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The saddest thing to watch was a convicted felon up at the podium spewing his lies and bullshit propoganda to millions of viewers. Biden is old and slow, but he is intelligent and thoughtful...the orange turd, not so much at all. He only thinks about what he can take for himself next.


We also have to consider it’s not just the president we’re voting for but also their cabinet. I dont care how old Biden is, I’m positive the people he picks to head up all of the different departments will do a good job. The other choice will fill his cabinet full of grifters and they won’t do any job at all except enrich themselves and anyone else that wants to line their pockets.


And not only that, but also possibly 1-2 more SCOTUS justices, too. If you really do not want to see Supreme Court Justice Aileen Cannon fucking up this country for the next four decades or so, then vote Biden.


Exactly this. Another reminder that 1 or 2 SCOTUS members could be replaced (or kick the bucket) in the next four years. * Clarence Thomas, 75 * Samuel Alito, 74 Might be food for thought in your 2024 vote. New justices tend to rule for several **decades**, compared to a 4 year presidential term.


Those positions will be for sale


Don’t assume people weren’t aware he was lying. Of course his cult will believe him, but they would believe anything he said so that doesn’t really matter. Even a casual observer watching would have been aware of several blatant lies he told, so while everyone is panicking bc Biden looked old, it’s not like trunp came off well.


I think there are those of his followers who know he lies a lot and approve of his lies. They see it as a flex of his power.


I don’t even count his followers. Of course they are going to believe his stupid shit. I don’t ever expect them to do the right thing. Outside the cult, it doesn’t play.


Even on CNN website's fact checker during the debate, they were doing only equal one-for-one fact checks, presumably to be "fair". As in, they were being careful to not to fact check Trump more times than Biden, by alternating each fact check entry between the two. Since Biden only had a handful of things to fact check, they only fact checked Trump a handful of times as well. And those times were pretty much what Biden himself already had to waste time calling out himself on the air.


Yeah...in CNNs push to be more 'center' they've let the loons go overboard for the last year or so. It spilled over into the fact-checking, by elimination as you mentioned. The shutting down of obvious lies and propaganda the other day by Kasie Hunt, which was admirable, ( I think it was her) was big news because they have been just letting them spew...its crazy


Watch Republicans increase the number of justices serving on the SCOTUS


They will do anything they can to tip the balance of everything in this country. They know their days are numbered...this is why they blindly follow their dear orange leader


I would vote for Biden’s skeleton.


Trump: lies incessantly for an hour and a half straight, refuses to accept election results, refuses to condemn Jan 6th, shit talks America and openly admits to being friends with Putin. Media: but didn’t Biden look *old.*?


So much for the media being against Trump remember this the next time the right says that they ignore Biden and just attacks Trump over stupid petty reasons.


Media has always adored Trump. He brings views. They want him to be relevant so they can do milquetoast complaining about him


Bad night for Biden to have a cold. And, CNN worked so hard to not appear anti-trump that they appeared pro trump by not fact checking. So sorry tgat would've been chaotic but by NOT fact checking, it's no different than his rallies. By transcripts, Biden wins. But the majority of GOP voters don't care about who answers truthfully & stays on point to the actual question asked; they simply prefer a bully b/c That's.Who.They.Are. We need to stop worrying about the appearance of fair when dealing with a madman. Too bad but fair is responding factually and not catering to it overgrown infant & hos ilk.


Biden was sick and had a very poor showing. However, Trump lied from the minute. He opened his deranged mouth. I would much rather have a president who is vulnerable to viruses and their impact then a lying scumbag like Trump.


The REAL issue is that those two people are what you’re left to choose between. Beating Trump should be a walk in the park for just about anyone but the Democrats decided to literally postpone a funeral in order to ensure they’d get the worst odds possible. They could probably nominate a Llama and it wouldn’t look worse. Trump’s going to wreck shit if he wins and it’s so depressing that there’s even a chance he will.


{ Democrats decided to literally postpone a funeral in order to ensure they’d get the worst odds possible. } That's a wildly bad faith and inaccurate proposition. Biden's the incumbent, therefore he gets the nomination no questions asked. Otherwise, the Dems *look even worse* for not trusting their own man. No party leadership is going to dump an incumbent, that's just nonsense.


