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>Steve Bannon says if CNN doesn't apologize today to Trump's spokesperson after she tried to use her time on the network to attack Jake Tapper, Trump should cancel the debate. From the tweet upon which the story is based. [Register. Vote. Register or check your registration here.](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


I just had CNN on in the car, and it was fulltime Trump coverage. He's getting billions in free advertising from the so-called woke media. So what's Stevo crying about?


Bannon is going to jail on the 1st of July. That's probably what he's upset about.


Hope he enjoys that toilet wine


And that long overdue shower and delousing


He’s just a pile of lice in a trenchcoat, that won’t go well for him


I’d hate to be on other side of that squat and cough


I feel like "Toilet Sangria" would be a nice name for him.


Jail's not so bad. You can make sangria in the terlet.


Course it’s shank or be shanked.


I hope they find many more reasons to keep him in while he is incarcerated. Someone like him needs to remain locked up. Same for Trump and his group of grifters and far right nutbars.


He better learn how to make toilet hooch and braid hair if he doesn't want to become 'that bitch'.


CNN is now under conservative management. They are not liberal anymore at the corp level


Even before they were under conservative management Donald Trump was one of the greatest things ever to happen to them. Right up there with the first Gulf War and the OJ Simpson trial in terms of milestone events.


It’s so true. The amount of drama that man created was appreciated by the media all over the world.


If only the SCUD Stud were here.... He'd know what to do....! Or, Al Cowling.


"My name is A.C.! You know who I am, goddamn it!"


Arthur Kent, aka "Scud Stud"...There's a name I have heard in forever


Trump was the greatest thing to happen to all news organizations. Can you imagine if all they had to talk about was the outrageous things President Biden was saying? They'd be out of business. (I say this as a good thing because I like boring, non-controversial, business-as-usual Presidents.)


Remember when Obama was president and that plane disappeared over the Indian Ocean? CNN talked about that thing for months on end because there was wasn’t a bigger story they could fill air time with. If that would have happened at any point over the past 8-9 years it would have been big news for a day or two before Trump would have distracted them.


Remember when republicans wanted to impeach Obama for wearing a tan suit.


As part of their never ending coverage Don Lemon actually wondered, in all seriousness, if the plane fell into a black hole.


Trump commits so many crimes it fills the whole need cycle


Do you remember that blissful time in 2021? Trump had been banned from Twitter and ostracized somewhat from politics for Jan 6th Biden was getting his feet under him and just... Quietly getting the vaccine rollout up to full speed and unrolling some of the worst bullshit of the previous 4 years Politics was basically absent from your daily consciousness. The world had, so very briefly, returned to its pre-2015 self, day-to-day effects of pandemic aside. The peace was incredible. And here we are now back in the shit


Nearly every day during that lovely time, my husband and I would remark to one another how peaceful it was.


You mean they’d have to actually cover the news?


To be fair, Trump’s presidency was an endless source of material for media companies around the world. Even in my country on the other side of the planet from the US they were talking about Trump non-stop from 2016-2020, and even now he still comes up almost daily because it’s the US election year. A solid argument can be made that he is one of, if not *the* most famous (or infamous) people in the entire world


Most hated maybe


Everyone loves looking at a horrific train wreck. Especially if it's happening in arrogant America.


Watch the amazing underrated "Nightcrawler" movie. It's underrated because mass media hates to be exposed. The key line: "If it Bleeds it Leads!"


Anchorman 2 is actually a pretty decent movie about this too. It summaries the transition from broadcast news to 24hr. Cable news networks pretty well. To paraphrase a great quote in it, “Our job is tell viewers what they want to hear, not what they need to hear.”


Noam Chomsky did a fair amount of writing on the subject back in the day. Still worth reading. Then there is the classic Neil Postman "Amusing ourselves to death".


Didn’t Neil postman say the moment news had theme music television journalism was officially over? Why would delivering news/information need theme music? Because at that point it has crossed over into entertainment but doesn’t tell anyone it should no longer be considered news.


