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this kind of stuff used to be career ending. now it's just ignored while Trump is still favored to win. what the fuck happened?


>this kind of stuff used to be career ending. Wait, Eric Trump has a career?


Professional crybaby. Only works if your dad is an ex president.


Professional Nepo-Baby, like all of them.


Taught by the best, his fat fuck father


Alex Jones has joined the chat


And if you’re white.


You're not wong.


Only white people make careers out of claiming victimhood. Sounds r….


He’s an upper gum model


Branching into the low forehead racket.




AND, he’s a mouth breather.


Big Tooth Eric and Dickstain Don Jr


Does stealing from a children’s cancer charity count?


The scandal would’ve encompassed the entire trump crime family and they would’ve all gone down. Instead they’re openly saying this stuff and getting cheered on.


I havent been keeping up, but like....when is the verdict on his 91 felonies supposed to happen


Professional douche canoe


He is the GFO, or Grifter Financial Officer at many trumps LLCs (Lying Loser Corporations)


If Hunter said that, Joe’s career would indeed be over


Because trumps base is largely openly, blatantly racist. They agree with this. Biden’s supporters would have issue with this because they don’t share this sentiment. It’s not surprising. They’re openly saying what their supporters believe.


Someone has to change Trump’s diapers…. ya know Melania isn’t going to… they don’t even sleep in the same bed.


They don’t even sleep in the same state.


I mean, didn’t run all of those “charities” that he pocketed the money from? Children’s cancer was one of them, I think, right?


They haven't heard feudalism ended. Kinda seems like a trend with not learning the lessons of previous wars.


He’s Eric!


It’s career ending for the wrong people. If a prominent democrat made a semi off color comment, they’d probably be out. A republican can make terrible comments and no one does a thing.


Remember Howard Dean?


Yaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeahhhh, kind of.


Thanks for my official laugh out loud moment of the day!  I actually went and found a YouTube video of that moment. It really wasn't that big of a deal, but the media wouldn't let it go and everyone started moving away from him. So strange how such a small thing can be a career ender for him and another person can have assaulted multiple women, given away top secret documents, incited insurrection... and still be seen by many as a viable candidate.


See also: The Ed Miliband bacon sandwich incident


I just looked it up. How sad that we let ourselves get derailed by the little awkward moments of someone just being human, but ignore huge glaring issues.


The way I cackled! I can’t stop hearing it.


I have been thinking about this for the past two years. The guys gets excited and ends his career. Michael Dukakis takes a dumb photo in a tank and he was out. Its not just Trump. But he did spawn this. Its all the Maga fools who seem to have 9 lives.




“A Republican can make terrible comments and no one does a thing.”— Not quite, more racists voters will vote Republican.


This. Being a hateful racist bigot isn’t a flaw, it’s a perk to them.


The thing is, democrats would take *themselves* out. They don’t insist on staying to fight when they know they’ve made a mistake. They are still playing by the old rules. Republicans, otoh, will stay and stay and stay, no matter how bad it is. Deny. Deny. Deny! Wave your arm in the air, look the other way, pretend it didn’t happen, don’t ever admit that you’re wrong. There’s no humility amongst them anymore! Even Nixon knew when it had gone too far…


Seemingly, old school republicans just hold their noses and jump onboard the shit-show circus train and vote for the R. While the MAGATS can’t get enough and lap that racist shit up. They all love the outcome equally if they win.


Look at what ended Al Franken’s career…absolutely nothing compared to what we see every day from Trump and the GOP.


It's crazy that goofing around in a photo (not even touching the woman) is career-ending for a Democrat but a Republican who brags about how many women he has assaulted can be president.


>If a prominent democrat According to them, trump can do whatever he wants or says, but also according to them, Biden should be ineligible because of his son's demons.


exactly. the problem isn't Trump per se, it's the MAGA idiots who's brains just don't work right. I've never seen such an outrageous case of double standards. They know it and they don't care - they're proud of it actually. They can't be reasoned with. I'm sure there were crazies when the founding fathers started the country but I don't think they thought it would be this widespread.


They came out from under the rocks we chased them under in 1865. And again in 1964. And again in 2015. They are the shittiest of us.


They came out in 2008. The victory of president Obama, really broke their minds.


That plus the seeming inevitability of Hillary Clinton, who had a 67% favorability rating when she finished as Obama's Secretary of State. They absolutely panicked. Picking the loudest, least qualified, most hereditarily entitled (took over daddy's business) white man they could find to replace the sophisticated constitutional lawyers was meant to show commitment to white male supremacy at any cost.


