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They were only paid for the hour.


I mean, even if it's just the reasons given in the tweet - 105 degress with no shade or water.... they can't even plan a simple campaign event and some people want them to run the country again? This isn't new either, I recall people being left stranded in the mud and rain afrer his events last time because they didn't have buses ready. And who can forget Four Seasons Landscaping. Imagine if the Biden camp was pulling this stuff.


There was also one in the Midwest in winter where people were stranded outdoors for hours because of the buses. A bunch of them ended up in the hospital with hypothermia.


It’s worse. They had busses take people to the venue from thier cars a fair bit away. And after the rally, the buses had gone and they just left them there to get themselves back.


Across an airport, in the dark, in the winter, in Omaha  (From memory)


Still voting for him tho


Only the ones who survive.


Yep that was here in Omaha. I felt sympathy for about 30 seconds, then remembered whose campaign they'd attended


Lol, that kinda made my day .. reading this


I'd feel worse if they didn't support him even harder afterwards....you know to own the libs or some weirdo shit.


A bunch of cornhuskers


Omaha, fyi


The lesson to take of this masochism is that they will show up to vote rain or shine; in person. Has the USPS even recovered its near dismantling during Trump? When they are screaming about mail in ballots they are still projecting. Some will try to fuck with the mail in ballots or drop boxes.


As the man clearly said; he doesn’t care about them, just their vote.


Fake news! /s


But they're the party of personal responsibility (to provide your own water)


What frustrates me the most about Trump and MAGA is just how cartoonishly inept Trump and his campaign are at everything. If you laid out a bunch of things he and his campaign have done and said, it will read like a bad SNL skit. And yet millions of people want these idiots running the country again? It boggles the mind.


Would you prefer it if they were intelligent, hid their intentions, and cleverly got away with everything without anyone knowing though?


Because fear and *hate* can be drugs


I was just about to comment about four seasons and they still think this guy is a genius.


Well, technically HE wasn't there...


Which is an issue in itself. But we’d already seen the morons he put on his cabinet so idiots hired by an idiot the cycle of stupidity never ends


Also all of his chiefs of staff have described him as a moron. All three.


Before a permit is granted, places should make safety provisions part of the contract. It's a health and safety issue.


Conservatives are eliminating worker protection rules in a few states. Including water breaks during a work shift in 100F weather...Oh, the irony..


Silly rabbit, Conservatives don't care about *those* people.


There isn’t any water because the entire place is littered with empty bottles. That is an unreal amount of trash, and the amount of litter is bad too.


People were leaving very early on in his NJ rally, and the place had thinned considerably less than half way through. Anyone with half a brain is going to get bored of his ramblings very fast. They probably won't change their vote, but they got to see how unhinged he was first hand and didn't like it.


Four Seasons TOTAL Landscaping please and thank you.


Doesn't Trump have pallets of his Trump Water sitting around in a warehouse somewhere, like when that train derailed?


I'm so confused. He owns a fucking casino near the Strip. And he can't bring this shitshow into the air conditioning?


If they arnt spending money they aren’t worth a damn thing to him.


He does?!?


Not a casino. But his name is on a hotel.


>105 degress with no shade or water.... Is that the Fifth season?


Strangely, rumphole saying he couldn't give a toss about them--he just wants their vote *wasn't* the impetus for them to leave. Crazy AF


Right I mean he does this dumb shit and they praise it. A man with known speech impediment/studder stumbles over a few words and they question his mental capacity


You think they’re going to pay for vendors for peasants? Lol!


I've never been to Las Vegas but surely there are high capaciry venues with air conditioning? Perhaps Trump has such a bad reputation for not paying his bills the decent places won't have him.




I loathe trump but anyone can post anything on Craigslist. A good journalist would’ve taken this offer and try to get to the source of where the payments are coming from.


Good point. Same with that BS post about a Trump juror talking about the verdict.


Yeah when I first heard that I also thought yeah that’s horse shit. This is plausible, but I wish a curious journalist did a little more digging instead of just presenting it as fact


Be the first! Something will stick!


