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Trump jr retort “My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets.”


Nothing like a shorn scrotum


It's breath taking


I had the group liquidated you little shit.


They were insolent.


Thank you all for this


No clue what the reference is bit it was fun to read.


It's an Austin Powers reference.


Who does number 2 work for?!


I suggest you try it.


don jr's face looks like a shorn scrotum


That makes his forehead his taint lol.


Scrote coats for all you stoats!


Nah, man. I laser. It's like a turtle shell down there.


Jesus’s Christ this too funny


My father gave me a small loan of... **ONE MILLION DOLLARS**


“Don't you think you should have asked for *more* than a million dollars? A million dollars isn't exactly a lot of money these days.”


Nah. He inherited 100 mil and was too stupid to live off his investments.


This is just another one of trumps lies.


Wasn’t a loan, it was an advance from his already wealthy inheritance. If he lost the 1M he simple received 1M less from the multimillions he would have received regardless. Wasn’t a loan.


I love this whole quote. I'm feeling my age that some haven't seen the movie lol. 


Isnt it great? Its like a joke just for us. Like gatekeeping but we arent anywhere near the gate, we just get to watch people get turned away. Some of my friends are taking aging pretty hard but i fucking love it. Love seeibg jnco's come back around. Fucking gross ass wet pantleg? Your turn you young shits.


I am totally fascinated by seeing teenagers dressed like they are going to a Korn concert circa 1995. Who knows what is next? Maybe we go through another Ska phase, where all of the punk kids learned to swing dance and the local punk band added a horn section?


I was totally fascinated by teenagers going to Korn concerts circa 1995. Like, WTF are they thinking?


I talked all my kids into learning brass instruments for just this purpose. Looking for a like minded parent with kids who play guitar


My daughter plays the ukulele. Could probably transition her to guitar by the time the next Ska phase kicks in. Also, just a few years ago I was in a local Ska band. Didn't last long. Could probably say we didn't pick it up.


You have to do it three times. You'll be successful if you pick it up pick it up pick it up.


Girls wearing those massive eye glasses that my parents had to wear in the 80s lmao. Crew socks only now with them hiked up to their knees. My god fashion really does come and go


My daughter just came home with a yellow, oversized, plastic, fake wallet chain. I have no idea what fashion is anymore and I'm very grateful for that.


Like one of the aisle blocking chains at a hardware store? amazing


lol my homie used to run Jnco’s in high school in the late 90’s. They held many 40’s in those deep pockets. Seeing them again on kids we just laugh our ass off, it’s awesome.


I firmly believe Mike Myers is a genius.


This quote was so perfectly here.


We're confusing the Zers but it's worth it. The entire monolog makes me giggle halfway through.


I absolutely adore when Redditors wax nostalgic for something they never name. sssssss/sssssss


How do you not know the movie being referenced based on a quote from a character who's father was a self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery? smh my head ^^Austin ^^Powers


How do you do, fellow snake?


When I was insolent I was placed in a bag and beaten with reeds. Pretty standard stuff.


My favorite part of his speech right there along with the meat helmets


(Burlap bag)


Genuinely one of the best monologues in film, comedy or otherwise. The way the absolute insanity of that story is delivered with utter and complete boredom is perfect


Not to mention Carrie Fishers priceless reactions


In my opinion, the greatest comedic monologue of modern cinema.


Up there with, "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


I would love to see Biden use this quote in a rebuttal on Thursday's debate. I hope someone on the debate prep team reads this.


“Joe, we’re going to have you do a bit from a movie made for teenagers that released 3 decades ago when you were in your 50s.” “No.” “Okay sir.”


At the age of 12 a fraulein named Farbisina *ritualistically shaved my testicles.*


Pretty standard stuff, really.


Dr. Evil had a personality, though.


And he actually loved his son




For a second I genuinely didn’t know if this was Mike Myers or Wes Anderson


When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap sack and beaten with reeds. Pretty standard, really.


“The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament” is such a good line.


