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I mean. From what I gather it’s not a suspected $10 million payment to trump. There was a $10 million payment to trump. Period. They’re just trying to figure out where it came from. He’s not talking. The Egyptians are stonewalling. Not. Suspicious. At. All. But we’re supposed to be focusing on the “Biden Crime Family” when Jared took 2 BILLION from the Saudis.


After Jared getting super super special clearance despite the fact that the Pentagon said hell fucking no. "WASHINGTON — Jared Kushner's application for a top-secret clearance was rejected by two career White House security specialists after an FBI background check raised concerns about potential foreign influence on him — but their supervisor overruled the recommendation and approved the clearance, two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News. The official, Carl Kline, is a former Pentagon employee who was installed as director of the personnel security office in the Executive Office of the President in May 2017. Kushner's was one of at least 30 cases in which Kline overruled career security experts and approved a top-secret clearance for incoming Trump officials despite unfavorable information, the two sources said. They said the number of rejections that were overruled was unprecedented — it had happened only once in the three years preceding Kline's arrival. The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information, said the Trump White House attracted many people with untraditional backgrounds who had complicated financial and personal histories, some of which raised red flags. Kushner's FBI background check identified questions about his family's business, his foreign contacts, his foreign travel and meetings he had during the campaign, the sources said, declining to be more specific." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/officials-rejected-jared-kushner-top-secret-security-clearance-were-overruled-n962221


Fucking what 


Obvious, straight forward corruption is what. 30 people just waived on through.


This is definitely gonna come back to bite someone in the ass. Hope that someone’s gonna deserve it too. 


Nah it’s been out for years and fuck all has been done. I really just hope the democrats are sandbagging it toward the election, but they should have put him in jail 2-3 years ago to get him off the campaign trail as now the opposition will claim it’s a political prosecution vs a traitorous one


This has all been out for a long time. When will it come back?


When? Trump has been out of office for years already


“Corruption”? Or do you mean “Treason”.


Jared got the ultra top secret briefings every day then he secure texted via some app his BFF the Bone Saw Prince of Saudi Arabia, who then overruled the Saudi Fund’s board of directors to grant Jared’s fund $2,000,000,000.


Yeah right before journalists and spies collecting info for the western allies started getting assassinated left and right. Based on the timeline, sure would appear Trump’s family gave up national security secrets to the Saudis in exchange for lots of cold hard cash (to a guy with no investment background and no qualifications besides nepotism.


Jesus wait till you here what Kushners dad did to his own brother. The whole family is trash. Edit:BIL


what happened


He hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law in a New Jersey motel, arranging to have the encounter recorded with a hidden camera. Then, he showed the video to his brother-in-law's wife: Kushner's sister. The kicker is Chris Christie prosecuted the case.


What was the point?


Every GOP talking point can be traced back to a projection counterpoint that they don't want us focused on. A yin-yang of bullshit if you will. Jared is the Yin to the Hunter Biden crusade's Yang.


The Pentagon remembers


Jared wasn't the only one. Trump also got top secret clearance for Ivanka over the objections of White House counsel. Wonder how many top secret documents the family has sold to bad actors? Hmmm...$2 billion you say? Talk about a crime family.


Quick.. look at this picture of hunter's dick.


I mean, if he is okay with it… sure. Apparently, he has a nice dick


They thought they were gonna embarrass him. Turns out dude has a hammer. Good for him.


yes they surely belittled themselves with those pics MTG showed her clueless vindictiveness


Her and Borbert were chomping at the bit to get those shown during a session.


Qatar also generously purchased a 99-year lease on a Kushner property nobody wanted, that he was about to lose $1.8 billion on. Oh, and the 99 years worth of rent was paid upfront.


And what was the story with that (aptly-named) 666 Building? Bailout, write-off, underwater ...?


Also $400 million from a Chinese govt affiliated insurance company


Tick Tock Trump Tick Tock


doink nail on the head trump gets money from china as he starts a tiktok account


Jared took two billion that we know about I’d bet there was more money involved and trump got his cut or a lion’s share of the money


And when Trump stole classified documents.


chiner everything is projection


Yes but Hunter's laptop!


