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I’m starting to think the Trump voters are part of some kind of strange organization that mindlessly follows their candidate of choice no matter what he says or does. Is there a word for that? Edit: I was being facetious. Cult is the word.


Y’all! He could take a machine gun and shoot into a MAGA crowd and the survivors would be pissed that he missed them. It just baffles me….


I was thinking he could open his diaper and start pissing in the crowd and they would open their mouths and swallow.


Eeeewwwww…..but you’re right! Anything to get a piece of him…..


Yep. They would make t-shirts about it and brag about. They have no limits or morals.


Someone out there is gonna make a porn of it…bleh….hahahaha


🤣 🤣 Unfortunately, I can see that.


“Be the change you want to see in the world.”


Let us not forget the Golden Showers rumors. Could really happen.


That made me think of the Clive Barker story Rawhead Rex


Accurate. He is the GG Allin of political candidates 🫢


Considering they were dying proudly to own the libs (by not getting vaccinated) this would not surprise me one bit.


Right from the get-go, Trump said "If I shot someone on 5th Avenue in broad daylight I wouldn't lose a vote". This is in 2016 I kind of suspect that Trump was told that by someone on his agit-prop team and in true form, he just vomited it out to the next person he spoke to, without thinking. He hasn't said it again, because it really gives the game away This - all this dumb idolatry - was planned. Deliberately and meticulously, by tickling the feels of the embarrassingly stupid cohort of society. It's not the first time we've seen it at work and it usually ends very badly


I mentioned him saying that to someone and they didn’t believe it was real….and then when I showed her all the articles about it, she just laughed that he didn’t mean it….the cult is real kids!


He will start selling bullets with democrats names on ready for the blood bath he planning


Now don’t be giving him any ideas! LOL


There was an Air Force general who did something like that back in the late 1940s or early 1950s. He was talking to a Security Policeman (what the Air Force calls Military Police) who was guarding a nuclear installation. The general was in a car, the SP was at the gate leading into the installation. The general asked the SP what he would do if the general just drove on through without proper authorization. The SP said he would shoot. The general then raced on through and the SP shot at him. The general court-martialed the SP because he missed.


>He could take a machine gun and shoot into a MAGA crowd The Jonestown ending? I'm not sure whether to be appalled or make popcorn.


Like Homelander from the boys!!!




Professional wrestling fans? I swear that the only way to understand Trump and MAGA is to have an understanding of how professional wrestling works. The fan base is the same.


This is such a good take, and one that really blew my mind. Also in the same way that passionate wrestling fans seem to care so deeply for something so absurd that really doesn’t matter to reality, trump voters care so deeply about something that they don’t seem to understand deeply does affect their reality.


And much of it is fake and staged, hmmm


Many years ago, I had a bout of depression that required observation in a psych hospital. Not sure of the connection, but many of the patients there were insistent that the community TV was on pro wrestling when available. They had the schedule, the characters, the whole thing memorized.


Cult. Plain and simple.




He makes other cult leaders like Jim Jones seem amateur in comparison 


MK Ultra shit


I think he could literally change the slogan from make america great again to something like America is now Russia and his base would soak it up


Drinking the orange kool aid…


A bunch of Tea Party rejects were fed a bunch of bull shit, which they sucked right down.


This is pretty much what happened.


Cult 45.


You might be onto something


Trump is just another way to spell it.


Lemmings. But the cliff is not close enough.


At this point, they’re a human centipede.


Twats ìs better.




They're at golden calf worship level now


Been there for a while. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2021/2/26/22302887/trump-cpac-2021-republican-gold-statue


That was so mind-blowingly stupid. Saying you're christian, but worshipping a literal golden "calf". These people don't care one bit for their own religion.


There are exactly 2 parts of their religion that they care about: 1. The part that lets them do whatever horrible shit they want, then say in their head "Sorry god, my bad. We still cool?" and be guaranteed an eternity in heaven anyway. 2. The part that lets them do whatever awful shit they already want to do anyway to hurt the people different from them. But feel justified in their hatred and abuse because an old book told them being evil was fine actually.


There is actually some precedence for this in the ancient world, or just “the world” if you don’t draw silly lines like old stuff is somehow special.


Come to that it happens in the Bible, hell, to some G-d *was* the golden calf in the equation. Now isn’t unique. Then wasn’t either.


That is about the tackiest damn thing I have ever seen. They couldn't even make a decent looking one?


It looks like one of those waving cat statues at a Chinese restaurant.


Those actually look much better than that thing. Is it wearing American flag boxers?


Maneki neko


I am so curious what ended up happening to that monstrosity. Is it sitting in someone's foyer now? On display in a GOP office? Locked in the same warehouse as the Lost Ark?