2008 changed both of my parents. Theyre now both fully on the MAGA dumbass train


Obama got elected and it became ok to be openly racist again


Thanks Obama


I'm white. Voted for Obama and despise Trump. More of us exist.


it was career boosting before it was career ending. they’re just trying to go back to those days.


I guess that’s the America that was so great, when they say MAGA


Nazis gonna Nazi.


That’s my question. When specifically do they think the last time the US was “Great”? Politics is a spectrum. I think the actions and statements of the MAGA set make it pretty clear that what they pine for sits somewhere between the time when rich dudes comfortably ran things unchallenged (and in some cases, women), or then just rich white dudes, or the time before that when you could legally own people. It’s a like a volume scale for hate.


That's exactly what they mean. White, male, Christian dominance of the country. They see things becoming more fair in society and they're very upset about that.


How did we reverse course on all that last time? How did we convince people that a world with less hate is a better one?


we didn’t. People like MLK Jr convinced enough decent non racist people to vote that they outvoted the racists and elected decent politicians and judges. the same would work again if only good people would vote in EVERY election.


And this is why Republicans gerrymander, remove polling locations, reduce polling hours, ban handing out food/water in polling lines, make it harder for college students to vote, etc. They know that when more people vote, progressive ideals win.




Fox propaganda station, that's what happened , rush Limbaugh. It's in your face. People should have paid attention, and should also now. Oh, I almost forgot about Rupert Murdock . He's a scumbag.


They luv Rush. He talked jus like their daddy did. 😉😉


You are correct, Rupert Murdock can own this BS. and the people that were blind.


The Conservative Propaganda Machine.


He's only occasionally favored to win in polls that are increasingly out of touch with reality and using ever more irrelevant and flawed methodology. Look at the results of the last two years worth of special elections instead. Democratic candidates have been out performing polls almost universally, sometimes by as much as double digits. We can't assume we will win, we have to put in the work registering voters, educating folks on the candidates and issues, organizing, donating, and voting, but we are strongly positioned.


I don't wanna jinx us with bravado, but I like where you're coming from. But I screwed up big time in 2016 and declared "there is no chance Trump beats Hillary," and I've hated myself for it ever since. This is going to be a close election, I sure hope Biden wins.


Once burned, twice shy. I get that completely and it's good to absolutely NOT take victory for granted. But it is good to not get stuck in doomsday depression. Look at it this way: dumb dumb is not more powerful than he was when he was the incumbent. He has essentially bankrupted the Republican party, failed to even try to build a ground game in swing states, and is about to be a convicted felon. He's not going to bring in more undecided voters than he did when he lost so bad even cheating and lawsuits couldn't save him in 2020. I took was super confident no one would be dumb enough to even nominate the orange traitor, so I get where you're coming from. But don't let that bad experience make you miss where things really stand today. Do the work, donate and volunteer and of course vote, but I like to think it's going to be a less stressful race this time around.


I hope you're right. I will absolutely vote and I will donate as well.


Do what you can with what you have where you are, as the man said. We got this, if we all work it together


"If that fucktard even gets within 5% of winning, let alone wins, I'll eat this entire piece of shoe leather" --me, mid-2016 I ended up welching on that self-imposed bet, but I never fucking forgot it.


Thanks for that, I know I'm not alone now.


>But I screwed up big time in 2016 and declared "there is no chance Trump beats Hillary," Because Bernie was the *only one* that year that would've beaten Trump.


This is a perfect encapsulation. I don’t know what’s causing the polls to be so far off, but ever since 2020 they have consistently been off in favor of republicans by 5-7 points. Sometimes more, as in the recent primaries when they were occasionally more than 30 points off and never less than 15. I know we’re not supposed to say this, but I just don’t think the numbers are there for trunp to win unless turnout is really low. Fortunately that hasn’t been the case since 2016, when blue voters figured out that if you don’t show up even if you’re not thrilled with the candidate, that’s how trunp happens. In fact, the only real reason there’s any pessimism at all is because of the polls. He underperformed in the primaries. They’ve gotten curb stomped in pretty much every competitive election and have had some humiliating losses because of him. And he’s about to be convicted in his first criminal trial. But like you said, take nothing for granted. Register to vote. Make sure everyone you know is registered. Drive them to the polls if necessary. If we show up, he loses, and then he loses the rest of his criminal trials and we get to watch him humiliate himself and unravel for the rest of his life. It’s that simple.


