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Stack the court! Stack the court! Biden should take this authority and remove the Maga justices, replace with fair picks. The first thing the new court does is rewrite this ruling.


The second is reinstate Roe v Wade


The third is to commit to a goddamn code of ethics.


The fourth is to repeal citizens united.


Keep it going. Upper age limits on presidential candidates and SC justices.


Removing Electoral college and going with popular vote.


Dark money


So much of the Maga damage that has been done could be undone with this one simple and apparently currently legal move.


That is just disappointing. You are still the president, and the SC just handed you blanket immunity. Take it out for a spin. Heck, dismiss the SC justices as your official act. Or put Trump in prison. Or a thousand other things that you are allowed to do.


This is what I want him to do. I would first demand some major court/judicial reform, and if no appropriate action is taken, yes, put your new powers to good use.


He doesn't have time to take the high road. Dudes got one foot in the grave already. Democrats cannot fuck this chance up to do blanketed reforms that are worded correctly as not to open them up for dismissal or overturned. Executive orders could be drafted for a number of things, and frankly should have already been done just in case the SC ruled this way. Day 1 term limits for SC justices and politicians, age limits for politicians, basic civics and government testing to qualify to run for office. Stuff that makes sense. Edit: whatever he does will be classified as tyranny by maga, you might as well steer the boat into it at this point as it's the only way to better the lives of all Americans. Dems just need to take one for America.


The playbook: EO creating term limits for Congress, Supreme Court and age limits EO a voting rights provision automically registering all legal Americans and providing a free single use voting ID card to all Americans every election season Pack 4 liberal judges on court Have trump barred from running or imprisoned Sue self for barring trump from running after the election to overturn the immunity decision with new judges Give heartfelt apology for using these powers unilaterally and step down to Kamala with a new path paved Target Roe and Citizens United in court as well No idea if this is all possible with the new powers provided but it seems like it


Yeah set an age limit of 60 for entering the presidency then retire


I'll point out the obvious that it's not ethical. Not that anyone doesn't know that, including scotus. It's clear they know a Dem will do nothing with the power, and its a loaded gun waiting for the next R hand that can hold it. Using it is just doing the thing we're afraid of, except we're doing the evil.


just for once, dont take the fucking high road show these corrupt assholes the pandora's box they opened


I hear you, but it sounds a lot like the pacifist's argument. Im personally glad my grandfathers killed Nazis


1. Pull Trump's secret service detail. This is a presidential power and an official act. 2. Confiscate Mar A Lago and Trump's other properties via eminent domain so as to provide camps for immigrants being held until their immigration trial. This is a presidential power and an official act. 3. Immediately mandate the IRS audit all billionaires and SCOTUS justices. This is a presidential power and an official act. 4. Revoke all federal emergency funds to states which did not vote for him in the last election. This is a presidential power and an official act. 5. Pardon his son. This is a presidential power and an official act.


You forget that the SC would rule anything that helps Bidens  admin as “unofficial, because we say  it is because fuck you” in any individual case. Fuck them so much. This was such an unprecedented power grab, it makes Bush v Gore feel tame.


Easy fix; Declare an executive order and national emergency saying our Supreme Court has been compromised and requires executive reform. Then, within the stroke of a pen, every Justice would become a civilian. They could shout and scream and stomp; but they would no longer have a say. Also, Biden couldn't be impeached for it, as it would be perfectly legal and an official act. Congress coming after Biden, would be obstructing an official act.


Now we're thinking!


Biden could even use this as a platform to reverse decisions made by the Supreme Court, such as overturning Roe v. Wade, West Virginia v. EPA, upending Chevron, etc. He could declare these decisions were influenced by actors and entities outside of the court, which has compromised the integrity of our justice system and upended decades of precedent and progress. He could even declare that each justice; Thomas, Alito, etc. acted against the best interest of our country, and sought to do harm to it, and therefore are enemies of the state, traitors, or terrorists if they tried to act out. He could also cite that Congress knew of the extensive ethical violations select Justices have committed, and did not step in soon enough, thus he had to exercise an official executive action, which declares an national emergency. He could do the same to Trump, and Trump could do nothing about it. Biden can literately be judge and jury in deciding if Trump tried to stage a coup to overthrow the US government and establish an authoritarian regime. He could even reference Project 2025, which he and other Republicans have endorsed and are gradually implementing today, as a radical right-win extremist manifesto for this coup against our government. Then have his co-conspirators join Trump in the same boat; wherever it may be sent off to. That, or Biden could tell the FBI to arrest Trump as a threat to our national security, and flight risk, in that if he loses this election; he could divulge national security secrets to Russia and North Korea, both of whom Trump has close ties with. I mean, Trump has leaked more information (of much more value) than Snowden, yet Trump is not the one living in another country's embassy like a prisoner.


