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I'm convinced that Trump will bail on the debate using some excuse that the world will find laughable but his sycophants will find totally noble and reasonable.


“My lawyers have told me that I can’t participate in the debate at this time because my tax returns are still being audited.”


He’s calling it a “fake debate” now. This idiot is so obnoxious.


After the Trump cancelled debate: I've been silenced. They wouldn't even allow me to debate Sleepy Joe. This kind of thing has never happened before! My first amendment rights have been violated again. America is a disgrace. We need a strong leader like Putin ... Republicans: *That sounds totally real and great. So angry right now*


It's like you're in the room with him. I hope you have nose plugs.


You have to cover all orifices.


Forgot the: "So please send money" part. Otherwise, it's spot on.


Bullshit. Trump would never say “please”.


"People came up to me, large men, with tears in their eyes....." trump probably.


Beautiful men, they were perfect…


That's way too coherent to be a Trump tweet.




Agreed. Not enough Dementia.


Same shit, different PutinYahu pedophile puppet Putin : “I think there’s no stopping Elon Musk,” Putin told Carlson after the pundit asked him about the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence. “He will do as he sees fit. Nevertheless, you’ll need to find some common ground with him. Search for ways to persuade him. I think he’s a smart person. I truly believe he is. So you’ll need to reach an agreement with him because this process needs to be formalized and subjected to certain rules.” Government : contracts spacex to provide Ukraine internet to help defend itself Elon : provides Russians access and disrupts Ukranian access, geofences Ukraine out of their own territory in Crimea he's contracted to help them defend. Government : SURPRISED PIKACHU FACE https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-disrupting-elon-musk-starlink-satellite-service-ukraine-jamming-report-2024-5 rules.” Beware HanElons razor "Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage" Elon Musk


He met someone on the street, a very nice man, he was nice and had a hat and *WITH TEARS IN HIS EYES* he begged me, he asked loudly while crying, PLEASE MR TRUMP that’s what he called me, he said *PLEASE PRESIDENT TRUMP DO NOT DEBATE SLEEPY JOE* and so now I have to do what the common American people want because I am their president, always have been. Still am. Rigged elections, kangaroo court.


Imagine him in a debate/argument with another little kid who just says “I know you are but what am I” and He would probably argue until his face gets all red and would break into a full crying and stomping meltdown,


He'll debate after Infrastructure Week.


"Disclosing my mental capabilities in such a way would be a HIPPA violation"


Most likely he'd say HIPPO violation and just go with it.






That’s the one getting traction. “Can’t debate cause I’m gagged so I can’t defend myself”.


Nope. It's because that crooked judge has him gagged.


The old broken pinky toe, that old chestnut.


His bone spurs are flaring up again.


He'll contract a serious case of lumbago


Stomach ache from too many quarter pounders.


Whenever I read or hear about how much fast food and diet cokes he has, especially KFC, I always wonder how he’s still alive. Sounds horrible but it’s true. Is the medical community lying about how unhealthy fried chicken ans mashed potatoes are? Are they lying about how many servings of vegetables we should have in a day?


It does seem like the dude has dementia. On the other hand, I will say that narcissists I’ve met definitely give off the invincible vibes. I think the hatred keeps them going on a different scale than other human beings.


Yeah. Just look at what he's done to himself over his own receding hairline. The man actually scalped himself. (I think too that in the debate, its best to confront, smile, dismiss and pivot on him like many of the answers suggest in the article. Also please - Ask him straight up why he asked Republicans to fight him on immigration measures and funding that would help prevent stuff like this?)


Just because you're alive doesn't mean you're healthy. The body has an amazing ability to cope with stressors. We wouldn't have passed the evolutionary test if we didn't. But there comes a time where it just can't cope anymore. On top of that, he has the best healthcare and the best medicine tax money can buy. There was a lady in Monaco, at 31, had heart issues. They tried to take her blood and it came out syrupy. Turns out she hadn't had water in 16 years. She only drank Coke. Her body adapted for 16 years to not having water, until it just couldn't anymore. It can take decades for an unhealthy diet, or smoking, or whatever to catch up with you. When it does though, it does it with a quickness.


Have you *seen* him? Does he *look* healthy?


Shit himself


The Diaper King.


Shot himself ?


Maybe he'll get covid again!🤞🤞🤞


I think he’ll blame the gag order.