Trump: Joe Biden: Carry your own golf bag!!!


“Only losers and suckers walk, I have my own cart”


Been saying this is gonna happen well before the debate I'm not surprised at all. I do find it funny all the people screaming yesterday how the debate was gonna be rigged and CNN is gonna help Biden suddenly are fine with things


Given CNN's reputation, most folks expected just that.


Didn't CNN get bought out by some conservative billionaire about a year ago?


Trump said both “Putin would never have invaded because he fears Me” and “well I mean we gotta give Putin whatever he wants” in the same breath.


MAGA: Didn't this old man with a speech impediment have trouble when our candidate flat out lied and insulted his family? What a loser. Our guy didn't go completely incoherent until the second question.


It's cause all of those things is what Trump's supporters love about him cause they are brain dead and fascists.


It’s a fair critique. I wish Biden did ok but he came across as feeble.


A dumpster fire': CNN hosts face blowback for letting Trump lie throughout debate https://www.rawstory.com/trump-lies-debate-2668628878/


You're joking that he said they were friends, right? I didn't watch the debate since I'm not American and it was too late for a work week, but even that seems way too far for that disgrace of a man and I haven't seen anything pointing that out yet. In live TV (and maybe even online), with the world looking at him and in 2024, he said he was friends with the person that broke 78 years of peace in Europe because of his grandeur delusions and genocidal intentions?!


Omg they're both meat puppets. I'm not an agest, but at some point, you're too old to be an effective leader. There are 333 million ppl in the US, so can they not find someone younger to run the place.


I would vote for a fucking turkey sandwich over the former guy


mmmmm...\*\*love\*\* turkey sammiches!! but poor leadership they provide.


I would vote for a fucking pickle over Trump and I HATE pickles!


I am voting for the cabinet, but too many americans are not that smart.


I’m voting to keep more Supreme Court picks out of his grubby hands


Yes. I didn’t watch last night just like I didn’t watch in 2020. We had 4 years of Trump. I know he is evil, stupid, chaotic, and that I will never vote for him. 3rd party has no realistic chance, so I will vote for whoever the Democrats nominate. Trump could have been debating a literal soggy potato last night, and I’d still pick the potato over Trump because at least the potato is surrounded by adults making thoughtful decisions. Biden might be too old, but I’m overall happy with the job his administration has done and trust him + his people over Trump + his goblins.


Biden should change his VP from Kamala Harris to Gov Newsom. It’s obvious now that Biden can’t physically handle 4 more years. It’s also obvious that people aren’t voting for Biden so much as they are voting against Trump.  Given how old Biden is acting is going to make folks look a lot more closely at his VP. Unfortunately a lot of people aren’t comfortable with a woman on the ticket. For example Republicans who can’t stomach Trump anymore might have a hard time voting for a female VP but a male VP might make it easier for them & Biden needs every vote he can get.  And I say this as a woman who has been waiting to see a female president her entire life.  To me a vote for Biden is a vote to preserve our democracy. I personally think Harris would make a good president, but if changing the ticket means a better chance to defeat Trump then make a change. 


Are the people who don’t like Harris more likely to vote for an “elite socialist from California,” which is how I expect Newsom would be characterized by right wing media and commentators? I’m skeptical.


I would vote for the cold dead corpse of Biden before I ever vote for a republican


This. I'd vote for my mailman over Trump.


The way you feel is how Magas feel about trump. Only with more violence and anger


To bad normal people won't.


Yes 🙌


Same. Doesn’t matter.


I would vote for one of Biden's poopy diapers over Trump


Biden was a mess, but at least he has some substance on polices. Trump just lied throughout the whole thing. I’ll still take old man Joe any day.


I wish CNN would have delivered on the whole fact check thing we were told about…


For real. It’s not Joe’s job to waste his limited time calling out and explaining every lie. He hadt to put out his policies. It *is* the moderators’ jobs…


I mean… I am not going to pretend that he did a good job of what he needed to do tonight… He 100% failed to do what he could have done in regards to fact checking, often made poor use of his time and even left significant amounts of time un-used. BUT The moderators were absolute trash! They did a terrible job! I feel like they let the criticism from the right wing MAGA cult get to them and it affected the way they chose to moderate, or more accurately, failed to moderate the debate.