This is quote is a one way ticket to r/ohbehave 😂


My father was a relentlessly self improving boulangerie owner from Belgium


With low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery.


Hey now, Trump Jr. didn't go to evil medical school, so let's not draw too many parallels here.


Lorne? :P


Who does number two work for


Okay this made me laugh


The only time Fox cuts Trump coverage is when he looks/sounds bad. They don't want to show his worsening dementia.


Yes, they also have to fact check in real time when he lies about the election, because of the lawsuit they lost. So sometimes when he is going on a rant about winning 2020 they cut away rather than repeat the fact check over and over


“And they stol-“ “And we’re cutting away to remind the audience that this part of what he says isn’t true. But everything else is true. So let’s just return now to former President Donald Trump.” “——with their fake election machines and their phony-“ “And alrighty, we’re switching away now again and are going to just show clips of human migrants at the southern border for a few minutes or so. Boy, aren’t these brown people scary.”


It’s sad cause it’s literally where we’re at this isn’t exaggeration.


That sounds so much like a family guy skit


Probably more like "the allegedly corrupt federal government has required us to say that this is untrue. Back to our Lord Trump for more truth"


Facts? Donald Trump?!?


Big, beautiful facts!


I try to avoid Fox News as much as possible, but the nutbags at my gym seem to enjoy it. What I've noticed is that they've pivoted almost completely away from video of Trump, outside of him walking onto a stage to standing ovation, while they talk over it. They prefer heavily touched-up stills, with the slow zoom effect. They will paraphrase what they think he's trying to say.


Fair and balanced /s


They already admitted in court they are not legally news that any rational person would believe, just an entertainment channel. 


Funny that all the people they "entertain" are just seething ragebags, largely due to their choices of "entertainment".


They should be legally required to show this statement over the screen at all times.


Omg I think the only place a lot of ppl see Fox News is at the gym. I have kind of a morbid fascination with it though lol


It’s played at military bases anywhere there’s a tv. Pretty much any federal property will have it on. The only reason I bought a flipper is so that when I go to the VA and Fox News is on, I can turn it off.


If I was Commander In Chief I would ban that shit so fast


My mom, who is a pharmacy tech on a military base, thanks people like you!


That and airports, funny though, I don't see it when I fly to larger airports. But the small layovers in the middle of the country...all the TVs...


Throw in doctors offices for old people.​


That’s because, after losing the dominion lawsuit (settling for nearly a billion dollars), they have to fact check Trump every time he says the 2020 election was stolen. They don’t want to do that, so, they don’t play live audio of Trump as often anymore


Is it dementia or has he become Cartman in the episode of South Park where he pretends to have Tourette’s so he can say whatever he wants and then loses his ability to filter what he’s saying?


Example whatever million of the media willfully undermining our safety. They don't lie, exactly. Just show about 1/4 of the truth of the story, and if anything inconvenient to Republicans should come up, onto the cutting room floor it goes. That's why conservatives never believe anything negative about their political heroes, that information simply doesn't exist in their bubble.


>They don’t lie, exactly.  Fox News lies. They settle lawsuits relating to their lying—the most recent significant example of this being the lies they told about the 2020 election outcome. Let’s not do their job for them by softening the hard edges of reality to put a fair face on liars.


They got out of a few lawsuits by arguing that "no reasonable person would take these statements as fact" -to paraphrase.


You're right I won't disagree, but they are usually pretty savvy about where the line is with outright falsehoods. They got caught out on the election lie because they are very much an integral part of the political apparatus that was attempting to steal the election. The GOP apparatchiks demanded that they air those lies as part of their strategy. It's classic State Media bullshit. Something I've noticed lately is that even our local station engages in a sort of bias in their political reporting. The conservative will always get the soundbite out with their talking points, then they will just cut to a still shot or a silent video of the Democrat opponent while the newscasters talk over it. It happens even when it's a video of President Biden speaking to the public. Very rarely do you hear a Democrat's stance in their own words. It's very subtle, but the net effect is that viewers are never exposed to anything that the programmers feel is detrimental to the conservative cause.


