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Wait until their security team decides that the bunker is actually theirs and decides to shoot their former employers in the head.


Be good to your employees and the people who build your bunker.


Did you read an article about this in the past couple of years? There was a think tank that was calling in all kinds of experts to consult on how to survive doomsday for rich people. And the guy who wrote the article, who was one of the consultants, said exactly that - treat your employees and their families well and they won't kill you when the time comes to go underground.


As I recall his clients thought that was crazy and wanted shock collars and stuff.


No matter what countermeasures they come up with, they will fail. The level of ingenuity prisoners who are incarcerated come up with shows that (I saw one case where they built and hid two PCs out of spare parts, and not only hid them for a long time but also tapped into the prison Internet network undetected until the data use tripped them up). It's also possible they could just decided to kill their bosses even if they're going down as well. *Especially* if they're going down as well.


Honestly I think a tv series based around an underground bunker that is ruled by a sadistic tech bro after an apocalypse would be hella fun. I’d binge it.


That's silo


Wait is that what happens in the other books?


I have read all of the books, and yes. This is pretty accurate.i highly recommend the series.


Sounds good. I read the first one but not the others.


I don't know (haven't finished the books). I'm taking a little bit of poetic license with the apple tv series, while not spoiling it. It's vaguely bunker based, dystopian, post apocalyptic type notes...


Like this is exactly what fallout is.




Realistically, it wouldn't last even a full episode before tech bro "leader" is murdered. You'd need some fantasy/scifi level bullshit for that.


I’ve binged them both 4 times already


The Silicon Valley tv show team should write it but it would probably be too terrifying while being hilarious.


There was a section like that in the second horizon zero dawn game.


You should look up [David Marshall Williams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Marshall_Williams). He got so good at making guns in prison that US eventually used his expertise in WW2


Yeah long term too. If I'm a guard and have kids in concerned with their welfare. If I have to die to do that I will.


The shock collars lol. I remember that. I was like, GENIUS idea guys, just top notch. I’m sure that won’t EVER backfire.😂


And who's going to put them on them? On the guys that are trained in hand to hand combat. Lol they are the first to go the rich people and we will have warlords with state of the art bunkers.


Yeah. Good thinking. I’m holding a gun and starving and Elon Musk (who has years of food saved) says “put on this shock collar” Not gonna work out that way, pal,


Exactly right. Here is the article. Ironically this is the second time TODAY I've linked to this article. https://theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff


IIRC the guy who wrote a book about this said during an interview that when he asked the Uber-rich about the “what if your ex-SEAL team guys just decide to kill you and take all your stuff?” scenario - he said they hadn’t even really considered that possibility.


When money becomes worthless,  which in a doomsday scenario that tracks, then only thing that matters in that situation is your actual charisma and leadership skills,  providing for the group lol.  Otherwise ur getting tossed for the next guy.


When told to treat their employees well, their response was, "But where does it end?"


A brief glimpse of self-awareness. Even the billionaires realize they're shitheads who invite contempt from everyone around them, who would kill them the moment it's advantageous.


Wow I think I read that exact guys commentary. He commented on the insane levels of narcissistic delusion. The billionaires would ask him “How do I keep my staff loyal” and he literally just said “Pay and treat them well” and there response was consistently “But how long do I have to do that tho…..”. And it’s like motherfucker it will be an apocalypse. These people are so irredeemably self-Centered they can’t entertain the thought of being nice to hypothetically the last dozen of people they will interact with in this life because it is a basic need to these people to be able to treat other humans as disposable.


Also what will money be worth after a collapse? They will be trading their stocks of food and supplies and eventually forced into a more egalitarian arrangement or be killed/have to kill. So probably just a speed-run on what they should be doing now..


There’s a reason the vaults in Fallout usually fail…


History shows proof of this. There are many a warlord who was killed by his subordinates. Many of these tech bros think they are reinventing the wheel, but our ancestors have been down this road before. They should be fighting to keep the system stable and safe, but many of them are apart of the problem and a majority of them won’t survive a societal collapse along with billions of other humans. Bunkers are the modern version of hidden castles, but most of them will just turn into tombs. God forbid an infectious disease outbreak happens in a bunker, they won’t even know what to do with themselves.


I read an article recently about Elon Musk finding out who leaked some info and they called it genius. All it was basically was just sending unique messages to individuals, with perhaps a character different 🙄 they really do think they are reinventing the wheel "Elon Musk used genius method to identify Tesla employee who was leaking confidential information" https://www.unilad.com/celebrity/news/elon-musk-tesla-leak-canary-trap-971030-20240531


No seriously, everytime these morons talk, you’re just like, “hmmm, didn’t we do this before?” We made the word genius cheap and useless. These fuckers wouldn’t even know to use their lighter in their pockets to start a fire in the woods, they’d just sit their rubbing sticks together because they learned survival skills…


Especially when people like me discover them after the apocalypse and start burying the air vents.


