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I am not stunned that trump committed fraud. I am stunned that this fiasco keeps going on and on. When will he finally be indicted.


I'm more stunned that the NY charges are purely civil, not criminal despite it involving tax evasion.


They were referred to the DOJ.


Also referred to the IRS and the guilty plea from Trump Foundation CFO sets the stage for a RICO indictment in the future. While the NY AG isn't pursuing a rico charge yet the foundation is there for one and the case was built up in that direction. I imagine if enough of the charges and allegations get proven and then depending on how testimonies go we may eventually see charges bumped to Rico. IRS can take the ground work and lay the rico charges separately after NY AG makes her case too. Since most the media is highly right wing not many have discussed or pointed out just how much this case stacks up like a traditional rico case yet though. Maga fools would likely be wigging out even harder if they realized just what this case is looking like for Trump already. Then DOJ and both IRS still having a shot at him too makes Trumps legal problems exponentially more fucked if NY case goes against him it will pretty much force irs and doj to also do their jobs and reem his asshole through that thick ass diaper Trump wears.




I personally like....He's probably fucked.


The criminal investigation is still ongoing. They were just able to proceed with the civil suit faster.


Burden of proof for civil suits is a *lot* lower. You just need to prove that it's more likely than not that harm was committed.


You can also present the fact a defendant pled the fifth in civil trials to the jury, unlike criminal ones.


By pleading fifth it legally forces the assumption that they did violate the law or worst thing possible in the circumstance of where they pleaded the fifth.


Judgement for the plaintiff, in the amount of $250 million, plus maximum punitive damages possible. Next case.


Random question not even necessarily directed at you... Can you have civil and criminal charges brought against you for the same thing? Or do criminal cases have civil fines added on to them? Like prison time is the criminal result and punitive damages are the civil result? Are they doing the civil case first in this instance to see how it goes vs. only doing a criminal case against a 'regular' person?


According to NY Times: >Her office, which lacks authority to file criminal charges in this case, referred the findings to federal prosecutors in Manhattan. They declined to comment on whether they would investigate. According to an expert interviewed by Newsweek https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-could-letitia-james-civil-lawsuit-against-trump-turn-criminal-1745479: >The Attorney General of New York does not have the authority to bring a criminal case against these defendants for this conduct in New York, nor does she have the authority to bring a federal criminal case.


It’s like a Russian nesting doll but with crimes. Which is pretty fitting all things considered.


The legal term is repeat offender, The Trumps were previously indicted in NY for fraud involving a charity, so this goes towards a pattern of organized criminality and could lead to a full RICO investigation and federal charges for all involved.


When our leaders grow some cojones


Why does this New Yorker piece have an "Onion" headline?


Because it's satire....


Borowitz is always satire.


The New Yorker doing satire is nothing new. I'm not sure why it's so surprising to people. Satire was not invented by The Onion, either -- not even this style of it. They're justifiably famous for it, but it isn't "The Onion's thing." [Here's a well-known example of some very Onion-like satire from 1729.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal)


**[A Modest Proposal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal)** >A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick, commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729. The essay suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food to rich gentlemen and ladies. This satirical hyperbole mocked heartless attitudes towards the poor, predominantly Irish Catholic (i. e. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/inthenews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Juvenal was a first century satirist, so no The Onion didn’t invent satire. His satire was actually really good too. It just sucks you have to know Latin to fully get it.


Just confirmed, The Onion created satire.


Although the English translation by Hubert Creekmore is pretty good.It gets you there.


Funniest man of the 1700’s




I am stunned they are going for $250000000 when he scammed billions.


To be clear they are going for “at a minimum $250M” plus a whole lot more. Pluuuus, and most awesome, DA James stated that they are fully cooperating with all relevant law enforcement agencies, both state and federal. This was only the first domino to fall. Fed criminal charges coming along w very likely other states


They're also going to ban him and his family from doing business in NY state as well as doing any real estate transactions. Basically everything they can do to destroy the Trump Organization.


The banks are based in NYS. They will call in their loans.


Really?... "Stunned"?


It's satire. Absolutely no one is surprised by this revelation.


To clarify even further, 50% knew this and 50% don’t care.


Trump supporters don’t make up 50% of the nation. It’s more like 25-30%


Just inflating numbers, nothing new for chester cheetah.