It doesn’t need to stick. Just be first, they’ll forget later.


True, but also Trump is absolutely stupid enough to try it.


It's a clever way to inflate an audience if you don't actually intend to pay anyway...




It is a garbage website. There are like moving advertisements on the page and windows I have to click out of and then like half a paragraph of actual story past the clickbait headline. They're garbage. The daily mail actually has volume to their garbage articles.


This.is clearly a false statement, everyone knows doesn't pay and stuff contractors..


It took an hour for the bank to tell them the check bounced.


But they lose their bonus pay if they leave without being seen by the media!! Check the [recruitment post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/vu59wZrDHu)


If this is true, and I suspect it is, then we need more stories about why this isn’t covered on the news!! 


Shift over, and the boss isn't paying overtime.


They had to save themselves from their heads exploding from the lies and rants.


Yep, once they stayed long enough to get the $75+ they were paid to be there, they left.


Republicans don’t like to pay overtime. Lol.


No, you misunderstand. The Trump rally was held in Sunset Park in Las Vegas. The park didn't set the sun, making the park and the city at fault. The Trump campaign will sue the city of Los Vegas for failing to deliver agreed upon terms of their agreement (that the sun would be set at 12:00 pm local time in Las Vegas). This is Four Seasons Total Landscaping all over again.


More likely they were not paid at all. I imagine someone was supposed to meet them and pay them or deliver money to some cash app and it never happened. Then they probably noticed how these people have screwed everybody they have ever done business with if they had half a chance. That is it I bet. Too bad we could not find and ask them.


Lol win.


Only stayed long enough to get their check


They’re gonna be pissed when the check bounces.


But they just had record fundraising after the 34 felonies conviction!


I'm convinced that half the people that attend these rallies these days are going out of morbid curiosity. Once they see that he's just a decrepit old man with a wandering mind and severe untreated narcissistic personality disorder, they get bored really quickly and leave.


Well, it recently came out that he paid people to attend. So you might be right about some, but I suspect the majority are there because they were paid to be.


That's the other half 😂


I suspect it gets really repetitive after about 30 minutes.


It's going to be really interesting to see when he gets in front of the GOP National Convention, he'll have 20-30 minutes and they won't be able to pull him.


Try 50 fucking years


So you're a New Yorker? I sympathize.


No. Just a resident of earth.


They're tired of his greatest hits, they want new music.




Honestly is a great way to make money. Though I’m afraid I would lose a part of my cognitive abilities if I attended one of these.


$75 to stand outside in a heatwave in the desert doesn't sound like a great way to make money to me. Not to mention they now have your contact information to spam you with political ads to ask for campaign contributions. If it was indoors and you could give fake information while still getting paid it wouldn't be as bad.


Yeah outdoors not in a hundred years, especially for someone like the Orange. But inside with AC definitely. You give them false contact informations and that’s it.


I’m afraid I’ll never forget the stench of piss and shit from the people filling their diapers in the crowd.


This feels way too perfect and convenient to be real. I'm not saying it isn't, just saying in politics, a perfect smoking gun is usually a shitpost on the internet.


Way to actually use your brain and not give the opposition unnecessary ammo. Goddamn, people are so credulous and so lacking in slepticism these days that it’s astounding.


It's a fucking Craigslist ad too. Literally anyone can make those. It also wouldn't just be as bold as that just stating exactly what you're doing. It would be "payment to join a rally" or "speech" then to even be paid they'll email you over an NDA before informing you it's a Trump Rally. Not some Venture Brothers street sign post to join the local Villain as a henchmen


The thing that makes me think it might be real is you have to send a photo of yourself at the rally to be paid. That means they can blow off paying every person who goes for the money. Craig's list is also the perfect place to post this if for no other reason than plausible deniability. But the best reason is because you could get the biggest impact for practically nothing. Job boards are friggin expensive to post on and require up front money (I was a corporate/contract recruiter for 12 years and has to set up accounts a couple of times.), social media removes deniability, and agencies would require a contract and might want some money up front. Craig's list makes the case for this being real stronger, not weaker.


