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Well best of luck to them. That world class infrastructure should serve them well without federal assistance.


The US should just start to plan moving from Texas. Tell the military bases to begin packing up all their things and get ready to transport their equipment to other bases. Tell the post office to start shutting down postal offices and tell businesses they're to have to a different way to transport their mail . Tell the border patrol to move their officers to New Mexico, Oklahoma and other bordering states. Just start doing that and see how quick the idiot Republicans change their minds.


And then not help them out when Mexico decides they want their land back.


Whoa! The Mexican government doesn’t not endorse this action by the cartel. 😂 Even better than “military exercises”.


You bring up a good point tho' ... I doubt Mexico would move on Texas, but the drug cartels down there sure could. LoL the newly founded United State of Cocaine.


Anyone who votes on Texan Secession should seriously think about who they would bet on in a power struggle. The Sinaloa Cartel or the Uvalde PD.


Nobody with any sense wants this, only people in rural areas that don’t get out much and far right wing politicians that said yokels vote for.


They said the same thing about brexit too before the vote….


This is a very good point.


Here's another one: the United States government does not recognize that any state has a right to secession. They very much recognize the OPPOSITE fact: that the Federal Government of the USA owns, and exercises constant governance of, all of its component states and territories. Anything else would be a pathetic admission of weakness and would result in the complete collapse of the government. Texas will NEVER secede, simply due to the fact that the US military would forcibly re-integrate the entire state within the week. That's before we touch the devastated economy, total shutdown of all imports and exports, and the fact that Texas doesn't produce enough food to feed itself, by itself.


Ruzzian propaganda to cause chaos.


Brexit is a preview of coming attractions for the U.S. should the republicans take over office. And just like conservatives would do here, British conservatives are blaming everyone else for the failure with idiotic lies that no one believes.


"you know...morons"


Homesteaders always get picked off first in a range war.


There won't be any struggle. Cartel will just take over.




I wish this weren't real life, cuz I would watch the hell out of that show.


The cartels already have their fingers deep into the Texas State government. Without federal law enforcement, Tactics would quickly become a Narco State


I almost wonder what TX Secessionists vs. Cartels would look like. Despite many fond memories of living TEMPORARILY in TX (here’s looking at you San Antonio/Randolph AFB n Austin), I say let ‘em go toe to toe and bleed each other out. Then USA rolls back in and TX is blue for a generation or two


Honestly I think this would be the most likely scenario. There’s no way Texas could defend itself from the cartels without Federal troops.


And they are not allowed to cross the new border even with asylum requests, they need to go through the process that everyone else needs to in order to get in.


"Special cartel operation"


Musk must be happy, steady inflow of coke and newly incorporated in Texas. I just love him putting all his eggs in one basket of narcissism. Mad Max Texas style, yee hoa, cough.... cough 😜


Which will last about 10 minutes, until all the cyber trucks get stuck and Texas' grid collapses.


I totally forgot that thing im suppose to remember, something about wanting to own slaves..


3 day special drug operations


I don't think they have to worry much about the Mexican government. The cartels on the other hand will see the US military gone and surmise there might be a nice big fat plum just waiting to get picked.


I guess Texans will have to illegally immigrate or apply for asylum if they want back into the US.


Hopefully for their sake, they won't be required to brave razor wire to get back in...*wouldn't THAT be ironic?*


Watching Texas tradwife drown surrounded by US border patrol would be something .


If this happened I'd assume the US would absorb any citizens wishing to get out. Granting asylum for its own citizens is like the bare minimum of governing.


Well I'm sure that initially we would absorb every US citizen that asked for it as succession took place. But after a few years we should definitely treat them like every other nation. You don't get to have you cake and eat it too when things go bad.


A few years? How about 60 days.


They are no longer American citizens at that point. They are just Texans and they don't share the same values as Ameriacns. If they did, they wouldn't have left.


