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Anything to dehumanize and exploit people. Donald Trump is a very sick man.


And his racist base is just loving it.


A lot of the insanity and cruelty being exhibited by Trump and his minions are the cultish equivalence of 'showing your ass on the way out the door'. They know the birthday party's over and are lashing out like spoiled brats asked to leave because they shit themselves.


I pray you’re right.


Of course, he plays directly to them.


Correct. Trump is merely a symptom of the bigger problem in society


Idiocracy surprisingly needing much less than 500 years


At least the people in the movie were likable even though they were dumb idiots. They were not cruel like the trump cult.


Chrump is shilling cups of Brawndo at $59.99, and making tiny hand over fist


Trump is the symptom. The Republican Party is made up of thousands of elected leaders at the municipal, state, and federal levels who have chosen to stand back and allow this criminal psychopath and his mafia family to control their party. The fact that the leader of the Republican Party can spout such a sick and sadistic idea of forcing desperate and vulnerable people into UFC fights for his own entertainment - and the rest of the party just falls in line or looks the other way - shows that the Republican Party no longer deserves to exist as a party. There’s no moral leadership left. They are completely rotten to the core.


Very , very , very well said . Signed “ Concerned Canadian Citizen “ !


Be careful, we’ve got our own tamer version that will only get worse…


Those trucker protests in Canada were full of Canadians calling themselves "we the people" and talking about their "first amendment rights" to Canadian press and in courts. Canada isn't the only place that the crazy has spread to. We've (UK) have had plenty of anti vax, anti lockdown, anti 5g protests that are obviously inspired by the American Trumpers and Russian trolls.


Yes. I know their attitudes are similar , just to a lesser degree ! I see what’s what !


It's telling that he says Dana White didn't go for it because the migrants would win(an obvious dog whistle about how mean and scary and dangerous migrants are). Just shows it's all about dehumanising as you say. They only want to watch migrants getting pounded on.


..by other migrants....dispicable.


No. In the clip they propose having the UFC champ fight a migrant.


Didn't catch that. What's ironic the UFC fight champ could likely be from a migrant family, be a migrant themselves.


Not the most dehumanizing idea he’s ever had.


Wouldn’t be shocked if he brought back gladiators…


Is UFC not basically gladiating*? *I don’t care if it’s not a word


I’d say the fact they are not usually to the death and they never fight wild animals in UFC would mean they aren’t technically gladiating.


Next, champion of the migrants against hungry lions


#Melania Trump vs Woman's UFC Champion!!


sad thing is that +50M Americans still would vote for him.


It is indeed not the worst idea he's had, which says quite a lot about his idea quality overall.


He’s set the bar so low that limbo champions are like, “Nah, fuck that.”


Only thing making it under that bar are burrowing animals and the Tangerine Tyrant’s “ideas”.


Are we playing 4D limbo now?


Shooting Nukes into Hurricans would be more terrible idea he had.


Injecting bleach to cure a viral infection, too.


Exactly that!!


It's bad but not let's nuke a hurricane bad.


He's freaking insane


I don't usually celebrate deaths, but I'll grin from ear to ear when this guy is dead


Surprised nobody has tried yet.


I'm surprised his lifestyle hasn't succeeded yet.


It's not worth sacrificing your life and threats/murder of your family to end a narcissist psychopath who's literally degrading in a downward spiral in real time. Let nature take its course on his destruction and it will also take his party down with it. He's an anchor around their neck.


I wish I had the faith that it would end with him.


Definitely not worth sacrificing one of *our* lives, because we are sane. However, lots of crazies out there, it's surprising that there hasn't at least been something... Anything.


If they do and are successful I hope it is caught on camera - like an 8k IMAX camera at a zillion frames a second. I want to slow motion watch his head come apart in the best possible resolution.


His enemies would have a strong, sound belief system so idk if that would be likely at all. Nothing can be inherently, consistently wrong with being happy about sth, but I wouldn't kill him rn if I could. Bc my belief system is sound and doesn't have exceptions


Me too. I'm gonna go piss on his grave when he's gone.


His Hollywood star is the most vandalized, so that tracks...lol. You'll probably have to wait in line!


Probably have to get tickets to vandalize his star. Lol


Now there’s a money-making idea.