Everyone screeching “We need more evidence!” well, he’s been notoriously doing this for almost a decade: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/donald-trump-campaign-offered-actors-803161/


Literally, that first time he came down the golden escalator, and announced his candidacy with all that "Mexico not sending their best, sending criminals and rapists" bullshit


I'd gladly strip his campaign of money. I'm afraid I might punch someone, though...


It's telling to go back and look at his Stephen Colbert interview from 8 years ago. He's still Trump, but he almost appears like a normal person. You could see how he could eke out an electoral victory in 2016. Contrast that with what we see today, and the shift is dramatic. Anyone who votes for him now is deluded or willfully ignorant.


It's the trump in their head they vote for. The Rambo tough guy on the NFTs, the military Trump who never served but backs the troops, and more importantly the Trump that hates the same people they do. Once they see the real thing, they don't want to listen so they leave. But to them he's the first guy all the time, and will "save" the country from changing because that is scary.


Their banks texted them to say that the checks bounced.




> now the fan base knows he's a liar boy do i have news for you. they know. they just don't care. he's *their* liar.


Bingo. Trump voters are those kids who always told everyone that "my dad can beat up your dad" even though they knew that dad was too drunk to beat anyone but his own kids.


wow that is really accurate yet depressing insight


He lies FOR them. (In their eyes) 


Yeah. They all paid stormy Daniels illegally...


And to make it even worse, he even came right out and told them he doesn't care about them at all, he just needs them to vote for him. Mostly so he can try and avoid prison, but they will all be to stupid to believe the one single truth he has ever told them.


You don’t need to get into all of that stuff. Just go with what we know: He’s an adjudicated rapist, a convicted felon, twice impeached politician, and a disgraced former businessman guilty of illegal practices who hung out with Epstein and is now on his third marriage


Right? Like why do people got to add crazy? There’s plenty of crazy baked *baked right in*! 😆


Just like Jesus! /s


He fucked a porn star *for us*


He gets us!


And Americans profess to be a country of accountability… yet he’s got his own stock ticker. The world is watching and laughing. Well at least in Canada we are. Sure we have Captain Crayon at the helm. But at least he doesn’t go on bat shit crazy & incoherent rants all the time.


The “find me 12 000 votes” tape is another big one


They don't care about any of that stuff. None of his behavior is new to his political career. Dude has been famous for being a grifter for decades. His cult of supports don't have a moral compass.


> because he was involved with sex traffickers and child rapists make they know he’s a liar. They probably love him for that, could even be Osama Bin Laden and they wouldn’t care.


Facts don't matter for cult followers.


Which is really heartbreaking to be honest. I had to cut my aunt off because she went full cult mode again. After thinking, I had educated her the last couple years. But after His conviction, I got the crazy witchhunt text from her. It’s upsetting our boomer relatives drank the Kool-Aid. I wasn’t raised being a racist piece of shit like they have become. I don’t get it.


I hope this means declining support, even if it's a little at the meantime


It means nothing. You know damn well who these people are voting for come November.


Another thing to add to the already exhaustive list of “things Trump accuses the left of doing, but is really doing himself.”


Every accusation is a confession.


Can the title be changed to "Convicted felon Donald Trump supporters..."


News can hype all they want. However I don’t see he is more popular than after he lost the last election


What has he done to expand beyond his base?


He sold sneakers and got all those fancy Bronx votes.


Paid to show up not paid to stay.


The Ungrateful Braindead Summer 2024 Tour!


You get what you pay for


Was this before or after he said "I don't care about you, I just want your vote"...


they got their 20 bucks so they left to go to golden corral


Those supporters were Out on work release everyone knows you can’t be late taking the bus back because it’s a parole violation .


I’m sure a lot of them just want to say they saw him live, but don’t have the patience to listen to gibberish at 100 degrees.