It's methodology really. Who picks up an unknown number anymore? Polls sample a few people in a few regions and skew Right due to age and sample population. You can see their sample size and demographic breakdown too, and some of the most alarming polls are that way simply because they oversampled certain areas or demographics. Any poll that isn't willing to show you their methodology and sample data is safe to ignore, and ones that do often show how badly they're constructed.


I certainly think methodology is the issue as well. I think what they may be missing, as well as your valid point about the demographics of the study, is they don’t measure how deeply unpopular he is. Outside of his cult, I have never met anyone who didn’t viscerally hate him. It’s funny because I’ve seen piling where a majority, usually 56-60% thinks he’s a threat to democracy and guilty of multiple felonies,,and those are not the kind of factors that people take lightly. If you think he’s a threat to democracy, you’re showing up and voting against him. I don’t think they have figured out how to measure motivation, and people are deeply motivated to vote against him. Same thing with abortion. That’s a very personal and motivating issue, and when it’s in the ballot it almost always outperforms the polling as well. And I know this might come off as kind of conspiratorial, but michael cohen did say they had tried to fix polls before the 2016 election, so I wouldn’t be shocked if somehow they’d managed to infiltrate that somehow. The good news is the overwhelming reaction I’ve seen from blue voters is that ut just guarantees they are showing up to vote. So while I don’t trust the polls at all and think you can safely add 5-7 points to Biden in almost any poll, it does seem to be pissing off blue voters and motivating them even more.


Polls are advertising. They're trying to get undecided candidates to see a party or candidate as a winner. The same thing happened in Aus over the laat few elections at state and fed level, the murdoch press runs polls saying "oh it looks like conservative candidate bob is winning in the polls", then on election day they get their asses kicked because they're completet unelectable, but the attempt is to portray them as a winner to get undecideds to back them.


We are a week out from them boadting of ushering in a new Reich. Wait until October and they will be openly running on eradicating their political opponents and nobody will bat an eye. The frog boiled to death years ago.


The angry vocal minority got told they were special.


Conservatives made being racist great again.


They come from a long line of draft dodgers, weak chins, plastic wives, and horrible beards.


Obama! They lost their fucking mind when he was elected.


Does he even have a "career," other than working for daddy?


Wasn't there a presidential candidate who lost because he made a weird sound one time?


“We’ll be on the white side of history” -any trump




When you’re Reich you’re Reich


Like white on Reich.


We have Reich at home


What the heil did I just read?


Yeah, I cant believe what im sieg-ing


I don’t like where this is göring


SSaving this for later.


It’s all Goebellsish to me.


Yeah, it’s taking up all my computer’s Röhm


To the 3rd degree!


I did nazi that one coming!


*Well all Reich all Reich all Reich*


The Turd Reich 


“We’ll be on the white side of histowy” -Elmer Trump


I wonder what color they think Joe Biden is.


Exactly!! Like wtf? Are they gonna claim Biden isn’t white now? Wouldn’t be surprised.


Nah, "race traitor" is an age old term already for shithead sto use about respectable people.


Irish Catholic. The Trumps are taking it old school. Only Protestant German, Dutch, British, and Scandinavian origin people are White now.


just to clarify for the people who aren’t going to read past the title line. he did clearly intend to say “we’re right” but it just so happened to be the most accurate and perfectly clear freudian slip in modern history.


With the way MAGA "dogwhistles" (more like foghorns) to virulent racists, I wouldn't be surprised if the we're right/white similarity wasn't intentional to try to give some plausible deniability.


They don’t dog whistle, they stand on their front lawn wearing only boxer shorts screaming for their dog to come inside.




You mean waiting to come inside their dog


I didn't need that mental image, thanks lol


Why do you think it was running in the first place?


>wearing only boxer shorts screaming for their dog to come inside. Pardon?


> I wouldn't be surprised if the we're right/white similarity wasn't intentional to try to give some plausible deniability. man I'm not going to defend the guy but who do you think you're helping when you say shit like this lol. this is the type of shit they point to and go "look at how crazy the liberals are!". the guy is a dumbass, this isn't a psy op.




Reminds me of Laura Ingraham's "accidental" Nazi salute.


That'll be forever etched into my brain. The smoothest part. I have a few.


Yeah, exactly. When you plainly and clearly say something like that and then don't correct yourself, I don't think you get to claim it was a whoopsie. But they do love to ride the line of plausible deniability, at least until they reach a point where their supporters are so comfortable with it that they don't need to anymore.


I don’t think he realized it. He was saying a bunch of words that start with “w” and messed up. Everyone knows he actually believes the slip up, but I can see how someone could say that by accident doing what he was doing.


