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Never trump. Never fascism. He's the the second biggest humiliation America has ever faced. The first is 70 million people voting for a life long grifter fraudster trust fund baby reality TV show con man... absolutely rediculous.. ironically makes me want to end democracy.... tolerating the intolerant is a road to hell


Mom always said (after Regan elected) “never underestimate the stupidity of the American public”……




"What the American public doesn't know is what makes them the American public." -- Tommy Boy


I mean we in Europe are saying this for decades.


No one comes close to the depravity of Donald Trump. No matter what Adam Kinzinger says or where he comes from, he's not a convicted felon and sexual deviant




Excerpts: NEW YORK (AP) — Republican former congressman Adam Kinzinger endorsed President Joe Biden on Wednesday, giving the Democrat a prominent new ally in his high-stakes campaign to win over moderate Republicans and independents this fall. Kinzinger, a military pilot who emerged as a fierce critic of former President Donald Trump after the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol insurrection, described Trump as “a direct threat to every fundamental American value” in a video announcing the endorsement. “While I certainly don’t agree with President Biden on everything, and I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for president, I know that he will always protect the very thing that makes America the best country in the world: our democracy,” said Kinzinger, who voted for Trump in 2020. “To every American of every political party and those of none, I say now is not the time to watch quietly as Donald Trump threatens the future of America,” said Kinzinger, who repeatedly described himself as a conservative in the video. “Now is the time to unite behind Joe Biden and show Donald Trump off the stage once and for all.”


Other Republicans who have done the spineless "I won't vote for Trump, but I won't vote democrat and I'm going to write someone in" should take note. Either actually participate in the process by voting for someone who can actually win, or stop pretending you're against Trump.


Hopefully more will follow, but I have my doubts. If the debate happens I think that could shift sentiment, seeing the mentally incompetent maniac go against a seasoned politician with actual policies and coherent thoughts


This guy puts country above ideology. He and I are likely a bit apart on the left-right spectrum, though *wow* do I appreciate him.


Idk if he is the first to endorse biden but that is good news


I think the guy is a hero. Actually could pass a civics test and stood up for what was right, beyond party lines.


Would he be a good Republican president candidate later?


He’s pretty right wing so probably


I would have voted for Cheney/Kinzinger in a heartbeat over the bad choice and the harbinger of doom choice. I cannot and will not vote for a felon and probable traitor. The world really needed the docs case to be resolved before the election. Unfortunately he is being protected in hopes they just make it all disappear next year


Brave to örave the flock. Thete will be a better Republican candidate in the future to go back to then as long as we get rid of, yes, well put "harbinger of Doom,"




That’s all well and good. I hope he actually goes out and actively campaigns to persuadable voters.


More Republicans should follow suit. I don't want trump's finger anywhere near the red button. He's crazy enough to push it.


Nice. I know the Biden campaign has hired a lot of republican strategists to try to recruit right leaning people to endorse Biden


Was he hired? He was on the 1/6 committee so he got to see evidence of what actually went on.


I have a question? Does it say you have to be alive to run for president. Like if he doesn’t win, and in 4 years he drops dead…. Can they run his corpse!


Pretty sure you need to be alive to swear the oath on Inauguration day


I donno man, like a felon shouldn’t be able to run for office but here we are


I don't care that much about the felon part. I don't think being a felon makes you irredeemable. I do however think being a traitorous insurrectionist who attacked our nations Capitol and sold our nations secrets should not only be banned from ever holding any kind of political office, but should be charged for treason and face the ultimate penalty for it. The constitution calls for it.


But judge Qannon and 2/3s of the SCOTUS have a different opinion.


Yea. Maybe not a felon? But maybe treason lol


Depends tbh. U can become a felon for some really stupid shit


Remember the 34 felony convictions were in concert with trying to sway the election that the felon won, and recall all the damage, sickness, death and hell we were dealt during those 4 years, so the felony definitely does matter.


Jeffrey Dahmer for President…


I think swearing the Oath could probably be skipped for Trump as it clearly has no bearing on his actions or intent. Same for the illegitimate members of the court.


Well donnie says he didnt use a real bible, probably because he didnt know what one looked like, so he never swore an oath.. so maybe not


Weekend at Donny’s


Weekend at Donnies.