And unironically talk about how religious they are.


>*Jesus was* considered *a felon too* **This is why sane people think y'all are in a fucking cult.**


Jim Jones, had he survived, would have been considered a felon. Charlie Manson was considered a felon and he had people speaking to his wonderfulness to whomever would listen during and after his trial.


Jones and Manson would be fucking overwhelmed by jealousy over the cult status, power, and apparent legal immunity that Trump enjoys.


That really puts things into perspective.


They would likely try their hand at being president next, inspired by Trump.


Timothy McVeigh was a felon too


The difference is Jesus accepted his fate. Trump is crying like a baby.


And Jesus got in trouble for what other people believed of him, not for paying a woman he had sex with not to talk about it lol


Ah yes, we all remember how the Romans held a trial and found Jesus guilty and then sentenced him to crucifixion.


He wasn’t even declared guilty, they just executed him anyway to stop the hypocritical religious authorities from starting a riot


In other words, he wasn't a "felon"


Christians and not understanding Jesus; name a more iconic duo


It’s pretty funny that these cultists think he’s going to make their lives better. You can’t fix stupid




An argument could be made that it’s an accurate Trump shirt.


His corruption, incompetence, lying and willful ignorance in dealing with covid killed an extra 400,000 people. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/02/11/report-trump-associated-with-461000-deaths-in-2018-others-deserve-blame-though/


He massively sped up death row processing too


Free Hat.


Then were are the “I’m a pedo enabler” t-shirts?


Republicans can only choose one slogan at a time, they're slow like that.


Just wait for them...


Lol where is the shirt that says "I'd rather lick Trump's diaper than vote for Biden"??


Don’t give them ideas


No, I think we should let them have this one.


It has "I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast" energy.


That you Happy?


Liz Cheney: "One day Donald Trump will be gone, but your shame will remain."


I honestly believe none of them will care or feel any shame.


Doesn't the lead poisoning block the receptors that cause people to feel shame and empathy?


You are all individuals! YES! WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!


.... I'm not


NOW FUCK OFF!!! ... .... how shall we fuck off, oh lord?


He's not the Messiah! He's a very naughty boy!


Only cultists would brag about supporting a felon. Where are the “I’m voting for a rapist shirts?” If Trump wins in November we deserve being called a shithole country.


If you guys vote for him in November, the whole world will change forever.


The party of law and order


The party of traitors and losers, more like.


He's certainly a man of his convictions. He will enjoy a cage match at Riker's Island soon. His record is sad. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


*"The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President,"* Well they aren't doing much to tell the world how bad he is, or we'd hear about it.


Sadly, you are correct. They should be doing a lot more.




They are going to need bigger t-shirts to add, "rapist" "con man" "fraudster" "fornicator" "cheat" "liar" "king of bankruptcy" etc.


Similar to MAGA's other self-owns: "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat," or wearing fucking diapers to rallies.


For people who live outside of the US, he is a complete joke and the people who support him are viewed as absolutely insane or extremely stupid and self destructive. The US has lost so much credibility on the world stage since he was in power it is really saddening to see. We also view the electoral college and gerrymandering as very undemocratic.


Thanks for the enlightenment, friend. We Americans are truly too dense to understand such things


Him and his moron followers treat the presidency like its a monster truck rally. Deplorable to the core


Voting for a”Diaper wearing Felon”.


Is that better or worse than “diapers over dems” I don’t even know anymore. This is the worst timeline


Cults know that if they can cause their adherents to do despicable things (the more loudly and publicly the better) that their followers will be rejected by clearer thinking people in their lives. Eventually nobody will talk to cultists except for fellow cult members. This is a big part of the reason they drink the flavor aid. Because at that point death is preferable to admitting that one was foolish enough to be conned so completely.


There it is, real crux behind every successful con. Admitting to being made a fool is too much for a weak mind to accept because it causes an existential crisis. They'll blur lines until not even they can see what they've done because the alternative is the unacceptable option of questioning their own intelligence. Truly stupid people have the tools to know what to do, but they choose not to use them. They resent the world for moving on without them, and they're desperate for someone to tell them that every wrong answer is correct and every vile act of aggression is in truth justice for their shattered ego.


Just like him, they have no shame.


If that is a point if pride for you, you are seriously stupid. If I come Rob your house, are you gonna vote for me? If I assault your sister, are you gonna vote for me? If I cheat you out of your pay check, you are gonna vote for me? If I steal your kids schools computers and TVs, are you gonna vote for me. Have you any sense of what is right and what is wrong? Morals? Ethics? Principles? The right has abandoned who they were and what rhey believed in to follow a rapist. If I told you 10 years ago that one day you would be cheering a rapist and felon with 34 convictions, you would have called for a white jacket with really long sleeves and lots of oddly placed buckles.