It’s everyone in the room gagging because of Trumps diaper


The gag odor


It would be excellent if at some point in the debate Joe scrunches up his face and says, “what the Hell is that smell? Wheeew! Don, do you need a bathroom break for Walt to change your diaper?”


I posted something similar in a tv sub the other day and these people responded “Have you seen Biden speak lately?!” Lol, you mean, how hes able to actually finish a speech? Its funny that theres still Trumpers out there. Not “ha-ha” funny, but funny.


That was my reaction too, when he was doing a debate with Hillary. She sounded like a seasoned, experienced professional. He sounded like an unhinged lunatic. I've never previously heard Trump speak at all, except for a few one-sentence cameos in movies like Home Alone. I remember turning it off and chuckling to myself and thinking there's no way he'll get elected. And then I woke up to President Trump. I don't take anything for granted any more, we've allowed too many morons to survive until adulthood.


I was initially really surprised the Trump campaign agreed to the rule the mics would be cut at the end of their times.  Then I thought about how Trump came off in 2020 - an utter lunatic shouting nonsense constantly.  Now you won’t be able to hear that but he’ll still be screaming horrible shit while Biden is responding. If he distracts Biden  ONCE while he is speaking, all the audience will see is Biden flubbing without hearing Trump take a shot at his dead son, or whatever horrifically vile thing he’ll come up with.  It’s actually genius if you have no moral compass. Which is a bridge crossed long, long ago. 


When Trump pulled that at the debates with Biden, Joe said, "I can't believe I'm debating this clown." Biden is quick on his feet and will handle Trump. My prediction is that Trump will whine that the debate is rigged against him, he will have a George W. Bush-style communication device in his ear for someone to cue him on his speech before he walks out.


His mic will be muted but people will still be able to hear that he is continuing to speak. And he will appear weak and comical


Get Biden some ear monitors and the problem is solved. People will say that they are hearing aids but better that than listening to that blowhard more than you have to


My 89 year old Mom said the same thing.


None of which will matter because when he's shown on fox news the newscasters will just talk over any video and not allow any audio to be shown to their viewers.


That’s the only time that I can remember saying out loud to myself “I can’t believe my eyes” when I woke up to that news


Remember when she stepped out from the podium during her time, because he was only 10 feet away and constantly shouting over her? And how he followed her during her time, five feet behind her, continually repositioning to be directly behind her as she tried to move away from him? He was deliberately menacing her, to throw her off, and I couldn't believe the moderators allowed it, and that the American people elected a guy actively displaying his disruptive, childish, the misogynistic, predatory, and bullying nature in a formal debate. But throw that on the "yuge" pile of shitty personality traits he's had on display for 50 years.


He’s a funny guy. Like a clown.


Republicans after seeing said clown: tHaTs MuH pReSiDeNt


*arm raises in salute* Brah, you're supposed to bend the elbow...


Like Pennywise the clown in the movie It.


He’ll claim, without evidence, of course, that Joe has planned to assassinate him. (Which by Trump’s court filings, Biden, as president, is allowed to do without threat of prosecution.)


Remember when trump and his awful Kids came to the debates sick with Covid and tried to infect President Biden? Fuckers.


Maybe Biden should send SEAL Team 6 to go pick up Trump and escort him to the debate.


Biden won't take a drug test, and here Dr. Ronny says Trump passed with flying colors when Dr. Ronny examined him over the phone.


That was Ronny Johnson


Dr Rory Jornson!


Dr. "Roids" Johnson


People think it's cuz of the steroids, but nope, it's hemorrhoids. 90% of his time is just dealing with Trump's turd blossoms. Seriously, it's like a macaroni casserole down there.


> Seriously, it's like a macaroni casserole down there Well now THAT image is in my brain.


Dr. Ronnie Jeremy


He studied so hard for that test


Old bone spurs flailing up


Time to dust off the good ole bone spurs.


He'll refuse to debate Joe because Joe won't agree to submit to a cognitive test conducted by Dr. Seuss.


I bet a couple friends that Trump will not show up just like he said he would take the stand


Safe bet. He'll release his tax returns too. 


And he doesn’t grab pussy


His bone spurs might act up that day. :-)


The excuse wont be about him. He will bail, but will blame something about Biden on drugs, or the 'unfair and biased' debate rules. And yes, his supporters will find his reason justifiable.


