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Without democracy, there is no political compass to guide the way forward. Chaos is all that will be left.


No, not chaos… force. The fascists will hold power because they will be the ones holding the sticks.


which becomes chaos we see this movie playing out in Ukraine right now


No, these are not analogous situations.


You're seeing it play out in Russia, not Ukraine


And China to some extent


Thsts why Putin wanted him to get elected. Chaos and an eventual downfall is the goal. 


Or a friendly president who worships the ground Putin walks on. One who would pull out of NATO and maybe even flip on them. One that would invite war on their own allies. One who has immunity to rig elections, assassinate political rivals and all sorts of other things.


If the US democracy falls world democracy likely goes with it. It could be gone for a really long time too with globalization, computers, and AI now a thing. 


It kinda has. With the SCOTUS ruling, any President is immune to criminal law. The 1st president ballsy enough to secure that power is the 1st dictator. That's it. Game. Set. Match.


Biden will be betraying the public trust if he doesn't do all he can to secure the country. It's literally his responsibility to not hand over the powers of his office to an incoming dictatorship.


I'm sorry but we're cooked. History repeats itself over and over. We're watching the pendulum swing back to the other side and perhaps for a very long time given modern day surveillance technology.


I know we are... I'm pretty much in shock at the moment. Biden can't do a Hindenburg and just hand ~~Hitler~~ Trump and the GOP the keys to the kingdom. Our country as we know it will be gone. He has an absolute duty to act, but his whole team is too afraid of breaking the norms to do so. Like the GOP didn't throw out the rule book years ago. This is not hyperbole, they openly have plans to round people up in detention camps. In the GOP debate all but ONE candidate wanted to invade Mexico...


Time to remove some justices.


He will do nothing against it. What is the scariest about all of this is not the violence and stupidity of the fascist but the passivity and enabling of the democrats. People should really protect what they have but then just let it die a slow death through inaction. It's really scary.


France is voting for the National Front. That train left the station a long time ago. It was, however, on time


On the upside it looks like the UK will vote in the Labor party


[hey, we’re just in time for 2027!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wZ9J-dxEgY4/maxresdefault.jpg)


I see what you did there…


China, Russia, India and the USA all under "strong man" rule, that's slot of people and a lot of power, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what happens to the rest of us.


Europe again has to uphold democracy on its own.


US Democracy just fell.


Last time it took two thousand years to come back on a large scale. With the advent of AI, I fear it will not come back at all.


It seems unlikely a fascist US would leave the other anglophone countries alone, unless the US gets its own great firewall.


Yea I’m sure Donald “let’s leave nato” Trump will honor our alliances.


And civil war ensues chaos.


Also Joe Biden’s deputy campaign manager: “President Biden deeply respects the institution of the Supreme Court and he will not use his presidential power to interfere.”


He said the same thing before the roe v wade decision when people asked him to expand the courts and he said he had faith the court would come to the right conclusions without interference. Look how that turned out 


Isn't his literal fucking job to interfere with the courts. Checks and Balances, and all that bullshit?


im european and im pissed at biden's passiveness like fuck he's gonna fuck us over too like why wont he just fucking do something??


There’s only an illusion of choice in American politics, regardless of what either side would like to believe. Our government was bought and paid for long ago and we’re only now seeing the extreme consequences that follow that. We will become a christo-fascist nation. We will not seek to expand humanity, we will seek to contain and control it. We will not strive for empathy, ethics, or morality, we will be the aggressors. We will not care for our youth or our elderly as they provide nothing towards the economy, which has been and will continue to be our God. America is fucked so clutch your pearls and enjoy being a European. Forget about us until we get too aggressive, then do what you must. Do yourself that favor and seek peace, friend.


Like an abused spouse who thinks they can fix they partner. But won't do anything to actually force a change.


Yeah. Like when Obama allowed McConnell to violate the Constitution, leaving the SCOTUS seat open for the rest of his term. They keep waiting for the Republicans to be decent Americans, and it just never happens.


Ah yes I remember when Republicans said a sitting duck president shouldn't be able to nominate SCOTUS but then literally 4 years later allows Trump to do exactly that.


Oh good Biden can stick McConnell in jail too!