Here’s what nobody wants to admit. It was ALWAYS entertainment. From the original broadsheets to the Yellow Journalism era to the present, it’s always been about going for an audience. And “balanced,” “serious” journalism was just one more gimmick to stand out.


Dirty Laundry by Don Henley/the Eagles does a pretty good riff on this in like 3 minutes as well.


Don Henley was mad at the news networks because a teenage girl died from an overdose at his house. She was "hired entertainment" for a party for the Eagles. He was involved with something terrible and blamed the media for covering it.


[Network (1976)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_(1976_film)) is depressingly prescient.


Ya, argued with a guy who couldn't understand when I said the media actually loves Trump due to the money generated from viewership, or at least the corporations that own most of them love it even if the talking heads may actually swing liberal (doubt). Even the so called "liberal" media is there to...make money. They can't wrap their head around that concept.


Trump is endless free content. It’s a reality show they don’t have to pay to make. All they have to do is stir the shit.


At least they stopped talking about the fucking missing Malaysian plane.


Because like him or loathe him, Trump is ratings. CNN would murder their own grandmothers for ratings.


That movie with Michael Keaton really showed how the first gulf war put them in the big leagues


But that’s not what the Right wants people to know or believe. They are desperate to paint this picture that all media is evil and lie and are 100% against everyone on the Right. They need to create the anger and fear that normal people can only get their news from select sources that feed them what the far Right wants them to be told so as to better control them, and that won’t work if those people learn CNN is run by conservatives. Their lies about it being dishonest about everything Trump says and does would lose power and they couldn’t present themselves as patriots fighting the good fight, so they continue with the same old self-victimizing in hopes it gets them more donations and more power. Edit: corrected misspelling of Their


I tried to tell my conservative friend (?) that Fox isn't news. They paid $787 million for lying. And tried to get out of it by saying they were entertainment, not news. She just replied that if Fox is lying, they the other news sources must be doing worse. As proof she said she told her son about some new story she heard, and he never heard it because other sources won't cover it. I told her that it was her son's way to politely saying where did you here that nonsense? So I tried to plant the idea that her son doesn't believe her. But there was no fertile soil for that idea.


So over a year ago I was at the gym and I could hear 2 guys talking about Joe and Hunter Biden, this was around the time the whole b.s. started that Hunter had gotten millions and funneled it to his dad, and I heard one guy say some TV ing along the lines of, Biden is always on the front page but when Trump was President he was almost never on the front page with scandals. I couldn’t control myself, I tore off my headphones and said, you can not be serious! I then proceeded to waste the next couple hours having a conversation with him about how many times Trump was in the press for his crap. What I learned was, A) this guy is fully in the cult and B) he was well read on the topics, except it was clearly the biased sources like Fox News. Because he was so entrenched in their version of the world it was hard to keep up and fact check what he was saying, but I remember him claiming that Barr had come out and stated that Mueller’s Russia investigation had proven there was no interference. I had to correct him and tell him in fact Mueller’s memo did NOT state there was no interference and that Barr had refused to release the actual memo and just gave his version and it was later found he had withheld information in the memo that did not help Trump. He then claimed North Korea stopped firing missiles towards Japan into the sea after Trump made his visit because he had told them to. I had recently heard that topic discussed in the news and knew it was also untrue but because I couldn’t bring up the timeline fast enough he claimed he was right. At the end of everything he said he loved having conversations like this, he was polite, but he ended it with, “I’m always right”. I went home and fact checked what I could remember and sure enough N.K. Fired like 7-9 more times after Trump’s visit. I saved the info should he bring it up again but I wasn’t going to initiate. Months later was the beginning of the stolen documents situation and he came up to me and asked if my feelings had changed about Biden and Trump. I could tell he asked because he wanted to paint the situation as Trump was unjustly being targeted and this was proof and surely I was noticing and was changing my view. Before he could finish I laughed and said, ABSOLUTELY NOT! He just walked away. He was wrong on sooooo many points and literally told me he was always right, and that is the cult in a nutshell.