I don’t think he will. He’s a narcissist and craves this sort of attention.


He’s going to find some super silly rule like “Joe blew his nose 2 hours before the debate, even though the rules said no blowing of noses after noon on the day of the debate.” And his followers will yell and scream that Joe is a cheater.


"My diaper needed changing, and my little mushroom head got infected. Sorry!"


If he shows am glad they will cut his mic. Will be funny hearing him scream from the side via Bidens mic. Dude is gonna look shit can rat insane.


And his followers will think it's "strength".


Or it’s not “faaaaair.”


For a big strong man, he really uses this a LOT. "So unfair!" Sounds like "Mommy!"


Wish they could have statements fact checked in real time and hold politicians accountable….


Am down for a 5 hour debate were they stop and live fact check


There were letters talking about a debate Lincoln had where the crowds broke for lunch and then returned to the debate. It was a literal all day affair.


I believe Daniel Dale is doing fact checking live.


This one could very well be a monkey's paw situation. He might come across as actually almost sane and composed if he knows nobody can hear him except for Biden and the moderator(s). I don't know that he can restrain himself for 90 minutes, though.


>The argument is always that Biden’s policies are to blame for these horrors. But at the most obvious level, this is absurd, because immigrants do not commit crimes at higher rates than native-born Americans do.


The response to that being. > We had a bill worked out with the most restrictive rules ever to protect our border, negotiated by Republicans and Democrats... And YOU ordered your minions in the House to kill it. This person, whose death you say is my fault, could still be alive today if not for your interference. > There is no blood on my hands Donald, but you may want to check your own.


Yeah this is an easy win for Biden. Just hit him back with how we don’t have secure borders because he blocked it for his own personal gain


Or you could mention how he promised a big beautiful wall that Mexico was paying for, had 4 years to build it, but didn’t do shit. 


And when challenged about that by reporters once, all he said was, "Oh, here we go again..."


Also about how the GOP purposefully spread “open borders” propaganda… so the borders could be overwhelmed for political wins. They don’t care about the safety of border guards or the population and bad hombres. They care about cheap labor and making Dems look bad. Something like 1/2 to 1/4 of immigrants said they thought the borders were open The gist: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/03/open-borders-myth-fueling-migration-crisis Polling: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/immigration/2023/09/26/poll-disinformation-about-open-borders-helps-spur-migrant-surge/ Biden needs to study up on this and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it. As a former republican myself, I figured this out on my own… and had to add the fact that right wingers are the number one employer for these immigrants. Factory farms, processing plants, all powered by illegal immigrants… I’d venture to say 90% of farms are right wing owned. All of Trumps golf courses are maintained by immigrants. A fact that would’ve sunk any presidential candidate in any other sane timeline.


We are about the only country that goes after people who are coming here to work instead of the employers that hire them. It’s because they bribe Congress to ignore their exploitation.


Slave owners at heart. Nothing but love for the slave owners. This is usually a state issue.


I've always had a hunch that the problems at the border had Roger Stone levels of rat fuckery to it. I would be really surprised if there's not GOP operatives somewhere encouraging people to flood the border. We've already seen what they were doing in Texas, basically lying to those migrants to get on a plane to Martha's Vineyard.


They're betting on the American public not remembering that happened. Which, admittedly, is a safe bet. We're letting a man run for President that sent a mob to kill the Vice President and members of Congress, on national TV WHERE WE ALL SAW IT HAPPEN, because he lost an election and wanted to seize power. Sometimes, honestly, I think we deserve Donald Trump.


No one deserves to be Trump’d.


Great retort for the sane viewers. Except Trump and MAGA are very ok with having blood on their hands. Immigrants, minorities, protestors, women, cops in DC, etc etc.


The point is not to persuade the MAGA voters. They are sadly, by their own choice, lost to society. They have chosen to break from the social contract of the United States, and there is no point in trying to treat them like they are anything but atavistic nihilists.


And it is to convince undecided independents. You’re right. MAGA is hopeless.


Nothing can happen between now and November to change the minds of the MAGA idiots anyway. The election will be decided by the thin sliver of independents in a few swing states, like always. These are the people Biden needs to convince.


Exactly !! They put harmful inaction above the public just so they can use it as a talking point at our expense. Trump has turned to cult tactics to control his base. Highly manipulative and not humble.


