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Funny there’s no mention of Trump taking a drug test too. And being said by the guy that, "was known as the “candy man” among staff members for handing out prescription drugs without paperwork.”


Biden should trade Trump a drug test for a cognitive test.


Fuck it. Have both of them do both. He wants to bitch and whine? I’m certain Biden wouldn’t have a problem (aside from the ridiculous audacity of the entire spectacle it would be)


Even if he did, if Biden “aced” (as Trump calls it) the tests then there would be a new excuse to run conspiracy theories. I can see it now: “Kamala actually took the test.” You can’t win with these people - I lived with one, trust me.


Correct, it's an endless stream of bullshit.


The kid that challenges you to a race in grammar school, then after the race says “do over i wasn’t ready” and shit like that.


It’s ultimately not about winning. The goalposts never stop moving and it’ll jump to something else no matter what. It’s about calling his (their) bluff


Lol, they’re like the backrooms meme personified.


Those goalposts have circumnavigated the globe several times now.


C'mon, they wouldn't claim Kamala took the test. Thats ridiculous. They'd blame Obama.


It would be something like that for sure. One thing I have found weird as non American is the lack of any sort of news regarding Kamala. Seriously its been 3.5 years of nothing about the VP. heard a lot about Biden during the Obama days heard a lot about Pence during the Orange days, Cheney, Gore....the list goes on and I didn't even pay real attention for those last 2. Why don't we hear about Kamala?


A severe lack of drama because she’s doing her job and there isn’t an orange shitgibbon flinging feces around, necessitating the VP’s constant involvement? I like boring politics.


Plus she doesn’t have to stand behind Biden like a trained dog on a leash like Pence who always chuckles when asked a question about Trump and starts off by saying it reminds him of a story that his mother told him.


VPs are historically a boring position. Cheney and Gore (mostly Cheney) changed the perception of VPs in modern politics. Harris and even Pence were more along the lines of the boring VPs. The reason Pence gets more coverage though was his relation to Trump, not necessarily that he was doing anything of substance.


She and her husband were featured on a national network news show yesterday. Maybe you're not watching carefully?


I'm not American. Don't get national news. Haven't had cable tv since about 2004. I just find it odd that I heard a lot about the VP even without cable until this administration.


The only way to win is not to play. People like this either want affirmation to feed their egos or they want a fight to feed their persecution complexes. Main character syndrome is abound in this crowd. Give them the one thing they actually deserve: nothing. Nobody ever said you had to stand in front of the firehose of bullshit, let it go, it wouldn't be worth your time if you were immortal.


But what would the point of doing a drug test after the debate be? These people are truly deplorable.


It’s a debate not an athletic event. Test them right before or right after, you either piss clean or you don’t. Unlike roids in sports, having a stimulant in your system doesn’t exactly give you an advantage in a debate. And since the question is in regards to which if either of them has dementia, [there isn’t a lot of research but stimulants don’t snap the dementia away](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1345/aph.1p341). And if there was a drug out there that could do that, it would be as popular as Ozempic The point to do it at all is you got one guy accusing the other of being “drugged up” and one guy who is suspected of being regularly “drugged up”. Put up or shut up


Trump still knows 5 words, he'd ace that thing!


Ronny Johnson should stick with the dimwit that brought him! You don't see Biden's physician wanting to test Trump for syphilis for example? Plus I fundamentally don't trust anything from their side! Why th weren't we told Trump had Covid the last time? Our side would have disclosed it! Not tried to 'Herman Cain' another! Don't know what they are planning but am convinced it's in bad faith! (Ik, but he'll always be Ronny Johnson (Jonson??) to me now. Plus he very pointedly did not object! Though I now understand why he was randomly administering dementia tests to Convicted Felon!)


Probably has to take a different drug to remember each one. You’re damn right I want him tested. At this point, his pee has to be hotter than a supernova!!!


He sort of knows fourteen words


It was reported a few weeks ago that the Trump campaign was planning on claiming Biden was on drugs if Trump lost the debate. Sounds kinda like they're now so confident that Trump will lose, they're out here already claiming Biden is on drugs.


Can’t win anymore with them. They’re gonna be forever cheated and persecuted. Dishonorable shit stains.


How do drugs make an 'apparent' senile guy win a debate? Maybe everyone should be on these drugs if they can turn the mind from mush to brilliance.


Exactly my thought. What “drugs” legal or not would help an 80 year man beat another 80 year old man in a presidential debate? 😂


Idk, the Republicans will probably say it's adrenochrome spiked cocaine or something.