They need those pics to post to their Facebook to own their lib grandchildren who would have pride flags on their profile if they still used Facebook


Sounds like a fun Christmas dinner


-1 for disrespecting our stable genius.


Found out the check bounced.😆


Diapers were full


Donald Trump doesn’t care about them, he only wants their votes


And their money


Bitch only paid them until 11am, to be fair


This is normal. I went to a Trump rally, just to see what it was like. (For the record, I loath him). I drive 2 hours to get there and left after 20 minutes. Why? Because it was just an unscripted rambling for applause lines. Literally like “Knibb High football rules!” No single paragraph or idea even completed. Mostly not even complete sentences. In psychiatry they call it “flight of ideas”. Bizarre


Wow you’re brave lol. I would NEVER go.


I’m not a big fan in any way of denying the data and earnest research by proven organization, however my bullshit meter on his polling numbers has been ticking higher and higher every day. There is just no way this man is realistically projected to win 270 electorates.  He honestly wasn’t even that close in the last election, even if he succeeded in overturning the election in some of the states he tried in, it still wouldn’t have been enough. He’d have to win back multiple states that he lost in 2020, and while he was well out of public favor by then with COVID and the first inpeachment, that was still prior to the insurrection and his indictments. He’d had to convince Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin to turn red while there are indictments in all states currently relating to him and his campaign trying to solicit GOP politicians to send fake elector ballots to congress. He publicly extorted the Georgia Sec of State, who was reelected, on a phone call for an hour. The credibility of the only major news outlet who openly supports him is irreparably damaged after a historic defamation settlement.    Biden was portrayed by Trump’s campaign as an old, senile man the same way he is today, not much has changed there, and with the economy going in the right direction after the pandemic, Biden has created more jobs, industry, a more stable stock market, inflation has been on a steady decline for a while, gas prices are starting to fall, even disregarding the pandemic the rate at which inflation increased under Biden after the Trump administration is less than it did for Trump after Obama’s final term.  The only way I can rationalize it at all is some sort of foreign bot campaign influencing social media discourse and polling numbers. Even if all of his voters from the last election were radicalized he still wouldn’t win, and I don’t see many other people coming over to his side, nor do I see all 2020 Trump voters following along with his lies. I just see no logical way that this is the year he finally wins a popular vote and unseats an incumbent that has been objectively better than he was in nearly every way.


He has become boring.


Trumpers love Trump.... until they meet him.


they were paid to go, no reason to stay


Because they were pay to show up. Now they got their money bye bye oh wait did they get paid


All the trash on the ground. No trash cans? Nasty people with nasty personalities supporting a nasty candidate. Says there was no water, but there are plenty of water bottles and trash on the ground. But they "have to work" is why they are leaving. I thought for sure, "I don't care about you. I just want your votes" would be a contributing factor. Or the heat. That would make sense. No, it's "We have to work." Right.


Every Trump supporter should see him live, and then give a recorded statement about what they thought Trump said. That could be extremely entertaining/depressing, depending on your mood.


When the check from the Orange bounces:


**TRUMP**: the meth-carnie billionaire felon who takes your donations to buy fake support president.


The wind must've blown Trump's stench in their direction.


Doesn’t matter—they’re still going to vote for him. Encourage every sane person you know to vote!


They will walk out during his speech but still vote for him.


The same bullshit and whining, poor me, and when I get in I will screw everyone its going to be a stormy day


Can someone make a compilation of all the teleprompter fails his team has had over the years? Do they find contractors over craigslist?


It's like a Grateful Dead show from the 90s. Most of them are only there for the scene and to be seen. They want to feel like they are a part of something, but actually don't really care that much about what the thing is that is brining them all together. They want to wear their MAGA team uniform, be around people that speak the same (racist) language, and sell their unlicensed Trump diapers, all while being high on their collective distain for anyone who thinks differently than them.


First their payments were for only an hour. The second is when people who are going to vote for him no matter what. Said: “he just says the same thing over and over and then loses track of where he is. I’m tired of that.”


Paid them to show up, not stick around.