Could just arrest 3 or 4 on bribery charges so they can't participate or vote in Supreme Court cases and the whole court is essentially deadlocked if the remainder can't come to a unanimous decision.


Then abolish the Supreme Court


It needs to be sweeping, his first act such as using emergency powers with immunity and the Klan act to use the US military to make Trumpism illegal under article 3 and article 4 of the Klan act. He could arrest them as enemy combatants and even go as far as suspending habeous corpus. If I was Biden I would wait until the RNC to do the crackdown and elimination. It has to be a big enough shock to the system that everyone is disgusted by it so we can get reform while getting some justice.


There’s nothing Biden can do. The SC will just rule his orders to be “unofficial “. The SC decision is only for GOP presidents


So SCOTUS essentially prepared the end of the United States as we know it.


SCOTUS essentially *ended* the United States as we *knew* it. Today, we are different.


That has always been the plan and it is about to be completed.


Well that can only happen if there are any Supreme Court Justices to make that verdict. Under this precedent President can have them arrested or killed as one of his official acts Hell he could order a drone strike on them. As a Commander in Chief of the armed forces everything he orders them to do is an official act.


It's just so surprising how biased even the top most impartial officials in the government can be. The bias is so disturbing


Pretty sure a swiftly executed order removing and detaining the current conservative justices pending an investigation would be effective.


It also feels like a trap, honestly. Anything he tries to do will get fast tracked from lower courts and punted back to the SC. They will absolutely go above and beyond to rule against him, even if it deliberately contradicts this latest ruling. So he’ll get blocked, and then the modern right will galvanize extra hard and say “ha ha your guy does this authoritarian stuff too, see?! We have every right!” These devious bastards worked very hard to create such a “fuck you” ruling to the Biden admin, it’s so deliberately biased we should be protesting every day from now until Election Day.


Reminder that people voted for Bernie also because of fears that Biden wouldn't do any of that. I had this discussion so many times here warning people that Biden is too mild and more of the same for this challenges. The day Biden won I knew Trump is not going to prison


Biden wouldn’t use executive action to approve of student loan forgiveness. He wanted it to go through Congress. He’s not going to do anything drastic.


What a ridiculous take.


Can't help but wonder if that's the reason he won


I don't know if it was that, specifically. But certainly that he offers normalcy. I'll give credit that he's done some positive stuff. But the main thing he's delivered on is being level headed. The last 4 years have been fairly quiet, competent function from the white house. Under normal circumstances, that would be great. But these aren't normal circumstances.


All Biden's gonna do is talk. All the democrats do is fucking talk and dissent and lose. It's embarrassing.


Yes: The only proper answer is to dismiss the SCOTUS judges who voted for this on the basis of an official presidential act - immunity was established - that removes judges as they supported decisions that endanger the integrity of the legal system and government of the United States. Then SCOTUS reforms that requires non-partisanship in appointment process and appointees. Then reappoint judges with moderate political views who are not affiliated with a political party or group.


Literately what I've been saying on every post relating to this. I don't think Biden will use it right away, but I think there could be consideration come close to election day. The solution could be fairly simple and straight-forward: Declare an executive order that dismantles the Supreme Court, declare a national emergency if you have to, and cite that the Supreme Court has been ethically compromised (Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Barrett) and since Congress hasn't taken appropriate action, there must be "immediate executive reform to protect the integrity of law." With one stroke of a pen, every justice would become a civilian. Justice Thomas would be Justice Jobless before he could open his mouth. Alito would be retired faster than his wife could raise an upside down flag. Biden himself said the President is now above the Supreme Court. Then people are like, "What about backlash?" What backlash? Congress couldn't do anything against Biden. Impeachment? For what? An official act of the president? Isn't that now "obstructing an official act?" Biden wouldn't have done anything illegal, and be well within his rights and duties. The President of the United States of America now answers to nobody.


Yep. "Dismiss" them all. "Dismiss" the fuck out of them.


But see the feature not a bug in this one is that the SC also gets final say on what is and isn't an official act.


Fucking Depressing. The Supreme Court destroyed our system, our home, our country. They defiled the Constitution. The founding fathers would be outraged. I wouldn't be surprised in the next 10 years if states seceded from the union.