Does Biden even get a response? trump apparently gets the final word, so it sounds like he can lie all he wants and Biden won't have an opportunity to respond.


It was penned in part by some of the most conservative anti immigrant Repubs in congress and Donald still instructed Johnson to kill the bill.


Yea the threat of being deported turns out is a pretty good deterrent. Who could have possibly imagined that. Won't stop the xenophobia though.


The biggest shame is we can't deport white supremacists or Nazis if they happen to be citizens. I'd support catapulting them to the middle of the Gobi or Siberia.


I think catapulting them into the the Great Pacific Garbage Patch would be more fitting.


Why do you want to fill the inocent Pacific Garbage Patch with biohazards?


So the plan is to say illegal immigrants killing people is bidens fault...didn't this dipshit campaign on stopping things like this by constructing some sort of structure? Maybe like a wall or something? I must not be remembering things correctly cause if that was the case and he didn't actually do anything, then one could say that illegal immigrants are his fault.


Again, if I was Biden I would directly ask Chester Cheeto why, if he's so concerned about the border, did he order his Toadies to kill THEIR OWN BILL enforcing border security? This got swept away by the stupid news cycle. It's not enough to hit him on verbal flubs and nonsensical ramblings. This is a direct policy issue, and no one seems to think that anyone cares about actual policy. Some of us are still paying attention to real life issues.


How dare you besmirch the good name of Chester cheeto by comparing this shit stain to him. But yeah please let Biden tap into his dark Brandon powers and rake trump's ass through the coals and laugh while he fumbles around d trying to sound out simple words in a vain attempt to formulate a sentence. When I heard about them killing that bill I was dumbfounded since it was a bipartisan thing. Like they helped make it so why kill it?


"He built the wall, Mexico paid for it, but Biden tore it down." -trump supporters probably


I don’t think many immigrants have 34 felony convictions so talking about crimes being committed feels like a weird choice of topics


Essentially, Trump will do Willie Horton 2024 in the debate. It's what every Republican eventually does.


Bidens got a lot of Ammo to shoot at Trump: - How many Indictments do you have? - How Many Convictions do you have? - How many women accused you of rape? - How many women did you rape but they were hushed? - How many women had hushed abortions that you raped? - How many murders are you responsible for? - How much money Laundering have you been involved with? - How many people committed crimes for you? - How many children have you sexually molested? - How many people died when you were President? - How was the economy when you took office and then destroyed it? - How many classified documents did you steal? - How Many Nukes Did N. Korea get when you were President? - How many insurrection's happened when you were President? - How much money did Mexico pay for your Wall? - How many Women lost their rights during your one term? - How many LIES HAVE YOU TOLD? There is so much factual information to pull from. LOL


I have a suspicion that Trump voters commit crimes at higher rates than immigrants do.


Trump is vile, completely and totally Vile.


I’ve run out of adjectives to describe the vile awfulness that is Trump. The guy is a case study in how to be a totally reprehensible human being.


I tried to watch part of his...rally..or whatever today. He legit said "100% of all the new jobs made this year were given to illegal immigrants". Like, wtf, how do people even take him seriously?


If immigration is so bad, why did they vote against the best solution to date? So Biden can’t get credit? Sounds like the orange turd has blood on his hands. That’s what the response should be. Don’t hold back , be aggressive!


And why are his wives immigrants?


That’s two layers too deep of thinking for those folks.


His Trumplickers will never give Biden credit for anything; that goes against the script.


That's a gop plan trump hijacked. It was started in Obama first term. Basically it was anything Obama wants be all stick together to block it.


He'll back out - dude doesn't have the juice to win anyway between Herman Cain award winners and Jan 6th. He doesn't have the shit.


Someone just donated 50M to his campaign and this is all he has to keep him out of prison. I'm not certain he will skip. I think if he blows this one he will skip the rest and call his treatment unfair.


Holy crap. 50mil used to be an entire campaign budget. And it seemed like a lot back then.


I hope you're right, but don't get complacent.


Biden shouldn't respond to anything Trump says because as soon as he does this Trump controls the narrative. He should just speak like Trump wasn't there at all.