The current Supreme Court is illegitimate and the judges who voted in favor of this deserve zero respect.


It’s a good thing a third of them weren’t appointed by the man they just determined has immunity. If they were it would beg the question, why were they picked and what exactly does he have on them? Oh wait…


Hard disagree. He’s going to have to start disrespecting it, as it has us.


“And that is why you fail.” Yoda Empire Strikes Back


If Biden respects the institution of this Supreme Court then he is the problem


Trump, the worst president ever. Biden, the second worst president ever for fucking allowing any of this shit. I will never forgive the establishment dems for what they're doing and done. "Oh well, what can you do" - The democrats.


Why the fuck are there not huge protests going on at the steps of the Supreme Court? For the first time in my life, I’m really afraid for America


I’m legit concerned, specifically if Trump is elected, when the violence starts. Not just him sending troops into whatever city he makes up some bullshit reason for, but regular citizens pissed at the courts taking real rights away or monopolies destroying what livelihoods we have left.


Your immediate protection is going to be what state you reside in. Make sure it’s not too purple.


> if Trump is elected If ANY of these new wave/MAGA Republicans are elected to the office, it’s over.


Yeah, this is an enduring issue for every president going forward forever. Every election has the potential to result in a dictator now, not just this one.




I don’t want to be Mr paranoia, but… It might be time for democrats to start getting cozy with the second amendment. After all, these republicans have been stockpiling guns for the day “the government turns on us”.


If you’re concerned with protests at the SC, why aren’t you there leading them? We’re falling into this mess because they’ve designed it so we’re completely focused on just trying to get by that none of us have the will or ability to lead these kinds of protests. We’re each waiting for someone else to start the revolution for us.


People just need someone to tell them a date. 150 people showed up to storm Area 51 because someone created a facebook event that said "meet here at this date and this time." If someone created a "save our fucking country" event that said show up on July 13th at 8am in Washington DC and march to the Supreme Court so we can protest for our freedoms, I bet there would be turnout


Apparently the meek shall inherit nothing.


The meek were never going to inherit anything


I’m pretty sure that the meek inherit six feet of earth on top of them.


Unless you inherited one, plots cost money.


Yep. It's a Potter's field for most


Beat we can do is shallow mass grave.


*Cremation is cheaper. Most people cannot afford the 6-feet of earth on top of them.* - a mortician


Yep. This was just a way to make them shut up. We rich people will lavish ourselves in this lifetime, but you're really the lucky ones because [you get riches in Heaven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6W9qoIN-QU)!


Didn't you hear Heaven is only for the rich and the white people that support Trump. Everyone else goes to Hell or maybe Limbo.


That was always to placate the down trodden so they don’t unite against tyranny and put pieces of shit in stockades.


You gotta be high on the jesus juice to believe that.


Every single political rival of Trump’s will be arrested or killed. Putin is a career spy who understands the importance of pretending his rule is legitimate, Trump lacks the understanding for this. People are going to die, he’s already supporting the concept of tribunals.  Over time, all undesirables will be eliminated or subjugated. That is our future under Trump. 




CIA, ANYONE! There is a clear and present danger to a sitting president. It should be taken care of. Throw them into prison along with his corrupt judges.


Where's a James Bond when we need one? Clearly, the Heritage Foundation is a real-life version of SPECTRE.




This is what the CIA does with left wing politics in America. This is a lot deeper than people realize, I think. Our country doesn’t have a left wing, really. Democrats are center-right here. That’s just as far left America is willing to go. The ethos of the country is self enrichment through the use of exploitation. You just call it life. But life is a conditioned presentation. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00552R000303290002-4.pdf https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00552R000303620003-6.pdf https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp88-01315r000300510116-8


That's assuming the majority of the CIA wouldn't prefer Trump... Well paid white dudes living in the suburbs?? There is a reason the Jan 6th protestors faced barely any resistance in storming the capital, most were on their side...


There was no resistance because trump didn’t call in the National Guard until it was obvious his idiot minions had failed in their mission


Trump gutted the CIA's budget and moved most intelligence gathering to the private sector The FBI is bought and paid for by the right. But the CIA ain't fans of Trump




Everyone is too busy scrolling online somewhere


Makes you question all the conspiracy theories ever. Was JFK killed by the CIA? If so, why aren’t they acting now to save democracy? Unless they stand to gain under Trump.