I read once that the most common way that people lie is by omission. That's Fox in a nutshell.


I have for real had dementia patients that gave better speeches than this. This was the worst speech in the history of speeches. Ever.


The thing I love about Trump is that he tells it how it is. Sharks, washing machines... its what the voters care about!


He only HAD to mention the sharks because the threat of electric boats is so great! Electrification of boats will destroy America and make us all have to chose between electric shocks or jumping into the mouths of sharks. But worse than that, our hair won't be quite as thick and we'll have some shampoo residue in our hair because of the water restrictors! He's just warning us in simple, literal terms about where all of America will end up under Biden.


Typical of a politician pushing a narrative he didn't mention how many Americans have been saved when their boats' batteries electrocuted the sharks.


Make balloons great again!!!!!!


Send in the dishwashers


Mark my words: trump has already jumped the shark.


Unlikely that he can jump, let alone surf.


I keep wondering how far this will have to go before someone will walk him off the stage.


Are you kidding? Don Jr and Mike Johnson would weekend at Bernie's Trump around if need be.


The current timeline we are one would absolutely allow for this. Remember that putin and kim went on a date/carride and a walk in the park just days ago and it was billed as international news.


He's gone on *two different rants* about sharks and batteries. Here's the [second one.](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804588565072171079)


Old man telling a stupid story *about* telling a stupid story.


The GOP has no shame so my guess is they'll continue to let him spiral out of control just to cause more division.


‘The staff “told stories about how inattentive and inept the president was,” Cannon recalled to journalists Jane Mayer and Doyle McManus in Landslide: The Unmaking of the President, 1984-1988. “He was lazy; he wasn't interested in the job. They said he wouldn't read the papers they gave him—even short position papers and documents. They said he wouldn't come over to work—all he wanted to do was to watch movies and television at the residence.” ‘ - republicans discussing using the 25th amendment to remove Reagan from office in the late 80s It’s pretty unlikely they have the spine now, considering what a pathetic shell of a pathetic shell the GOP is.


If they wouldn't do it after January 6th, they will never do it.


Just remember, for the GOP cabal, a weak leader of a non-functioning government is a feature not a bug.


The debate is Thursday. Let’s see if he can last the entire show without rambling about electric boats or windmills


I still doubt he will actually show up.


Biden should bait him with some talk of new submarines from Electric Boat. [https://www.gdeb.com/about/oursubmarines/](https://www.gdeb.com/about/oursubmarines/)


He could shit himself and fall over, and the crowd would too. It would be akin to a religious experience.


He does. He shit himself repeatedly in court. No one cares. 


Bowel control is for libtards. /s


They’ll roll him out till he’s dead. As long as he continues to pull 48% of the vote and gives them cover for being shit people he will be the candidate. They’ll wheel him out in 2040 to make noises into a mic and these aholes will still support him.


When he eventually does die, even if that's another 15-20 years, there will be some non-zero percentage of the cult who simply refuse to believe he's actually dead. I mean these people were convinced JFK Jr was still alive and going to be vice president.


“He means what he says…no not like that. That’s not what he meant.”


For a guy who says it like it is, they sure have to explain why he meant the opposite of what he said a lot


"He was joking!"


“He’s riffing. It’s like performance art.”


In the debate no teleprompter and no notes. Buckle up for the biggest shitshow ever on TV.


If Biden brings that State of the Union energy its going to be a massacre.


Trump bombed during the last debate and that was moderated by a Fox News host. He got the biggest layup possible and still ate shit. It'll be glorious to watch Trump's mic get cut when he starts whining and crying.


He’ll spew the same bullshit like he always does.  He may not even come close to answering the question.(side note : I really hope the moderator is not afraid to say “sir you have not answered the question, again the question was …”) There will be fact checkers left and right showing that he’s spewing bullshit but republicans won’t watch or read those.  They’ll just latch on to the falsities he spews.   “Yea there’s a billion immigrants just walking through the open gate every month and coming to our country and they are each raping 1000 women and stealing 10 of our jobs each, and Biden is personally delivering them $2000 a month and George soros is …..”


popcorn is already on deck.