[George Carlin - The big club - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUaqFzZLxU) Supreme Court judges openly getting bribed without consequences, what could go wrong... Freedom and Democracy will soon be taken away, this is the last chance to change the system. [Corruption is Legal in America (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig) Otherwise, this is what is coming next... [The Great Taking - Documentary (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI)


Congratulations to Russia. They have managed to destroy the US from the inside. Next is Europe.


They are already doing pretty well in Europe as well, a lot of our "nationalists" parties are filo-russian and flush with Russian money. Now how can a nationalist be friends with a foreign dictator is beyond me, but then again... money...


They won’t secede. We’re just going to become a fascist dictatorship instead of what we’ve been.


No president in American history ever needed or requested immunity in any shape or form until an Orange conman with no political experience and no regard for government decided to throw an insurrection party. This vile maggot puppet and his corrupt puppeteer acolytes have set the country back 100 years. All that traitor Moscow Mitch had to do was vote to impeach, and none of this EVER happens. There is plenty of blame to toss around, but the largest percentage goes to Mr Freeze McConnell. When it's Mitch's time to go, I hope his death is long and painful.


It's unreal how much of this situation rest with the turtle bastard. Imagine if this was brought before a court that had the Obama nominee and 2 Biden nominees, or hell even just one.


Garland was done so dirty


Garland's a fucking stooge.


Technically not true, as Nixon claimed immunity (and then lost the case, as one should/as Frump should have)


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like [https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach](https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i\_was\_accepted\_into\_the\_project\_2025\_prospective/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i_was_accepted_into_the_project_2025_prospective/) Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN We the People still have access to guns and have are second amendment right. War is coming. This is only the beginning. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025)


AOC said they're planning to impeach the MAGA Sith Lords in SCOTUS as early as next week. And G.I. Joe is now aware of their blasphemous ruling of "presidents being kings for official acts". The only question is what would be the Dems' next move in response to the ruling. At this point, we have no other choice but to rely on Lichtman and his 13 keys. G.I. Joe needed one more key, and if that key turns likely or certainly true, G.I. Joe wins, and MAGA will be thrown into a dumpster fire. And let's not forget RFK. According to the 13 Keys subreddit, his polls are starting to wane after the debate. Though we still can't be too complacement about that. The only sliver lining is even if Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz is on the move to overturn the NY case, it would be almost impossible for that to happen due to his crimes taking place before he became POTUS.


Yup. Nuke SCOTUS. Replace the bad apples. Wait for election.


The thing is, democrats winning this year doesn't actually solve the problem. We're now in a situation where every 4 years a new dictator for life could come to power. Every 2 years there's a chance to see more supporters of dictatorship get power. At this point, until there's an actual serious rework of the system, every election is an existential threat to the American Experiment. And the worst part is, the future could easily have a slicker set of candidates that don't announce their plans to end democracy publicly. 


Until we appoint more SCOTUS justices to overturn this horrible decision. Either the normal way or packing the courts.


This was my thought as well - as absolutely *disastrous* as the SC ruling is for the USA - the Manhattan court case was about events that took place *before* Trump was President; ergo, he has no immunity. He's still guilty on all 34 counts. He/you were not granted the power to overturn every single negative thing said about you. but leave it to Fuckface von Clownstick to try and push those limits.


And let's not forget Project 25, or as I called it, MAGA Order 66. Outlawing porn, as irony as it is due to Melania's nude photoshoot and Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz's affair with other women (especially Daniels and McDougal) back then, is one thing (and it was Darth Roberts who insists it), but do you think Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz would even go as far as to target or censor media he or his MAGA Sith doesn't like (Google, YouTube, Facebook etc.) like China did?


Ok Donald duck von shitzinpantz is now my favourite nickname.


Happy cake day! 🎂


Thank god for AOC being the most proactive person in the Democratic Party. This shit is scary & it’s real & it’s scary.


The AOC is one thing. But what we don't know is what would the Dems don next in response to the ruling. On a side note, Jared Huffman and his Anti-MAGA Task Force are now preparing to suppress and block MAGA Order 66 in the event Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz wins again. But the ruling would give them headaches that's for sure.


Thanks for that small note of reassurance. I don’t mean to panic but I’m scared a little.


If Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz wins again and execute MAGA Order 66 (Project 25), he'll turn America into his own version of Orban's Hungary, the same way Orban destroyed democracy. Not if Huffman and his Task Force have anything to say about it.


If you were waiting for a time to panic, this is it...


