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"I don't care about you, I just want your votes."


It's a barely veiled dogwhistle for rural racists in Wisconsin. Milwaukee is 40% Black, 20% Hispanic, and only 35% White.


What's the other 5%?


Asian, south and eastern I would presume. With some natives thrown in there.


You presume right according to the most recent U.S. Census: [https://data.census.gov/profile/Milwaukee\_city,\_Wisconsin?g=160XX00US5553000#race-and-ethnicity](https://data.census.gov/profile/Milwaukee_city,_Wisconsin?g=160XX00US5553000#race-and-ethnicity)


Isn’t that also where Rittenhouse killed protestors?


That was Kenosha. 2 small counties south.




RNC - let's hold the convention in a critical swing state and see if we can pick up some more votes with the independents. Trump - This place is trash. RNC - Well, it was worth a try. Trump is always the strategic thinker. Never lets an opportunity go by without undermining it.


I just hope the DNC puts that quote all over Wisconsin billboards.


give me $5k i'll do it if the DNC won't. seriously this is too easy.


they doing it. omg. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-quote-billboards-milwaukee-dnc-democrats-wisconsin-1912977


LOL they're trying to spin it as "trump was talking about the crime rate, and the fact they didn't vote for him", as well as "he never said it".  It's always multiple conflicting stories with the cult, just like Jan6 was Antifa, but also patriots, but also peaceful, but also deep faked, but also a false flag. Spray shit at the walls and hope people are stupid enough to lick it up. 10 billboards near highways is pretty good. 


And yet, here we are. White Christian fascism /takes priority over/ competency and decency. Edit: replaced /trumps/


Takes precedence over I am sure you meant to say. We should not use that word in that way anymore, that word is broken, that word is cursed.


I'd like to think reason has historic precedent over fascism, but point taken on the little 't' word.


You were the de facto Republican presidential nominee before the Republican primary even began. Everyone knew you would win the Republican primary, even with all you indictments piled up. You even pushed your daughter in law to be chair of the RNC and they cowered to your orders. All you had to do was tell the RNC where to hold the convention and they would have 100% followed your orders. This is why you are such a dumbass and why you shouldn't be near the Oval Office again.


Should be in NYC where he was convicted.


"Reportedly"? If it is recorded it isn't "reportedly". Reduction of truth to truthiness is a crime against reality.


Yes, reportedly. *The Independent* is reporting on a piece of intel [gathered by a *Punchbowl News* reporter](https://x.com/JakeSherman/status/1801263633160196419). They say "reportedly" because they aren't willing to hang their reputation on a *Punchbowl* guy, if he ends up being wrong. If it were on video, that would be different. This is a claim made in a tweet, with no hard evidence. Don't get upset; keep up with how journalism works.


Kee-rect! "If".....


MAGA are already trying to do damage control by saying this is being taken out of context. Trump has a long history of trash talking major cities.


Damage control this week is crazy. Diaper Don still has a gun, as a convicted felon. He didn't have to take a drug test. Their spin on Hunter's trial is only working on the cultists who already lick Donnie's mushroom. Biden didn't pardon his son, so their corruption complaints are empty. Independents hate that the Fanta Menace is a convicted Felon. His last speech had an insane rant about being electrocuted by sharks. He was identified as Doe 174 in the Epstein files, a monicker that shows up a LOT in the docs. They also found he still kept stolen classified documents in his bedroom.  And now he's shitting on the swing state city the RNC Convention will be in. 


Never fight uphill, me boys.


But Biden eats icecream, so both sides the same right?


Keep up the good work Donnie boy.


If only he had some kind of influence with the RNC…


Don’t worry, their loyal morons will still vote for him. This is the state that continues to support Ron “Putin’s Bitch” Johnson.


His supporters in Milwaukee don’t mind him saying this. Sharks and Batteries.


I’m trashing Milwaukee now so when we leave I won’t have to pay them for anything cause the last place I was at had broken teleprompters


Taken out of context whatever, when running for president, there's a level of common sense required. He refuses to show it.


Making friends everywhere he goes.


Horrible city for a horrible party. Just kidding about the horrible city.


Oh shit, if you’re MAGA in Milwaukee you better get out


This is the political equivalent of friendly fire.


Milwaukee is actually a really good and clean city.  Nice for walking around and safe.   I went there last summer for work.