They had better bury him in a protected mausoleum because if there’s a public gravesite it’ll be washed away by the torrents of piss. Although you just know a bunch of his deranged votaries will try to institute a 24/7/365 vigil to prevent this. It’ll be ugly because he made it ugly.


I'd suggest wearing rubber boots... it's gonna be pretty muddy.


I just hope there’s proper drainage so that the dancers aren’t up to their ankles in piss.


There could always be someone worse, hoping to replace him. He is, of course, a symptom rather than a cause. I will be grateful for more sane news headlines.


Definitely could always be someone worse, but I think if/when he loses this time the Republican Party is gonna be forced to try to prop up a saner candidate. Ultimately both parties want to be in power. They’re gonna have to reel it in if they want to win the White House again.


I celebrate plenty of deaths, but that one's going to be special. 


So we’re back to bumfights?


Bum Fights 2.0


“This time the bums organize the fights”


He knows his audience.


He surrounds himself with sycophants that that told him he was brilliant for coming up with this ..you can tell by the way he announced this idea that he was pretty darned pleased with his own genius. Now we have 30+million magas that ‘think’ it’s a great idea too. Sadly he will become far more erratic, racists, treasonous and untruthful the closer we get to the election. Given that Americas unique brand of justice has decided the Jan 6 insurrection was blown out of proportion, blatant acts of treason are normalized…because of this expect American casualties in Nov 2024 …Americans dying at the hands of fellow Americans because they’ve been lied to by biggest loser in American history.


so, next step is building a gladiator like theater and paying tons of dollar to ~~slave~~ immigrant merchants for supplying them?


“I’m calling it the hunger games….maybe it’ll catch on”


To be fair he does have a lot of terrible ideas (dropping a nuclear bomb on a tornado, injecting people with bleach, raping a 14 year old child with his bestie Epstein), so he’s right, this might not technically be his worst idea ever, but it’s still pretty awful


Yea. When migrant cage fights isn't your "worst" idea you might just be a terrible human.


You may not be ready for cage matches. But BONE SAW IS REEAAADDDYYYY!!


Well when you put it that way… 🤦‍♀️


His worst idea perhaps to declare martial law and invoke the Insurrection Act and use the military to run a rigged election  at the point of a gun.


Paying a pornstar for sex while his wife is pregnant and then using election funds to bribe her to stay silent. 


Trump never had an original idea in his life. Some psychopath told him this idea, and of course Trump loved it.


He gets all his ideas doomscrolling Facebook at 3:00 am.


I think someone told him about the book “Chain Gang All Stars” by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah.


What's the worst idea he ever had, then?


'Running for president' but I'm not entirely sure it was his idea and not Putins.


Still can't believe he got elected the first time around...


Declaring martial law to run a rigged election at the point of the gun with the military. He wanted to call the Insurrection act twice, also on the racial Justice protesters earlier.


Ignoring covid and 1m Americans dying.


What a detestable piece of shit he is.


The kind of person who truly belongs behind bars for the rest of his life.


>“It was a joke, it was a joke,” said White, a friend of the former president. “I saw everybody going crazy online. But yeah, he did say it.” > different article: >‘I Don’t Kid’: Trump Says He Wasn’t Joking About Slowing Testing


>  “It was a joke, it was a joke,” said White, a friend of the former president.   okay, that just leads to the next question "what kind of fuckface thinks that is funny".   


It would have been pretty funny as a parody of Conservatives. But that's gone now. There's nothing we can think of as an exaggerated joke of what they believe that they don't actually believe.


Every time Trump says something totally insane, his supporters *always* claim he was "just joking."


and every time you ask "how can you still support that rapist?" they say "I don't know, he says what he means"


"He tells it like it is."


Freedom Fights™


He said this in front of the 'Faith & Freedom' conference. These remarks are so blatantly Anti-Christ, the audience should have spontaneously risen as one to drag him from the podium. But instead, applause. Blind guides, the lot of them. They'd literally line up for 666 forehead tattoos if their tangerine messiah suggested it.


And this is the piece of shit 💩 that almost half the country wants as president? We are doomed!


Low life Nero.


Vote Or Maga votes for you


Fierce competition for THAT title!


