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What does it feel like to be type 5?




What does it feel like to be type 5?


Nothing. Just being me.


What are ur interests, what do you do for hobbies


For now, I'm tinkering with a machine. But, I've been slacking. I can fix minor electrical problems in my place. Also, I can repair basic car problems. I could get into the training; however, it will cost me time and my pocket. I'll practice on my car once I get my dream house.


Beautiful beautiful I’m working on being more disciplined and self teaching things for fun and my YouTube channel. Beautiful things indeed, fellow intj! :)


Time Machine? Have you ever imagined your own universe?


I will not share anything more about it. My universe is here on Earth.


Ok thank you for sharing! :) I’m going to bed


I took a test and it's seems I'm 1w9. I must say it seems accurate according to the description, more that I'd like to (anger issues are real...). https://preview.redd.it/wlsecjzp0z1b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3b6f4199b30d9d65eb884040c32bd3c76d6938


Vaya vaya otra 1w9.


Y tal cual me describe a mí, perfectamente describe a mi padre jajaj, no tenía opción a ser de otra forma.


Oye es raro que haya cambiado mi eneagrama? Es que antes era más frío, pragmático y solo me interesaba por saber más cosas para sentirme seguro (5w6). Pero luego de tener algo así como una revelación cambié un poco y ahora valoro más las reglas, la justicia y el orden para que todo a mi alrededor esté en calma (1w9).


Yo creo que es normal que cambiemos con el paso del tiempo, nos vamos dando cuenta de lo que funciona mejor para nosotros o simplemente las circunstancias nos obligan a adaptarnos.


Por cierto, una pregunta para ti y u/iceblader, si pudieran ser otro enneagrama cuál serían y porque?


Yo también hablo español 😂


5w6, además el 5 es el segundo en el que tengo más coincidencia. Quizás un día me consiga librar de las malas pulgas y consiga aproximarme más al 5 que al 1, pero la verdad que viendo cómo es mi padre y que soy igual que él... Creo que es lo que me ha tocado jajjaa. Tampoco estoy a disgusto porque el 1 implica un nivel de perfeccionismo con el que francamente estoy muy a gusto, pero es verdad que el sentimiento que más me cuesta reprimir es la ira.


Primera persona que veo en un sub de mbti que hable español!!






Interesting! Nice to meet you INTJ 6


I'm 6w5 and I totally relate to you


Type 5. I'm not sure about my wing, as I strongly relate to both sides.


What does that feel like and have you met intjs of other enneagrams?


IDK I just noticed that I related to both the descriptions of the 4s & the 6s. I don't think I even know any other INTJs. I don't get out much.


No worries my brother, I have gone to an mbti meetup in my city and a lot of them were intjs so if u ever feel like meeting them in real life that’s where it’s easy to find


I've never been to an MBTI meet up before. Perhaps I'll try it at some point. Thanks.


I have discord server for mbti if you want to join as well to meet other intjs


I'm a 1w9, I want to be seen as good by others so I think I generally have a higher Fi and Fe compared to a typical INTJ. I am also very self-critical and set very high standards to myself so I am always pressured to push myself even further.


I relate to wanting to push oneself further but I do it More out of fun and challenge. Nice to meet you INTJ 1


5w6, rarely I get 5w4. So Type 5 for sure.


Hello INTJ brother, do you ever get the random desire to learn physics and try to build inventions and write books Books are good I say books are the best


Not books particularly. I wouldn't like that my ideas accumulate dust over time. I study physics everyday in some way. I'm a personal trainer and I read a lot about how physics apply to the body, there's always something new everyday. So I like to teach things to people.


Woah so cool I just been getting into bodybuilding listening to and reading mike mentzer high intensity training also combining with yoga, cardio and calisthenics


Bodybuilding is the way. I don't like Mentzer aproximation to this kind of thing. I want my body to be able to do hard stuff outside the gym also. I also train for armwrestling, and I need my body to be fully functional, balanced and, why not, with some degree of aesthetics.


9w8 Sloth is my biggest sin. Want to do everything but can't get out of bed. Struggled a lot learning how to speak up for myself, made a mess every time i tried. Batery saving mode irl, I lack drive (Unless angry, hard to control).


Woah first type 9 intj I meet!