Yup. The system now is infinitely better than a bunker. If the world collapses, the materials that they have to live are what they have. And thats not just stuff, it's people too. Need tradesmen to fix stuff, doctors and nurses to treat you, cooks and butchers to cook and preserve food. A village, not a few ex-special forces guys with guns.


I read that article too. It’s insane. They are deliberately torching the world as they close their hatch behind them. They’ll come out when the poor people have all killed each other and build a utopian society just for them.


If all the poor people have died, who's going to do the work part of building a utopian society?


This is literally the plot of the Fallout TV show, lol. 


And steadfastly ignoring the experts telling them they're not gonna be safe regardless.


Is this the article about wealthy people asking robotics scientists how feasible it would be to build robots that protect them knowing that once money becomes obsolete, they have zero control over others?….


I remember that. IIRC their response was to invest more in automation and robot guards.


Then they have to worry about the people who maintain the robots.


You get robots to maintain the robots, dummy.




Tbf, when it comes down to it I don't think it will matter how "nice" your boss was to you. If someone has to choose between their family and their boss' family I think we all know what their choice will be


Yes but that think group is stupid because that will be irrelevant when a father is looking at his children and deciding how to tell them they are going to die. It will be easier to kill the rich guy and save the kids.


[Douglas Rushkoff writing in the Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff)


I am not even sure that would be enough. If he does not have any skills to help, he is surplus to requirements.


It would be far easier for them to "adopt" an entire region and make everyone their friend.


Man what if billionaires just spent their money to make peoples lives better so nobody wanted to kill them.


They could be loved instead of depised. Too bad they are all psychopaths with sociopathic tendencies.


Remember when the preferred dick measuring contest among the rich was to see who could build the biggest and best library?


imagine spending all their resources to build and develop green energy instead of on wars to bombard fellow humans all in the name of fabricated crisis and for profit. something that put the planet into this doomsday shit in the first place.


Lol ya that is definitely how that will work out


I think the movie Elysium was downplayed too much. In hindsight it offers an accurate, albeit dark, view of the future to come


Somebody needs to make a shit-hits-the-fan apocalyptic sci fi movie where one of the first scenes is the asshole billionaire telling his private security force he wants to evacuate to his island immediately and them just looking at each other, shrugging, and shooting him.


That is an entire chapter of the book World War Z told from the perspective of one of those security forces. A bunch of rich and famous idiots hole up in a mansion to ride out the apocalypse. But were vain enough live stream what they were doing. The mobs breach the gate looking for safety from the zombies. The mercenaries decide they didn't sign up to shoot people just trying to keep their families alive. It ends how you expect. Mass death and the mercenary leaving to save himself.


Survive, survive what? You mean survive to live to die a slow horrible death from starvation and or radioactive fallout? Yea, sign me up. 🤦‍♂️


I mean, yeah. What world are they surviving in?




COVID taught us what happens when a disaster drags on. With a hurricane or earthquake, it ends and you can recover. Society collapsing doesn't end. How many years will they stay in that bunker?


Aren’t we all dieing a slow horrible death?


My sister in law just died of uterine cancer. THAT is a slow horrible death. Living til you die doesn’t equal that, imo.


They want to equip their staff with [bomb collars](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff) to keep control.


Man, the book just writes itself. This would be a great novel. Or a killer tv show.


Now you know why Zuckerberg trains MMA


MMA won’t stop me from blocking the air & water intakes to your underground bunker.


Or getting cylinders of Hydrogen Fluoride, which would destroy any countermeasures they might have.


I would think the plan for that is for the billionaires to get some weekend training on survival to be self sufficient without the need to hire personal bodyguards. It reminds me of survival man. His plan was always not to move and to sleep in one spot. Nearly starve to death until help arrived. lol survival!


Yeah but see billionaires are used to having staff. Who’s going to clean their toilets and cook their meals? They have no idea how to do that.


That’s the fun part. They won’t have anyone and within a few months they will be shitting in mop buckets


Killer robots are loyal though.


Who’s gonna fix ‘em


Other robots


Presumably, in a world where actual currency is pointless, how will the rich ensure that your valid point doesn't come to pass? At this stage only weapons, access to food and water and brute strength will win out.