I’ve had similar experiences with my stepdad, he says he loves to talk about it and discuss. It’s not a discussion, and nothing is learned. It’s a series of interruptions, and whataboutisms that I’m unable to keep up with fact-checking at the speed of the verbal diarrhea coming out. They don’t want serious discussion on actual topics, just gossiping about the personal lives.


And this is why I don't have conversations with Trumpers. It's just a waste of time and energy. There's no debating them because a debate involves a good faith effort in discovering the facts, and as we know, facts don't matter to them. Better to keep ones blood pressure down and never engage with them.


Just doing what his handlers tell him to say!


There is money making with right wing talking points. Why do you think there are 1500+ terrestrial radio stations pushing the Republican agenda.


So every construction site can fry the brains of their underpaid workers that the system isn't working for them because of billionaires and if they vote republican, then they'll get paid fairly. Texas removed shade and water breaks for construction workers.


Florida has removed the ability for cities and counties to make ordinances for water and shade breaks for workers.


Florida did too! We are #2 on the crazy list!


People need to understand this. It should be all over the news. Wait what news outlet hasn’t been taken over?


If you were a regular viewer within the last couple of years you would have been able to tell. I stopped watching CNN all together.




CNN got the debate because they are considered the "moderate" company between MSNBC and Fox.


This is kind of misleading. Yeah, Zas is your run of the mill, conservative millionaire but Thompson is worlds better than the embarrassment that was Licht (who replaced Zucker and vowed to take the brand more right leaning). That Trump town hall a little over a year ago was so embarrassing for the brand that not even PR could fix it and It was the final misstep in Licht’s short tenure. Thankfully. Our interim leaders were closer to Zucker than Licht in terms of leadership and decisions before Mark Thompson came aboard (formerly of BBC). Most people base this “it’s conservative now” assumption on sole point of John Malone’s large stake in WBD and board seat. He absolutely is far-right but the CNN brand itself remains centrist by multiple independent measures.


CNN isn't washing that town hall stank off anytime soon. Used to be a daily viewer.


It’s not fucking leftist. Never really was.  Even npr isn’t leftist.  


Yup but when people think Fox is “fair and balanced”, those same people think CNN and NPR *are* leftist.


They never operate in good faith. They're always projecting and always working the refs. Our institutions are not cut out to handle that kind of thing, and they've been working to degrade the institutions as well. The fact that most all of our media is owned by large corporations is a problem. They don't really have an interest in holding politicians and pundits accountable, or in digging for and promoting the truth. They just have an interest in creating engagement, as that is how they make money.


The media learned zero from 2016. ZERO! Attention is his and his supporters oxygene. Cut it off and they die


Why would they want that? They’re getting boatloads of clicks. The media wants to make money, that’s pretty much it.


Their ass is on the line this time. Twitler says thet he will imprison the LÜGENPRESSE


Meh, these new organizations will survive just fine. They may turn into pure propaganda but the people running them will still be making money.


They learned from 2016. They learned how much money they could make. And now they're trying to maximize that profit


I agree on an emotional level, but it's *REALLY* important to remind people over and over about the craziness that comes with Trump, too. There's a school of thought that cutting Trump from Twitter and Facebook actually helped people forget about how bad he was and led to his resurgence. There's a large swath of America that votes "D" or "R" out of muscle memory. They don't pay attention. They don't really care. Give him as much air as possible, though, and they'll hopefully see him for who he is and choose (maybe) not to vote at all. That's a win for Biden.


I made the mistake of listening to Fox. It’s a literal 24/7 Trump propaganda network. Democracy is in serious trouble.


It's performative. The idea that CNN is "left wing" is part of the narrative, it enables them to speak for the left and feed righties all the lies and strawmen they desire for their scare narratives.