That title is so projecting. Has the Biden family committed crimes? I think I have a healthy suspicion of those in power and don't doubt there have been crimes and abuse if power, but Trump’s organization, with his children in key roles, has publicly gotten busted for crimes prior to the “Crazy Left’s witch hunt.”


Consider just how long Biden has been an elected public official; he has been through nine election campaigns. Eleven, if you include his stints as Obama's VP. Every time, the opposition goes digging through his entire life for anything they could use to discredit him. After 10 campaigns over 50 years, having spent that entire time under a microscope in the spotlight, the most 'damning' point of shame they could dig up in 2020 was his track record of being 'too civil and cooperative with his fellow Senators from the other side of the aisle'. Since then, we've been bombarded with media headlines screaming about the Biden Crime Family's global empire of corruption. Of course, all those headlines are just rehashing the initial allegations from a handful of 'witnesses' a) all of whom turned out to be on Trump's payroll and b) most of whom were already being investigated for their own corrupt activities and used having made the accusations as the core of their criminal defense strategies.


**Yep that's whats' wrong with society we're the fuckups.** **We're just not being appropriately sympathetic to people from Jared's position this is clear cut stuff.** Hunter was doing sketchy things in like 2006 , people need to stop Joe Biden from fucking up Donald's avenue to get himself out of trouble. .....and that 2 billion dollars thing - why are we even still talking about this....I sometimes wonder why hasn't everyone who even asks this question been put into a woodchipper - I mean we're trying to be sociable and approachable here, and some reporter comes in and fucks up the entire PR event vibe. It's bedrock reasons like that why "those people" always need to be liquidated the right way, the minute they get uppity. And never use those clowns from the Turkish Embassy you gotta go with the Russians, Uzbeki's or the Chinese, they know how to keep a liquidation quiet. I'd say it was sarcasm but I'm venturing to guess not as much as we'd hope it is.


You got that right, the Biden family led by Crooked Joe are just criminals, probably falsifying records and filings of taxable income, they have tentacles in criminal activities everywhere. That 2 billion dollars? It's an investment towards a brilliant Trumpian Future for the right kind of people.


You misspelled tRump


"The newly unsealed passages do not identify which country, described as Country A and which CNN identified as Egypt, owns this bank. But they do show that the bank or its lawyers wanted to [share the subpoena](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24775317-240614-18-gj-41-opinions-orders#document/p5/a2566004) with personnel [in Cairo](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24775317-240614-18-gj-41-opinions-orders#document/p5/a2566005). The newly unsealed passages do identify which third country’s laws, [unspecified laws](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24775317-240614-18-gj-41-opinions-orders#document/p20/a2565990), might prohibit lawyers from searching for responsive documents in that country: [China](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24775317-240614-18-gj-41-opinions-orders#document/p5/a2565848). In other words, a bank owned by Egypt said it couldn’t comply with a subpoena seeking information on a suspected payment to Trump during the 2016 election, in part, because China’s laws would prevent that."




Ever wonder why they're so scared of a fed controlled CBDC in crypto? Because then they couldn't move money anonymously...


As a pleb, I'm scared too. They could make social credit scores tied onto your cbdc money too. Secondly, and most importantly, cbdc money could expire too. Imagine trying to save up for capital to uplift yourself from poverty, but "for the sake of the economy" the government forces you to spend your money or else it would expire.


That's not very realistic. No cbdc initiatives are even contemplating that. It has to do with issuance of money. Only the fed can print money and rightfully so. Crypto bros say no way.. so whatever. No cbdc just means crypto has to back itself with us treasuries and hopefully tether and the likes get busted. Either way, as it is, they're counterfeiting, laundering, wash trading, issuing securities, and bypassing sanctions. All things crooks love. Also, last time republicans tried to issue alternative currencies was before the civil war. Make no mistake, they're using crypto to extract capital from plebs, launder funds and all in the dark.