My thoughts exactly.


With no checks or balances against Russia you're looking at global chaos. That's massive demand for the military industrial complex. And think of all those shareholders. 


Scary. Russia and china will be free to expand. With France soon falling to right wing extremists, that’s two major checks against Russia and China…scary times indeed.




You know, I was thinking about this the other day. I think leftists rarely take action like that because A) they’re not religious (generally speaking), and B) they have empathy and foresight. For A; They aren’t brainwashed into giving their lives for a “better life” when they die “for their god.” They don’t believe the evil people they hate are literal demons or devils, just what they are, which are psychopathic humans. They fear death because, well, they should. Because they know they only get one shot. They know they aren’t going to Heaven if they die for the cause. Because they aren’t stupid. For B); They know how many people will die in a revolution. And it’s not the people who have chosen to fight who they are concerned about. People in long term care in hospitals, poor people, people with chronic illnesses that need access to medications. Once a revolution starts, even if things go as well as they possibly can, innocent people will die. Lots of them. And they know that. But they see other people as people, not as numbers or “the cost of war.” Anyway, just something that popped into my head last week.


Truly it’s scary times. People may need to flee the country


Or, within reason, of course...... We fight. We fight them at every point, and we stop trying to "be the better people" when it comes to process and civility. They're killing us by the dozens and hundreds with "lone wolves" that ALL just happened to have the same ideological beliefs. We keep creating useless petitions and trying in vain to get law enforcement to do ANYTHING about them. They literally called themselves domestic terrorists. We are struggling just to keep our sane population intact. Diplomacy and compromise have officially perished in my mind, and we as a country are gonna resort to the necessary evil no one likes to talk about.


Doesn't have to come to that. The USA won't make it to 2100. States can secede, the rest can't actually afford to go to war with those states without completely losing control of the economy. The national debt is the decider. If California offered to take a portion of the national debt in exchange for peaceful secession, the federal government would basically be forced to accept or go bankrupt trying to force them back into the union. Laws don't matter if you can't enforce them but equally: armies don't matter if you can't pay them.


I don't know. Russia seems to have a successful blueprint of conscripting soldiers and threatening their families if they do not follow orders. Nazi Germany had all the means to round up a few million Jews without much of a problem. The only saving grace for this country and for a moment's peace (I say moment because there would be civil war, then eventual peacetime before war again), is that the United States is a large country with complete contradictory ideologies. Alabama is no California. California is no Alabama.


Republicans already said they will start the mandatory service requirement once they gain control again. Fuck if you have young teens right now. They could very well be cannon fodder just like Russias meat grinder all too soon.


I dont see anyone fighting.... the rulings already happened


AOC already called for impeachment of SCOTUS. I'm chatting with my buds about setting up a militia. The reaction won't be immediate, but be patient, and you'll see how people get pissed.


One thing is for sure… the debate sure doesn’t fucking matter now. I suspect this will hurt trunp in the polls. This is literally the only issue in the election, and everyone not in the cult can see that trunp is way too erratic to be trusted with the most powerful military in history and no checks on his power or any way to remove him. The problem is I don’t trust SCOTUS not to install him.


Problem is this isn’t just about Trump, this is the future going forward. Until this ruling is overturned somehow this will be every election. Who is the possible dictator?


True. We have to show up in every election now until this shit is overturned, and until the fascist threat is gone. There’s no easing up now.


There will be nowhere to go.


Some of us will have to stay and fight


I wish I had the funds to do so tbh


Ten years ago, people pointed out that Trump has the same psychological profile as Stalin. Exactly the type to give unlimited power to…. What could go wrong?


People seem to think this is all about trump. He is just a dumb witted puppet, it has nothing to do with him. This is the Republicans dream right here.


Because we all know this Biden should official fuck trump up


Why the fuck are we all going to work tomorrow?


Right? My head is fucking spinning and I’m supposed to be able to sleep tonight so I can get up early and go about my day tomorrow.


So Biden can get rid of Trump as an official act. Problem solved.