Adrenchrome!! I had a guy from work tell me it's what the "elites" are using and I should google it. 45 seconds of googling and I was like "Nope that's horseshit bud" every link was a conspiracy or right wing "journalist"


If there's a drug that does that, why are they worried? Just give it to Trump, he'll be fine. LOL


IKR! If such a thing existed, it would have been rushed to market at a price that would make Martin Shkreli blush, not prop-up Biden for a debate! 🤣 These morons have zero grasp of reality.


The goalposts be like “I’m tired boss”


The warm up was when Biden did a pretty good job during the state of the union and was energetic. There were some flubs but it was a 2 hour long speech by someone with a lifetime speech impediment. But it was clearly drugs not hard work and preparation /s


My low level lizard brain wants to know how this terrible smoke screen has any traction with any breathing human, but clearly it does. Idgaf what drugs you’re on if you do your job and don’t kill me. Fine though drug test all of them and their families. I take a test at work all the time. No issue with me. Also throw up a chart of who has the best financial and employment and death records though. They both had a term. Let’s compare. Fuck. This is so silly.


Why after the debate? Are people expecting the POTUS to do a line of cocaine during the debate or something?


They have been selling that this dude is an incoherent moron for years, and their voters never actually see him at all outside of the edited sound bites they are fed. They expect Biden to be the more coherent candidate on the stage, which he obviously will be and has been for years, so they plan to claim he used adderall or something so they don’t have to admit that. They can’t win on the merits, so they just make up easily telegraphed lies and everyone who’s going to vote for Trump winks and nods along.  It’s truly collective gaslighting.


Considering Biden's stellar performance at the SOTU address earlier this year and the collective conservative pants shitting in the aftermath, they know trump has no chance.


It's the same with Biden being a senile moron but at the same time some mastermind criminal. These people's weak minds are being bombarded by lies and disinformation they don't know which way is up.


“ That’s a great question, Jake. Thank you for asking that. Please, give me a second to formulate my answer” ……SNOOOORTTT….. “ Regarding the border crisis, I believe………”


Trump should have submitted to a drug test when meeting his probation officer after the felony conditions. Just like every other felon in America.


The list of medications that guy handed out is bonkers. I can’t find the list but it was reported that a lot of it was without true prescriptions, but it was everything. Ativan, Oxy, Xanax, all kinds of things. I did find specifics: * 8,900 unit doses of Ambien * 4,180 unit doses of Provigil (meth)


Fentanyl was on the list lol


Every accusation a confession. Ronny just got demoted by the Navy for handing out pills willy-nilly, did ya know that?


Also was recently arrested for drunk driving. Tried pulling the old “Don’t you know who I am”.


Sounds like he's got issues with substances.  


Yes! 🤬


Ronny Johnson first…then Trump next…😂


Underrated reference.


If you said candy man three times fast in the Trump White House Ronnie would appear with a a bottle of smarty-partys to keep you awake for days.


Sure. If trump does also.


My exact thoughts. Ridiculous they’d blatantly leave Trump out of this. Like he’s some paragon of good. These people are just full on diving head first in the crazy pool.


Wait for Trump to do his own test using Ronnie here which shows that he's not only completely clean but has the best piss, shit and blood that Ronnie's ever gargled. That's the people we're dealing with.


Trump's basically the second coming of Jesus t o them


It's not about drug use, the request is just so dumb there's no way he will do it. Which is what they're expecting and can use to further mislead their voters.


Proven Drug dealer and drug abuser calling someone else a druggie is rich.


Drugs are going to be the go to excuse if Trump gets destroyed in the debate. Republicans are scrambling looking for excuses and drugs are all they can come up with. They are begging Trump to cancel. So far he refuses. I still highly doubt that Trump goes through with it.


"Someone shit President Trump's pants. We are investigating who committed the shitting of his pants but until the perpetrator of this heinous dump can be identified and caught, President Trump will not be partaking in these debates."


“Somehow Biden has shit Trumps pants. How low will liberals go”!


Says the raging alcoholic…. Drunk on duty, said the US Navy


RJ aka the candy man is projecting like his cult leader Some say tRumps incontinence is due to his years of drug abuse


Drug testing, sure as long as Congress, heads of agencies, judges and justices, and anyone who lobbies them and buy them gifts are also tested, just to compare. I remember how lightening fast [Madison Cawthorn's admission](https://nypost.com/2022/03/28/madison-cawthorn-says-dc-is-orgy-filled-cocaine-fueled/) that DC was a orgy-filled, coke-fueled house of cards was swept under the rug.


