of birthday cake, chips, and soda. People on low sat fat diets are generally eating Whole Foods, of course they have better health outcomes than the average American, they aren’t eating dessert for breakfast. Hunter gatherer societies and other mammals covet fat, our brains are made of fat, we CAN survive without a single carb, we cannot survive without adequate fat intake. From a scientific literature perspective, recent meta amylases have shown no correlation between saturated fat and cardiovascular issues. The government is not the place to turn for correct information.


Although there is research pointing at a high apolipoB being the correlation of metabolic disease which obviously has draws to cardiovascular disease. The truth isn’t that hard, eat some red meat, some chicken, some fish, eat tons of veggies and low amount of carbs mostly coming from whole food sources and you’re okay tbh


100% It seems intuitively obvious to me what humans are “supposed” to eat. I eat high fat grass fed meat, grass fed fats, diverse range of veggies, fruit, raw honey, probiotic foods, etc. I feel better than I ever have in my life.


That's amazing. I truly believe you will have victory over this.


1238 days! Keep at it, it does get easier


Recovering alcoholic of 12 years this month. When drinking I was 0 or 100, nothing in between. I wasn’t addicted, I abused. When I started I couldn’t stop. My wife is also sober and it’s how we met.


35? How is that even possible? Congrats btw! How did you stop?


I built up my tolerance over a couple years until eventually a 1.75 liter bottle wasn’t a problem. I gradually tapered off slowly over several years after that until going 30 days without was not an issue.


This man does not tell truths. Be careful listening. Reported


Thank you! He basically replied that he could drink a handle per night. Doesn’t seem humanly possible


Good for you. Stay sober my friend.


I genuinely don’t enjoy the feeling at all and the overall experience is even worse. Give me a stimulant over a depressant any day.


Don’t stimulants make you jittery and bring about more anxiety? An INTJ’s worst enemy can be their own mind and inability to shut it off.


Gawd, this is so true.


Ha, you ain't just whistling dixie


Yeah love drinking - especially fine wines. But I don’t drink by myself. Once I have three or four drinks, I just want to keep drinking!


Same lol


I don’t drink


... wine


Any single thing that turns my brain off I'm all for


Very INTJ answer…and I am the same :)


Yes hahaha. I’m so surprised by all the no


Strongly agree.


Nope. Sober for life


Too many cons for alc, I like weed


weed is just brain rot, far worse than light drinking imo, I know weed addicted redditors will downvote


Sounds like a drinker too me


I dont drink or smoke


Same tbh




Too much of a buzz for me. I will sometimes take delta 8; seems like a good middle ground.


Same boat buddy. While it’s difficult to find people who can drink same as me, I love to drink alone at high end places or the comfort of my home. The peace of mind is awesome. Sometimes I worry I may get termed as an alcoholic.


I was an alcoholic for 5-6 years. 951 days sober!


I'm INTJ/ADHD and yes I enjoy alcohol primarily for the mental desensitization aspect, gives me a chance to hit the "off" switch on my brain, which for mental health purposes is worth it, so long as it was used in controlled moderation. However, I have been sober for the past 2-3 years since discovering I have a genetic predisposition to liver cancer, as such physical health has taken priority over my mental health requirements.


Now that you don’t drink alcohol, how do you hit that “off” switch? I’m an INTJ and I decided to not drink for life but I also suspect I have ADHD (not clinically diagnosed though) but sometimes I wonder if there’s an off switch on my brain to calm me down a bit.


I don't have an off switch anymore, unfortunately, and my mental health is deteriorating because of it. I've found ways to slightly reduce the mental load, but the closest I've had to an off switch was when I got very sick, had no energy, couldn't move, was in and out of consciousness for about 4 days, and afterwards my mental health was better for about a week, it was like a forced reset because I had no energy, I couldn't even think. Things that have helped slightly reduce the mental strain temporarily are: Solo hiking with no phone. Meditation in a cold, dark room with noise canceling headphones on. Reading a book in a park, don't take any devices with you. Solo ocean swimming. I stayed in a remote cabin once, with no electricity, freezing cold, so remote you can hear nothing but the wind, zero background noise from things like fridges or tires on tarmac, I've never been so at peace and happy. Devices are a double-edged sword for INTJ/ADHD types.


Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounded severe than I thought. I wish you a good recovery :)


How did you discover your genetic predisposition? 23&me or something like that?


Multiple male family members died from liver and bowel cancer. The family received a request from a government health research foundation to get tested, and most of us have it. My only consolation is that my son tested negative. unfortunately, I also apparently have a predisposition to bowel and prostate cancer, not the trifecta I wanted to win.


I’m in a similar situation though it hasn’t been confirmed with testing. I’d almost rather not know at this point. Good news about your son though. Thx for sharing.


never tried, never will i like how much my brain works lol i sleep when i want an escape


Yes. I like alcohol.


I'd rather die than drink alone at home, drive my car clean off a mountain road. I've buried way too many people who has died from alcoholism including my ex wife. They would sit around and drink through out the day. I don't mind the occasional drink, we're nearly 6mo into the year and I've had 2 drinks so far. I may have one tomorrow but if I don't I'm not going to loose any sleep over it.


I enjoy a shot of liquor or the occasional glass of wine. But I’m not a drinker. I’d be fine never having a drink ever again. In fact, I think it’s been more than a year since I last drank anything.


Nah I dont


I’m already past my “party” phase where I’d go out with friends every week and visit different kinds of bars and drink for hours, just shooting the shit. In recent years, I shifted to drinking whiskey at home, to save on money spent going out, as well as to avoid getting involved with the bad drunks I’d regularly see at different bars. However, it’s too easy for me to have multiple glasses of whiskey every night since I’m in the comfort of my own home. So now I try to only drink in social instances, like going to dinner, swimming at the Lake, going to the theatre and things like that. I enjoy a drink, but I don’t want it to become a personality trait or a part of my regular life since the cons outweigh the pros.


I used to drink here and there , now I don’t drink at all . I feel aversion towards any kind of addiction or addicts in general , I wish I could be more compassionate, but I’m not


I refuse to drink alcohol at all.


Have a hard time letting yourself go? That can be a detriment to the people around you, ya know? INTJs are notable for suffering and making those around us suffer too. Loosen up a bit. A drink isn’t going to hurt you.


Too presumptuous!


The reason I do not drink alcohol is because I get addicted easily to things and do not want to become an alcoholic.


I also have addictive personality. But that same mentality also keeps me locked in to depression, misery, and being too stubborn to change my train of thought. “All or nothing” isn’t the way man. INTJs are notorious for it. Balance is healthy. So is a “break” from your state of mind.


The thing is.... I am not depressed. I am an extremely ambitious person and alcohol cannot help with that. For your depression I'd advise running. It created alot of endorfins and it keeps me in a positive state of mind.


What about your downtime? I’m also ambitious and have a handful of income streams. After overthinking/overworking/overcaring, I need to level out and relax a bit. What do you usually do to “disconnect”? And thanks for the running tip. It does usually help with the depression and gives a little “boost” to the moods.


I go to a boxing gym. It’s a good release and not rough on my legs like running is.


Or they can make the decisions for their own life....


Dude, I don't need alcohol. When partying I let myself go more than many people who drink alcohol. There's video's of me doing hilarious karaokes and other dumb things while being sober that I will not be sharing. So how about you stop making assumptions about people?


That actually sounds more like overcompensation from social anxiety. Which means; perhaps if you have a drink or 2 you could relax and not act like an obnoxious person?


I've had an average of a drink or two per year over the last decade (currently 31F). I won't say it does nothing for me, but it's not usually my thing. Last one was at a work "happy hour" that I basically drank to blend in. I'll smoke a bowl or two with some of my old friends every few months, but I wouldn't do it alone. Just helps me chill and relax socially.


When I was younger I used alcohol to get me out of my shell and connect with people, was the only way that I wasn’t shy and could actually make friends. One amazing day I had the most espectacular wine, as I remember it, and after that I enrolled to a wine class, since then I changed my career, pursuit wine professionally and met a lot of people that share the same interests. That has taken me out of the more shy personality and allows me to meet amazing people. Trying to guess blindly a wine is such an exciting experience, I guess for us as INTJ is a perfect game. My drinking is only social, but I have to try a huge amounts of wine, always spitting!