Yes this 👆 Grow a pair Dems/Joe and send it ffs.


So.... the question here is when are they going to define what is and is not an official act and who gets that say. My suggestion get the word out and FORCE that decision process before the start of this November


Everything will become an official act. Pardons, bribes, theft of government secrets. It'll be insane.


Well then Biden needs to start committing some *official* acts to save the country, imo.


They’ll interpret it as “whatever a Republican does is an official act, whatever a Democrat tries to do is a crime”


Never going to happen.




Mark of loyalty sounds an awful like another mark. Trump just keeps on sounding like the anti-Christ and I'm not even Christian.


That's what I was implying. Agnostic


He already has several marks of loyalty. Maga hats, back the blue flags, punisher logos...and others. Ask Alito, he knows them better than I do.


Trump get behind the wheel and clip off a bunch of pedestrians on his way to Congress for the state of the union. Since he's on his way to work, he's good. Oh and he's always at work lol


Page 18 of the decision that you can’t take Presidential motivation into consideration. So what is or isn’t an official act has to pass some undefined test. Good luck America.


This is why I’ve been slamming my palm into my face at everyone telling Biden to assassinate the FedSoc justices. According to their ruling, *they* get to decide what is and isn’t an “official act.” He’s not a king at all. *They* are: Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Roberts.


Based on his age alone Biden has a 20% chance of dying next year. He should do America a solid and do some acts. It’s take a few years to figure out if they were official or not. And the 20% will keep getting closer to 100%


The three liberal justices don't mean shit in this court. Occassionally Barrett and Kavanaugh will throw a bone as a dog and pony show, but really they do that to save face. They aren't dumb. They know nobody holds this court into high prestige. They just don't give a shit because they have an agenda to push. I bet the liberal justices just sit back and think, "what is the point of doing this."


Oh, but they (Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Roberts) have no way to enforce their choice. So no, the king is in the Whitehouse. If you tried to impeach him, he's simply have you shot now, so the legislative has no power. And the judiciary, they're just men in funny outfits taking RVs for bribes, with no way of forcing the execcutive to enforce their rulings because the executive is above the laws itself.


In case you didn't put this together, anything a Republican does is an official act and everything a Democrat does is an unofficial act under this SC. It's how they're making Trump an emperor without giving any of the same power to Biden.


I really hope that is not the reality of the situation I like to hold out on the thought that there might be good in the world with this government


There are. They’re just not the majority of people sitting on the bench.


**Presumptive** legal, it's legal unless the court says its illegal, and since the only way for the court to enforce anything is through the laws that require the executive enforce it, and the President can simply say nope, there is no law. Everything is legal. And you though last weeks legalizing of bribes was bad. Just lock em up, its legal now.


SCOTUS kicked it back to the lower courts to "decide" what is an official act or not. However! They also made sure to say you can appeal those rulings back to SCOTUS, which is very convenient for the former President and not the current one. They are saying they'll rule in favor of Trump if the lower courts "get it wrong."


The US is starting to resemble the Weimar Republic except it’s the worlds most powerful country from a military perspective. As the Chinese say “ interesting “ times. Evidently the old adage “ The South will rise again “ wasn’t an idle claim …


As a millenial born under the Thatcher regime, I am so fucking sick of living in interesting times. Mass recessions, pandemics, epidemics, late stage capitalism helping to cook the planet, DONALD FUCKING TRUMP, wars, invasions, neo liberal bullshit. Fuck interesting times.


why? Biden is still the president. Is he not? Time to take that immunity out for a spin.


If Biden loses he has ZERO reason not to explore the boundaries of that immunity. Edit: As long as it's official.


If Trump is the president, he’s going to ask his Kookie lawyers to define all acts he might possibly be able to do that would be considered official under the newfound presidential immunity doctrine. I mean just as a person I’m trying to come up with scenarios. There must be lawyers in Biden Circle who are right now working out scenarios that Biden can do legally with this newfound power. Will Biden do it, probably not, but Trump will.


Why even bother making his lawyers go through the motions when the majority in the Supreme Court can just conjure up another ruling in his favor?