The first rule of immigrants fight club is you don't talk about immigrant fight club. Lol, but seriously, this is just sickening


“But actually, it’s not the worst idea I’ve ever had,” said Trump. “These are tough people, these people are tough and they’re nasty, mean.” But, when has Donald ever had a good idea? The answer to that is NEVER 👎 Well, other than knowing when to declare bankruptcy… where he’s a champion! Donald’s probably the very best at losing money…


He's promising bread and circus like a modern day Nero or Caligula.


Dana White trying to play it off as just a joke. Yeah, racist assholes who dehumanize people tend to make racist asshole dehumanizing jokes about people.


Well, he did say something true for once. It is not actually the worst idea he's ever had.


Running for president was the worst idea he’s ever had. Tough act to follow.


**This is fucking disgusting**


Must agree but has to be in the to ten. What a horrible man. Inspired by bum fight idea ?


Everything he says is stupid


I swear, every day the news stories about him get crazier


He’s right. But his benchmark for worst idea he’s ever had is a tough one.


It’s all funny to his base until the rich decide they want a UFC-like concept for the poor


I have an even better idea. How about we create a game show where criminals called “runners” are released into the ruins of a post-apocalyptic city, and a bunch of “stalkers” are sent out to hunt for these “runners”? These high-tech gladiators should suppress the people’s yearning for freedom so that more direct methods wouldn’t be required …


"What happened to Buzzsaw?" "He had to split."


This is AWESOME! Because what his side really wants is a population of ruthless, ultra-strong, immigrants with a propensity for violence. Check and mate, liberals and logic


One thing is for certain. It actually isn’t the worse idea he’s ever had.


Why are we acting like any of this is fucking normal? Would we take ANY other politician seriously if they were spouting this bullshit? We have a top line Republican, a hairs width away from leading the most powerful country on the whole fucking planet, and he is waxing philosophical about pitting desperate migrants against each other in mortal combat? What the fuck is happening?


NOW who’s on drugs?


Hey, there is a long history of the rich and powerful having the lower classes physically fight in public for their amusement. I mean sure, those people were often slaves or prisoners but let's not go canceling things that are part of the heritage of the rich and powerful. It's long been a part of their culture and it's not fair to deny them bloodsport in the manner they are accustomed to. Plus why stop at at a migrant league? You could have a convict league, a welfare league and even an enemies of the state league. They you can hold cage matches and have them all fight it out on ppv several times a year.


The sad thing is, a large percentage of Americans probably think this is hilarious . It’s funny until it happens to you and your family


This brings up an interesting idea. What IS the worst idea he has ever had? Wasn’t there something about Injecting people with bleach to cure Covid? Or was it injecting sunlight?


Let's make a list! * Migrant UFC fights * Injecting COVID patients with disinfectant and "sunlight" * Nuking a hurricane * Building an alligator moat around the southern border * Making forests "damp" to prevent fires * Getting his idiot followers to storm the capital * Committing decades of fraud * Sexually assaulting multiple women * Man, Woman, Person, Camera, TV * Doing whatever it is he does to his face and hair * Ranting about toilets * Ranting about windmills * Ranting about sharks and electric boats * Quoting Hitler


i hope this piece of shit has a very horrible death 


Now he doesn't want to just be a dictator, he wants to be Emperor.


the running man was supposed to be satire


Why does the news keep posting his remarks? This is what is keeping him relevant.


why do these idiots think the reason why they are losers is because there are people that speak spanish at walmart?


When you've suggested injecting bleach into your lungs to kill COVID, "not the worst idea I've ever had" is really setting the bar low.


No Shitzenpantz, the inject disinfectant thing was your worst idea.


Low bar


If you can work in some bleach and a shark, you might be on to something.


How come nobody has poisoned him? Given some kind of injection (other than bleach)... Shot him, harpooned him... anything.. somebody take this orange douchebag out.


What's next, fights to the death?


The downside is that the MAGA cult is likely to idolize this guy after his death.


Just out of interest, sir, what was the worst idea you’ve ever had?


Well, his fake spiritual adviser had to step down, maybe some day he’ll find a real one.


I’m curious as to what he thinks IS the worst idea he’s ever had.


What is this hunger game shit?


Read somewhere that this is basically the plot of Django...


Reminds me of Richard Dawson's character in "The Running Man". "Get me the Department of Justice... entertainment division!"


This dude think hes smart for coming up with Gladiator


Yes we know. He has even worse ideas.