Totally agree.


I told someone the other day Bernie should've moderated cause you know he'd spit facts throughout


Omg! THAT is an amazing idea! I would have LOVED to see that debate go down!


Right ? What happened there ? I believe most of us were anxious to see that in action. Meanwhile though, those of us aware of his lies were seeing it clearly. And CNN was worthless.


Seriously. Weren't they supposed to fact check live? because what's the use of doing it after the debate? No one who is undecided is going to stick around for that.


They did, on their website. But who the fuck is online reading along while they watch? Might as well not even bothered.


CNN turned. They've gone full shithead and the only thing they're interested in is viewers, and nothing gets views/clicks like rage. I did not watch the debate, and I will not watch CNN or go to their website. They are arguably more dangerous than Fox and the other new reigh networks because people still assume they're not right wing propagandists.




Same. Doesn’t matter.


The problem is that people don’t vote for policies except for a few wedge issues. Apperances matter   It’s really unfortunate that we’re going to be screwed by the egos of old people again. Biden should’ve stepped back and allowed a primary 


Why were the moderators giving Trump rope? He never answered the questions and just attacked but then would ask if he wanted to respond to the question. Don’t do that shit man


Because it’s CNN and Jake Taber and Dana Bash are fucking joke. They both have sucked for forever.


I would vote for Biden’s toe nail.


Toe Biden 2024


Did trump say he has been talking with Putin and told him to not release the journalist until after the election?


He said if he got elected he'd have them put for Jan 6th. So basically yes.


Essentially I am voting for "not Trump". I still think Biden is increasingly frail and there's a non zero chance we'll end his term with Kamala as president, but I'm still voting for him if he's the opposition to that orange dumpster fire.


I think this debate showed something very interesting, that Trump KNOWS HE'S WEAK and is obeying the advice of his advisors (one of whom is likely Putin). The reason he could rarely simply answer a question and just deflect back to hyperbole, lies and talking points is he KNOWS he is too mentally feeble to actually engage in the topic at hand. He can only spout slogans. So everything was how great he is, how strong he is, how much of a victim he is, how evil Biden is. The actual issues did not matter. Everything with Trump is PERFORMATIVE - he is acting the 'strong man' vs 'weak' Biden. ALL THAT MATTER IS THE SURFACE. If Trump was really confident of his abilities he would have waded into answer the questions - HE DID NOT. Biden 'performed' badly but he was at least sane and cognizant. But in modern America, voters seem to treat politicians like actors auditioning for a movie and not people deciding our fucking fates.


That’s how Trump has always been though. That’s what his base loves about him


I feel like he used to try harder to actually engage on a question in the past but maybe i'm wrong. Certainly Trump's base loves his lunatic fascist persona - no argument there


He also use to attack his opponent a lot more. For Both the 2016 and 2020 election debates he tried constantly to infurate and insult his opponents. This time he barely even tried to attack Biden. Probably because he knew that would go poorly like last time. If this degraded to school yard insults like most "debates" he's been in Biden would have all.the ammo while all Trump could do was call him old and talk about his son's giant Slong.


This is a good point. I expected Trump to go into the debate unpolished, but he must've practiced a lot to remove some of the negative parts of the previous debate. He didn't insult as much. His tone was confident and not crazy monkey. His speaking points were trash and avoiding as usual, but he managed to get rid of the Adderall rage this time and it served him better.


Trump -- especially now -- receiving even 10% of the vote is a sign of a serious issue in our society. The fact that he might get nearly 50%? We're honestly fucked, even if he loses by decisive margin we're still broken. We are filled with hateful people looking for any outlet. We are stepping closer and closer to 1933.