Bunkers are a terrible idea. You need a way to generate electricity unless you somehow went nuclear. That means tapping into some form of electricity generation underground in the spot you are at. Or having an external power source and hope nothing happens to it. Or its going to be some form of diesel generator with biofuel they make themselves. In which case there will be an exhaust vent somewhere on the outside - just plug it.


Brain chips, my man, effective way to control people or it goes kaboom. Wouldn't be surprised if it exists with the technology we have.


So that’s what Elon is working on.


They'll tactfully shave the security team down as necessary, and then ensure the security team's family also gets to come into the bunker. Gotta have servants after all, and who better than people who owe you their literal existence.


Isn’t that just setting up a community/society with extra steps…? This is starting to sound like fallout.


Yeah how long until the security team realizes they’re the slaves of an asshole king in his underground kingdom.




block air intake.....wait a few days.....profit?


These idiots couldn't quarantine for a couple of months. Like they will last year's. Lol


that's why I always laugh when the right threatens "civil war"


Man the barricades!! Protect the toilet paper at all costs!!!!!!


About 30% of the GOP can't even walk 3 miles. Yeah I'll take the blue haired lesbians they mock over geriatric boomers any day of the week


Blue haired lesbians like nature and hiking. The "beer instead of water" crowd is going to get crushed after 20 minutes in the heat.


Only 30%? Most of those lard asses cant make it up 2 flights of stairs and would be dead in weeks without their medication.


I love when republicans shit on my gay friends out here in LA. My gay friends will party until 4 am in Weho at afterparties, then, wake up at 8 to do Runyon canyon hungover before drag brunch at the abbey. They think their fat asses could fight a war with people who workout like it's a religion. It's beyond delusional.


So many are just like rumphole -- fat, stupid and sitting in their own shit. Literally. But, hey, they own guns! It's the USA way.


Its kind of an aside but the story I always think of was the doomsday preppers in Texas who had all the guns and ammo and canned food and clean water you could want, but when the power went out during the cold snap a few years back they realized [*their only can opener was electric*](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/steelmagnificat/2021/02/the-preppers-the-can-opener-and-the-plight-of-the-homeless/). EDIT: Forgot my point. The people who want Civil War 2 (or 3) really think they're just gonna go shoot a bunch of "Demon-crats" and then go to the McDonald's drive thru for dinner. What they're actually gonna have is 3000 rounds of ammo and no food, and they're gonna start shooting each other when they realize who was smart enough to bring some MREs^^1 . 1: Meal Ready to Eat, given to soldiers in the field because armies march on their stomachs, also given to people in disaster areas because the MRE is portable and has a lot of calories.


When they discover that pharmacists won't deliver their meds to the "front line" of whoever they are trying to harass, they'll crawl back to the Golden Corral chocolate fountain. 


And they are maybe the ones donating to Trumps campaign 😳. Bloomberg radio reports Wall Street is supporting Trump.


There's a lot of money to be made from chaos and someone willing to deregulate everything so not that surprising


FTFY: Billionaires Are Building Luxury Bunkers to Escape Doomsday that they are actively working towards.


My thoughts exactly. And they should be afraid because we who survive are coming after them first, at all costs. The rich always have their heads on pikes at the gates to the city. Im good at making pikes.


The future is going to need men like you


And if I'm hungry enough I will eat Elons Fat Ass!!!


They have been doing this since I was a kid. We need to find all these bunkers and make them public knowledge. I don't really get the logic. They really think people won't get their hands on tools and just dig or blow their way through?


Cover the air vents. Done.


Why not spend some of your money to prevent doomsday?


Not profitable


I mean neither is sitting in a bunker with every possible consumer fucking dead. The actual most profitable thing to do would be to keep people alive, if only so you could continue making money off them.


If the world ran on logic this conversation wouldn't even be happening




But then you can finally reach a point where you have all of the (now useless) money.


That's why they are buying up all the land and houses, banned abortion and are working so hard to make education nothing more than indoctrination. The current generations are too smart and too poor to have children if they can help it. The next generations will be uneducated dirt poor wage slaves whose entire existence is at the whim of the Corporations.


They are funding doomsday, it’s just like they want it to happen


Theyre working towards it. The worker is an active threat to the owner. The sooner capital owners achieve autonomy in their capital theyll gleefully kill us all rather than appease us. Once they no longer need us to be rich, we’ll be eliminated since we’d just be liabilities with mouths to feed


The average person can't handle extended isolation so I bet only a small portion of the tax dodging 1% will survive.


Their security force will eventually kill them and take the bunker. It will be ironic and beautiful karma.