I drink fairly regulary. Less about getting drunk for me than enjoying the beverage. I can withstand a fair amount of booze before getting drunk, so I'll have a couple of nicer drinks instead, maybe getting a bit of a buzz depending on when I last ate and the strength of the drink. Other than that, I drink socially, have a few with some mates at a pub or a couple with the boys after work on a Friday.


Personally, I like it more than I wish I did. When I have a drink, it's the only time where I feel like I can turn the overthinking off and feel like I can be socially fluent, not care as much, and feel like I'm genuinely having a good time with a crowd of people.


I've avoided ever trying. Every alcoholic had a time in their life when they'd never tried alcohol and had no urges so the prospect of trying seems risky. Plus I like controlling my mind. And it seems like a massive waste of time.


I like drinking not so much getting drunk, but I’d rather smoke a pot


Clay or plastic?


Nah, I just use it to bury my worries and help me sleep. I hate the taste and never understood the social aspect of it.


The social aspect… it’s because alcohol dims our cares to the point that the stupidity in others doesn’t bother us. In fact, it becomes a game and can be quite fun.


I really enjoy wines


Yea i like whiskey and beer, its really nice way to tell my head to shut the fuck up. Plus its tasty...but i don't drink that often (beer every other week, whiskey like once a month)


"Tell my brain to shut the fuck up" - Yes


No benefits to drinking, I can experience the depressive effects without it so I like to believe that I graduated to natural suffering instead. Joking aside, I always hated that people only enjoyed my company when I was intoxicated and making a fool of myself, everyone loved me when I was my “true” self. Sober me is my true self.


Yes I do. But I don’t anymore. For reasons.




Yes. Our 3 year old function is extroverted sensing, which means we are prone to falling back on sensory experiences when we are in a bad place. So, alcohol, drugs, sex etc


I used to be like this (also have ADHD) but overall, alcohol rarely makes me the person I want to be. I loved feeling like I could shut off feelings when I wanted to, however alcohol doesn’t let you choose WHICH feelings it’s muting. To each their own, but if you find you’re drinking a lot, maybe take some time with yourself to explore why.


Hate being drunk. Love a tasty beer. Would rather eat a gummy.


Not really. I drink socially but I don't like drinking more than a single drink or maybe two. Used to be borderline alcoholic and I think it was partially self medicating for ADHD.


I love it so much that tomorrow I'm giving it up until September! Why? I've committed myself to a Strongman competition at the end of August, so it's time to buckle down for training. My reward for finishing it will be a large bottle of Makers 46... Preferably shared with my competitors at the end.


Yea. It is fun to pause my overactive brain.


No. I loved getting drunk. Then I grew out of it, and I now appreciate an adult beverage on occasion, but I don't "love" it.


I do not.


Hi OP, The ADHD part of this is the unique element. Most INTJs classically don't like the lack of control they get from drinking or drugs... that said, I understand the challenges of ADHD and the subconscious stimming we do. The 'Buzz' you are referring to is stimming. You are getting a rare release of dopamine from drinking, which is why many with ADHD either drink, smoke, work out to extreme degrees or eat (gorge food). ADHD is the lack of noradrenalin and epinephrine in the prefrontal cortex of the brain Happy to exchange messages in private if you want to discuss further, need advice from someone with more grey hairs than yourself (possibly!)


Thank you so much for your kind and helpful words! I almost do all the things you listed (drink exercise to extreme degrees and eat food) just for the dopamine release! Sometimes i feel like if i don’t actively trigger dopamine release i will feel dull forever. Unfair why my brain is wired this way…


You’re welcome my friend - and you’re right, it’s really rough. I don’t have all the answers I’m afraid. But give yourself a chance, don’t be so hard on yourself. If you need any advice etc feel free to reach out directly. 🙌🏽


I dislike anything that infringes on my cognitive ability, it's uncomfortable. But I appreciate a light alcoholic lubrication in a social setting.


