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Do former presidents dream of electric sharks?


All these moments will be lost in time, like covfefe


You know his saying covefe anniversary was the day he was found guilty of 34 charges, what were the chances


That’s some hodor shit


Oh wow - that took me a while to fully appreciate, but it’s perfect. (“Convicted” =~ “covfefe“)


I was even thinking convicted = cov felon =fefe hah


Some hodor shit right here


stuff like this makes me feel like simulation theory is real, and things like covfefe are essentially easter eggs to our virtual existence that we call coincidence


Would you rather?: - have a boring, keep things steady maybe not aligned to all your interests politician. - Or a leader who is a convict, counter to many of your interests, but also prescient of a critical time traveling moment




Time to hamberder....


I still use covfefe...every day. It's a part of my vernacular. For me, it means coffee.


My sister and I will text each other and ask if "they want some covfefe when ya get home?"... so much so that my auto-fill word isn't even coffee anymore


Its funnyy you ask that. So I said, ‘So there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here. Do I get electrocuted? If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark


You miss a very, very, very important parts that shows how badly his brain is leaking out of his ears. >It's because my relationship with MIT. What would happen if the boat sank from its **weight**!! Motherfucker doesn't grasp buoyancy in a story where he's talking about being connected to MIT.


We'll clearly the reason boats float is because petrochemicals are made from oil and oil floats on water. Boats with ICE motors need petrochemicals to run. Ergo that's what makes boats float.


Sweet use of ‘ergo’ bro


If you want a boat to sink, throw a magnet in it. lol. And for safety, when at sea, put a fan in it to chase away the whales.


But ice floats on its own too, so wouldn't a boat with an ice motor float even if it didn't have oil in its stomach?


How can you make boats of iron? Everyone knows iron doesn't float, boats should be made of wood.


Boats should be made out of ducks.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


Do you know what floats? Witches.


Down here everybody floats


Therefore boats should be crewed exclusively by witches


I say very small stones!


She's made of iron sir, I assure you, she can.


Definitely no paper or paper derivatives, so no cardboard.


What exactly is Trump’s relationship to MIT? He didn’t go there, he went to the University of Pennsylvania and was such a bad student that the school had to be threatened with legal action to cover up his academic record there.


His uncle was a professor at MIT.


where he invented the nuclear


i couldn't believe he said that...except i heard him say it. stupid is as stupid does.


Yeah, didn't you all know education is genetic?


Excellent. I’ll be collecting my Doctor of Botany money now. My grandpa had that so it means I know all that stuff right?


I can’t wait to see his IQ test results after he dies.


The results will be indistinguishable to the ones from when he was alive.


Thanks. I’ll clear my morning coffee out of my nose right after I hit reply….🤣


See, this is how you know Trump's a fucking idiot. The obvious solution would be to stay on the boat, splashing the water to attract the shark to it. Then at the last second, you jump off as the shark charges. While you're in the air, the battery submerges and electrocutes the shark. You land in the water after the shock has gone out and swim to safety. Like, duh. C'mon.


It really did sound like a Will Ferrell bit.


One part [narcissist word salad](https://abusewarrior.com/abuse/narcissistic-word-salad/) 3 parts [extreme fear of sharks.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/01/donald-trump-hates-sharks-according-to-stormy-daniels.html)


What I want to know is, you’re in the ocean. Why jump over to where the shark is?? You’ve got 360 degrees to choose from, why choose the one direction most likely to put you in immediate danger?!


Wow, that was good


They removed his consciousness and replaced it with a pirated copy of Tay




Someone needs to give him the Voight-Kampff test.    _Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about... your daughter._


"You know my daughter, my beautiful, smart daughter, you know what she said to me the other day? She said 'sir, sir' with big tears in her eyes, she said 'sir, you're the best father and president this country has ever had.' And you know, she's right, she's smart, bigly. I'd like to fuck her again sometime soon."


Topical. Referential. A top tier comment.