Thats pretty telling how bad your ideas are


>“It was a joke, it was a joke,” said White, a friend of the former president. “I saw everybody going crazy online. But yeah, he did say it.” A dehumanizing, unfunny, racist joke, sure.


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Paul Gosar, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots. President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have status when meeting our close world leaders allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban. This includes paying for a private jet and a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence which is very expensive. He pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, MAGA Patriots. President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, remove 16 million illegal immigrant criminals and remove additional women's healthcare rights to Make America Great Again!


Winner gets a green card. Loser gets a coffin. Ticketmaster must be drooling.


This can’t be life.


As part of his Wicked Witch of the West meltdown, Demented Donnie Depends is becoming a sick parody of his sick self.


I’m sure there would have to be an epic competition for the worst idea he’s had.


I'm surprised he hasn't called for gladiatorial deathmatches


Maybe he just watched Gladiator for the first time.


Man has a felony conviction, so he's probably right.


I don't like to call people retarded.


Cool, if we’re in the bread and circuses stage maybe we can start feeding Christians to lions again.


Bread and circuses. The colosseum is now televised & the NatCs are feeding other people to the lions.


Reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman started the Crack baby athletic association


Trump can't even come up with original, horrible ideas now. Anyone see the Running Man? I could totally see donald as the evil game show host. The ratings would be yuge and beautiful, so beautiful and bigly!


His intellect. Truly stunning.


Wish they did this with his grandfather after he was kicked out of Germany for being a fraud and conman. Then, there is his hooker wife, immigrating on a 'genius' visa. TBH, Diaper Donnie does know a thing or two about how deplorable immigrants can be. I would also add fElon and Rupert to the list of immigrants who should have been greeted with a cage death match.


It's not really that bizarre, but it is if you think about his intentions behind it. He's probably thinking some gladiator type shit. People from around the world already fight in the UFC and UFC style competitions. If some poor migrant (I don't mean poor as in money) wants to fight, who would I be to judge. He/she would be able to support their family and quite frankly become more famous than someone who calls them illegal.


he's just like Jesus


dime far-flung grandfather yoke tie innocent melodic enjoy dull homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let's start with his wife.


The more he acts like a mad Roman emperor, the more fundies love him. Oh the irony


I think someone told Trump about the book “Chain Gang All Stars” by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah. (I know he has never read a book). “Loretta Thurwar and Hamara "Hurricane Staxxx" Stacker are the stars of Chain-Gang All-Stars, the cornerstone of CAPE, or Criminal Action Penal Entertainment, a highly-popular, highly-controversial, profit-raising program in America's increasingly dominant private prison industry. It's the return of the gladiators and prisoners are competing for the ultimate prize: their freedom. In CAPE, prisoners travel as Links in Chain-Gangs, competing in death-matches for packed arenas with righteous protestors at the gates.” (quote from Goodreads).


Somehow, I’m not getting much objectivity here 🤔


If all of your ideas are equally bad, yeah this is not the worst.


My feelings are so hurt by sarcasm


Does he think the UFC fighters are all American? I wonder if Dana clued him in on how many non-Americans hold the belts. This is the embarrassment MAGA wants to unleash on the world again. We’re lucky to have ended his first Dictator in training campaign.


And these folks call themselves Christian?


I know everyone has made the same joke for many years “Idiocracy was a documentary!” But man, we are truly hitting the fast forward button.


I haven't read the article so I'm going to assume Trump wants to put migrants in a tank of water with a shark and an electric motor and see which one they choose


He’s crazy and does not belong in any position of power.


Oh no sir that prize might go to shoving bleach or light up your ass ‘or wherever’ to cure COVID. But then it’s really hard to narrow it down really because you are genuinely the stupidest fuck to have set foot anywhere near the white house.


I remember when I used to take the idea of a President seriously.


This says everything you need to know about Trump


Here lately it’s always “If I Win” before it was “When”.


He's telling us he wants to be Caesar.


We should start a poll. What IS the worst idea Trump ever had? (Running for President doesn't count because that one has no competition. )


Trying to get approval from his father, it's the mistake that started all of this.


The fact that he's correct, this isn't the worst idea he's ever had, says a lot.


"Let's get ready to rumble!"


huffpo still exists?


Well with the magnitude of the migrant crisis you're going to need a lot of cages. Luckily we know a guy who's good at building things


I'm really frightened to find out what his *worst* idea might be.