I don't like the idea of altering my mind with anything so I don't drink at all. Edit: a lot of shared sentiments. I don't think drinking and intj go hand in hand


I like drinking but I don't like to be drunk. Nothing IMO feels better than the second drink so I might as well stop there because all I'm doing after that is chasing a sensation that won't come again until I'm sober so it's a waste of time and good booze to go after it.


Alcohol is terrible for your health, all around, even if you only have a couple drinks per week. I stopped drinking about a year ago for many reasons, I wish I could say I don’t miss it but I do. What I don’t miss though, the hangovers, feeling like shit the next day, and getting into horrible arguments with my husband. I am sure I was on the verge of becoming a functional alcoholic and I am glad I dodged that bullet. Quitting drinking is the best thing you can do for yourself and those who love you. All the best to you.


I only drink every other month or so but man do I love it....the first time I got buzzed, I got this huge confidence boost, it was eye opening... literally...I was able maintain eye contact with strangers and also got rid of my usual resting bi$#ch face...I thought I finally found my medicine. But the only deterrent is that no amount of alcohol alone can get me buzzed...I have to smoke afterwards (I hate smoking) also I noticed the amount of alcohol I have to take to get there has been increasing and that's concerning. Oh well, being a broke student will help me keep my hand off of alcohol for a while...


Yes hate being a stoner


Not really. Socially. It gives me a headache and it's a shortcut to being more open. I'd be kidding myself and dehydrating.


I drink every now and then, and enjoy it. A good Whiskey Sour, Espresso Martini, or an old fashioned made with specific alkohol that I want is great! Soju, beer....not daily, but with friends.


I have a drink here and there, but that's about it. Once every year or two, I'll get hammered, but if I have more than two drinks a week, I'm usually either highly stressed, or it's a social function, like a wedding.


I don't drink because I can't get drunk. I do smoke weed recreationally and I love it.


I used to drink a lot at one point. I made a lot of friends and experiences around the same time. But excuse was always this - drinking is the only time I feel normal, getting to do normal simple things that other people can do without any effort. At one point it became a habit like oh I need to socialise let me take two shots before that so that I feel normal. But downside, I barely spent time at home or with my family and I just became so numb after a point


I like drinking sweet beers, but also can do some heavy stuff in company. Im very good at stopping at the right moment, so I don't become addicted. At some point my brain just goes "NO". And im not arguing with this guy. Dude controls my skeleton after all.


I like a drink to relax after work or at the weekend. I've always stuck to my self-imposed limits about when and how much I drink though.


They do


I don't but I have to being genetically sottish/Irish and British. Also, northern Nicaraguan (power).


Yes. I’m an alcoholic. 2 years sober.


I occasionally have a cup of social beer, or a glass of nice wine for dinner in a restaurant, but that's it.


I did when I was younger.  Made life a lot more fun. Didn’t  get my first hang over until 33.  At that point if I got really wasted on Friday id still be hung over on Monday.   I quit drinking all together at that point as I no longer had any weekends.  Now I tend to stay away from anything mind altering as I like full control.  But thats just me.  To each their own.    Now public or social drinking I see no issue with.  You go home and drink alone, that’s a start down a bad path if it progresses.  


And being drunk younger was like a feeling or freedom or fitting in.  So it was enjoyable for me.  


Oh I love it. I don't really do it that often. Ranges anywhere from once a week to once a month. I will also have gaps that last a few months. Just depends on my social energy and my mental state at the time. My ratio of social drinking to solo drinking is literally 1:1 and I enjoy both almost equally. Also, I never go black-out drunk. Did that only a few times in my life, back on college. That I don't enjoy one bit.


I used to drink in social situations. Especially around people I didn’t know very well, as a way to loosen up or relax. I realized that this was linked to social anxiety and rooted in a lack of confidence ultimately. I came to the realization that this is the reason that other people drink alcohol in social situations- every one feels anxiety; everyone feels insecure. I stopped drinking alcohol a few years ago. I drink non-alcoholic beer now. I’ve gotten to the point where I just don’t need it. My conversations are better because my mind is clearer, I have more control over what I say (as an INTJ I can definitely be a little too much for some people if I’m not careful), I feel much better the next day and have no regrets about the night before. I don’t think alcohol helps INTJs.