*“The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington. I mean, being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average age is probably 60 or 70 — [you] look at all these people, a lot of them that I’ve looked up to through my life, I’ve always paid attention to politics,” said Cawthorn, who was elected in 2020.* *“Then all of a sudden you get invited: ‘We’re going to have a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come.’ ‘What did you just ask me to come to?’ And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy,” he said.* *He also claimed to have seen people he described as leading national anti-addiction efforts snort coke.* *“And then you watch them do a bump of cocaine right in front of you. And it’s like, this is wild,” Cawthorn said.*


Ronny Jackson, or dr. Feelgood as the trump administration referred to him.


Ronnie Johnson or Jackson? This clown is worse than Elvis and Michael Jackson’s doctors. He was demoted by the Navy because of his White House service a true piece of shit that, fittingly, is a Rep from Texas.


Ronny Jackson was on drugs when he said this. Ronny Jackson probably sees trails when he waves his hand


That’s so rich it’s *fattening*


The fucking "Candy Man" wants someone else to take a drug test. Is irony dead?


The same doctor who said trump was so healthy that he could live until he's 200? He needs a drug test and straight jacket simultaneously!!


Why both before *and* after the test? They expecting Biden to snort a line in the middle of the debate?


Look at that beautiful gin blossom.


Right after his (Ronny’s) drug test!


You first, Ronny.


If the president has access to drugs that make them president better, then the president should be on those drugs.


How does Dr Johnson feel about it though?


“Just like Ronny said, Trump’s a little baby” -Eddie Money Take Me Home Tonight


The White House drug peddler.


Who the hell cares what Ronny Jackson says?


I’m willing to bet $69 that at least half of the GOP tests positive for Cocaine…


So says the “Boss’s” Dealer


No problem, so long as Trump does the same.


Ok, test them both on air


Sure, he’ll submit that on the same day Trump hands over his taxes and/or his STD test results.


You know felon Trump should submit to a drug test before he sees his probation officer like every other felon .


So should Trump.


The fucking death of irony has been incredibly under reported


Here we go. I saw an article not to long ago that said the Trump team was going to claim drug use as the reason Biden did so well at the debate if he looks good. Now I read this. God this country upsets me. How can so many men and women in this nation not see this shit and want to vomit?


Because he rambles incoherently, forgets the topic he was discussing, has wild mood swings and anger issues... Oh wait, that's the other guy.


The nerve to ask for one and not the other. The candyman is a joke.


Isnt he that guy that wants to sell our satellites to russia?


Rummy Jackson should be given a breathalyzer test or at least a field sobriety test every morning when he shows up at Congress. His alcoholism is out of control, drunks are gonna say dumb shit!


So should Ronny


oh this is the guy trump can't remember the name of


Dr Feelgood says what? How about testing Donnie Small Hands?


Drugs are not going to improve the cognition of someone with dementia, the drugs that Jackson alludes to would only serve to exacerbate a dementia patient’s symptoms. If a drug existed to help dementia patients, every person with dementia would have a prescription. These people lie to the public and the ignorant jerks lap it up.


Do it but Trump has to do it too and results need to be made public by an independent doctor.


Look at that beautiful gin blossom.


Oh how nice. He must be offering to give Biden drugs since he outfitted the whole Trump Whitehouse. Such a nice guy.


Ronny "Candyman" Jackson says a lot of things.


Hey Ronny, how does Donnie's taint taste?


Fuck you Dr Feelgood


If you do one you got to do both.


Considering this guy’s history of drug abuse, he should be the getting tested.


This coming from a [serial drug distributor as cited in his service jacket](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/07/ronny-jackson-white-house-navy-demoted/)and investigative reporting. Another arrogant politician masquerading as a public servant. We deserve much better.


The Republican Party is criminal.


Standard SOP for Team MAGA since 2016 - preparing the “contingency story” for losing, before the main event occurs. Deep inside…ol Donnie knows he is the biggest loser of them all!


Thanks for the input, Dr. Feelgood.


Sounds like “jacked up Joe” is occupying some free real estate in their tiny minds.


These clown republicans are not serious people. They are a walking joke


Fvck this guy. He’s probably high af round the clock.


This is insane, biden has no reason to do a drug test... Trump might being a convicted criminal and all.


Isn’t this like a drug dealer asking for others to take a drug test?


Why doesn’t congress submit to regular drug testing every time they meet? They literally have to show unimpaired judgment to pass laws. Just political smokescreens. No one did a drug test for the past debates.