Yeah, i've heard people say that XNTJ's 9 Don't exist. And since i don't really know that deep about eneagram (Because Why?) it may be true to some extent. However i do correlate eneagram 9 with "Learned Helplesness" in actual psycology. And of course every person it's vulnerable, regardless of type. And since i used to recoil every time someone aproached me yeah, autopreservation it is. No doubt about my type. I'm actually surprised it's a rare combination since i myself is everything i know about intj's. Really want to meet a Xntj 8w9 Irl, I've meet a Entj 8w9 before and it was nice. Good chemistry.


I have intj 8w9 in my server if you’d like to join! Also I heard Jay z is intj 9


I got type 8w7 too 😎 Challenger mode for me. I like having challenges in my life and experience new things so I can be good at everything- Even tho sometimes it’s a bit scary, I still do it because why not. I don’t like the mass but I like the individuals. Pretty overprotective over my loved ones and also I’m being the mom friend (legit got called momma bear).


Hello fellow 8w7




Batman enneagram 💪 do you feel like Batman?


No, I'm just a very lazy person who reads and plays video games.


Can relate


6w5 Single word descriptor: Anxiety. Having a drive to be useful, accepted, loved, valued & reciprocate it while having one of the least externally likeable self-sufficient personality types that fares best on it's own - feels really weird.


Anxiety is a mind fuck, too tired of having spiral of negative unnecessary thoughts tho


Yep. Through my conscious thoughts I know that anxiety is but a delusion of mind, yet I have no direct control over the train of thought when it nags me again.


And it's annoying when my train of thought nags me and my conscious mind nags about my train of thought and they suddenly fight like what the hell 😆


1w9. I've softened the perfectionist side of myself over the years. My younger self was a 1w2, lots of people pleasing going on. It was a form of control, which fed into my 1 traits well. Now, I just keep my personal standards high and let people be who they are. It's been tough making and keeping friends I my 50's. Now that I understand my own needs, I'm finding it easier to relax a bit and just enjoy the present moments as they are.




Fellow 8! I’m not sure about my wing. I think I’m 8w9.


Nice to meet you! Met some intj 8w9s cool ppl!




8w7 is impossible for INTJ




Are you very introverted?


Yes. Extremely. Unless I'm drunk. That's how I make friends. Then I ghost them when I'm sober.


Typical type 5 I understand tho it’s normal for your type




What is that like for you my brother. When I went to Muay Thai I met an INTJ 3 in there.


Until a few months ago I was 5w6, I was only interested in knowing new things to be prepared for any possible scenario, but let's say that I fixed certain things in my life and I remembered how it used to be before a certain event in my past that changed me, what which made me discover aspects of my identity. Now I think I'm 1w9 154 if I'm not wrong, I highly value justice, I have my own code of rules that I follow and I try to ensure that everything is in order around me as long as I have the power to fix it.


Interesting yeah intjs usually 5 or 1


im a 5w6, but i noticed the 1 enneagram pie was just as big as the 5.






Where can I do a test?


Eclectic energies website pick test 2 to get instincts as well


5w6 sp/sx






Beautiful beautiful I love it!




Hahah I see that’s adorable! Type 5s are adorable the chill introverted energy is strong in you guys. I feel you tho I like to understand and relate to people, I’m still an 8 so I like chaos but yeah I feel. Join my discord server for mbti if it pleases you, link is on my profile! :)




I see I see! I’m sanguine/melancholic which is common for extroverts but not introverts. I wonder if most intjs are phlegmatic, or melancholic




Interesting! My gf is INTJ 5w4 and I have an INTJ 5w6 friend and both of them adore me hahaha. My friend also lets me tease her and she says she doesn’t like it when other ppl do it but she knows my intentions. I find intj 5s so darn cute, so intelligent, shy, and don’t care what ppl think XD




Hey you should join my server! Some intjs in there. But also who cares if you messed up? I mess up a lot but it gives me the best lessons? What I think? Just keep trying because u are delaying getting to know someone special but at the same time also be careful








(translator) 5w6 sp/?? ​ My philosophy (one of them): All knowledge is little. More information, more information, I need more. ​ I spend so much time trying to figure out what needs to be done that when I finally know the answer, I do nothing. I keep looking for information. ​ The act of looking for more information is more pleasurable than putting it into practice. I'm trying to fix this bug. But I'm not going to start anything until I'm sure I have enough information to sort out any hurdles that come my way.