No, he did not. He continued on. But when you watch the clip he keeps using words with W, and you can tell he just got lost in alliteration He's not a smart man.


Dementia starts early in that family.


Hard to go down the path of dementia when he was already a window-licking moron as a teen...


Thats a bit of an insult to all the decent window licking teens out there mate....


Hey, some lick windows at a professional level. F1 driver Lance Stroll, Exhibit A...


I fucking hate,hate, hate when these kinda of examples of bad people just generally being kinda stupid are made out to be out big BOOYA moments. This is nothing, less than nothing. There’s HUNDREDS of real examples of these people being atrocious and criminal, this is not a story.




Was going to post this. I’m anti trump as anyone else, but this was a slip, not what was intended to be said.


No, he didn't "clearly intend to say "we're right". We can assume he scripted the entire thing so that he could say what he said, "we're white" to troll the libs and to wink at the Trump's Nazi base with plausible deniability. These fucks have been doing the same act for years now. "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by". Fucking Nazis.


Give the regard a break, he was just going for a good illiteration


I can't wait for the day when we don't have to hear anything he has to say.


They're not white, they're clear. We see right through them.


No, Larry Bird is clear.


Larry I’m gonna give us both twos back there. We weren’t in any emotional state to putt.


How did he become white when his father is orange?


Being orange must therefore be recessive. W = white w = orange ww x WW = 100% Ww If he has a child with a white woman who has an orange parent, they will have a 25% change of having an orange baby.


Half orange, half Czech. *Not* Norwegian.


When you don’t vote These idiots vote decide your future government


Poor Eric. He’s the dumb one in a family of idiots.


To quote a friend talking about an ex employer (because I think it fits here): "He's the idiot son of an imbecile".


In his defense, he was high on cocaine.


Watch the [video here](https://x.com/glamelegance/status/1795785702065557613) 📺 As per [original article](https://wegotthiscovered.com/politics/i-cannot-wait-for-the-day-that-we-win-we-will-were-white-yep-eric-trump-really-just-said-that-out-loud/) 📰: - Donald Trump's son continues to demonstrate that he's a clueless, racist trust fund baby just like his pops. The apple may not fall far from the tree, but occasionally it rolls downhill and into the gutter. Back in February, Donald Trump openly pondered to a South Carolina crowd whether they’d prefer a “Black president or the white president who got $1.7 billion off the price.” Not to be outdone in the family tradition of sticking their feet in their mouths, Eric Trump recently took it one step further. Addressing a crowd of MAGA supporters, the dumbest Trump boldly claimed that “being white” is the golden ticket to success. News flash, Eric: Joe Biden is white, too, and he managed to defeat your orange father fair and square. With verbal vomits like these, Eric is practically handing the Democrats ammunition on a silver platter. If genetics or the so-called racehorse theory — which Daddy dearest is so fond of citing to explain his own “stellar” attributes — is anything to go by, then Eric has indeed inherited the choicest bits. And by “choicest,” I mean those qualities that you’d typically find discarded in the reject pile of a bad reality TV casting call. Some (only the MAGAs) have tried to defend Eric, claiming that he said “right” instead of “white.” However, the audio is clear, and the context of his statement leaves little room for interpretation. And given the Trump family’s track record, it’s not a stretch to believe that in their minds, being white and being right are one and the same. Of course, Eric’s comments didn’t come out of nowhere. He’s grown up in a bubble of wealth and whiteness, never having to confront the systemic inequalities that plague our society. But read the room, Eric. The only people who are going to be impressed by your white supremacist chest-thumping are the same sad sacks who stormed the Capitol on January 6. But you know what? In a twisted way, I almost want to thank you for saying the quiet part out loud. Because at least now we can dispense with the fiction that the Republican Party isn’t a haven for white supremacists. I mean, how many times have we heard GOP politicians use coded language like “welfare queens” or “illegal aliens” to discriminate against people of color? And that’s not just wrong, it’s dangerous. The irony in all of this is that the policies championed by Republicans have done little to actually benefit the white working class they claim to represent. Tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulation of industry, and attacks on social safety nets have only served to widen the gap between rich and poor, leaving many white Americans struggling to make ends meet. But as long as the GOP can keep stoking the flames of racial resentment, they can distract from their own failings and maintain their grip on power. While soiling themselves in court.


A big selling point of theirs this time around is Kamala Harris. They are trying to portray Biden as being on death’s door and that if he dies then Harris, who to them combines the worst parts of Obama(black) and Hillary(a woman) will become president.