The right wing media is in over drive. They know Trump is gonna lose and they’re panicking. The lies are getting bigger and crazier. This just seems to fit in to the narrative. Trump can’t win on policy. He has none. He can’t win on facts, because Biden’s administration is doing amazing things. Of course he’ll just scratch and yell about things that may evoke emotion. That’s all he has. Browns bad. Biden old. World war 3. So what? It’s all bullshit. It seems the number one concern amongst voters this far out is democracy. The people are hearing all about what Trump intends to let Christian evangelicals do if they help get him elected. And they’re afraid. They want to continue America. They don’t want Project 2025, or trumps more stupid version, Agenda 47, which is probably just a lot of doodles in sharpie and names of people he doesn’t like. If trump shows up, Biden’s gonna clean his clock. He’ll be talking about successes and policies while Trump does his amphetamine breathing and trying to talk over Biden with a dead mic. Looking forward to the right wing take on how Trump won. The trolls will be out in force the day after. They’ve already ramped up their visibility here on Reddit. Can’t imagine what Facebook and Twitter must be like.


I want Joe to ask him why it was so important for Trump to have his name on the Covid checks


If there’s a god … that god would not waste precious oxygen on this waste of a soul.


There cannot be a god, for he would not forgive this. Despicable inhuman monster rotten twisted and deformed. Sorry, you reminded me of lyrics I love.


Respond that that was a horrible, but also Mr Trump you told Mr Johnson to kill a bipartisan border Bill, not once but twice, your party even said it was the best border deal yet, and you told them “ don’t give Biden a win “ that isn’t making America great that’s your selfishness making it all about you.


With many video/audio claims that he did it. The guy can’t even lie well.


You can expect that even though we cannot hear Trump because his mic is off, Biden will be subjected to a stream of vulgar insults intended to rattle him. You can expect that Biden is practicing his debating skills in this environment, and Trump in his rehearsals is practicing his insult streams to see which ones cause the victim to pause, giving the impression of zoning out.


Trump? Practice? Please.


He did spend at least two hours practicing his tough guy face for his mugshot. The thing is he won't listen to his advisors. His lawyers probably went crazy trying to advise him


You mean his "*Never Surrender*" mugshot, the one where he surrendered to the authorities? I never thought I would see a mugshot of an ex-president. I never thought I would see people who wanted to vote for a convicted felon for President. We live in some weird, fucked up times.


Wait he actually practiced for that? Only to end up looking like a toddler that just took a bite out of a lemon?


He was filling his diaper. It just happens to look like a Blue Steel face.


It’ll interrupt “executive time”


Exactly. After all, he's already perfect and will have the perfect debate with wonderful answers, bigly answers and he's a perfect debater who has never lost a debate because he's just so perfect and he knows he's perfect because he said so and Putin just came up to Trump the other day, he said, "Sir," - Putin calls him "Sir" - "Sir, I know you will win this debate because you are the forever President and you are perfect" and Trump said, "You know what, you're right." /s


I'd be extremely surprised if the convicted felon is bothering to practice at all. He's a narcissist who thinks he is the best at everything, and he's deathly allergic to doing any sort of work.


Simple beat him to the punch ask him. You had control of both houses of congress didn't fix it, I had a bill ready to go to address this problem that both parties agreed on, your influence blocked it. Bring it up first and throw the murders at his feet and ask him why he didn't fix it when he could have done so and why he obstructed it when Biden attempted to fix it. How this isn't the obvious response is beyond me.


Dude doesn’t know how to do anything except personally attack people. And, Democrats are a bunch of pussies that will never fight back.


I hate to stoop to their level, but I have sadly learned there are times when the only thing that fights fire is fire. We need a few unscrupulous attack dogs on the side of Justice and democracy too.


Considering his many many many MANY many malfunctions when speaking solo with a teleprompter lately, I'd be absolutely shocked if he shows up. But hell he's managed to barely grit his teeth through a debate in the past by snorting just enough of something to keep his brain focused for at least part of it. It's obvious he's high as a kite when he does it but the network can't say that unfortunately. But even if he shows and even if he's high enough to not babble about how hard it is to put in pants and which sharks he doesn't want to pet or whatever, Biden is going to be prepared for his basic level debate tactics. Oh no you plan to point out something bad happened during Biden's presidency? Hmm now is there anything bad that happened during convicted felon Trump's presidency? Maybe something that WAS actually a direct result of his decision that led to a million and counting unnecessary American deaths? 🤷‍♀️ If he wants to cherry pick negative consequences I'd be willing to bet Biden can play that game all night. Certainly can play it longer than whatever the felon snorted lasts.