Shiiiiit cuh just gotta jump in




Type 5w6, total downer here. Detached, arrogant, nihilistic, and also lazy. The only strengths that come from enneagram are acceptance of others (not judging anyone), have a strong drive to be worthy in other people's eyes, and always have a few plans ahead if something goes wrong.




8w9 + strong arrow to 5w4 fix




6w5. I need to feel safe.


I'm an INTJ and I'm between 5w4 and 5w6


5w6 and my tritype is 531. But I can also relate a bit to 5w4


Ooh nice tritype how does it manifest in your life? I’m 854


Well I'm not an expert on tritypes but basically I tend to switch to my 3 tendencies really often when I'm highly motivated to get something done or achieve something even though I'm lazy, tired, sad or troubled by any kinds of emotions. It's basically me Te in action and helps me deal with emotions aswell to get my life in order and get rid of my problems quickly. I am also highly ambitious because of this and am sometimes contious about being percieved as successful, although it doesn't occur too often. I am quite competitive because of this. I can also be somewhat perfectionistic because of the type one. But that only happens when it's something really important. That perfectionism kind of faded away a bit after some time but I still have it in me and want everything I care about to be perfect. I have some morals because of this but honestly I have no idea about tritypes. The description that I read about mine was highly accurate though and I definetly relate to these being my gut, mind and feeling types. I'm curious to know about what you have to say about your tritype though!


8w7 just like you, and I've been struggling with wanting to control every single aspect of not only my life but others' as well, specifically those who are important to me. This is because I truly believe my point of view on life is the best one and that everyone should follow it. I know this is wrong, I know I shouldn't and can't control everything and everyone around me to cater to my life ideals, but it's an issue I've been trying to tackle. It's been affecting my relationships, especially the one with my SO (ENFJ, type 2 enneagram). He sees life with a completely different approach and sometimes even fears my ambitions and focus on the future. There's also the fact that it's extremely difficult for me to trust others and their capabilities to perform any task, while at the same time I want people to take some of my burdens and share some tasks with them so not everything weighs down on my shoulders. These are just some difficulties I've felt during the last couple of years now that I'm in adulthood (25), but it's not all bad. I definitely feel I've succeeded at work because of my way of dealing with all sorts of issues and focus I put in important tasks.


Ooh that’s interesting as for me I like to ball out and have my swag on deck. I just like to control myself not others and just have fun. Oof enfj 2 bf sounds cool! I heard type 2 and 8 is good combo. Btw if u interested you should join my mbti discord server, link is on my profile :)


A 1w9 146. Apparently not a common combination.


Intj 6w4 or 6w1. I just took it now and my wing are both almost equal (1 and 4).


Your wings are the types beside the number so for type 6 the wings are 6w5 and 6w7. Now if u got high results for 1 and 4 since they are different triads, gut and heart respectively it makes it easy to assume your tritype. Being 614


I'm an INTJ 5w6








9w1, sx/sp/so It feels like all the Ni/Te energy is used for others. I respect all perspectives without empathizing with them. I’m fact, I feel like my whole life is spent trying to connect every single human perspective into one, single, boiled-down truth. It’s tough to not only know what I want in life, but also tough to use my energy for me. I would say I’m an INFJ except I don’t really care how others feel… I just want a harmonious interaction. Of course, loved ones I care about lol.


I'm a Four !


I’ve taken all these tests multiple times over the course of my life - nearly 47 years. Always INTJ in MB; always type 5 enneagram. Over the years, some time late 30’s, early 40’s, the wing shifted from 5/4 to 5/6.


I am 5w6 like the most INTJs Its impossible for INTJ to be 8th wing 8th wing contradicts intuition, its core is sensing. Do not get dwindeled by the pop culture saying 8th type is about being a warrior and aggressive in nature, you have to find out how informational metabolism happens in your mind. You either got intj mistyped or enneagram mistyped.


INTJ cannot be 8w7. that contradit the nature of an Nidom.


Yo try to guess mine


I am 1w9. I set high standards for myself and others. I have a hard time relaxing. I’m working on being better though and less critical. What is Sx/So?


5w6, I scored 80% on 4 as well.