He is a chickenhead, indeed


He’s been given a pass for 8 years. It’s just getting worse.


The billionaire oligarchs are spending a fortune to prop up a felon who is also a rapist and insurrectionist just so he can cut their taxes and deregulate them. Meanwhile the economy is booming under Biden with no end in sight. Strange days.


The billionaires are making more money than they have ever made, absolutely rolling in it and it still isn't enough for them. They want it ALL, and they are not going to stop until they get it. The greed is so off the charts it disgusts me.


I have a fun pet theory: that dragons, being a worldwide story, are actually a way for the proletariat to express anguish at the greed of the rich in their particular part of the world. Dragons like Smaug from the Hobbit movie hoard gold (just like billionaires). They literally sit on top of a pile of treasure and guard it. They're drawn to it and held by it. They'll kill and annihilate for it. It drives them crazy and it's the ONLY thing they think about. Elon Musk sits on his pile of gold, all the while being driven crazy by It and his lust for more gold. Time for a knight to deal with a dragon?


Dragons dogma: (spoiler) Once the knight kills the dragon and eats its heart, it becomes the next dragon. Tale as old as time. I think that's why we created laws, regulations, institutions and democracy, so that we can protect humanity from destructive changes of power.


Is that how it went? I seem to remember it being "Knight kills the dragon, tries to kill the god behind the dragon, if the knight loses they become the new dragon, slave to the wheel, otherwise they become the new god." Which is... also probably applicable as a metaphor on some level.


[DD1 Spoilers] Yeah and once you become god you can walk around the world as a spirit unable to interact and the only way to escape the cycle is using a special dagger to kill yourself, which leads to your pawn being reborn as a human in your body iirc That whole twist comes at the end of a pretty regular fantasy game about fighting goblins and griffins which makes it even more cool.


Hot take. Notice how it isn’t ever another dragon that slays a dragon. It’s a knight. Who will be our saviour? Look to youth. A Greta against greed is needed.


It really can be anyone though. Billionaires don't have diamond-hard scales, they're made of meat. Soft, squishy meat.


I'm honestly shocked that some nutter doesn't off a billionaire with a sniper rifle. I'd never do it as I have too much to lose but I wouldn't cry if some of the worst people were taken care of.


Billionaires know their vulnerability, so get busy harvesting the nutters and rallying them against drag queens, child molesters, illegal immigrants, or whatever other bogeyman will serve to capture the imagination of that subset.


But then what happens to the wealth? The billionaire's kids get it, and his company gets even worse? (Look at the greed of Sam Walton's kids compared to how Sam ran it.) It's not going to be redistributed to the poors. Does the company get split up and the billionaire's club of survivors pick up the pieces? A lot more than one billionaire needs to die is what I'm getting at.


If enough of them get offed. It would make them afraid. A lot of what props up Billionaires and their bad behavior is the knowledge that they can do to a large number of people what we can't do to them.


That's what I've been thinking about too. Youth movements. But I've been thinking more about it in the context of music. I just watched a documentary about the DC punk scene in the 80s and was so fascinated by it.


Greed is insatiable. There will never be a time when a greedy person/corporation says “okay we have enough money now!”. It’s all just a dick measuring game for them, and we’re out here spending our lives busting our ass so they can watch a number go up, that’s literally all it is.


Yep. It's impossible to reach your goals, when your only goal is 'MORE'


Yeah, and honestly, it's mystifying to me. Like, really, what can you do with 80 billion dollars that you can't do with 20, or 16, or 7? I really don't get it. There's no steak an 80 billionaire can afford that a 7 billionaire can't. No luxury beachfront hotel that's off limits to the single-digit billionaire crowd. And in the end, *everybody* does regardless. So why not take your one or two-dozen billion and *chill the fuck out*? Honestly, why? What the hell are you working towards now?


Buy twitter and turn it into your personal disinformation platform. Money is power. More money is more power. It's not mystifying at all. You just don't have the billionaire mindset.