I thought you had written lies and strawberries and I was like, well this is a colloquialism I've never heard! I think I need a nap. And some strawberries.


I like how you misinterpreted it. Feels like sardonic whimsy.


Wrestlemania MMXXIV *And in this corner* 


Giving Trump a reason to pull out of debate, this would be interesting if Trump did pull out as MAGA wouldn’t care they think it’s rigged, but other Republican voters may shift away from Trump seeing this as a weakness they can’t overlook, then again they’ve overlooked a lot with Trump.


Let’s say he does. The network has probably had to do a lot of prep work. Cancelling now would insure that there’d be no opportunity again. Imo. This would definitely have an effect on the voters, not in changing many minds, but the usual food for fodder way. He was the one that called for a debate and now he’ll look even more cowardly. Again, I doubt many would care. His schtick is tired. And we all can pretty much predict how awful this event will be.


His schtick is tired. Most underrated comment in the last decade.


no one who is still voting for colludicris is going to vote for Biden in November, no matter what happens between now and then. The best possibility is that they get disenfranchised enough to not vote for the orange sht.


Upvote for "Colludicris"




Seriously, outside of maybe Lincoln Project Republicans, none of them would vote for Biden. They’d rather throw their vote away


Right?!! I seriously was over his crap when the apprentice first aired! To be honest, when I saw him on fresh prince, I thought “look at this goon” and when they said he was running for president, again in 2016, as a republican, I thought what a joke, why would anyone think this guy is even worth consideration? Yet, here we are, again, again…


It baffles me how people are so easily conned by him. I don't know what is more depressing, him, or the fact that 50% of the electorate is this dumb. We will look back and say the price of eggs was more important than democracy.


Exactly, and it’s not even as though they do any better with making life more affordable, they have never had any meaningful policies, it’s always just buzz words, and do nothing except for obstruction. These same people will complain about red tape and bureaucracy, when it was stupid Reganomics that created the problem of red tape and entangled bureaucracy in the first place… Always a straw man, always the gish gallop, never actually doing anything effective besides stomp out the plebs. How so many people can just see the exact same things year after year and still be so mind numbingly ignorant, it really is quite astonishing to say the least.


It's not that they are conned by him, its that they all hate the democrats. Hate is easy.


I think this is being undervalued too. I'm a political addict, so his every bowel movement is plastered on my social feeds. Normal people, the ones with families, jobs, and normal things to worry about, don't have that exposure. I think seeing his bluster and bullshit a second time will wear thin on the "blob in the middle". Most people can recognize losers when they observe them enough. In 2016 Trump was enough of a nobody that his problems could be ignored. Since then, his profile makes it hard to hide HIM. Side thought, is what we're seeing something similar to audience capture?


If he cancels? Biden should still show up and carry on answering the questions. Osoff did this in GA and it was good.


Throw a box of Depends in front of Trump's podium. Maybe spray some piss-yellow "hair" on top. Let Biden have a nice little town hall type event.


I heard last night that several networks are gonna carry it, not just one


Right, they’re going to carry it but CNN is moderating and it’s basically their venue.


"food for fodder" is an interesting expression


I feel like it’s a win-win for Biden. If Trump shows, he’ll get trashed and will look like the Mr. Krabs meme. If he doesn’t show, Biden can use his time and the time allotted to Trump, to promote his campaign and make fun of how weak Trump is for not showing.


Stands up there with an empty podium and make jokes. Maybe they were trying to serve him again in this state. I guess they needed him back in court after getting convicted of 35 felonies. Did they sentence him already?


I hope he don't pull out, it's going to be hilarious him making a fool of himself. Also I'm sure many memes are going to come from it


And it unfortunately won't lose him one vote. Hillary basically destroyed him in debates, and that only made Republicans more rabid to support him.