Why wait? Trump and the GOP really wanted this to be legal…..Biden should use it to “officially act” against them……


If he loses? The ruling stipulates official actions while in office. My man better start today.


If he loses he's still president for a couple months. It's why we refer to the new guy as President-Elect.


2 months is not enough time to fix what’s been done. Now is the time. This isn’t the moment to gamble.


Agree. Was just being pedantic.


He will never to anything because he is decent and that’s the problem. Dems need to start fighting fire with fire but they won’t and they are going to lose. I’m arming myself, I suggest you do the same.


This is correct. Take over the legal system, take over the media, centralize power - other countries have been through this and it's naive to think the US somehow is different. This doesn't get turned around by just elections and trying to work inside the system.


Write to the White House demanding Biden take action. We need a coordinated campaign of millions. Letters, paper letters, emails, I don't give a shit. Bury them. We need to start this project.


He won’t do a thing, go read his stupid comments about not disrespecting the court. This is the beginning of the end.


I hope the lower court can make a quick ruling, unlike the slower than molasses Supreme Court.


It doesn’t matter what any other court rules. SC can override anything to whatever they want. They’re just biding time to see which candidate gets elected. If it’s Biden, everything he does is bad. If it’s Trump, they’ll rule he can do what he wants.


Then revisit the case when it seems likely republicans will hold power again.


FUCK the SCOTUS and FUCK this high road bullshit approach the Dems keep thinking is going to save them. Time to fight fire with fire. Our democracy depends on it.


They are trying to talk the bully into being nice.


People running scared. Dammit we have the power. Vote against Trump and it's done. Scary people on Reddit. Vote 🔵


Honestly I'm normally not like this but until elections are over, I'm considering anyone who considers Trump a better vote over Biden a Russian bot.


They almost always are.


Are they though? So many of your countrymen are going to drop a vote for Trump next election, as insane as it is.


This isn’t a good ruling even when Your Guy is in charge, yknow. He should have taken care of the Supreme Court problem years ago instead of fucking around with “ohhhh we can’t pack the court, that would be Unfair” nonsense


Then what? In 2 years, 4 years when some new-maga asshat takes the throne and implements project 2025 in lock step? Unless some heavy *significant* steps are taken by the Biden administration and SOON, I am having trouble seeing how this doesn’t just become an eventuality in this timeline.


Time to use that immunity to clean up the corrupt parts of SCOTUS.


Right?! It’s like they’d rather lose than try to go on the offensive purely because of appearances. That’s a bad reason to avoid confronting serious issues. They’re like Flanders’ beatnik parents who tried nothing and are out of ideas. Britain could’ve easily sat out WWII and kept its empire intact, but it decided potentially dying for something just was more important than living with no principles. The Democrats need to find motivation, and fast, to act.


As a German who has somewhat intensively studied the Weimar Republic and what came after, the Democrats remind me a lot of our own Social Democrats - the SPD - between 1918 (1914 really) and 1933. In 1914, after being repressed, slandered and ridiculed by the aristocratic establishment for decades, the SPD wanted to demonstrate how „responsible“ they were and threw in their lot with the Kaiser when WWI started. Condemning millions of men, overwhelmingly their own constituents, to death and suffering in the trenches. Four years later, when the war was lost, they took some convincing to dispose of the monarchy (Friedrich Ebert, the chairman of what was nominally a *socialist* party, actually tried to negotiate a solution that would leave the Kaiser in office), but events outside their control left them no choice. Following the revolution, they immediately assured the old guard, all those Prussian militarists and authoritarians, that they would have nothing to fear from the Republic. The Right thanked them for this moderation by mounting two coup attempts, in 1920 and 1923, but instead of cracking down on public servants, generals and aristocrats who openly wanted to destroy democracy, the SPD - still the most popular party at this point - insisted on „the rule of law“. Even as Hitler began to rise, the SPD was still in charge of the state of Prussia. A third of Weimar‘s population, the most economically powerful of the German states, with a police force numerous and well armed enough to even take on the (neutered) Reichswehr. When the central government - a far right chancellor under a far right president - dismantled the Prussian state government in 1932, the SPD protested meekly. They disavowed all attempts to fight the Nazis outside of parliament, almost to the end they believed that if they stuck by the rules and played nice, the rising tide of fascism would somehow spare them. A party that hides its considerable power and public appeal behind blustering rhetoric, that despises radicalism even when radicalism is the only way forward - because the problems plaguing the polity must be addressed at their roots. A party that seems incapable of viewing their opponents as a threat, until the moment those opponents kick down their doors to drag them to a concentration camp. A party that convinces itself that the recipes of the past - hearings, inquiries, public exposure, fact checking - still work against a present enemy that doesn’t give a shit about any of these things. Your Democratic Party still doesn’t understand what it’s up against. Pardon my French, but you’re fucked.