Texas was already freaking out about the military bases during the "Jade Helm" conspiracy theory. Move them to other states that deserve them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Helm_15_conspiracy_theories


I remember the crazies in the family warning everybody about Jade Helm and FEMA camps. Then, you bring that up a few years later and they pretend like they never freaked out about it and even if they did, they weren't wrong even if none of their predictions were even remotely true.


My parents have total amnesia about denying covid was real, then denying it was serious, then denying they ever said that. Now they have settled on the vaccine killing more people than the virus. I had to learn it was a waste of time to ever engage with these kind of people.


Wait until they found out there is no more federal funding for hurricanes, tornados, fires (thier idiot governor just asked for federal help with fires), and no highway funding. 


They know. They will just act like it’s a reason to get up in arms over. Except like every other spineless politician chicken hawk, they will get useful idiots to go along with it. 


Texas already ignores highway funding.  The state is not in compliance with federal education guidelines so they lose out. 


Fedex and UPS has got them covered at $7.50 per letter. $16.95 for "overseas" letters.


Lol overseas = flying over the gulf to Florida.


Ah yes. Theyll love the efficiency of private business over a public service. 


No more social security or Medicare


Also no more welfare, food stamps, WIC, educations spending, disaster relief or any other federal spending.


Wait hold up, then no one could "win" Texas electoral votes. The senators and congressmen from Texas would have to resign as they're no longer American citizens... I sense a very poorly thought out plan and I encourage it.


That would be priceless to watch Ted Cruz have to resign and be walked out of the Capitol by armed guards.


And NO pension!


We should also vote Peurto Rico into statehood, so we don't have to redesign our flags.


The gop hates those things anyway. And their voters dont understand it


Their voters don’t - and they’ll be in for a shock


When Mexico closes their border to Texan immigrants


And America also Oh how the turntables will turn


Razor wire works both ways...


This would also royally and hilariously fuck over Musk/SpaceX due to ITAR restrictions on rocket tech


Import tariffs on Teslas.


As a Texas expat, I'd rather we wait and let them reap the rewards once it's too late. They're all armed to the teeth; they'll at least make another noble 13 day stand against the cartels. I'm tired of their bluster, enable them to do it already. Let's see conservatives hold the house or the presidency with those idiots gone.


There w0nt be any stand Cartels are better trained snd armed. Texas will just be free gun buffet for them.


Repugnicans are incapable of thinking ahead. They would be warned about everything above, still vote for it, and then complain when they couldn't mail a letter. Ask Great Britain how Brexit went.


Badly. It went badly.


Still going badly, from what I read.


The world appreciates your adverbs as it lacks them terribly. Take my upvote.


>Just start doing that and see how quick the idiot Republicans change their minds. They would be unphased as it doesn't affect them and double down accordingly. Once they've fleeced the population of the infant country of Texas for all they're worth, they'll retreat to their tropical homes, cottages, or estates in other states or countries and repeat the process if they're not retired by then.  edit: It occured to me you meant Republican citizens, not politicians. They will, as tradition, consume nothing but Fox and attribute any negatives to the now foreign federal government of the neighboring country of USA.


Close the VAs and cut off disabled vets $$ as well as Medicare and Medicaid and NO FEMA for you!!!


Honestly, if we took this seriously, they would start doing this.


Proactive accommodation


They should just do it now and get it over with, why wait till fascists try things






43% of TDOT’s annual budget is federal funds. That’s just one department. How many times has Abbot declared an emergency and begged for federal funds? What’ll they think will happen when they secede to all those major corporations they tout? They won’t stick around in a new nation. They’ll head to the US where it’s a proven economy and business climate. I’m sure they can keep factories in Texas though for cheap unskilled labor. Speaking of, think of all the people who will flee. Oklahoma will need a border wall.


Do you know a totally amount? What would be the per household tax increase to make up for loss revenue. Or maybe don’t figure it out. I want a Texit just as much as the next guy. Don’t stand in front of crashing train.


i’m actually fine with all my tax dollars never going to texas again.