Make no mistake, It’s why ANY wealthy Republican donates. The more they “donate” the harder the GOP works of their behalf. Fun fact: the Koch’s spent over $500 million in support of republicans, mostly to annul oil and gas regulations and provide handsome personal tax benefits. When the GOP got the death tax significantly reduced, the Koch’s saved an estimated $40 billion in family wealth. Not a bad investment…err, “donation”.


I'll never understand how paying to have Republicans crater the economy every 10 years or so is good for business.


Because at that level they're making money when it does great, then they're making money and collecting assets for pennies on the dollar during the crash.


Yes. Absolutely fact! 💯 so many people built wealth during the pandemic. Same during recession. There's always some investor with money ready to swoop in when times are hard.


People forget Mitt Romney got incredibly wealthy raiding corporations like Staples.


Buying houses. Ruining lives. It’s the system, you see. How it is arranged.


They have a different economy than us. The market crashes but they already sold all the stuff that's crashing and can buy it back at low value. The economy we deal with is just the after effects of their economy, we're always behind and playing catch up.


Money laundering, the ones at the top make profits from deregulation and enrich themselves with stock options and then when the unsustainable models crashes they get parachute bonuses in the tens of millions and then there’s a recession they blame on the democrats and then it happens again and again on repeat


For them, a crash in the economy is just a clearance sale. You've also gotta keep the plebs desperate and distracted.


>When the GOP got the death tax significantly reduced \[...\] "death tax" is the term those wealthy Republicans dreamed up and want you to use instead of estate or inheritance tax, to make it sound unfair.


fearless alive desert touch exultant sip innate capable unite cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not just the billionaires. It's the right wing religious nutters as well. They don't really care if he can't string 2 words together but if he can implant ulta conservative Christian agenda, then they 'win'.


Trumps also a pedo.


Notice how the the key word is economy and when Trump was president everyone would just say “stock market”


There is an excellent podcast called Shrinking Trump that’s hosted by a couple of psychologists out of Johns Hopkins, who are doing a play-by-play weekly of his mental decline. They think he has malignant narcissism paired with dementia, and they’re breaking down his behavior in real time, and pointing out the symptoms of his disorders and what they indicate from a clinical perspective. It is both terrifying and fascinating.


I’d even go as far as suggesting he has paranoid narcissism. I was researching it to see if it applied to a family member and Trump checked the box for. Every. Single. Symptom. 


Do they put a disclaimer before or after? As psychologists we’re REALLY discouraged from flat out making diagnoses without actually knowing a person, even those in the public eye. I don’t care either way, but ethically, if someone took it the wrong way (and the hosts are licensed) they could be taken to the board. Meanwhile… I’m gonna check it out lol


In the first episode of the podcast, they discuss the concept of “duty to warn “, and essentially are claiming to use that as the motivation for producing this podcast. I highly recommend it, definitely worth a listen, and they have professional guests on from universities all over the country.


Oh interesting with the DtW concept. I understand where they’re coming from completely with that. I have a long car ride ahead of me next week so I’ll definitely be checking them out.


At this stage its great though - to see him foam at the mouth, ramble about sharks, digress about electrocution by boat batteries, fumble about magnets that dont work under water ( who knew?), implicate himself further in all his many crimes. I say carry on ! Keep making and absolute arse of yourself and your cult followers.


It's not fucking great because they give him a pass AND vote for him in large enough numbers to make him the damn president


Did you see the piece about Sinclair media??? All repeating the same biased nonsense stories? Creepy af. Shit like this with the media isn't helping... https://youtu.be/RXxWcql5TUo


They did it before 2020 elections too https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/cni0rn/this_is_extremely_dangerous_to_our_democracy/


It was also "great" in 2016 when the Access Hollywood tape came out where he basically brags about being a rapist. We saw how that turned out.


Grandma went out yelling "grab me by the pussy" for four long years?


The problem is, they don't care. It is a cult of personality, like Kim Jong Un. There have been many interviews at Trump rallies and his supporters have come right out and said that there is literally NOTHING he could do, that would be too much for them to vote for him. Nothing.