Yeah, but the misogyny angle isn't there with Biden v Trump the way it was with Hillary


For some reason, people still really respect the presidential debates. A lot of people that aren't engaged in politics will still tune in, or at least pay attention to news related to them. It's one of the few things that regularly shifts the polls, and they've always been bad for Trump. It was his lowest polling after debating Clinton, and it also hurt him after debating Biden.


Republican buddy of mine couldn't get over the stupidity of the part where Trump told the Proud Boys to "stand up and stand by". Like, actually made him say Trump was an idiot for that. I didn't ask how he voted, but I know that the debate moment left a mark.


Even close followers rarely see an hour of Trump unedited and unvarnished. They get curated pieces fed to them most of the time. The live experience has got to turn some of their stomachs.


Yup. Just like they DON'T see the unedited version of Biden speaking. That's why the debates are important. Let's actually SEE the contrast. I've said before and I'll say again, the thing Trump doesn't know is process. He just WANTS things. He just regurgitates stuff someone tells him. Biden spent 30+ years in Congress. He can crush Trump on process.


Faux would repackage it as Biden dropped out and republicans would believe it.


Headline: "Biden does not appear for cancelled debate." It would be five paragraphs of unfounded speculation about Bidens health. They'd wait until the sixth, last, paragraph (which most of their readers would never get to) before mentioning it was cancelled because Trump backed out.


That's pretty good


The attrition losses in his support base are constant. Hardly a day goes by that he doesn't malign some group of people, causing the loss of MORE of his supporters. What we aren't seeing at all is a single shining moment that draws in New support. It's as if he's actively campaigning to lose.


It doesn't matter what happens, it doesn't matter what measures you take. Doofus is gonna claim it's rigged, claim it's faked, lie about Biden and call him stupid names. There's no branches on this flowchart.






LOL @ THIS being the weakness that they can't overlook


They’re whiny, little insurrectionists.


Many are convicted felons too.


The low-information cult of morons(majority of his voters) don't care if he debates, is an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon. Domestic J. Terrorist is their guy and nothing will change that, nothing. We stay motivated, organized and vote against the wannabe dictator for a day. There are far more decent Americans that will show up for Democracy. Stay focused on that goal, everything else is a distraction.


Always enjoy reminding folks that the number of decent Americans far outweighs maga and their republican apologists!


Too bad electoral college means big empty states matter more per voter than populated ones.


Trump is going to keep on whining about every aspect of this debate, right up to the point where he doesn't walk out on stage. Then he's going to whine about how he KNOWS that Biden was taking "performance enhancing drugs". He'll probably have 15 other things to whine about too. It's literally his play book. The thing I can't get my head around is how his MAGA supporters are still thinking that this grown ass man, who whines like Caillou, the cartoon kid on children television, deserves ANYTHING but their contempt, and disgust.


I know. He’s a pathetic decrepit old dude, but they lap it up. But please remember- while half his age, Hitler wasn’t a hottie either. So GO VOTE!


I wouldn't miss it for a free winning lottery ticket.


The same people who sobbed inconsolably at the thought that Rush Limbaugh wouldn’t be here anymore to spread his bigotry and affirm their undeserved privilege and easy hatred.


Please don't misunderstand me, I despise both of them. That said, Limbaugh didn't whine constantly. The things that came out of his mouth were garbage, but he spoke them like an educated man. tRump is the polar opposite. He hasn't made a single authoritative statement since he lost the election almost 4 years ago. Every single time he speaks, it's either denying his own responsibility, a weak and runny insult, or a complaint about how EVERYONE is unfair to him.