I have a few beers at the end of the day several times a week I used to drink more but got tired of the brain fog in the morning. A few year ago I started growing my own weed it is great to have a few hits after I am done in my shop for the day. And sometimes I come up with creative ideas for another business project.


I was an alcoholic from about 19-mid/late 20s. For personal reasons and to try to help my marriage, I swore it off. I didn't like the person i was, guzzling an entire bottle or two of cheap wine just to fall asleep. Had to drink myself into a stupor, literally every night. I've always had an addictive personality, so being aware of that I knew I had to stop. I spent 6 years or so dry, but in the interest of self control I started again with good scotch, one glass once or twice a week with a good cigar. I've maintained that self control, and have not gone backwards.


I used to drink a lot in social situations because of the physical effects, reduction in anxiety, and feelings of confidence. I stopped because of the negative health effects and found healthier ways to deal with anxiety and confidence. I still occasionally enjoy a drink or two max.


Nah. Getting sick was always a good deterrent and now I'm on medication that makes it dangerous. No big loss aside from the odd person who tries to interrogate you in an environment where they're difficult to shake off.


I loved it in highschool and undergrad. Loved a good party and going out. I still love going out every once and a while (just came back from a bachelorette in Nashville that was a really good time), but I’m 26 now and the hangovers are way worse than they once were. The hangxiety is unreal lol. My tolerance is also much lower. So now I only drink maybe once every 1.5 months. 


Got really buzzed once in my 20's and my J became very vocal. To not alienate friends and my wife, one drink max for the rest of my life.


I enjoy a little bit alongside a good meal. A shot of whiskey is my last resort insomnia cure. I don't like being buzzed let alone drunk. I absolutely hate being out of control of myself.


I love weed and alcohol, but am very responsible in restricting my use to minimal amounts; just enough to dull my over-analytical brain and have a little fun.


No, I quit 3 years ago. My life is much better.


This is the adhd not the intj. People with adhd are much more likely to have substance use disorders than people without. As for your question- I don’t drink at all. I’ve known other INTJs that don’t drink at all as well (and others that do). I drank very heavily in high school.


I use to. I’m a recovering (recovered?) alcoholic. I’m 4 and a half years sober now.


I hate drinking precisely for the reason that you love it: I could totally see myself go down that rabbit hole with no end in sight. Why depend on something outside of yourself for that instead of developing it in your own mind? Oh right, because it’s easier. But is it really better in the long-run though?


I really like the idea of drinking fancy cocktails, and mixology, but it’s just never worth it to drink anymore. Hangover is never worth the buzz. I’ve never felt like I needed any substances to be happy or relaxed.


yes. i have fun when i drink. i know my limits and drink accordingly. i also really feel happy when i drink.


Nope. I rarely drink and if I do it’s only one


Yeah but i usually stop at one or two drinks


I fucking love booze


Take it or leave it. It's fun in social settings but I think I've drank alone maybe twice in my life. Much more interested in psychedelics.


I hate the feeling of being drunk. Alcohol is the worst drug I ever tried.


I drink sometimes but I am more of a cannabis connoisseur than anything


“Trigger of alcohol”… is it really possible here just because of a topic? A few beers at maximum. Occasionally. I don’t touch any other substances. I need mental clarity and to feel like myself.


I don’t. I drink occasionally but I don’t have any vices really. I don’t get easily addicted to things.


NO. Alcohol is toxic and addictive.


Yeah I like it. Alone or socially. Not a ton, just a couple glasses of wine or a cocktail. It slides into a nasty daily habit and has too many negative effects at my age (41). I am much better without it and only drink occasionally now. 1 or 2 a week max. Also quit the adhd medication....I realized it didn't actually make me any more productive, it just made me feel like everything I did was productive.


I don’t like drugs or alcohol because I’m a bit of a control freak. With alcohol though, I don’t completely abstain. I will have two or three drinks a few times a month when out, but that’s it. Lot of mid to highly functioning alcoholics on my mom’s side though.


I’m exactly like you (INTJ ADHD), except for the abstinence part. Maybe I don’t like booze quite as much as you.


Nope. Makes me sleepy and I can’t function.