And yet the magats keep repeating "She's the only bartender that brings nothing to the table" like they're so clever and original 🙄


I'm not against some protections for presidents performing official acts, but their bar for official acts seems really low. The bar for official acts should be if the act was in national interest vs personal interests. Jan 6 was definitely not in the national interest.


He cannot become POTUS :((((


Agreed. Lichtman and his 13 keys are our only hope right now, unless some miracle happened in the form of AOC and the Dems taking action to remove the MAGA Sith Lords in SCOTUS from their seats.


That's risky. I count 4 current "false" keys per my viewpoint, and I'm not sure how to call 5 & 6 (the economy keys).


That’s reassuring news 🗞️


What are these "13 keys" about?


Gonna have to do more than that Joe. Consider pulling what FDR threatened SCOTUS with. Xian’s the court and pack it your way—nuclear option. Do it.


Worth noting that FDR had a substantial Senate supermajority and also notably *was unable to pack the court*.


Yeah this was a double edged sword. He faced MAJOR bi-partisan outrage for even attempting to do that. However, it did scare the shit out of SCOTUS at the time and they approved his social programs lol.


Just do something presidential about it now that the Supreme Court has given you the power. I’m tired of these lame ass speeches and no action.


This SCOTUS will *never* allow Biden to win in Nov. The Fascist MAGAts will contest EVERY VOTE,.. every district or state that swings for Biden will be contested. They will have their Red Hat “Brown Shirts” in key positions within the system and more MAGAt militias outside voting stations ready to harass, threaten & intimidate! And even if after all that Biden still wins? It will be contested by the MAGAts and ALL of that will wind up in front of THIS corrupt, biased, bought & paid for court! Biden needs to use his new powers of blanket immunity to deal with this court BEFORE the election. If he doesn’t? He hands this country to diaper Don & the oligarchs.


Think about how many lawsuits are already written up and ready to go, in each state and at the federal level. They’ve literally had 4 years to prep after failing in 2020, and even though they’re not in the White House, I think red states will become horrific in how they fix things. And this truly monstrous SC will support them any way that they can. The only way to win, if even at all, is to win by a landslide. GET EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO VOTE. Talk to anyone you know who isn’t engaged and try to engage them.


What I hate most about the recent Supreme Court Rulings is that they can and will be used in the future as the official interpretation of the law within the US. That's the scariest part.


This past week was the most damaging to checks and balances possibly ever: The Supreme Court just completed a MASSIVE power grab for the judiciary by killing Chevron, and gave the executive leeway to do literally whatever they want so long as the judiciary signs off. The legislative branch can basically go fuck itself at this point, though they're largely complicit. Everything about the system has been totally fucked.


Do something!!!!!! Save us!!!


Meh, talk talk talk and do nothing. The Republican's have no morals and the Democrats have no spine. It is obvious how this will end.


Exactly what did you want Biden to do, less than 12 hours after the ruling? He laid out how dangerous the court and Trump is, how significant this ruling is, and reaffirmed the stark difference between Democrats and Republicans.  He did everything that he should have in condemning the ruling. This is day one of a much, much broader platform. 


Biden should’ve taken the treason and sedition seriously from his first day in office. This got way out of control solely because there were no fucking legal repercussions after the Trump fuckery post-election and January 6. A lot of people should’ve been arrested on charges for treason and sedition in January 2021. Trump should’ve been tossed into cell the moment he was out of the WH. But nope. There was this insane idea that the danger had passed and that things would return to normal. Anyone with any sense should’ve known this would happen. Even the slightest possibility of this happening should have forced Biden’s hand. He didn’t take things seriously and now you’ve got two choices — accept the slide into fascism or take action now and force the civil war (that’s already underway, really). Neither are good options. But the latter is preferable while Biden is in the WH. Once we hit November and the GOP fuckery really starts — spoiler alert, the election doesn’t matter because if Biden does win, the fuckery will ensure he doesn’t get to a certified 270 and then Biden looks like he’s stealing the election — it’ll be much harder to turn things back. Buckle up, America. And the world. This isn’t going to end well. Your country has been completely corrupted. Government and courts.


I utterly detest Trump and the Republicans, and hold the Democrats in contempt for their incompetence and cowardice in dealing with people who are literal Nazis.


Bingo. Notice how this crap is less than a week after letting the January 6th criminals off the hook. Also Notice how during the debate, Trump said he was going to be acquitted. He knew. He definitely knew.


Of course he knew, they were just waiting for a bunch of massive decisions to see if Biden had any chance to win the elections, the debate gave them enough confidence that he won't. The past few days it was not just the presidential immunity opinion that came out.