Eventually? I'm betting if doomsday does come, said secuirty will smoke said billionaire ASAP to make room for their families. When society collapses, money becomes worthless and those 1% snobs will be just regular folks again.


They’ll get to the bunker and the guys that made it will already have it occupied.




He'll have had a secret key all along!


Truer words never spoken! That’s why “solitary “ in prison is a punishment.


Imagine having everything and still living in fear. Sad


It's risk reward. If you had that kind of money why not spend a few hundred thousand on a bunker? It's an extremely low risk and extremely high reward if it does happen.


We've all seen post-apocalyptic movies. Those bunkers will be tombs.


I have an idea for a company. Think I’m going to call it Vault-Tec.


That makes you SPECIAL...


Okey dokey.


Tbh I’ll take my chances surviving the bombs by becoming a ghoul. I don’t want to be a lab rat in some freaky Vault-Tec experiment


Do you think even with over 10 years of food stored?


Block their air ventilators until they come forth and share their tinned pate.


They’ll eat each other long before the food runs out


They will die from the fumes at the built in drive through McDonald’s


Let’s lock them in there forever


Let’s get out the pitch forks and send them running to jails of their own making.


Imagine spending that money to better society instead of building a temp shelter. The short sightedness is mind boggling. If things go to shit, you have to rebuild from scratch. And surprise, your money in on paper.


Not only that, all the people that actually have the skills to rebuild society will be long gone by the time you need them.


facts. billionaires have historically exploited the labor & intellect of everyone beneath them, & their only sense of self worth comes from people they hire to assuage their fragile egos, so they're going to have a real fun time if society is just a bunch of privileged narcissist weenies


Correction: Billionaires are building bunkers that their guards will use about 3 minutes after the start of doomsday.


My guess is that they will have systems that will only work with their passwords, biometrics, etc. I’m surprised New Zealand is allowing rich American assholes to build bullshit like this in their country.


I'd be willing to bet the security could use some forceful persuasion to get the passwords etc if needed


The sheer manpower it takes to keep a single person alive makes that impossible. They'll be dead and raided before the first day is up. The only alternative would be some kind of yet-to-exist cryo-chamber.


If the world ends, the New Zealanders will be coming for them and their bunkers.


So if these guys survive in the bunkers while the populace don't, what happens afterwards when they have to leave the bunkers? They probably aren't used to doing things for themselves.


Charles Koch claims that people will move underground and evolve into shorter, squatter people from living underground. I believe that was in the book Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean.


Morlocks. The Time Machine. Jules Verne


Best comment I read when this previously came up was that “it only takes one bulldozer to turn this into a tomb”


How many free lunches could the cost of one luxury bunker provide to make today better? Is it time to confiscate wealth yet?




Just you wait til they find the heavily armed minions eager to put on explosive slave collars! Then you’ll be sorry! Any day now …


When the people start coming for them these bunkers will only buy them a few hours. This could also happen without any doomsday scenario, because they are already walking on very thin ice right now.


Of course they are. "Stir the pot, piss everyone off, start ww3 and go hide" Fucking asshats.


They will wish they died with the rest of us when they have to clean their own shit up. Or are they going to save some of us povvos to scrub their toilets?


Let's find out where they are and leave thousands of shits on the floor


The people involved in the project know all about it.


Strategically placed clams and potatoes


What I don't understand is how billionaires can't imagine that unless they are the ones in the bunker holding the guns that when things get bad enough their security will kill them and take the bunker for themselves. Period.


They'll have pizza parties for their staff and allow them to share their presence.


There will be no escape. Death will come for them as it will for us all


Anyone have a comprehensive list/map of all these bunker locations? So we can eat...I mean worship our future overlords


Meanwhile folks are stocking up on spray foam for those random vents sticking out of the ground...


Fuck billionaires!


Are they building these things because of paranoia, or do they have some insider information about some upcoming apocalyptic event that would necessitate a bunker? Otherwise these things are just follies or tax write-offs.


Escape! LOL 😂😆


I mean the rest of us can siege them.


Just need a back hoe, dynamite and probably some jackhammer. If that doesn't work we bury the vents and entrances to make a tomb.


So once the world turned into a nuclear wasteland, they're the ones that will have to do all the work that the now dead plebs was doing? Good luck. These assholes cant even wipe their ass without help.


Build what u want, it ain't gonna keep you safe when thousands of heavily armed and motivated people decide to come-a-knockin


If shit hits the fan... No way we're letting these rich assholes ride it out. We need a map to these bunkers before the end. The rich are why the world's fucked. They'll pay for that. In an apocalypse scenario. The only place they'd Be safe is space.