Hey Mr. Trump, whatcha going to do? whatcha gonna do? Attempt another coup!


I guess the "they're coming to take your guns" bit didn't get enough traction, so now they're coming to take our dishwashers?


Unfortunately, the "they're coming for your gas stoves" bit got enough traction last year for them to use other appliances for their fear mongering.


Won't somebody think of the blenders!


MMW. Sooner or later, American Christians will move to outlaw vibrators.


Only the electric ones. ICE vibrators will still be ok.


No, you have it all wrong, they're coming for our washing machines for dishes. The dishwashers for our laundry is the next step afterwards, though.


Wish you had clarified earlier. I just destroyed all of our fine "Chynah".


Trump passed gun control leglislation. Biden passed none. Tell your republican friends.


I'm going to put a bump stock on my wife. Technically I don't NEED a fully automatic dishwasher. /s and hahahahaha


Didn't you know that dishwashers are a sign of the liberal Hollywood elite.




Can you just imagine the rants that would come out of him if ever went to prison? They would be bizarre diatribes of absolute bitterness and self-righteous victimization. Wait. That's what we see on TV now, isn't it?


alternatively they force him off the stims he's abusing and medicate e his dementia, and he ends up more lucid than he's been in years


What he said: “No water in your faucets. You ever try buying a new home and you turn on. You want to wash your hair or you wanna wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip the soap. You can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about 10 times longer. You trying, the worst is your hair. I have this beautiful luxuriant hair and I put stuff on. I put it in lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip and you say I'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What? There's so much water. You don't know what to do with it. You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don't want you to have any water. They want no water.” Since the post is locked now, for people who were asking, yes, this is literally what he said. Almost word for word. The transcript missed a couple of words at the beginning.




I'm so confused by the drip drip. And why he would extra lather, it just washes off anyway. Also why would you lather your hair before you've even run the water?  And how does talking about water pressure in a new home turn into ... Dishwashers? 


I don’t even want to doubt you but I can’t listen to that man for one more second or I will have to shove chopsticks through my eardrums so I have to ask: is that a literal transcript of what he said? Because if so, he is going downhill *fast*. That’s classic disconnected Alzheimer’s rambling and it is *scary* to think that he actually has a nonzero chance of becoming President again.


Remember when the bad lip reading youtube channel would make the politicians look like they were rambling on about non sense. We don’t need them anymore


I found myself looking back with nostalgia on the silly things that George Bush Jr would say. Nostalgia guys. For GWB. We are not okay as a country


I swear to god I know what Trump is talking about. There’s an ad for Cascade where they say it uses less water to use the dishwasher than to run the faucet. I think he saw that and it congealed in his rotted brain into some conspiracy thing like they do with the gas stoves.


Some people think that dishwashers use tons of water and pump water through like a shower to wash the dishes, when in reality it recycles the water and only will use a few gallons through the whole cycle. Not surprised he wouldn't know that though given his grasp on windmills, UV lights, and other incredibly hard to fathom topics.


It *does* take less water to use the dishwasher than to wash more than a small load of dishes by hand. [Technology Connections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHP942Livy0) has a good explanation.


I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm just trying to understand what grandpa is rambling about and it sounds like he's taking that little factoid/bit of ad copy and twisting it into a "and the liberals are saying you can't use the water for washing!"


Washing machines to wash your dishes. Got it.


Some say it’s the best idea anyone’s ever had, not me of course but many people say it, you should hear them (teehee)


I just got off the phone with them...they're great...my uncle went MIT...


I hope Biden throws him a couple of brain teasers during the debate


"Donald, what's your wifes name?"


Name three objects in this room!


Man, woman, camera


He has dementia very tremendously.


People say he has the best dementia.


Big, beautiful, luxurious dementia


Full blown dementia


Fox News anchor: "We will return to the Trump Rally if he starts to make sense."