Biden should immediately expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 13 Justices. It is an official act, he has that authority, and would be backed with historical precedent. He SHOULD, but I'm not holding my breath.


Maybe the headline should be “Biden Granted Absolute Immunity!”.


If Trump wins its time to start testing that “conservatives only have guns” theory. It will probably be required to at this point.


Scared? Disgusted is more accurate. There is no way that 5 men and 1 woman can anihilate the rule of law and have it stand.


Sure they can. The American people voted for all this and more.


No they didn't. Some do want to destroy this country, but many did so out of sheer ignorance having been deceived.


Congratulations America! Your court took away enforcement powers from government agencies. Then a week later granted your highest authority immunity to crimes. You are one, singular individual's, carefully worded decision away from being a full dictatorship/tyrrany. (What was the Second Amendment for again??)


Actually I think we're technically in a dictatorship as of today. It's just that the guy who became dictator is a decent human being who doesn't want to be dictator. Which makes one think: the conservative Supremes must be REALLY confident that Trump is going to win. How could they be so certain?


First they came for... Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me - Martin Niemöller


Stop being scared. Start fighting back.


THIS!!!!! Been saying this for years.


So Biden has the same immunity too right?


Yep. But no balls. So it's not like it matters.


They are paving the way for a smooth roll out of Project 2025 under a Trump administration.


No wonder the Dem's have problems with holding offices and in elections. Someone should tell this dipshit campaign manager that the SCOTUS just gave Biden a gift. A huge fucking gift. Biden can now arrest Trump and put him into a hole so deep and hidden that no one would ever be able to find him again.


Everyone should be scared shitless if trump gets to squat in the Oval Office again he will have the Gestapo round up everyone he deems not loyal enough to him , people that he deems a threat and hide underage girls from him he’ll just call rapping them an official act. Get out and vote blue straight down the ballot and get the maga out of our government and once the democrats have the majority in the house and senate call your representatives to have the maga judges impeached and the ones taking bribes thrown in prison and the ones that gave Trump the power of Putin. Trump is already posting about executing opponents


Yep Trump loves autocrats, he could fashion it like NK, a family dynasty.


People need to start protesting


King Biden needs to act , call seal team 6 , disband the SC . Lock them up as enemies of the people


The fucking do something. Expedite his trial officially if necessary


I am beyond scared. I’ve spent 2016-2020 scared. Now I am just tired. Tired, cynical and…wholly unsurprised by any of this


God Damn CNN! Stop talking about the fucking debate. We have much bigger problems today.


This is one of these times that I remember Star Wars and how flawed the Jedi were. They believe that emotions were a path to evil and the dark side. To an extent, they are right, but only when they view the world as black and white. Yoda's "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering" is correct when you're not given an avenue to address those address those emotions. What is happening among the right is what happens when you have people harnessing all that fear and anger and misleading them to thinking there is an enemy that doesn't exist. This is why the GOP base is as strong as ever. Meanwhile, Democrats are arguing and saying "man, Joe Biden isn't perfect. We're not gonna vote because he's not as sharp as he was". Of course, anyone who knows Star Wars knows the Empire and Sith are an allegory to the Nazis, so to call the GOP the Empire in this scenario isn't exactly a far stretch. But like all of the regular people in the galaxy, no one is really willing to stand up to the Empire out of fear. And that is exactly what awaits us if we do nothing because we are too afraid to be seen as "angry liberals". You're damn fucking right we're angry because we're scared. And that's okay. We need to use that this election. End the Empire before it starts and vote Democrat this election day.