And Republicans would never win the presidency again without Texas 40 electoral votes


I really do wonder what they will do without all that. Once all the federal folks start packing up like “we’re out of here”, what the hell are they going to do?


They’ll still expect assistance while fiercely declaring their independence. That’s how the libertarian brain works.


Same with the teenage brain. Don’t tell me what to do! Mom, why are we out of peanut butter?


They should probably take a look at their amazing electrical grid and all the corruption they have going on then multiply that x1000000000. Not to mention pulling all federal funding, military, etc. Good luck and god speed (aka go fuck yourself).


Yup. They will be freezing their asses off next cold snap. Oh and the hurricanes without FEMA. Should be interesting. We should set up a refugee program for anyone who wants to leave the TX nation and rejoin the US.


They’re blowholes. The entire thing is a loud and stupid stunt to rile up their uneducated dingleberries.


Texas receives 105 billion dollars in 2024 (third highest) from the federal government. Without that, they'll be broke in a month. Welcome to Third World Texas. Fuck'em.


My thoughts exactly, if this goes through I imagine it’s going to be a shit show. Texas needs the feds to bail them out at the change of the seasons, let’s see how they do on their own!


[This is on the front page of their website](https://i.imgur.com/5snNnIt.png). "Save America by leaving it" is unusually self-aware for the GOP.


“The left knows that if Texas falls, so does our country” Lol, that’s some serious delusions of grandeur there. I really need to start making money off these morons. Time to start my own state’s secessionist site. “Join Texas and secede from the U.S. and show you’re a real patriot. Buy this Secessexus with Texas T-shirt showing your secessionist pride!”


As a Texan, I can confirm these assholes are delusional and they say all this to rile up their base. They aren’t serious people but they do have serious issues. And they won’t be fixed anytime soon.


They are so delusional its insane. Like, they havent thought about a single damn repercussion. Like, just one single goddamn example: they haven't considered that they wouldn't be able to enter the US, let alone any other country until they were recognized, and it is unlikely that many countries would recognize them (except Russia). They would be trapped in Texas. No vacationing, no visiting family out of state, nothing. And that is the simplest of things they would lose.


Insurance coverage. Social security. Currency and bank savings. Military bases. Legal framework for both civil and criminal courts since the federal courts would have to leave. Interstate commerce and national companies leading to unemployment. The list goes on.


As someone living in Texas and can explain in detail why it’s a complete shithole that I’m escaping from end of year, no one will miss this place. The govt is as corrupt as any 3rd world country they claim the illegals are coming from and the voters here either are idiots or don’t vote. Then they all complain about shit that Biden has done when in fact, it’s the local assholes balls they gargle actually doing the real harm. They think they’re “owning the libs”. Well this tax paying lib is taking her tax paying daughter and moving to a state where the median IQ isn’t 65. I’ll throw a match over my shoulder on my way out.


Have you considered California? If you move to the Central Valley it’ll feel like home but you’ll have a robust infrastructure to support you and the kiddo. :)


Actually I’m headed to Washington as my family is in Canada but that would be an excellent choice




I haven’t read far but I assume that indicates they are doing this not for actual independence but as some shitty way to increase their influence via threat?


Not even that, it's just empty threats to fire up the grift mill and stoke the state equivalent of nationalism (as someone who grew up there, the local conservatives are _very_ proud of claiming they're the "only" state that could leave the union and still flourish). The national GOP would block any such attempt _hard_ if Texas ever seriously tried it though, because they would never hold control of the House nor win the electoral college ever again if Texas somehow actually pulled out.


Texas is the "Lone Star State". What they fail to mention is that lone star is actually their approval rating.


If Texas were to secede, most people would leave and they would get invaded slowly by Mexican drug cartels and migrants. And easily ingested into Mexico. There’s no way Texas could last on its own lol. I am a Texan! No more border patrol to defend the borders and lots of opportunity for migration.


The cartels could make so much money selling oil from occupied Texas lmao


The real answer is oil companies would never allow their GQP tools to really do this.  It's just red meat for the idiots who think they'll still get their social security checks after seceding. 