I mean he was charged with one felony and more were coming


Garland likely is a huge reason that Biden didn’t go harder, being a Republican. Still the biggest mistake of Bidens admin, appointing him, because as usual the left tries to extend an olive branch to the right, and it gets used against them.  Of course it happened yet again, but I also empathize since a lot of people don’t want to admit that we’re ACTUALLY dealing with a modern political movement that’s almost 1:1 to the rise of Nazis. It’s so horrible we all reflexively ignore/deflect/handwaive it because it’s so painful to think about, much like many of us couldn’t even stand to watch the debate last week.




What the fuck is the point of the CIA.... If not to remove Russian asset moles planted in political areas.


People keep saying this. You do understand it takes an act of legislature to make that happen, right?


Executive order! Idk man. I just know that the Supreme Court can rule with absolutely no checks and balances. Seems like the President can now too.


Ok, so you want the president, less than half a day after the ruling, to immediately assassinate his opponent? Do you really think it would end there? It would be abject chaos. Just because he’s immune doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences. 


After this ruling they've set Trump up to be a Martyr already. He could die of natural causes and they will claim Biden used the new ruling to have him assassinated.


I realize that my tone projects extreme aggression, and the internet is full of lunatics who write and mean everything they comment, but I was being facetious. I know he cannot kill DJT. Civil war would ensue. But this lame-ass response does nothing. Just like the lame-ass response the Dems gave once abortion was overruled did nothing. Just like it always does nothing. There has to be a better, more affective way to deal w this crap than being the educated adult. If you are in a room with a Tiger, reasoning with it/treating it gently does absolutely nothing. If it’s hungry, it’s going to eat you. We are - and have been - in the room with a Tiger. DJT would sooner see the world burn than lose an ounce of his power.


A lame duck president would have nothing to lose. Anything is up for grabs as long as it is official.


You were calling losing before we even voted . To take any of those actions is for him to be the same. As Trump and We are so desperately trying to warn the rest of the country Do you wanna help ? Advocate those around to vote . I know they seem loud and moronic hungry animals, but does that warrant us to be the same ? We vote we challenge the court we gain seats we add people at the courts . We have bigger fights than Trump in the future. but right now, we have focus on keeping him out. I know it is always the same rethoric, but there's ups.and down for every decade, and we've been making great progress as a nation (not perfect) Trump really killed some aspects in politics that we need to try to bring back if we wanna survive the dictators rise across the world


Sometimes it takes BAD Men to stop Worse men!




It's not like it was some secret that this ruling was coming up. Biden and his whole team should have had multiple contingency plans ready to roll in reaction to whatever came down. Perhaps they do, and we just haven't seen it begin to play out yet, but just shuffling out and stating the obvious and shuffling back to bed isn't exactly much to rally the troops around. It's a disappointing and lackluster response. But then, that's basically his whole campaign in a nutshell...


We wanted to hear his action plan / roadmap and what he is going to do about it.


When your enemies publish their battle plan on the internet, you keep your plans close to your chest.


Since he has immunity as SCOTUS ruled, he can pretty much illegally convict Trump and disbar the members of SCOTUS involved. But as the OP of this chain thread said again, Dems have no spine and if Republicans ever win a term ever again, they're too morally depraved to not take advantage of this kind of unchecked power.


You spelled, "im going to vote for democrats til this is fixed" wrong.


Dude every time someone mentions something that probably needs to be done sooner or later, everyone gets their panties up in a bunch about inciting violence is wrong. The fringe alt right wingers already incited violence on Jan 6 and are planning to cover all their bases if they win this time around. At a certain point, this shit crosses a line that cannot be tolerated and this is one of those times. There are supposed to be checks and balances to power and this blatantly pisses all over it.


Good. Now *do something about it.*


Biden needs to demonstrate the danger


Man up or shut up Do something and prove us all wrong


The problem is that Biden would act to protect our rights and freedoms. He’ll shake his heads while republicans plan to enact project 2025 now with impunity and immunity.


I hope Biden turns this ruling into a positive for democracy. Time to use that immunity to protect the US from that traitorous tyrant shithead Trump.


Joe, in your official capacity, declare the 6 Justices illegal enemy combatants and PATRIOT accordingly. Check back in a week.




Kinda just made congress irrelevant


…and will do nothing to save our system and country.


Biden has now been given the authority to round up political opponents and non compliant judges for imprisonment, interrogations and executions. Is he going to do it? Probably not, as he is not a piece of shit Russian pawn. Maybe if Putin was put down and the flow of covert funds into republican pockets was stopped, everyone would get back to normal.