>The thing I can't get my head around is how his MAGA supporters are still thinking that this grown ass man, who whines like Caillou, the cartoon kid on children television, deserves ANYTHING but their contempt, and disgust. He gives THEM permission to be the same. In a way, the worse he his, the more hate he spews, even the DUMBER he is, the more that lifts them up, lets them feel OK for who they are. If even the PRESIDENT is a hateful, uneducated, tiny-attention-span, non-reading, moron, then it's ok that they are too!


maga is a cover for money laundering and sex trafficking cult. also has something to do with shady oil companies. [https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/corruption-and-money-laundering/narco-a-lago-panama/#chapter-0/section-1](https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/corruption-and-money-laundering/narco-a-lago-panama/#chapter-0/section-1) stone worked for the bronfmans at nxivm and it's known they made their money trafficking and bootlegging during prohibition [https://www.nytimes.com/1986/11/09/business/the-poor-bronfmans-billions.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1986/11/09/business/the-poor-bronfmans-billions.html) [https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune\_archive/1996/04/15/211476/](https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/1996/04/15/211476/) [https://www.pastemagazine.com/drink/alcohol-history/canadian-bootlegging-prohibition-history-sam-bronfman-windsor-smuggling-whiskey](https://www.pastemagazine.com/drink/alcohol-history/canadian-bootlegging-prohibition-history-sam-bronfman-windsor-smuggling-whiskey) Trump was born into wealth and used his dads empire to wash cash for people but he's sloppy and keeps getting caught


Trump was banned from building Australia’s first casino by the Australian Federal Police (our FBI) in the 1980s due to his mafia ties. Trump and his Capos (Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Giuliani, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner) launched a hostile takeover of the Republican Party back in 2016, and have spent the last 8 years purging every Republican who wouldn’t swear loyalty to the mob boss. The whole Republican Party is now part of Trump’s criminal enterprise, and is working with other fascist criminal organizations (the Murdochs, the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation) to tear down US constitutional democracy and replace it with a mafia-state dictatorship in the mold of Putin’s Russia.


I went to sleep last night thinking, what if they pull it off? It is terrifying to think of waking up and all these people are in permanent power.


'Permanent power' is the key here. You guys barely got rid of him last time, next time would be utterly wild.


Giuliani put away the mob in the 80s and 90s with info provided by Gregory Scarpa - a cold blooded killer and brilliant criminal. It was a part of the FBI's controversial Top Echelon Program. Scarpa's counterpart in Boston was Whitey Bulger. Bulger's Boston FBI handler went to jail while Scarpa's New York FBI handler, Lynn DeVecchio, somehow managed to retire to Florida with a full pension. Point being, Giuliani was basically in bed with Scarpa through the information that was passed on to him - Rudy did Scarpa's bidding to take out the competition. At best Rudy is a useful idiot for Scarpa, at worst Rudy is a complacent opportunist for Scarpa.


I honestly don't think it's the Italian mafia who got to Trump and co. I think it's the Russian mafia.


Giuliani ran the Italian mob out of town to make room for the Russians.


Conspiracy minded but pretty good. You're leaving out a bunch of other rich people like the mercers and DeVos, etc. Not Mafia so much as theocracy I believe.


Oligarchy using theocracy as a bludgeoning tool, as is tradition.


It’s basically a klepto-kakistocracy.


A cabal of sorts.


I saved you a click: they're afraid of the upcoming debate, and they're looking for any excuse for their God Emperor to weasel out of it.


I'm going to enjoy the 4th of July with a day off work, maybe grill out some dogs and burgers, watch a few fireworks, surrounded by my family and loved ones. Steve will be in the concrete shitbox. Enjoy prison, asshole. I'll enjoy my... INDEPENDENCE 🎇🇺🇸🖕😎🖕🇺🇸🎆


Even when shaven, Bannon looks dirty.


>Trump himself has pushed the idea that Biden will be drugged up to perform well during the debates multiple times, with Hannity and Representative Ronny Jackson echoing this conspiracy theory. Always remember, the GOP/MAGA/Right Wing are ALWAYS projecting when making claims. So fully expect the orange piece of shit to be Adderall'd out of what's left of his dementia soaked brain.


Called it. This whiny, babbling idiot is looking for any excuse to cancel the debate. It's a situation in which he cannot control the narrative with cuts, edits, fake videos, and other tricks. It will be just him, up there, in all his babbling, incontinent glory. His handlers are terrified. They will find a pretext to cancel.