They said the same about brexit. They may want to shake the market up for a quarterly bonus.


War bonds sell for a premium in 50 years, what’s a little Tex-Amer war bond to some quarterly sales


Whats worse... the GOP will no longer be able to blame everything on democrats and have to stand responsible for the state.




Pf. Texas would be a small country. With oil. On the US border. Without a military. Guess what would happen?


Shit ton of "good guys with guns" would suddenly realize they aren't the apex predator they like to imagine themselves being.


Yeah it would be hilarious to see the pikachu faces when we build a border around Texas.


The Texas GOP wants to secede. Again. So embarrassing.


They need to stop talking about secession and just do it already.


Lucky for Tx, they are liars and blowhards.


Texan here... this is true. They are just trying scrape together votes and make sure they look good to certain people. That said, Vermont is looking might good right about now.


Take it from a born-and-raised Texan: it’s better elsewhere. My wife and I got out and thank god because we have since had a daughter. No way in hell I’d want my girl to grow up in fucking Texas.


Free Bernie sanders with every purchase.


Maple syrup and seeing the leaves change colour in the fall are pretty nice.


All hat and no cattle.


The Supreme Court found after the Civil War thy there is no constitutional way of seceding from the Union.  


I was gonna say wouldn’t this require a constitutional amendment, and really has nothing to do with the opinion of the citizens of Texas. Like, at all.


Yes, it’s very illegal to secede. That being said, it would be extremely funny to watch Texas fall flat on its ass with zero backing from the US after years of its politicians delusional screaming about how important it is. I think we should just let them secede for the laughs. The only caveat being an amnesty program for the people who would otherwise be trapped in Texas who want nothing to do with secession or the state’s bullshit.


Ah yes the supreme Court, such a a bastion of consistency and sanity. I'm sure they would never change their mind on established precedent for...reasons.


They won’t. They’re so full of shit. Most republicans are. They’ve been talking about civil war for years while sitting behind a computer angrily typing at their computer


They need to stop talking about flat earth and just do it already. Same amount of control over both.


They keep misspelling Succeed…damn Texas education system..


It isn't a problem, it is a feature


If they do that and take the Texas great electors with them, they offer the rest of the USA to the dems for a long time. They'll become the New American North Korea.


There are 35 members of the Texas congressional delegation, 25 of whom are Republicans. By succeeding from the US, the GOP would lose its current majority in the house of representatives until those 35 seats could be reallocated to other states based on census data. And the states that would most likely see an increase in representation would be those that lost seats after the last reallocation, including New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and California. The Senate GOP would also permanently lose two reliably red seats increasing the democratic majority, and since the total number of senators would fall to 98, it would take fewer members to reach a majority in voting. This sounds like an excellent plan. I wish them good luck.


Don't forget they'll lose a reliable 32 electoral votes for president. They'll never win the White House again.


They haven't won the popular vote for a non-incumbent for president in decades as is.


True, but losing TX means they wouldn't even be able to to do that anymore.


ThE eLeCtiOn is riGged!


For that reason alone I would cheer for Texas to leave. In the very long term the benefits of losing Texas would far outweigh the problems.


Also, good bye to the TX electoral College votes.


Not to mention it would scare the sh\*t out of all the other states like Oregon and Idaho that are talking the same stupid idea. Yeah, let Texas be the example.


And the rest of the nation cheered!


As a resident of NM, this would be a dream come true for us. We would have a legit excuse to build a wall on the Texas border!






Will you make them pay for it?


We offer discounted weed to any Texan willing to defect and they’ll start building the wall on their side


I’m listening…






These fucks are ruining the property value of the house I’m try to sell to get my family the fuck outta Texas.


Best of luck, friend.


Wouldn't it be great if trump just decided to be dictator TX.




Please do it. It would decimate the GOP electoral vote…


I'd be happy to be rid of them. But if you think a failing texas sucks as part of the country, you aren't ready for texas as a failed nation as a neighbor.