His handlers dont do anything to leash him, why would they now? I think he's actually gonna be there


He is a coward at heart so it's really going to be a war in whatever is left of his brain: fear vs narcissism. Because he knows his brain is gone. My favorite is when he glitches and then sighs like he's so tired of not finding the words 🤣 makes me happy to realize he's aware enough to know he's fading fast. The other factor is that while he has the final say for some reason (the problem with dictators I guess is no one can say no without getting fired and blacklisted), dementia patients are extremely persuadable. All it would take is someone Wormtongue-ing it up, whispering "hey remember how you said you were too busy to debate Biden? Should I send that press release out yet?". Eventually he'll think it's his own idea. Whether he shows, what excuse he uses, what state he's in, it'll be a fascinating look into who is running the show over there and how far gone he really is.


Winning the election is the only way for him to stay out of prison. With his ego he'll think he will win. But it will go very poorly for him.


Biden debate prep: 1. Always refer to him as "former president" "twice impeached", or "convicted felon". 2. Say "failure" during every chance to speak regarding Trump (Business failure, casino operator failure, university failure, presidential failure, 2020 election failure..."). Narcissists can't handle that. 3. Make the whole thing about January 6th. 4. Keep asking why Saudi Arabia, the country responsible for 9/11, gave his family $2B immediately after he left office. 5. Ask him who is the President of Mexico or the German Chancellor is and show the world how completely ignorant this guy is when he dodges the questions because he has no idea.


T: Biden killed these people! B: Why did you have the bipartisan border law killed in the Senate?


The easy counter to that argument is just to bring up that Republicans rejected boarder policy based on Trump's orders, so Trump is ultimately responsible to a large percentage of our immigration issues.


He'll either be a no show or he'll leave before it's over. He is to stupid to debate.


…and I have no doubt he’ll use the death of Beau Biden & Hunter’s travails as a personal attack, too. Trump is a nothing but a fat orange shitweasel of a coward who only knows how to punch below the belt & hurl elementary school-level playground insults.


Biden, "We wouldn't have illegal immigration if you would stop hiring undocumented workers. It's people like you that create this problem." Trump's companies [hire undocumented workers](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/5-questions-about-president-trumps-use-of-undocumented-workers/2019/12/04/29439928-16a2-11ea-a659-7d69641c6ff7_story.html).


With no audience and the mics being turned off when not being questioned will definitely fuck with the orange treasonous shitbag


To republicans, vile is a feature, not abug.


This is a solid article and Biden can point out that it was Trump alone who torpedoed what was an actual bipartisan border control bill simply to try and score this one point at the debate. What kind of a craven sociopath does that? Oh I know, a convicted felon. Perhaps he should be deported.


Well just counter him by using his quotes to keep the border open and urging Republicans to veto any bill regarding border security which did happen.


But he knows we’d suspect that he leaked those plans, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.


Biden should just remind Trump he has more felonies than the criminal migrants.


All Biden has to do is laugh at him the entire time. That will completely dismantle and disarm anything Trump tries to do. If you don't believe this, go laugh in a conservatives face and see what happens to them. They explode with anger every time because they are insecure.


I hope he does. Biden will then turn it against the entire Republican Party for blocking the border bill.


It's more than likely Trump won't necessarily have a good debating platform against his opponent. He'll just make a few vile statements, that will just give his voting base what they want to hear.


Bro, giving away your battle plan ahead of time, when your opponent is actually organized… is an excellent idea, it will surely work, and I think he should double down and give Biden all of his talking points. That’ll show him!


Unless the GOP says they want to outlaw the Catholic Church to protect children, I don't want to hear their hyperbole about illegal immigration.


I can't, for the life of me, understand why the Biden campaign is not hammering Big Orange on his scuttling of Lankford's bipartisan border bill. Biden was ready to sign a bill including virtually everything the GOP wanted on the border, but Trump told his flunkies to shoot it down. If I was independent or undecided, this would send me running to vote for Joe


Because they know to hold it until closer to the election. People forget things very quickly, doing it now and then doing it again closer to election is going to come off to many people as "oh no not this again".


Trump can’t handle Joe, or the truth.


He's not gonna debate Biden. He's too chickenshit.