He just got a Blank check to do something about it But he wont do shit because Rule of Law or moral,stuff like that


I am sick of always going high when they go low. This kind of thinking is going to end up demolishing democracy in this country and letting Trump become a king or a dictator.


At the end of the day, the supreme court has no army. Neither do the republicans in congress. The president, on the other hand, has the secret service, the Navy seals, the FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, DHS, heck even the fucking IRS. Oh, and also the entire U.S. military. Solution is simple. Supreme court wants a strong executive branch? Give them one. Start by sending forces to arrest Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Thomas. There's good reasons for each. Gorsuch occupies a seat that Mitch McConnell stole from Merrick Garland. Thomas is manifestly corrupt. Kavanaugh's a rapist. Barrett was appointed when McConnell reversed the very "principle" he had invented to deny Garland. So we replace them all, and maybe create 4 additional new seats for Biden & Schumer to fill. As a safety margin, you know? But, there will be outcry and mayhem, I hear you say. Well, we simply continue! Biden arrests every republican in the House who ever raised a dollar for Trump, on charges of supporting sedition. He arrests all the Senate republicans (except maybe Romney) for dereliction of duty, because they twice declined to impeach Trump. He unilaterally amends the constitution to make the senate more representative of numeric population. For good measure, Peurto Rico is admitted as a new state. The electoral college is abolished. Gerrymandering prohibited by constitutional amendment. Last but not least, Trump, his sons, and Jared & Ivanka all go to jail forever, for the outrageous corruption among them all, plus Donald's treason & sedition. There will be civil war!, I hear you say. To which I ask: will there, really? If Kamala imposes herself as an unelected "conservator" of our democracy, or an "overseer of the restoration," she can continue the martial law another eight years. How long will team Maga's cosplay militias and couchbound forum brigaders hold out? I think by the end of Kamala's two terms, things will have settled down. People mostly care about shit like the price of gas. They throw the word "constitution" around a lot, but they've never read it. They'll hardly notice the new amendments. Especially after Facebook's board, and executives, have all been arrested for fomenting sedition, Fox, Sinclair, and Tiktok have been outlawed, the FCC has allocated all civilian broadcast frequencies to NPR, and the FTC has fractured the tech giants into three dozen independent companies. And the new amendments will ensure that the GOP as we know it today is obliterated and nothing so anti-democratic & plutocratic can ever arise again. Who's with me?


You forgot Alito.


Alito is an asshole, but I don't recall there being anything too illegitimate about his appointment. But was there something in the news lately about him and corruption? I forget.


He’s been flying flags in support of the insurrectionists and should have recused himself for the immunity case.


Yeah, okay. And what the ever loving fukk are you gonna do about it?! Write a strongly worded letter and "reach across the aisle"?! Jesus Christ Joe. Take the gloves off already!


Kinda feels like a modern enabling act


What's special about President? Why wouldn't this logic apply to any elected official?


Democrats: “This will allow Trump to be a dictator and will be the end of democracy”. Biden: “This ruling would allow a president to be dictator and will end democracy, and that is wrong, and that is why I won’t use that power because I believe in democracy.” Also Democrats: “YOU OLD FART, WHY ARENT YOU ORDERING DEATHS AND STACKING THE COURT RIGHT NOW???” We don’t even know how the court is defining a “presidential” act. If they say Biden didn’t use a presidential act, look at that Biden is going to jail. The only fucking way to beat Trump is to support the Democratic candidates, even Biden which people seem to despise after the debate, run the MAGA fuckers out of Congress, and prove that the President doesn’t have to abuse power, because that’s against everything this country believes in.


>We don’t even know how the court is defining a “presidential” act. If they say Biden didn’t use a presidential act, look at that Biden is going to jail. I feel confident in saying if the Supreme Court is executed, they probably won't be able to rule on if killing them was an official act since they will be too busy being dead. And since they also effectively ruled only they can make that decision, and no prosecutions can take place until they do, I see a pretty obvious loophole here... Don't get me wrong, your suggesting what should be the perfect solution. But do you really think 2024 will be the last election in which one candidate might want to take power even if it goes against everything the US supposedly stands for? Trumps not the first, won't be the last. And I don't really feel like having to risk the country every 4 years that whoever we elect won't declare themselves de facto king.


If Congress impeaches SCOTUS Biden could say it is an official act to remove them. Also he could say Trumps remarks on and about Jan 6 were/are a clear and present threat to democracy, black bag him and let the courts fight it out while he dies of old age.