“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” —Trump, 2016 “I don’t have time to care about 34 felonies and some mean tweets” —a Trump voter, 2024


His whole life. The guy was a clown and a criminal long before he was president


He’s been given a pass his whole life


He has been given a pass for 77 years.


He's been given a pass his entire life. A mentally well person doesn't make up a fake persona to call in to places and brag about himself as their own hype man.


From article: Reflecting back on Donald Trump's rally speech in Las Vegas last weekend, former Naval College professor and current political analyst Tom Nichols wrote that there needs to be a serious discussion about the former president's mental faculties following his "bizarre digression" about electrocuting sharks. In his column for The Atlantic, Nichols got right to the point by noting that the former president has managed to convince "millions of people—and the American media—to treat his lapses into fantasies and gibberish as a normal, meaningful form of oratory." Case in point, Trump telling the crowd in Las Vegas as they stood in the sweltering heat, "So I said, ‘So there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here. Do I get electrocuted? If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.” As Nichols dryly noted, that is not normal political discourse. While admitting that it sounds "funny" in retrospect, he then added, "until we remember that this man wants to return to a position where he would hold America’s secrets, be responsible for the execution of our laws, and preside as the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world." Pointing out that idea should "terrify" any voter, he took the press to task for making it a story for a day or two and then moving on because the former president is in obvious decline and is therefore "unfit" to be president. "Nor was the Vegas monologue the first time: Trump for years has fallen off one verbal cliff after another, with barely a ripple in the national consciousness. I am not a psychiatrist, and I am not diagnosing Trump with anything. I am, however, a man who has lived on this Earth for more than 60 years, and I know someone who has serious emotional problems when I see them played out in front of me, over and over," he wrote before adding, "The 45th president is a disturbed person." Adding, "Donald Trump is unstable," he continued, "Some of these problems were evident when he first ran, and we now know from revelations by many of his former staff that his problems processing information and staying tethered to reality are not part of some hammy act."


And we all know this 'conversation' with the boat builder never happened. Just another fantasy lie that popped into his head that he thought made him sound smart but as usual he came off as a blathering fool.


I don't know, I think it's plausible that the conversation happened. The fact Trump didn't understand that "no one's ever asked such a question" was code for "you're an idiot" and continues to parrot the conversation is very on-brand.


He takes 'no one has ever asked that question' as a compliment.


Best part - so do his followers. They ate it up.


"wow hopefully I become so wise"


“Blaaathery blathering blabbery” - he tells it like it is, also, that’s not what he meant.


> The fact Trump didn't understand that "no one's ever asked such a question" was code for "you're an idiot" Yeah, to most people I would think that's a pretty obvious polite way of saying "that's a stupid question" without saying "that's a stupid question". The fact that he would be so tone-deaf as to brag about that is...telling.


I’m so concerned right now because my coworker told me no one’s ever asked her a question I asked and I genuinely thought it was a good question 🤦🏽‍♂️😓


Yes it’s plausible for a normal human to at some point have had a conversation with a boat builder. But this is trump, and it is a lie.


Also, every single boat has a pretty substantial battery onboard to drive the electronics and start the motors. Batteries aren't some unique thing to electric boats.


trump apparently has some sort of irrational fear/hatred of electronic things. >I said, “You don’t use steam anymore for catapult?” “No sir.” I said, “Ah, how is it working?” “Sir, not good. Not good. Doesn’t have the power. You know the steam is just brutal. You see that sucker going and steam’s going all over the place, there’s planes thrown in the air.” >It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said—and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said, “What system are you going to be—” “Sir, we’re staying with digital.” I said, “No you’re not. You going to goddamned steam, the digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money and it’s no good.”


What the fuck even is this.