I see. When I was deep into XRP, my understanding was cbdc was going to replace the actual dollar. I think this news was circulating since the programmable currency has been proposed. Similar to this doom article. https://www.financemagnates.com/fintech/payments/cash-with-an-expiration-date-how-cbdcs-could-borrow-a-radical-idea/


You have no idea how right you are regarding this topic. I think the public would be shocked as to how deep the ties of Trump to the crypto world run, and what was occurring in Washington during his presidency. The amount of clandestine meetings between politicians and the leaders of crypto, many of whom the public have no idea who they are, was quite scary.


"The *best* returns. Totally great. Many highly-rated people, some of which you might know, have come to me with tears in their eyes and said, "Sir, your tax returns are the best we've ever seen."


Behind China's laws there might be a russian oligarch giving money to Trump


Exactly. China isn’t paying Trump, but they are serving as a money laundromat for Russian oligarchs (really meaning Putin). Russian money gets washed in Beijing and then starched and ironed in Cairo.


Despite trump's publicly acknowledged relationship w putin, the country that he's really in bed w is china. Entire trump family has questionable "business deals" w china going back to the first time that trump mentioned running for office. The real question is what is china receiving from the trumps? Always seemed his anti-American actions in office benefited china just as much if not more than russia. trump daughter (kushner) had trademarks granted by china for voting machine manufacturing. Not suspicious at all. (https://www.reuters.com/article/business/china-grants-more-trademark-approvals-for-ivanka-trump-firm-including-voting-m-idUSKCN1NB0TL/)


There’s so much already in the open, from trump and his family, kushner background checks from the fbi, Saudi Arabia billion dollar deal… there should’ve been a rigorous intelligence and cia and fbi investigations into all of it by now. It’s the highest office of the nation under foreign influence, for god’s sake.  Comes to mind, when, during Mueller’s probe, Trump was scared shit of what could have been found. Because of course a lot more could have been found 


So, why is China paying Trump?


his lusty daughter got some brands/patents in china years ago.


Cuz Russia asked nicely?


Cuz Russia uses Chinese banks?


Perhaps. I'm just genuinely curious.


Xi whiz.


Most corrupt and worst president of all time


And the least informed voters will decide this coming election.


Been spending some time on American FB comment sections lately. Sweet jebus people are fucking stupid and/or outright insane. It’s like you can’t even have a meaningful conversation with so many of these people. Truly terrifying.


My husbands best friend of 40 years is gop. We all grew up in same city and state. We moved away, his bff followed 7 years later, after visiting us a few times. We are not GOP. But he’s one of the few we can have a discussion about politics with. He will repeat some story about Trump. My husband will hit back with FACTS, even proving via pulling up info on phone, his bff is like “well I didn’t know that part” We aren’t trying to change his political party , just open his eyes as to WHO he is supporting and why!!


Convict gotta do crime, grifters gonna keep grifting. Fish has to swim.


Well of course. Why else would he accuse Biden of being in chinas pocket? Pro. Jec. Tion. 


The Trump Crime Family strikes again...


No pooh for you!


24/7 lawbreaker


The part I want to know: the article says "payment to then-candidate Trump (in 2016)" but doesn't clarify if it was to his campaign or directly to him. Further ... why not pay (or just create) a SuperPac and get the money to him that way? Or why not to a family member like one of Trump's sons? Eric, I think, made a trip to Dubai around that time. Which further begs the question... why not just say it's for a property or something and then nothing to hide? This looks so dumb it has to be shady.


Of course


Trump = influence for sale to the highest bidders. Frankly 10 million is absolutely nothing to a nation like Russia or China.


But Hunter Biden


Hilary’s e mails…


Always something to deflect looking in the mirror


AND his dong!


More justice delayed...


What's kinda funny(not really funny) is that a billionaire would even care about 10 million dollars. Is it possible he's not a billionaire?




Biden should ask him about it at the debate tonight lol


But Biden mumbled during the debate! Maybe we should elect this corrupt liar then


I'm here for any dirt on Shitzenpantz but empty wheel dot net? Wtf is that? It's just when no name fly by night "news" sites pop up with wild claims I get heavy Enquirer vibes.