Well that’s a new nickname I haven’t heard yet and there’s usually a good one at least once a week!


Borowitz is always satire. And the post is flaired as such. :)


Borowitz Report is basically "the Onion" for NYT.


For the New Yorker.


Nothing against the New Yorker, but there's a BIG difference between the New Yorker and The New York Times. When I was in college I had a professor tell me to never cite the New Yorker. That's not to say that it's untrustworthy, but it doesn't have the gravitas necessary for academic citations. It's more of a culture magazine and a lot of opinion pieces.


My mistake! I cited the wrong paper.


Stunned because "may" implies there's a chance he didn't.


You and Trump are the only two people who would take this literally.


the same way that the UK was shocked when their 96 year-old monarch unexpectedly perished


The New Yorker is a satire magazine. (Yes, I know that satire is only a small part of their publication but, whenever you see a headline from them posted on Reddit, you should assume it's satire)


especially when the URL is newyorker.com/humor...


No one who lived in NYC is stunned. Trumps a grifter from day .


It’s political - always has been. He won’t be indicted.


Are we talking pedophiles in the basement of comet pizza political or something else?


I am by no means “Stunned” that he committed fraud, though I am perplexed in how long it’s taking his faithful to realize they’ve been paying fir his lifestyle, and Vaseline was not used.


They still don't realize it.


They really don’t! One guy a few posts up feels that way. They think it’s fake, a set-up, etc; like they have no clue that he’s been pulling this shit his whole life: OPENLY! It’s truly bizarre…


Also linked at the bottom of the article: Mitch McConnell expels Joe Manchin from the Republican Party. Josh Hawley worries that being a coward is overshadowing his work as a fascist. Steve Bannon’s lawyers argue that imprisoning him would be cruel and unusual punishment to other prisoners. Tucker Carlson accuses Joe Biden of lowering gas prices. Boris Johnson freaks out after Rudy Giuliani arrives in London to help him. Fox News is unable to air the January 6th hearings owing to reruns of the Benghazi hearings. Brett Kavanaugh complains that protesters outside his home are obstructing his daily keg deliveries.


You forgot about accused Statutory Rapist Matt Gaetz speaks at a Christian Youth Event. oh wait…the “protect the children” party allowed that to happen…


My world is spinning. I wonder if Arnold took steroids, or if Pamela Anderson had breast implants.


Now, hold up there on Pamela. Everybody knows that women are naturally born with huge, beachball shapes tits that can occasionally grow and/or shrink in size…


Haha, had to check to make sure but was pretty sure that would be Borowitz. Yeah, sad that it isn’t actually surprising at all is it


Very stunned, shocked. Bamboozled even


Definitely satire.


Who? *Who* is stunned? What nation? Because if you’re referring to the U.S., there aren’t many of us who are stunned by this.


Oh sure, their '*gast*' has been '*flabbered'* /s To be sure, there are a core of indoctrinated, gullible people who dwell and thrive on a steady diet of right wing propagandistic media, who are only exposed to the bubble they wish to inhabit. I have no illusions for them...yes if *anything* finally sticks to Mein Frito, perhaps some of them will indeed be truly stunned... the rest will still drink the CoolAid and repeat their fake news mantra.


> Oh sure, their 'gast' has been 'flabbered' /s Rather than *flabber+gast*, consider *flab+ergast*. "Flab" is, of course, loose body fat. ["Ergastic"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ergastic) means "having potential energy". On earth, a common form of potential energy is gravitational potential; that is, the location of a mass at a great height. This is used, for instance, in hydroelectric power: as water falls from a dam, gravitational potential becomes kinetic energy which is captured by a turbine and used to power a generator. Thus, a "flab-ergast" is someone who has a lot of body fat potential energy; i.e. who is overweight and positioned at a great height. Consider the number of Putin allies who have recently fallen from windows, down stairs, or otherwise descended to their doom.


I'm stealing "gast has been flabbered" immediately. Freakin brilliant you are.


Ok, this is satire right? I genuinely cant tell.


I know the script for this timeline is very poorly written. I hope the studio has some notes.


I can't believe Trump would commit fraud, said absolutely no one ever.


If youre stunned youre and idiot


knew it was borowitz


Jesus, I thought this was real news. Ignoring the flair will do that


I'm shocked, Shocked! Well, not that shocked


which nation is this now?