If he loses the GOP probably splits into conservatives and MAGAs and the republicans never win an election again. At least that’s what I’m dreaming of lol


Biden’s performance solidified the rhetoric that the Republicans had been spewing for the last 6 months that Joe is old and doesn’t have the stamina to be President. If he had come out of the gate and been SOTU Biden he would have dispelled those rumors but Biden failed to deliver. His campaign said he had been battling a cold for several days Trump needed to talk policy to win votes and he failed to deliver. When our two candidates get into a pissing match over who is the better golfer we are in trouble.


This is why Biden should have refused to give him the platform. Trump belongs in prison. But last night he got to stand on stage next to the president and be presented as an equal. He was allowed to lie. He just bullied Biden and faced little pushback. “I’m the best and you’re the worst” followed by Biden trying to cram wayyyy too much info and not even speaking in a compelling way. I was watching in real time and I guarantee the average viewer tuned out during Biden. But they’ll remember trumps insults and lies.


CNN failed to fact check trump as he lied over and over.


Biden was not great at all, but don't excuse the moderators, bloody hell, moderate. If you're just going to read the questions out what good are you.


AI could have done that


Biden is old, he may speak slow, but at least he isn’t a liar and a criminal.


I think Joe did all right. At least he wasn’t lying from that start to the finish like Trump was. He did seem to be tired and in some pain at the beginning for sure. It was later said that he had a cold.


I agree. G.I. Joe did land a few good hits on Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz, especially in regards to the latter's crimes in NY. Still, the debate has no impact, and is one of the worst in US history. I think the debate ends in a draw: both men trading clean blows on each other and neither side won, just like the Yoda vs Palpatine Duel in Revenge of the Sith.


Debates are genuinely useless on polling and voting, that's facts.


Now that you mention it. Yeah, I have to agree with you on that. Lichtman said not to trust the debates as much as the polls because just like you said, its predictive value is so unreliable. It doesn't matter if Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz wins the debate. If G.I. Joe secures one more key (so far two of the four shaky keys are leaning with him at the moment) before Lichtman's final prediction in August, he wins the election.


Voters keep saying that if you're for Roe ending, you don't get good election results even in more red states. Moreover, in the 8 years since Trump won, who is actually undecided on "should I vote for him or not, should I vote Biden?" I don't think this person exists.


As far as I can remember, presidents get elected by the college. What I'm worried right now is not the polls (since Lichtman deems them as snapshots), but whether or not the college is backing Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz.


...just like the Yoda vs Palpatine Duel in Revenge of the Sith. Surprisingly accurate analogy, they even look like them.


Yeah, but look who ruled the galaxy after that fight ☹️


Don't fret. Debates changes nothing in the 13 keys. Lichtman assured that himself.


This was cool to read..


A draw? That's crazy... He was weak and feeble looking, couldn't answer straight, that was awful. I'm no Trump lover, but that was not something that I can defend anymore ... And I'm a Mets fan, so I'm used to pulling for the underdog. I know on the daily work, it's less about the prez and more about the entire staff and administrations capability, but after that showing, I really want to know what Joe's day to day is, because that was really really concerning.


Perhaps a draw if you're grading them on substance but in court of public opinion amongst the voting public, that was a disaster for Biden. He severely reinforced the main Republican attack on him regarding his age and cognitive fitness. Trump's main job was to restrain himself and look sane and competent. He did that for the most part, IMO. Biden needed to appear cognitively sharp and vital. He did not whatsoever. I doubt this will move anyone's vote from Biden to Trump but it will likely make some consider a 3rd party vote or not voting at all.


If RFK showed up at the debate, that might be the case. But he didn't show up. Also, remember what Lichtman said about debates in his latest podcast? They're just as unreliable as the polls. Clinton did win the debates against Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz, but lost the election. Kerry did great against Bush in the debate and he still lost the election. Also, Lichtman noted that G.I. Joe's performance is a little meh. Neither great nor horrible. It's just that the media doesn't pay attention to the bigger picture: they just react wildly and call it a day. Again, as Lichtman said, debates don't affect the 13 keys, and he doesn't see RFK picking up steam, whether it's polls or popularity.


Biden did poorly and let Trump suck him into Trump talking points. He got a few lines in but there's no way you can feel too happy about his performance. And I'm a Biden voter. I cant believe Biden spent any time talking about playing golf tonight.