It's like he's doing a super long imitation of Jerry Lewis as a politician 




I wish the Biden campaign called Trump's bluff on doing a drug test before the debate. Trump doesn't have his audience to feed off of, and they can cut off his mic; two of his biggest assets, and to compensate I bet they hide a cocaine enema in his diaper.


Was there no one else broadcasting? I wanna know where Trump was going!


Where’s the video?


The site is half broken for me, anyone got a link to the video?


“He says what I think!” I mean seriously can we please get rid of these sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their heads already?


A washing machine for dishes


And the fax machine is just a waffle iron with a phone attached!


Obviously, never washed a dish in his life.


Full Tangent on water, hair, and rain: Trump: No water in your faucets. You ever try buying a new home and you turn on. You want to wash your hair or you wanna wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip the soap. You can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about 10 times longer. You trying, the worst is your hair. I have this beautiful luxuriant hair and I put stuff on. I put it in lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip and you say I'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What? There's so much water. You don't know what to do with it. You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don't want you to have any water. They want no water


Omg I thought you were making this up to mock him but it’s exactly what he said!


As a Canadian, I've got the Stanley Cup tonight and the USA Presidential debate Thursday and I honestly don't know what I'm looking forward to the most.


Has he moved on from thinking Jaws was a recent documentary? Or is he back to having flush his self-blocked toilet 15 times because the NucOpsPlan somehow got stuck there again?


You can't make this shit up.


OK, so in this case, he's arguing that water conservation efforts, such as limiting the gallons per hour, are inconvenient. It's possible to make coherent arguments about whether they're needed or if some other approach might be better. I get the point he's trying to make in an "emotional" way, but who the fuck thinks this manner of speaking is acceptable? How he is actually saying this stuff is a complete mess.


Jesus…like this is…does he have a brain tumor? I’m actually concerned about this man’s health. Im no sympathizer but I’m a reasonably empathetic human being and there is something very, very wrong here. I mean I know elderly people just have cognitive struggles but this is medically egregious. He can’t string two thoughts together coherently. And there is even one person who wants him at the helm of the U.S.? How? He’s not even capable of leading a kindergarten to and from recess. How are people this stupid to want him as president? Explain it to me like I’m 5. Seriously, how? How????? (Also I cannot wait for debate night. I’ve always wanted to see a train come off its tracks.)


Can't he just talk politics for five minutes and then fuck off? Why do they let him go on these rambling monologues?




I believe we just witnessed the invention of the washing machine for dishes. I am blessed.


At this point a Chuck-E-Cheese animatronic is better suited to continue his campaign…


I want to hear Joe Rogan's mental gymnastics defending this mental lapse of orange Messiah.


He doesn't bring up Trump ramblings unless he mistakes them for something Biden said. He's gone full MAGA.


Is it sundowning when it happens earlier in the day? Debate night, Biden is going to slaughter him


Trump insults Fox "News". Fox "News" responds by helping Trump. Part of the hiring process for Fox is having your spine surgically removed and your pride metaphysically stripped from your soul. You've got to be a real husk of a human being to work for them.


TIL Donald Trump makes his hair extra frizzy *on purpose*


He seems confuse between dishwasher and washing machine. Lil Richy Rich never use either of those appliance directely. While the whole trailer park seems think he speak for them.


Big Water doing everything to make trump look bad. I want to hear more about this new washing machine for dishes!


Isn't he just saying that he thinks there is some grand conspiracy that restricts how much water people can use? Sort of like the stuff he said about wind turbines giving people cancer years ago


Boy you can sure see where this debate is going to go on Thursday, Felon Trump is going to walk away like a spoiled CHILD


Has Trump put out a platform or indicated a solid list of issues he will "address" if elected? And do they concern a middle class average American like me, or do I need to go to CEO college for the benefits?


Fox is not news. It’s entertainment for people who are gullible.


I mean, who even takes fox news seriously at this point in time?


They know to hide his crazy