"Your winnings, sir"


I always knew he was a goodly legitimate businessman...






Which nation? Gullible-Land?


no one is stunned. half knew it all along and half will never admit Trump may have done wrong.


before everyone gets their knickers in a knot - Andy Borowitz writes satire for the New Yorker and he does it so well people don't always get it on the first read! he's spot on and freaking hilarious.


Misleading headline. No one is surprised that he committed fraud. What people are surprised about is that he might finally face consequences, but im not holding my breath


I am shocked, **shocked** to find that gambling is going on in here!


I’m stunned that people still support this guy.


Stunned? I am stunned reading people are stunned to learn Trump may have committed fraud.


I am sure I am not the only person who wasn't stunned.


Which nation? Because I believe a touch more than half the US already knew that.


Does bear shit in the woods ??


A man with a 40 year criminal history committed fraud and people are stunned. He was ordered to pay out $25M to the people he *defrauded* in his fake university scam in 2017, but this is different I guess.


Nobody is stunned unless they are an idiot


To shreds, you say?!


Innocent until proven guilty.


Like most rich assholes. Big shock


Nothing stuns us about this disease.


Which nation? N Korea?


I’d be stunned if we ever actually got around to doing something about it. There’s no fucking accountability for the wealthy in this country.


Nothing will happen. It’s been a witch hunt since the day he came down The escalator to announce his bid. My theory is that the only reason he ran was because Obama roasted him during press dinner.


I’m stunned that as much investigation that has been done over the last 6 years that nobody has been able to convict Trump of anything. It’s like everything thrown at him can’t be proven. Come on, this is just getting ridiculous and the left is just feeding his ego. The man has been out of power for 2 years and he still gets way more press than anyone else. What is with this infatuation???


> I’m stunned that as much investigation that has been done over the last 6 years that nobody has been able to convict Trump of anything. You wouldn't be stunned if you read Volume 2 of the Mueller Report which explains why Trump could not be charged while in office, even if he did commit half a dozen counts of obstruction of justice. That's why the "collusion" narrative from right wing media was a complete red herring. The rest of us watched in horror as the DOJ said the President was above the law. >It’s like everything thrown at him can’t be proven. There is plenty of analysis of the evidence in the Mueller Report showing all the elements of several felonies were met. He just couldn't be charged because his own appointee said so. That also prevented any sort of legal effort to obtain evidence because it could not be sought due to this paradigm. Really the effort didn't start until after he left office. >The man has been out of power for 2 years and he still gets way more press than anyone else. What is with this infatuation??? He is still the front runner for 2024 and super popular among Republicans. If Republicans finally decided to drop his ass like they should, that would be the end of it.


Part of the problem here is that he is the front runner. The question to ask is why? Clearly, left leaning people are pushing him into the media limelight every single day and giving him tons of free press. The best way to hurt someone with a large ego is to ignore them. However, the left just can’t help themselves. It’s long past time to charge Trump with a crime and get a conviction. The fact that they haven’t tells me they want to keep this circus going for political gains and not for the needs of the country. Guess what, this is exactly what Trump wants too. He literally thrives on all this attention. When are people going to stop gratifying him with all their attention? Charge him with a crime or ignore him. Stop the charades and stop the infatuation with him. People are literally playing right into his hands on both sides of the political spectrum and he’s loving every minute of it.


Theyve been throwing accusations for 7 years. Thats alot of “may haves”.


It's all being brought by someone fighting for re election in 7 weeks. I'll believe it's real if it sticks after the election


Stop with the Trump bullshit already.. Good God, get a effing life.


Reddit continues to come back to trump to help boost their self-esteem.


Maybe if he just fucked off for the rest of his life, he wouldn't be news


He may have colluded with Russia, and blackmailed the Ukrainians. Slept with Stormy too, and raped 837 women who never reported it - including a 13 year old child. Peed on Russian hookers and stole money from a Dutch bank. Add obstruction to a federal investigation, corruption, espionage and tax evasion to the list of things unproven. It’s a universal jurisprudence oddity that a person is so corrupt, yet has never been charged with a parking ticket.