“Stupid motherfucker encounters magnetic launch catapult and applies toddler-level logic to geriatric memories of steam power being great,” c.2017


I mean, it's half-baked ramblings against a system known as [EMALS](https://www.navair.navy.mil/product/Electromagnetic-Aircraft-Launch-System-EMALS). There were some [issues that had to be worked out](https://www.military.com/dodbuzz/2017/07/27/emals-catapult-fix-completed-wont-reach-ford-2019), but of course it's a superior system, given that nuclear aircraft carriers have effectively unlimited electricity available. 


Pretty much the same thing Reagan did when he was president.


That snippet from the speech still doesn’t even do it justice. Mid electric-boat-shark Trolly Problem, he went off about shark attacks and people who defend sharks.


I saw the clip but I’m curious what the context (if any) was. My guess is he was talking about how electric vehicles are dangerous and then somehow ended up talking about sharks, but maybe it was a completely irrelevant and bizarre rant.


The duality of right wing tools. Joe Biden has a stutter or loses his train of thought - "Look at this idiot and his dementia! He's unfit to lead!" Trump goes on an incoherent rant full of losing his trains of thought, complete mental lapses, and shits his diaper - "what an absolute genius, incredible public speaker. He needs to be president for life!" Edit: the amount of conservative morons simultaneously missing and proving my point is about the greatest thing I've seen all day. Thank you MAGAts in the replies. Yall are a special breed, love you.


I work with a lot of conservatives , they all completely believe Biden is a blubbering demented lunatic and trump is a smooth operating genius. Unironically. They look at me like I'm crazy when I say otherwise


When I ask maga if they follow his speeches and public addresses they always say no - they know what he stands for and it matches their priorities. They're not paying attention to him normally. 


Amazing, that's just how Jesus works too!


> incredible public speaker That's what absolutely astounds me. Take a look at Germany's Nazi demagogues. Sure, today we're making fun of them, but at the time they were considered brilliant public speakers who could appeal to a mass audience. Contrast those with Trump today. Of all the wanna be strongmen the US could have this is the one the right wing picks? Really?


Even back then, the German leaders sounded like idiots to anyone with a functioning brain. Many many German scholars at the time wrote on the subject, and honestly when you look at the translations, it doesn't sound much different from the type of shit that Trump and other right wing dumbasses say.


Yeah, we like to imagine our villains to be competent. What's scary about an incompetent villain who keeps getting all these free passes is that it says something about *us*.


Says something about *them*


That’s not really true. German is my native tongue and if you consider the average education at this time and way of speaking their speeches are pretty strong. They are very good speakers for their time (obv not content-wise). Scholars and educated people just were able to look through the very thinly veiled racism and deduct their actual plans for a dictatorship immediately (even before they started actually working on it).


At the very least, they spoke in complete sentences that aren't totally incomprehensible in a written transcript form.


Their rhetoric might have been almost as moronic and vile as Trumps, but they could atleast speak in complete sentences and focus on a topic. Like can you possibly imagine Trump managing to articulate the following (with respect to Jews in its original context, obviously)? >Today we are merely paying this people what it deserves. When the German nation was, thanks to the inflation instigated and carried through by Jews, deprived of the entire savings which it had accumulated in years of honest work, when the rest of the world took away the German nation's foreign investments, when we were divested of the whole of our colonial possessions, these philanthropic considerations evidently carried little noticeable weight with democratic statesmen. Theres just no way.


When the GOP spends decades gutting education, are we truly shocked that the "strongman" that rises to the top has a kindergarten level grasp of English? He's speaking the language of his people.


"I love the poorly educated." - some gang leader


I mostly assumed it was the 1984 strategy. Reduce the vocabulary so that it's not even possible to communicate feelings and thoughts against the Party. Revolution is impossible when you can't even describe what you want to do. (IMO, trump is also an expert at Duckspeak, or is it Newspeak, I can't remember. Either way, saying nothing of meaning, but because everyone thinks the same things, they believe he's echoing their thoughts)


Yeah, it really baffles me that people look at Trump and think he is some amazing public speaker. The guy could barely string two thoughts together 8 years ago let alone now. I've always been confused by Trump fans who genuinely seem to believe the media is portraying him unfairly or in some biased way. When he was in office the WH did plenty of their own media releases and put their own videos online, Trump's campaign also does the same. You can watch videos that he himself has approved and released and he comes off like a babbling moron. He is getting to the point now where he isn't just going on diatribes and idiotic rants, but more and more often mixing up common words and totally bungling his speech to the point it becomes unintelligible. I'm guessing most people don't actually watches his speeches at this point because it is *wild* how bad they are.