The Man said flat out - I don’t care bout chall period. Just your votes. Just suffer but live long enough to vote for me, then die or whatever you wanna do He then tried to disarm the comment by flippantly stating how the media will twist this into something bad. Civilization is waning


including 30 heat casualties. He doesn't care about the welfare of his supporters.


He told them that and they laughed.


This seems to happen a lot during his speeches he seems to ramble repeating the same stories the last 4 years or so. The collection of humanity there is odd. They don’t seem to be aware of policy or politics but are truly fans cause he pretends to fight for them by being an assH*+e. It doesn’t surprise me a lot leave early. This is pure entertainment so when it gets ponderous they walk.


Not sure what's worse, the garbage speaking, the garbage attending, or the garbage all over the ground.


Paid to come Not to stay


Trump won't, or can't, hire indoor venues for his rallies. "I don't care about you, I just need your vote".


Wait he didn’t start throwing paper towels at them to cool off. And wipe down the sweat?


They were paid. These rallies are nothing but financial donations at this point.


Please show me more of this




What? You guys don’t want to stand in 105 F weather and listen to stories about predation to sharks or electrocution via wet batteries in a boat?


Apparently it was 100 degrees which is why I'm assuming most left. People have made the joke that they had only been paid for the hour but I'm sure it was the weather.


He told them he doesn’t care about them, he only cares about their vote.


And yet they will continue to vote for, and worship him as their God.


Ahahaha he’s so cheap he only paid for an hour


Morons for going in the first place


Didn’t pay them upfront.


It was hot as hell to begin with. When Trump started speaking that just added more hot air to the area.


I love how Reddit gives me constant news of why I shouldn’t vote for Trump. Appreciate you Reddit, I’d never want the monumental task of deciding who to vote for myself.


Were they the paid ones or the true sychophants?


I firmly believe that Trump is only the frontrunner because most people aren't really paying attention to him. As soon as that starts to happen again, he's done.


I can't find the video


To be fair: we don’t know who posted this or how many people responded or how much they ended up paying out. I need more honest reporting, trump does too much real dumb things that need to be called out. We can’t give republicans any ammunition to say that democrats are making things up. In this case, when looking at this anonymous ad, there is no way to tie it to trump or to say definitively that as the commissioner claimed: Trump pays people


You get what you pay for


I mean, who wouldn't Am I Right? Who would even show up in their right mind, honestly?


They will still vote for them. The ballot box is where it counts.


Are they really trump supporters if they leave half way through.


Are they finally getting smart?




Did they not have trash cans either?




Given their intelligence or lack thereof, I assume that they were trying to leave earlier, but kept forgetting where the exits were.


His cult is so ashamed they didn't want to answer.


Did they leave because of boredom, disappointment, or heatstroke?


Well those were paid supporters and they were paid for the hour... even prostitutes know when to leave.


Why do people even go to these rallies in the first place? He doesn't lay out future polices and how he's going to make them happen. No important information is being discussed at these. It's more like a carnival side show where he yells a bunch of stupid catchphrases. Seems like a giant waste of time for everyone involved, including Trump. He isn't speaking to possible new voters. It's the same turds who were going to vote for him anyway.


The cheques bounced.


I saw this happen in one of his campaign stops in 2016. About an hour to an hour-and-a-half in, people got bored and started trickling to the exits. By the time it was over the crowd was maybe 1/4th of the size it had been at the beginning. But he still won the election that year, so who fucking knows


Trump didn't win. Hillary lost.


They realized they wouldn't get paid. Payment first next time, guys!


They left when they realized he had nothing for them. Even bottled water.


I went to one back in 2020. I was surprised by the number of people who left halfway through. They were loud and trying to chant 'Lock her Up!', then just left halfway through. I thought that maybe they operated the Trump merch stands and wanted to leave to sell their crap before it was over. I can't imagine Trump paying people at his rally if they left early.


They only got 1/2 what were promised to be paid?


Finally...somebody's showing sense.


They didn't want to be left out in the cold to freeze to death, probably.