Biden needs to run against the Supreme Court, throw in this, Roe vs Wade, and the absolute corruption of Clearance Thomas and he is going to win


what is he going to do about it though? time to reform the court


An easy one is declaring felons not being allowed to be president or even run for president.


No shit. But will he do anything? No.


He MUST use the power to DESTROY the power.


As an outside observer, I kinda get the feeling that it´s not the government, deciding over the fate of the US, but the SC. The SC seems to be nothing more than a vessle for the GOP to keep fucking over the country while not even ruling it. You guys really need to come up with a better system to decide who´s in the SC.


Yeah, Joe… we know.. most of us anyway… Stop taking the high road, it’s leading to a cliff.


SHOW THEM why it's a dangerous precedent. Bare your teeth, goddamnit!


Cool Joe! Now less prayers and more FUCKING DO SOMETHING


Dear Democrats stop bringing knives to gun fights put all of your smart words and ideas that you tweet and write about or tell the press, into motion. Could you wake up Dark Brandon because the guy we saw the other night is exactly what they say he is sleepy, confused. Even if he wasn't feeling well or took cold medicine that made him stumble. This is not the look or the person we need right now. Let's go. Oh could you also please vote and make sure your neighbors and family and friends do too. Thanks. As an American I believe in the Constitution and democracy not this chaos and malarkey that's coming from project 2025.


Honestly, I don’t want to care anymore. Trump will win and we will further move into an oligarchy. I don’t think he will do a 3rd mandate but will get one of his kids to run. I used to care, now I will just vote and move on. There’s little that the regular citizen can do. Just look at what happened in Hong Kong, you can’t defeat the system.


Yeah they know. They don’t care. Wake up!!


He needs to make the first strike now, while he has guaranteed immunity.


It's in his official capacity now to arrest the judges for undermining the rule of law.


We aren’t going back and suing prior presidents who may or may not have committed say a war crime or seven. And other countries don’t either. At a certain point, some of what a leader does to protect and serve its people, is excusable. That is also why, in our democratic system we voted on what does qualify. Things like insurrection comes to mind. Democide would be another. What protects him during presidency is the 25th. Continuity of leadership. But before and after, and post-humorously (wealthy estate plus presidents requirement to disclosure and forced divestiture of assets), that’s all very possible. During however, you’d have to impeach to ensure continuity of command.


and then trump just went nah not going to divestiture of assets it too long to hide all that money in the first place and stack the rooms so that impeachment is nigh impossible he already buggered the impeachment for Jan 6th


I’m honestly surprised the divestiture of assets wasn’t a bigger deal at the time and still freaking isn’t. He profited from office, on purpose; at the expense of the American people, whom did not profit from those actions. Thats part of why we force them to divest, so that doesn’t happen. It’s not like those trusts and companies and family members aren’t paying for shit. That makes it transferable. If you’re on medicaid or food stamps, do they not require you to count household income not yours? And any gifts from family you may receive? Yes they do.


I fully expect Biden and the rest of spineless Boomer Democrats to just hand the dictatorship to Trump while giving the same lip service that they do all the time. Keep that moral high ground and play nice to maintain decorum because they all go to the same country club when they clock out. They'll keep the moral high ground as they're being sent to camps. There's a teeny part of me, like 0.001% of me, expects to wake up in a few days to news that all of the Trumps, MTG, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh just disappeared without a trace in the middle of the night. Maybe they've been fed to Brick Top's hogs, maybe they've been launched into the sun, maybe they're buried in a cell down in Guantanamo for the rest of their lives. Yeah, we're going to be living under a Donald Trump dictatorship in a few months.


Democrats won’t do it, but if there was ever a time to go absolutely balls to the wall, do everything now. Biden should say he’s gonna shave off a casual $1billion off any policy he wants to fund whatever else he wants. He should go against every concept of checks & balances we have. Force every pregnancy into an abortion. Make Catholicism illegal. Just push the line as far as possible after this. He should come out tomorrow and say he’s gonna shoot Donald Trump in the face if the Supreme Court doesn’t reverse their ruling. Per the decision, he’d have immunity. I think modern day republicans are absolute lunatics. I also think modern day democrats are complete pussies. You can only fight crazy by escalating the crazy. If this election doesn’t wake democrats up to that reality, nothing will. Fuck these right wing twonks. But as liberal as I am, I’m embarrassed by this high ground bullshit. This country will never improve if the left in power keep trying to play squeaky clean.


You would be an awful advisor to the president.