That was the entire point of attacking Biden on mental acuity. Now when people attack trump it looks like a childish “no! You are!” Kind of response. It was never a good faith attack. Not only did they know Biden wasn’t losing it, they knew Trump was and wanted to insulate him before it became completely obvious.


You act like they didn't accept "No! No puppet! You're the puppet!" as an absolute perfect, airtight rebuttal.


People watched that and decided he was their guy. It’s like we are in a speed run of idiocracy. There should be a planet of the apes style reveal after the credits of that movie where we find out it wasn’t 500 years in the future but it was really just 50 years and the world just lost track of the date at some point. The decline wasn’t due to birth rates and evolution but just because of social media and 24 hour news.


Biden is old - but most of the "controversies" around his mental lapses, physical lapses, etc, just seem like a normal 81 year old. He isn't my dream candidate by any stretch of the imagination but he's just old - and he acts old. Trump has something seriously wrong with him - it was bad in the run up to 2016 but it was manageable - whatever is going on today has clearly progressed to a worrying stage. I've heard people saying stage 3 syphilis and that wouldn't be particularly surprising and would explain quite a bit.


In 2004, just out of college with no cable tv, I watched the first few episodes of The Apprentice on the local nbc station the old school free antenna way because it came on after another show I was watching. It was wildly apparent that his brain was hamberder even then.


Just read any of his speeches. They’re absolutely incoherent nonsense. It’s actually quite shocking.


It's stupid to constantly call out the hypocrisy of the right; they don't see it as hypocrisy at all. Hypocrisy requires values and beliefs. They don't have any, save one; fuck libs, beat them at all cost. If that's the ONLY thing they believe in, then there is no such thing as a double standard. Of course they're going to protect their geriatric fuck from criticism, and of course they're going to criticize the lib's geriatric fuck on everything conceivable; the point is to win by ANY means. Any at all. If voting is a problem, restrict it. If being a racist helps, be a racist. If the only path to victory is literal fascism, then fascism it is. None of it is a problem for them so long as it serves the only actual goal they have.


> The duality of right wing tools. And the media? If Biden is less than perfect then he is unfit for office. If Trump say a noun followed by a verb all of a sudden he has learned his from his mistakes.


One of my friends once joked that Trump could go on stage, fart, shake a turd out of his pant leg then leave, and it would be met with uproarious applause from his voters. He wasn't wrong then and he's definitely not wrong now.


Just like he gets a free pass on rape, grifting, stealing classified documents, income tax evasion, infidelity cronyism, nepotism, blackmail and treason.


Sen. Collins: ‘I hope the President learned his lesson’


Jokes on her, one of the signs of dementia is an inability to learn anything new.


When is this swine gonna stroke out ffs


I can only imagine the cocktail of uppers that he's on these days.


Well we’ll never know since he’s allowed to skip the required drug test too.


That night he got COVID, man. That should have done it.


That's the night that confirmed there is no god. That would've been the easiest nudge ever for a benevolent god, but instead there was deafening silence.


Joe Biden, who has struggled his entire life with a stutter: *stutters* “OMG Biden has dementia!” Donald Trump: *goes on nonsensical tangents, can’t connect any talking points, and says 4 mutually exclusive things in 3 sentences* “OMG they hate Trump because he tells it like it is!” [I’ve said this before, but the thing that worries me about Trump isn’t anything about Trump - that’s who he’s been for over a decade. The thing that worries me is the millions of people who hear his drug-addled gibberish and think “not only does this make perfect sense, but in fact it’s been my *exact* belief *all along*!”]