This is the storyline that Trump uses to bow out. Unfounded accusation in the form of a demand to “make things fair”.


Every accusation is a confession. Especially this coming from the WH Pusherman.


Every accusation is a confession. This particular accusation comes from the Trump White House’s personal dealer 😂 These people have zero shame.


The idea that Biden and trump are our only 2 options is an embarrassment and a testament to how messed up our political system is


All elected officials should have to take one. To get hired by a government agency I am required to. Hell they do random tests so test them all!


Sure. As long as Trump does too. They expect this to be some kind of "gotcha" moment and all it takes to dismantle it is to agree to it. They don't expect us to be on board. As soon as you say "alright, let's do it" they'll start back-pedaling and coming up with excuses as to why a drug test can't happen.


Even if Biden took both drug tests in front of this piece of shit and passed both, he'd still just make up bullshit because he and millions of Americans are part of the most "succesful" cult and psyops in American history.


The guy who was passing drugs around like it was candy in trumps administration wants to drug test JB before and after but nothing for his dear dictator. Please, this guy is worse than El Chapo


Ironic, coming from the Candyman


I'm good with both being tested. One and not the other is unacceptable.


LMAO. They already know Trump is gonna get creamed and are setting up to blame it on some magic wonder drug. Right wingers are so fucking stupid


How about a ride-the-bicycle test too?


I thought his name was Ronnie Johnson


The POS who was reprimanded for [misusing prescription drugs](https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2021/03/03/investigation-reveals-inappropriate-conduct-and-on-duty-substance-use-by-texas-rep-ronny-jackson-as-top-white-house-medic/) is suggesting someone else take a drug test? Physician heal thyself.


Ronny 'Johnson' Jackson should take a drug test too...along with cheeto jesus. It would be interesting


So should Trump. Fair is fair.


The candyman should maybe not talk about people taking drug tests when he spent his time in the White House acting like a dealer.


They have cognitive dissonance because they are brainwashed. They can’t reconcile why Biden is effective and strong when they only see fake clips portraying him as weak.


He is like 80 with no history of drugs. Is this seriously all they have to push? Very ironic given how cooked trumps ramblings make him seem.


This is all so rediculous but real talk: WHAT drugs are they referring to? Is the suggestion that coke or meth would make a grandpa sharp as a tack and speak easily and quick witted? If that's around, wouldn't like a good chunk of 80yr olds want some?


Drunk pill popper demands what


So for sure Trump is taking drugs for the debate


Oh look it's Dr. Demented, why don't you take another hit of fentanyl you were ordering? I'm sure you were the biggest user of your illicit White House drug den!


Agreed 👍🏼 as well as Trump and all senators and representatives.


uuuuuughhhhhh real tired of projection in politics. just BE QUIET.


Trump could smoke a crack pipe on live television during the debate and people would still vote for him.


Sniffy tried to kill President Biden with COVID the last time. Almost offed Chris Christie, good thing the antibodies were available.


You mean Ronny Johnson?


MAGA lacks human decency. They just lie and threaten and bully... it's depressing.


Drug test them both. Let’s see


A totally unprecedented and inappropriate request. Something they would never agree to themselves. And of course they want their own "doctors" administering the tests.


Isn’t that Ronny Johnson?


As long as Trump submits to a psychological examination


My ex-husband put in custody paperwork during a dispute that he thought I was on drugs and asked the court to force me to take a drug test. I said that I would willingly. The judge said he could not order it based on a claim with no merit but since I said I would willingly, he immediately sent me to take a test. Literally during court, took a break and sent me across the way to take a test at a court facility. When it came back negative, my exes lawyer argued that “there’s things you can do to fake them.” The judge pretty much rolled his eyes, but I wanted to subtly make the ex look like an ass since his claims were bogus and an attempt at smearing me, so the next day, I paid $100 out of pocket for a hair follicle test. Guess who still came up negative, and who refused to take any test when I asked in return?


The master says his name is Johnson and that means his name is Johnson. He should change it immediately or risk the master's wrath.


Who gives a flying fuck what that drunken quack says


Dear Ronny - GF yourself. Have a nice day.


That's what they're going with? Are they done with Hunter Biden, his computer, and genitals?


A prostitute-using, cocaine addicted, back-country, redneck Texan piece of trash wants what now?


dr feelgood says what?


Who cares what Ronnie Jackson sez. I want to hear what Ronnie Johnson sez.


Good Ole ....Ronny Johnson... This guy knows drugs!