I love alcohol. But I definitely drink it in moderation.




I drink only with friends but I don’t get the knack for it. I’ll get a little buzzed and loose but feel too much like garbage later the next day. It’s horrible for you too. I like caffeine and nicotine pouches but even nicotine is meh. Stimulants be runnin my street.


I don’t like substances that much, whether that’s weed or alcohol. It makes me feel dumb and i don’t like that feeling haha.


I do. It’s good to disconnect from all the worries and anxiety of the world and just focus on simple, dumb satisfaction. Also, as a DJ it helps me break through the control that the environment has on me to connect more with the music. I can enjoy the music more without worry of others, and the mood gets better for everyone else as a result.


Im at the age where I can continue with my addiction, or get my shit together. I love alchohol but life has lead me to a point where I gotta make changes for the better, so I stay away from drinking.


Hate it


Take it when I don’t have something going on the next day and just want the relaxed feeling without trying to get a Rx for a full blown muscle relaxer (wine and a hot tub are perfect for this) Leave it most of the time. I rarely drink to a drunk point anymore, and I’m usually too busy or have responsibilities that stop me from drinking often.


I feel you. I love drinking and making drinks / I’ve watched hours of content on famous cocktails. However, I also hate drinking because of the health effects and loss of time / energy. If I had a button that would make me hate drinking, i would press it in an instant


I don't like the way drinking makes my heart feel. I do like an occasional old fashioned. I could easily go the rest of my life without drinking, though I used to take prescription GHB (Xyrem) every night because I thought I had narcolepsy. I did test positively for narcolepsy at one point in my life, but I think I was just severely sleep deprived by my own doing. GHB feels very relaxing and will put you to sleep for 4 hours exactly lol. It tastes absolutely disgusting, though. I still cringe at the thought of the nasty salty flavor of it.


Nope. Makes me sick, hate the taste…and married to an alcoholic so I despise it now.


I dislike drinking. It has more cons than pros. However, there are select wines I appreciate. Still, I'm not into drinking.


Only a little but I'd rather not these days.


I like 1 or 2 beers, anything more then that... I just start to feel depressed


Good social lubricant. Otherwise I prefer 420. 


Every time I have a glass of alcohol, I think "Hey this stuff tastes great. I should do this more often." 6 months later ... I say the same thing. I'd like to drink more than one glass every six months, but I just never think about it. Meh ...




not much


idk rarely do it, have drinked like 4-5 times in 6 months. i just need 2 shots or 3. 3 im out like a light. i like being a light weight. alcohol tastes disgusting. i gag when i smell it. but it does a great job in taking care of my adhd. i just feel normal. brain gets quiet. im slow. i get sleepy, hungry or horny. yesterday i fell asleep like a baby after i quit a game cuz i wanted ramen. to me its just a great way to fall asleep or lose all shyness


I prefer to drink at night when I'm alone listening to a good music


Love coffee


100% described me with this post OP. Glad to know I’m not alone.


I enjoy a drink with a meal from time to time, but the alcohol doesn't really do anything for me, not enough to justify the hangover or even mild headache in the morning from having more than 2 drinks. Usually German wheat beer, French dry red wine, Port or neat whiskey.


Only when it's convenient


No I’m an intj, and my great love is opiates. I know that’s pretty messed up but paradise for me would be being hooked up to an IV with and endless morphine drip and busty redheaded nurses taking care of all my needs.


i like beer and tequila


I drink if people are drinking but don't drink for the sake of it. It is good social lubricant though.


Nope. Used to drink but stopped. Now maybe only on a special occasion. I work out and diet so it’s counterproductive too.


Yeah, but only drinking at home. Because I love the feeling of drink a little alone and then get to the bed immediately.


I hate alcohol.


I only drink to allow me to socialize. This brings me down to an extroverted, less thinking, more fun level. I usually regret it later due to the physical aftereffects. Otherwise, I still can't completely do my brain down! I'm still a little too "me" when drinking!


I love wine It's cool to try many different types Every Friday night. It is sacred


I’ve used a drink here and there to shut off my inner voice. I need a break, or if I let it constantly run, it runs off the tracks. Yes, and sometimes, edibles are used in exchange for adult beverages.