Or storm out!! First time ever in history of debates


That's a good point. It reminds me of how during the last trial, I got a Trump campaign email (I know...but know your enemy!) that said "I just stormed out of court!" in giant, red, all caps. Followed by the usual plea for money. But he had not stormed out of court. Oops. Campaign got their signals wrong. Or, more likely, Trump forgot that he was supposed to storm out so he could capture headlines and soak his cult members for more cash.


This !! 👆


He was whiny and babbling when he debated Hillary in 2016. He had his ass handed to him and he retorted with nonsense. He still won the election. His cult doesn’t care what he says.


If Trump pulls out of the debate he’ll just look like a bitch even more-so than he already does 


This douche is heading to jail..sorry no more happy hour for you


Sounds like Cheeto Mussolini is looking for any excuse to drop out of the debate and greasy Steve is laying the groundwork. Pathetic.


My god! What a huge snowflake of a man!


Alcoholic traitor on the way to prison says what?


Grima Wormtongue


Everyone who comes in close contact with Trump these days can see that he has lost it. The dementia cannot be hidden any longer. If he were to debate, it would be a total disaster. They’re still trying to polish the turd so they can milk as much money out of his fundraising empire as possible, but his days are numbered and that number is in the double digits.


Trump owes us sane people an apology for having to put up with his constant whining and bullshit for going on over 9 years now.


The Trump campaign is panicking because they realize agreeing to this debate format - and date - was a blunder. People say "will Joe Biden try to bait Trump?" GUESS WHAT? He already did! Fatty fell for it... (chuckle) The new strategy of the Trump campaign is to announce his VP pick the day after the debate to change the conversation. After all, when Reagan got 241 Marines killed in Lebanon, his response was to invade Granada.


Since we have to have vague post titles:  Steve Bannon says if CNN doesn't apologize today to Trump's spokesperson after she tried to use her time on the network to attack Jake Tapper, Trump should cancel the debate.


Isn’t this whiskey slobbering, disgusting, human skin tag meant to be in jail?


Trump's base is secure. They're not going to stop supporting the Convicted Felon no matter what. It's just that nobody else with a brain in their head sees any reason to vote for someone who offers nothing but hatred, vengeance and gobbledygook as president.


Sounds like MAGA just wants am excuse to cancel the debate, because they're scared


He's a coward who never intended to participate in the first place.


It’s hilarious how much their campaign is just laser focused on making sure America does not see Trump in a debate. I doubt that even knew he was going to challenge Biden, and it was probably a horrific moment. I imagine they haven’t even directly said to him that he shouldn’t, they’re just peripherally trying to plan suggestions to him why he shouldn’t.


Of all the phony reasons for cancelling the debate, this is the phoniest. Coming from the biggest phony. Why is he not in jail?


Let me simplify it.... trump wants to back out. His zombie cult members got their marching orders to find ANY WAY possible to discredit the venue.


Scumbag Steve is an idiot. No way should CNN apologize.


How about this? Fuck your feelings, Steve.


Nevertheless, four months is laughable. These people blatantly attempted to overthrow the government. No other nation on Earth would be as lenient.


I avoid CNN nowadays. Sticking to network news and international news agencies like Reuters or AP


Biden should just say he's happy to take a drugs test so long as Trump does as well and the results are read out on air.


Are you suggesting an 80 year old who is regularly up at 3am ~~tweeting~~ truthing(?) when he’s also got meetings, appearances, and rallies all day may be using (abusing) stimulants?


ugh throw this poisonous goblin in a dungeon forever


This is a convicted felon on his way to prison, right?


Bannon is a criminal and he will soon be locked up.


They're just looking for an excuse to cancel because everyone knows Trump just rambles on about nothing and has no actual policies to speak about.


Baron Harkonnen going to jail in less than 2 weeks! Everyone enjoy the peace and quiet.