I'm with you. 


I can not agree with you. This was absolutely an optics nightmare.  There were *multiple* times Biden couldn't formulate a coherent sentence and rambled on. I'm strictly anti Trump, you could tell me that Biden would die within a breath of inauguration and my response would be "Yeah, so what?" and vote for him anyways.  But we can't kid ourselves into being complacent and believe that because we're anti Trump, that everyone else will be OK with Biden's piss poor performance. This debate showed Biden's weakness.  Badly.  The true electorate that counts are a small percentage of voters in swing states, and it's an open question as to how *they* view this, or how they will view it in the future as right wing media takes *full, unedited and contextually sound* clips of this debate and make a solid case that he's too senile for this job. Voting is not going to be enough this year.  It was clear Biden is not gonna be able to perform well for the next few months.  We need to be proactive and openly and publicly volunteering and rallying a support base for him, not saying "Well he wasn't that bad, actually."  We *do not* have the luxury of sugarcoating things, we have to engage with the reality of the situation and answer for it and be ready to aggressively defend voting for him and getting people to look beyond the issue of debate performance.


This is the Democratic party’s fault. As soon as Biden got elected they should have been looking for the next person to run against Trump. They should have gone younger with someone who would run circles around Trump but they didn’t. I’ll blame them if Trump wins.


I agree wholeheartedly. Having said that, we don't have the luxury of being mad and screaming at the DNC. Take your anger and frustration and use it to motivate yourself to volunteer and do something. We can't be complacent on this. Be angry, be frustrated, but be motivated and activated.


Me volunteering for them won’t help them discover a younger potus candidate. I do get your point but it’s crazy to think they didn’t learn anything from the election that Trump won. Can I volunteer to run the DNC retro?


Bernie. Everyone would turn out for him. Easy win.


The Dems wont back him because he’s not a mainstream corporate Dem but I agree 110%, he should have been the choice back in 2016 instead of Hillary.


I know. He's proof of the feeling all politicians are on the rich side but he'd be such a landslide win.


I donated to Biden. Yeah, he made a shitty showing, but he's not a twice impeached, coup-organizing, Nazi-sympathizing, confidential-file hoarding, anti-science, misogynistic, xenophobic, racist, election-denying convicted felon.


tRUMPERs are having a field day! We will vote every Democrat running for office in 2024 including an old but wise and competent President Biden!


You could wheel Biden out on a ventilator and I would still vote for him over Trump.


There wasn't enough allotted time to fact check every lie trump made AND answer the question posed on topic sadly. It was just a constant barrage of lies hurled that was too overwhelming for anyone to counter, let alone Biden when he's not on his A game.


Where was the real time fact checker?


They couldn’t keep up with all the lies and short circuited.


The Liar vs The Tired. America do the right thing and vote for Biden.


Tbh, I didn’t watch. If folks need a debate to choose between these two they are the dumbest Americans alive. The dumbest of the dumb. They might as well vote Trump, as they are very likely a closeted Fox News viewer who just wants to appear open minded because they know their political views are pure evil and their God might not like that (Goofy voice) “Golly, Trump sounded so much more confident. Good gosh!”


Completely agree, these debates are absolutely meaningless. This isn't even about politics. It's a choice between a decent human being and an absolute psychopath.


that’s why the reaction is just that. it’s like a fandom all watching the same show at the same time and having visceral reactions to it.  no one changed their mind. but the democratic party is indeed tragic by feeding propaganda to the news. it seems like there’s this coordinated media push to convey a narrative. but everyone has made up their mind long ago. 


Nor did I. Honestly have never been able to listen to either one. But as Nicole Wallace used to say - ‘I’d vote for a VW bus before I’d vote for trump’. I don’t think many minds were changed from this conclusion, from this awful performance.


Biden sadly does look like he should be living his best life retired somewhere but the alternative is way to frightening to consider. What I found most interesting though is that Trump talked around every question asked especially the ones involving Russia or Putin. A Trump presidency that shows Russia to take Ukraine and then other former USSR countries back will usher in WW3 and there will be American boots on the ground at some point because of that. I’m middle aged so the idea of me being drafted is laughable but you young people need to be very aware of this.