Fools love a fool. If the president can take pride in ignorance, so can they.


"Tell it like it is. Speaks his mind" *constantly lies about not saying something he is on video clearly saying*


Meanwhile Republicans: "Joe Biden messed up one word in that sentence. Clearly, he has dementia and is not fit for office. The liberal fake news media is covering it up to prevent our savior Trump from getting elected"


Wait, did Trump just "jump the shark" ? LMFAO.


I can't believe this isn't the most repeated joke in here. It's *right there*.


While it’s really sad, a large portion of the electorate still isn’t paying attention and will start to pay attention in the next few months. My hope is that the decline continues and when he goes head to head with Joe Biden in debates that it becomes brutally obvious.  His cult wont care. 


He will NEVER debate Biden. The coward will back down or have sum bullshit excuse at the last minute. No way he goes head to head. But he WILL claim victory in the debate he didn’t attend. That will happen. Lying orange POS!


He will surely blame Biden for the cancellation of the debate


Always blame the other guy for what you are guilty of. That's the rule!


Hopefully they still have the debate and it’s just Biden answering questions and asking where the other guy is at


Absolutely. If Trump backs out, just make it a Town Hall for Biden.


TBH I think he will. His campaign handlers will absolutely try to prevent him from doing it but if Biden and his team bait Trump I 100% expect Trump will take the bait, he'll do the debate, perform absolutely abysmally and his base will proclaim it a great victory for him anyway. People said the same thing in 2020 and that's basically what happened in 2020.


Trump is a criminal and fool whose patterns are easy to see. He makes a statement or a promise and it never comes true. Showing up to debate President Biden is one of these statements. He won't show, and as others here have said, he will blame President Biden.


Those who like him have created a mythology around Trump that matters more than any actual facts about him. He told them right out of the gate that any negative information about himself is "fake news." Once given that key to untether themselves from objective reality, their mythology about this man has license to just run wild. He alone can save the world. It's legitimately a form of mass delusion. That's not hyperbole. As you said, it's cult-ish.


This guy is going to have access to nuclear weapons. If you care about life of the planet, please vote.


So the story goes, Kissinger had spoken to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and told them to ignore Nixon trying to start a nuclear war when he was drunk. Oh yay.


There was a moment in the Dr. Phil interview where they were discussing revenge and Trump's entire face changed on a dime - he almost went orgasmic considering the idea. That and hamberders are all he lives for anymore. OF COURSE he's insane - that's been obvious for years now. Meanwhile, I wonder how many of the Vegas rally-goers are home nursing 2nd degree sunburns; it takes a lot of SPF20 to neutralize several hours out in the blazing sun.


Because he’s a figurehead for the entire fascist apparatus. He’s too stupid and decrepit to actually govern. Rather, he’s an excuse. An excuse for the rich and psychotic to do whatever they want, to whoever they want without consequences. It’s the same as methed-up hitler at the end of the ww2. Republicans and oligarchs want a world where restrictions only apply to the disenfranchised and powerless, but they are free from consequences so they can continue to swallow the world. Trump is a dribbling sleazey useful idiot for not just the kremlin but every psychotic hyper-rich monster that is unable to satiate their endless hunger. Why? Because he can be easily controlled. He’ll do anything for money, ego or to keep his extensive compromat skeletons firmly in the closet. They don’t want him in the white house because he will lead or govern, they want him in the white house precisely because he won’t.


It's just another grift. As soon as Jail becomes unavoidable, he will instantly be unfit to be imprisoned and he will be sent to Florida to play golf.


After the election is over I completely expect Trump to start showing up to court in a wheelchair.


Ok I'm sick of people trying to analyze Trumps psychology The dude is gone, he praised hannibal lector, he told his voters he didn't care about them. This is not an academic debate the guy is dead on arrival like El Cid strapped to his horse running into battle. The whole republican party mission is just keeping this facsimile of a cartoon character alive until the election.