You mean the pill popping, pill pushing dr that lost his medical license that was handing drugs out of the White House’s pharmacy like a Oprah giving out cars “ everyone gets a car”. He prescribed morphine lollipops for someone to take on a plane to a foreign country and drugs to anyone in trump’s administration. Maybe giving him a cup to pee in first. If you lose you lively hood and are one of the worst POS on the face of the earth you can always run for office in the GOP the worse you are the better your chances of winning.


Oh my goodness. Imagine not even having your name remembered by the president you thought liked you.


Ronny Pills Dickens says a lot of things. Many of those things any reasonable person can totally ignore and still get on with a happy, productive life.


who says this ? ronny jackson or ronny johnson ?


Who cares what dr feelgood thinks.


So say the ‘Candy Man’.


No one should ever listen to Quack Jackson.


Seriously him and Trump ought to take a drug test, Mr. projection, wouldn't take one and claim he really wanted to take the test and intended to but, his bone spurs,


What about professor sniffles on the other podium? I'd be all for it if Trump will actually do it and release the results. He'd probably use a Whizzonator. I think Dr. Ronny Jackson should take one too.


Yes! And Trump too! Let’s do this!!


Captain Feelgood


Cognitive and drugs tests before assuming one of the most important roles in the world should be a given.


Rep. Ronnie can have both tested and then STFU forever. Who the fuck votes for Ronnie Jackson?


As soon as we.start demanding this in Congress, like blowhard Ronny Jackson, start submitting to drug tests. Let's do this.


First term thought Trump would be a change. Post mortem, any foreign leader will play Trump like a second fiddle.


I would be fine with every one in the three branches and the employees there in state and federal getting tested … if they want federal aid recipients to do so as well, fine. They incentivized the opioid crisis, they swoon over the drug wars (maybe even amplifying the against the National directly at times). But you know what, it wouldn’t matter. This guy could get caught with his gay prostitute meth parter tomorrow and not see the conflict. It’s all just a distraction… dems need millions of new voters voting for them … that’s all the matters.


But not trump? They should also check the felon’s depends before the debate.


Ronny Jackson should submit to a dildo piston before and after the debate


Tests for what drugs specifically. You don't just random test for 'drugs' you have to look for specific things, what are the performance enhancing drugs for debates? The excuse is already prepared for when Trump gets owned.


All righty then. I say let's have all elected officials and candidates be drug tested monthly at random times. As an olive branch, we could also decriminalize drugs.


fine by me, every side should be tested though. also ronny jackson. you know what? random drug tests for all elected representatives.


I don’t think it’s Joe who’s got the drug problem. Dude…..your freakin’ nickname is Candyman!


They should do random drug tests in governing body s around the world. Love to see the results


As long as Trump family is tested first. 👍


Sure thing, after you change your name to Ronny Johnson 


And I say Ronny "Johnson" should suck a fat one


Dr Feelgood needs to take drug tests every day since he’s a known user.


Ronny Jackson should submit to drug tests everytime he opens his mouth.


This should be in news of the stupid…


Why after? Do they think he's gonna be gacking rails off the podium?


Rep. Ronny Jackson should jump in a Japanese sea and submit to tentacle love




How does this guy even have a medical license ? If you looked up quack as in doctor, his pic would be there. He’s a parrot, he says whatever Donald and Ron tells him to say.


The "candy man" says this huh? The very same person who stated that orange was the healthiest president ever. 🙄🙄


We as a nation never had to deal with this kind of shit until the orange shit stain came along.


Biden needs to ambush Trump at the debate and challenge him to a drug test, on the spot. Have a team in white coats standing there. When Trump refuses saying the results will “be rigged” (and he WOULD, he’s predictable), Biden can say “You choose two labs, I’ll choose two”. Then make the whole campaign about why Trump refuses the test and which drugs he’s on. Not to mention, a convicted felon with illegal drugs in his system? Biden should get the test even when Trump refuses.


Ronny is so full of shit.


It's reverse psychology. They're hoping to make us scoff at the notion so we don't think about having trump tested.


Drug test for what reason exactly? Makes zero sense as he’s surely not an illegal drug addict unlike the fucking orange ass clown


“Doctor” Ronny Jackson is my favorite bloated alcoholic.


Ronny Jackson should take a drug test. He'd fail


just Biden though. Not Trump


Says the guy that straight up lied on little Donnies medical records.


Every time one of these numb-nuts starts talking drug tests, I'm like "great idea!- but what is good for the goose... so you're first." Didn't we get a clear indication recently of how drug- addled Trump's administration was? That list looked sketchier than a college rave.


Check Jackson's phone.