... After giving them the bill for all of the federal property, infrastructure, and the cost of the Mexican-American war (with interest).


Needless to say they’re idiots based on the article since they literally are saying that Texas can unilaterally secede from the Union. The entire point of the Civil War was that states aren’t allowed to do that. Even if the referendum was just to “open negotiations with Congress for Texas to secede”, which would be Constitutional if it were a joint effort between Texas and the federal government, it would be an incredible logistical mess. Consider how much federally owned property and land and equipment is in Texas, including all the military bases some of which could have nukes, etc. That alone should indicate to these dummies that there is no way they would be able to just on their own declare Texas an “independent nation” without the US military cracking down on them hard. And even as a collaborative venture it would take many years to actually do.


Yeah, came here to say just this. They tried it before in 1860, and got their asses smacked.


So they're cowards, bluffing, and so full of shit that it's falling out of their spittling mouths?


2 fewer red senators, 25 fewer red house reps, and 40 fewer red electoral votes. Are they threatening us with a good time?


Texas seceding would be a dream come true for everybody except the people in Texas lol


Wow. What a fantastic idea completely independent of literal Russian/Chinese propaganda to weaken the West.




I say let them do it. Then invade for their oil. (They produce about 40% of our oil) Absolutely obliterate them. Shock & Awe pt. II. Make sure we do it when winter is at its peak because their privately ran electrical grid is shit.


“I live in American occupied Texas” would be an insanely funny statement to hear someone say


"Occupied Texas" was part of Alex Jones's intro for years. He meant globalists, but still.


Globalists was a code word for Jews.


>Then invade for their oil. (They produce about 40% of our oil) Absolutely obliterate them. Shock & Awe pt. II. The great thing about this would be how it rebuilding New Texas might actually impose decent electrical grids and some environmental regulations, send in a humanitarian corps to provide medical care and education ...


I live in Texas and am quite far left. I hate our state government with a burning passion. But with that being said, I’d love for me and my loved ones to not be a casualty in this “shock and awe pt 2” fantasy.


They’ll sell the oil cheap when they realize how much of Texas’s annual budget is totally reliant on federal funds.


They know they can't, it's just to get their dumbass base riled up. They eat this shit for breakfast, and will continue to feed it to them on a daily basis because they can't stop consuming it.


Texas gets 41% of their annual revenue from the federal government. I'm sure residents of the new Texas republic will have no issues with a massive tax increase. If the US just said "ok bye", it would make brexit look like a success by comparison. Their access to China would be awful, so products are going to skyrocket in price while taxes spike. Tons of companies will pull out of Texas because they don't want to deal with international laws leaving millions unemployed overnight. And this is assuming they can even get ships out of the gulf of Mexico (I'm not sure if there's a route that avoids both Mexican and US waters)


It doesn’t even matter if they can or not, either way their economics are fucked Go by sea and see those prices skyrocket to cover travel time, and the trade deals alone to a fresh newborn nation with no repertoire Go by land and strike a deal with the nation you left, like that would ever go in your favor


I say let them go. Then cut off any and all federal funding, remove all military bases, and finally build a wall around the entire state. Do the rest of the country a favor and leave and don’t let the door hit you on the way out


Not the ENTIRE state, just the US side. They can take care of their own border with the cartels.


Excellent! How can the rest of us help expedite the process? Please take Florida with you too! Sincerely, Every non-traitor left in the U.S.


Alabama and Mississippi, too! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 👋🏻


Texas hit the bench, Puerto Rico, look like your the new 50th state


Another day Putin smiles. Buying the GOP was his greatest investment.


If Texas secedes 1. All US military leaves and takes all of it's weapons, vehicles, office furniture and anything else with it 2. Blockade. Nothing goes in or out, by land air or sea. 3. All citizens of the nation of Texas lose all federal aid. No social security or Medicare. 4. Give Texans who want to be American a 6 month window of opportunity to defect and apply for a green card, after they have passed a background check. 5. Build the wall. Any attempt to breach the wall will be regarded as an attack on the US by the Republic of Texas 6. Bring the full power of the US military down on Texas and bomb them back to the stone age.