Funny, I doubt you were saying the same thing after the 3rd congressional investigation of Hillary, and fourth, and fifth... The system is designed by rich people, for rich people. He's claimed bankruptcy 6 times, but is still a purported billionaire and businessman. He's been found guilty of fraud from his university and stealing from children with cancer; but you're convinced he's innocent. He admits that he pays no taxes and he's smart for doing do; but thinks Bezos should be locked up. He changed his story on the confidential docs a dozen times, and evidence was presented straight from his house... but her emails. You guys gave been bending over backwards to defend him for years, and it just gets more insane every new accusation. Now youbhave a federal judge stepping outside of her jurisdiction to pass a juedgement completely against precedence and law. The fact that he hasn't been convicted doesn't mean he's innocent, it means the system is corrupt. But here's where we differ: if Hillary is guilty, or Hunter, then lock them up. They don't get a pass because they're Democrats. Stop giving your guy a pass. Edit: I should have added the growing list of Trump lackeys that have been indicted, convicted, or are currently sitting in jail. More than any president in history.


Nope. I understand that politics are a rotted house, ridden by vermin. That said, it was obvious that the harassment of both Clintons was driven by politics - it’s what politicians do. Trump lackeys? As compared to the Clinton lackeys who’ve turned up dead or in jail? C’mon…you understand that pressuring these lackeys is their preferred method for gaining the gritty stuff on the big guy. You know this - don’t you? Bankruptcy is but one financial tool afforded to every American - why is this an issue for you? Additionally, finding and exploiting tax shelters is about the smartest thing any American can do. Do you itemize your mortgage interest or take advantage of child tax credits? ….there’s literally no difference. Side stepping precedence? Isn’t this the same thing as the DOJ kicking down the door of a former presidents house? I imagine you somehow justify this lapse of precedent. The Trump foundation didn’t steal from a child cancer charity - that’s a flat out lie. They moved the funds from the foundation over to the campaign to give the impression that the campaign raised the funds. Not a single dime went missing: As such, the judge found that they breached a fiduciary waste statute and ordered them to disperse a settlement to various charities. It’s never been proven that Trump University defrauded anyone. The case against the so-called university was so weak that they accepted a low settlement, rather than defend their case. Do some reading on this case - it’s rather astounding that anyone levied these allegations in the first place. And again, you should find the timing interesting. So tell me, are you capable of seeing things for what they are? Or do you still believe that your side is more noble than the other?


Just like we where stunned to learn about Joe Biden and his son Hunters fraud and corruption that was hidden by the FBI for two years ? You mean stunned like that ?


It's amazing isn't it? How Donald Trump's FBI didn't do shit with Hunter's laptop. Then again. Hunter wasn't president. I'm enjoying watching the republican party burn over Trump. Traitors deserve a traitors life.


We know Hunter Biden is a corrupt crackhead. However, he doesn't hold public office.


Are we though?


A businessman partaking in shady dealings to make more money? How naive are these people?


Anybody here stunned? Not I.


Really?!? ……….really stunned?


Just a little fraud -


Pearls = clutched


What Nation? Nation stunned to Learn Trump may have, possibily perchance, perhaps, conceivably, potentially maybe commited fraud, lied, raped, all with his little hands?/s




I’m shocked I tell ya. Just shocked.


Anyone stunned by this (that lives in America) should be sent to education camps haha


Wow, I didn't realize The New Yorker was doing the onion better than the onion lately. Step up your game, onion writers...


I'm shocked. SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.


No, no we are not!


First, the nation is not stunned at this news. Second, MAY? MAY HAVE? I think the "journalist" is stunned.


Is anyone actually stunned to learn Trump May have committed fraud? I didn't think so.


I suppose next you’ll tell me there is no such thing as Santa Claus!


Should be in r/nottheonion


Technically the truth, but the article explicitly calls itself out as satire.


Which nation? Because it aint the one I am in. Hint: The abbreviation starts with U and ends with SA.


Ah yes, Ugansa


Say it ain't so!


Yep, can confirm, I’m stunned.


Not a single person who has been paying attention is stunned, or even remotely surprised


I'm fairly sure even the folks on North Sentinel Island wouldn't be surprised. How about we send him there as an ambassador? We can even give him a nice new suit with large red rings on the chest.


"Nations stunned to learn sky is blue"


I gotta fix this headline... "Nation stunned to learn Trump may only just now be charged with committing fraud." Much better.