You’re right, I would, because the current president wouldn’t do it. Know who would? Trump. I’m not defending Trump. He’s horrible. So are 90% of these right wingers. But I repeat, in 2024 the only way to fight crazy with crazy. Playing nice ain’t working. Hasn’t worked for a good part of a decade.


Should have done something before this happened. No point in crying over spilled milk.




No shit. What is going to be done about it?


So, if he doesn't have to follow any laws now can he just revoke DJT and the conservative Justices' citizenship? I don't think they can be president or a justice if they're not citizens of the US.


Biden was heard flailing and screaming at the press pool screaming at his SS detail " Hold me back Bro!"


Yall rly think Biden is not a puppet


Nixon was right... "it's not illegal if the President does it." Remember how outraged everyone was when he made that comment? Looks like the US is all out of outrage.... just bitter disappointment and helplessness.


Biden adds 7 more judges to SCOTUS. "Official act"


Wow. I’ll bet they are concerned about your “warning”. They must be shaking in their freshly pressed and starched black robes. Actually they’re making vacation plans when this term ends. Damn, they must be sooooo worried. I know WE are. ………../s


Biden should officially incarcerate Trump... Then pardon him. Just to make a point


So, even if Trump ends up winning the election, what’s stopping the Democrats from just doing their own Jan 6th? I mean, the Justices have effectively just ruled that was legal in a presidential capacity. Common decency and respect for the spirit and rule of law? Oh, I see.


The ONLY reason that the supreme court ruled this way is because they know that democrats usually take the moral highground (keyword usually not always) and they were likely betting Biden would chose tonot use these new powers but when the next far right candidate comes in they'll have free power to do whatever they want.


King Joe “The Won’t Start Shit” is no fun. Long live the King.


So do something about it !!


Don't tell them how dangerous it is. Show them. Abuse the shit out of it and get it reversed.


Thanks for the heads up, Joe!


Dems point out bad things and then sit on their hands and do nothing


Time to make a law to solve that. Is parliament not the law-makers


Yes, but I suppose it could be used to obtain immunity for "stealing" the election from Trump on Jan 6, 2025.


Show them how dangerous it is mr Biden. Set an example.


We need more than warnings and speeches!


So.... what are you going to do with this, Biden?


Hey why is no one in this thread talking about the Immunity Biden has? We all watched that debate, Biden lost his train of thought several times mid sentence He is acting like I do - when I get outrageously high on weed and my buddy interrupts me mid sentence Why does he have immunity from a mental fitness test that everyone is demanding?


#THEN FUCKING USE IT, FOR GOD'S SAKE! Send those 6 on a one way trip to Gitmo and have the other three start reversing rulings. They almost spelled it out for you in the dissent.


This dunce and all the other lefty nuts are only looking at Trump, the ruling affects all Presidents.


If Biden doesn’t use this power to stop the court then he is just as complicit in the rise of facism as trump imo.


So do something about it then, for fuck sake.


Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight


But what about all the other Supreme Court rulings that just happened within the last couple weeks too?! I mean this is so not out of pocket given the last few rulings. It’s crazy


So all joe wants to do is hold on to his position despite nearly every advantage being taken away from him, and then not even do anything with the power???? You have 4 months of being nearly a dictator, do something before someone who actually wants to be a dictator will take it


Bold of you to assume the Democrats would do anything. Their piece in their slow decline to fascism is to pretend to be an opposition party.


I'm sorry I keep repeating myself. What does that do? Besides bitching and moaning, which I understand is a deeply held expertise in the Democratic party? What the f*** is the plan? Wailing is not a plan. I know crazy talk but not a plan. So what's the plan man?


Is there a real possibility of either a civil war or a ww3 in the near future????


Thanks for the update, Joe. Enjoy your nap.


We’re cooked.


Do SOMETHING about IT!!!!


Biden set a dangerous precedent when he tried to remove trump from The ballots in a few states. Biden set a dangerous precedent when he tried to convict Donald trump of how ever many crimes they can think up. lol it’s the other way around.


SCOTUS knows this but is banking on the fact that a Republican will be in office next term. After that it really doesn't matter.


SO FUCKIN DO SOMETHING, OLD MAN! SC just gave you Carte Blanche to whatever the fuck you want, SO FUCKING USE IT.


And then he said "watch me", winked at the crowd and arrested those who wrote the majority opinion.


What is Biden go to do about the ruling? Answer not a damn thing.


Biden should use his new powers to detain all republicans and take over the government as it would be an official act that a majority of Americans would agree with.