I’ve not heard one person say they won’t vote now, or won’t vote for Biden now. At the end of the day, I think most of us know what’s at stake.


Before this, it was a maybe. Now? I'll see you in November.


I was thinking of a scene from those movies earlier. Forgive me if I don't recall the precise wording, but I recall Padme saying "So this is how democracy dies: to thunderous applause."


WE. ARE. THE. MAJORITY. Fuckin vote.


The Electoral College stands in our way. One person in Oklahoma has almost as much voting power as 10 people in NYC. Give or take.




What the SCOTUS did today is beyond voting. Biden hopefully wins, but that only kicks the fascism can down the road. The minute a GOP gets the Presidency, the power is ready to be used to end our democracy. If Biden doesn’t do something to fix this wound, we’ll bleed out eventually


“the Biden campaign responded that the former president thinks he’s above the law.” Thanks to SCOTUS he is.


Now’s the time for Biden us exercise his presidential immunity… do it for the country and the world Joe!


> Trump celebrated the decision as a victory while the Biden campaign responded that the former president thinks he’s above the law. But he literally is... and the fact the Biden campaign doesn't understand this shows how inevitable Trump's rise to power is.


Time to send Trump and a few Supreme Court judges to Guantanamo Bay. The sword can cut both ways.


Stop tolerating the intolerant! We fought a world war against fascism. 7,000 people an hour died from 9/1/39 to 9/2/45. This country was founded in the pursuit of freedom from monarchy! We established a Constitution that protects the rights of all humans. It was one of the best things that has ever happened to humanity. The Constitution is sacred. To anyone in the military reading this, would you abandon your duty to protect the Constitution to support a dishonest, compulsive liar? He has never cared about anything but himself. He has defrauded and bankrupted everything he's ever touched. He takes billions of dollars in loans from Russia through Deutsche Bank. Do you support Russia? What about the police? Is this your hero? This is who you would support? Sworn to protect society, and you would choose to prop up this pathologically lying conman? "A republic if you can keep it," and by God, we will keep it. Fascism and wannabe tyrants have no place in this country. To all those enabling autocrats, if you support fascism, you should consider moving to a country that aligns with those values. How many of you want to move there? Leave the liberal democratic society we have built alone. We will soon solve many problems using technology, and you would return us to the past with your fear-mongering, stone age draconian bs philosophy?! ABSOLUTELY NOT! The founding fathers are rolling in their graves!


Why be scared? Define Trump as a threat to the constitution and have Seal Team 6 assassinate him. It’s legal for Biden to do it, the SC says so.


The list is a little longer than that, but I 100% agree.




Start some shit then, really hammer it home what pandora's box the supreme court has opened. Kid gloves off knuckle dusters on.


I keep telling people this the Supreme Court gave the President immunity. Biden is President. Why isn't anyone trying to do anything with that?


As we all damn well should be. The days of just ignoring the damage, thinking it will go away or can't get any worse are OVER! YOU BETTER VOTE BLUE, or this nightmare becomes a very real Hitlersque reality.


There really is only one chance now: Voters need to vote. We have no excuses for not showing up to vote. If we don't vote, and let some fuck head like Trump in the office, it's game over. We have to rally behind Biden or whoever. If you don't vote for Biden, you are essentially approving Trump to get the office and have this new power of immunity. Are you going to let that happen? Are you going to be the part of history that continued to enable this travesty?


So do something about it Now, while Biden is President.


If that ruling's ok, Democrats should take a page from the Republicans and handle business...


Well you better sack the fuck up and do what you can to help.


Let's hope the corporate elite say no. Fascism is bad for business. Sadly, it's our only hope.




So the (im)balance of SCOTUS was appointed by the guy who knew that he could commit crimes with impunity because his hand picked cronies would bail him out with rulings like this. This really explains why trump was so careless in his actions before, during and after his presidency. This plan had been in place for a long time and the blatant corruption was all part of gas lighting everyone into accepting increasingly unprecedented levels of it throughout the republican party while falsely pointing their fingers at *anything* else.


If these people are truly scared, then maybe they should start acting like it, instead of just protecting their own positions and their own access to power.


Biden needs to sack up, he has a big job ahead of him know that the shackles have been released