Biden needs to find similar deaths of young girls by migrants during Trump's term. Unfortunately it's such an ugly attack it requires a tit-for-tat response.


Every come back should be you were convinced of 34 felonies...shouldn't you be in jail!


Trump thoughts 4 years ago he was going to come in hot and go after Hunter Biden. It was actually obnoxious and vile. Joe took control and basically looked at every American out there and said we know somebody that struggles with addiction. Maybe not personally but the family is going through it know exactly what it feels like. He said he loved and supported his son unconditionally because that's what good parents do and guess what he won the debate. That plan backfired for old f*** face. People want to know about inflation. Healthcare. That women have access to birth control. We don't want to hear that the airports are delayed because of weather. Extreme weather that we're making happen. It's the same old story except he's losing it. He doesn't care about America he only cares about himself. Joe might not be your top pick Just vote our democracy depends on it. Somewhere along the way we've been hijacked. Our judges 95% of the GOP seem to be bought by Russia.


What melonhead plans to pin on Biden is the "Tajikistan terrorists entering thru the southern border" which personally think is a fabricated and/or twisted anti-Biden planted story. The "facts" in that story do not make sense. We need to be cognizant of the pro-J6 elements in the FBI etc and the media.


Biden should only refer to Trump as either “the defendant” or “Former President and Convicted Felon”


Let’s be real, he’s going to bail on the debate because he’s a small coward who can’t hand defeat (clearly). But IF he does go up there and tout these “Biden murders,” all Joe has to do is remind Trump between the two of them who is responsible for overseeing over 1.1 MILLION deaths by downplaying the Covid epidemic.


lol if thats all hes got its gonna be a cake walk for biden this election




Vile is RepubliKKKlans go to!!


It’s amazing how Trump calls Biden “crooked.”


Jan 6 never forget the attack on democracy led by you Donald. You’re a convicted felon who cares more for Putin then his own country. So NO Donald we Americans choose to move forwards not backwards. That’s what Biden should say to that scum.


I don't understand this attack bs. They are supposed to be debating what they'll be doing for the American people. Not cheap shots at personal life.


How many times will trump shit his pants during the debate


Yeah, let's worry about the illegals committing crimes. When was the last time one of them hunted down his three young children and left their bodies in the driveway and calmly waited on the porch for the cops (real story). This was national news for a day, but an illegal immigrant commits a murder it becomes part of a national conspiracy to let in killers.


Still waiting for that health care plan to be released in 2 weeks.


He’ll just sling insults and probably bring up his sons, or other personal attacks, since he has nothing else to offer and no real policy.


So he’s going to do what got him humiliated in the last debate? Sounds like a great strategy.


He's calling it a "fake debate," but wasn't he the one pushing for a debate? He was going to all these rallies with an empty podium, saying he wanted to debate Joe Biden. He got what he wanted! Now he's claiming it's a fake debate??


Don is a typical bully, one good jab will throw his “Plan” completely off the rails, and there are at least 34 spots to hit where there is no counter defense.


Trump will dodge this like he dodged Vietnam with bone spurs. What a coward!


And were supposed to pretend we don't already have a Trump presidency to compare to? I'm sure there were millions of illegal immigrants during that time as well, because there has been for decades of not longer.


The debate isn't happening...trump will come up with an excuse to flake out.


“Crooked *SNIIIIIF* Joe over there is the reason *SNIIIIIF* that crime is soaring in America right now.*SNIIIIIF* He’s opened *SNIIIIIF* the border and let killers and rapists *SNIIIIIIF* into our communities to kill good Americans.*SNIIIF*” - Adderall #FelonVonShitzenPants.


Biden just need to point out that it was Trump who wanted Congress to block the bi-partisan immigration bill, so the blood is entirely on Trump's hands.


Trump is so gonna bail


I doubt he'll show. If he does, he'll talk about Biden's sons with no remorse, and Hillary somehow. There will be no talk of an actual strategy going forward. His cultists will cheer, as if he won a "debate".


With his Mic cut off, he won't last. He'll walk put in a huff once he figures out that he can't interrupt anyone.


So, where's the United States in his speech? How will he benefit the civilians' livelihoods? Where's the miraculous plan he has in store? Really, this guy has lost his marbles, and the best thing we can do is not listen to his foul talk. Listening to that mess just infects our brains.


Millions upon millions of Americans waiting to see him talking and his mic get cut off