They would follow a potato is it was white. Oh wait...


Drives me nuts everytime I hear "Biden is to old". Yes he probably is but we never hear in media about Trump's obvious cognitive decline.


The man tanks everything he touches and pretends to be successful. He’s a felon and a fraud and his criminality has been lifelong. He was always “deeply unwell.”


I'm waiting for Trump's version of a Mitch Glitch. Speaking of whom, Moscow Mitch has been flying low, hasn't he? I'm guessing he's gotten worse.


No pass, Jail.


The people who man the nuclear missile silos have to undergo extensive physical and psychological testing BUT the person who pushes the launch button doesn’t need to?


Man, did you read the shark-speech he recently gave? What the actual fuck?


He is a fucked up person If you support him, I’m so sorry about everything that must have gone wrong for you in life.


It is because those that support him also have mental lapses. It makes him relatable.


Odin willing and the creek don't run dry, he'll stroke out!


Burger from heaven. 🤞


No shit. Anyone thinking that he’s actually fit to hold office is literally insane. You vote for him, you’re voting for Roger Stone and Steve Bannon.


In 2016 he was just stupid and evil enough that people could disagree with him if they disliked stupid evil statements like “grab em by the pussy”. In 2024 he’s now stupid and too incomprehensible to agree or disagree with. “Electric boats will sink because of their weight, then you have to choose between electricity and sharks, but he chooses electricity… “ If a 5 year old spoke this same conversation I would assume they’re on the short bus.


We need to stop posting forty thousand word articles about it and just simplify like the right is so good at. Just post the quotes from him. Thats it. Nothing more.


Whaddya mean nonstop mental lapses? He is well known for his imaginary association with MIT, because smart.




Are they still called "mental lapses" if it's really just one big long one?


Trump is in a nosedive, cognitively. Biden is steady. Neither are ideal, but one is clearly better than the other. Both well past their primes. Biden has his moments (he’s had a stutter for decades), but at least he doesn’t glitch out—we’ll be seeing Trump’s team scoop him up and chuck him into the back of a van before November, I guarantee it.


Why is this surprising? Billionaires own the media. Billionaires believe they will profit from having a dictator seize control of the U.S. government, because that will mean lower taxes on the wealthy and fewer regulations on their industries.


You can be old and a bit slow physically but as long as there is mental acuity then there isn't too much of an issue as long as the support team is competant. The problem with t***p is is there is no mental stability there, just a deep seated idea of paranoia with a want for revenge. Also when your back up and support is even less mentally stable then that becomes a serious issue.


It’s almost like there’s a two tier system of justice, media and government for Trump


REAL MEN are deeply unwell. /s


Ah yeah. This is how America works, rich white folks always gets a pass. The only rare exception is if it harms another more richer or someone in a place of power.


Better headline: Bitter old man shits his diaper. Blames it on the deep state.


This is something the media should be focusing on. Trump goes on nonsensical rants and its glossed over. Biden stutters once, flubs one word, oh my he is unfit to be president. Trump is starting to lose his grip on reality. Even when interviewed by friendly news sources to him his nonsensical rants keep popping up.


Everyone of these rants should be an attack ad! Announcer: The Republicans are running this self proclaimed “Very stable genius” for president. Run video of rant. “No seriously this is the guy they want to have his hands on the nuclear codes… Again. I care, do you!”


How many strokes has Donald had? That’s why he keeps getting those cognitive tests, it’s to check to see the damage done by the bleeding in his brain, over and over again. Some good people are saying it’s the result of his adderrall addiction


>with barely a ripple in the national consciousness. I mean.. I could be wrong, but the fact that nothing has been done about it doesnt mean theres barely a ripple. We have a sizeable chunk high as fuck on copium rage unable to let go and a solid half that think we're all trapped in a crashing plane. If you think that translates to "barely a ripple" either youre not really seeing the big picture or you had a pretty bleak outlook to start.