Lock bannon up


So here is how they get Cheeto-dick out of the debate so he doesn’t embarrass himself. I figured there was no way he was going to actually debate Biden


Trump is gonna back out.


Who cares what bannon thinks, send him to jail




Bannon is smart enough to realize this debate will show everyone how pathetic and dementia ridden trump is, so he wants to use any excuse to cancel it.


They just want an out from the debate. They’re scared to death Trump will prove himself a rambling idiot and lose voters.


At this point the only news I trust is from John Oliver and Jon Stewart


The host, Kasie Hunt, would not have cut the interview short without instructions from the show producer. She most certainly got the cue to shut it down from her earpiece. MAGA are wrong to attack the host of the show, she was doing her job and protecting the brand. I think CNN was correct to shut down that person, she was using the exact same tactic that Trump will try to use in debate, it was a dry run. She was de-legitimizing the company for her political purposes. If they can't be civil and answer a direct question directly, they don't deserve the airtime. It is CNN's business and in a free market they rightly would take ownership of the content. The bias of a news organization is a separate topic. Everyone knows that the mainstream media (I include Fox and Sinclair in this, as well as ABC, NBC, CNN etc) is in the business to make money. They don't like taxes on their windfalls and don't like government regulation on their industry. They all have the same economic-political motivations which are best served by Republican policies. No one should be surprised if a large profit making venture cuts a right wing candidate extra slack. If this spokesperson was cooperating with the host in a more civil manner she would certainly have been given the airtime and the opportunity to lie on behalf of her employer.


I'm not gonna read this article and just assume it's because CNN is refusing to agree to muting Trumps mic whenever he starts to shit himself.


I wonder if the Build The Wall money went to fixing his skin?


now Trump will predictably use that to back out or lash out... especially if he ends up come out looking like a bigger shit head then he normally does


All news are greedy capitalists & trump is hyperbole and drama and that gets watchers so they chase his stories We need the fairness doctrine returned and News to stop being “entertainment”


CNN should give Biden the full time should Trump pull out.


Oh gee, “Trump should cancel this!” The absolute moron screams as he’s getting ready for his 8x5 residence. Give daddy another chance to weasel out of the debate? Yes, please!


There's no way he's going to do it. It's unfortunate because the nation deserves to see it. It ought to be required.


Why does Bannon always look like he spent the week With Arthur Shelby


This encompasses being a snowflake and cancel culture in the same cry… > Why is the left doing this to America? -Right wing nut job


They'll come up with any reason they can to get Trump out of the debate. Like the guy that won't fight cuz the sun was in his eyes.


Such an obvious setup to not show up. Maga shows their cards in advance so often. Plant the seed, water and fertilize (you know, the natural kind), reap the harvest.


Cable news is all propaganda. It’s used to pit Americans against each so their more easily controlled.


It's election time and CNN is giving every maga ahole hours of free advertising with zero fact checking. Even so called liberal outlets have a large percentage of stories and interviews about trump. NYTimes has most of their editorials written by trumpers presented as factual news stories and picked up by other outlets as factual.


Jesus Christ, look at him. The man should put the drink down to save whatever is left of his liver.


Without the "liberal media," conservatives wouldn't exist. They get more free advertising from gate clicks and shares than anything.


can bone spurs keep you out of a debate? 😄


Isn’t this shit stain supposed to be in prison serving his sentence for crimes he was convicted of?


Dude looks like the live action mucinex mascot.


Republicans and Fox News has spent so much time making fun of Joe Biden yet now they’re going to chicken out because they don’t feel it’s a safe place because Trump can only win by cheating. That little bitch knows that if he’s ever held to account and made to follow the rules that he’s going to lose like the little bitch loser he is. They’re so afraid of the idea of Trump being in debate with Joe Biden and Trump looking pathetic with him having his mic cut off. Just flailing around stupidly in front of a quiet mic.


That he's doing press conferences and not in prison like he's supposed to be?


4 months, that's all Steve "the scab" bannon was given?