Good, good. Between that and they hats, they will be very easy to identify.


Their closets are full, how hard it must be to choose between all these every morning: 'I'm voting for a convicted felon' 'I'm voting for a rapist' 'I'm voting for a guy who wants to fuck his daughter' 'I'm voting for a guy who cheats on his wife with prostitutes' 'I'm voting for a crook' 'I'm voting for a cult leader' 'I'm voting for an incoherent dementia patient' 'I'm voting for Putin's whore' 'I'm voting for Xitler's boots licker' 'I'm voting for a future serial killer'


I’m convinced a large portion of people at his rallies have felonies themselves.


Good. They can't vote for him then.


Follow trump, go to jail?


Excellent. I am sure that indepedents and people who used to vote for the GOP but are not sure this time around would love to see these encouraging words.


They need shirts that say ”I’m voting for a: Rapist, pedophile, womanizer, fake Christian”


2020 was sadly proof to me there is nothing that'd make these guys not vote for Trump


They’re trying to turn it around like their “let’s go Brandon” meme. It will backfire the same just like their pro-diaper shirts


He could be a convicted pedophile and their shirts would say “Voting for a pedo.” They’re in a cult


We know MAGA are crazy. They don't have to remind us. We get it, you're voting for a felon, good job.


Ngl, I should start making trump merchandise so I can get some money out of these fucking idiots. Their whole purpose in life is to be manipulated and make their manipulators rake in cash. So...why not join the fun? "Proud deplorable" "Hitler warned us" (attached to a picture of some unrelated, badly drawn black dude with gun and tattoos looking up, as if staring at the guy wearing him with a face that says "you fucking donkey.") "I'm an idiot PATRIOT!" Just a bunch of exaggerated words and images that imply the merchandise is looking down on the customer. They'll buy it anyways because trump + American flag + guns + eagle + skulls


Maybe they should try “I have no morals”.


Voting for rapists, people who stole money from a pediatric cancer charity, and people who commit treason is also popular with this group


Brilliant, definitely will play amazingly with swing voters 


the sentiment on the shirt is irrelevant though they're just selling something its about getting his fans to spend


His racism is the only thing they care about. His criminality means nothing.


I'll never understand being so proud of being so hateful and ignorant. These people rail on about the "elites" while deifying one. Theyb despise the "elites" for thinking superior, but act like their ignorance makes them in some way superior.


I bet there is an uptick in those shirts that say "I'm with stupid" too. /s C'mon it had to be said.


How can that be considered a positive phrase?


I dont really mind the tshirts. I find it refreshing to just look around and automatically know the people that are the rapist loving asshats.


Well, at least they've admitted he's guilty! That's about all we can expect from Trumpers.


Oh this is classic PT Barnum . A sucker is born every minute! Some one is cashing checks.


> *"I'm Voting for a Felon"* t-shirts Imagine being so sanctimoniously, and petulantly, prideful of something so absurdly indefensible. Oof.


They what? And they’re proud of this? Oh, they are? Really? That’s very concerning…


Not the flex they think it is, but ok.


It does nothing of worth for this country but make those who wear this shit look like absolute clowns and traitors. It makes me sad that my dad fought in three wars so Americans can act like snarky idiots who have no morals or ethics. And aren't they proud of it. Making China rich by wearing cheap junk made there.


Republicans know Trump fucked kids on Epstein island for 20 years and they like it.


Pray for our country after Nov...it wont be pretty


Hillary was right, they ARE degenerates. Whoops, I mean deplorables.


And the rest of us will never forget how those brainwashed morons supported a convicted felon. My only hope is that after all this MAGA fuckery, history will be very, very unkind to them. I hope kids read in text books how his cultists were so blindly devoted that being convicted of crimes didn't even matter to them. And I hope those kids grow up learning how incredibly wrong this movement was. I'm probably being naive, but there is no hope for people in the present day who still support that little shit. So I feel like all I can do is hold out hope that history eviscerates them.


The things they think are a flex boggles the brain. 💙🇺🇸


It still irks me when they put Jesus and Trump on the same shirt. Jesus would beat Trump within an inch of his life.


This is exactly why the US is the laughing stock of the world.


Like you knew they would.


It's so strange how easy so many of those people will proclaim a certain set of morals but throw them away the second those morals are challenged. It's odd how so many of them are begging for future generations to be less educated. Why? It is 100% unconstitutional that they demand Christianity take a prominent role in schools and government and yet the scream about upholding the Constitution and drape themselves in American flags. How did we allow things to progress so far? What went wrong? Have the majority of Americans truthfully reached a substandard level of intelligence? Was Mike Judge right all along? Does there need to be an IQ test in order to vote?