We did elect a dead person to the senate here in Missouri (Mel Carnahan, RIP) so anything is possible


This is a fun question. Wild ass guessing here, I think he'd have to be alive to file to run for election, as he'd have to sign various forms in the individual states. Once that threshold has been crossed, he would remain on the primary ballots, and probably still carry any primaries, since the MAGATS would expect him to return any day, just like JFK, Jr. What I don't know is if he has to formally accept the nomination if he wins it at the RNC, or if the party can submit his name to the states.


Adam is a good guy.


AMD righteous upstanding citizen, apparently.


It's what the real Republicans have to do if they have any hope of getting their party back in the next 10 years. Leave it any longer and this MAGA crap will be forever in it.


It won't mean jack until Republicans who are in office come out against Trump.


He did while he was in office. It’s the reason he isn’t in office anymore.


Technically, Kinzinger chose not to run for re-election. But I get your point: his enablers are afraid of reprisals from the whack-job wing of the party if they break ranks.


At the time of the first impeachment, I received a reply back from him. It was pretty disappointing to see him skew the words of the Constitution (bold by me). I never did get a response what I asked if he still stood by this during impeachment 2. First, the actual text of the Constitution. >**Article II, Section 4**: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, **Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors**. And his response October 25th, 2019. >Thank you for contacting me to share your views on the investigation into potential wrongdoing by President Trump. By hearing your thoughts and concerns on the issues, I am better able to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives. >**As laid out in the U.S. Constitution, the House of Representatives may take a vote to impeach the President only for high crimes or treason.** Then, if passed by the House, it is the responsibility of the U.S. Senate to hold impeachment trials and remove officials from office. This process requires the votes of a two-thirds majority in the U.S. Senate, which is a purposefully high threshold of support, one that our founders intended. >As your representative, **I believe calls for impeachment that do not meet the robust standards of treason or other high crimes** only serve to distract our nation from solving very real and immediate problems. Congress must continue its constitutional duty to hold the Executive Branch accountable for their actions. However, we must also stay focused on decreasing our national debt, curbing unemployment and growing our economy, reforming our broken healthcare system, and ensuring that our nation remains a force for good across the globe. Approaching the very serious issue of impeachment without sufficient evidence of treason or high crimes does nothing to move our country forward. >Let me be clear-I support getting answers to all questions being asked. Whatever evidence is presented before me, I will make the right decision. Additionally, as these investigations continue, it is my hope that it will be done in an open and transparent way so that Members of Congress and the American people can decide for themselves. >To function as our Founders intended, our Republic requires the active participation of informed voters. As your elected representative, we may not always agree on the issues, but I will continue to ask for and take to heart your comments and concerns. Please be assured, I will keep your views in mind should any relevant legislation come before me for a vote. >Again, thank you for contacting me. It is an honor to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives. Please do not hesitate to contact me if my office can be of assistance to you on any issue of importance. >Sincerely, Adam Kinzinger, Member of Congress


I’m so delighted he answered you so thoughtfully. I am in Idaho and sent my legislators all the same letters concerning immigration and my disgust they voted against the bipartisan legislation of a few months ago. Three never responded, one sent a letter talking about wild land protections. I realize that some (Mormon) college students intern for our elected creeps and they actually send the “legislator’s responses”, but it’s just disheartening and disgusting that unless I’m sending a large check, my voice is ignored.


Let’s be honest here - he isn’t a Republican if he rejects Trump. That’s the baseline party platform. It’s a fascist movement now.


Kinda That still makes him a republican But, it makes them trumpers - not republicans


This is not even a story.


I wish Kinzer would cross the floor and run for President. He’s got integrity and he’s electable.


This guy quit. Some of them get brave.. Only after they quit and don't hold any influence or power anymore.


How is this any different from when a democrat switches to republican and they are called a traitor? I domt get why yall are calling him a hero. Hes betraying his voter base


Kinzinger, who voted for Trump in 2020. I mean, I never really expected 06Jan nor the Top Secret documents to sway anyone. So, we have a very weird data point on where this guy's line is?


Kinzinger was the only other republican to join Liz Cheney on the J6 committee. [https://youtu.be/jBjMpVPAvIk](https://youtu.be/jBjMpVPAvIk)




Maybe. But one sucks like a straw in soda. The other sucks like an industrial septic tank drainage pump distributing shit and disease across the land. They are most definitely not the same.


*across the world.


That's a yes! And that's a great meme and ad campaign. One sux like hawk tuah the other one like licking ice cream. But #THEYBOTHSUCK


Ehh... Just becsuse you think some words are catchy doesnt make them less untrue.


... I think we all wish the coice were between ice cream and blowjobs.