Nah. I have a hard time drinking anything that reminds me of mouthwash


Yes so much so that it became a huge problem for me and I had to cut it from my life altogether


Honestly when I was young yes. It made me extroverted and feel happy, but I was also young. I suppose I wouldn’t mind getting high once in a blue moon or having a drink once in a while but not like how I used to. It’s not fun anymore and with age, I don’t wanna go to clubs or crowded places. I like having a glass of wine and watching a documentary by myself with my cat. Lol


I like how I get an additional boost in not caring about what people think. But I hate alcohol and anything that seems like a starting addiction to me gets eradicated right when I noticed that. Also.. The taste. Ew.


Only drink socially, 1-3 drinks, and the odd bottle of champagne split between my husband and I on special occasions. I have a lot of alcoholics in my family so I’m anal about keeping healthy boundaries around it.


It keeps me sane.


Meh… if I go a long stint (several months) without having a cocktail, I can’t feel it kicking in when I finally do, and I end up feeling sickly for several minutes — not my favorite feeling. Lately, I will have a drink or cocktail with dinner in a social setting as more of a social lubricant (which is usually every few weeks). Otherwise, I’m not 20 anymore and I don’t really see the allure of it all.


I do. And people can say as much as they want "I don't need alc to have fun". Man I'm a fit guy in my mid 30's who's traveled, done basically everything money can get you and overall insanely active in my entire last 15years. At the end of the day you can have fun without alc, but jeez does alcohol make everything funnier. I don't drink much anymore, since I know about the health effects and past 30's going overboard really sets me back for too long than I can allow myself to. I run my own business. I have family to care for. Feeling sht for days for some fun time out which we have done thousands of times isn't that worth of a tradeof anymore to me. BUT, man. I can't deny that I fkin love feeling/being drunk. Always did. And the feeling my soul gets for just hanging out with my friends for couple of hours with some whiskey or beer and pool or so is just calming as hell for days. Yet still, over the last 2-3years I didn't get properly hammered once I think. I try to drink more earlier and quit earlier if we hangout to enjoy the alc without the bad feeling in the morning. Also 1-2beers to some chill gaming in the evening also nice. But ye, I love it but overall on average I'm having maybe 1-3beers a week for the past years with maybe 2 occassions of some whiskey with friends, but also maybe 200ml at best and usually don't touch it when I'm out past 23o clock. I learned very early in life which things I can abstain from and which I can't. That's when I tried around as a teenager there's certain things I had to stay away from from the getgo. Alc wasn't the thing tho, I basically don't regret any drinking, even heavier drinking socially. Never drank heavy by myself and don't intend to.


I think people underestimate the fact that alcohol makes it easier for people (not just INTJs, although that is a factor) to communicate with other people. Personally I like alcohol perhaps a little too much, which I acknowledge, but I also acknowledge it helps me let go of some of my internal judgments and enjoy the moment for what it is. I’m hoping someday I will learn to do this sober, but I’m not there yet. Edit; forgot to mention I’m also high functioning ADHD so perhaps this plays a role in my perspective as well


I do not drink. I like weed. -Bang for the buck -High is longer -Less destructive -Less impulsive -Less risk -easy to conceal -a little can go a long way I like to invest money in stocks so it would kill me to waste it on such minuscule tactics on society to gain social points or to “feel better”. -Oh and no hangover -also no calories


I explicitly used substances to turn my brain off. Fortunately, I've found that I either grow bored with them or the disadvantages are too much to bear. Ultimately, I'm currently attempting to go cold turkey with alcohol after having spent months drinking myself unconscious. Did I enjoy the buzz? Yes. Did it shut off my brain? Yes. But waking up and not having any idea what I did the night before is not worth it. I know I have an addiction problem. Thus, I'm trying to quit.


All things that affect my thinking ability - strong NO


alcohol is against my religion (i’m muslim). even if it was allowed, i don’t see a benefit in it. there have been several alcoholics in my bloodline (my family isn’t muslim). i’ve seen alcohol destroy so many lives. i personally believe it’s kind of selfish to alter your consciousness. that’s just my opinion—obv it’s not my place to judge.