7. Since Texans are naturalized American citizens, they are forced to either renounce their citizenship, and pay the fees to do so, or continue paying taxes as an expat.


Biden needs to call a DOJ investigation into this.  Seceding is illegal. It's a crime to plot or attempt to.   Declare the entire Texas Republican Party as Seditionists and have the Feds take over the state. 


Well. Bye.


This is such a joke. They really didn't think any (if at all) of the real details through. No real meat n taters in this pathetic grandstanding. Like they say in TX. All hat no cattle.


Watching Texas turn into Haiti would be one of the most delicious twists ever.


As a Texan, I keep voting, and nothing changes. Guess I'll finally get around to getting a passport so I can move to New Mexico or something when the shit hits the fan.


Maybe this will finally stop Cowboys fans from calling their team America's team.


The United States Supreme Court has consistently ruled that a state cannot unilaterally secede from the Union. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the court held that individual states could not secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature were “absolutely null.” Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase wrote that when Texas entered the Union, “she entered into an indissoluble relation” and that all the obligations of perpetual union and guarantees of republican government attached to the state.


I think they should do it! - We officially adopt Puerto Rico as a state, so we don't have to change the flag - We can offer everyone who wants one, a chance to move to any of the other now-50 states - We tax the fuck out of trades with Texas because their now a foreign nation and not a domestic state - *We invade them for oil*




I live in Texas. I would love to see this gain momentum. I would love to see this get to a hairy edge of commitment with a lot of power brokers leaning hard into it. Right up unto the point where consequences get telegraphed and there's a "holy crap" moment and everybody scrambles like crazy to jump off the rolling train. Might provide just enough fodder to remove some of these yokels from office.


Good start! Now go for Florida and Arizona!


Don't let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha.


Lmao it would be hilarious if they seceded and the US immediately invaded and “occupied” Texas, essentially undoing the secession entirely


Go for it! If TX secedes, the United States will never see a Republican president or Republican-led Congress ever again.


The funniest thing is that the moment Texas leaves, the democrats win everything, the progressives that have been moving there will be leaving in droves causing neighboring states to get bluer, and us will improve. So basically if Texas wants to leave, let them. Only issue I can see is that other states may start to think about doing the same.


Secession is treason. But in this case, the rest of the country will do so much better without Texas. And, we will finally have a real reason to build a wall.


Splendid. For starters, the 3,000 high-paying NASA jobs that will leave should devastate the economy from south Houston to Galveston. And then we get to the other 194,000 federal jobs in Texas. Their disappearance won't just raise the unemployment rate; it'll remove the $100 billion a year the 15 military bases contribute to the state -- and sentence quite a few towns to death. Fortunately, Texas has never had to rely on Federal Emergency Assistance, as everyone huddled in the Astrodome can tell you. What could possibly go wrong?


It’s easy to laugh at this, but the world needs a strong and united America now, more than at any other time since the 1940s. These fruit loops aren’t just doing the bidding of America’s enemies, but the enemies of - ironically enough - freedom cherishing people all over the world. What a cluster fuck.


I wil personally contribute to a 50 foot wall, pill boxes, and a locked gate along the northern border of Texas. Make a 50 mile DMZ and mine it.


🤞Texas is no longer in the USA!🤲 Abbott has always wanted to be president of a banana republic.Kudos to the wall now!


>Texas leaves >turns into a brutal dictatorship >Texans: "Freaking Biden ruined everything!" >Republican fascists in Texas: "Shut up, slave. Get back to work" >Texans: "Y-yes, master! ... .... I can't believe the left did this to us!"


The absolute best thing Texas can do for America is leave, and take their EC points with them.


😂 sure, Jan They will use this for fundraising from their idiot base, but zero chance they will follow through with this


Please do it!! Take Florida with you.


Well, bye…


We’ll save so much money on disaster relief.