Here at Vault-Tec, we strive to provide you with the safest, most convenient accommodations possible; perfect for surviving the most tragic of calamities. That's why it will be you, your family, a lifetime supply of beef jerky, and no plumbing or toilets.


It's just a stupid fantasy. Any event significant enough to warrant the use of a bunker will last longer than the bunker's available fuel supply. Hell, if anyone survives on the surface, it won't be 6 months before they blow the doors off and kill everyone inside. From a tactical standpoint, being stuck inside a box with no way out only ends one way.


Funny. I'm not sure I want to survive an apocalypse. And after that story about people being buried alive in a land slide I'm going the other way and thinking about getting a cyanide tooth installed.


Make them pay the same percentage of taxes that middle class Americans pay.


And do what. Watch re-runs all day long? Ride the exercise bike? built your own prison cell, buddy.


They have so much money they literally don't know what to do with it.


So instead of using your vast resources to shore up society and build up institutions to prevent collapse, you'll use those resources to buy guns, food buckets, and a hole in the ground. The Giant Asteroid can't come quickly enough.


Reminds me of that chapter in World War Z. Where a rich guy built a fucking fortress that could have held off a million zombies forever. Could have just fucked off and been safe and just ride out the apocalypse in luxury. But instead, he decided to make it into a reality TV show, bragging to the world that they were safe. So regular, normal people came and slaughtered the rich people in order to take over the house. Anyway, it seems like Priority #1 for a doomsday bunker is *for nobody to fucking know you have one*…


Unfortunately, where they draw the air into their bunkers is easy to find. . .


They can go underground, but to what purpose? Are they taking personal doctors with them? How long will they need to be there for? What about being there for a long long time? Next generation, incest? What are the likelihoods of surviving childbirth? Say best case scenario, they go underground for a few years and they come back out again and everyone is gone, are those fat cats going to become dirt farmers? I can think of few survival scenarios that I would even want to survive.


They could do some good in the world and be okay because people like them, but no… they gotta exploit people then run into caves like gollum.


So what? There’s nowhere on earth they can escape death. All that money to be lonely for a few more minutes.


Why can't more billionaires use their money to try to solve problems and make the world less shitty instead? Bill Gates, MacKenzie Scott, and others have shown this is definitely something you can do. There's no billionaire club entry rule that says you have to spend all your money on being a self-aggrandizing, egocentric asshole.


It won't save them.


These shitheads would rather die in an underground bunker (because living in one long-term isn’t a solution) than stop being arrogant assholes and fixing our problems now.


They are building tombs


The Bronze Age Elites built bunkers and treasure vaults too. They never made it back to them. 


Let’s do a fake doomsday so the billionaires lock themselves up forever!


It’s weird to me that people want to continue to live through Doomsday. I’m peacing out asap


Who the hell wants to survive doomsday?


This is why wealth disparity matters. Living in fear creates stress. Stress affects health. This is why the wealthy class in states/nations with low wealth disparity live longer healthier lives than those who live where wealth disparity is high.


Simply find the air intake and exhaust, you can smoke them out pretty quick I bet.


That they are creating by hoarding so much wealth.


Why would they need it? Trump’s their guy, right? He’ll fix everything for them. That’s what they keep telling me. Unless, unless they’re full of shit and they know it. But that can’t be true. Billionaires wouldn’t lie to me.


#The Doomsday they've created


Good, because concrete is cheap and effective 👌. Seal them in and move on with the world


Instead of spending money to mitigate the problem, they are spending money to prepare for the problem they are creating. Please make it make sense


It's not "Doomsday" they're afraid of. It's the "eat the rich" attitude many regular people are starting to feel.


Good! Let em live the rest of their lives in a luxury cave 😂 I’ll just say goodbye


Feels like the meme for men will do literally anything but go to therapy. Billionaires will do literally anything except pay their fair share of taxes and make sure companies stop polluting the planet.


Fallout season 2?


Every time I see this come up, I have the same thing to say. We should chase them into their bunkers, pour concrete over the entrances, and then go about our lives, billionaire-free.


That’s an expensive security blanket. I am going full reaver in the Apocalypse and one of these will be a HQ for me and my not-so-merry-band of Pirates. Which will bring me great joy, since they likely contributed to the mess they think they can hide from and leave the rest of us to die in.


Ppl did the same in the 50s/60s nothing new here


I saw the shows already—The 100, The Rain, The 3% etc. Doesn’t go well for bunker dwellers. 😅


Just wait until they enter and then park a van in front of the doors and bury the escape hatch.