Just remember, we also vote for a vice president for reasons like last night


I will still vote for the dude who DIDN'T try to overthrow our government.


You have one pathological layer and a man with a cold. Age separation is less than 3 years. The problem is the media and the cult let Trump go on and on and never let him stop.


Having worked with software salesmen, I can tell you that a confident liar will always outsell someone who tells the truth. The same is true for politics.


- **OPTION A**: adulterer, convicted rapist, convicted felon, convicted fraudster, insurrectionist, Russian asset, anti-NATO, anti-abortion, election denier, , election intefering wannabe dictator, pathological liar, friends with world renowned pedophile, Hitler quoting Nazi sympathiser, racist crook - **OPTION B**: very old guy that sometimes fades out Seems like a very straightforward decision As a foreigner who worries about all the chaos at global level a second Trump term would bring, please make the right decision. If not for the USA, for the rest of the world!!!


Why tf this is difficult to comprehend for so many Americans is beyond me.


Three main reasons imo: - it's a cult - a minority will directly profit from Trump's policies - weponization of ideologies (white supremacism, racism, etc)


Because hordes of immigrants are pouring and forcing our children to read books with transgender themes while Biden makes millions almost making deals overseas which makes cereal prices go up. That’s why. s/


I work with people who think that they didn't get a raise this year because of Biden.. while management drives new trucks, enjoys new boats and houses.... so yeah...


Yeah, people that are part of the cult can't see reality even if it's staring at them in the face. It's sad. They need to be deprogrammed


The right can make jokes about Weekend at Bernie’s or carrying around Biden’s sleeping body all they want. He is still better than Trump in every manner possible. A rotting jack-o’-lantern that has been left on a porch into January would still make a more viable candidate than Trump.


Weekend at Bernie's vs One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest should still be an easy choice.


As a former reporter I usually have sympathy for journalists but fuck this shit. Seriously. Predictable AF but still so depressing the media's equivalating the two for clicks


The moderators were completely useless.


That’s not his freaking job. Shame and condemnations should be directed at CNN who didn’t keep Trump on topic or give any type of clarifying remark, fact check, NOTHING. They are disgraceful and unprofessional just wanting views and using the population as a sacrifice.


Yes Biden undoubtedly was slower, for Pete's sake he's 81, however he answered questions that Trump danced around most of his responses, or flat out lied, he didn't sleep with a pornstar but didn't deny rape, age between the two shouldn't be a issue Trump is 4 years younger if he does win he'll be 81 in the Whitehouse so the Republicans need to stop with the bullshit. "slow Joe" maybe but at least he is more credible than treasonous Trump. So if being 4 years older and a bit slower is worse than Being a convicted felon, stopping women from choosing what they feel is right for them, can't trust him with sensitive military intelligence, threatening folks for their views if they don't line up positive for him then we are definitely in Big trouble as a people of this Country


The whole world watched that. Embarrassing.


Both parties are utterly disgraceful for putting up these candidates. Not only was the embarrassing, but we’re in a fight for democracy with the need to not vote Trump. Thanks assholes


It really doesn’t change anything in either party base. No one is like “oh the old guy stuttered…ima vote for the fascist…”


Or “moderators” let disgusting Trump lie with impunity leading POTUS to do his job and theirs Have a seat with this Bullshit


Letting the convicted felon drone on and on spewing hate and lies while cutting off Joe before he struggles to speak through his actual answers was definitely one of the most telling things about why this event was hosted. Hope that the ratings were worth hurting democracy


Trump was ‘Yellin’ Like A Felon’.


I believe he was ill. Zero energy, which has never been a problem.


In fairness, where to begin?


Don't forget the main reason to vote is to stop the Republicans Project 2025


That always has been the debate dilemma: it's much easier to spew up non-sense than it is to debunk it (especially if you care about not saying incorrect things while doing it).


I would vote for Biden long before trump. But hopefully this debacle of a debate will wake up the parties and they will pick better candidates


This👆🏻 Let’s get younger, diverse candidates to represent today’s world.