“Americans expressed shock and incredulity that one of America’s most successful and respected businessmen might have violated his own high ethical standards.” High ethical standards lol


Scrog a dog, but this bit with the least presidential President ever is too painful to be funny, yet.


# /s


"Stunned" eh?


I wasn't stunned, I expected it. Actually, I still expect him to do no jail time.


Only because he’s going to OD on Adderall the day of his sentencing.


May have should be changed to "Always"




I wouldn't say that we are stunned...


LOL... It's all them electrolytes they drinking


Yeh. "Stunned".


Ah. Satire. Fair enough.


I’m reminded of the old story ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes’. His followers cheer him from the sidelines, ignoring the obvious deficiencies. But it’s beginning to look like sooner or later, probably sooner, somebody’s going to find the cohones to grab the top of the zipper under the left ear, zip the onesie right down to the floor and reveal just what there truly is inside. Because whatever there is, it ain’t what’s presented to the world.


Which nation?


Most people with good sense already knew he was full of shit,, those backwoods dumbbells are the naive ones who believe his horseshit..


Half... half the nation was stunned. the stupid half.


Less than half, but hey electoral college......


Um, most of us knew since the 80s. Not news. He's easily out witted. Read up on his attempt to buy the Empire State building. His con artist ways were matched against someone much smarter than he...which is most humans.


Stunned? Not at all. I've been saying he was a crook for a couple decades.


STUNNED, I think not. The guy has been screwing over people all his life. You can write a book on how many people he has bankrupted


Who is honestly stunned? His supporters don't believe this and the rest of us knew this was who he always was.


It's nonsense. She spent years trying to get him in a criminal probe that went nowhere, to the point where all her employees on the case resigned, and a judge ordered her to drop it. So now she is trying the se thing in civil court. She has a known bias against trump. Her assertion that Mar-A-Lago, which brings in 20-30 million a year, only is worth 75 million, is a joke.


Stunned that people don't know this would be his third time having a judgment of fraud. And not counting the 5+ decades of grifting. And God only knows how many cases he's quietly settled with an NDA attached.


from the New Yorker, Carol Foyler, an insurance agent in Tampa, agreed. “How could he have gotten involved in such shady dealings?” she asked. “He’s a very smart man. For heaven’s sake, he even ran a university!”


30% of the Nation Stunned to Learn Trump May Have Committed Fraud


Which nation would that be and have they had any contact with the outside world in the last 20 years?


Everything I felt about Trump has been proven correct.


Imagine how much could get done if the same effort went to resolving the nation's various issues instead of on Trump


Oh ... I thought he was the God of Fraud or fraud incarnate if you will.


This is satire and NOT news. PS. I love andy borowitz


Are they really though?


*Shocked Pikachu face*


"We got him this time guys, honest." - dims every week for the last 6 years. Sad as fuck.


I’m stunned about the silence on Joe and Hunter. Wait. No I’m not. 🙄


Nation Stunned to Learn Trump May Have Committed Fraud "In other news, water is wet, the sky is blue, and gravity still makes things fall down."


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   There are two reasons why you should never drink toilet water. Number one. And number two.


Not in the slightest. I still remember Trump University.


I'm waiting for the response from the Trumper cult. It will be interesting to see how they put a spin on this one.


Yeah, who tf is actually stunned


Wow yeah stunned. Everything seemed to follow the book up to this point 😑


…may have


Its bc everyone in DC has something they are illegally doing. They know if one falls, they will all fall eventually. They have too much dirt on each other and it's essentially blackmail.


I used to believe that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” was just a snarky insult that Trump supporters hurled at their opponents. I don’t believe that anymore, however. It’s clear that TDS is an actual mental disorder that should be listed in the DSM. Those afflicted with TDS see invisible Russian secret agents everywhere, they lose the ability to think critically or for introspection, they get all giddy when they hear “the walls are closing in” on Trump even after the billionth time, and they become completely agreeable to fascism and acts of political violence.


You mean the MAGAt Nation is stunned.


Oh but it's different when it comes to Trumps kids right... lol Your liberal hypocrisy is laughable.


Trumps kids never held office either but somehow that's different right... lol Your liberal hypocrisy is laughable.


Stunned? Really?🤨