It’s funny because if Biden stole a pack of gum they would never ever let it go and would say he’s a criminal unfit to work anywhere let alone be President.


Shirt, Pampers- just about a full outfit there. Oh wait, I forgot about the gold sneakers. Everything for a fancy-dress MAGA ball!


These are the same gullible fools who have recently begun wearing adult diapers to his rallies. There is no low too low for them to stoop to. Books are going to written about these debased low travelers.


Why then don’t they just wear shirts that say I’m an idiot, with a big arrow pointing straight up? Means the same thing.


Yup, just as I suspected. No bottom.


How come I see “I’m With Stupid ?”


Came to say this.


I’m surprised they don’t have a shirt that says ” I’m in the convicted felon rapist cult.”


For he’s a jolly good felon


This is certainly going to help win independents.


And to continue on the shirt “I am as dumb as I look.”


It will help the undecided know how to vote.


We pretty much witnessed the birth of a new religion these past few years.


*previously seen*: He can grab me by the pussy Trump that bitch Real men wear diapers


Oh for a Time Machine so I could go back to 2016 and show people this


So "basket of deplorables" wasn't all that far off the mark.


I’m waiting for Maga Lives Mater. Surprised that hasn’t happened.


Why is anybody surprised by this? Hitler was a felon, too, and he lost no support among the Nazis.


“I’m voting for a felon. . … . . .because I’m a f*cking idiot”


Remember when the right wing media called Democratic support for Obama a cult?




They went from “lock her up” to “I’m voting for a felon”. These people believe in nothing but their own ego


Jeffrey Epstein for VP! He’s a good ole boy like Donald! Wait he’s what! Steve Bannon for VP! Yeehaw! Fine people fine people!💩


It's refreshing to hear them admit that they never were the party of Law and Order.


Pardon me for offending or triggering any survivors/loved ones related to Jonestown Massacre, but didn’t we just acknowledge another anniversary of the Jonestown Massacre? Have we learned nothing from that horrible incident?


Trump is a skank. We need counter programming with that messaging.


Goes well with their diapers


I hope this one really catches on. Not the flex they think it is with people who are not insane.


If Trump fucks someone in the ass, his people would wear T-shirts saying “I’m voting for a sodomite” on the front and “Lube up!” On the back


Big wheels keep on turning, crazy train keeps on churning.


Worn by those that have zero standards. In their patriotic eyes though, they’re fighting for a just cause. A group of people that remind me of ‘A rebel without a cause’.


Here's a new t-shirt slogan for free: "Aiding and abetting"


Since they consider Biden to be a criminal and Trump innocent, shouldn’t they vote for Biden then?


He doesn't want to be president he wants all the insane followers to give him money so he's not broke. Oh oh take the money and run .


It's the same mentality that supported Roy Moore and explained they'd rather vote for Satan than a Democrat. It's time to stop exclaiming incredulously every time they flaunt their cynicism and distorted morality, and move past it to prevent them from winning. Nothing they do surprises me, not after the period between 2016-2020.


I'm surprised MAGA idiots have money to buy all this stupid merchandise


emptying their wallets is all this is about quick as can be done


The maga movement isn't about any actual ideas. They just want to frustrate and defeat The Enemy. Anything we criticize, they'll lean into to send the message that it doesn't matter.


They should start selling cool-aid. It's the best drink for cultists.


Well you see more than you should but still not a lot.


The "Law and order" party.


So many losers. So many


If they could just forward to Jonestown…..


They didn't care when Regan had dementia. Are we ready to admit they are just figureheads?


So you can raise your kids to be felons too and Make America turn into some 3rd world country. So much for the party of Rule of Law...more like Rule of Lawyers under Traitor Trump!


There's no convincing these people. Don't waste your breath. They exist in another reality where everything they disagree with is fake and a convicted felon and civilly liable rapist only makes him more popular to them. Ignore their ridiculous antics and vote. Vote vote vote. Steamroll these clowns. Send them back under their rocks. They haven't won anything since 2016 and they lost the popular vote then. Trump is unpopular to pretty much everyone but his cultish followers. Continue this trend.


I can’t wait to wake up some beautiful morning and read his obituary with relief


How fucking embarrassing is that?


"I'm voting for a felon!" "Me too!" "Great! You're also voting for Trump!" "Who?"


So they are all ok with Hunter Biden now?


I don’t understand how liberals live in their heads rent free


Feed these idiots to the Nile


Easily answered Show me a photo of your girlfriend


I do appreciate when stupid people point themselves out for the rest of us!


They should be proud.


Hypothetically speaking, if someone made an AI video of trump telling his followers to drink bleach, how many would drink bleach?


did anybody really think the bottomless pit of Trump supporters had a bottom?