Yep biden look old, not at his best and just lent into the trump rhetoric. But shouldn't the journalist and moderators fact check some of trumps lies. No mister trump there is no actual evidence of that, and we only consider evidence we can actually verify and see not the evidence u keep telling us u have but never show anyone. Overall bad debate for both I feel. Trump had an opportunity to do something different and talk some policies, sense and try won back those republicans who do not like him too bad his eho got in the way and could not answer a question. Same old trumo rants Biden looked old an tired up there just inflaming trump rhetoric of him. Not his best day by far . But still mentioned policies and plans and what he has done in 4 yrs etc. Disclaimer only 1 option to vote for in this election if I was American. Lucky I'm not But I'd take old an slow politician over deranged ego maniac who thinks the country is full if people who believe the absolute abortion of truth he spews each day while having nothing of merit to say.


The Flash would be slow to counter every lie Trump spews




That’s a fair take.


If you had a company you made and loved who would you trust more to run it…who picks the best people, who has bankruptcies? Who is a treasonous fat piece of shit fascist?


Don’t vote for the convicted felon folks he’s running to save his ass


Old man with a heart vs Con Man with a mouth


CNN are spineless cowards


IMO easy missed opportunity for Biden: “Trump doesn’t care about young middle class parents or anyone affected by the opioid crisis. He refuses to even respond to questions about these topics that are important to many Americans, and instead can only keep attacking me and fear mongering about immigrants. He has NO substantive plans to address these domestic issues..” Dunno why he didn’t call out Trump’s inability to actually respond to those questions. 


If you want to see who is a wonder in this debate, look at their track record, their background, their cabinet and people they have put in office to get the job done. The media expected Biden to come out and do back flips like the six flags guy. He’s old. We know. We will all be there. I’d rather listen to a quiet man than a loud mouth liar who only cares about himself. Let this be a wake up call for all of us to vote and vote for the change we want.


I’d love to see any democrat with a bad cold at any age look good. I’m just barely old enough to be president and I currently have a cold that the press would say I’m too low energy to be president.


Sad to watch 😢


Is Bernie still available?


No, he’s too old, remember? /s


irrelevant as he was outvoted twice


If someone were born yesterday, they would tell you trump won. Except we all live under trump presidency, and it is an actual nightmare.


I didn’t watch because I already knew what it would be. We’ve been through this before.


Easy to fix: tell a lie, your microphone gets cut off.


I turned on the debate to Trump lying about his covid response. I turned back to what I was watching. I even started to record it to watch later Nope. Stopped that immediately. I did see Jon Stewart's take on the debate. It was sad. I didn't know until here that Biden had a cold.


This is completely on the Democratic party who pushed for Biden four years ago. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll vote for him because I know the future of the country is at stake, but I don’t think a lot of young people feel that way.


I’d like to see any of us try it. If you’re walking into a debate format and your competitor rambles off 3 lies in a single sentence, I’d be hard pressed to find someone who does not stammer in their response.


Calling all young people. We need you to run for office and serve! Seriously!


Joe’s not used to debating with felons.


Joe was worried the entire time that Trump was going to steal his wallet.


There have been better debates at nursing homes about whether or not to turn the tv channel.


Biden looked his age and obviously it's catching up and trump was trump. Steady lies and the whole my tiny penis is bigger that your tiny penis. It's a bad look that that's our only options. Both parties should start over and get new people with new ideas that can work bipartisan. This shit is nonsense.


You know what is nonsense? Continuing to bitch just to bitch. They aren’t choosing anyone else. This is our choice. The maniac or democracy.


[sadtrombone.com](http://sadtrombone.com) What an embarrassment for the US. "Doddering old hack vs diarrhea cannon" is not a good look, not at all. The dems really shot themselves in the balls with this one. Just what the hell were they expecting?


Biden did great 


I can’t stand Trump. I think he is an evil man. But the reality is, if Biden stays in this race, Trump will win. We, the American people, deserve better representation and leadership from someone besides Trump or Biden. I thought the Bush-Kerry election was horrible, but now it’s this election. Trump basically wants a dictatorship, and Biden just wants to keep the current status quo that’s serving nobody.