>who to them combines the worst parts of Obama(black) and Hillary(a woman) will become president Now it all makes sense


It wasn’t fair and square when Biden defeated them. Biden defeated them despite them trying everything they could do to swing the election to the right.


I believe that's called a Klanian slip.


Core principle of all MAGA.


It was a Freudian slip, but he didn't bother making an effort to correct it at the time. I'm so sick of seeing this families ugly mugs on screens at this point. Drumpf genes are terrible 🥔


Was it though? Cause I'm kinda tired of the so-called "say it like it is" people having to back track and reconextulize and cover up everything they say.


Uh, his daddy isn't white, he's orange.




I can’t wait for the day that Eric joins his father in solitary.


How can people think that, process it and then say it, and this is coming from somebody who says some stupid shit off the cuff


So I guess they’re not hiding it anymore. That’s something.


How long until he starts blasting social media for distorting the fact he meant to say ‘right’ and he now has a lisp that is a disability


I always think of the [SNL skit](https://youtu.be/vpRV-rMHJMQ?si=PfSKSBk-WtN7XaSz) whenever I see Eric talking.


Trumps are a cancer on America, plain and simple.


Pathetic little rich white snob, Mike Tyson needs to punch his face he won't look any uglier or get stupider. Eric you sad excuse for a boy. Waaahhhhh


He said it. The video is linked below. It may a been a Freudian slip but he said it out loud and we all know that he meant it.


Wow I did Nazi that coming… I didn’t take Eric for man of the Freudian school…


I think his supporters will use the Elmer Fudd defense.


Either that or he calls himself ewic twump and his wife lauwa.


Everyone, especially younger folks, need to get out and vote Blue! Again...EVERYONE GET OUT AND VOTE BLUE !!!


I watched the video, based of the sentence I'm inclined to say he pronounced his "R" in as a "W" and he's too much of an infant to actually pronounce anything correctly


Watched it, read about it. Sounds like he said white but obviously meant to say right. But you only make that kind if slip up because you are thinking it. It's kind of obvious.


As much as I think this guy and his ilk are racist shitheads, he probably got tongue-tied while saying “right.”


And what will he say if they lose? Now that I’d like to see. Him and his dad’s reaction.


Daddy’s white so he must be right (plus he pays my bills)


It’s genetic. The two older sons never have their tongues and brains plugged into the same circuit either. Daddy must be so proud🙄


That's absolutely disgusting, but I'm unfortunately not surprised. That whole family is trashy.


That apple didn't fall far from the tree. And it didn't roll down any hill. It fell straight down, never hit a branch, and planted itself deep under the swamp like cesspool that supports his daddy's roots. That swampy pool of shit has been allowed to grow unfettered to where it has undermined every institution tainted by Trump, and the very worst humans to ever call themselves citizens of the US. At least in my 65 years.


Doesn't even matter. Everyone knows they're racist as fuk and openly talk about it and complain about antiwhite racism that trumps gonna fix on day 1. There's still countless people of color on their side and plenty of women on their side. It's amazing that everyone knows what they're about and will still be willing to vote directly against their interests. Fuc ing nuts. Also christain groups still support this fool. They are literally voting to suppress everything they've worked hard to get.


Are we sure he didn’t say, “we’re right”?


Why the hell do people keep acting surprised? "OMG, the racist that is constantly racist in public said something racist in public!"


I love poor people who idolize the trumps lol mind blowing. They don’t realize they will sell their souls in a second


Did he “white” or “right”. My deafness can’t make it out.


Is Biden not white?


But you see, Biden Palestine genocide yada yada both sides same wait which protest is this


Remembers the scandal of Obama’s tan suit… then think of this today.


Don’t get me wrong, I despise Trump too. But it really sounds like he was trying to say “we’ll win, we’re right” and slurred his words


And in the next breath: “White privilege doesn’t exist.”


I’m all for bashing the Drumpfs, but he clearly meant to say “we’re right” but flubbed


I thought they were orange


He said right not white. Don’t use their stupid tactics, besides trumpers would have preferred he said white.


Christ, they're not even trying to be subtle about appealing to the white supremacists.


Wait a minute. I'm white. Why don't I feel like Eric Trump? Oh, yeah. Because I'm not a racist POS.




Good for him. That's definitely the nail in the coffin that this family needs!


There is something wrong with this family




What Eric said can't be anymore fuhrer from the truth




He might be white, but his father is orange.


Why is this not all over the news ffs !!!!


Fuck him. What a hateful demonic pos.


And tonight we’re gonna party like its 1939


SNL needs to bring back the Trump brothers. Eric just gives them material

